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2023-02-27 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
天桥区八年级上学期英语期末考试试题(满分150分 时间:120分钟)选择题部分 共90分Ⅰ.听力测试.A)听录音,在每组句子中选
出一个你所听到的句子,每个句子听一遍.1.A.Tina is very tired B.He often helps
his parents C.I went to the beach 2.A.Did he go with anyon
e? B.Will people have robots?C.Do you want to go to the movi
es?3.A.Don’t watch TV for long. B.Let’s make fruit salad.C.C
atch you on Monday.4.A.Dave can’t go to the party B.I don’t
mind talk showsC.That’s not very important for me.5.A.What’s the
best movie theater? B.How do you make a banana milk shake?C.
When do people celebrate Thanksgiving.B)在录音中,你将听到五段话,每段话后有一个小题。每段
对话听两遍.6.Who bought the dress for Tina?A.Her father B.He
mother C.Her sister.7.How much bread do they need?A.Two
pieces B.Three pieces C.Four pieces.8.What did Nan
cy do last Sunday?A.She did homework B.She cooked at home
C.She visited her friend.9.How often does Tom eat potato ch
ips?A.Once a week B.Twice a month C.Four times a
year.10.Why can’t Karen go to movies?A.She lives far away B
.She has the flu C.She wants to watch TV.C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,
对话后有五个问题,对话听两遍。11.Where did Paul go last Sunday?A.A supermarket
B.Jack’s home C.His school.12.What did they do there?
A.They made dinner B.They took a trip C.They had a d
iscussion.13.Why does Paul want go be a pilat?A.It’s exciting
B.It’s dangerous C.It’s fresh.14.When is Mary’s bi
rthday?A.This Friday B.Next saturday C.Next wednesd
ay.15.What can they do after dinner?A.Have a concert B.Play
games C.Watch a talk show.D)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个问题,对话听两遍。
16.Where is Mark from?A.China B.Africa C.England.17
.How much money did Mark get?A.One dollar B.Two dollars
C.Three dollars.18.What did Mark want to buy with the money?A
.Some books B.some ice cream C.Some pocorn.19.Who di
d Mark give all his money at last?A.The headmaster B.The boo
kseller C.The poor mother.20.How does Mark’s father feel
about what Mark did?A.He feels very glad B.He is very sorry
C.He feels very angry.Ⅱ完形填空. It is very necessary for you
to make 21New Year’s resolution.Keeping your New Year’s rasoluti
on should be very important so you can be a 22 person.Mary people
make their New Year’s resolution to stop 23junk food,to spend m
ore time with their family or to spend 24 time watching televisio
n .However, 25can you achieve your New Year’s resolution successf
ully each year? 26,make a New Year’s resolution that is appropri
ate for you.Choose one that you know you will keep 27may be a lit
tle difficult for you.A New Year’s resolution 28“watching your fa
vorite television show” or“drinking more coffee”is not a good 29.
You should choose sometthing that will be good for you like“eatin
g more vegetablesb for 30 every night”. Secondly,tell 31about yo
ur New Year’s resolution.And they can help you 32your New Year’s
resolution.You friends and family will give you some 33to keep yo
ur resolution. Thirly,believe in yourself.When you feel like you
34keep your New Year’s resolution anymore,you can tell 35that yo
u can do it!And you can do it well.21.A.many B.an
C.that D.a22.A.healthier B.richer
C.better D.worse23.A.eating B.looking
C.making D.taking24.A.more B.little
C.less D.much25.A.how B.whether
C.when D.what26.A.One B.Firstly
C.Once D.Then27.A.until B.unless
C.so D.but28.A.on B.for C.ab
out D.like29.A.choice B.show C.thing
D.advice30.A.breakfast B.dinner C.lunch
D.meals31.A.another B.other C.others
D.the others32.A.make B.keep C.start
D.find33.A.money B.time C.food
D.help34.A.needn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.mu
stn’t35.A.himself B.myself C.yourself D.he
rselfⅢ补全对话.A:Hey,Ann.What are you going to do this Sunday?B: 36Wh
at about you,Kim?A:I’m going to Shandong Science Museum.B: 37A:Be
cause there is a robot exhibitiom.Some new robots area on show.B:
38I like robots very much.A:Year.Would you like to go with me?B:
39Can I take a camera there?A:Of course you can. 40B:At 9:00 a.m
.Is that OK for you?A:No problem.Let’s meet at the gate of the mu
seum then!36.A.I think so B.My mother is busy C.I’m not
sure D.He likes it very much.37.A.Who is not here?
B.How do you go to school?C.When did you visit your a
unt? D.Why do you want to go there?38.A.It tasters go
od B.He is taller than oneC.I’m afraid you
can’t D.That sounds interesting39.A.Sure,I’d
love to B.Good luck to you!C.Maybe next tim
e! D.You’re welcome?40.A.Why not go shopping
? B.When will we meet?C.What’s the book about?
D.Where is the cinema?Ⅳ.阅读理解.A Do you want to lovely
dog?If your parents don’t want you to dog.don’t worry.I don’t me
an a real dog.It’s not a robot dog,just like mine.My dog’s name i
s Snoopy.That’s the name of my favorite cartooncharacter.Like mos
t children,I wanted a real dog at first.So when my father took Sn
oopy home,I didn’t feel very happy.But now I think Snoopy is the
best dog I can have.Snoopy is smart.He can do lots of things.He a
lways runs to meet me at the door every day when I come back home
from school.He knows my voice well,and he only does what I ask h
im to do.When I don’t have time to play with him,he will make a s
ad sound. As he is a robot dog,he will not make our house dirty.H
e will not shout at night and he will not hurt people either.All
my friends like playing with him. So do you want to have one?41.W
hat does the writer use to call his dog?A.An animal’s name
B.A robot’s nameC.A movie star’s name D.A c
artoon character’s name42.Why wasn’t the writer happy when he saw
Snoopy at first?A.Because he wanted a real dog B.Beca
use he wanted a catC.Because Snoopy wasn’t lovely at all D
.Because he didn’t like dogs43.From the passage,we can learn that
Snoopy only .A.plays with the writer B.shouts at nig
htC.follows the writer’s orders D.eats what he loves44.Al
l the writer’s friends like .A.walking around Snoopy B
.dressing up SnoopyC.playing with Snoopy D.giving S
noopy food45.What’s the best title for the reading?A.My food fath
er B.My lovely dogC.Snoopy’s hobby D.S
noopy’s interestB What do you usually do on the Internet? Ann,a s
tudent I’m always busy on weekdays.I am available to use the Inte
rnet only on weekends.I often play computer games and talk with m
y friends online. Linda,an office lady I love shopping on the In
ternet,because it’s cheap and fast.I can sit in front of the comp
uter for hours.I shop online every day.I can always find cheap bu
t good things online.Sometimes,I watch films or listen to music.
Mr.Green,a computer programmer I can’t work without the Internet.
I need it to send and receive emails.I write at least twenty e-ma
ils every day.When I am free,I also love to read news online. Mrs
.Brown,a housewife I like cooking.I often share my life with my f
riends on the Internet.I often upload the photos of my dishes eve
ry day.I love reading people’s replies.And I’m happy that they lo
ve my dishes.46.How often may Ann play comuter games?A.Every day
for long B.Once or twice a weekC.Three times a week
D.Four times a month47.Who sometimes watches films on the
Internet?A.Ann B.Linda C.Mr.Green D.Mrs.B
rown48.What does Mrs.Brown upload every day?A.The photos of her g
ames B.The photos of her dishesC.The photos of her partie
s D.The photos of her friends49.Which of the following is
TRUE?A.Ann sends and receives emails every day B.Linda always
sells clothes on the InternetC.Many people love Mrs.Brown’s dish
es D.Mr.Green plays computer games every day.50.Who uses th
e Internet least often?A.Ann B.Linda C.Mr.Green
D.Mrs.BrownC On July 18th,2022,Scott and his parents went
to Jinan,Shandong for the summer cacation.Scott was excited abou
t the trip because he hoped to see the beautiful city very much.
It was about 11:00 am an when they arrived in Jinan by bus on th
e first day.They found a hotel and had a short rest in their room
first.After lunch,they decided to go to the Baotu Spring.At abou
t 3:00 pm they got to the Baotu spring.It was really hot and sunn
y. There were many people in the park.Some took photos with their
family and friends,some enjoyed watching the water of Baotu Spri
ng.Scott and his parents soon joined them.Scott’s parents tasted
the water.About two hours later,they went back to the hote.They a
ll felt very ralaxed. On the second day,it rained all the day.Sco
tt’s watched TV with his father in the hotel room.His mother went
shopping by herself. On July 20th ,they went to Thousand-Mountai
n by bus in the moring.They clinbed the mountain and visited seve
ral historical monuments ,and temples.They took the bus back to t
he hotel at five in the afternoon.They were tired but very happy.
In the evening,they left Jinan and took the bus home.51.The seco
nd paragraph mainly tells us thae .A.what the weather was like
B.when Scott’s family got to JinanC.how Scott went to Jinan
D.what Scott’s family did on July 18th 52.What did Scott do
on July 19th ?A.He took some photos B.He climbed the moun
tainC.He watched TV at hotel D.He went shopping happily53.
How many days did Scott’s family stay in Jinan?A.Two B.Thr
ee C.Five D.Six54.Which of the following is NOT t
rue accarding to the passage?A.Scott dislikes Baotu Spring
B.Jinan was rainy on July 19th .C.Scott climbed the mountain
D.Scott went back home by bus55.What’s the best title for t
he passage?A.A Trip to Jinan B.Baotu Spring C.A Brauti
ful City D.Mountain ClimbingD Anger is a kind of feeling.Many
things can make you angry.When your teacher gives you too much h
omework,when a friend borrow your favorite thing and then breaks
it,when your team loses an important game,you may get reaellyangr
y. Usually ,your bady will tell you when you are angry.For exampl
e,you breathe faster,your face turns red,and you may want to brea
k something or hit someone,but sometimes you hide your anger.For
example,you are really angry,but you may keep it to yourself.The
worst thing is to do nothing but keep quiet.The problem is that i
f you do this,you may get a headache or your stomach may get hurt
. In fact,it’s normal for you to get angry sometimes.But anger mu
st be let out in the right way.When you get angry,you can talk ab
out it with other people and share your problems with them,such a
s your parents,a teacher,etc. Remenber that how you act when you
are angry can make everthing better or worse.It is not a good way
to run away from your anger.You should always try to solve it.56
.Paragraph One may show us .A.the feeling of anger B.so
me examples to get angryC.the way to shop anger D.some pe
ople to get angry57. shows that you are angry in Paragraph 2.A.To
speak slowly B.To get a coldC.To have a red
face D.To protect others58.What does the word
“hide”in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A.隐藏 B.爆发 C.展
示 D.诉说59.According to the passagge,what can’t you do whe
n you get angry?A.talking to others B.thinking about
good thingsC.counting numbers D.speaking loudly to peop
le60.What is the writer’s main purpose of the passage?A.To teach
us how to share feelings B.To show the reasons to get angry
C.To help understand bad feelings D.To tell us to solve an
ger activelyⅤ阅读理解A.用括号里单词的正确形式填空。61.—What do you want to be when
you grow up?—A bus (drive).It’s a good job.62.Please speak (quiet
),our grandpa is sleeping.63.This Sunday Amy will have a party.Do
you get her (invite)?64.Don’t (make)me laugh again,my throat is
sore badly.65.Try to work hard,then you can become (success)one d
ay.66.—Tom made a beautiful model car.Who taught him?—Nobody.He (
learn)it by himself.67.—Who is (outgoing),Tina or Gina?—Gian is,S
he always stops talking.B.阅读短文,选择正确的形式填空。 Here is an important no
tice.This year(68) (we)school is taking part in the Great School
Clean-up The event is taking place this Friday,the(69) (five)of M
ay. Students from seconday schools all over the country(70) (take
)part.We are going to go out into the lacal area and(71) (help)cl
ean up rubbish—in the park,around the lake,in the town centre and
in the forest. We’ll meet(72) the school playground at 9 a.m and
then set off at 9:30.We’ll spend two (73) (hour)cleaning.Please
wear old clothes,shoes and a pair of gloves. The school will give
you black plastic bags(74) (put)the rubbish in.Please renember w
e are doing this clean-up to help our environment,(75) everyone s
hould try to pick up as much as you can.Ⅵ.阅读理解七选五. Do you think t
hat you are not outgoing enough?Are you too shy to make friends?7
6. they will help you. Feel comfortable Always be clean Take a sh
ower,brush your teeth,and try to look nice.Dress in clean clothes
.77. Then your friends will like you very much. 78. Try to smi
le more often at people.It will make them think that you are frie
ndly.Then people want to talk to you more even if they don’t know
you.Just talk Some people worry about talking because they think
,What am I going to talk about with that person?Outgoing people d
on’t even think about it.79. Listen to people You can’t just ta
lk alll the time.You have to listen to others and give your ideas
.Let them know you care about them. Read the news 80. Read some
news and interesting books.Invite some of your friends and talk a
bout them when you are with yourfriends.A.Your friends won’t like
you very muchB.They must make you feel good and comfortableC.Don
’t just stay at home and do nothingD.Smile more oftenE.Read the f
ollowing rulesF.They just go up to people and talk about what the
y thinkG.Doing exercise is good for your healthⅦ。书面表达第一部分:情景运用81.
—What did you do last Friday?— .82.— ?—Twice a week,It is good f
or my heath.83.— ?—We need three84.—Is Tom as tall as Ted?—No,he
isn’t. .85.—What does Dave want to be when he grows up?— .第二部分写作
语报正举办“I love my hometown”为主题活动,请你写一篇短文。1.介绍一下你的家乡风貌(地理位置,天气情况,人文景
00左右2.可以适当增加细节3.不得出现真实人名,校名等信息。 答案解析Ⅰ.听力测试.A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你
所听到的句子,每个句子听一遍.1.A.Tina is very tired B.He often helps his
parents C.I went to the beach 2.A.Did he go with anyone?
B.Will people have robots?C.Do you want to go to the movies?3
.A.Don’t watch TV for long. B.Let’s make fruit salad.C.Catch
you on Monday.4.A.Dave can’t go to the party B.I don’t mind
talk showsC.That’s not very important for me.5.A.What’s the best
movie theater? B.How do you make a banana milk shake?C.When
do people celebrate Thanksgiving.答案:BABCCB)在录音中,你将听到五段话,每段话后有一个小
题。每段对话听两遍.6.Who bought the dress for Tina?A.Her father B
.He mother C.Her sister.7.How much bread do they need?A.
Two pieces B.Three pieces C.Four pieces.8.What did
Nancy do last Sunday?A.She did homework B.She cooked at hom
e C.She visited her friend.9.How often does Tom eat potat
o chips?A.Once a week B.Twice a month C.Four tim
es a year.10.Why can’t Karen go to movies?A.She lives far away
B.She has the flu C.She wants to watch TV.答案:AACCBC)在录
音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个问题,对话听两遍。11.Where did Paul go last Sunday?A.A s
upermarket B.Jack’s home C.His school.12.What did th
ey do there?A.They made dinner B.They took a trip C.
They had a discussion.13.Why does Paul want go be a pilat?A.It’s
exciting B.It’s dangerous C.It’s fresh.14.When
is Mary’s birthday?A.This Friday B.Next saturday C.
Next wednesday.15.What can they do after dinner?A.Have a concert
B.Play games C.Watch a talk show.答案:CBCACD)在录音中,你将听到
一段对话,对话后有五个问题,对话听两遍。16.Where is Mark from?A.China B.Africa
C.England.17.How much money did Mark get?A.One dollar
B.Two dollars C.Three dollars.18.What did Mark want to
buy with the money?A.Some books B.some ice cream C.S
ome pocorn.19.Who did Mark give all his money at last?A.The headm
aster B.The bookseller C.The poor mother.20.How does
Mark’s father feel about what Mark did?A.He feels very glad
B.He is very sorry C.He feels very angry.答案:BACCAⅡ完形填空.
It is very necessary for you to make 21New Year’s resolution.Keep
ing your New Year’s rasolution should be very important so you ca
n be a 22 person.Mary people make their New Year’s resolution to
stop 23junk food,to spend more time with their family or to spen
d 24 time watching television .However, 25can you achieve your Ne
w Year’s resolution successfully each year? 26,make a New Year’s
resolution that is appropriate for you.Choose one that you know
you will keep 27may be a little difficult for you.A New Year’s re
solution 28“watching your favorite television show” or“drinking m
ore coffee”is not a good 29.You should choose sometthing that wil
l be good for you like“eating more vegetablesb for 30 every nigh
t”. Secondly,tell 31about your New Year’s resolution.And they can
help you 32your New Year’s resolution.You friends and family wil
l give you some 33to keep your resolution. Thirly,believe in your
self.When you feel like you 34keep your New Year’s resolution any
more,you can tell 35that you can do it!And you can do it well.21
.A.many B.an C.that D.a22.A.hea
lthier B.richer C.better D.worse23.A.ea
ting B.looking C.making D.taking24.A.mo
re B.little C.less D.much25.A.ho
w B.whether C.when D.what26.A.One
B.Firstly C.Once D.Then27.A.until
B.unless C.so D.but28.A.on
B.for C.about D.like29.A.choice
B.show C.thing D.advice30.A.breakfast
B.dinner C.lunch D.meals31.A.another B.o
ther C.others D.the others32.A.make B.
keep C.start D.find33.A.money B.time
C.food D.help34.A.needn’t B.can’t
C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t35.A.himself B.myself
C.yourself D.herself答案:DCACA BBDAB CBDBCⅢ补全对话
.A:Hey,Ann.What are you going to do this Sunday?B: 36What about y
ou,Kim?A:I’m going to Shandong Science Museum.B: 37A:Because ther
e is a robot exhibitiom.Some new robots area on show.B: 38I like
robots very much.A:Year.Would you like to go with me?B: 39Can I t
ake a camera there?A:Of course you can. 40B:At 9:00 a.m.Is that O
K for you?A:No problem.Let’s meet at the gate of the museum then!
36.A.I think so B.My mother is busy C.I’m not sure
D.He likes it very much.37.A.Who is not here?
B.How do you go to school?C.When did you visit your aunt?
D.Why do you want to go there?38.A.It tasters good
B.He is taller than oneC.I’m afraid you can’t
D.That sounds interesting39.A.Sure,I’d love to
B.Good luck to you!C.Maybe next time!
D.You’re welcome?40.A.Why not go shopping?
B.When will we meet?C.What’s the book about?
D.Where is the cinema?答案:DCACA BBDAB CBDBCⅣ.阅读理解.A Do y
ou want to lovely dog?If your parents don’t want you to dog.don’t
worry.I don’t mean a real dog.It’s not a robot dog,just like min
e.My dog’s name is Snoopy.That’s the name of my favorite cartoonc
haracter.Like most children,I wanted a real dog at first.So when
my father took Snoopy home,I didn’t feel very happy.But now I thi
nk Snoopy is the best dog I can have.Snoopy is smart.He can do lo
ts of things.He always runs to meet me at the door every day when
I come back home from school.He knows my voice well,and he only
does what I ask him to do.When I don’t have time to play with him
,he will make a sad sound. As he is a robot dog,he will not make
our house dirty.He will not shout at night and he will not hurt p
eople either.All my friends like playing with him. So do you want
to have one?41.What does the writer use to call his dog?A.An ani
mal’s name B.A robot’s nameC.A movie star’s name
D.A cartoon character’s name42.Why wasn’t the writer
happy when he saw Snoopy at first?A.Because he wanted a real dog
B.Because he wanted a catC.Because Snoopy wasn’t lovel
y at all D.Because he didn’t like dogs43.From the passage,
we can learn that Snoopy only .A.plays with the writer
B.shouts at nightC.follows the writer’s orders D.eats w
hat he loves44.All the writer’s friends like .A.walking around Sn
oopy B.dressing up SnoopyC.playing with Snoopy
D.giving Snoopy food45.What’s the best title for the readi
ng?A.My food father B.My lovely dogC.Snoopy’s hobby
D.Snoopy’s interest答案:DACCBB What do you usually do
on the Internet? Ann,a student I’m always busy on weekdays.I am
available to use the Internet only on weekends.I often play compu
ter games and talk with my friends online. Linda,an office lady
I love shopping on the Internet,because it’s cheap and fast.I can
sit in front of the computer for hours.I shop online every day.I
can always find cheap but good things online.Sometimes,I watch f
ilms or listen to music. Mr.Green,a computer programmer I can’t w
ork without the Internet.I need it to send and receive emails.I w
rite at least twenty e-mails every day.When I am free,I also love
to read news online. Mrs.Brown,a housewife I like cooking.I ofte
n share my life with my friends on the Internet.I often upload th
e photos of my dishes every day.I love reading people’s replies.A
nd I’m happy that they love my dishes.46.How often may Ann play c
omuter games?A.Every day for long B.Once or twice a we
ekC.Three times a week D.Four times a month47.Who somet
imes watches films on the Internet?A.Ann B.Linda C
.Mr.Green D.Mrs.Brown48.What does Mrs.Brown upload every
day?A.The photos of her games B.The photos of her dishesC
.The photos of her parties D.The photos of her friends49.W
hich of the following is TRUE?A.Ann sends and receives emails eve
ry day B.Linda always sells clothes on the InternetC.Many peo
ple love Mrs.Brown’s dishes D.Mr.Green plays computer games
every day.50.Who uses the Internet least often?A.Ann B.L
inda C.Mr.Green D.Mrs.Brown答案:BCBCAC On July 18t
h,2022,Scott and his parents went to Jinan,Shandong for the summe
r cacation.Scott was excited about the trip because he hoped to s
ee the beautiful city very much. It was about 11:00 am an when t
hey arrived in Jinan by bus on the first day.They found a hotel a
nd had a short rest in their room first.After lunch,they decided
to go to the Baotu Spring.At about 3:00 pm they got to the Baotu
spring.It was really hot and sunny. There were many people in the
park.Some took photos with their family and friends,some enjoyed
watching the water of Baotu Spring.Scott and his parents soon jo
ined them.Scott’s parents tasted the water.About two hours later,
they went back to the hote.They all felt very ralaxed. On the sec
ond day,it rained all the day.Scott’s watched TV with his father
in the hotel room.His mother went shopping by herself. On July 20
th ,they went to Thousand-Mountain by bus in the moring.They clin
bed the mountain and visited several historical monuments ,and te
mples.They took the bus back to the hotel at five in the afternoo
n.They were tired but very happy. In the evening,they left Jinan
and took the bus home.51.The second paragraph mainly tells us tha
e .A.what the weather was like B.when Scott’s family got to
JinanC.how Scott went to Jinan D.what Scott’s family did o
n July 18th 52.What did Scott do on July 19th ?A.He took some pho
tos B.He climbed the mountainC.He watched TV at hotel
D.He went shopping happily53.How many days did Scott’s family
stay in Jinan?A.Two B.Three C.Five D.Six5
4.Which of the following is NOT true accarding to the passage?A.S
cott dislikes Baotu Spring B.Jinan was rainy on July 19t
h .C.Scott climbed the mountain D.Scott went back home by
bus55.What’s the best title for the passage?A.A Trip to Jinan
B.Baotu Spring C.A Brautiful City D.Mountain Climbing
答案:DCBAAD Anger is a kind of feeling.Many things can make you ang
ry.When your teacher gives you too much homework,when a friend bo
rrow your favorite thing and then breaks it,when your team loses
an important game,you may get reaellyangry. Usually ,your bady wi
ll tell you when you are angry.For example,you breathe faster,you
r face turns red,and you may want to break something or hit someo
ne,but sometimes you hide your anger.For example,you are really a
ngry,but you may keep it to yourself.The worst thing is to do not
hing but keep quiet.The problem is that if you do this,you may ge
t a headache or your stomach may get hurt. In fact,it’s normal fo
r you to get angry sometimes.But anger must be let out in the rig
ht way.When you get angry,you can talk about it with other people
and share your problems with them,such as your parents,a teacher
,etc. Remenber that how you act when you are angry can make evert
hing better or worse.It is not a good way to run away from your a
nger.You should always try to solve it.56.Paragraph One may show
us .A.the feeling of anger B.some examples to get angry
C.the way to shop anger D.some people to get angry57. sho
ws that you are angry in Paragraph 2.A.To speak slowly
B.To get a coldC.To have a red face
D.To protect others58.What does the word“hide”in Paragraph 2 mea
n in Chinese?A.隐藏 B.爆发 C.展示 D.诉说59.Accord
ing to the passagge,what can’t you do when you get angry?A.talkin
g to others B.thinking about good thingsC.counting nu
mbers D.speaking loudly to people60.What is the writer’
s main purpose of the passage?A.To teach us how to share feelings
B.To show the reasons to get angryC.To help understand bad
feelings D.To tell us to solve anger actively答案:BCADDⅤ阅读理
解A.用括号里单词的正确形式填空。61.—What do you want to be when you grow up?—A b
us (drive).It’s a good job.62.Please speak (quiet),our grandpa is
sleeping.63.This Sunday Amy will have a party.Do you get her (in
vite)?64.Don’t (make)me laugh again,my throat is sore badly.65.Tr
y to work hard,then you can become (success)one day.66.—Tom made
a beautiful model car.Who taught him?—Nobody.He (learn)it by hims
elf.67.—Who is (outgoing),Tina or Gina?—Gian is,She always stops
talking.答案:61.drive 62.quiet 63.invitation 64.make 65.s
uccessfull 66.learned67.more outgoingB.阅读短文,选择正确的形式填空。 Here is a
n important notice.This year(68) (we)school is taking part in the
Great School Clean-up The event is taking place this Friday,the(
69) (five)of May. Students from seconday schools all over the cou
ntry(70) (take)part.We are going to go out into the lacal area an
d(71) (help)clean up rubbish—in the park,around the lake,in the t
own centre and in the forest. We’ll meet(72) the school playgroun
d at 9 a.m and then set off at 9:30.We’ll spend two (73) (hour)cl
eaning.Please wear old clothes,shoes and a pair of gloves. The school will give you black plastic bags(74) (put)the rubbish in.Please renember we are doing this clean-up to help our environment,(75) everyone should try to pick up as much as you can.答案:68.our 69.fifth 70.will take 71.help 72.on 73.hours74.to out 75.soⅥ.阅读理解七选五. Do you think that you are not outgoing enough?Are you too shy to make friends?76. they will help you. Feel comfortable Always be clean Take a shower,brush your teeth,and try to look nice.Dress in clean clothes.77. Then your friends will like you very much. 78. Try to smile more often at people.It will make them think that you are friendly.Then people want to talk to you more even if they don’t know you.Just talk Some people worry about talking because they think,What am I going to talk about with that person?Outgoing people don’t even think about it.79. Listen to people You can’t just talk alll the time.You have to listen to others and give your ideas.Let them know you care about them. Read the news 80. Read some news and interesting books.Invite some of your friends and talk about them when you are with yourfriends.A.Your friends won’t like you very muchB.They must make you feel good and comfortableC.Don’t just stay at home and do nothingD.Smile more oftenE.Read the following rulesF.They just go up to people and talk about what they thinkG.Doing exercise is good for your health答案:EBDFBⅦ。书面表达第一部分:情景运用81.—What did you do last Friday?— .82.— ?—Twice a week,It is good for my heath.83.— ?—We need three84.—Is Tom as tall as Ted?—No,he isn’t. .85.—What does Dave want to be when he grows up?— .答案:81.I went to museum last Friday. 82.How often do you exercise.83.How many bananas do you need? 84. Tom si taller than Ted.85.He wants to ba a doctor.第二部分写作 任何一个地方都比不过自己的家乡,因为家乡是生我们养我们的地方,它陪伴着我们,和我们一起玩耍,一起长大,留下了我们最美好的记忆,某英语报正举办“I love my hometown”为主题活动,请你写一篇短文。1.介绍一下你的家乡风貌(地理位置,天气情况,人文景色等)2.描述一件发生在家乡的令你难忘的事情以及对你影响3.为了让你的家乡更美,你未来为家乡做什么(举2-3条做法)注意1.词数100左右2.可以适当增加细节3.不得出现真实人名,校名等信息。 1