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2023-02-15 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
梅州市高三总复习质检试卷(一) (2023.2.14)英语本试卷共8页,满分 120 分。考试用时 120 分钟。注意事项:1. 本试卷由三
个部分组成。其中,第二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。2. 答卷前,考生务必用 2B 铅笔在
题卡上。用 2B 铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的
答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。4、考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分 阅读(共两
。AFamous for its sunny beaches and natural wonders, Miyako Island
welcomes many visitors during holidays.Unique beachesYonaha Maeh
ama Beach is the most famous beach in Miyakojima, where white san
d stretches for seven kilometers. Sunayama Beach,known for its ar
ch-shaped rock, is tucked away in a small cove,and is accessed by
walking through a narrow tunnel of trees.Diverse and colorful fi
shSnorkeling is a must-try in Miyakojima. Dense coral reefs, scho
ols of tropical fish, sea turtles and plenty of space to free div
e to depths of8 to 15 meters close to the shore are standout feat
ures. For beginners, Aragusuku and Shigira are a good choice but
advanced snorkelers may see Waiwal Beach and Shimojishima as thei
r ultimate spotsScuba divingMiyako Island is a diving mecca, with
a wealth of dive sites to explore, including many underwater cav
es and caverns. Even those without a diving license need not be h
eld hack. Dive shops and tour operators also offer tours for begi
nners to explore Miyako Island''s abundant underwater environment.
Fresh island foodDelight your senses with juicy,melt-in-your-mout
h Miyako beef, delicious Miyako soba(noodles served in broth), or
fresh fruit.Okinawa prefecture boasts the highest mango yield in
Ja- pan,and Miyako Island''s warm subtropical climate is optimal
for growing fresh, juicy mangoes.21. Where is the text probably t
aken from?A. A travel report.B. A travel guide.C. A diary.D. A te
xt book.22.What is a suitable spot to snorkel for beginners?A. Mi
yako Island. B.Waiwai Beach. C. Shigira. D. Sunayama Beach.23.Wha
t contributes to the delicious taste of mangoes grown in Miyako I
sland?A. White sand.B. Blue ocean. C. Enough rainwater. D. Warm c
limate.BWhen my son first began competing in school chess tournam
ents, I often chatted with other parents.Occasionally,I would ask
if they played chess themselves. Normally, the reply was no. Whe
n I volunteered that I was learning to play, their tone was cheer
fully joking,“Good luck with that!” If this game is so good, why
are adults ignoring it? Seeing someone playing smart phone games,
I preferred to say,“Why are you having your kids do chess while
you play?"Sure, we parents had work to do, work that helped pay f
or the lessons our kids were enjoying. But I was also wondering i
f we were sending an unnoticeable message that learning was for t
he young During one tournament,I saw a group of parents playing c
hess! Just then, a group of kids passed me“Why are adults learnin
g chess?" One asked, in an apparently joking tone.I was tired of
sitting on the sidelines. I wanted in, and that is why I got a me
mbership card and started throwing myself in.“Early on,I was nerv
ous, even the master can sometimes play badly, ”as one Grandmaste
r put it“a fan never".And a fan I was. It was three hours of conc
entration and thinking with my phone off.It felt like a gym where
I was trained to solve problems with focus, memory, logic, and o
ccasional headaches. And of course hours of absence of digital de
vices would never be no good for thinking sharply.Being a beginne
r can be hard at any age, but it gets harder when you are older.
The phrase "adult beginner"has an fairly gentle pity. It implies
the learning of something that you should have perhaps already le
aned.24.What can we learn about other parents from their remarks?
A. They were ignoring other learners.B. They agreed on the idea o
f learning chess. C. They gave congratulations to the adult lesso
ns. D. They thought it odd for an adult to learn chess.25.How did
the child in the second paragraph perceive adults learning chess
?A.Laughable. B.Imaginable. C. Understandable. D. Sensible.26.Wh
at do the underlined words “sitting on the sidelines" mean in Par
agraph 3?A. Not being noticed. B. Not being involved.C. Expressin
g confusing ideas. D. Following what others do.27.What did the w
riter think of his experience of leaning to play chess?A. It help
ed him remain calm. B. It made him proud of himself.C. It helped
him train his brain.D. It made him look rather funny.COn the way
to his home the child tuned many times and beat the dog,declaring
with childish gestures that he held him in contempt( 蔑视)as an un
important dog. The dog apologized for being this quality of anima
l and expressed regret in fine form,but he continued stealthily t
o follow. the child.When the child reached his doorstep,the dog w
as a few yards behind,moving slowly toward him He became so anxio
us with shame when he again faced the child that he forgot the dr
agging rope. He tripped upon it and fell forward.The child sat do
wn on the step and the two had another interview. During it the d
og greatly exerted himself to please the child. He performed a fe
w playful jumps with such abandon that the child suddenly saw him
to be a valuable thing. He made a swift,greedy charge and seized
the rope.He dragged his captive(俘虏)into a hall and up many long
stairways in a dark building. The dog made willing efforts, but h
e could not walk very skillfully up the stairs because he was ver
y small and soft.and at last the pace of the child grew so energe
tic that the dog became panic-stricken. In his mind he was being
dragged toward somewhere unknown. His eyes grew wild with the ter
ror of it. He began to wiggle his head wildly and to brace his le
gsThe child redoubled his efforts.They had a battle on the stairs
. The child was victorious because he was completely absorbed in
his purpose,and because the dog was very small. He dragged his ac
quirement to the door of his home,and finally with victory across
the doorway.No family member was in.The child sat down on the fl
oor and behaved in a friendly way towards the dog.These the dog i
nstantly accepted.He smiled with affection upon his new friend. I
n a short time they were firm and abiding(矢志不渝的)comrades.What mig
ht have happened before the first paragraph? The child had wanted
to own the dog for a long time. The dog had been someone else''s
pet but lost his way. The child had been looking for the lost dog
for a long time. The dog had been driven out of home by the chil
d''s family.29.What directly made the boy change his mind?A. The d
og''s apology. B. His pity on the dogC. His first interview with t
he dog. D. The dog''s pleasing performance30. What can we know fro
m paragraph 4 and 5?A. The boy was naughty.B. The dog was foolish
. C. The boy was a devoted friend.D. The dog was a faithful frien
d.31.Which of the following best describe the change of the dog’s
ed -delightedC.Guilty-anxious-nervous-pleased. D.Angry-regretted-
scared-puzzled.DWhile most of us are never without our smartphone
s robots may also soon become essential companions. It certainly
seems so based on the recent experiments conducted by researchers
in Japan, who developed a wearable soft robot for patients to us
e during treatments, such as injections(注射) and other unpleasant
therapies in an attempt to ease their pain and defend people agai
nst anxiety.On being subjected to a moderate heat stimulus(刺激), t
he study participants who wore the robot experienced less pain th
an in the tests in which they did not wear the robot.During the c
ampaign to encourage vaccination against COVID-19, public health
officials recognized that some people are simply afraid of needle
s,which contributed to reduced vaccination rates. While the probl
ems of patient anxiety and pain during medical procedures have be
en well studied there remains a need to test and implement soluti
ons to help patients.The soft fur-covered robot the scientists ca
lled Reliebo was designed to be attached to the participant''s han
d. The researchers tested its effectiveness under various conditi
ons based on the clenching of the participant’s hand, while apply
ing the painful thermal stimulus to the other arm that was not be
ing used to hold the robot.The researchers found that holding the
robot helped relieve the experience for patients regardless of t
he experimental conditions used, and concluded that the feelings
of well -being that can be created by human touch may have also b
een activated by the robot. “It is well known that interpersonal
touch can reduce pain and fear, and we believe that this effect c
an be achieved even with nonliving soft robots,”states Professor
Tanaka.This may be useful when actual human contact is not feasib
le, such as during pandemics. Future versions of the robot might
use a controlled gaze or even AR (augmented reality) technologies
to help build a connection with the patient or distract them fro
m pain perception in various situations.32. What is the purpose o
f the robot?A. T6 assist doctors in injecting accurately.B. To he
lp relieve people''s pain from injections. C. To evaluate patients
’ physical and mental health.D. To assess the effects of getting
vaccinated against COVID-19.33.How does the robot ease the pain a
nd anxiety of the patients?A.The robot is designed to be attached
to the patients’ hand. B. The robot''s soft fur gives the patient
s a feelings of well- being.C.The robot''s"interpersonal touch " c
reates a feelings of well -being. D.The robot instructs the resea
rchers to relieve the experience for patients.34. What will resea
rchers probably do next?A. Develop other devices for medical trea
tment. B. Carry out more and more tests on the robot. C. Evaluat
e the possible risk of using the robot. D. Promote the applicatio
n of the robot worldwide35.Which of the following can be the best
title for the passage?A. How to Reduce People''s Fear of Injectio
ns. B. Advanced Technology Helps to Cure PatientsC.Being Afraid
of Needles Reduced Vaccination Rates D.Wearable Soft Robot Helps
People Scare of injections.第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分。满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的
选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Are you discouraged when it comes t
o reorganizing the space and don''t know from where to start?While
hiring a good interior designer can accomplish the job, but know
ing the aesthetics(美学)and design will give you a head start on ho
w to do task fully well. _____36___.Less is moreAs cities have be
come crowded and space have become a prized possession, less is m
ore is the mantra to decorate the home. The space should be used
optimally(最佳)utilized and not merely for functional purpose--idea
l positioning of furniture is of importance.___37____.Add sunshin
e to your homeThe simplest way to change the decor of the home is
to fully use the natural light with the help of ventilation(通风).
38It will lower down your energy bills substantially.Bring color
s and shade to the homeColors give false illusion of space and wa
rmth. 39On the contrary, if there is no sunshine, dark pastel(淡的)
shades gives sense of warmth. Create a peaceful feeling, by opti
ng for pastel shades as they are easy to go well with the differe
nt design settings.Make your home future ready40 A smart home is
necessary to make you look smarter. Technology has reached new a
dvancement levels to our homes. A smart home involves use of appl
iances and machines, music lights and television, curtains, etc.T
his has become popular and fashionable in 2022 and the world is m
oving towards artificial intelligence.A. Technology has made its
way to our lives.B. Good space planning will make your area look
best. C. Start small by adding eco-friendly items in your home.D.
Here is the guide on how to decorate the home or workspace. E. N
atural light fills up the space and makes the home look bigger. F
. It can prove to be a perfect security point for home and office
s.G. The shades of white and blush pink make the space look large
r than what it is.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短
文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Kyle Cassidy and three other m
embers of the Annenberg Running Group were___41___ a few late com
ers. They meet three days a week for a roughly 30-minute jog and
an occasional.____42__ . That''s right during some runs, one of th
em delivers a talk. Topics_43_____ from the brain to Bitcoin.But
on this day last January, it would not be their___44___run. The f
irst clue that something was off was the man who ran past them at
an____45____pace. Cassidy____46____ why the runner was so fleet
of foot when another man ran by, yelling,"Help! He took my phone
and laptop!"At that, the group did what running clubs do:They ran
, ____47___the suspect down the streets of Philadelphia until he_
___48_____ into a construction site. Cassidy ran around to the fa
r side of the site to cut the thief off while the others wandered
the neighborhood____49____ he had dumped the loot(赃物) in a backy
ard.No luck.So they decided to ask residents whether they''d seen
the guy. When they knocked on the door of one row house they were
in for a_____50___. They didn''t know the suspect was hiding be h
ind a bush by that very house. As the owner opened the door, the
__51___ rushed out from behind the bush... and right into the arm
s of campus police, who''d joined the chase ____52____behind the r
unners.“Running is typically a____53______sport where you tun fat
cells into heat," Cassidy told The Philadelphia Inquirer.“But oc
casionally it can be useful, and here was one of those____54____
.”The members of this running group are not hard-core athletes. B
ut they do understand the_____55____ of a little exercise.41. A.
looking after B. waiting for C. picking up D. thinking about42. A
lecture B.;game C.experiment D.enquiry43.A.increase B. range
C. move D. develop44. A.social B. actual C. accidental D.normal45
. A. discouraging B.amazing C.awful D.boring46. A.discovered B. r
ecognized C.explained D. wondered47. A. driving B.leading C. foll
owing D.cornering48. A. ducked B. marched C.appeared D.showed49.
A. remembering B. realizing C. suggesting D.hoping50.A.relief B.s
urprise C.success D. break51.A. suspect B.police C. colleague D.l
atecomers52.A. partly B.unwillingly C.happily D. shortly53.A. sel
fless B. useless C.careless D.endless54.A. choices B. chances C.c
onclusions D. decisions55.A.hope B. price C. benefit D.admission第
l tea processing techniques and their associated social practices
in China were added to UNESCO''s Representative List of the Intan
gible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on November 29th. This unique
culture,___56_______(compose) of knowledge, skills and practices
concerning management of tea plantations, picking of tea leaves,
and the processing, drinking and sharing of tea, is the 43th ent
ry from China on the list, whose total tops all other countries.
The tea that_____57____(appeal) to the world for thousands of yea
rs finally received top-level global ___58_____(recognize) as a s
hared cultural treasure of mankind.According to UNESCO, in China
traditional tea processing techniques are_____59___(close) associ
ated with geographical location and natural environment, resultin
g_____60___ six categories in China- green, black, yellow, oolong
, white and dark.____61____an official document explained, tea i
s a fundamental cultural element to Chinese people''s daily life.
Practices of greeting guests with tea and building good relations
hips through tea-related activities______62____(share)among multi
ple ethnic groups, and provide_____63_ sense of identity and cont
inuity for communities,,groups and______64_____(individual) conce
rned.In China, it is reported that over 40 vocational colleges an
d 80 universities have set up majors in tea science or tea cultur
e, with over 3,000 graduates ___65_____(specialize) in tea produc
tion and art every year.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)前不久,你校学生一同观看了
李华,请用英语写一则书面通知,内容包括:1. 讲座的时间、地点;2. 讲座的目的及内容;3. 希望同学们踊跃参加。注意:1.词数
80 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Notice___________________________________
_____________________The Students Union第二节(满分 25 分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所
给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Tom''s family was a small family on the coa
stal line of a small village. Tom was 11 years old. He was tall,
dark and handsome and had a lot of dreams.He had always dreamt of
living in a city. He was always his dad''s charm, as he was not q
uite happy to spend time with his mom. All he could re- member ab
out his mom was her scars, red and white scars on her face, neck
and hands. He always felt unpleasant to see his mom''s face. But w
hat he did not know was that his mom scratched her beauty to save
him from a fire when he was one year old. Not wanting to burden
him with it, Tom''s parents kept it a secret.His mom Maria used to
drop him to school and pick him up every day. He felt awkward to
see his mom with that scarred face standing in front of the scho
ol gate. As he was laughing and chatting with his fellow school m
ates, all of them became silent and started staring at the gate.
So, Tom turned towards the gate with a lot of curiosity. He froze
when seeing his mom, face covered with a piece of cloth. Tom fel
t ashamed and rushed out of the school with lots of anger.With da
ys passing by, Tom started to dislike his mom more. He did not li
ke to get picked up or dropped by his mom. He felt that she was u
gly and so abnormal. As he grew old, he stopped going out with he
r to the market or anywhere outside. Kamala tried her best to mak
e her son happy, got him everything that he wanted and gave him h
is space. She understood what her son was going through and felt
pity for herself and sad for her son, as she was helpless.When To
m turned 16, he was sent to a city high school 80 kilometers away
from his coastal village. The very thought of not being with his
ugly mother made him very happy.Three years later, then came Tom
''s graduation ceremony. His parents didn’t want to be absent from
such an important occasion, so they managed to be there without
informing Tom.注意:1.续写词数应为150 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Tom was shock
ed when he saw his parents appear at the ceremony hall. _________
_____________________________________Hesitating for a moment, Tom
’s father told him everything that happened many years ago. _____
________________________2023梅州市总复习质检(一) 参考答案第二部分:阅读(共两节,满分 50分)第
一节(共 15 小题:每小题 25分,满分37.5分)21-23 BCD24-27 DABC 28-31 BDAC 32-35 B
CAD第二节 (共5小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)36-40 DBEGA第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第
一节 (共15 小题:每小题1分,满分 15 分)41-45 BABDB46-50 DCADB51-55 ADBBC第二节 (共1
0小题:每小题 1.5分,满分15分)(大小写不对不给分;形式不对不给分)56.composed 57.has appealed
58.recognition 59.closely 60.in61.As 62. are shared 63.a 64.indiv
iduals 65.specializing第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分 15分)NoticeAimed
at enabling students to acquire more knowledge about space flight
, a lecture themed on space science will be held in the school ha
ll at 2 o''clock this Friday afternoon and will last two hours.The
lecture mainly consists of three parts, the first of which is a
brief introduction of the history,recent launch as well as develo
pment trends of space flight in our country. The second part pres
ented by the same experts will deal with the related scientific b
enefits. Additionally the third part highlights interaction,where
participants can ask questions they are curious about further ar
ousing their enthusiasm in space exploration and raising awarenes
s of the importance of scientific innovation.Those interested in
the lecture are highly welcome to take part.The Students Union应用文
(7-9 分)短文内容涵盖大部分要点,但意思表达不够连贯,有较多的语法错误。第二档(4-6分)短文内容只涵盖部分要点,写出 2--
4 个句子,但意思表达不连贯,有较多的语法错误。第一档(1--3 分)只写出个别单词或个别句子。第二节 (满分25分) Possi
ble version:Tom was shocked when he saw his parents appear at the
ceremony hall. He stood rooted to the floor for a moment not kno
wing what to do.Seconds later, he tried to contain himself and aw
kward l walked up to greet his father ignoring his mother''s exist
ence. But when he heard others whispering about his mum''s ugly fa
ce embarrassment came over him. With anger written all on his fac
e, he pushed his mum hard out of the hall.Seeing Tom''s mum leave
with deep sorrow. his father followed them out.Hesitating for a m
oment, Tom’s father told him everything that happened many years
ago. His mum got burnt severely to save him in a terrible fire.Te
ars streamed down his face when he recollected how much he had hu
rt her all these years. how he had ignored her and he realized th
e amount of pain and agony she had gone through.After the ceremon
y, he found his mum and embraced her, saying“Sorry"again and agai
n.From then on he thought of his mom''s face even with scars as th
e mos beautiful face in the world and his mom as the most respected woman in the world.【分析】文章以人物为主要线索展开。Tom 十一岁了,他一点都不喜欢和妈妈玩,因为妈妈的脸上,脖子上还有手上全都是红色白色的伤疤。Tom 也不喜欢让妈妈送他上学、接他放学,他害怕同学们异样的眼光和窃窃私语。父母为了不让他有负担,没有告诉他:妈妈的美貌是在火中救一岁的 Tom 的时候失去的。后来 Tom 去市里上高中,他因为不用再和丑陋的妈妈一起生活而感到开心。一转眼 Tom 要毕业了,父母不想缺席毕业典礼,没有告诉儿子,就来到了他的毕业典礼上。【详解】1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“当Tom看到他的父母到达仪式大厅时,他惊呆了。”可知第一段可以描述 Tom的反应和做法,他很生气,努力地控制着自己,走向爸爸跟前,但是听到别人议论妈妈的外表,他把妈妈推出了仪式大厅。看到妈妈伤心地离开,爸爸跟了出去。②由第二段首句内容“父亲犹豫了一下,把多年前发生的一切都告诉了他。”可知第二段可以描述 Tom 得知真相后感到后悔,从此以后不再因为妈妈的伤疤而疏远妈妈。2.续写线索:参加典礼--生气--推出去--解释--懊悔--改变3.调汇积累行为类①一动不动地站着:stand rooted to the floor/stand rooted to the spot/stand still/stand motionless②压制住自己:contain oneself/keep one’s temper/hold one’s temper③拯救:save/rescue情绪类尴尬:embarrassment/awkwardness生气地:angrily/with anger【点睛】[高分句型1].Seconds later, he tried to contain himself and awkwardly walked up to greet his father. ignoring his mother’s existence.(运用了现在分词作状语)。[高分句型2. Tears streamed down his face when he recollected how much he had hurt her all these years, how he had ignored her and he realized the amount of pain and agony she had gone through.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句,how much 和 how 引导的宾语从句,以及省略 that 的定语从句修饰先行词 pain and agony)一、评分原则1.本题总分为 25 分,按七个档次进行评分。2,评分时。主要从内容、语言表达和篇章结构三个方面考查,具体为;(1)续写内容的质量,续写的完整性以及与原文情境的融治度。(2)所使用词汇和语法结构的准确性、恰当性和多样性。(3)上下文的衔接和全文的连贯性。3.评分时,应先根据作答的整体情况确定其所属的档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量确定或调整档次,最后给分。4.评分时还应注意:(1)词数少于 120 的,酌情扣分;(2)单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受;(3)书写较差以致影响交际的,酌情扣分。二、各档次给分范围和要求第七档(22-25分)-创造了丰富、合理的内容,富有逻辑性,续写完整,与原文情境融洽度高;一使用了多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构,表达流畅,语言错误很少,且完全不影响理解;1