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商务英语应用文写作 CONTENTS Chapter 1 An Overview of Business Writing Chapter 2
Establishing Business RelationsChapter 3 ComplaintChapter 4 Grap
hChapter 5 ReportChapter 6 AdvertisementChapter 7 Corporate Profi
leChapter 8 Resume & CVChapter 9 MemoChapter10 Contract Chapter1
Overview of Business Writing ObjectivesNature of business writing
25 minsFeatures of business writing 30 minsChanges with busine
ss writing 10 minsSuggestion for achieving desired effects 30 min
sNature of Business Writing1.What’s the purpose of writing? 2.Wha
t can we do by undertaking business writing? 3.Business writing V
S Academic writing 1. What’s the purpose of writing? (Why do we w
rite?)To express (Addresser-centered)To communicate (Addressee-ce
ntered)Expressive writing is employed to encourage comprehension
andreflection on the part of the writer. The very process of writ
ing makes writer think, and gives him an opportunity to start to
make sense of the world, to bring many facts, definitions, rules,
theories, and perspective to life and to impose some order on th
em.Communicative writing presupposes that the writer already has
considerable knowledge and understanding of the topic, and is use
d to inform or to persuade a reader.2.Business writing is intende
d To be understood as intended; (eg:……)To secure a desired respon
se;To build and develop goodwill.3.Business writing VS Academic w
riting( for discussion)The two types of writing differ in four a
spects, namely: purpose, context, reader and standards of asses
sment.Features of Business Writing1.What are the features of busi
ness writing?2. What are the standards of good business writing?1
.What are the features of business writing?(1). Purposeful to inf
orm somebody of something ;to persuade somebody to do something ;
toinstruct somebody on how to do something ; to regulate somebody
; to offer someone a suggestion of doing or not doing sth.; to f
orm a tie that createslegally enforceable obligations between tw
o or more parties; to justify sth. to entertain sb.(2). Transac
tional (3). Reader-oriented (4). Dynamic (5). Timing (6). Economi
cal2. What are the standards of good business writing?Business wr
iting can be assessed from the perspective of language itself and
communicative effects. In terms of language : range of vocabular
y; variety of expression; grammar; coherence and cohesiveness.
In terms of communicative effects1.Courtesy---------------礼貌2.Cor
Please watch the following groups of sentences closely and ident
ify the differences between them in communicative effects.(1). a.
This letter is to inform you of an important change in our pol
icy concerning insurance. b. Since you are our regular customer,
we are writing to let you know about our important policy change
in insurance.(2). a. You obviously made a mistake by sending me t
he wrong goods. b. Thank you for your prompt delivery. However ,
the goods reached us were not the ones we ordered.(3). a. We are
pleased to grant you permission. b. We are pleased to offer you a
favor by doing… courtesy(1)、a.
This equipment recognizes many cards in a second. b. This OMR equ
ipment recognizes more than 2 cards in a second.(2)、a. Considerab
le money could be saved if we manufacture the window frames ourse
lves. b. We could save over $5,000 a year if we manufacture the w
indow frames ourselves.
concrete(1).a interrogate(2).a subsequent to(3).a with regard
to(4).a be kind enough concise and clea
rb. askb. afterb. aboutb. pleaseHere is an introduction to produc
t, please evaluate it against the criteria. Berta is a very econ
omical photocopier with very low service requirements. We can sa
fely say that it has the copying facilities of much larger machi
nes. Yet it is compact, lightweight and extremely stylish. For ex
ample, it weighs only 22 kg and its overall dimensions are 74cm ×
43cm ×21cm. There are no sheet handling problems with the machine
because the paper is located in cassettes of 100 sheets. The tim
e for the first copy is only 11.4 seconds. All in all, Berta is a
reliable machine and good value for money. Changes with Business
Writing There were times when the prevailing rule for business
writing was that it should be written in the driest possible mann
er and in language so stilted and formal that the true personalit
y of the writer was completely hidden. However, at present, busin
ess writing has assumed more friendly, easy, and conventional sty
le. you will also need to communicate certain effects. SamplesIn
compliance with yours datedWe have before usResponding to yours o
f even dateYours of the 12th to handDeem it advisableAttached her
etoWherein you state as per your letterTake the libertyAnticipati
ng your favorable response, we are.Assuring you of our cooperatio
n, we are.Suggestions for Achieving Desired Effects1.Conversation
al Style2.Resisting Tendency to Be Formal3.Avoiding the Old Langu
age of Business4.You-viewpoint5.Accent on Positive Language6.Sing
ling Out Your Reader7.Avoiding Anger8.Select the Proper Pattern o
f DevelopmentResisting Tendency to Be FormalHowever the degree of
formality and perspective of statement depends on the specific
type of the writing and who the reader is . For instance, in the
case of report, the third-person or impersonal perspective is pre
ferred for formality and objectiveness this perspective brings. T
he third person is not usually a “person”. It can be an organizat
ion or company or group. First person:In the light of our finding
s, we recommend that Motorola L2000 should be purchased instead o
f Motorola AT222, and Nokia 333 should be replaced by Ericsson 44
4.Third person:The findings obtained from the research indicate t
hat Motorola L2000 should be purchased instead of Motorola AT222,
and Nokia 333 should be replaced by Ericssion 444.You-viewpoint
(for discussion)Please revise the following sentences and discus
s the effects resulted.a: We will be pleased to deliver your orde
r by the 15th.b: We have worked for 20 years to develop the best
model of car forour customers.c: We can permit you to attend clas
ses on company time only when the course is related to your own w
ork.d: Items desired should be checked on the enclosed order form
.e: We are happy to report approval of your application for membe
rship.f: Our long experience in the book business has enabled us
to provide the best customer service possible.g: We take pleasure
in announcing that, effective today, the company will give a 20
percent discount on all purchases made b employees.h: Since we ca
n sell at discount prices, we cannot permit returns of merchandis
e.Accent on Positive Language(for discussion)Revise these senten
ces so that they are positive rather than negative and discuss th
e effects resulted.a: Unfortunately, your order cannot be sent u
ntil next week. b: You should have realized that waterbeds will
freeze in unheated houses during winter months. Therefore, our g
uarantee does not cover the damage value and you must pay the $ 1
0 valve-replacement fee.c: Your misunderstanding of our January 8
letter caused you to make this mistake.d: Even though you were l
ate in the bill, we did not disallow the discount.e: Your neglige
nce in this matter caused the damage to the equipment.g: We regre
t to inform you that for the time being, we must deny your reques
t for credit. j: Smoking is not permitted anywhere except in the
lobby.Patterns of Business Writing1. Directness in Good-News and
Routine Messages. 2. Indirectness in Bad –News Messages 3. Indire
ctness in PersuasionNote: the order of presentation is related to
the reader.Compare and tell which one is better and why.Dear Mr.
Hua: We are in receipt of and would like to thank you for yo
ur letter and catalogue of June 14, 1999. after close examination
we have come to the conclusion that your products are of no inte
rest to us but we wish you every success in your future endeavors
Sincerely yours,Dear Mr. Hua: Thank you for your letter and
catalogue sent on July 14, 1999. We appreciate your interest in
our company though your products fall out of our line for the tim
e being. We wish you every success in your future endeavors.
erely yours,Dear Sir: We wish to acknowledge receipt of
your credit application dated February 17 giving trade and bank r
eferences, and we thank you for thesame. Please be advised that c
redit accommodations are herewith extended as per your request an
d your order has been shipped. Hoping you will give us
the opportunity of serving you again in the near future, we remai
Very truly yours,Dear Sirs: Thank you for sending so
promptly the trade and bank references we have asked for. I am g
lad to say that your order has already been shipped on the terms
you requested. We hope you will give us the chance to ser
ve you again.
Very truly yours, Chapter 2 Establishing Busin
ess Relations Objectives● Structure of business letter 10 mins;
● General knowledge of the letter 20 mins ;● Essential components
of the letter 20 mins ;● Skills of writing inquiry and reply 30
mins.Structure of Business LetterBusiness letters are usually co
mposed of the following twelve elements:1.Letterhead16 Fuxing Str
eetHaidian DistrictBeijingPost Code: 100035People’s Republic of C
hinaTel: 63211234Aug. 20, 20042. Date① Oct. 20, 2004② 10 May, 200
4③ 3rd June, 2004④ Sept. 16th, 20043. Inside AddressMs. Joanna Ke
rryPeking UniversityHaidian District,100871BeijingChina4. Attenti
on Line5. Salutation6. Subject Line7. Body8. Complimentary Close9
. Signature10. Reference Initials11. EnclosureEnc: ResumeEncls:Gr
ade Certificate12. Copy NotationSampleThe Shinya Trading Co., Ltd
235 Dun Hwa Rd. Taibei (100)Se
ptember 25, 2001 The American Trading Co., Inc
.5-10 Manhattan, New York, NY 10058 USAGentlemen:
Thank you for your letter
of August 10, 2001. We have studied your catalog and price-list a
nd have decided to place an order for 10 sets of your computer Mo
del PC-825.We would like to stress that this is a trial order and
if we are satisfied with your goods, you can expect our regular
orders.Please let us have your order conformation by October 15 a
nd ship the goods by the first available ship.We are looking forw
ard to your early reply.Very truly yours,
The Shinya Trading Co.,Michael ChengMichael Cheng
Import Manager Block Style
DateInside Address_____________________________
_______ Salutation Body__________________________________________
__Complimentary Close Signature _____________
Indented Style
DateInside Address _
___________ ____________ _______
_____Salutation Body _____________________________________
____ Complimentary
Close SignatureGe
neral Knowledge of the LetterInquiry is usually made by the buyer
without engagement to get information about the goods to be ord
ered, such as price, catalogue, delivery date and other terms.An
inquiry is aimed at 1) collecting information, 2) giving off info
rmation.Traditional Sources of InformationHow can we obtain infor
mation of potential partner’s?Listen to the following conversatio
ns and identify their sources of information. (E27) unit3 06:
08Traditional Sources of Information1. Banks2. Chambers of Commer
ce in foreign countries3. Trade Directory4. Commercial Counselor’
s Office5. Advertisements6. Business House of the same trade7. Ex
hibition and Fair8. Specialized trade publications eg. Internatio
nal Trade Centre Literature9. Export promotion organization eg. C
hina Council for the Promotion of International Trade10. Market i
nvestigation Essential Content in Such Letter Inquiry 1. Source
of information;2. Intention of writing the letter;3. Lines of bus
iness handled in his company/ reference as to his company’s finan
cial status and integrity;4. Specify the information and details
needed;5. Hope for the other side’s prompt reply.Sample A: Gentle
man:Please send me the color brochure on your new 4-inch TV sets
advertised in Merchandising Weekly. May I have six copies, one fo
r me and one for each of our regional managers?Thanks.Very truly
yours,Mark BlumskyMark Blumsky Sample B: Dear Sirs,
Catalogue of Carpets We learn from on
e Indian company of the same trade that you are for export hand-m
ade carpets of different sizes in wool and silk. We are intereste
d in them, for there is a steady demand for carpets of good quali
ty. But stocks of carpets are running low so that good prices are
obtained.?We will be appreciative if you send us a copy of your
carpet catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of paymen
t. I should find it most helpful if you could also supply some sm
all pieces as samples of the various types.?In view of the demand
for your products, an immediate reply is appreciated.Sample C:De
ar Sir or Madam: We have seen your advertisement in today’s China
Daily and are interested in your tablecloths, especially Art. No
.501 and 504.Please quote us the lowest prices CIFC3% Port Sudan
and indicate the respective quantities of various sizes that you
can supply for prompt shipment. In the mean time, please forward
us representative samples. If your prices are workable and the qu
ality is satisfactory, we shall place regular orders for fairly l
arge numbers.For your information, we have dealt in tablecloths f
or more than twenty years and have a good connection in this coun
try. We also have some associated firms in the neighbouring count
ries, where a ready market can be found for your products. Theref
ore, we would like to know ifyou can appoint us your sole agent i
n Sudan, which, we think , would serve your interests to the best
advantages.Your immediate attention to our enquiry and proposal
would greatly oblige us.Yours faithfully,Mahanmad DupontMahanmad
Dupont1. The two letters below are not well-written, please find
the problems in them and revise them.A:Dear Sir or Madam:I am int
erested in your products after I visited your stand at the Paris
Trade Exhibition last month.I would be grateful if you could send
me your catalogue for the complete range of this kind of product
s and also your price list.Besides stainless steel cutlery, I als
o request a quotation for mild steel sheet C.I.F. let me know you
r terms of payment and the time required for delivery after you r
eceive the order. If terms and delivery time are satisfactory, we
place regular orders.Yours faithfully,B:Dear Mrs. Tyson:We regre
t to inform you that the Silver streak mountain bicycle about whi
ch you inquired is temporarily out of stock until the end of Janu
ary. This means that you will not be able to purchase this model
by Christmas. However, you might be interested in one of the bicy
cles in the enclosed brochure which we can deliver immediately.If
so, please feel free to contact us.ExercisesSituational writing.
(1)询问函 Madison College 的生物教授Harold m. Best先生在寻找一本细菌方面的教科书,以便秋季在该院
录。请据此内容写一封询问函。(2)Suppose you are intended to buy 500-10,000 reams
of A4 poster paper. Before you place an order , you would like t
o see some samples and know something about price, earliest deliv
ery date and terms of payment.Reply to InquiryThe reply should be
made prompt, courteous and helpful.1. To acknowledge the inquiry
(mentioning the date of the inquiry and summarizing the main poi
nts of the inquiry)2. To answer the inquiry in details.3. To expr
ess the hope for a reply.For replying to a routine request, the f
ollowing guidelines are very helpful.1)Begin with the answer or s
tate that you are complying with the request. 2)Show thanks and s
incere interest in the request and the person. 3) Present the mos
t important information in a positive way. 4) Focus on the reader
’s benefits associated with the information. 5) Provide additiona
l helpful information and tell the reader what actions you will t
ake for him or her. 6) End the letter with confidence and courtes
y.Sample A:Dear Mr. Patricia Marks,
Catalogue of CarpetsWe thank you very much for your en
quiry of 24th August andhappy to learn that you are interested in
our carpets. I am sure you will receive a copy of our illustrate
d catalogue with samples of carpet in only a few days.Our carpets
have long-standing history and are well-known in Asian market fo
r their supreme quality. We manufactured carpets of various patte
rns in wool, silk, cotton and fabric, among which the hand-made w
oolen ones are particularly of great fame. They are made to be ab
le to wear and tear.We also manufacture a wide range of hand-made
hanging-rug, traveling-rug, hearth-rug in which we think you may
be interested. They are fully illustrated in the catalogue and a
re of the same high quality.All orders entrusted to us are given
our careful and prompt attention. We sincerely desire to have the
pleasure of receiving an order from you.Yours truly,S. SaitoSale
s managerSample B:Dear Sirs,We are in receipt of your letter of A
pril 22. In compliance with your request, we are sending you here
with our quotation sheet for cotton tablecloths: Art No.501 and
504.The respective quantities are quoted on the basis of CIDC3% P
ort Sudan. This offer is subject to our final confirmation. As to
the relative sample, we have dispatched them to you by separate
cover.The Chinese tablecloths are of good quality and have fine w
orkmanship, they are moderately priced, which is known to all. Yo
u will certainly agree to that when you have examined our samples
and quotation sheet. As our stocks are low and the demand is hea
vy, it is hoped that you will send us your orders as early as pos
sible. If you need any further information about our products, pl
ease do not hesitate to let us know by return.Our usual terms of
payment are by letter of credit available by sight draft. Insuran
ce is to be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value a
gainst ALL RISKS and War Risk.What you mentioned in your letter i
n connection with the question of agency has had our attention. W
e shall revert to the matter later on.Looking forward to your ear
ly reply.Yours faithfully,(signature)Susan CampbellSample C:Dear
Mr. Russel:Thank you for your inquiry of May 20. According to you
r request, we enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list gi
ving details you ask for ( in the separate cover0. You can find a
range of samples covering the full line of our curtains for your
consideration.These colors will be just what you need. Furthermo
re, the beautiful patterns and the excellent workmanship should a
ttract the majority of buyers.We would like to invite your attent
ion to our other products, such as table cloths and table napkins
, details of which will be found also in the catalogue.We are ple
ased to serve you at any time.Yours faithfully,ExercisesWrite a p
ositive reply to the following enquiry.Dear Sir or Madam: We have
seen your advertisement in today’s China Daily and are intereste
d in your tablecloths, especially Art. No.501 and 504.?Please quo
te us the lowest pricesCIFC3% Port Sudan and indicate the respect
ive quantities of various sizes that you can supply for prompt sh
ipment. In the mean time, please forward us representative sample
s. If your prices are workable and the quality is satisfactory, w
e shall place regular orders for fairly large numbers.For your in
formation, we have dealt in tablecloths for more than twenty year
s and have a good connection in this country. We also have some a
ssociated firms in the neighbouring countries, where a ready mark
et can be found for your products. Therefore, we would like to kn
ow if you can appoint us your sole agent in Sudan,which, we think
, would serve your interests to the best advantages.Your immediat
e attention to our enquiry and proposal would greatly oblige us.?
Yours faithfully,Mahanmad Dupont Chapter 3 Complaint Objectives●
Background knowledge of complaints;●Skills of writing complaint a
nd reply.● Typical sentences and expressions .Chapter 3 Complaint
·Back-ground Knowledge of ComplaintListening: Have you ever made
any complaint? and for what? Listen to the following three conver
sations and identify the situations.(E11)--unit one 4:58 , (E89)-
-unit ten 5:40/7:14In a business transaction, countless aspects o
f business can break down, but the most common causes for claims
are: 1) delivery is defected or damaged 2) delay in deliv
ery 3) wrongly billed invoice 4) mix-up in deliveryThe pu
rpose of complaint is to point out the problem with the goods or
the service, and to prompt the other side to make a satisfactory
and reasonable response. Skills of Writing Complaint Guidelines
for Writing ComplaintTo achieve the desired results, the complai
ner should be worded carefully and follow the principles below.1.
Begin directly. The problem is presented at the very start of the
letter in a direct way. 2.Identify the situation (invoice number
, product information, etc.)in the text.3.Make certain that the c
omplaint is based on facts. Name specific actions to correct the
problem and politely mention strong terms if you fail to get a sa
tisfactory reply.4.The claim should be practical and acceptable t
o the other side.5.End positively---friendly but firm. A reply to
complaint A reply to complaint is not only meant to solve proble
m, but to regain trust as well. Thus, a letter functioning in thi
s way should be in a constructive, sincere, sympathetic and respo
nsible tone. To write a reply to complaint, one should get it imm
ediately, particularly when the other side is dissatisfied. The f
irst action after receiving a complaint is to look into the matte
r immediately. If the complaint is really based on fact of your m
istake, you should apologize in your letter and offer a solution
to solve the problem. Sample 1 Dear Sirs,Re: Our Order No. F2436
for Candles?We have taken delivery of the goods which arrived on
S.S. “Peace” on September 20th. We are much obliged to you for th
e prompt execution of the order.?Upon examination, we found the g
oods are correct and in goodconditions except for case No.23.?Whe
n case No. 23 was opened, it was found that its contents were not
what we had ordered. We can only assume that a mistake has been
made in making up the order, and the contents were for another or
der.As we are in urgent need of these items to complete our range
of goods, we have to ask you to make immediate arrangement to se
nd us the replacements, which are on the enclosed list. We will b
e happy if you can check the list with our order and your copy of
the invoice.?Meanwhile, we are holding the mentioned case at you
r disposal. Please fax us to let us know what to do with it.?Your
s faithfully,Sample 2Dear Mr. Grant,?Reference is made to your le
tter of 12 October2000 regarding our account No. 645/HRs 0098 and
Invoice No. 04276. I appreciate your bringing this matter to my
attention.?Having checked with our dispatching section, it appear
s that a mistake has been made on this occasion, and that you hav
e been sent an invoice with incorrect details. The reason for thi
s is that we have recently installed a new system for stock contr
ol and there have been a number of “teething problems”. A revised
, correct invoice is attached for your convenience.?I hope you ha
ve not been too inconvenienced by our mistake, and that you will
continue to honor us as our customer.Yours faithfully,Sample 3Dea
r SirsWe wish to refer to your letter dated 20th May and your let
ters of 12th, 17th and 19th April, in which you made a claim on o
ur last shipment of spare parts.After further consultation with t
he manufacturers of the goods, we regret to say that we are unabl
e to come to any positive result which would help clear the situa
tion.Our manufacturers are of the opinion that by a few traces of
rust no harm could be done to those spare parts. They are not pr
ecision instruments after all, which would need different packing
. Our manufacturers therefore come to the conclusion that there i
s no valid ground for complaint so long as such a defect does not
in the least affect the use of the goods.In consequence, we cons
ider it difficult to file a claim against the manufacturers. Neve
rtheless, we are prepared to straighten out the matter in an amic
able way by paying you a rebate of 5% so as to start with a clean
state.We hope that our proposal will be acceptable to you for th
e settlement of the pending case so that we may continue doing bu
siness with you shortly.We look forward to having your early repl
y.Sample 4 ( poor )Gentlemen:We are surprised that our order of M
ay 4 for silk blouses has not yet come to hand.Our customers are
expecting this consignment. They contact us every day, asking for
a explanation.Please expedite making delivery of this consignmen
t and inform us of the date we can take delivery.Yours faithfully
Tasks Task 1 (E45)—unit5 4:54Background: A week ago, a part-time
employee in the General Office, Claudia Northcott, emailed Karl a
sking for a private meeting with him. When they met, he found out
that she was representing all the part-time staff in the departm
ent. According to her, the Office Manager, Derek Hartman, is show
ing favouritism towards one of his staff, Petra Palmer, and this
is upsetting everyone in the office. Karl asked for more details.
Listen to the conversation twice and draft a letter of complaint
on behalf of Claudia Northcott covering the key points in the con
versation.Task 2 (E90)Background: You and some of your colleagues
in the Customer Services Department at Hermes Communications are
attending a course on how to deal effectively with customer comp
laints. You have been asked to do a number of tasks based on some
correspondence, a telephone conversation and a recorded message.
Step 1: Read & ListenRead the written correspondence. Then listen
to the telephone conversation and recorded message and make note
s. Because you are so busy, decide which complaints you will hand
le now as a priority, and which you will leave until later.Step2:
Discuss & WriteIn groups, discuss how to deal with the complaint
s that you have prioritized. Then write replies to the complaints
.Step3: Group-assessmentExchange your replies with those of anoth
er group. Comment on the effectiveness of the various documents.E
xercises1. Situational Writing·You recently attended a one-day tr
aining course on health and safety. You were disappointed with th
e course and you have decide to write a letter of complaint to th
e training company.·Read the advertisement below, which gives det
ails of the course. You have already made some notes on the adver
tisement.·Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your lett
er to Moria Gedding at GBG certification Services .
GBG Certification ServicesGood fo
r business, good for you.Regardless of whether you are in a manuf
acturing or service industry, you are required by law to operate
your business in a manner which is safe and healthy for your work
force. Our courses will help you provide a safe and legally sound
working environment for your staff.Our one-day courses include:?
◎Experienced and high-qualified trainers. Trainers was sick-repl
acement poor? ◎High-quality information packs. Pile of loose phot
ocopies! ◎Small groups (maximum 8 people) ?Not true!◎ Price incl
udes lunch and refreshments. Explain what was wrong with
l◎ All one-day courses run Monday-Friday from 9.30-17.00.
Started late?For more information contact:?Moira GeddingsGBG Hous
eSummerfield RoadOxfordOX84 DN2.Write a reply to the complaint be
low according to the Chinese outline provided.Dear Sirs, Th
ank you for your delivery of Beijing suits which we ordered on Oc
tober 19. However, we wish to invite your attention to the foll
owing points:1.The colors of the clothes are dissimilar to your o
riginal sample.2.The green belt supplies dies not match the suits
. We are returning two of these by separate mail, and would a
sk you to replace the whole in correct color. Concerning the ai
rfreight, we agree to pay extra costs for airfreight. However, yo
ur costs for packing and insurance must have been lower for air
cargo, and we request you to take this fact into consideration a
nd to some parts of the airfreight charges. Please let us
know immediately your opinion on these matters.
Yours faithfully告知对方,收
到抱怨信以研讨过,并承认样货不符是由自己疏忽所致。对此表示抱歉。 2. 详细说明对次批货的解决办法:要么将货物寄回,要
么同意给对方35%的折扣。 3. 在叙述了解决问题的方法后,提出自己的意见,有理有节地证明不能满足对方抱怨信中提出的有关运费
一事 4. 希望双方合作,早日寄来汇款,以便解决此问题。Chapter 4 GraphObjectives● General
knowledge of graph;● Skills of presenting graph.Function of Grap
hsWhat can we do with graphs ?A well-charted graph can give a pre
cise, clear and immediate presentation of facts and information,
showing the data in it in terms of general trend of development o
r differences, capturing readers’ attention with ease, and servin
g as further development of or complement to arguments in thesis.
Formats of Graphics Graphics usually have the following elements
:1. Date and information covered in the graphics;2. A label that
describes the graphics;3. The source of information. Types of Gra
phics and their advantages Graph analysisConsidering the function
s and the features of each specific type of graph, graph analysi
s varies in perspectives and ways. It should give an objective, i
mmediate and accurate account of the data and information in grap
hs. Expressions in Graph Presentation Upward trendmove upwardrea
ch/amount to/attain/grow/risesoar/jump/skyrocketDownward trendmov
e downward/slipdecline/decrease/divedwindle/fall/drop/go down/slu
mp/plummet/collapse/slideConstant changelevel off/reach a plateau
/remain constant/stand atThe extent of changestable/steady/strong
ption of GraphsDescription of Graphs usually consists of three p
artsⅠ. General statement of what the graph is about;Ⅱ. Statement
of the data in detail (select the proper perspective in view of t
he features of the specific features of the graph, describe the d
ata in an objective and accurate way.)Ⅲ. Proper and concise concl
usion.Sample: ●The bar chart below show levels of wheat producti
on and wheat prices in a European country for the period 1990-200
0.●Using the information from the bar charts, write a short repor
t summarizing the changes in production and prices between 1990-2
000.●Write 120-140 words.Average price of wheat (£ per ton)Wheat
production (millions of tons) Introduction: The aim of this rep
ort is to summarize the changes in production and average prices
of wheat between 1990 and 2000.Findings: Focusing our attentio
n on wheat production it can be seen from the graph that the outp
ut rise steadily over the period. A general upward trend from 0.9
million of tons in1990 to 2.3 million of tons in 2000 is clearly
recognizable. On the other hand, the average price of wheat t
otaled 1,400£/T in 1990, but in 1995 it increased rapidly reachin
g a peak of 2,900£/T which was however more than the minimum pric
e in 1990. Conclusion: As can be seen from both graphs average
price of wheat did not show the same characteristics as total wh
eat production.TaskBackground: Hi-Style, a family owned company b
ased in Manchester, makes fashionwear for 18-to 30 year-olds. Its
branded merchandise, ETC, is sold out throughout Western Europe.
The company’s image is of fashionable clothing at competitive pr
ices. However, its core products-jeans and trainers – are losing
appeal and the company is struggling in a very competitive market
.Zelal Sulen, the daughter of Hi-Style’s founder, took over as Ma
naging Director when her father retired last year. Zelal Sulen re
alizes that Hi-Style is out of touch with its target consumers an
d is losing direction.Hi-style: financial informationExerciseYou
work for Bada, a retailer of sports goods. You have been asked to
write a short report covering recent developments for store mana
gers.Look at the graphs and email below, on which you have alread
y made some handwritten notes.Then, using all your handwritten no
tes, write your report for store managers.Write 120-140 words on
a separate sheet.Bada sales distribution 2002From: JASON KRIEKHer
e is the information you requested about the new stores scheduled
to open in 2003.Location Number of new Bada stores Expected
new sales distributionAsia/Pacific 4
14%Europe 6
30%S. America 3
23%N. America 0
33%Should increase turnover by 15%Compare with 2002 sales d
istribution Chapter 5 Report Learning Objectives★Background Knowl
edge of Report;★Writing techniques of Report.Background Knowledge
of Report DefinitionA report is a formal or even official docume
nt that investigates, selects and interprets information by using
appropriate techniques for a stated purpose.A report is a formal
statement of the result of an investigation, or of any matter on
which definite information is required. A report is a formal, st
ructured piece of writing that usually presents the findings of s
ome research, an inquiry or an information gathering process.As a
formal document, report:1. provides a clear description of the p
roblem or of a specific subject;2. presents all possible causes f
or the problem, and / or all major aspects of the topic;3. organi
zes your considerations and/ or findings, with your analysis of t
he main facts;4. makes your conclusion and recommendations for so
lving the problem;5. appears in professional formats or settings
of data in a tight organization; 6. tries to offer active contrib
ution on a specific topic to the sponsoring organization.PurposeT
here are two purposes for writing common reports. On one hand a
report is written to share information, aiming to inform as clear
ly and concisely as possible. On the other hand, a report is writ
ten for decision-making, serving as the basis of significant deci
sion making in industry, commerce and public services. Briefly st
ated, a business report conveys information to assist decision-ma
king. .Types of report Preparation of Report Informational Re
port VS Analytical Report Informational report presents data with
out analysis or recommendations, written to help the management c
ollect information about corporate operations with little analysi
s or interpretation of the facts. Informational report includes a
ccident report, annual report, progress report, inspection report
, trip report. Recommendation report analyzes the facts, makes lo
gical conclusions and gives appropriate recommendations, trying t
o persuade the reader to agree with a stated message or to make h
im take desired action. Recommendation report includes feasibilit
y report, problem-solving report, budget report, product analysis
, market analysis, research and investigation report, marketing r
eport.Structure of a detailed research reportEXECUTIVE SUMMARYI.
INTRODUCTION Brief statement of the report Purpose and contex
t of the report When and how it was prepared Sponsors and fun
ding for the reportII. METHODOLOGY Description of the project
Narration of the project procedures Scope and focus of the
research The research instrument used Other factors related
to the processIII. MAIN FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Main findings
of the report Description of the analysis Supporting detail a
nd evidence Appropriate explanationsIV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMEN
DATIONS Summary of the main points and their importance Rec
ommendation for actions and further investigationVI. APPENDICES
Sampling instruments Investigation techniques referencesT
ips for Creating Good Business ReportAn effective report is attra
ctive, clear, readable, and accurate, using highlighting features
, providing visual aids like charts and tables, and consisting of
reliable and creditable information.1. Standard FormatFollow the
standard report structure in writing a report, so that readers c
an easily locate each component of the report. 2. Headings Use hi
erarchical headings to divide the report into sections to clarify
the organization of a report, so that readers can easily find th
e information they need There are three types of headings, and
all headings should be parallel in grammatical forms.A: Topic Hea
dingsHistory of the problemB: Complete Sentence headingsWhite col
lars should take midday napsC: Imperative Sentence headingsTake T
ime to Outline3. TransitionsUse transitions words or phrases link
ing ideas together to help readers move from one section, one par
agraph, or one sentence to another.4. Impersonal perspective Empl
oy third-person or impersonal perspective which is not usually a
“person” and can be an organization or company or group. First pe
rson:In the light of our findings, we recommend that Motorola L20
00 should be purchased instead of Motorola AT222, and Nokia 333 s
hould be replaced by Ericsson 444.Third person:The findings obtai
ned from the research indicate that Motorola L2000 should be purc
hased instead of Motorola AT222, and Nokia 333 should be replaced
by Ericsson 444.5. KISSSimplify sentence structure, and straight
en up ideas.A:A good salesman is a good actor. He has to be able
to know what his audience wants and when he wants it.B:A good sal
esman has to be able to know what his clients want and when they
want it.6. PreciseAvoid using words or phrases such as “about”, “
I think “, “maybe”.A:There are about 20,000 end-users of our prod
uct.B:By September 30, 2001, there are 20,202 end-users of the DV
D-RP61 player in the Beijing area, according to Media master figu
res released on November 1, 2001.Executive SummaryAn overview of
the report, intended for readers who need a condensed version of
the information contained in the full report, gives summarized ve
rsions of the purpose, scope, methodology, findings, conclusions
and recommendations of the report, which be one paragraph or two
for reports of moderate length. A summary should be clear, concis
e, and to the point. What’s more, it should be understandable to
everyone without much demand for special background knowledge.Exa
mple 1The purpose of this report is to analyze the reasons for in
creasing customer dissatisfaction with the salespeople in Big Sto
re and to find out solutions to this problem.There have been more
and more complaints about the service since early this year. So
to identify the causes a survey was conducted in October through
both questionnaires to customers and interviews with them.The cau
ses identified are: 1) the salespeople were unable to explain in
detail the functions and features of the products they sold; 2) T
hey have language barriers when serving foreign customers; 3) Som
e salespersons do not comply with the rules and regulations of th
e shopping center.Therefore three ways are recommended to initiat
e a direct change: 1) salespeople are required to provide instruc
tions and explanations; 2) foreign language training will be prov
ided to selected sales staff; and 3) implementation of rules and
regulations will be supervised and monitored.1. INTRODUCTION1.1 P
urpose This report examines the advantages and the disadvanta
ge of obtaining video taping records of corporate activities thr
ough a). The present way of doing it by hiring external services
and b), an alternative method of producing video taping with comp
any equipment by staff. Then the more economical method is recomm
ended for broad decision.Please draft an executive summary for t
he following report1.2 Background The company from time to
time needs to use videotaping services to record corporate activi
ties such as meetings, VIP visits, staff recreation and hobbies,
and important promotions and exhibitions. For five years since th
e company started this record, professional photographers and vid
eotaping services have been used.1.3. Methodology The info
rmation was largely obtained through interviews with staff member
s and service providers in the neighborhood area.2.FINDINGS2.1 P
resent Method The company engages a professional photographe
r, who uses his own camcorder and tapes, at RMB 350 per visit.
In the first half of this year, he made 21 visits and went aw
ay with a total of RMB 7,350 yuan, leaving a pile of video tapes,
unedited and clustered. The quality of these professionally take
n videos was exceedingly high. In fact, unnecessarily high as ref
erences in storage. The annual costs of having company acti
vities recorded on tapes,therefore, would amount to over RMB 14,0
00 yuan2.2 Proposed Method If, on the other hand, we purchas
e a camcorder and make our own videotaping, it would save the com
pany a lot of money. The cost of an average camcorder with all th
e accessories would be around RBM 1,000 yuan per year. Inste
ad of using a video professional, almost anyone among the staff-w
ith a little training- can make the videotaping when necessary. T
his would equal to a virtual elimination of any cost for using th
e camcorder. Even if an hourly pay is offered, that would amount
to no more than RMB 500 yuan a year. The cost of blank video
cassettes would be around RMB1,000yuan a year, assuming that th
e company uses 120 hours video records annually. The cost of sort
ing tapes with recordings would amount to almost nil, considering
the fact that the company library would take up the extra job fo
r free. Hence the total annual cost for this alternative me
thod is estimated to be RMB2,000. Table 1 below summarizes the co
mposite cost of making videos in-house.Table 1: Estimated annual
cost for the proposed method3. CONCLUSIONS The present method
of employing an outside artist has proved too expensive. It cost
s a total of about yuan per year to produce video recordings of
unnecessarily high quality. In addition, the present photographer
does not provide editing services of recorded tapes. The pro
posed method, on the other hand, is convenient and timesaving. St
ill it produces recordings of suitable quality. Moreover, althou
gh this system requires an initial outlay of RMB 5,000 yuan to pu
rchase a camcorder, it would quickly pay for itself, since over f
ive years the annual costs would add up to only RMB 2,500 per yea
r.4.RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that a good quality camc
order be purchased to allow us to make our own videotaping. This
will at least save the company RMB 11,000 yuan per year over five
years.IntroductionIn general, the Introduction has four componen
ts of:1. PurposeThis section states the objectives you have set f
or the report. Example 1: The objective of this study is to provi
de information to determine which aspects of shopping environment
can not satisfy the customers, and to propose improvement soluti
ons.2. BackgroundThis section provides the historical background
of a topic under discussion and what measures have been applied a
nd what results achieved.Example 1: From early this year, we have
receiving customer letters complaining about services of our sal
espersons. Also, it has been found that more and more customers,
especially foreign consumers, returned their goods bought in this
supermarket. These cases had a negative impact on our sales and
the reputation of our market operator.3.Method of InvestigationEx
ample 1: Most of the information in this report was gathered from
a questionnaire distributed to 45 IT workers and from interviews
with ten of them. Valid feedbacks in writing numbered 39 and int
erviews, 10.Example 2: Most information is collected from Mr. Ron
ald Braun, the financial analyst, and Ms. Margaret Persaskey, the
investment advisor. I also spoke with some of the senior staff i
n the financial department besides reading some reports on ABC Co
mpany in some leading newspapers and trade journals.Example3: a q
uestionnaire survey was conducted to learn about the campus commu
nity’s recycling habits and to assess participation in the curren
t recycling program.4. ScopeA scope indicates the limitations or
restrictions concerning the subject matter of the report.Example
1: This report investigates the students’ attitude towards settin
g up a night snack bar in order to see the feasibility of this pr
oject. It also collects some detailed information about setting u
p the night snack bar.Example1: This report tries to find out who
the customers of Beijing Lufthansa center are and whether they a
re satisfied with the services in the city.Example 2: The objecti
ve of this study is to provide information to determine which asp
ects of shopping environment can not satisfy the customers, and t
o propose improvement solutions.Example 3: This report examines t
he extent of the problem of absenteeism among fourth year informa
tion majors at the university . It investigates the reasons for t
he problem and recommends measures for improvement.Expressions i
n introductionThe report examines/explains…The purpose of this re
port is to …investigate/evaluate/study…The objective of this repo
rt is to .. Recommend/analyze/ give…The aim of this report is to
…feedback/estimate/assess…Enclosed is a report about…This report
is concerned with…ExerciseThe introductions are not well done. Tr
y to revise them.(1) In this report I present the information, wh
ich may not be true, very helpful for you before you make any dec
ision for your investment in ABC Company, anyhow I don’t think in
vestment will be a wise one as you can see from my report that so
me of its performance records could prove their poor management,
however you are the person to have the last word.(2) The report s
ummarizes the collection-series research. You gave us instruction
on February 15 and since then we have been engaged in that job.
It has not been easy but we have managed to do it. Now you could
see from this report that our last report sent to you on April 5
was very correct.1. In this report I present the information you
wanted to have before deciding whether or not to invest in ABC co
mpany.2. This report summarizes the collection-series research yo
u authorized on February 15. it confirms the findings reported in
the preliminary report sent to you on April 5.FindingsThis part
should be divided into numbered sections with appropriate and inf
ormative headings. Sequence should be logical. It should contain
a description of all investigation carried out, statements of fac
ts discovered, clear arguments and opinions arising from the inve
stigation and the facts covered by them.Example: So, the review
of the ABC Company’s recent performance shows:1. It shifted its m
ajor operation to Southern East Asia.2. Its operation in Mid-East
has been affected by the unsettled situation there.3. Most of i
ts major stock holders are still optimistic for its future develo
pment.Expressions in introduction If we invest in ABC Company, w
e should be aware of the recession in the Mid-East . We may make
some of our chief partners unwilling to cooperate further with us
as they hold the viewpoint that ABC has been backing some corpor
ations which are believed to employ children workers.Expressions
in findingsIt was found/felt/discovered that…It was felt …We dis
covered that…It was generally the case that…Most people suggested
/thought that…A number of people mentioned that…Several staff mem
bers expressed the view that…Exercise : there is a report on mark
et share of milks. The introduction and illustration has been ma
de, now try to draw a discussion. The market research was made
in last June, and it was focused on the types of milk instead of
their manufacturers as it was designed for our next year’s produ
ction. Our team went to the major let-out of the XYZ during t
he first two weeks of June and kept recording the stock every day
. The Recording shows:1. full milk takes up 34.2%, almost at the
same level of last year;2. light milk 11.4%, increased by 1.9 % s
ince last year;3. skimmed milk 3%, while last year it was 0.6%;4.
yogurt 37.8%, increased 4.3%;5. fruit milk 11.7%, decreased 3%;6
. others 1.9%.ConclusionConclusion section is to summarize the ma
in findings and to prepare readers for what is to follow by makin
g logical deductions. Thus, it is based on the main points raised
in the Findings section without introducing any new information
at this stage. The features of the Conclusion section are or
should be that1. Conclusions come after the findings section.2. C
onclusions are logical deductions based on the findings.3. This s
ection should NOT have any new information.4. decisions are based
on the conclusions you have made. Conclusion 1: These 50 inte
rviews made early July suggest that many aspects of the shopping
environment in the shopping City can not satisfy the customers. F
acilities and services therefore need to be improved. The most no
teworthy weaknesses are the lobby areas, toilet rooms, location a
ssigns, ventilating facilities, try-on cubicles and cashier servi
ces.Conclusion 2:From the figures presented in the findings, it c
an be concluded that:Revenue from new customers through existing
clients accounts for over 80 per cent of new business by the end
of the year.Contracted sales agents have proved he most productiv
e and cost effective in the direct marketing sector.Direct market
ing mail and national advertising did not prove successful with r
evenue-cost ratios of 2:1 and 4/3 respectively.In cold contact ma
rketing, the e-mail has produced the best return while the teleph
one has been both least productive and least cost-effective.Concl
usion3:The above findings show that the majority of customers are
increasingly dissatisfied with Big Store salespeople. There are
three major reasons:1).The salespeople could not satisfy the cust
omers who are more demanding for products information;2). Most sa
lespeople have encountered language problems when serving foreign
customers; and 3). Some salespeople did not comply with the hous
e rules in their services. 1. The following investigation report
is not completed. Read it and work out a conclusion, if you can
, make some recommendation: IntroductionThe aim of this report i
s to recommend a supplier for new range of leisurewear. A committ
ee from the Purchasing department was presented with a short list
of five potential suppliers to select from. The criteria conside
red were price, quality, delivery, and flexibility.FindingsIt was
found that, taking the companies’ overall ratings into considera
tion, there was negligible difference among suppliers. Consequent
ly, the committee decided to narrow their focus to the areas cons
idered to be major importance for QuayWest’s range, namely qualit
y and price.Consort Trading Despite offering the best deal f
inancially, the company is unable to guarantee garments complaint
with EU standards.FindingsIt was found that, taking the companie
s’ overall ratings into consideration, there was negligible diffe
rence among suppliers. Consequently, the committee decided to nar
row their focus to the areas considered to be major importance fo
r QuayWest’s range, namely quality and price.Consort Trading
Despite offering the best deal financially, the company is unabl
e to guarantee garments complaint with EU standards.Smokovska
Although it produces goods of an extremely high qu
ality for exclusive markets, this supplier charges high price, pa
rt of which would necessarily be passed on to customers.Namlong S
portwear The poor standards of craftsmanship make it difficul
t to justify paying the price quoted.Shiva Trading
Sample items from this supplier show an acceptable level. Further
more, the deals currently on offer make it an attractive option.H
ai Xin Group There are some doubts as to whether garm
ents produced by this company would meet EU standards. In view of
this, the prices appear un reasonably high.Recommendations It ma
kes relevant and practical suggestions on the basis of the conclu
sions made in report. A suitable recommendation must be: ◎Logical
; ◎relevant; ◎ComprehensiveRecommendation 1: It is therefore re
commended that we ⅰ refurbish the showrooms into a futuristic sho
pping settingⅱ provide more car parking spaceⅲ reconsider our sto
cking channelsⅳ reconsider our pricing strategiesⅴ enhance our co
rporate image by intensive advertising.Recommendation 2:Therefore
I would like to make the following recommendations for your refe
rence:1.The Company should consult with reliable auditing company
before entering into any negotiation with ABC Company.2. The Com
pany should undertake a further survey to determine the trend of
the economical and financial situation in the Middle East.3. Once
the Company decides to make investment into ABC Company , a writ
ten memo should be sent to our partners to declare that we just
make an investment that doesn’t indicate that we agree with any e
mployment of children.2. FINDINGS2.1 Distribution DifficultiesMr.
Zhang, the area Manager in China, has reported distribution diff
iculties in the south of the country, an area affected by floods
in the last few months. There have been 22 truck breakdowns, resu
lting in complaints about poor delivery times. On the other hand,
there have been no problems with delivery times in the north. In
fact, there is evidence that the warehouse there is over stocked
and over-manned.2.2 PaymentsAnother problem which the Area Manag
er has reported is difficulty obtaining prompt payment for goods
delivered. The annual accounts indicates that $25,000 was owned t
o the company at the end of the year. Small customers are largely
to blame. In two cases, customers have gone bankrupt and this ha
s resulted in bad debts of $45,000.Exercise: based on the finding
s below, write logical conclusions and make appropriate recommend
ations to complete the report below2.3 Production ProblemsThe Dis
trict Manager, Mr. Li has reported production problems in the wes
t of the country, an area which has been affected by water supply
shortage during the past years and most severely early this year
. There have been daily stoppages, leading to production falling
30 percentage below target. In the east, however, there is eviden
ce that the factory has over capacity since they were 15% above t
arget.2.4 Personnel ProblemsMr. Kang the human Resources Manager
reported difficulty in recruitment. Evidence of this can be foun
d in the personnel budget in which $10,000 was allocated for job
advertisements. Low salary rates are largely to blame. For exampl
e, maintenance and electrical technicians are paid only US$100 pe
r month on average.Sample 1 : investigation reportTo: Mike Johnso
n, Sales ManagerFrom: Sarah LeeDate: October 9, 2008Subject: Sale
s Performance of the Shanghai BranchFollowing your instruction, w
e examined the cause of the decline in sales of Shanghai Branch.
We visited the office and most of their major customers there. Th
is is my finding.Finding1. Some of the major customers in Shangha
i have closed down, and some have moved to other area.2. Other cu
stomers are planning to move to new Suzhou or Wuxi as business th
ere is booming and they can enjoy favorable policy from the local
government there.3. The Shanghai Office has not kept an up-to-da
te mailing list for sending circulars to existing customers who h
ave moved, or potential customers moving in.4. The customers I vi
sited were interested in more advanced air-conditioning system in
stead of the traditional model we supply them with at present.Con
clusion1. A more favorable after-sales mix is needed to keep our
customers there.2. An up-to-date circulars list should be made.3.
The supply needs adjustment as to replace the present a part of
model with new ones.Recommendation1. A traveling sales representa
tive is positioned in Shanghai as this personnel will keep contac
t with customers who have moved out of Shanghai but may still pur
chase our goods.2. Shanghai Branch needs technical support in dea
ling with information or data sorting.3. Replacement should be ma
de in supply with latest models.Sample 2:routine reportA routine
report is a report regularly or irregularly presented to upper ma
nagement on the sales, production or other aspects of business.An
ordinary routine report is always developed in this way:1. start
ing with a summary of the latest development as an introduction;2
. presentation of major problem ;3. discussion on the problem pre
sented;4. conclusion made based on the discussion5. recommendatio
n or evaluation if there is any.To: Georage Miller, General Direc
torFrom: Jeffery Kahn, Sales DirectorSubject: Drop on the First Q
uarterly SalesIntroductionThe sales of the first quarter this yea
r dropped 24 % than the same period last year. Last year, the fir
st quarterly sales reached $ 12m. and this year the sales were$ 9
.7m. Almost all the sales staff were hit by the slow market.Sales
FiguresOur most important markets are in the North, West and Cen
tral regions. The sales in these regions make up two thirds of o
ur whole sales. This is their first quarter sales:Region
Goal Sales Actual SalesThe North
3.4 2.1The West
3.6 3.2The Central
4.7 3.5Causes of DropWe attr
ibute the drop to :a) The global warming weather. This can be tak
en into account on the matter drop on sales. Our major products i
n the above regions are water-heating units and they used to sell
well in the first quarter as the weather there was coldest in Ja
nuary.b) The pressing market competition. As the heating products
market has got full with so many competitors’ products it was ve
ry tough to maintain sales at the level of lat year. Take the Wes
t region for example, there are at least seven other major brands
of water heating systems.ConclusionThe market is slow but compet
ition is pressing. Even our sales dropped there is still evidence
showing that our products still have a good share as we have had
many established clients and distributors. If we could provide s
trong support and better after sales service we might survive the
overstressing market competition.But it seems the global weather
has the warming trend and we should shift our products to more t
ypes to adjust to the trend.Recommendationa) A comprehensive prom
otion campaign is needed. b)Seminars should be held for our esta
blished distributors and clients so they can be informe
d of our latest development in the products, and that will resul
t in better sales.c) After-sales team should be strengthened with
more favorable measures and skilled –in-communication staffd) Ne
w range of products should be developed.Recommendationa) A compre
hensive promotion campaign is needed. b)Seminars should be held
for our established distributors and clients so they ca
n be informed of our latest development in the products, and tha
t will result in better sales.c) After-sales team should be stren
gthened with more favorable measures and skilled –in-communicatio
n staffd) New range of products should be developed.Exercises1.Yo
ur company would like to break into a new overseas market with yo
ur new range of sports goods. You have been asked by the Marketin
g Director to investigate ways of doing this.Write a report of 20
0-250 words for the managing Director, including the following i
nformation:●How you carried out your research into the market●The
existing competition●Your target customers●Ways of promoting the
products in the new market.2. Your company opened a new branch
a year ago and the Managing Director at Head Office has asked you
to prepare a report on its progress. Write your report for the
Managing Director, including the following information:The reason
s for opening the branchIts successesProblem experiencedPlans for
OUR POLISH SUBSIDIARY It has been a year now since our
subsidiary call de “alpha” opened its doors in Varsaw before poi
nting out its success, the problems faced and the plans for the c
oming year, let me remind you the reasons for its opening.REASONS
FOR OPENING In fact, here was only one main reason for choos
ing to settle down in Poland: reducing labor costs rates. Indeed,
our activity as cosmetics producers require a lot of staff, and
labor costs are much cheaper in Poland than in Swizerland.SUCCESS
ES Knowing this aim, we decided to go on. We managed to build
a brand new factory on time, and the line works. That was our gre
ater success: being able to respect the opening date and to produ
ce efficiently.PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED But, we met difficulties
in two areas: ---transportation: the roads’ network in Poland
is not so good and time spent on transportation is higher than p
redicted ---staff: we still have a lot to learn about staff’
s culture and expectations.PLANS FOR THE COMING YEAR Our plan
for the coming year is mainly to improve the above mentioned poin
ts as production is running quite well). Therefore, we will study
the opportunities of buying a few lorries (not to depend on othe
rs for delivery). We will also organize seminars for both local s
taff and overseas managers, to understand each other better.?
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity for this repor
t to invite the top management for visit of alpha, whenever they
want.ProposalBackground- information of Proposal Proposal is an o
ffer to do something or a suggestion for action. Proposals are wr
itten documents designed to obtain business and are a critical p
art of many business. The general purpose of a proposal is to per
suade readers to improve conditions, authorize work on a project,
accept a service, support a plan, etc. Proposal may be solicited
or unsolicited.A solicited proposal is generated when a potentia
l buyer submits exact specifications or needs in a request for p
roposal.An unsolicited proposal is prepared by an individual or f
irm who sees a problem to be solved and submits a proposal to do
so.The most important point to remember about proposals is that t
hey are persuasive in nature. It emphasizes benefits for the read
er, demonstrates your advantages by detailing your expertise and
accomplishments, and makes it easy for the reader to understand.B
asic Parts of ProposalsProposal can be presented in the format of
letter, memorandum report or formal report. The general parts of
proposals may contain the following:1. Introduction (problem, pu
rpose, scope)2. Body (method, procedure, materials, personnel or
equipment)3. Conclusion (summary)4. RecommendationSample : The s
ales proposal( addressed to clients and offering a service or pro
duct.)As a follow-up to our discussion of the need for training i
n the area of oral and interpersonal communication for your super
visory and middle management personnel, I am pleased to present t
he following proposal.The problemManagement has perceived a need
for improved communication performance on the part of supervisory
and middle-management personnel to strengthen relationships betw
een them and their subordinates.A proposed Course of InstructionB
ased on our experience, the following broad concept should be eff
ective in producing better understanding and improved performance
:Teaching-learning MethodThe acquisition of interpersonal skills
results from an activity-oriented training program in which stude
nts have an opportunity to apply theory through role playing, cas
e discussion, and critical feedback.In this approach, the instruc
tor is a learning facilitator than a lecturer. Frequent use of ou
r video playback accompanied by instructor and group feedback rei
nforce learning.ContentThe following topics constitute the conten
t core of the program:1. perception and self-concept;2. a positiv
e communication climate;3. Sending skills;4. received skills5. no
nverbal skills 6. reducing communication barriersLearning Materia
ls Because students seem to feel more comfortable when they have
a textbook to guide them, we use the Interact. Additionally, case
-problem handouts are provided for role and discussion.Length of
CourseThe course consists of twelve 2-hour sessions over a six-we
ek period.Number of ParticipantsBecause of the activity orientati
on of the program, a maximum of 12 students is desirable.CostAll
teaching-learning materials will be provided by us and include te
xtbooks, handouts, video camera and playback equipment. Based on
a 12-session, 12-participant program, the total cost is $1,800. w
hen two courses are offered on the same days, the total cost is $
3,300.Should you like to discuss implementation of the program, I
will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience.Sincerely,S
ituationThe international organization you work for is considerin
g the possibility of producing a promotional brochure to publiciz
e the company abroad. The Managing Director has asked you to writ
e a contribution for this brochure.Write your proposal for the Ma
naging Director, including the following information:Possible con
tents of the brochure;Ways to make it attractive;Benefits the bro
chure could have for the company.sampleThis proposal is for the p
ossibility of producing a promotional brochure to publicize the c
ompany abroad.With globalization and living in the new IT age we
have to make known our company in the international market.The fo
llowing contents are recommended for the brochure.●brief introduc
tion of the company history●range of existing and possible new pr
oducts ●web site address●list of our clients and business associa
tes●addresses of our offices located worldwide●sales email contac
ts/customer services emails contact for interested parties who ha
s inquiry about our products.We could incorporate more colors and
pictures of our products, factory, offices etc in the brochure.
To further enhance its attractiveness we could also attached a CD
which will also contain the same information as the brochure and
ends with a video clip of the company product-factory processes.
We could also consider offering discount or free samples for int
erested parties who will visit our websites address.This brochure
will have a good publicity for the company and most importantly
it will create awareness of the company’s existence and our range
of products and services. I hope you could kindly consider the p
roposal recommended. Situation 2 The sales director of your compa
ny wants to improve customer service and believes that this can b
e achieved by extending the opening hours of the Sales Department
. He asks you to write a proposal concerning improvements in the
customer service.Write a proposal for the Sales Director:●Summari
zing current problems concerning customer service●Evaluating the
Sales Director’s suggestion●Presenting one or two other measures
which could be taken●Giving reasons for your preferred course of
action.SampleAs it has been decided that changes in the customer
service of the company ought to be made, the following points are
brought up for attention:1. Existing customer service is inadequ
ate because:a. It is too slow in the attention to the client and,
b. Very often erroneous information is given to the client.Summar
izing there is an evident waste of time.2. Extending opening hour
s of the Sales Department, as suggested by the Sales Director wil
l solve the problem only partially due to the fact thata. Not suf
ficient clients need the service during after-hours, andb. The ro
ot of the problem springs from the initial delay the customer gen
erally has to suffer.3. Additional measures that should be studie
d for possible approval are:3.1 Passing phone enquiries directly
to a call center3.2 Training junior salesman in customer service
policy of the company.4. The selection of the above listed measur
es is based on the following information gathered from the market
ing department and Personnel Departments as well as from a consid
erable amount of data obtained directly from the client and which
pinpoint the following flaws:4.1 Clients who telephone the compa
ny complain regularly of the excessive time they are kept hanging
on the line until someone attends them.4.2 Another regular compl
aint from clients is that junior salesman are often unfamiliar or
doubtful as to the after sales guaranty and services to which th
ey are entitled when they have purchased one of our products.It s
eems obvious that junior salesmen are not getting sufficient trai
ning and that a possible special training programme for them woul
d solve the problem in a short time and with little additional ex
penditure. Chapter 6 Advertisement ● Background information of Ad
vertisement● Standards of Effective Advertisement● Features of A
dvertisement● Writing Techniques of AdvertisementBackground infor
mationAdvertisement (definition given by the American Marketing a
ssociation) is the non-personal communication of information usua
lly paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, ser
vices or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.N
o one doubts that advertisement is playing a very important role
in business, which helps promoting market, reaching out to custom
ers and investing, as well as providing information.Listen to th
e passage and identify the essential points in advertising.The mo
dern trend in advertisement is marked by more personal tone. A go
od advertisement tries to represent the offer from the point of v
iew of the buyer, not the seller.A good advertisement consists of
four essential elements:Types of AdvertisementProduct advertisem
entService advertisementJob advertisementBusiness advertisementSt
andards of Effective AdvertisementA good advertisement may take
any form, but it must succeed in its planned objective. To be abl
e to accomplish this, the message has to be:1. Appealing to the p
rospective customers. The appeal of an advertisement is the speci
al significant benefit the product will provide.2. Informative an
d motivating. An effective ad should contain all the customers wa
nt to know about the product.3. Capable of instant and complete u
nderstanding by the audience addressed. The copy should be clear
and apparent and enable the readers to understand at a glance.4.
Believable and impressive. To meet the above requirement, a co
py writer must do solidgroundwork, making investigations, doing e
xtensive research and collecting data before focusing on his adve
rtising.(1). The producta. Its makerb. All facts and figures abou
t the product. How is it made? The specifications, the special fe
atures, the functions, and how does it perform? A successful exa
mple is an ad which gives prominence to the special feature of th
e product.c. What advantages the product may offer to the custome
r and how to improve them.(2). The marketWhat language is suitabl
e. English is an international language but it is not so to certa
in markets. In certain areas, two or three languages are necessar
y. For daily consumer goods, it is better to add the national lan
guage in the copy.b. The preference and prohibitions. Different m
arkets may have different preferences regarding design and color.
Various religions or social customs may entail prohibitions of t
he use of certain colors or design.c. The relevant laws and regul
ations. The copywriter must make sure that the wording of picture
does not violate the local customs and regulations.(3). The pros
pective customer. The copywriter has to know as much as possible
the prospective customers and their wishes, so that he may select
the right appeal to induce them to buy.(4). The competitive prod
ucts and advertising. Find out about the strong and the weak poin
ts of the competitive products.Features of Advertisement1.Brief a
nd concise2.Fresh and original3.Persuasive in nature4.Customer-or
iented5.Positive in tone6.Conversational7.Adopting rhetorical dev
isesAppealing approachThe approach of a copy is depending on the
way copywriter says what he has to say ---- to say the product in
a fresh way, to explore its possible effect upon the reader, exp
lain the product’s advantages in a way that causes the reader to
view the product with new understanding and appreciation.a. The f
actual approach: just write the facts about the product and its p
roducer. But the facts should be presented in an attractive way.b
. The emotional approach: people often want to buy product for th
e satisfaction and joy to be experienced from their use and would
like to know how their lives can be enriched through this produc
t.Components of AdvertisementAn advertisement usually is composed
of these components: Headline, Lead-in paragraph, Body copy, Sig
nature, Slogan, Logo, Illustration. As this course is centered on
writing skill development, only the headline, Lead-in, Body copy
and slogan are to be discussed. Headline 1. Types of headlinea.
Presenting a new benefit. The moment of peak interest in a produc
t is when it first offers a new benefit. Example: Sumsung micro
-cooker saves you from boring kitchen routines.(三星微波炉广告) Our n
ewest design is made of rain-and –stain –resisting cloth.(服装广告)b.
Directly promising an existing benefit. Products cannot offer n
ew benefits all the time, so the headline often reminds the custo
mers of existing features about their products. Example: The F
irst Ever, The Last You’ll Ever Need. (精工手表)c. Curiosity-invoking
and provocative headlines. Example: What kind of Man Reads P
layboy? (杂志的广告) A Word to Wealthy(花旗银行的广告) Graphics Design
ers Dilemma…(三星产品广告)d. Selective headline. Readers scanning a p
ublication are more likely to read an ad that seems to concern t
hem personally, rather than one that talks to a broad audience. S
elective headline is addressed to a specific group of readers.
Example: To all college seniors. Will one of The
se Be Yours?2. Tips for headline designa. reach out to readers wi
th what they are most interested in.b. put the name of traders if
possible.c. employ the device that can arouse people’s curiosity
successfully.d. in medium lengthe. keep free of clichéf. use eas
y and short wordsLead-in paragraph and bodyIt is not a mere shift
ing from headline to body copy, it is a summing-up of the whole c
opy. Readers can read the main idea of the copy at reading the pa
ragraph. Body functions as a specific or more exact explanation t
o the headline. The Association of National Advertising of the U
SA has got the purpose of advertising summed up into ACCA-awarene
ss<认识>,comprehension<理解>,conviction<说服>,action<行动>.When a product
is newly marketed, a copy of the advertisement can make it known
by customers, who, if getting interested, will want to know more
and then may be convinced by the information given by the copy a
nd then pay for it. The headline and the lead-in paragraph have d
rawn the attention of readers, then it is the body-copy’s job to
make readers know more exact and specific about the product as we
ll as keep the attention not distracted. sloganSlogan is intended
to project a concept on target customers and build up the image
of product, service or company by continual use. It can be put in
anywhere in the advertisement, and be in use over a long period.
1. Things go better with Coca Cola. 常饮可口可乐,万事可心2. Making life
a little sweeter. 玛斯巧克力,生活更甜蜜。 3. Feel the new space. ——SUM
SUNG 感受新境界。 4. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。 5
. A great way to fly. ——Singapore Airline 新加坡航空,一路顺风。 6. G
ood to the last drop. ——Maxwell 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。 7. You’ll feel
good about it. ——Water Pik Lipstick 你的感觉一定好。 8. A world sp
ecial with an enjoyment beyond all your words. ——Natural Coco
Juice 世界首创,中国一绝。 5. A great way to fly. ——Singapore Airli
ne 新加坡航空,一路顺风。 6. Good to the last drop. ——Maxwell 滴滴香浓
,意犹未尽。 7. You’ll feel good about it. ——Water Pik Lipstick
你的感觉一定好。 8. A world special with an enjoyment beyond all your wor
ds. ——Natural Coco Juice 世界首创,中国一绝。 Rhetorical devices fo
r advertising 1. Puns Examples: a. From sharp mind, come Shar
p products. (by Sharp) b. You will go nuts for the nuts you get
in Nux.(坚果广告)2. Rhyme(alliteration and rhyme) Examples: a. C
lean your breath while it cleans your teeth. (by P&G for Colgate,
a toothpaste) b. Export fair set for foreign-funded firms.(博览会广
告) c. One man''s disaster is another man''s delight.(削价售货广告) d. M
ost Spacious and Luxurious.(汽车广告) e. Go for the sun and fun. (旅
游广告)3. Abnormal spelling Examples: a. Quicktionary ( for an
electronic dictionary) b. Frrresh! (for cake) c. Ezyrub (fo
r?) d. The Orangemostest Drink in the world. e. Come to ou
r Fruice. ( fruit + juice) 4. Parallelism Example: No more
sore feet, no more crowed stores, no more endless shopping lists
. With just one phone call, you can wrap up all your holiday shop
ping by giving Newsweek as a gift to your family and friends.( by
Newsweek)5. Antithesis/contrast Examples: a. Once tasted, al
ways loved. (一旦品尝,爱之终生) b. Lose ounces. Save pounds. (失去几盎司,省下
数英磅) c. Double delicious. Double your pleasure. (双重美味,双重愉)
d. A contemporary classic. A timeless timepiece. (当代经典产品,永久计时装置)
6. Parody a. Not all cars are created equal.(三菱汽车广告) b. Qu
ality breeds success.(福特汽车广告) c. Give me Green World,or give
me yesterday. (绿世界牌系列晚霜广告)7. Personification a. It’s for your
lifetime.(你人生的伴侣。) b. Time will tell. (时间是会作证的。) c. Flower
s by interflow speak from the heart. (鲜花是发自内心的表达。) d. The worl
d smiles with Reader’s Digest. (《读者文摘》给世人带来欢乐。) e. Unlike me,
my Rolex never needs a rest. (劳力士手表广告)8. Hyperbole a. The Only
Sound You’ll Hear Is Praise b. for 25 years, we’ve been flyin
g to only one destination-EXCELLENCESuggestions for advertisement
writing1. Use simple verbs and simple adjectives. Simple verb
s and simple adjectives are usually of monosyllable words and mos
t commonly used, so they are likely much familiar to most readers
of customers.2. Use compound words. As a compound word usuall
y can function as a sentence, it carries more information and ach
ieves a better impression. Example: a. It is user-friendly, po
llution-free and easy-to-carry. b. The Self-Made woman.
She’s living better all the time. c. Take-it-easy terry, v
ery comfortable priced.3. “I” tone draws your near to your copy.
For example: I’ve replaced 1,453 diapers, and 18 babysitters,
but never the bulb since I became a dad two years ago.(灯泡的广告)4. E
lliptical sentence or simple sentence is not a rare sight in a co
py. Examples: a. The hotel best facilitated and full entertain
ment service. (a hotel copy) b. Bridging the distance.( teleco
mmunication service copy) c. Born to run. (Car’s copy)5. Numer
als tell more. Examples: a. Do you know when you can save
35%, or eve 60 %, on out-of-state phone calls? b. “Phone Thing
” Has all the answers when it comes to saving money on calls.
____ Bell System6
. Loan words can help to add some glamour or colours to the adver
tisement Example: This is a real la cusine from the sun-shone
south part of France. Cosmetics should be , definitely, brough
t to be associated to French tone. So it not a rare case that peo
ple can find French words such as beau, crème in the copies of co
smetics.Sample 1Dear Dad, Just got back from my Dow interview
. It sounds like my kind of research, Finding new ways to g
row more food, Ways to help sick people, I’m going to go fo
r it, Dad. And I’m Going to try to make you proud.
Love, David Dow lets you do
great things.Sample 2
The First Ever, The L
ast You’ll Ever Nee
d.The first and only quartz watch to generate and store electrica
l energythrough naturehuman movement.Needs no battery.Perpetually
accurate, totally reliable.Environment friendly.Exclusive from S
Kinetic Someday all watches will be ma
de this way.Sample 3 You can’t Xerox a Xerox
on a Xerox But we don’t mind at all if you copy a copy o
n a Xerox copier. In fact, we prefer it. Because the Xerox tradem
ark should only identify products made by us. Like Xerox copiers
and Xerox printing systems. As a trademark, the term Xer
ox should always be used as an adjective, followed by a noun. And
it is never used as a verb. Of course, helping us protect our tr
ademark also helps you. Because you will continue to get what you
’re actually asking for, and not an inferior copy.
Xerox the Document CompanySample 4
Presses Out The Iron Age
The Magic Steam Press reduces Ironing time
By as much as 50%The Sing
er Magic Steam Press will give you garments an instant, fresh-fro
m-the-cleaners look.An innovation in household ironing, it has a
pressing surface ten times the size of most handheld irons and pr
essure over100 Lbs. the Magic Steam Press provides exactly what y
ou want---ease, speed and professional results.● Burst of Steam f
eatures for stubborn wrinkles.● Easy one-hand operation, either s
itting or standing.● Variable temperature control adjusts tempera
ture according to fabric selected.● Portable and easy to store.●
Protects fine fabric.● Huge ironing pad surface.● 100lbs, of even
ironing pressure.● Automatic safely shut-off.
1140 years i
SINGERSinger’s worldwide retail and distri
bution system covers over 100 countries.Exercises1.TranslationA:
please translate the slogans into Chinese1. Takes the “lug” out l
uggage.2. Taste without waist.3. The driver is safer when the roa
d is dry. The road is safer when the driver is dry.4. To sell mil
lions, tell million.5. To the host it is half empty, to the guest
it is half full.B: please translate the slogans into English.1.
空间大,功能全。(并列)2. 银色外壳,轻巧灵便。(头韵)3. 连续运转,永不言歇。(对比)4. 1500分钟的自由通话,百万富翁
般的感受。(比喻)2. Please devise a title for the ad for lipstick and the
n put it into Chinese.Poets speak of lips that are warm soft and
moist.Most lipstick ads about ravishing Red and Pizzicato Pink.Th
e poets make more sense than the ads.That’s why Germaine Monteil
created Acti-Vita Emollient lipsticks. To bring poetic softness a
nd moisture to your lips along with high fashion color and glass.
3. Please complete the slogan with the help of the following hint
, Guaranteed.4. Situational writingTravel Weekly是一份报纸,请根据宣传广告的大意,
写一则英文广告。Travel Weekly是非常有影响力的出版物,在日星月异的市场上,只有它能为工业界的邻导者们提供所有的旅游资讯
。若想成就事业,就先投资订购Travel Weekly吧。Chapter 8 Corporate ProfileObjective
s● Nature of corporate profile● Essentials in corporate profile●
Tips for corporate profile writing ●Background Information
A company profile is meant to deliver corporate strength and oppo
rtunities to customers so as to reinforce or launch a favorable i
mage among the regular or potential customers. Accordingly, it is
rather an image seller than a product seller, thus a promotional
genre of text, helping the potential customers to understand the
company’s business as well as to understand its approach, unique
strengths, and relevant experience. To be specific, Company prof
ile can be used as a means of establishing a company’s credibilit
y; and as a sales tool at trade shows or in mailings to prospects
. Components of Corporate profile The schematic structure of com
pany profilesa: who we areThe establishment time, location, produ
cts/services, foreign investment, etc.b: what we doMachinery and
technology used, production experience, Number of staff, how orde
rs are handled.c: quality controlQuality certifications, quality
control procedures, monthly output, countries/regions served, awa
rds or certificationsd: closingCorporate value and contact inform
ationGuideline for Corporate Profile*objective;*reader-friendly;*
artistic.Factors Affecting the Draft of Corporate Profile*medium*
length*audience targeted*purposeCriteria for the effectiveness of
corporate profileI. In terms of content: emotional appeal and ra
tional appealAn effective profile is both emotionally appealing a
nd rationally trustworthy.An emotional appealing profile attracts
, pleases and stimulates targeted audience by creating kind of co
nsumption situation that people are familiar with to raise people
’s positive sensory experience. Example : Whether you are a stude
nt in the United States enjoying a refreshing coco-cola, a woman
in Italy taking a tea break, a child in Peru asking for a juice d
rink, or a couple in Korea buying bottled water after a run toget
her, we’re there for you.(Coca-Cola).Emotional appeal may enhance
attractiveness of a company profile but may not persuade people
to trust the company. It is essential to use logic, proof, and st
atistics to convince people.Rational appealing profile emphasizes
logic, economy or utility in company profiles. Proofs and facts
help establish an objective tone so that it may effectively convi
nce people the market value and prestige of a certain company. Ex
ample 2: For more than 125 years, GE has been admired for its per
formance and imaginative spirit. Today, we are 11 technology, ser
vices and financial businesses with more than 300,000 employees i
n 160 countries around the world.(GE)II. In terms of communicativ
e perspective:1.Outsider-oriented profilesExample 1: Haier Americ
a, founded in 1999,is the U.S. Sales &Marketing division of the i
nternational Haier Group.Example 2: In 2004, for the fourth conse
cutive year, GM set industry sales records in the United States,
its largest market, for total trucks, pickup trucks and sport uti
lity vehicles.2.Addresser-orientedExample 1: We’re a global team
of more than 62,000 people, organized into three global segments-
consumer tissue, personal care and business-to-business-who share
a passion for finding new ways to improve people’slives.(Kimberl
y-Clark)Example 2: Lenovo. New World, New Thinking. Lenovo strive
s to be a new world company that makes award-winning PCs for our
customers. We operate as a company uninhibited by walls or organi
zational structures using worldsourcing to harness the power of i
nnovation across our global team. We design innovative and exciti
ng products and services to meet our customers’ needs.3.Addressee
-oriented Example: Your life is simpler and more relaxing, whethe
r you’re watching TV, adjusting the lighting in your bedroom, cle
aning your teeth, listening to music or simply making your coffee
in the morning.(Philips) ①For more than 125 years, GE has been a
dmired for its performance and imaginative spirit.②The businesses
that we invent and build fuel the global economy and improve peo
ple’s lives.③Today, we are 11 technology, services and financial
businesses with more than 300,000 employees in 160 countries arou
nd the world.④What unifies us?⑤ Our Actions and Values.⑥What we d
o and how we work is distinctly GE.⑦It’s a way of thinking and wo
rking that has grounded our performance for decades.⑧It’s a way o
f talking about our work and ourselves that takes the best from o
ur past and expresses it in the spirit and language of GE today.(
GE)III. In terms of language:Effective company profiles are featu
red with appealing words, effective sentences and readable paragr
aphs. Short, concrete, reader-friendly words are easy to follow.
Sentence varieties and short paragraphs enhance the readability o
f a company profile. In sum, with controlled paragraph length ,de
scriptive headings and questions, profiles can be more readable
and thus more effective.1)Informative: it provides the customers
what they want to know2)Appropriate :the reader feels comfortable
with the content, vocabulary, tone. It should not confuse foreig
n customers by some typical expressions.3)Well-written: the langu
age is grammatical and correctly spelled.4)Clear: it is consisten
t, unambiguous and easy tounderstand.5)Concise: it uses straightf
orward language to state this information as economical as possib
le.6)Effective: it leaves a deep impression or strong impact on f
oreign customers.English corporate profiles are more flexible on
structures. Enterprises intend to show their characteristics thro
ugh different structures. Some enterprises even give their inform
ation in charts and tables, which are clearer, while others use l
ong sentences to introduce themselves. Therefore, a specific inst
ance cannot be used to illustrate the basic move structure of Eng
lish corporate profiles. Exercise Please read the two sample pro
files on page 201 closely and study their language features compa
ratively. Chinese Corporate profile VS English Corporate Profile
Comparative analysis of Chinese and English profiles Comparati
ve analysis of Chinese and English profiles Sample a:Dow combines
the power of science and technology with the “Human Element” to
passionately innovate what is essential to human progress. The Co
mpany connects chemistry and innovation with the principles of su
stainability to help address many of the world''s most challenging
problems such as the need for clean water, renewable energy gene
ration and conservation, and increasing agricultural productivity
. Dow''s diversified industry-leading portfolio of specialty chemi
cal, advanced materials, agrosciences and plastics businesses del
ivers a broad range of technology-basedproducts and solutions to
customers in approximately 160 countries and in high growth secto
rs such as electronics, water, energy, coatings and agriculture.
In 2009, Dow had annual sales of $45 billion and employed approxi
mately 52,000 people worldwide. The Company''s more than 5,000 pro
ducts are manufactured at 214 sites in 37 countries across the gl
obe. References to "Dow" or the "Company" mean The Dow Chemical C
ompany and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise express
ly noted. More information about Dow can be found at www.dow.com.
Sample b: Xinghuacun Xinghuacun (literal meaning: Apricot-Bloss
om Village)is a group company with little time to look back these
days. Growth and changes are coming at a rapid pace as we adapt
to the enormous opportunities in the 21st Century liquor marketpl
ace. But that doesn’t mean there’s little past accomplishment.
In fact, it is precisely Fenjiu Liquor’s long and proud record o
f achievement that serves as a foundation and inspiration for our
future. Fenjiu Liquor is a spirit distilled in Fenyang. It fir
st appeared 3000 years ago and has undergone three thriving perio
ds in Chinese history. As early as 1500 years ago, Fenjiu Liquo
r demonstrated its first glamour, when it was praised by the empe
ror as Royal Liquor in the North Dynasty. In the Late Tang Dyna
sty(1200 years ago),Fenjiu Liquor was more famous than ever befor
e because of a poem“ The Rain of Qingming ”(see the note below),w
hich says“I ask a cowherd if I can find an inn nearby; he points
to Xinghuacun, the Apricot-Blossom Village far away.”From then on
, Xinghuacun has become a synonymous with Fenjiu Liquor that is f
ull of aroma and mellowness. In 1915,Fenjiu Liquor won a Gold M
edal at Panama Pacific International Exposition, which led to its
international fame. Today, Fenyang-headquartered Xinghuacun Fe
njiu Group has grown into a RMB 2 billion business that employs 7
000 people, produces 50,000 tons of liquor a year and brings out
a sale of RMB 1 billion and an export of $20 million. As we tak
e our liquor products to the next level of development, we are br
oadening our strong market presence by a wide array of liquor inn
ovation, brand promotion and technological advancement. The resul
t is a re-energized and determined liquor industry giant that aim
s at bringing consumers exciting drinking experiences. Events:
1999:Earned ISO-9001 International Standard Quality System Auth
entication 1988:Earned China Quality System Accreditation 196
3-1988:Earned the title National Famous Liquor for 6 times 1952
:Earned the title Top Four Liquor in China Comparative analysis o
f Chinese and English profiles
企 业 简 介甘南藏族自治州是甘肃省乃至全国的主要牧区之一,畜牧业是全州的支柱产业,有广阔的草场、优良的牧
创事业辉煌!Exercises 1.Please translate the following Chinese profile
into English. 上海外语教育出版社(简称外教社)是我国最大、最权威的外语出版基地之一。自1979年建社以来,外教社
书、读物、外语教材、社会英语用书、专业英语图书、学术刊物和电子出版物等。English versionFounded in Dec
ember 1979, the Shanghai Foreign language Education Press (SFLEP)
has grown to become one of the largest and most celebrated forei
gn language publishing bases in China. With its commitment to pro
moting foreign language education in China, SFLEP has published a
large number of high-quality and innovative books for foreign la
nguage learners and teachers in China. It has been awarded the ho
nor of “Model Press” by the General Administration of Press and p
ublication of theP.R. China and the honor of “ Advanced Universit
y Press” by the Ministry of Education. It has also received the “
Shanghai Model Enterprise” award from the Shanghai Municipal Gove
rnment .Its main publications include foreign language textbooks
for institutions of higher learning and all other levels of schoo
ls, teaching and learning reference books , academic works, dicti
onaries and periodicals, materials for teaching Chinese as a fore
ign language and electronic publications.English versionDongfeng
Automobile Corporation Founded in 1969, Dongfeng Automobile C
orporation has been the national leader of truck manufacturing fo
r nearly 50 years. With headquarters in Xiangfan, Dongfeng today
has grown into a RMB 6.5 billion business with 9 subsidiary compa
nies.Dongfeng provides a lasting power for China’s economic devel
opment. In 2006, thirty thousand Dongfeng cars and trucks were so
ld under the following brands Xiaobawang and Jinba. We have put o
n the market more than 250,000 units of light trucks since 1993.D
ongfeng cars and trucks have been tested in many historical event
s. In 1999, Dongfeng trucks were used to carry guided missiles fo
rming a square matrix in the parade on the celebration of China’s
50th birthday. In 1997, on Hong Kong’s return to China Dongfeng
Trucks crossed the Golden Horse Bridge and drove into the Hong Ko
ng Special Administrative Region. It was also tested in the battl
efield in the late 1970s.Our performance earned us reputation and
awards. In 2003,we were one of the Top Ten Honest Enterprises in
China, and in 2002 we were ranked among China’s Top 100 Competit
ive Enterprises. Bain Consulting Firm, a subsidiary of Fortune
magazine ranked us as one of the eight listed companies with sust
ainable profit growth in China. We understand that our success in
the past is but the start of a new journey. Dongfeng Automobile
looks to new sustainable growth with advanced technology and qual
ity products.We care about every vehicle and every customer, and
we will live up to the promise. Chapter 8 Resume & CV Learning Ob
jectives★Know background knowledge of resume, application ;★Know
the writing techniques of them.Resume Background Information of R
esumeThere is not a standard format for a resume. A resume of an
experienced executive would be quite different from that of a gra
duate. There are three types of resumes for the applicants to cho
ose from: basic resume(学生简历) (with the most basic information suc
h as education, experience and general personal information), chr
onological resume(经历简历) (arranged in accordance with the order of
time), and functional resume(功能简历) (based on certain particular
skills for certain purposes). Each format has various advantages
and disadvantages, depending on the different background and purp
ose of the applicant.Basic resume is often used by graduate with
little experience. In basic resume, applicants should focus on “E
ducation” section which includes degree, major, university, depar
tment, date, main courses, special selective, scholarship, honors
, certification, and skills.2. Chronological resume is the most p
opular resume used by the applicants with work experiences. This
resume should wrap up a work objective which reflects both one’s
work experience and his professional goals. The work experience s
ection should list one’s employment history in time order which w
ill include the names of former employers, post, employment dates
followed by a brief description of accomplishments, skills, and
responsibilities.3. Functional resume is used by individuals maki
ng a significant career change or re-entering job market after a
lengthy absence. This resume should stress one’saccomplishments a
nd transferable skills in “Areas of Effectiveness” or “ Experienc
e ” section.Criteria of Effective Resume1. catch the reader’s att
ention2. persuade the reader of your benefits from the employer’s
perspective3. convince the reader with evidence4. move the reade
r to acquire the “product”Writing Techniques of Resume1. Contenta
. clearly communicate your competencies in relation to employers’
needsb. make statement with facts and figuresc. the principle of
honesty and integrity will be adhered2. Languagea. easy to under
standb. keep consistentc. positively toned rather than negatively
tonedd. don’t refer to oneself as “I”Instead of saying “I am ver
y communicative and perform well”, one would better use a phrase:
communicative and with good performance. Now you can see why phr
ases are preferable in resume writing now---not only because of b
riefness but also the efficiency to hide “I”.e. do check spelling
s, grammar, and punctuation3. Layouta. strongest point firstOne s
hould state his strongest point in the starting place to highligh
t his “selling point”b. do not keep the resume cramped and crowed
c. get it properly sizedOne page is the ideal length for a resume
.Basic Components of ResumeHeadingContract informationWork Object
iveEducationWork ExperienceSpecial SkillsExercises1. Read the Edw
ards Green’s information and then write “ Education” and “ Work E
xperience” section for Mr. Green’s resume. Edwards green, 45. rec
eived MBA(1992) from Belgium School of economics and has an under
graduate degree in Industrial Relations from London (1990). After
graduation he was junior financial assistant at KJD Manufacturin
g (1992 – 1997) where he gained experience in the development of
budgets, productivity analysis, financial research, and financial
report writing. At OPLA Company(1992 – 1997) he was in charge of
a large group of unionized employees and looked after marketing
plans from start to finish. In his present job at Insurance IYT C
orporation (1997 – 2007)he holds the position of project director
, where his duties are to take care of financial projects, apprai
se invoices, allocate resources, and exercise control over the bu
dget.Letter of Application Background Information of ApplicationY
ou should begin working on the application letter when you are hu
nting a job. Although employers invite you to send a resume, they
also expect you to include a letter of application. It is known
that a resume contains information related to the job’s requireme
nts and the applicant’s qualification, but what is the purpose of
a letter of application? A letter of application is based on the
resume and further interprets the resume in terms of employer be
nefits.Before you begin working on your application letter, you s
hould first identify what skills you posses and analyze your stre
ngths and your weaknesses in meeting the requirements of the job.
A well-written, brief and succinct application letter will defin
itely enhance your possibility of getting the job. However, to ac
hieve this involves great care as well as tactics. Try to avoid o
verused expressions, which will make your application dull and co
mmonplace. Only these of personalized content, of exceptional lan
guage and of attractive format will catch the would-be-employer’s
attention.Principles Governing the Writing of Application1. obje
ctive (Don’t praise oneself too much)2. relevant (Make sure the i
nformation is related to the post you are applying)3. confident (
Show you are suitable to the job)4. brief (A short and succinct o
ne-page letter is sufficient)Components of Letter of Application1
.purpose of writing (job vacancy and its information source); In
a solicited application, applicants should state the information
source of the position. While in an unsolicited application, one
usually raise the request directly on whether there is a vacancy
for the position.Example 1:Your advertisement for an experienced
efficient secretary in Shenzhen Evening News of March 1st interes
ted me because the position that you described exactly like the k
ind of job I am seeking.Example 2:I’m seeking a position in resea
rch and analysis of statistical and quantitative data. In order t
o get started in this career, I am writing to accept any position
where I can demonstrate my competence and move upward according
to my abilities.2.qualification (highlight one’s value to the emp
loyer); 3.request for interview; 4.contact information (address,
telephone number).The beginning part:Gain reader’s attention by e
xerting creativity and imagination in many ways. 1). To use a top
ic that shows understanding of the work to be done; 2). To make a
statement or ask a question that focuses attention on the reader
’s needs that the writer seeks to fill; 3). To mention your sourc
e of information.◆ The sales manager position advertised in the C
hicago Tribune on October 12 intrigues me. I believe you will fin
d me well-qualified.   ◆ Your October 30 advertisement in the Jac
kson Review calls for an administrative assistant with a backgrou
nd rich in a variety of administrative skills ,such as mine. ◆ I
am writing to inquire opportunities for computer programmers in y
our organization.◆ Are you currently seeking a security specialis
t to maintain or upgrade the security of your organization? If so
, I would like to apply for the position.The body:Present the fac
ts from 3 background areas: education, experience, and personal d
etails in accordance with the principle of “ strongest point firs
t”.◆I am presently a senior in good standing at New York Universi
ty, due to graduate in May. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degr
ee with a major in journalism and a minor in both Economics and E
nglish literature , proficient in both Word Perfect and Microsoft
Word for windows, and familiar with both IBM and Apple operatin
g systems. I am presently working as a research intern for the Ec
onomics Division of Trade Winds Publishing in network.◆My work ex
perience and my scholastic endeavors have thoroughly prepared me
for employment in a firm that specializes in various segments of
law. This fall and past summer, I have been working for a small g
eneral practice firm where I am entrusted with a great deal of re
sponsibility. I write appellate briefs, memoranda in corporate, c
ontract, and criminal law, and I draft complaints and answers. I also actively participate in attorney-client conferences by questioning clients and by describing how the law affects the clients'' suits. The end:Drive for the appropriate action in the close. Ask for interview, reference check, or further correspondence.Dear Mr. Morse: I am currently seeking a position as training and development manager for a medium-sized manufacturing company. I am a hands-on, results-oriented leader with a comprehensive background in training design, development and delivery. The enclosed resume details the specifics of my experience and accomplishments. My background spans over ten years of diverse training and development experience, providing support to a variety of functional clients. In all cases I have been successful in getting strong client support and ownership of the programs delivered. The following highlights some of my key accomplishments: -Directed training of 200 person field sales organization for a major electronics distribution company -Used assessment methodology as the basis for constructing "high performance models" for certain key management jobs. Assessed key managers against these models as the basis for defining key management needs/priorities. -Designed and delivered company’s first highly successful introductory course to total quality management-over 500 managers trained across 3 divisions. Developed methodology for linking training needs with business strategy, and put in place a reliable method for providing quantitative measurement of the effectiveness of management training and development programs. Based upon my job experience and educational qualifications, I am confident that I can bring effective leadership to your training function and improve the overall human resource effectiveness and productivity of your company. I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my credentials with you during a face-to-face interview. I hope to hear from you shortly. Yours very truly, Chapter 9 Memo Learning Objectives● Know background knowledge of Memo;● Know the writing techniques of Memo. Background Knowledge of Memo A memo is the short for the Latin word memorandum. The emergence of the memo, as a new genre of internalcommunication, was occasioned by the development within large-scale business organizations of layers of management whose purpose was to relay communications back and forth between the top and the bottom of the organization, or laterally between departments. Being a simple and efficient message, it is employed as a kind of communication form inside a company or group, in one word, for inner circulation, to remind of or draw someone’s attention to certain matters in a speedy and informative way. In addition, it serves as a record of events or observations on any particular topic or subject.A memorandum can have any format, or it may have a specific format, depending upon the purpose. Its length will also vary depending upon factors like who is writing it and for whom it’s being written.A persuasive memo engages the reader’s interest before issuing a directive, where as an informative memo outlines the facts and then requests the reader’s actions. While many memos are a combination of the two (“In order to process your claim promptly, please submit it no later than January 15.”), Sometimes memos have to be one or the other for the reader to take the appropriate action. There are three basic reasons to write a memo: ? to persuade action ? to issue a directive ? or to provide a report.Components of MemoTo----it is followed by the name of the receiver.From----it is followed by the name of the sender.Date----it indicates when the memo is written.Subject----identify the topic of the memo. It should be brief and clear.Body----it is the message itself and often written in limited number of paragraphs. Techniques of Writing 1. Identify your readerAudience’s Identity and NeedsAudience’s Probable Attitude and PersonalityAudience Expectations About the Document2. Use conversational toneStylistically, you want to limit yourself to factual data when possible. Assuming an ongoing professional relationship among the individuals communicating, you should avoid the following:★ Sounding too casual (clients and superiors want respect) or too “academic” (often perceived as condescending in business); ★ Using language that seems clichéd or overused, especially when discussing common tasks or concepts.Strive to write as you talk, or at least as closely as possible use short sentences, familiar words and contractions, never distance yourself from the reader with wordy sentences.STAY AWAY FROM THE CLICHé3. Be brief with simple topicThe most common problem with memos is their length.Regardless of the topic, a memo should never be more than two Pages, or it begins to be report-like. There’s no reason to be aggressive or rude. Keep it short, be polite and get to the point as quickly as possible.K.I.S.S. – KEEP IT SIMPLE, SILLY. This means that the topic details should be concise, with clear directives and contacts for follow-up. If it’s a complex topic extending into multiple pages, still keep the language as direct as possible, add headings or bullets to guide the reader and conclude with a summary paragraph of key points.4. Be specific a. CLEARLY STATE THE PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATION IN THE SUBJECT LINE.b. MAKE THE POINT IMMEDIATELYInstead of discussing a problem at length before ending with a vague conclusion as to what you need from the reader, get to the point in the first sentence. Also, outline the purpose and the desired action in the memo’s first paragraph.c. REINFORCE THE READER’S NECESSARY ACTION. At the end of the memo, specifically direct the reader to the desired action. Make sure to close your memo with a summary of the points, but also be as specific as possible about what exactly you want; never leave the reader guessing. If you need a response via email by 2pm, say just that. And be as polite as possible here; nothing turns off a reader more than being yelled at for a response.As a matter of fact, it is advisable to keep POSE in mind when dealing with memo writing.P stands for “positive”, which means a memo should be written in positive tone as much as possible.O stands for “only”, which means that a memo should be on one matter, or topic.S stands for “short”, which means a memo should be written with short sentences and short paragraphs.E stands for “easy”, which means easy words are always the first choice in memo writing.ExerciseYou are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organize foreign language training for some of your staff.Write a memo to staff:Explaining why the courses are necessarysaying which members of staff should attendannouncing when the courses will start.Please identify the problems in the memo and revise it.To: Jackson Pallock, Internal AuditorFrom: Mabeline Yurich, sales Supervisor of CosmeticsSubject: Response to Request for New-Life of CosmeticsDate: 18 February, 2008 In reference to your request for last quarter’s sales records for our line of New-life Cosmetics, I am unable to give them to you by March 12 as you requested.According to section 6 of our policy manual (copy attached), “only the vice president for sales may release classified sales records internally or externally.” Cosmetics sales records are classified. The vice president for sales , Jack Peterson, is vacationing and can not be reached until he returns to work onMarch 17.Jack’s assistant, Ms. Mary Smith told me that the records that you are desirous of can be sent immediately in toto if Jack approves their release when he returns next Thursday, she asked me to tell you that unfortunately we must hold your request in abeyance until he returns.I am sorry this happened, Peterson. if you need information on manhours spent on sales, I can fill the bill now. otherwise, we will meet your request in due time if it is approved. You’ll still have time to complete your audit by march 30,though.