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2023-03-13 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
七年级下学期英语第一次月考试卷(满分150分 时间:120分钟)Ⅰ.听力测试.A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子,每个句
子听一遍.1.A.His sister can play the violin B.His brother can p
lay the guitarC.His brother can play the piano. 2.A.She likes to
draw and write very much. B.She likes to sing and dance very
muchC.She likes to read and write very much3.A.Gina wants to joi
n the music club. B.Gina wants to join the swimming club.C.G
ina wants to join the sports club.4.A.Do you have time on the wee
kend? B.Do you play chess on the weekend?C.Do you teach musi
c on the weekend?5.A.My sister is good at telling stories B.
My brother is good at telling storiesC.His brother is good at mak
ing friends.B)在录音中,你将听到五段话,每段话后有一个小题。每段对话听两遍.6.How does Jim like
music?A.DIfficult B.Relaxing C.Boring.7.What is
the girl good at?A.Playing soccer B.Singing C.Te
lling stories.8.What can David help Helen with?A.Math B.Eng
lish C.History.9.What club does Jack want to join?A.The a
rt club B.The science club C.The sports club.10.
Who is good at speaking English?A.Bob B.Bob’s sister
C.Bob’s brotherC)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个问题,对话听两遍。11.Who is John?
A.Tom’s new friend B.Tom’s cousin C.Tom’s brother.12
.Where does John live now?A.In Beijing B.In London C
.In New York.13.What does John like to do?A.He likes to draw and
write B.He likes to write and readC.He likes to draw and
read.14.Can John speak Chinese?A.Yes,he can B.No,he can’t
C.We don’t know15.What club is John in?A.The Chinese club
B.The art club C.The Chess clubD)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有
五个问题,对话听两遍。16.What club do they want to help?A.The music club
B.The children’s club C.The computer club.17.What can
they help with?A.Writing B.Drawing C.Sports.18.What
is Jim good at?A.He is good at swimming B.He is good at p
laying the guitarC.He is good at playing soccer.19.What can Mary
do?A.playing volleyball B.play computer games C.p
lay the drums.20.Who are they good with?A.Students B.Child
ren C.Old people.Ⅱ完形填空.In our school, many students joi
n the music club. 21 is the music club so popular(流行的)? Let me 2
2 you about this.Music is 23 .Students have 24 classes every d
ay. They''re very 25 with their subjects. Music can help them rel
ax and have a good 26 at night.When they''re free,they usually wa
tch TV 27 play computer games.But in the club,they can make full
use of their free time.They can talk about music and learn from
each other(相互学习).They think it is great 28 .In the club, student
s can meet new people with the same interests,so they can make 29
with them.Some of the students in the club are good 30 English
—they can 31 English and sing songs 32 English well.So they can
help you with English.It’s cool.The club is 33 .If you want to
have a good time after school,join the music club now. 34 me at
or come to the school Music 35 . 21.A.What B.Why
C.When D.Where22.A.ask B.say C.tell
D.talk23.A.funny B.boring C.hard D.r
elaxing24.A.five B.six C.seven D.eight2
5.A.busy B.first C.last D.free26.A.day
B.book C.sleep D.clock27.A.but B
.or C.so D.because28.A.fun B.time
C.day D.weekend29.A.dances B.singers C.
friends D.food30.A.at B.for C.with
D.to31.A.say B.talk C.tell D.speak
32.A.at B.from C.in D.with33.A.tellib
le B.bad C.hard D.interesting34.A.Call
B.E-mail C.Phone D.Write35.A.Street B.C
enter C.Shop D.LibraryⅢ补全对话.A: 36B:I usually get up
at 6:30..A:It’s so early.I get up at 7:30 37 .B:I have apples,br
ead and milk.What about you?A:I have hamburgers,eggs and milk. 38
.B:I go to school at 7:20.A: 39B:By bus. A: 40B:The NO.50 bus.A:D
o you usually do your homework in the evening?B:Of course.I usual
ly do my homework at 7:00,and then I watch TV.36.A.What time do y
ou go to school? B.What time do you usually get up,Lisa?C.Do
you have breakfast? D.Wakr up!37.A.What time do you
usually have breakfast?B.What time do you usually have for break
fast?C.Do you go to school at 8:00?D.How do you get to school?38.
A.What time does he go to school? B.What time do you ea
t lunch?C.What time do your classes start? D.What tim
e do you go to school?39.A.Do you go to school by bus or on foot?
B.When do you go to bed?C.How far is it from school?
D.What time do you leave school?40.A.Do you get ther
e by bus? B.When do you go home?C.Which bus do yo
u take? D.What time do you do go to school?Ⅳ.阅读
理解.A There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-four
boys and twenty-six girls. Some students live near the school, a
nd some others live far from school. Half of the students usually
come to school by bike. They often get to school at a quarter to
seven. About fifteen students often come to school by bus. They
often get to school very early, too. They get to school at 6:50.
Another ten students come to school on foot. Their homes are near
the school, but they are often late for school, because they get
up late.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )41. live near the school.A.Some of th
e students B.Half of the students C.No students D.All
the students( )42.Half of the students come to school .A.by b
ike B.by bus C.on foot D.by car( )43.Ten of the stud
ents often .A.come to school by bike B.often come to s
chool lateC.come to school very early D.live in the scho
ol( )44.Some students get to school by bus at .A.7:15 B.7:
30 C.6:45 D.6:30( )45. students come to school on fo
ot.A.Thirty. B.Twenty. C.Thirty-eight. D.Ten.B Jenny ge
ts up early in the morning.She has breakfast and then goes to sch
ool. She walks to the bus stop and takes a bus. She gets to schoo
l at about half past seven.Jenny is never late for school. She li
kes her school and works hard. Classes begin at 8:00. She has six
classes every day. Jenny is good at all her lessons, and likes E
nglish best. Usually Jenny has lunch at school. She goes home at
five in the afternoon. Sometimes, she helps her friends with thei
r lessons. After supper she usually watches TV news. Then she doe
s her homework. She goes to bed at about 9:30. Jenny is a good gi
rl.46.Where does Jenny have her breakfast?A.She has breakfast at
home. B.She has breakfast at school.C.She has breakfa
st on her way to school. D.She has breakfast on the bus.47.How
does Jenny do in her lessons?A.She doesn''t like going to school.
B.She can''t do her lessons.C.She does very well in her lesso
ns D.She doesn''t know her lessons at all.48.How many hours
is Jenny at school?A.She is at school for about seven hours. B.S
he is at school for about seven and a half hours.C.She is at scho
ol for about eight hours. D.She is at school for about nine and
a half hours.49.What does Jenny sometimes do after school?A.She
has supper with her classmates at school B.She helps her frien
ds with their lessons.C.She does some shopping for her mother.
D.She goes home with her friends.50.What does Jenny do after s
upper?A.She watches TV and then goes to bed. B.She watches TV
and does some housework.C.She watches TV and does her homework.
D.She reads her English and does some sports.CI’m a middle schoo
l student from America. I live far away from my school. So I ofte
n go to school by bus. It takes me about twenty minutes from my h
ome to school.But at my school and other schools in our town, the
re is a “ Walk to School Day”. It is on Wednesday every week. On
that day, parents send their kids to a bus stop. There are many b
us stops in our town. At each bus stop, two parent volunteers gat
her us to walk to school together.“Walk to School Day” stops us t
aking cars or buses. That is good for the air and we can get exer
cise too. On the way to school, we talk to each other. We can als
o make new friends. I like “Walk to School Day”. I walk about fiv
e kilometers with other students on that day. Our school will giv
e some students beautiful schoolbags if they do well.51.How does
the writer often go to school?A.by bus B.by car C.by bi
ke D.on foot52.When is the“Walk to School Day”in the writer’s
town.A.On Monday every week B.On Tuesday every week
C.On Wednesday every week D.On Friday every week 53.Whe
re do the students in the writer’s town gather on the“Walk to Sch
ool Day”?A.at the school B.at the train station C.at a b
us airport D.at a bus stop54.How far is it from the writer’sh
ome to school.A.about three kilometers B.about four k
ilometers C.about five kilometers D.about six kilom
eters55.Which of the following is NOT true?A.The writer’s school
usually gives some sthdents beautiful schoolbags if they do well.
B.On the way to school,students can make new friends.C.The walk
to school Day stops students taking cars and buses.D.It takes the
writer about ten minutes go to school bu bus.D We did a survey(调
查)on how students get to school at No. 20 High School. Here are t
he results(结果). There are 2,616 students in our school. About 56%
students live in different places around the center of our city.
So they can go to school by school bus. The school buses bring t
hem to school in the morning and take them home in the afternoon.
They have lunch at school. We have many school buses. Different
students can take different school buses to school. About 18% stu
dents ride their bikes to school. Because they do not live far fr
om school. It takes them 20 to 30 minutes to get to school. At no
on, they often have lunch at school and do homework in the classr
ooms. Our school has a large dining hall (餐厅). It can hold (容纳) 2
,500 students for lunch at the same time. Some students live in t
he countryside or come from other cities. They take the bus to sc
hool, or their parents drive them to school on Monday morning. Th
ey usually live in the school on school days. Then they go back h
ome on Friday afternoon. It''s about 16%. They can get free health
y breakfast at school. A small number of students walk to school.
They live near the school. It''s about 10%. It only takes them 5
to 10 minutes to get to school. They usually go back home for lun
ch.56.Over 50% students get to school .A.by car B.by school bus
C.by train D.by plane57.About students have lunch at sc
hool.A.20% B.38% C.66% D.90%58.About students get to sc
hool by bike.A.261 B.418 C.470 D.146059.Our sch
ool provides (提供) free healthy breakfast for the students .A.gett
ing to school by bike B.living in the schoolC.walking
to school every day D.taking school buses to school60.W
hich is the best title (标题) for the passage (文章)?A.How to Get to
School B.Why to Live at SchoolC.Where to Have Lunch
D.When to Get to School非选择题 共65分Ⅴ阅读填词,用括号里单词的正确形式填空。61.Wh
at club do you want (join).62.Sally is very good at (dance).63.It
takes (they)fifteen minutes to get to school by bus every day.64
.There is a big river between the their school the village.65.The
re (village)really need some help,Can you help them?66.The bus ri
de takes me forty minutes (walk) to school.67.There are five (hun
dred)students in our school.68.He goes to school after he has bre
akfast (quick).69.The ice-cream taste (well).70.What a (fun)time
a have supper.71.Can you help my English?72.Our Chinese teacher a
lways ask us to write (story)after class.73.It is their dream (ha
ve)a bridge.74.Jack has interesting job.75.Kris sometimes plays b
asketball half an hour.Ⅵ.补全对话,阅读短文。根据音标和句意写出适当的单词。 76—four classe
s in the morning and two in the afternoon. Their morning classes
begin at eight o''clock and finish at a quarter to twelve. 77They
seldom eat out or eat at home. After lunch they don''t have a rest
. 78and school is over at twenty to three. After school they don''
t go back home at once(立刻). 79Some of them like playing the piano
. Some like reading story books. Some like swimming and skating.
Some like singing and dancing. Most of the students like playing
basketball. 80And then they watch TV or play the computer. They u
sually go to bed at ten o''clock.A.In the USA, the students go to
school from Monday to Friday.B.Their afternoon classes begin at o
ne o''clock,C.In the evening, they usually do their homework at ho
me.D.The American students usually have six classes a day.E.And t
hen they have lunch at school.F.They usually have some sports at
school.G.They usually go to school by school bus or on foot.Ⅶ.书面表
达第一部分:情景运用86.—Can she sing? — .(请用一句话回答)87.— ?(请用一句话提问)—He gets u
p at six thirty.88.—How does she get to school? — .(请用一句话回答)89.—
? (请用一句话提问) 4千米 —It’s four kilometers.90.—How long does it ta
ke you to get to school?— .(请用一句话回答)第二部分写作91.假如你是John,请你根据以下表格内容介
绍自己一天的生活安排。注意1.词数100左右2.可以适当增加细节。3.不得出现真实人名,校名等信息。 答案解析Ⅰ.听力测
试.A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子,每个句子听一遍.1.A.His sister can play the vio
lin B.His brother can play the guitarC.His brother can play
the piano. 2.A.She likes to draw and write very much. B.She
likes to sing and dance very muchC.She likes to read and write v
ery much3.A.Gina wants to join the music club. B.Gina wants
to join the swimming club.C.Gina wants to join the sports club.4.
A.Do you have time on the weekend? B.Do you play chess on th
e weekend?C.Do you teach music on the weekend?5.A.My sister is go
od at telling stories B.My brother is good at telling storie
sC.His brother is good at making friends.答案:BBCAAB)在录音中,你将听到五段话,每
段话后有一个小题。每段对话听两遍.6.How does Jim like music?A.DIfficult B
.Relaxing C.Boring.7.What is the girl good at?A.Playing
soccer B.Singing C.Telling stories.8.What can Dav
id help Helen with?A.Math B.English C.History.9.Wha
t club does Jack want to join?A.The art club B.The science
club C.The sports club.10.Who is good at speaking Engl
ish?A.Bob B.Bob’s sister C.Bob’s brother答案:BBCBBC
)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个问题,对话听两遍。11.Who is John?A.Tom’s new friend
B.Tom’s cousin C.Tom’s brother.12.Where does John liv
e now?A.In Beijing B.In London C.In New York.13.What
does John like to do?A.He likes to draw and write B.He l
ikes to write and readC.He likes to draw and read.14.Can John spe
ak Chinese?A.Yes,he can B.No,he can’t C.We don’t kn
ow15.What club is John in?A.The Chinese club B.The art club
C.The Chess club答案:ACAABD)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个问题,对话听两遍。1
6.What club do they want to help?A.The music club B.The chi
ldren’s club C.The computer club.17.What can they help wi
th?A.Writing B.Drawing C.Sports.18.What is Jim good
at?A.He is good at swimming B.He is good at playing the g
uitarC.He is good at playing soccer.19.What can Mary do?A.playing
volleyball B.play computer games C.play the drum
s.20.Who are they good with?A.Students B.Children
C.Old people.答案:CBACBⅡ完形填空.In our school, many students join th
e music club. 21 is the music club so popular(流行的)? Let me 22 y
ou about this.Music is 23 .Students have 24 classes every day.
They''re very 25 with their subjects. Music can help them relax a
nd have a good 26 at night.When they''re free,they usually watch
TV 27 play computer games.But in the club,they can make full use
of their free time.They can talk about music and learn from each
other(相互学习).They think it is great 28 .In the club, students ca
n meet new people with the same interests,so they can make 29 wi
th them.Some of the students in the club are good 30 English—the
y can 31 English and sing songs 32 English well.So they can hel
p you with English.It’s cool.The club is 33 .If you want to have
a good time after school,join the music club now. 34 me at or c
ome to the school Music 35 . 21.A.What B.Why C.Wh
en D.Where22.A.ask B.say C.tell
D.talk23.A.funny B.boring C.hard D.relax
ing24.A.five B.six C.seven D.eight25.A.
busy B.first C.last D.free26.A.day
B.book C.sleep D.clock27.A.but B.or
C.so D.because28.A.fun B.time
C.day D.weekend29.A.dances B.singers C.frie
nds D.food30.A.at B.for C.with
D.to31.A.say B.talk C.tell D.speak32.A
.at B.from C.in D.with33.A.tellible
B.bad C.hard D.interesting34.A.Call
B.E-mail C.Phone D.Write35.A.Street B.Cente
r C.Shop D.Library答案:BCDCA CBACA DCDABⅢ补全对话.A
: 36B:I usually get up at 6:30..A:It’s so early.I get up at 7:30
37 .B:I have apples,bread and milk.What about you?A:I have hambur
gers,eggs and milk. 38.B:I go to school at 7:20.A: 39B:By bus. A:
40B:The NO.50 bus.A:Do you usually do your homework in the eveni
ng?B:Of course.I usually do my homework at 7:00,and then I watch
TV.36.A.What time do you go to school? B.What time do you usu
ally get up,Lisa?C.Do you have breakfast? D.Wakr up
!37.A.What time do you usually have breakfast?B.What time do you
usually have for breakfast?C.Do you go to school at 8:00?D.How do
you get to school?38.A.What time does he go to school?
B.What time do you eat lunch?C.What time do your classes start?
D.What time do you go to school?39.A.Do you go to sch
ool by bus or on foot? B.When do you go to bed?C.How far is
it from school? D.What time do you leave schoo
l?40.A.Do you get there by bus? B.When do you go
home?C.Which bus do you take? D.What time do yo
u do go to school?答案:BBDACⅣ.阅读理解.A There are fifty students in ou
r class. There are twenty-four boys and twenty-six girls. Some st
udents live near the school, and some others live far from school
. Half of the students usually come to school by bike. They often
get to school at a quarter to seven. About fifteen students ofte
n come to school by bus. They often get to school very early, too
. They get to school at 6:50. Another ten students come to school
on foot. Their homes are near the school, but they are often lat
e for school, because they get up late.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )41. liv
e near the school.A.Some of the students B.Half of the studen
ts C.No students D.All the students( )42.Half of the s
tudents come to school .A.by bike B.by bus C.on foot D.
by car( )43.Ten of the students often .A.come to school by bik
e B.often come to school lateC.come to school very ear
ly D.live in the school( )44.Some students get to sch
ool by bus at .A.7:15 B.7:30 C.6:45 D.6:30( )45.
students come to school on foot.A.Thirty. B.Twenty. C.Thi
rty-eight. D.Ten.答案:AACCAB Jenny gets up early in the morning.
She has breakfast and then goes to school. She walks to the bus s
top and takes a bus. She gets to school at about half past seven.
Jenny is never late for school. She likes her school and works ha
rd. Classes begin at 8:00. She has six classes every day. Jenny i
s good at all her lessons, and likes English best. Usually Jenny
has lunch at school. She goes home at five in the afternoon. Some
times, she helps her friends with their lessons. After supper she
usually watches TV news. Then she does her homework. She goes to
bed at about 9:30. Jenny is a good girl.46.Where does Jenny have
her breakfast?A.She has breakfast at home. B.She has
breakfast at school.C.She has breakfast on her way to school.
D.She has breakfast on the bus.47.How does Jenny do in her lesson
s?A.She doesn''t like going to school. B.She can''t do her les
sons.C.She does very well in her lessons D.She doesn''t know
her lessons at all.48.How many hours is Jenny at school?A.She is
at school for about seven hours. B.She is at school for about s
even and a half hours.C.She is at school for about eight hours.
D.She is at school for about nine and a half hours.49.What does
Jenny sometimes do after school?A.She has supper with her classma
tes at school B.She helps her friends with their lessons.C.She
does some shopping for her mother. D.She goes home with her
friends.50.What does Jenny do after supper?A.She watches TV and
then goes to bed. B.She watches TV and does some housework.C.
She watches TV and does her homework. D.She reads her English an
d does some sports.答案:ACCDBCI’m a middle school student from Amer
ica. I live far away from my school. So I often go to school by b
us. It takes me about twenty minutes from my home to school.But a
t my school and other schools in our town, there is a “ Walk to S
chool Day”. It is on Wednesday every week. On that day, parents s
end their kids to a bus stop. There are many bus stops in our tow
n. At each bus stop, two parent volunteers gather us to walk to s
chool together.“Walk to School Day” stops us taking cars or buses
. That is good for the air and we can get exercise too. On the wa
y to school, we talk to each other. We can also make new friends.
I like “Walk to School Day”. I walk about five kilometers with o
ther students on that day. Our school will give some students bea
utiful schoolbags if they do well.51.How does the writer often go
to school?A.by bus B.by car C.by bike D.on foot52.
When is the“Walk to School Day”in the writer’s town.A.On Monday e
very week B.On Tuesday every week C.On Wednesday ever
y week D.On Friday every week 53.Where do the students
in the writer’s town gather on the“Walk to School Day”?A.at the s
chool B.at the train station C.at a bus airport D.at
a bus stop54.How far is it from the writer’shome to school.A.abo
ut three kilometers B.about four kilometers C.about f
ive kilometers D.about six kilometers55.Which of th
e following is NOT true?A.The writer’s school usually gives some
sthdents beautiful schoolbags if they do well. B.On the way to sc
hool,students can make new friends.C.The walk to school Day stops
students taking cars and buses.D.It takes the writer about ten m
inutes go to school bu bus.答案:ACDCDD We did a survey(调查)on how st
udents get to school at No. 20 High School. Here are the results(
结果). There are 2,616 students in our school. About 56% students l
ive in different places around the center of our city. So they ca
n go to school by school bus. The school buses bring them to scho
ol in the morning and take them home in the afternoon. They have
lunch at school. We have many school buses. Different students ca
n take different school buses to school. About 18% students ride
their bikes to school. Because they do not live far from school.
It takes them 20 to 30 minutes to get to school. At noon, they of
ten have lunch at school and do homework in the classrooms. Our s
chool has a large dining hall (餐厅). It can hold (容纳) 2,500 studen
ts for lunch at the same time. Some students live in the countrys
ide or come from other cities. They take the bus to school, or th
eir parents drive them to school on Monday morning. They usually
live in the school on school days. Then they go back home on Frid
ay afternoon. It''s about 16%. They can get free healthy breakfast
at school. A small number of students walk to school. They live
near the school. It''s about 10%. It only takes them 5 to 10 minut
es to get to school. They usually go back home for lunch.56.Over
50% students get to school .A.by car B.by school bus C.by
train D.by plane57.About students have lunch at school.A.20%
B.38% C.66% D.90%58.About students get to school by bik
e.A.261 B.418 C.470 D.146059.Our school provide
s (提供) free healthy breakfast for the students .A.getting to scho
ol by bike B.living in the schoolC.walking to school
every day D.taking school buses to school60.Which is the
best title (标题) for the passage (文章)?A.How to Get to School
B.Why to Live at SchoolC.Where to Have Lunch D.When
to Get to School答案:BDCBA非选择题 共65分Ⅴ阅读填词,用括号里单词的正确形式填空。61.What
club do you want (join).62.Sally is very good at (dance).63.It ta
kes (they)fifteen minutes to get to school by bus every day.64.Th
ere is a big river between the their school the village.65.There
(village)really need some help,Can you help them?66.The bus ride
takes me forty minutes (walk) to school.67.There are five (hundre
d)students in our school.68.He goes to school after he has breakf
ast (quick).69.The ice-cream taste (well).70.What a (fun)time a have supper.71.Can you help my English?72.Our Chinese teacher always ask us to write (story)after class.73.It is their dream (have)a bridge.74.Jack has interesting job.75.Kris sometimes plays basketball half an hour.答案:61.to join 62.dancing 63.them 64.and 65.villagers 66.to walk67.hundred 68.quickly 69.good 70.funny 71.with 72.storys 73.to have74.an 75.forⅥ.补全对话,阅读短文。根据音标和句意写出适当的单词。 76—four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Their morning classes begin at eight o''clock and finish at a quarter to twelve. 77They seldom eat out or eat at home. After lunch they don''t have a rest. 78and school is over at twenty to three. After school they don''t go back home at once(立刻). 79Some of them like playing the piano. Some like reading story books. Some like swimming and skating. Some like singing and dancing. Most of the students like playing basketball. 80And then they watch TV or play the computer. They usually go to bed at ten o''clock.A.In the USA, the students go to school from Monday to Friday.B.Their afternoon classes begin at one o''clock,C.In the evening, they usually do their homework at home.D.The American students usually have six classes a day.E.And then they have lunch at school.F.They usually have some sports at school.G.They usually go to school by school bus or on foot.答案:DEBFCⅦ.书面表达第一部分:情景运用86.—Can she sing? — .(请用一句话回答)87.— ?(请用一句话提问)—He gets up at six thirty.88.—How does she get to school? — .(请用一句话回答)89.— ? (请用一句话提问) 4千米 —It’s four kilometers.90.—How long does it take you to get to school?— .(请用一句话回答)答案:86.Yes,she can 87.What time does he get up88.She gets to school by bus. 89.How far is it from home to school? 90.thirty minutes第二部分写作91.假如你是John,请你根据以下表格内容介绍自己一天的生活安排。注意1.词数100左右2.可以适当增加细节。3.不得出现真实人名,校名等信息。 1