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A consensus statement from the Japan

Diabetes Society: A proposed algorithm for

pharmacotherapy in people with type


Ryotaro Bouchi



, Tatsuya Kondo


, Yasuharu Ohta




, Daisuke Tanaka



Hiroaki Satoh






, Norio Harada







Toshimasa Yamauchi


, JDS Committee on Consensus Statement Development


Diabetes and Metabolism Information Center, Diabetes Research Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan,


Department of Diabetes, Metabolism and

Endocrinology, Kumamoto University Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan,


Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, Hematological Sciences and Therapeutics, Yamaguchi University Graduate

School of Medicine, Ube, Japan,


Department of Health Data Science, Graduate School of Data Science, Yokohama City University, Yokohama, Japan,


Department of Diabetes,

Endocrinology and Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan,


Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital,

Urayasu, Japan,


Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism and Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Gifu University Graduate School of

Medicine, Gifu, Japan,


Division of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan,


Division of Diabetes, Department of Internal

Medicine, Aichi Medical University, Nagakute, Japan,


Department of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan, and


Department of

Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan


In 2020, the Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) adopted a sweeping

decision to release consensus statements on relevant issues in

diabetes management that require updating from time to time

and launched a ‘JDS Committee on Consensus Statement

Development’. These consensus statements are intended to pre-

sent the committee’s take on diabetes management in Japan

based on evidence currently available for each of the issues

addressed. It is thus hoped that practicing diabetologists will

never fail to consult these statements to provide the best avail-

able practice in their respective clinical settings. Of note, while

as many as one-third of all people with diabetes in the world

are shown to be concentrated in the Asian region, diabetes mel-

litus varies in its pathology, including the extent of obesity

involved in affected patients, between the East and West. Again,

given that timely consensus statements to come out of Japan

are thus expected to have enormous implications for clinical

practice, it is also planned to make each consensus statement

available in English.

Following publication in 2020 of the committee’s ?rst con-

sensus statement on ‘Medical Nutrition Therapy and Dietary

Counseling for People with Diabetes’ (Tonyobyou 2020; 63: 91–

109) in Japanese, the committee has taken this opportunity to

propose a consensus ‘algorithm for pharmacotherapy in people

with diabetes’, in this statement. There are three reasons that

prompted the committee to address this issue. First, there are

characteristic differences in diabetes pathology between

Westerners and the Japanese, where individuals with insulin

resistance account primarily for all people with diabetes among

the former, while obese and non-obese individuals account

equally for all people with diabetes among the latter, with the

severity of insulin insuf?ciency and insulin resistance varying

from one individual to the next. Second, there are differences

in treatment strategy adopted for diabetes between the West

and Japan. Indeed, up until 2021, metformin was recom-

mended as ?rst-line therapy for Western patients, with those

shown to be effective against relevant comorbidities, e.g.,

atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, renal dysfunction, and

heart failure (HF), particularly recommended. In contrast,

prompted by the results of the Kumamoto study (Diabetes Res

Clin Pract. 1995; 28: 103–117) and the J-DOIT3 study (Lancet

Diabetes Endocrinol. 2017; 5: 951–964), multifactorial interven-

tion including glycemic control has been recommended in

Japanese people with diabetes to reduce diabetic complications,

with the choice of one medication class over the others for each

patient remaining an issue to be determined in light of his/her

current condition. Third, an analysis of the National Database

of Health Insurance Claims and Speci?c Health Check-ups in

Japan brought a disparity in initial antidiabetic medication pre-

scribing patterns between Western countries and Japan (JDia-

betes Investig. 2022; 13: 280–291), with the judicious use of

biguanides in elderly patients likely to be widespread as per the

JDS warning message, leading to the preferential use of DPP-4

inhibitors over biguanides in these patients. Again, of note,

none of the biguanides were shown to be used as medications

of ?rst choice in as many as 38.2% of all non-JDS-certi?ed

facilities, suggesting the need for the committee to develop a

standard algorithm for diabetes pharmacotherapy.


?Committee member.

Received 30 November 2022; revised 1 December 2022; accepted 2 December


a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD) and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 1

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In developing the algorithm for diabetes pharmacotherapy in

patients with type 2 diabetes, the working concept was that pri-

ority should be given to selecting such medications as would

appropriately address the diabetes pathology in each patient,

while at the same time weighing the available evidence for these

medications and the prescribing patterns in clinical practice in

Japan. Speci?cally, the proposed algorithm would involve

choosing medications according to diabetes pathology in each

patient in step 1; ensuring their safety in step 2; weighing their

additional bene?ts for comorbidities in step 3; and choosing

medications with relevant patient background characteristics of

interest in mind in step 4.

It is hoped that the algorithm presented here will not only

contribute to improved diabetes management in Japan but con-

tinue to evolve into a better one over time, re?ecting new evi-




Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which insulin

insuf?ciency or decreased insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance),

combined with relative decreased insulin action to varying

degrees, accounts for such a lack of insulin action as to cause

chronic hyperglycemia


. Again, multiple genetic factors respon-

sible for insulin insuf?ciency or insulin resistance and environ-

mental factors (e.g., overeating or lack of physical activity and

resultant obesity) combine to lead to such a lack of insulin

action as to cause type 2 diabetes mellitus.

A comparison of the insulin-secretory capacity and insulin

resistance between Westerners and the Japanese as strati?ed by

glucose tolerance shows that the Japanese have less insulin-se-

cretory capacity than the Westerners, even while their glucose

tolerance is shown to be normal and that while Westerners

exhibit acutely increased insulin resistance as they move from

normal glucose tolerance to diabetes, Japanese tend to exhibit

lower insulin-secretory capacity than that usually associated

with increased insulin resistance



insulin sensitivity and initial insulin response between East

Asians, Caucasians, and Blacks shows that these races vary in

the balance between their insulin-secretory capacity and insulin

resistance and that East Asians and Blacks are more susceptible

to diabetes than Caucasians



diabetes mellitus in Japanese is also shown to be characterized

as a decreased initial insulin response, regardless of the presence

of obesity


. On the other hand, a recent study in Hisayama-cho

investigated the correlation between pancreatic b-cell failure

(i.e., low insulinogenic index/HOMA-IR) or insulin resistance

and the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus and found that while

pancreatic b-cell failure and insulin resistance are both associ-

ated with the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, they are associ-

ated with a markedly increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus

when they are found together in obese individuals



In addition, histological studies of the pancreas have shown

that, among non-diabetic Westerners, obese individuals have a

signi?cantly greater islet mass than non-obese individuals and

that, among Westerners with type 2 diabetes, both obese and

non-obese individuals have an islet mass about 50% lower than

that in non-diabetic individuals and that no increase in pancre-

atic b-cell mass is noted even in obese Japanese



also shows that, among individuals with type 2 diabetes, amy-

loid deposition is noted in more than 80% of Westerners but

only in 30% of Japanese


. Thus, it is suggested that histologi-

cal ?ndings in the pancreas differ greatly between different

races, suggesting that these differences may account in part for

differences in their diabetes pathology.

Also of note, advances in genetic analysis of type 2 diabetes

mellitus have also led to the identi?cation of numerous type 2

diabetes mellitus susceptibility loci including KCNQ1



meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in

type 2 diabetes mellitus has recently shown that many Japanese

individuals but very few Westerners, had the R131Q mutation

in the GLP-1 receptor gene (GLP-1R), which is known to be

involved in inducing a 2-fold increase in insulin secretion. Fur-

thermore, a cross-racial molecular biological pathway analysis

has shown that the pathways involved in the onset of maturity-

onset diabetes of the young (MODY) are most strongly associ-

ated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in both races evaluated and

that the pathways involved in the regulation of insulin secretion

are signi?cantly associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japa-

nese alone



Thus, taken together, the pathology of type 2 diabetes melli-

tus clearly differs between Japanese and Westerners, not only

functionally but histologically and genetically, and a decreased

insulin-secretory capacity has a greater role to play in the onset

of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japanese than in Westerners.




As detailed above, type 2 diabetes mellitus can be primarily

characterized as having, as an underlying core pathology in

most Japanese, insulin resistance and insulin insuf?ciency,

whose respective contribution is shown to vary from individual


characterized as having obesity and insulin resistance as a core

pathology. For its ability to reduce the risk of microangiopathy,

macroangiopathy and death, as well as for its bene?cial impact

on body weight, low hypoglycemia risk, and low cost



formin has long been recommended as ?rst-line therapy in

Western countries



in Diabetes by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) have

been extensively revised in 2022 to address compelling issues in

diabetes management, such as diabetic comorbidities (e.g.,

atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease), patient-related factors in

diabetes treatment, and therapeutic needs of affected individu-



. In contrast, the treatment strategy for type 2 diabetes mel-

litus in Japan is characterized as allowing for the choice of

medications from all classes to address the diabetes pathology

2 J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by AASD and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd


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20401124, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jdi.13960 by CochraneChina, Wiley Online Library on [27/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

in each affected individual, while taking into account the extent

of their metabolic derangement, but also on their age, extent of

their obesity, status of their insulin secretion/insulin resistance,

severity of their chronic complications, status of their liver/renal



. The rationale for this approach has indeed been

provided through the accumulation of relevant evidence,

including that from the Kumamoto study


and the Japan Dia-

betes Outcome Interventional Trial 3 (J-DOIT3)



roborated the importance of multifactorial intervention,

including glycemic control, in reducing complications in Japa-

nese patients with diabetes.



It is not dif?cult to imagine how signi?cantly such differences

in treatment strategy for type 2 diabetes mellitus might impact

on the choice of medications or their prescribing patterns. In

this regard, while there are studies on antidiabetic medication

prescribing patterns in Japan


, they each suffered from a

small sample size and lack of data from elderly patients and a

nationwide survey has been awaited to provide a full picture of

the prescribing patterns in clinical practice. Thus, the Japan

Diabetes Society (JDS) conducted a nationwide survey to clarify

the prescribing patterns in clinical practice as a step to develop-

ing an algorithm for diabetes pharmacotherapy


. The survey

demonstrated that, among the more than 1 million people with

type 2 diabetes registered with the National Database of Health

Insurance Claims and Speci?c Health Check-ups from the latter

half of the ?scal year 2014 to the ?scal year 2017, the most fre-

quently prescribed of all antidiabetic medications was, unlike

those in Western countries


, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4)

inhibitors, followed by biguanides and sodium-glucose cotrans-

porter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, with age shown to the factor most

strongly in?uencing this prescribing pattern; and that the older

the patients were, the more likely they were to have been pre-

scribed DPP-4 inhibitors and the markedly less likely they were

to have been prescribed biguanides and SGLT2 inhibitors. An

analysis of the initial prescribing pattern by prefecture also

showed that the biguanide and DPP-4 inhibitor prescriptions

varied from one prefecture to the next, while an analysis of the

initial prescribing pattern by facility (JDS-certi?ed vs non-JDS-

certi?ed) showed that no patients receiving initial medication

therapy had been initially prescribed biguanides at 38.2% of

non-JDS-certi?ed facilities and that the DPP-4 inhibitor pre-

scribing pattern varied greatly between JDS- certi?ed and non-

JDS-certi?ed facilities (i.e., there were not a few non-JDS- certi-

?ed facilities where almost 100% of patients had been initially

prescribed DPP-4 inhibitors alone). Thus, while the survey

results suggested that antidiabetic medications were being cho-

sen to address the characteristics of diabetes in each individual

patient and that the JDS recommendations on the use of met-

formin and SGLT2 inhibitors


were widely adhered to by

primary care physicians, the disparity in DPP-4 inhibitor and

biguanide prescribing patterns between regions and facilities,

nevertheless, pointed to the need to renew awareness of the

JDS-proposed principle of medication choice for each patient

based not only on the extent of their metabolic derangement,

but also on their age, extent of their obesity, severity of their

chronic complications, status of their liver/renal function, and

status of their insulin secretion/insulin resistance, thus a need

to formulate an algorithm as a tool to promote the proper use

of antidiabetic medications.





Asians including Japanese and Westerners, the Japan Diabetes

Society has long advanced a different treatment strategy for

Japanese from that for Westerners (Figure 1). By the same

token, it became clear from the survey results that the initial

diabetes medication prescribing patterns differ greatly between

Japan and Western countries


, suggesting that the JDS-pro-

posed treatment strategy for diabetes has become widespread

among diabetologists and general practitioners alike. It is also

likely that the initial diabetes medication prescribing patterns

re?ected the informed use of antidiabetic medications, except

imeglimin, on the part of many physicians, based on their glu-

cose-lowering ef?cacy and safety pro?les that became known

after a certain lapse of time since their approval. Furthermore,

it became also clear that the disparity in the prescribing pat-

terns of DPP-4 inhibitors and biguanides between facilities and

regions needed to be resolved to ensure the proper use of these

medications. Of note, given that evidence has recently been

accumulated, mostly overseas, that demonstrates the ef?cacy of

GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors against diabetic

comorbidities (i.e., atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, heart

failureandchronickidneydisease [CKD]), suggesting that these

additional bene?ts (i.e., cardio/reno-protective and mortality-re-

ducing effects) are worth considering in medication selection

for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Thus, overall, based

on the basic concept that (1) medications can be selected to

address the diabetes pathology in Japanese and Asians; (2) the

medication selection should re?ect the prescribing patterns in

clinical practice in Japan; and (3) medications can be selected

for their additional bene?ts in patients with comorbidities that

call for medical attention, an algorithm for diabetes pharma-

cotherapy was developed to allow for such choice of medica-

tionsastoaddresseachpatient’s pathology/condition, with the

priority in medication selection determined, with consideration

also given to current prescribing patterns and other relevant



Assessing the indications for insulin and determining the

HbA1c control goal

The overriding premise behind diabetes pharmacotherapy was

de?ned as ensuring safety (Figure 2). Thus, medication selection

a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by AASD and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 3


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was ?rst assumed to involve assessing whether there were any

absolute or relative indications for insulin therapy in each patient.


half of all people with diabetes in Japan, the HbA1c control goal

was determined, based on those proposed in the Kumamoto Dec-

laration 2013 and the JDS-proposed ‘Glycemic targets (HbA1c

values) for elderly patients with diabetes’


. It was also assumed

thatwhiletheHbA1ccontrolgoalof<7% remained valid for pre-

vention of complications in people with diabetes, the HbA1c con-

trol goal could also be determined with consideration given to

other factors such as their age or comorbidities.

Assessing people with type 2 diabetes for the presence of

obesity as a relevant measure (step 1)


useful as measures of insulin-secretory capacity, as does Homeo-

static Model Assessment – Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) to

evaluate insulin resistance in assessing people with diabetes for

insulin de?ciency or insulin resistance as part of the core pathol-

ogy, type 2 diabetes mellitus is such a common disease that

assessing all affected individuals using these indices is hardly fea-

sible in clinical practice. Given that one of the important aims of

the proposed algorithm is to promote the proper use of

Consensus statement on the

algorithm for pharmacotherapy in

T2DM patients

A ranked listing of antidiabetic medications (priorities) was proposed

after weighing the strength of available evidence for these

medications and their prescribing patterns in clinical practice in Japan.

With the accumulation of evidence for/clinical experience in diabetes

pharmacotherapy, the proposed algorithm is expected to evolve over

time thus continuing to contribute to improved diabetes management.

Given the differences in diabetes pathology

between Japanese and Westerners, a different

treatment strategy has been proposed in Japan,

where the antidiabetic medication prescribing

patterns also differ from those in the West.



Antidiabetic medication

prescribing patterns in


Evidence of additional

medication benefits

for comorbidities

Figure 1 | Working concept of an algorithm for pharmacotherapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

4 J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by AASD and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd


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antidiabetic medications among non-experts, the presence or

absence of obesity was adopted as the single most important clin-

ical measure to allow the core pathology of diabetes to be

detected to some extent. Thus, it is recommended that patients

are assessed for obesity using the de?nition of obesity in Japan,

body mass index (BMI) 25 kg/m


or more


, in choosing medi-

cations for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Given that the extent of obe-

sity (BMI) and insulin resistance are shown to be positively

correlated, insulin resistance is assumed to have a greater

contribution to type 2 diabetes mellitus in highly obese patients,

thus prompting the choice of medications to address the pathol-


often noted in Japanese and Asian individuals with a BMI lower

than that in obese Westerners and that insulin resistance may be

implicated due to visceral fat accumulation in some of these

patients, they are usually categorized by BMI as being non-



. Despite this caveat, however, it is assumed that

patients can be accurately assessed for excessive visceral fat

Figure 2 | Proposed algorithm for pharmacotherapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by AASD and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 5


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accumulation by assessing them for BMI and waist circumfer-

ence at the same time. Note here that excessive visceral fat accu-

mulation may be suspected in men with a waist circumference of

85 cm or greater as well as in women with a waist circumference

of 90 cm or greater. Now, candidate medications for patients

with obesity include non-insulin secretagogues, e.g., biguanides,

SGLT2 inhibitors, and thiazolidinediones, as well as insulin secre-

tagogues, e.g., GLP-1 receptor agonists with potential for weight-

reducing effects and imeglimin, for which obesity/insulin resis-

tance is a good indication, given its insulin-sensitizing properties.

In most non-obese individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus

in whom insulin insuf?ciency is assumed to constitute the core

pathology, consideration should be given in medication selec-

tion to insulin secretagogues as the mainstay of treatment. Of

these, DPP-4 inhibitors remain the most frequently prescribed

for people with type 2 diabetes in Japan, particularly most fre-

quently in elderly patients, probably re?ecting the high expecta-

tions for their safety in the elderly


. DPP-4 inhibitors are also

shown in some reports to exert far greater glucose-lowering

ef?cacy in Asians than in other races



obese patients with type 2 diabetes likely represent a good indi-

cation for this medication class, given its safety and ef?cacy.

Again, while numerous studies conducted to date consistently

suggest a low cardiovascular risk with DPP-4 inhibitors as a



, some of these medications are also reported to be

associated with an increased risk of heart failure, thus calling

for their judicious use in patients at high risk of heart failure



Of the insulin secretagogues, sulfonylureas (SUs) are also of

interest, in that they are non-glucose-dependent insulin secreta-

gogues and are associated with a high risk of hypoglycemia



while glinides and a-glucosidase inhibitors also represent good

medication candidates for patients exhibiting marked postpran-

dial hyperglycemia. Metformin is shown to exert comparable

HbA1c-lowering ef?cacy in both non-obese and obese Japanese

patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and thus represents an

option for non-obese people with type 2 diabetes


. Note here

that non-obese patients include lean patients (BMI <18.5 kg/



) who are mainly elderly; thus, caution should be exercised

in using antidiabetic medications with weight-reducing proper-

ties, i.e., GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors, in lean



, as it may be associated with an increased risk of

geriatric syndrome, e.g., sarcopenia and frailty.

Giving due consideration to ensuring safety (step 2)

Note that the most desirable attribute required of antidiabetic

medications is their ability to ‘lower blood glucose safely’.Thus,

the proposed algorithm has included a summary of their glu-

cose-lowering potency relative to their ef?cacy and safety and

risk of hypoglycemia, as well as precautions (particularly con-

traindications) for their use in patients with organ derangement

(e.g., renal impairment, hepatic disorder [particularly cirrhosis],

cardiovascular disorder, and heart failure) in Table 1,withrun-

ning commentary on areas where caution should be exercised

in their use: (1) the use in elderly patients of sulfonylureas and

glinides, both of which are associated with a high risk of hypo-

glycemia; (2) safety precautions in medication selection in

patients with renal impairment, a highly common comorbidity

in people with type 2 diabetes; and (3) medications contraindi-

cated in patients with heart failure.

According to a network meta-analysis of the HbA1c-lowering

ef?cacy of antidiabetic medications, GLP-1 receptor agonists are

shown to be the most potent of all medications in lowering

HbA1c, followed by metformin, pioglitazone, and sulfonylureas



It is also shown that metformin lowers glucose dose-dependently

and exerts highly potent glucose-lowering effects at its high doses

and that the thiazolidinedione lowers glucose through its insulin-

sensitizing effects on adipose tissue and skeletal muscle and thus


Safety against hypoglycemia risk remains the most relevant of

all safety requirements for antidiabetic medications. As single

agents, antidiabetic medications other than the non-glucose

dependent sulfonylureas and glinides are generally associated

with a low risk of hypoglycemia, while sulfonylureas are among

the agents associated with a high risk of hypoglycemia. Indeed,

according to a report from the JDS Committee on Survey of Sev-

ere Hypoglycemia Associated with Diabetes Treatment, patients

treated with sulfonylureas accounted for about 30% of all patients

treated with any antidiabetic medications (or about 85% of all

patients treated with medications other than insulin therapy)

who required emergency transportation for severe hypo-



.A?nding of particular interest from this survey is

that elderly patients accounted for a large proportion of those

thus transported for severe hypoglycemia, suggesting that caution

should be exercised in the use of sulfonylureas in elderly patients.

The impact of antidiabetic medications on body weight is

also particularly relevant to the correction of obesity and the

prevention of geriatric syndrome, two major issues referred to

above. In this regard, SGLT2 inhibitors are shown to be associ-

ated with a weight reduction of 2 kg compared with placebo



suggesting their suitability for use in obese people with type 2

diabetes. GLP-1 receptor agonists are also shown to have

weight-reducing effects and are thus deemed suitable for use in

obese people with type 2 diabetes, with the reduction in body

weight reported to be 2 kg on average in patients treated with

these medications compared with those treated with placebo



Of these, samaglutide was evaluated for its ef?cacy in Japanese

patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a recently reported

study, which demonstrated that the medication was associated

with a signi?cant reduction in body weight (ranging from 2 to

3 kg) at high doses


.Again,a-glucosidase inhibitors are

shown to be associated with a greater weight reduction in obese

Japanese people with type 2 diabetes than miglitol



versely, many studies reported a weight gain of about 2 kg in

patients treated with sulfonylureas than that in patients treated

with placebo, while pioglitazone was shown to be associated



and likely edema as well.

Caution needs to be exercised in the use of multiple antidia-

betic medications in patients with diabetes complicated by renal

6 J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by AASD and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd


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20401124, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jdi.13960 by CochraneChina, Wiley Online Library on [27/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License


secretagogues (e.g., sulfonylureas and glinides) are renally

excreted, their use is thought likely to be associated with

increased risk of hypoglycemia, and sulfonylureas and nateglin-

ide are both contraindicated for use in those with renal impair-



, while, as a glinide with biliary excretion, repaglinide is

shown to be relatively safer for use in patients with renal

impairment than other glinides. Metformin is shown to be

associated with an increased risk of lactic acidosis in patients

with renal dysfunction and is thus contraindicated in those

with eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m



at a daily maximum dose of 750 and 1,500 mg in those with

eGFR <45 mL/min/1.73 m


and ≥45 mL/min/1.73 m


, respec-



. Pioglitazone is available for use overseas even in renally

impaired patients but is contraindicated for use in severely ren-

ally impaired patients in Japan. As their glucose-lowering ef?-

cacy is shown to be diminished in renally impaired patients,

SGLT2 inhibitors raise concern over their failure to achieve

adequate glucose lowering in severely renally impaired patients.

Severe hepatic disorder constitutes a contraindication for

biguanides, sulfonylureas, and thiazolidinediones (despite being a

relative indication for insulin therapy). Of all patients with car-

diovascular disease (CVD), those with hemodynamically unstable

disease and heart failure are a contraindication for biguanides,

while metformin is no longer contraindicated in patients with

heart failure (while still contraindicated in patients with hemody-

namically unstable, acute heart failure) in Western countries, fol-

lowing reports of reductions in the need for hospitalization due

to heart failure and in mortality risk with metformin



patients with stage C or higher symptomatic heart failure are

deemed a contraindication, and those with stage A and B an indi-

cation, for thiazolidinediones, consideration should be given in

the latter to their dose adjustment, salt restriction, and concomi-

tant use of diuretics for associated ?uid retention.

While not mentioned in Table 1, it is important that patients

receiving SGLT2 inhibitors be closely monitored for euglycemic

diabetic ketoacidosis. SGLT2 inhibitors are expected to increase

urinary glucose excretion and to lower blood glucose and insu-

lin, leading to an increased glucagon/insulin ratio and an

increased hepatic glycogenesis/lipolysis in adipose tissue, thus

resulting in increased usage of lipids for energy metabolism.

Therefore, SGLT2 inhibitors are associated with the risk of

Table 1 | A summary of the characteristics of antidiabetic medications for safe glycemic control: a comparison of glucose-lowering potency,

hypoglycemia risk, contraindications, adherence rates and medication costs (a ranked listing of medications initially prescribed by frequency)

Area of interest DPP-4 inhibitors Biguanides SGLT2 inhibitors Sulfonylureas



Thiazolidinediones Glinides







Intermediate High Ameliorate




(highly e?ecg415ve in

obese pag415ents)




High Intermediate


hypoglycemia risk

Low Low Low High Low Low Intermediate Low Low

E?ect on body


Neutral Neutral to weight-


Weight-reducing Weight-increasing Neutral Weight-increasing Weight-increasing Weight-reducing Neutral

Renal impairment Dose reducg415on

required for some


Dose reducg415on

required in renal


Contraindicated in

severe renal


No e?ecg415ve

expected in

severe renal


Caug415on required

(for hypoglycemia)

Contraindicated in

severe renal


Caug415on required (for



contraindicated in

severe renal


Not recommended in

pag415ents with eGFR <

45 mL/min/1.73 m


Hepag415c dysfuncg415on

Vildaglipg415n is

contraindicated in

severe liver


Contraindicated in

severe hepag415c


Contraindicated in

severe hepag415c


Contraindicated in

severe hepag415c


Caug415on required (for


No clinical trials

conducted in pag415ents

with severe hepag415c




Contraindicated in


unstable disease,

e.g., myocardial


Extra caug415on


(for the risk of



Heart failure

Some agents

associated with

increased risk of HF

Contraindicated Contraindicated

Adherence rate High

(parg415cularly with

once weekly dosing)


(due to




(due to micturig415on,

genital infecg415on)


(due to weight gain,



(due to route of





(due to edema,

weight gain)


(due to route of




(due to injecg415ons,

route of





(due to



Medicag415on cost Intermediate Low Intermediate/High Low Intermediate Low Intermediate High Intermediate

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ketoacidosis even in patients with normoglycemia due to an


ciency or during their sick days.

Weighing the additional medication bene?ts for comorbidities

(step 3)

Given that numerous large-scale clinical trials conducted mainly

overseas have shown the ef?cacy of SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1

receptor agonists against chronic kidney (particularly overt

nephropathy), cardiovascular disease, and heart failure, the pro-

posed algorithm included cardiovascular disease, heart failure,

and chronic kidney disease (particularly overt nephropathy) as

target diseases of secondary interest for which antidiabetic medi-

cations may be seen to offer additional bene?ts. While it should

be noted that, unfortunately, the algorithm draws mainly on the

evidence available from overseas due to the paucity of data from

Japan on this issue, these comorbidities appear to be a valid indi-

cation for the use of SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor ago-

nists, with the caveat that the reduction seen in cardiovascular

events in these trials may be accounted for in part by that in

HbA1c with these agents


, suggesting that their organ-protective

effects may not be completely independent of their glucose-low-

ering effects and that further studies are awaited to elucidate the

mechanisms involved.

Weighing the additional bene?t of antidiabetic medications for

cardiovascular disease

Large-scale clinical trials of SGLT2 inhibitors (i.e., EMPA-REG,

CANVAS, and DECLARE TIMI 58) have been conducted in

people with type 2 diabetes having cardiovascular disease or

high-risk patients with type 2 diabetes with major adverse car-

diovascular events (MACE) (a composite of cardiovascular

death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), and non-fatal

ischemic stroke) as the primary endpoint and demonstrated a

signi?cant reduction in MACE with these agents


with this

?nding also con?rmed by independent meta-analyses of these



. Likewise, of the GLP-1 receptor agonists available,

those of human origin have been shown in several large-scale

clinical trials (i.e., LEADER, SUSTAIN6, and Harmony) to pro-

duce a signi?cant reduction in MACE


with this outcome

also con?rmed in a meta-analysis


. Thus, while it should be

noted that there is a paucity of data from large-scale trials in

Japanese patients and that Japanese people with diabetes are at

lower risk of cardiovascular disease than their Western counter-

parts, the evidence available overseas is so numerous and of

such high quality that SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor

agonists were included as highly recommended options in the

order listed for their additional bene?t for cardiovascular dis-

ease in the proposed algorithm.

Weighing the additional bene?t of antidiabetic medications for

heart failure

Assessing and treating people with type 2 diabetes mellitus for


asymptomatic people with type 2 diabetes mellitus are deemed

to be in a state called ‘pre-HF’, i.e., at high risk of heart failure.

In this regard, SGLT2 inhibitors (i.e., empagli?ozin, canagli?o-

zin, and dapagli?ozin) are shown in clinical trials investigating

their cardiovascular safety to be useful in preventing heart fail-



, with a similar ?nding shown in a subset analysis of

Asian subjects


. Also of interest is a study that compared the

real-world evidence for SGLT2 inhibitors vs DPP-4 inhibitors

in global populations including Japanese and Koreans, which

also con?rmed the usefulness of SGLT2 inhibitors in preventing

heart failure


. Furthermore, SGLT2 inhibitors are shown in a

clinical trial in heart failure patients with or without type 2 dia-

betes mellitus exhibiting heart failure with reduced ejection

fraction (HFrEF) to produce a signi?cant reduction in heart

failure aggravation and cardiovascular death


with this out-

come con?rmed in a meta-analysis



shown in heart failure patients with or without type 2 diabetes

mellitus exhibiting heart failure with preserved EF (HFpEF) to

produce a signi?cant reduction in heart failure aggravation and

cardiovascular death


. Given this evidence, therefore, SGLT2

inhibitors were included as medications of ?rst choice in people

with type 2 diabetes having heart failure.

In contrast, GLP-1 receptor agonists are not consistently

shown to be useful in preventing heart failure in clinical studies

evaluating their cardiovascular safety but are nevertheless shown

to be useful as a class in preventing heart failure in a meta-



. However, their usefulness in a Japanese population

remains unclear at the time of this review. Again, the FIGHT

trial evaluated the safety of liraglutide in patients with acute

heart failure exhibiting dLVEF and demonstrated that, contrary

to expectations, treatment with liraglutide led to an increased

risk of heart failure in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus



suggesting the need to further investigate the useful of GLP-1

receptor agonists for each heart failure pathology or stage as

well as their respective mechanisms of action.

Weighing the additional bene?t of antidiabetic medications for

CKD (particularly overt nephropathy)

In sub-analyses of data from people with type 2 diabetes melli-

tus at high risk of cardiovascular disease participating in cardio-

vascular safety trials, SGLT2 inhibitors (i.e., empagli?ozin,

canagli?ozin, and dapagli?ozin) are shown to be useful in

reducing the composite renal events


. Of note, reanalysis of

the canagli?ozin trial data using a rigorous composite endpoint

(doubling of serum creatinine, end-stage renal failure, and renal

death) showed a signi?cant reduction in the composite renal

endpoint, as well as in renal dysfunction and albuminuria, with

the medication


. Also of interest are the ?ndings from large-

scale clinical trials evaluating the usefulness of SGLT2 inhibitors



. While the DAPA-

CKD and CREDENCE trials involved different patient popula-

tions (chronic kidney disease patients with or without type 2

diabetes mellitus of whom those without type 2 diabetes melli-

tus accounted for 32.5% [eGFR, 25–75 mL/min/1.73 m



8 J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by AASD and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd


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urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR), 200–5,000 mg/g] and

patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with chronic kidney dis-

ease exhibiting albuminuria [eGFR, ≥30/<90 mL/min/1.73 m



urinary ACR, >300–5,000 mg/g], respectively), both studies

showed a signi?cant reduction in the composite renal endpoint.

Interestingly, dapagli?ozin was examined for its renoprotective

effect by primary cause of chronic kidney disease in an explora-

tory analysis of the DAPA-CKD study data, which revealed

that despite there being no interaction between its renoprotec-

tive effect and any primary cause of chronic kidney disease, the

medication offered renoprotection for patients with diabetic



. Given that most subjects in the DAPA-CKD

and CREDENCE trials were shown to have overt albuminuria

(urinary ACR, ≥300 mg/g), at present, it appears that the evi-

dence of renoprotection with SGLT2 inhibitors remains nearly

limited to people with type 2 diabetes mellitus having overt

nephropathy. In this light, the proposed algorithm noted that

SGLT2 inhibitors should be considered as medications of ?rst

choice in patients with albuminuria (particularly overt

nephropathy), regardless of their glucose-lowering effects, while

not only SGLT2 inhibitors but GLP-1 receptor agonists, as

noted below, should be considered in patients without albumin-


tective effect of SGLT2 inhibitors remains unclear in highly

renally impaired patients (eGFR, 25 mL/min/1.73 m



that they cannot be expected to be useful as antidiabetic medi-

cations in these patients.

Of the GLP-1 receptor agonists currently available, liraglutide

is shown to inhibit the onset of persistent overt albuminuria

thereby reducing the occurrence of a composite renal endpoint

in a subset analysis of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus at

high risk of cardiovascular disease treated with the medica-



. Again, semaglutide is shown to reduce a composite renal

endpoint in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus at high risk of

cardiovascular disease


, and duraglutide to inhibit the deterio-

ration of eGFR thereby signi?cantly reducing albuminuria in

people with type 2 diabetes mellitus exhibiting an eGFR ≥30/

<60 mL/min/1.73 m


. As GLP-1 receptor agonists are also

reported to reduce a composite cardiovascular endpoint (car-

diovascular death, non-fatal MI, and non-fatal cerebral infarc-

tion [CI]) in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus having renal

dysfunction (eGFR, <60 mL/min/1.73 m




, GLP-1 receptor

agonists were recommended as medications of second choice in

people with type 2 diabetes mellitus having albuminuria but

SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1 receptor agonists were recom-

mended as medications worth considering in people with type

2 diabetes mellitus without albuminuria in the proposed algo-


Choosing medications with relevant patient background

characteristics of interest in mind (step 4)

The proposed algorithm included a summary of relevant

patient background characteristics of interest against which to

choose medications as well as the medical costs involved

(Figure 2,Table1).Giventhatmedicationadherenceinpeople

with type 2 diabetes mellitus is shown not only to impact their

glycemic control but to be associated with their cardiovascular

disease morbidity, mortality, and hospitalization risk, paying

attention to maintaining their medication adherence represents

an extremely important part of diabetes clinical practice. The

medical cost burden should be weighted for each patient, as it

includes not only the medication costs but associated healthcare


Individuals with chronic disease, such as diabetes mellitus,

must recognize that they need to be on long-term pharma-

cotherapy for the disease while adhering to the dosage and

usage of the medication(s) prescribed. Indeed, a decline in

adherence to these medications not only diminishes their

antidiabetic ef?cacy but increases the risk of hypoglycemia

through inappropriate intensi?cation of therapy and contributes

to polypharmacy. Unfortunately, however, the adherence rate is

shown to be only moderately good at 68.8% in patients newly

prescribed antidiabetic medications and at 78.1% in all patients

receiving these medications


. According to a meta-analysis of

eight observational studies in people with type 2 diabetes melli-

tus, the relative risks for all-cause mortality and hospitalization

are shown to be 0.72 (95% con?dence interval [CI], 0.62–0.82)

and 0.90 (0.87–0.94) in those in the high adherence (80% or

higher) group compared with the low adherence (<80%) group,

suggesting that low adherence is associated with an increased

cardiovascular disease risk


. Studies overseas also reported that

there was a signi?cant correlation between medication adher-

ence and changes in HbA1c in people with type 2 diabetes

mellitus, i.e., that a 10% increase in adherence translates into a

0.15% decrease in HbA1c


, and similar results were shown

in a questionnaire survey conducted in 1,022 patients with type

2 diabetes mellitus in Japan, i.e., that the more frequent the

dosing and the older the patient, the lower the adherence and

that there was a signi?cant difference in adherence between

those receiving, and those not receiving, their medications as

one package


. Of note, a systematic review and meta-analysis

of medication adherence in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus

has become available


. In this review, a comparison of adher-

ence to metformin, sulfonylureas and thiazolidinediones showed

that medication adherence is signi?cantly higher with sulfony-

lureas and thiazolidinediones than with metformin, higher with

thiazolidinediones than with sulfonylureas, and higher with

DPP-4 inhibitors than with thiazolidinediones or sulfonylureas.

Of note here also is a retrospective study conducted to evaluate

the need for intensi?cation of therapy after treatment with

biguanides or DPP-4 inhibitors in medication-na€?ve Japanese

patients with type 2 diabetes, which suggested that DPP-4 inhi-

bitors are superior to biguanides



glucosidase inhibitors, which need to be taken before meals, are

assumed to be associated with lower adherence rates than sul-

fonylureas, biguanides, or thiazolidinediones



remedied by implementing appropriate measures, e.g., ensuring

that all other medications are also taken before meals



a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by AASD and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 9


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based on the evidence summarized above, the proposed algo-

rithm included a summary of adherence rates for the available

antidiabetic medications in a separate table to help in medica-

tion selection. In an increasingly aging society such as Japan, it

is deemed important that efforts be focused on minimizing

dosing frequency as well as on maintaining or improving medi-

cation adherence through appropriate measures, e.g., provision

of medications in one package or the use of combination


Medical expenditure is ever increasing with the aging of the



. A survey on medical expenditure for lifestyle-re-

lated diseases in 2019 by the National Federation of Health

Insurance Societies showed that, of the 10 lifestyle-related dis-

eases including cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease

and dialysis, diabetes mellitus imposes a huge economic burden

on affected individuals, accounting for the third largest share in

hospitalization costs, the largest share in non-hospitalization

costs, and the second largest share next to dialysis in daily

healthcare costs


. As high medical expenditure is associated

with a decline in adherence to medications



be associated with a decline in their ef?cacy. Thus, considera-

tion needs to be given to the choice of antidiabetic medication

(s), as they vary widely in their prices in Japan and expensive

choices impose an increased burden on the patients and the

patient’s burden is not limited to medication costs. Of note

here is a survey conducted using the National Database of

Health Insurance Claims and Speci?c Health Check-ups to

investigate total medical expenditures incurred by Japanese peo-

ple with type 2 diabetes mellitus in 1 year following their initial

antidiabetic prescription (adjusted for age, sex, comorbidities,

healthcare institutional attributes, and other relevant factors),

which showed that, of all antidiabetic medications, biguanides

represented the lowest 1 year expenditure, followed by thiazo-

lidinediones and a-glucosidase inhibitors, while GLP-1 receptor

agonists represented the highest


. An estimation of the eco-

nomic burden associated with the use of antidiabetic medica-

tions is given in a separate table in terms of their prices and

associated total medical expenditure. To help reduce each

patient’s economic burden, therefore, consideration should be

given to using generics, switching to biguanides, or switching

from multiple single agents to combination medications.




It is proposed in the present algorithm that each medication

regimen be reviewed for possible revision every 3 months after

its initiation to avoid delays in addressing the needs of patients

requiring intensi?cation of therapy and that attention be

focused on promoting medical nutrition therapy tailored to

address their diabetes pathology and nephropathy, exercise

therapy, and lifestyle modi?cation in each patient, while revert-

ing to step 1, as required, to add further medications, increase

their medication doses or consider alternative medications.

It should be noted that if left untreated, hyperglycemia

increases the subsequent risk of diabetic microangiopathy,

macroangiopathy or death in people with diabetes


and that

inappropriate glycemic control results at least in part from

delays in initiation or intensi?cation of therapy (i.e., clinical



. Indeed, it is reported in a US study that antidiabetic

therapy was not appropriately initiated and intensi?ed within

6 months of consultation in 37% and 18% of people with dia-

betes requiring initiation and intensi?cation of therapy, respec-



, and it is also reported in another study that

antidiabetic therapy was not intensi?ed within 6 months of

consultation in 44% of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus

having HbA1c 9% or higher


. Thus, while clinical inertia

occurs often in clinical practice, pharmacotherapy needs to be

immediately adjusted in patients who have failed to achieve

their respective HbA1c control goals. In this regard, while it is

recommended by the ADA that any medication regimen be

reviewed for ef?cacy as well as for revision every 3–6 months



it is recommended in the current algorithm that any regimen

in place be reviewed for revision in a 3 month cycle, re?ecting

the usual frequency of hospital visits by people with diabetes in

Japan, with a focus also on promoting medical nutrition ther-

apy tailored to address the diabetes pathology and nephropathy,

as well as exercise therapy and lifestyle modi?cation, in each



The authors would like to acknowledge that the current con-

sensus statement has been compiled with reference to the opin-

ion and views of executive board members and organizers of

the Japan Diabetes Society as well as to public comments pro-

vided by the Japanese Circulation Society and the Japanese

Society of Nephology. The authors would also like to extend

their deep gratitude to all the experts who contributed to the

development of the current statement.


Y.O. reports subsidies or donations from Novo Nordisk Pharma

Co., Ltd, Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Co.,

Ltd, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd,

Teijin Co., Ltd, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd, and

Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. D.Y. reports honoraria from Novo

Nordisk Pharma Co., Ltd, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,

research funding from Terumo Co., Ltd, and endowed depart-

ments by Novo Nordisk Pharma Co., Ltd, Nippon Boehringer

Ingelheim Co., Ltd, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Taisho Phar-

maceutical Co., Ltd, and Arkray. R.N. reports honoraria from

Sano? Co., Ltd, Medtronic Co., Ltd, Nippon Boehringer Ingel-

heim Co., Ltd, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Kissei Pharma-

ceutical Co., Ltd, Novartis Pharma Co., Ltd, Eli Lilly Japan Co.,

Ltd, Novo Nordisk Pharma Co., MSD, Astellas Pharma Inc.,

and Abbott and subsidies or donations from Taisho Pharmaceu-

tical Co., Ltd, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Takeda Pharmaceu-

tical Co., Ltd, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd, and

10 J Diabetes Investig Vol. C15C15 No. C15C15 C15C15C15 2022 a 2022 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by AASD and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd


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20401124, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jdi.13960 by CochraneChina, Wiley Online Library on [27/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Abbott. N.H. reports research funding from Ono Pharmaceuti-

cal Co., Ltd, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Co., Ltd, and Japan

Diabetes Foundation. H.K. reports honoraria from Novo Nor-

disk Pharma Co., Ltd, Sano? K.K., Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd,

Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co.,Ltd,EliLilyJapanK.K.,

Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Kissei

Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Co., Ltd,

Kowa Co., Ltd, Novartis Pharma Co., Ltd, MSD, Sanwa Kagaku

Kenkyusho Co., Ltd, research funding from Kissei Pharmaceuti-

cal Co., Ltd, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Eli Lilly Japan K.K.,

subsidies or donations from MSD, Ono Pharmaceutical Co.,

Ltd, Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co.,

Ltd, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Co., Ltd, Japan Tobacco Inc.,

Novo Nordisk Pharma Co., Ltd, travel fees from Ono Pharma-

ceutical Co., Ltd, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho Co., Ltd, Kowa Co.,

Ltd, Terumo Co., Ltd, and Abott. R.S. reports honoraria from

Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Co., Ltd, Eli Lilly Japan K.K., Novo

Nordisk Pharma Co., Ltd, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Sumit-

omo Pharma Co., Ltd, Sano? Co., Ltd, Astellas Pharma Inc.,


kyusho Co., Ltd, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Nippon Boeh-

ringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,

Novartis Pharma Co., Ltd, research funding from Sumitomo

Pharma Co., Ltd, subsidies or donations from Nippon Boehrin-

ger Ingelheim Co., Ltd, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Co., Ltd,


reports honoraria from MSD, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd, Novo

Nordisk Pharma Co., Ltd, Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd, Teijin

Health Care Co., Ltd, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd,

research funding from Astra Zeneca, Kowa Pharmaceutical Co.,

Ltd, MSD, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd, Aero

Switchtherapeutics Inc., Minophagen Pharmaceutical, Co., Ltd,

Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences Ltd, NIPRO Co., Ltd, sub-

sidies or donations from Novo Nordisk Pharma Co., Ltd, Mit-

subishi Tanabe Pharma Co., Ltd, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co.,

Ltd, Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,

Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Astellas Pharma Inc., Sano? Co.,

Ltd, Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd, Kowa Pharmaceutical Co.,

Ltd, Takeda Science Foundation, endowed departments by

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,

Novo Nordisk Pharma Co., Ltd, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma

Co., Ltd, MSD, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd, Kowa

Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, NTT DOCOMO Inc., and Asahi

Mutual Life Insurance Co., Ltd. No other potential con?icts of

interest relevant to this article were reported.

Approval of the research protocol: N/A.

Informed consent: N/A.

Registry and the registration no. of the study/trial: N/A.

Animal studies: N/A.


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