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2023-02-12 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
英文外刊双语精读Campaigners call for?halt?to Sweden’s‘disastrous’?wolf?hunt活动人
士呼吁瑞典停止“灾难性的”猎狼行为【1】The biggest?wolf?cull?in modern times has beg
un in Sweden, causing an?outcry?among nature organisations who wa
rn it could?drastically?harm the population. Yesterday,?200?hunte
rs?went to kill?wolves?in forests between G?vleborg and Dalarna,?
hunting?from?midnight?until the sun set at?3pm.The?hunters?surrou
nded?the areas where the?wolves?have their lairs. They?released?d
ogs to search out the?wolves?and drive them on a path towards the
waiting?hunters. Yesterday the dogs had no luck, and the?hunters
?went home empty handed.Over the next month?hunters?will be allow
ed to kill?75?wolves?from a population of?460, as the government
seeks to reduce the population?density?in?certain?districts.瑞典进行了
杀75只,因为政府试图降低某些地区的种群密度。【2】“hunting?is?absolutely?necessary to slo
w the growth of?wolves. The?wolf?pack is the largest we have had
in modern times,” said Gunnar Gl?ersen, the?predator?manager at t
he Swedish?hunters’ Association. But nature organisations have po
inted out that the Swedish population of?wolves?is?relatively?low
– in Italy there are more than?3,000. They have?appealed?against
the decision, which they argue breaks the EU’s Bern?convention?o
n the?conservation?of wildlife, but to no?avail.“狩猎对于减缓狼群数量的增长是绝对
必要的。这是现代我们所拥有的最大的狼群。”瑞典猎人协会的掠食者经理贡纳尔·格洛尔森(Gunnar Gl?ersen)说。但自然保护
动物的《伯尔尼公约》,但最终却无济于事。【3】Marie Stegard, the president of the anti-h
unting?group Jaktkritikerna, said: “wolves?as top?predators?in th
e food chain are a?prerequisite?for?biodiversity. Killing a quart
er of the population through?hunting?has negative?consequences?fo
r animals and nature. It’s?disastrous?for the entire?ecosystem. T
he existence of?wolves?contributes?to a richer animal and plant l
ife. Human?survival?depends on healthy?ecosystems.”反狩猎组织Jaktkriti
kerna的领导人玛丽·斯特加德(Marie Stegard)说:“作为食物链中的顶级掠食者,狼是生物多样性的先决条件。狩猎杀死四
的生态系统。”【4】Anna-Caren S?therberg, the Swedish?rural?affairs minist
er, recently told the public?broadcaster?SVT: “We see that the?wo
lf?population is growing every year, and with this?cull?we want t
o ensure that we can get down to the goal set by?parliament.“We c
an see that the level of?conflict?has increased, and that the lev
el of?acceptance?has fallen,” S?therberg said, adding that the go
vernment had asked the state environmental protection agency to l
ook again at?recommended?population numbers.The agency had?previo
usly?recommended?that the population should not fall below?300, t
o avoid it being further?weakened?and threatened by?inbreeding. H
owever, a majority in the Swedish?parliament?was in favour of cut
ting the?wolf?population to?170?, at the very bottom of the?170?t
o?270?range that would allow the country to meet the requirements
of the EU’s species and?habitats?directive.瑞典农村事务大臣安娜-卡伦·萨瑟伯格(An
na-Caren S?therberg)最近对公共广播公司SVT称:“我们发现狼的数量每年都在增长,想利用这次捕杀来确保狼的数量能
【5】hunting?is a hot political?topic?in Sweden, with a powerful lo
bby able to influence politicians into allowing more animals to b
e killed. Stegard added: “It is obvious that there is a strong po
litical?pressure?for?licensed?hunting?for?wolves,?lynx?and bear.“
There is a large majority of Swedes who like?wolves, even where t
hey live. In our opinion the reason for these?hunts?is simply tha
t there is a?demand?for?shooting?wolves?among?hunters. The?hunter
s’ organisations have?enormous?power in Sweden. It is a fact that
the Swedish?parliament?has a?hunters’ club open to members of al
l parties, with a?shooting?gallery?underneath the Houses of?parli
ament. This sounds like a joke but it’s?absolutely?true.”在瑞典,狩猎是一
射击场。尽管这听起来像个笑话,但却是千真万确。”【6】A group of scientists from top Europea
n universities recently wrote to the journal Science, arguing tha
t scientific advice for this goal had not been sought and that it
would?threaten?an already?fragmented?and?fragile?population.Benn
y G?fwert, a?predator?expert at the WWF, said the?parliament’s fi
gure of?170?was “not based on any scientific facts”.“Unforeseen t
hings can happen in wild populations, and a level of?170?is far t
oo low,” he told SVT. “We have a problem when it comes to the?gen
etics?of?wolves, and the smaller the?wolf?population, the greater
the impact of?fluctuations?in?geneticstatus.”来自欧洲顶尖大学的一组科学家最近在《科
动物专家本尼·加夫沃特(Benny G?fwert)表示,议会提出的170只的目标“没有任何科学依据”。“野生种群可能会发生不可预
Norway shares a?wolf?population with Sweden around its border, wh
ich poses further threats to the?endangered?predator. Norway and
Sweden’s?wolf?population – the Scandinavian?wolf?– is on the?enda
ngered?species list and are categorised as?critically?endangered?
in Norway and?severelyendangered?in Sweden. Norway’s government h
as put in place a very?restrictive?wolf?management policy with a
fixed population target of only four to six pups every year. As f
ar as it is known, Norway is the only country in the world that s
ets a?maximum?target number for a?critically?endangeredspecies.Ca
mpaigners in Norway are fighting the decision to allow such a lar
ge?cull?in court, and there is a hearing next week which they hop
e to win. If they do, it could have?ramifications?in Sweden, whic
h is?governed?by the same European laws.挪威边境的狼群和瑞典共有,这对这种濒危食肉动物又构
数量的国家,现在活动人士已将对这一捕杀决定的反抗带上了法庭,听证会将于下周举行。短语:1)原文:But nature organi
sations have pointed out that the Swedish population of wolves is
relatively low – in Italy there are more than 3,000. 词典:point ou
t 指出例句:Critics point out that the prince, on his income, should b
e paying tax...批评家指出王子的收入应该纳税。2)原文:They have appealed against the
decision, which they argue breaks the EU’s Bern convention on th
e conservation of wildlife, but to no avail.词典:appeal against 对……
提起上诉例句:Heath''s appeal against the sentence was later successful.希
思对判决不服提出上诉,后来胜诉了。3)原文:The existence of wolves contributes to a ri
cher animal and plant life. 词典:contribute to 导致,促成例句:Avoid alcoh
ol and caffeine, which can contribute to depression and anxiety.避
免饮酒和食用咖啡因, 它们可导致抑郁和焦虑。4)原文: However, a majority in the Swedish pa
rliament was in favour of cutting the wolf population to 170 , at
the very bottom of the 170 to 270 range that would allow the cou
ntry to meet the requirements of the EU’s species and habitats di
rective. 词典:be in favour of 支持,赞同例句:A clear majority of voters we
re in favour of the motion.绝大多数选民赞成这一行动。长难句分析:一、原文:The biggest wo
lf cull in modern times has begun in Sweden, causing an outcry am
ong nature organisations who warn it could drastically harm the p
opulation. 瑞典进行了现代最大规模的捕狼行动,这遭到了自然保护组织的强烈抗议,他们警告称,这可能会严重减少狼的数量。分析
是定语从句中谓语动词warn的宾语从句,省略了引导词that。二、原文:It is a fact that the Swedish
parliament has a hunters’ club open to members of all parties, w
ith a shooting gallery underneath the Houses of Parliament. 事实上,瑞
hat引导的主语从句是真正主语。绿色部分是形容词短语做后置定语,修饰club。蓝色部分是with复合结构,其中宾语是a shoot
ing gallery,宾语补足语是underneath the Houses of Parliament。背景知识:狼被认为是最