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2023-03-13 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 



News 1

(01) The World Pipe Band Championships will take place in Glasgow on Saturday. Over 120 of the world''s best pipe bands will compete at the Champship. Over 4,000 pipers and drummers are expected to descend on the city for the annual event. It will take place at the St. James playing fields in Glasgow on Saturday 18 May from 10:00 am until 7:00 pm. The event is free. Also, a free shuttle bus will run between the event car parks and the competition site. Shuttle buses will run every 15 minutes from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. (02) Glasgow City Council says it is estimated to bring 300,000 pounds to the local economy. The first World Pipe Band championships were held in Edinburgh in 1947. The event first took place in Glasgow in 1948. It has been held regularly in Glasgow since 1986.


Q1. What event will take place in Glasgow?

A sports competition.

A yearly concert

C) A free car show.

D) A pipe band contest.


)A pipe band contest.

Q2. What does Glasgow City Council say the event will do?

A) Improve the image of Glasgow city.

B) Enrich the local culture of Giasgow.

C) Contribute a lot to the local economy

D) Entertain people in local communities.


C) Contribute a lot to the local economy.


News 2

Summer doesn''t begin for two more days, but scientists are already sounding the alarm (03) about dangerous ice melts going on right now in Greenland, the vast island usually locks away enough fresh water in its ice sheet, which if melted, can raise global sea levels by six meters. And research shows that in recent years, its ice has melted faster than ever before.This month as temperatures in Northwestern Greenland approach, all time highs, researchers are encountering unusual, surprising levels of melting ice in the region. The most significant concern here is how early this is all happening. Greenland experiences, annual ice melt and growth cycles. But this year, the melting season began in the early May. (04) That''s a month earlier than normal, and something that''s happened only once before in the historical record in 2016. That means that not only is the ice melting very fast, it has more time to melt this summer than it would in a normal climate system. Longer melt seasons like this one seem to lead to much greater contributions to sea level rise than in previous decades.


Q3. What is scientists warning in the news report?

Surprising risc in global sea levels

Dangerous ice melts in Greenland

C) Changing weather patterns in summer.?

D) Record growth of Greenland''s ice sheets.?


B) Dangerous ice melts in Greenland.

Q4. What do we learn about this year''s ice melting season in Greenland?

A) It began in late May.

B) It lasted three months.

C) It started a month earlier than usual.?

D) It ended a month earlier than before.?



C) It started a month earlier than usual.?



News 3

Turning up on the streets of Black Hall Collary in Northern England, according to police, (05) residents of the village have been coming across bundles of 20 pound notes, usually worth 2000 pounds in the former mining village in County Durham. The latest discovery was on Monday, meaning four of these cash bundles have been handed in this year and 13 since 2014. The bundles are usually left in plain sight and have been scattered across the small coastal village. The owner has two weeks to collect the cash, which is then returned to the finder, if not claimed, according to Peter Lee Police, Durham Police spokesperson (06) said the money has been returned to the lucky finders in all cases except yesterday. Policeman John Forster said in a statement the circumstances remain a mystery, so we would welcome any information that will help us get to the bottom of these random incidents. He told the Northern Echo, it isn''t an affluent part of the world. So for them to find cash of that amount and instantly think about taking it to the police stations, (07) shows the community spirit.


Q5. What happened on the streets of Black Hall Collary?

A) Bundles of £20 notes kept tuning up.

B) A villager was searching for his lost cash.

C) Local policemen came across bundles of £20 notes

D) A bundle containing thousands of pounds got stolen


A) Bundles of £20 notes kept tuning up.

Q6. What did the local police do with the money, if not claimed in two weeks?

They give it to charity,

B) They return it to the finder.

C) They hand it over to the local government.

D) They place a notice in The Northern Echo.


B)They return it to the finder.

Q7. What did the policeman John Forrester say about the villagers?

A) They cooperated well with the police.

C) They were puzzled by the mystery.?

B) They enjoyed a fairly affluent life

D) They had a strong community spirit.


D)They had a strong community spiriti.?

Conversation 1

W: It''s your birthday next week. What have you got planned??

M: I''m not sure. (08) I often feel strange on my birthday. It''s like my brain decides to have a crisis.?

W: It''s not entirely unusual to feel anxious or sad around your birthday. Birthdays can tap into a lot of things people worry about, including their achievements in life in the past decade or their accomplishments of the past year. (09 )Many begin to search for the meaning of their existence leading to behaviors such as ending or starting a relationship or plans like starting a vigorous diet or fitness program.

M: (10) I have wonderful friends and I love celebrating their birthdays, but I don''t like being the center of attention, receiving gifts and having a fuss made.

It seems to trigger a type of social anxiety. I think social media too can intensify things as birthdays now play out more publicly. Birthday reminders can be helpful, but I kind of worry I won''t be able to drum up my own day and show it to look as exciting as it is supposed to be.?

W: Well, to deal with the birthday blues, you should not isolate yourself.

It''s best to gradually face your birthday with people you trust that would help you learn self-acceptance or that it''s okay to be the focus.?

M: Perhaps, or I could perceive my birthday as an opportunity to do something for others. Like asking people to make a donation instead of buying a gift.

W: (11) Exactly. Or even simply see your birthday as an opportunity to bring people together for them to have fun.


Q8. How does the man often feel on his birthday??

A) Excited.

C) Indifferent.?

B) Delighted.

D) Strange.?

KEYS: D) Strange

Q9. What does the woman say many people tend to do on their birthday?

A) Search for the meaning of their life.

C) Call on their relatives and friends.?

B) Look back on their years at school.

D) Talk about future plans with friends.?


A) Search for the meaning of their life.

Q10. What does the man say about birthday celebrations??

A) He prefers to have them shown on social media.

B) He loves them but does not want to make a fuss.

C)He enjoys celebrating others" birthdays rather than his own.

D)Helooks forward to receiving presents from his close friends.


C) He enjoys celebrating others'' birthdays rather than his own.

Q11. What does the woman suggest the man do about his birthday celebration at the end of the conversation?

A) Hold it on a modest scale to remove birthday anxieties.

B) View it as a chance for people to socialize and have fun.

C) Extend invitation to those he trusts most

D) Make it an occasion to collect donations.


B )View it as a chance for people to socialize and have fun.

Conversation 2

W: The metro was absolutely terrible this morning.

M: Oh, was there a delay?

W: No, but the train was so packed that I could barely move, and it was difficult to breathe too. At every station, more people squeezed in and I got pushed further and further inside. When I got to my station, I could hardly get out. Once I did get out, (12) I was totally exhausted.

M: That sounds like a nightmare. Why didn''t you take the bus?

W: The bus takes twice as long and it''s just as crowded.

M: Well, what''s the alternative? Haven''t you got a car?

W: I''ve got a driver''s license, but that''s all. (13) I''m saving up to buy something reasonably small and cute, but it''s still a bit expensive for me and it''ll take a while before I have enough money.

M: Have you thought about getting an electric motorbike?

W: I considered that for a maybe a minute. But honestly, (14) I''ve just seen too many horrible accidents involving those dangerous monsters.

M: What about those popular share bikes? You could register to use one.

W: Yeah, that''s a possibility. There are always several of those bikes out in front of our apartment complexes.

M: Or you could just walk to work.

W: Well, it''s five kilometers from home to the office. But you''ve given me a thought. I could take a change of clothes and jog to work. But at this time of year, the air pollution is a real problem.

M:Oh yeah, I didn''t think of that. Get a taxi if you really have to.

W:Well, that''s an expensive way to get to work.

M:Not if you use a ride sharing app. (15)

W:Good idea. I''ll download one immediately. Thank you.


Q12. What does the woman say about her subway?

A) It was absolutely exhausting

C) There was too long a delay.?

B) There was a terrible smell.

D) She got off at the wrong station.?


A) It was absolutely exhausting.

Q13. Why hasn''t the woman got her own car?

A) She hasn''t saved enough money

B) She is worried about traflic jams.

C) She hasn''t passed the driving test yet.?

D) She is used to taking public transport.?


A) She hasn''t saved enough money.

Q14. What does the woman say about electric motorbikes?

A) They are popular.

B) They are dangerous.

C) They are a bit expensive for her.?

D) They are environmentally friendly?


B) They are dangerous.

Q15. How was the woman going to get to work?

A) By bus.

B) By jogging.

C) By renting a bike.?

D) By sharing a ride.?


D) By sharing a ride.?


Passage 1

(16) Steve Miller began his career in IT. Back in the late 1980s, being a deaf person in tech required a huge amount of effort and organization because there was no email or text message service. Everything had to be done face to face or by telephone. Communicating in meetings was very difficult. He needed a sign language interpreter for every meeting, but it was a huge effort to coordinate.

"These days, although challenges still remain, it''s a good time to be a deaf person in tech, "says Miller Oaduoy. (17) "Big advances in speech recognition technology have enabled communication tools to turn live speech into text in real time on your smartphone or laptop, and sign language into text as well."


New tech coupled with improvements in hearing aid, technology and medical advances means that Miller is able to focus far more on his work.

He has benefited to a great extent from a tiny hearing device in his ear. It gives him a degree of hearing, and he can use a variety of communication methods depending on the situation. (18) He can employ lip reading and have meetings via video instead of on the phone. These things have made a huge difference. He no longer has to worry about whether or not he can understand.


He can just concentrate on how interesting the meeting might be and what he needs to get out of it in order to progress.


Q16. What do we learn about Steve Miller?

He is a sign language interpreter.

He is a deaf person working in IT.

C) He doesn''t like speaking at meetings,

D) He doesn''t use email or text messages.


B) He is a deaf person working in IT.

Q17. What does Miller say is making things better for people like him?

A) Improved communication skills.

B) Speech recognition technology-

D) Transformation in the IT industry

C) He can understand with ease.


B) Speech recognition technology.

Q18. In what way, can Miller benefit from attending meetings via video?

A) He can avoid being mistaken.

B) He can take notes on the spot.

C) To get a hug from family members.

D) He can see the speakers'' images.


D) He can see the speakers'' images.

Passage 2

Color is now spreading through our homes, up staircases across wood frames and ceilings, filling in neutral spaces. According to one interior designer when people return home, (19) they want to see colors that cheer them up and give them a hug. Pure white walls simply don’t do that. They don''t look after you. Another interior designer commented that certain combinations can key into something on a deeper level, transporting you to a different moment in time.

That''s the power of color.

If you are thinking to dry color on some of your neutral walls, the advice is refreshingly simple. Choose a color you actually like. (20) Don''t go for a color because it''s in fashion, or you''ve seen it in a magazine. If you''re wary of full color, test your tolerance with smaller spaces such as the inside of a cupboard or a bright window frame. if it gives you joy every time you open the cupboard, you can start to take it further.


(21) One can also paint the wooden frameworks the same color as the walls. Helping the rooms look bigger. In the kitchen, painting the overhead cupboards and the walls in the same color can make it feel more spacious . While painting the kitchen counters, a bold color can make everything feel more open and lighter. Additionally, a painted ceiling is a magical thing without being too obvious and can affect how the space feels as well.


Q19. What do people want upon returning home according to the passage?

A) To find pure white walls shining.

B) To enter a house well looked after.

C) Big advances in sign language.

D) To see cheerful colours all around.


D)To see cheerful colors all around.

Q20. What does the passage say people should avoid doing in home decoration?

A)Choosing a colour because it is fashionable.

B) Painting the interior of their cupboards

C) Doing the painting job all by themselves.

D) Designing all window frames the same way.


A) Choosing a color bc it is fashinonable.

Q21. What can one do to make a room look bigger?

A) Fit most of the cupboards into walls.

B) Hang landscape paintings all around.

C) Match the room''s ceiling with all the fumiture in colour.

D) Paint the wooden frameworks and walls the same colour


D) Paint the wooden frameworks and walls the same color.


Passage 3

Parents often hear that (22) reading to their children is critical for supporting development, and the message is getting through to them.?

In fact, in the United States, a little over half of children between the ages of 3 and 5 were read to every day in 2007.

And 83% of children in that age group in the same country

were read to three or more times per week by a family member in 2012.

This is good news because reading to young children helps their language and brain development.?

In fact, recent research has found that both (23) the quality and quantity of shared book reading and infancy predicted later childhood vocabulary and reading skills Oaduoy.

In other words, the more time parents spend reading, the greater the developmental benefits in their four-year-old children.?


This is an important finding, but does it matter what books parents read??

A new study has investigated this question. It followed infants across the second 6 months of life and found that when parents showed babies books that (24) had faces or objects with specific label, they learned more.

This is in contrast to books that did not name images or books that had the same label under each image. Books that named different characters also promoted greater learning.


So what does this mean for parents??

Not all books are created equal, so parents need to choose the books they share with their children with great care.


Q22. What does the passage say parents increasingly understand?

A) Children must read at least 3 times a week.

B) Reading is a habit every child can develop

C) Reading to their children is important.

D) Children should start reading at age 3.


C) Reading to their children is important.

Q23. What can predict children''s reading skills according to recent research??

A) The number of books they have read by age four.

B) The speed oftheir brain development in infancy.

C)The mumber and quality ofbooks parents read to them in infancy.

D)The quality and quantity oftime parents spend playing with them.


C) The number and quality of books parents read to them in infancy.

Q24. What kind of books are said to help babies learn more??

A) Books with specifically labeled images.

B) Books with pictures of dolls and toys.

C) Books describing the lives of animals.

D) Books telling very interesting stories.



A) Books with specifically labeled imaged.

Q25. What are parents advised to do at the end of the passage??

?A) Read as many books as possible to their children.

B) Choose carefully what to read to their children.

C) Share experience with other parents.

D) Create picture books for their children.


B) Choose carefully what to read to their children.?

Part m(40 minutes)

Reading Comprehension

Section A

Inthis sectionthere is apassage with ten blasks. You are required to select one word for each blank fram a list ofchoices given in a word bank following the passageRead the passage through cargilly before making your choices, Each choice in the bank isidentfied by aleter Please mark the corresponding letter for eachitem on Answersheet2wit a single tine through the centre. you may not use any ofthe words in the bank more than once.

Parenting brings fathers more joy than it does mothers, according to a new study. The research examined three studies26more than 18,000 participants. Across all three, parenthood was27with more positive wellbeing outcomes for dads than for mums.

So why are fathers happier than mothers? "Fathers may fare better than mothers in part du to how they spend time with their children,"said lead author Katherine Nelson-Coffey. In one study,the authors28that dads were more likely to take "playing"as an 29activity both when caring for their kids and spending time with their kids, playing with their childre likely offers parents opportunities to experience positive feelings and 30_ closeness wit their children," they say

Fathers also did better than men without kids, reporting greater happiness, life satisfaction, and fewer31symptoms They also reported greater connectedness and autonomy (自主 For mums32compared to women without children, the results weren''t quite as positive Mums reported greater autonomy, but also "greater trouble" and fewer positive 33.

Mumsreported happier moods while interacting with their kids, compared to other experiences, but not whileengaging34in childcare. "This difference suggests that how mothers and fathersspend time with their children might have important35forthein wellbeing,"the authors write They suspect that mums may be less happy than dads because they''re more likelyto havehigher expectations about parenthood, As such, they''re more likely to be "let down” by the experience.

A) additional

I) implications?

B) associated

J) interfered?

C) composing

K) involving?

D) cultivate

L) note?

E) depressive

M) precisely?

F) directly

N) superficial?

G) emotions

O) therefore?

H) however



26. K involving

27. B associated

28. L note

29. A additional

30. D cultivate

31. E depressive

32. H however

33. G emotions

34. F directly

35. I implications



Section B

Directions:ithis secion you aregoing to ad a pasraee on siements aniched to t

Each statement contains informtion gine in oe ofthe peragraphs idents she paragraphrom which the ingomaton i derived! ou may choase a paragraph morethan once Each paragraph is marked wih a leter Anwmer the questions by marking the correspondling letter on Answer sheer 2

Learning to say no

[A] Not doing something willalways be faster than doing it, This philosophy applies in many arcas oflife For example. there is no meeting that goes faster than not having a meeting a allThis is notto say you should never attend another meeting, but the truth is that we sa

"yes" to too many things we don''t actually want to do.

BHow ofen do people ask you to do something and you just reply, "Sure." Three days later you''re overwhelmed by how much is on your todo list we become frustrated by our obligations even though we were the ones who said "yes" to them in the first place, Even worse, people will occasionally fightto do things that waste time. You don''t have to do something just because it exists.It''s worth asking if things are necessary. Many of them are not, and a simple"no will be more productive than whatever work the most eficient person can cope with. Butifthe benefits ofsaying "no" are so obvious, then why do we say "yes" so ofien?


[C]We say "yes"to many requests not because we want to do them, but because we don''t wan

to be seen as rude or unhelpful. Often, we have to consider saying "no" to someone we will interact withagaininthe futureour co-worker, our spouse, our family and friends. Saying“no”to our superiors at work can be particularly difficult. In these situations, I like the approachrecommended in Essentialism by Greg MeKeown. He writes, "Remind your superiors what you would be neglecting if you said ''yes''and force them to deal with the trade-off. For example, if your manager comes to you and asks you to do X, you can respond with"Yes,I''m happy to make this the priority. Which of these other projects should l deprioritize to pay attention to this new project?"


[D]Collaborating with others is an important element of life. The thought of straining the relationship outweighs the commitment of our time and energy. For this reason, it can bo helpful to be gracious in your response. Do whatever favors you can, and be warm-heartec


and direct when you haveto say no.Bt even afer we have accounted for these sociah onsderationsayofusstl seem to do a poor jos ofmaniting the tade of between yes andnoWe find ourselves overcomnitted to things that don''t mcuningfully improve oe suppo those sround us, and cerainly don''t improve our own lives.

hott E1Perhaps ne issue is how we think about the meaning of yes and no. The words "yes" and get so ofren used in comparison with each oter that it feels like they carry cqual weigh in convesaion.in realitythey''re not just opposite in meaning, but of entircly diterent magnitudes in commitment When you say"no", you''re only saying "no" to one option When you say"yes" you''re ssying"no"to every ather option, I like how cconomin Tim Harford putit"Every time we say"yes’to arequest, we''re also saying "no" to anything clse we might accomplish with the time."Once you''re committed to something, you''ve already decided how that future block oftime will be spent in other words, saying "no" saves you time in the fature. Saying"yes"costs you time in the future. “No" is a form of time credi. ou retain the ability to spend your future time however you want. Yes is a form of tim debt You have to pay back your commitment at some point.

[F]“No” is adecision.“Yes"is aresponsibility. Saying "no" is sometimes seen as a luxury that

only those in power can afford. And its true: tuming down opportunities is casier when you can fall back on the safety net provided by power money, and authonty But it''s also true that saying“no" is not merely a privilege reserved for the successful. it''s also a strategy that an help you become successful. Saying"no" is an important skill to develop at any stage c your career because it retains the most important asset in life: your time. As investor Pedro Sorrentino put it,"If you don''t guard your time, people will steal it from you." You need to say“no" to whatever isn''t leading you toward your goals.

[G]Nobodyembodied this idea better than Steve Jobs, who said, "People think focus means saying"yes''to thethingyou''vegot to focus onBut that''s not what it means at all It means saying"no''tothehundred othergood ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully" Jobs had anothergreat quote about saying“no":“T''m actually as proud of the things we haven''t done as thethings Ihave done. Innovation is saying "no''to 1,000 things.

[H]Overtime,asyou continueto improve and succeed, your strategy needs to change. The opportunity costofyourtime increases as you become more successful. At first, you just eliminate the obvious distractions and explore the rest. As your skills improve and you learn to separate what works from what doesn''t, you have to continually increase your threshold for saying“yes"You still need to say“no”to distractions, but you also need to learn to say“no"to opportunities that were previously good uses of time. so you can make space for better uses oftime. It''s a good problem to have, but it can be a tough skill to master.


What is true about heaith ao true about pooductivity: an ounce ofprevertion is worth a pound ofcureMore effor is wasted doing things that don''t matter than is wasted doing thingsineiciently And ifthat is the case, elimination is a more aseful skil thar optimization.Im reminded ofthe famous Peter Drucker quote, "There is nothing so useless doing eficiently that which should not be done at all."


36.People often grant a request just beouuse they want to appear polite and helprul,

37.sno casy job leaning to say"noto opportunities that were once considered wort


38.When you decline a request, you are saving your future time.

39.People sometimes struggle to do things that are simply a waste oftime.

40.Doing eficiently what is not worth doing is the most useless effort.

41.Iis especially dificult for people to decline to do what their superiors ask them to do.

42. People agree to do too many things they are in fact unwilling to do.

43.According to one famous entrepreneur, innovation means refusal to do an enormous numbe of things.

44.lt is an essential aspect of life to cooperate with other people.

45.Refusing a request is sometimes seen as a privilege not enjoyed by ordinary people.


第一套Section B 答案:

36 [C] We say "yes" to many requests not because...

37 [H] Over time, as you continue to improve and succeed, ...

38 [E] Perhaps one issue is how we think about the meaning of...

39 [B] How often do people ask you to do something...

40 [I] What is true about health is also true about...

41 [C] We say "yes" to many requests not because...

42 [A] Not doing something will always be faster...

43 [G] Nobody embodies this idea better than Steve Jobs, ...

44 [D] Collaborating with others is an important element of life...

45 [F] "No" is a decision. "Yes" is a responsibility. ...

Section C

Directions: There are2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or?

unfinished statement. For each ofthem there are four choices marked A), B),C) andD).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

We''re eating more fish than ever these days. At around 20 kilograms per person global fish consumption is now more than twice what it was in the 1960s. What''s really remarkable, though, is where that fish comes from.


farming rather than fishing

Forthe frsttime in human history. most of out aguarie(f y food now comes from People ate around73 milion tonnes of farmed fst just more than haif of the vobamme of sh that humans consunedin 2014.That''s outof a fotal fsh supply of 167 million tonnes, the remaming20milion oso tonnes go nto things like animal feed and medieal prodicts.



To keepeuting fish at the current rute, we''re defnitely going to eed to keep agnaculture (水产养殖)developingThat''s because the volume of fsh caught in the wild has teveled off since the Backin1974.only10% ofmarine fish stocks had been overfshed Now, more than


three-tenthsareOnlyatenth ofour occans"fish stocks could sustain heavier fishing than carren But while catchings at sea have suffered, fish-farming has been growing nt a fan rate, A lot of that is coming from China, which produces 60% ofthe world''s farmed fish. in fact, some 3 countries,including China, now produce more farmed than wild-cnught fish.

This shift toward aquaculture isn''tjust good for ensuring salmon (三文鱼) on your plate; it''s so crucia to ensuring food security and sustanability. By 2050, the world will need to feed ar estimated 9.7 billion people.They''l have to get their protein somewhere, Howrever, raising cattle pigs,andotherland-based animals requires vast sums of grain and water. For example, pound for pound,beefrequires 15 times more feed to rmise than carp, a freshwater fish farmed all over Asia. That grainand the water needed to grow itcould be consumed by peaple instendn

However,aquacultureis nosilver bullet.In some southeast Asian countrics, shrimp farming does disastrousdamage to marine ecosystems. Despite these problems, however, shrimp continues to be among the most popular seafoods worldwide.t


46. What does the author say is remarkable about the fish we eat?

A) They reproduce quickly.

B) They are mostly farmed.

C) They have become as important as grain.

D) They have a longer history than humans.


47. What do we need to do if we keep consuming fish at the current rate?

A) Increase the fishing volume considerably.

B) Develop more advanced fishing technology.

C) Enlarge the marine fish stocks effectively.

D) Expand the scale of fish-farming continuously.


48. What does the author say about China in terms of aquatic food?

A) It places increasing emphasis on fishing now.

B) It boasts of the world''s largest fishing stocks.

C) It raises more fish than caught from the wild.

D) It supplies 60% of the world''s fish products


49. Why does the author say aquaculture is so important these days?

A) It is a must for feeding the world''s fast-growing population??

B) It proves a reliable source of protein for humans and animals??

C) It is essential to maintaining both mental and physical health

D) It ensures a balanced healthy diet for people the world over.?????


50. What does the author imply by saying aquaculture is no silver bullet?

A) Shrimp-farming is a risky business.

B) Fish-farming will not be sustainable.

C) Fish-farming may cause serious problems too.

D) Shrimp-farming can become quite expensive.







第一套Passage 1 答案

46 B) They are mostly farmed.

47 D) Expand the scale of fish-farming continuously.

48 C) It raises more fish than caught from the wild.

49 A) It is a must for feeding the world''s fast-growing population?

50 C) Fish-farming may cause serious problems too.



Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage

In 2020,the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the World Food Programme (WFP).

Why aNobel Prize for the WFP, and why now? In 2019, the WFP assisted nearly 100 million people in 88 countries. It is the safety net for those who fall off the edge of existence. It is a response tosolving the problem offood instabilityIts Nobel Prize reminds us all of the moral hazard in imagining that the poor and vulnerable are somebody else''s problem.

The WFP has been around since 1961 and has been the global coordinator of nationally based efforts to avoid disasters with food aid. Despite decades of effort to eliminate hunger, the latest estimate is that about 11% ofpeople on the planet(about 820 million people) are suffering dailyundemourishment Progress at reducing undernourishment has stopped despite gains through the 1990s and 2000s.

Developed countries sometimes offer food and aid to developing ones, but at a price. One American philosopher stated that addressing the needs of the poor and vulnerable is about more than money- it is mostly about creating conditions under which prosperity and opportunity can thrive. When aid is offered with heavy conditions attached, like loan repayment or food for


51. What does the WEP''s winning of the Nobel Peace Prize make us realize?

A) More and more people in the world are suffering from starvation.

B) All of us can be affected by food instability one way or another.

C) It is hazardous to leave millions of people poor and vulnerable.

D) It is morally wrong to think helping the poor is not our business.


52. What do we learn about the WEP''s effort to eliminate hunger?

A) It has ensured a sufficient food supply to millions.

B) It is still far from its goal despite the progress made.

C) It has done a good job in combating natural disasters.

D) It is preventing starvation occurring on a global scale.


53. What will happen when food aid is offered at a price?

A) The rich will become richer and the poor poorer.

B) More people will be willing to join in the effort.

C) More food will be made available to the needy.

D) The relief effort will be rendered less sustainable.


54. How can scientists help cope with poverty and hunger?

A) By collaborating closely with world economic institutions.

B) By sharing expertise with peers in poverty-stricken nations.

C) By setting up more food research programs in developing countries.

D) By building self-respect in people suffering from undernutrition.

55. What message does the author try to convey at the end of the passage?

A) Wealthy nations should solve their own food problems first.?

B) Rich countries should be more generous in providing food aid.

C) Poor nations should enhance their own ability to solve their food shortages.

D) World economic institutions should play a bigger role in fighting hunger.


第一套Passage 2 答案


D) It is morally wrong to think helping the poor is not our business.

B) It is still far from its goal despite the progress made.

A) The rich will become richer and the poor poorer.

B) By sharing expertise with peers in poverty-stricken nations.

C) Poor nations should enhance their own ability to solve their food shortages.


(30 minutes)

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into

English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2

立春(Start of Spring)在中国农历中表示春天的开始。立春之后,白天变得更长,天气也愈发温暖,万物开始复苏,大地充满生机。人们常说“一年之计在于春”,农民在这个时节开始播种,为全年的丰收打下基础。中国人早在三千年前就已开始在立春这一天举行庆祝活动。数百年来,迎春一直是民间的重要习俗。在春暖花开的日子里,人们常常外出游玩,欣赏春天的美景。


Start of Spring?marks?the beginning of spring in the Chinese lunar calendar. After Start of Spring, the daytime?becomes?longer, the weather becomes warmer,?everything starts to recover and the earth is full of vitality. It is often said that the whole year''s work depends on a good start in spring.?Farmers start planting seeds at this time?to lay the foundation for a good harvest?in this year. The Chinese have been holding celebration activities for Start of Spring since 3,000 years ago. For hundreds of years, welcoming spring has been an important folk custom. During the warm days of spring?when flowers blossom, people often travel?outside?and enjoy the beauty of spring.






Directions: In this task, you are to write an essay on the importance of developing a heath lifestyle among college students. You will have 30 minutes for the task. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

The importance of developing a healthy lifestyle especially for college students?has attracted extensive attention of the society, which can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspect of our everyday life.?

A number of factors might account for the phenomenon. One of the most common factors is that people start to realize that a healthy lifestyle is conducive to their life, work and study. For instance, for college students such lifestyle could help to build a strong body particularly during the pandemic and keep a good mood under the academic pressure. Beyond that, a regular circadian rhythm could ease sleep disorder, blood pressure and other chronic diseases. Moreover, ignoring the significance of a healthy lifestyle may result in serious consequences, which may do harm to our?body?immunity and even take a toll on our mental health. If we ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.

In summary, a healthy lifestyle is crucial for college students. It can not only help us keep fit, but also serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to keep a work-life balance.






第二套 Reading Comprehension

(40 minutes)?

Section A

In this secton, there is a passage with ten blanks, You are reguired to select one


wonfor each blank fom a list ofchoices given in a word bank following the passage Read the passage hrough can/ully before making your choices. Each choice inthe bankis identfied by a letter Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answersheet2with a single line through the centre. you may notuse any ofthe words in the bank more than once.

Researchers, writing inthejournal Heart pooled data from 23 studics and found that social solation or feelings ofloneliness were tied to an increased risk of coronary heart disease (冠心病 and strokes.

The studies included data from181,006 men and women ages 18 and over. There were 4,628 coronary events and3,002 strokes in follow-up periods26from three to 21 years. Three o the papers27loneliness, 18looked at social isolation and two included both. Socia isolation andloneliness were determined with questionnaires; the researchers depended on medical records and death28for determining coronary events and strokes.

The scientists found that loneliness and social isolation increased the29risk of having a heart attack or a death from heart disease by29 pereent, and the risk of stroke by 32 percent. There were no 30between men and women.

“People have tended to focus from a policy point of view on31_ lonely people to make them more32" said the lead author, Nicole K.Valtorta, a research fellow at the University ofYorkinEngland“Ourstudy33that ifthis is a risk factor, then we should be trying to prevent the risk factor in the first place.”

Theauthors34that this was a review of observational studies and didnot35cause and effect.


A) acknowledge

I) narrow?

B) certificates

J) permanent?

C) connected

K) produces?

D) demonstrates

L) ranging?

E) differences

M) relative?

F) establish

N) submitting?

G) formats

O) targeting?

H) measured


26. L ranging

27. H measured

28. B certificates

29. M relative

30. E differences

31. O targeting

32. C connected

33. D demonstrates

34. A acknowledge

35. F establish


Section B

n this sectom you ngoing o radu panage with ten staterments atiached to t Eachatment conia iformcien gimn in ame ofthe paragraphs, identiy the


paragraphfom which the yormation is derined you may choase a paragruph morethanonce Eachparagraph i marked wih a lettee dnsser the questions bu marking the corresponding letter on Answer sheet2

The hidden costs colleges don''t want you to know about

[A]This fal. thousands of college students from across the country will begin thei undergradue studies at colleges around the nation. They will inevitably pack too much to ft intheir tiny dormrooms. They will also cary with them a hoge student loan debt, in addition tocountess"hidden"out-ofpocket costs paid for by their bank accounts and the bank

accounts of their families

[B]Army well-respected, private,fouryear university in Washington, D.C., which boasts a yearytuitionof$44,046 notincluding room and board, I receive over $57,000 yearly in fnancialaidAsastudent from a family that is struggling to make ends meet, my financia aid puckage is a combination of federal grants and federal work study, university meri scholarships and financial aid awards, and about $8,000 yearly in federally subsidized (有贴的)and unsubsidized loans.On pape, my expenses and my financial aid just about eve out, Off paper, they don''t.

[C】Universities todayare inthe business ofmaking money, and mine is no exception. They hit

me right out of gate with a$160 fee to attend my freshman orientation, a price which does not include the cost oftravel to and from the District. Almost every class has an associated fee not includedin the cost oftuition, most between $40 and $100. Fees for lab science classes are the highest, andall students at my university are required to take at least one lab before they graduate. Buying a laptop proved a necessity and, thankfully, a relative bought me one asagiftRenting a mini-fridge for my dorm room costs my roommates and me about$140 a year.

[D] Schoolswill charge you whatever they can. The costs of any damage to the dorm, including

elevators, bathrooms, and common areas, are billed to every person on a dorm floor, or even the entire building ifthey do not know who caused the damage. After I fell out of my bed twice during my freshman yearthe university installed a railingfor $20, billed to my


studentaccount.Myfnancial aid did not anticipate any of these costs, and so it did not cover


EAn intenet search of"hidden costs"ofcollege turns up a host of articles on parent-centered websites on the college application process. These articles are almost always geared towards upperand middleclass families. For students already struggling to pay tuition, these costs

may be the least of their worries.

So what hidden costs should low-income students really be paying attention to? My college

experience offers a few examples.

[G]Ifyou are alowincome student wha will be attending school out-ofstate, make sure you know if you can use your state benefits, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistanc ProgramorSNAPIt wasn''t until afler Ihad accepted admission to an outof-state school thatI leaned that I could not use my Ohio Medicaid on campus for anything other than emergency care. My benefits became invalid the second I moved out of Ohio. After my freshman year,I had to opt for the schools insurance plan, which costs around $2,000 a year Even if your school offers a flat-rate fee for a doctor''s appointment at the student healt center(mine is $20 a visit), these fees often do not include extra fees for lab tests ( prescription medications(药物).

[]fyou plan on paying offbills in your student account with a credit card, be aware of any

additional costs. My school charges an additional fee for the use of a credit card to settle outstanding charges, which can add upwards of3% of the balance to your bill

There is another depressing reality hidden within even the largest financial aid packages

Colleges often offer the most generous packages during freshman year as a way to attract new students. My family was careful to ask about the chances of financial aid being taken away after my freshman year. We were assured that, except for low grades or a raise in family income, no money would be taken away. We did not know to ask-and the school did not readily point out-that even iftuition rises, my financial aid package will stay the same. Sowhen myuniversity voted to raise tuition costs 3% at the end of my freshman year, my financial aid package remained the same and I was suddenly responsible for an additional$1,200 for the next year.The university administration will likely vote to raise costs at least once more before my graduation.


[] Yes,I chose to attend an expensive university far from my hometown. Yes, there were

cheaper options. But there are promising students from struggling families across the nation who should not rule out their dream schools entirely. All things considered, I am paying signifcantly less than the ticket price ofmy university, and having an educational experience inWashington,D.C.,thatI would not have had anywhere else. As a low-income student from adown-and-out Rust Belt community, these educational experiences have enormous potential to brighten my futureand my family''s future.


[K]The keyis tomake sure that students and their fimilies understand that hidden costs exist and that they may prove problematie. Filout a more comprchensive checklist, and be wars oflisted prices that seem too lowUnderstand just how complicated the financial aid process


[LStudents and families must also understand their abiliry to self-advocate, They should no pay student bills or excess fees blindlylfsomething does not look right, ask about it. If it still doesn''tlook right,negotiateitn cases where parents are working multiple jobs, are less knowledgeable about college bureaucracies, have limited English language skills, or are not contributing financially to their child''s education, the burden ofselfadvocacy will fall on the studentIunderstand the dificulty, and the embarassment But it is necessary

M]In the grand scheme of things, however, colleges also must come to understand that the hidden feesthey ask for may prove unmanageable for the very kinds of low-income or first-generation students they are trying desperately to attract.


36.Students’financial aid remains unchanged even when tuition rises.

37.Students may not be able to enjoy their state benefits when they go to college out ofthe state.

38.The financial aid the author receives is supposed to cover all ber college expenses.

39.When the person who damages dorm facilities is not identifed, students are required to sha

the cost.

40.Though it is difficult and embarrassing, students should make inquiries about what fees they have to pay and why.

41.Today, many Americans have to go to college on student loans

42.Receiving education in a private university in the nation''s capital may change the author''s future life and that of her family''s.

43.Students may no longer be qualified for financial aid if they perform poorly in school or if their family income has increased.

44.In addition to tuition, college students have to pay extra fees for the courses they take.

45.Some schools charge students a fee to their student accounts for using credit cards to pay bills.



第二套Section B答案

36 [I] There is another depressing reality hidden within...

37 [G] If you are a low-income student who...

38 [B] At my well-respected, private, four-year university...

39 [D] Schools will charge you whatever they can...

40 [L] Students and families must also understand...

41 [A] This fall, thousands of college students...

42 [J] Yes, I chose to attend an expensive university...

43 [I] There is another depressing reality hidden within...

44 [C] Universities today are in the business of making money...

45 [H] If you plan on paying off bills in your student account......


Pessage Ome

Qnestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Towrie his2010 book, The5-Factor Horld Diet, nutritionist Harley Pastenak travcled to e beathiest countries around the world to lean more about what made their neals exi


Henoted that Japanese people ate a wonderful variety of seaweeds, and that Chinese people nedto include at least five diferent colors in every meal. Pasternak also came away with some ahable observations about how diferent the North American way of life was, compared with

muny other countries.

For starters, Americans eat much bigger portions than people in other countries. "We don''t proritize eating seasonally or locally. and we also add lots ofsalt, sugar and thickening agents to ourfoods"explained Pastemak Contrast that to the healthy Mediterranean, Nordic anc Okinawan diets listed in Pastenak''s book.They all seem to stick to the ethos (特质) ofregiona seasonal produce.

Forexampie,a traditionalMediterranean diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and olive oil as the main components of nutritional intake. Fish, chicken and red wine make moderate appearances, while red meat, salt and sugar are used much less often. The benefits of a traditional Mediteranean diet have been studied since the 1970s, and researchers have found that living that olive oil life can help people lose weight, lower their heart disease risk and reverse diabetes.

Most other healthy eating cultures also make meals an event-say, multiple courses around the family table, or a glass or two ofred wine at a long lunch-as opposed to hastily wolfing down handfuls ofcereal above the kitchen sink and calling it dinner

Each ofthe healthy eating cultures has its own unique feature. But Pasternak did take note of one unifying factor in all ofthe healthy societies he observed. "The only overlapping feature i most ofthese healthy countries is that they all walk way more than the average American," said Pasternak.“So really,regardless ofwhat you''re eating, if someone''s walking four miles more than you each day, they''re going to be a lot thinner and live a lot longer than you.”


46.What characterizes Japanese and Chinese foods?

A) Variety.

C) Color.?

B) Flavor.

D) Naturalness.?


47.What is typical of Americans in the way of eating?

A) They emphasize nutrition.

B) They tend to eat quite a lot.

C) They prioritize convenience.?

D) They care about flavors.?


48.What features in Mediterranean, Nordic and Okinawan diets?

A) Fruits and vegetables.

B) Olive oil and red wine.

C) Seasonal local produce.?

D) Unprocessed ingredients.?


49.What do people in most healthy eating cultures have in common?

A) They get the whole family to eat at a table.

B) They eat their meals regularly and punctually.

C) They consume plenty of cereal for breakfast.

D) They attach great importance to their meals.


50. Compared with the average American, people in healthy societies_

A) walk at least 4 miles a day

B) do considerably more walking

C) pay more attention to body shape?

D) consume a lot more organic food?

第二套Passage 1答案

46 A) Variety.

47 B) They tend to eat quite a lot.

48 C) Seasonal local produce.?

49 D) They attach great importance to their meals.

50 B) do considerably more walking

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Recognizing when afriend or colleague feels sad, angry or surprised is key to getting along with others. But a new study suggests that being sensitive to people''s feelings may sometimes come with an extra dose ofstress. This and other research challenge the prevailing view that emotional intelligence is uniformly beneficial to its bearer.

Inastudypsychologist Myriam Bechtoldt of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Managementin Germanyasked166 male university students a series of questions to measure theiremotionalintelligence.Forexample,they showed the students photographs of people''s faces and asked themto whatextent feelings such as happiness or disgust were being expressed. The students then had to give job talks in front ofjudges who displayed serious facial expressions. The scientistsmeasuredconcentrations ofstress hormones in the studentssaliva(唾液) before and after the talk.


Instudents who were rated more emotionally intelligent, the stress measures increased mor during the experiment and took longer to go back to baseline. The findings suggest that soty people may be too emotionally clever for their own good, says Bechtoldt, "Sometimes you can be so good at something that it causes trouble," she notes.

Indeed, the study adds to previous research hinting at a dark side of emotional intelligence. A study publishedin 2002in Personality and Individual Diferences suggested that enotionally perceptive people might be particularly influenced by feelings of depression and hopelessness Furthermore, several studies have implied that emotional intelligence can be used to manipulate others for personal gains.

More research is needed to see how exactly the relation between emotional intelligence an stress would play out in women and in people ofdifferent ages and education levels. Nevertheles emotional intelligence is a useful skill to have, as long as you learn to also properly cope wi cmotions-bothothersand your own,says Bechtoldt. For example, some sensitive individual may assume responsibility for other people''s sadness or anger, which ultimately stresses them on Remember,as Bechtoldtsays, "you are not responsible for how other people feel.”


51. What is the finding of the new study?

A)Emotional intelligence helps people get along with others.

B)Emotional intelligence is generally beneficial to its bearer

C)People who are aware of others'' feelings may experience more stress.

D)People who are emotionally stressed may have trouble making friends.


52.What was the purpose ofpsychologist Myriam Bechtoldt''s experiment?

A) To define different types of human feelings.

B) To assess the impacts of being emotionally clever.

C)To demonstrate how to distinguish different feelings.

D)To identify gender differences in emotional intelligence.


53.What does the finding of Myriam Bechtoldt''s study indicate?

A) Greateremotional cleverness means less trouble in one''s life.

B)Emotional intelligence helps people succeed in job interviews.

C)People''s psychological wellbeing is related to various factors.

D)People may suffer from having a high emotional intelligence


54.What do we learn about emotional intelligence from a number of studies?

A) People suffering from depression are emotionally immature.

B) People who look at the dark side of life often feel depressed

C) Some people may take advantage ofit and benefit themselves

D) Some people may lack it and are easily manipulated by others.


55. What does the author suggest sensitive individuals do?

A) Avoid burdening themselves with others’feelings.

B) Rid themselves of worries over worldly affairs.

C) Learn to cope with people''s negative feelings.

D)Help people to deal with their troubles in life.


第二套Passage 2 答案

51 C) People who are aware of others'' feelings may experience more stress.

52 B) To assess the impacts of being emotionally clever

53 D) People may suffer from having a high emotional intelligence

54 C) Some people may take advantage of it and benefit themselves

55 A) Avoid burdening themselves with others'' feelings.

第二套 Translation?

(30 minutes)

Directions:Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese ini English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2

在中国农历中,立秋(Start of Autumn)意味着夏天的结束和秋天的开始,立秋带来的首先是天气的变化,气温逐渐下降。人们看到树叶开始变黄飘落时,知道秋天已经来临,这就是所谓的“一叶知秋”。但此时酷热的天气并未完全结束,高温通常还会持续一段时间,被称为“秋老虎”。立秋对农民意义重大,这时各种秋季作物迅速生长、开始成熟,收获的季节即将到来。

In the Chinese lunar calendar, Start of Autumn marks?the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The first thing that comes with Start of Autumn is the change of weather and the gradual drop of temperature. When people see the leaves start to fall?and become yellow, they know that autumn has come, which is the so-called "a?falling leaf heralds autumn"?phenomenon. But at this time,?the hot weather is not completely over.?The high temperature usually continues to exist for some time. This period is known as?Indian?summer. Autumn is a time of great significance to farmers, when all kinds of autumn crops grow rapidly and begin to ripen?and the harvest season is approaching.


第二套 Writing


Part I

Directions:In this task you are to write an essay on the role of physical exercise in achieving success at college. You will have 30 minutes for the task. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

In recent years, physical exercise among college students is becoming increasingly prevalent at an amazing rate.

A number of factors are accountable for this situation. First and foremost, it is generally agreed that exercising has been playing an increasingly important role in our life, which has brought us a lot of benefits in achieving success at university. Plus, developing a regular exercising habit is conducive to build a healthy and strong body. Moreover, in this process it is?beneficial to improve stamina?and?endurance. It is worth noting that?such perseverance and persistence in return are valuable at college since they could help one step further in the academic success. Another contributing cause is the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle today do great harm to college students. Lack of exercise leads to coronary heart disease, obesity, immunity problems, mental disorders etc, which needs to be resolved.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that physical exercising plays an important role in keeping health and building a strong willpower, which in return can help college students achieve success in college.



The necessity for college students to develop their social ability

It''s no secret that college students can''t avoid a lot of socializing during and after school. Therefore, it is necessary for us college students to develop our social skills. Here''s why.

First of all, college students can grow up quickly through socializing. Through the exchange of ideas, we can get help from all sides, so as to learn lessons and make up for our own defects and deficiencies. Secondly, with the guidance of those who came before us, we can cut corners. We college students will inevitably encounter obstacles during the school years, and these problems can be effectively avoided by communicating with others and asking others for advice with an open mind. Last but not least, through socializing, we can know and participate in various things happening on campus and in the society, which is conducive to our better integration into the society after graduation.

Therefore, social ability is a necessary ability for every college student to develop, and we urgently need to cultivate and develop our own social ability.


Nowadays, all colleges and universities pay great attention to the quality education of students, among which, school physical education as an important content and means of quality education, plays a very important role in the success of students.

To begin with, physical exercise can strengthen students'' will and cultivate the quality of never giving up. This is because that sport generally has the characteristics of hard work, tension, and strong resistance, and when people participate in physical exercise, they are accompanied by strong emotional experience and will. At the same time, sport not only requires strong physical conditions, but also scientific tactics, strategies and keen observation. Therefore, Physical exercise is helpful to the cultivation of observation and thinking ability.

In a word, physical exercise is essential to the success of college students by cultivating their will and improving their thinking ability.

写作 大学生健康生活

As college students are in their golden age and bright future is waiting for them, they must live a healthy life and build a solid base for their health. Here are some tips.

First, set aside time for physical activity. You can find a sport you enjoy and set a realistic goal. Then try to achieve your goal by yourself or with a friend. You can record your every bit of progress, which brings you more encouragement.

Second, eat well. Do your best to resist the temptation of junk food such as milk tea, fried chicken and roast meat. You don''t have to eat perfectly every day, but as long as you''re making healthy choices most of the time, you’re on the right track.

Third, get enough sleep. Adults need 7~8 hours per night on average. The best way to ensure you get the right amount of sleep is to fix the time for going to the bed and waking up. Reducing your screen time before sleeping is helpful.

All in all, college students’ life is filled with unhealthy temptations and only with self-discipline can you lead a healthy lifestyle.



1. A) Part of its dam wall collapsed.

2. C) It brought the mine''s operations to a halt.

3.B)It assigned a team of doctors for each expected baby.

4.D) They needed to stay in the hospital for a couple of months.

5. D) It is a perfect tourist destination.

6. C) Its unspoiled beaches

7. A) It has an unmatched location.

8.C) She became a member of the gym two months ago.

9.D) Offering existing members a discount off two new classes.

10.B) She missed out on the gym''s general discount.

11. A) She doesn''t want to reveal her card details over the phone.

12.C) To research new markets.

13.A) Dubai.

14.D) Send him a map of the hotel area.

15.B) Keep all his receipts.

16. C) Whether a country''s protection of women''s rights is related to its public health,

17. A) Their people still have better health if women''s rights are respected.

18. D) Their positive effect on economic development.

19. B) It may cause strange physical reactions.

20. B) Bad breath.

21. D) It provides people with extra energy.

22.A) They are more likely to win in combat sports.

23.D) Their brain has a strong connection between its two sides.

24.B) It still remains unknown.

25.C) Encourage them to play fast-paced interactive sports.


1. D) A pipe band contest.

2. C) Contribute a lot to the local economy.

3. B)Dangerous ice melts in Greenland.

4. C) It started a month earlier than usual.

5. A) Bundles of £20 notes kept turning up.

6. B) They return it to the finder.

7. D) They had a strong community spirit.

8.D) Strange.

9.A) Search for the meaning of their life.

10.C) He enjoys celebrating others’ birthdays rather than his own.

11.B) View it as a chance for people to socialize and have fun.

12.A) It was absolutely exhausting.

13.A) She hasn''t saved enough money.

14.B) They are dangerous.

15.D) By sharing a ride.

16. B) He is a deaf person working in IT.

17. B) Speech recognition technologh.

18. A) He can avoid being mistaken.

19. D) To see cheerful colours all around.

20. A) Choosing a colour because it is fashionable.

21. D) Paint the wooden frameworks and walls the same colour.

22.C) Reading to their children is important.

23.C) The number and quality of books parents read to them in infancy.

24.A) Books with specifically labeled images.

25.B) Choose carefully what to read to their children.




文章开头:Parenting brings fathers more joy than it does mothers, according to a new study. The research examined three studies

【答案速查】26-30 KBLAD 31-35 EHGFI

26. K involving

27. B associated

28. L note

29. A additional

30. D cultivate

31. E depressive

32. H however

33. G emotions

34. F directly

35. I implications


标题:Learning to say no


36-40 C H E B I 41-45 C A G D F


36.People often grant a request just because they want to appear polite and helpful.

36. C 【定位】We say “yes” to many requests not because we want to do them, but because we don’t want to be seen as rude or unhelpful.

37. It’s no easy job learning to say “no” to opportunities that were once considered worth grasping.

37. H【定位】You still need to say “no” to distractions, but you also need to learn to say “no” to opportunities that were previously good uses of time, so you can make space for better uses of time.

38. When you decline a request, you are saving your future time.

38. E【定位】In other words, saying “no” saves you time in the future.

39. People sometimes struggle to do things that are simply a waste of time.

39. B 【定位】Even worse, people will occasionally fight to do things that waste time.

40. Doing efficiently what is not worth doing is the most useless effort.

40. I 【定位】“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all”.

41. It’s especially difficult for people to decline to do what their superiors ask them to do.

41. C 【定位】Saying “no” to our superiors at work can be particularly difficult.

42. People agree to do too many things they are in fact unwilling to do.

42. A【定位】...but the truth is that we say “yes” to too many things we don’t actually want to do.

43. According to one famous entrepreneur, innovation means refusal to do an enormous number of things.

43. G【定位】Jobs had another great quote about saying “no”:“I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things i have done. Innovation is saying ‘no’ to 1,000 things.”

44. It is an essential aspect of life to cooperate with other people.

44. D【定位】Collaborating with others is an important element of life.

45. Refusing a request is sometimes seen as a privilege not enjoyed by ordinary people.

45. F【定位】saying “no” is sometimes seen as a luxury that only those in power can afford.

Passage One

文章开头We are eating more fish than ever these days.

答案速查:46-50 BDCAC

46.What does the author say is remarkable about the fish we eat?

B) They are mostly farmed.

47.What do we need to do if we keep consuming fish at the current rate?

D)Expand the scale of fish-farming continuously.

48. What does the author say about China in terms of aquatic food?

C) It raises more fish than caught from the wild.

49. Why does the author say aquaculture is so important these days?

A)It is a must for feeding the world’s fast-growing population.

50. What does the author imply by saying aquaculture is no silver bullet?

C) Fish-farming may cause serious problems too.

Passage Two

文章开头 In 2020,the Nobel Peace Prize was...

答案速查:51-55 D B A B C

51. What does the WEP’s winning of the Nobel Peace Prize make us realize?

D) It is morally wrong to think helping the poor is not our business.

52. What do we learn about the WEP’s effort to eliminate hunger?

B) It is still far from its goal despite the progress made.

53. What will happen when food aid is offered at a price?

54. A) The rich will become richer and the poor poorer.

54. How can scientists help cope with poverty and hunger?

B) By sharing expertise with peers in poverty-stricken nations

55. What message does the author try to convey at the end of the passage?

C) Poor nations should enhance their own ability to solve their food shortages.



文章开头:Researchers, writing in the....













标题:The hidden costs colleges don’t want you to know about


36-40 I G B D L 41-45 A J I C H

36. [I] There is another depressing reality hidden within even the largest financial aid packages…

37. [G] If you are low-income student who will be attending school out-of-state, make sure you know if you can use your state benefits…

38. [B] At my well-respected, private, four-year university in Washington, DC, which boasts a yearly tuition of $44,046…

39. [D] Schools will charge you whatever they can. The costs of any damages to the dorm, including elevators, bathrooms…

40. [L] Students and families must also understand their ability to self-advocate…

41. [A] This fall, thousands of college students from across the country will begin their undergraduate careers at colleges…

42. [J] Yes, I chose to attend an expensive university far from my hometown…

43. [I] There is another depressing reality hidden within even the largest financial aid packages…

44. [C] Universities today are in the business of making money, and mine is no exception…

45.[H] f you plan on paying off bills in your student account with a credit card, be aware of any additional costs…

Passage one

文章开头To write his 2010 book, The 5-Factor World Diet, nutritionist Harley Pasternak traveled to the healthiest countries around the world to learn more about what made their meals extra nourishing.

【答案】46-50 ABCDB

46. What characterizes Japanese and Chinese foods?

A) Variety.

47. What is typical of Americans in the way of eating?

B) They tend to eat quite a lot.

48. What features in Mediterranean, Nordic and Okinawan diets?

C) Seasonal local produce.

49. What do people in most healthy eating cultures have in common?

D) They attach great importance to their meals.

50. Compared with the average American, people in healthy societies________.

B) do considerably more walking

Passage Two

开头:文章开头Recognizing when a friend or colleague feels sad,...

【答案】51-55 CBDCA

What is the finding of the new study?

People who are aware of others'' feelings may experience more stress.

52. What was the purpose of psychologist Myriam Bechtoldt’s experiment?

To assess the impacts of being emotionally clever.

53. What does the finding of Myriam Bechtoldt’s study indicate?

People may suffer from having a high emotional intelligence.

54. What do we learn about emotional intelligence from a number of studies?

Some people may take advantage of it and benefit themselves.

55. What do we learn about emotional intelligence from a number of studies?

A) Avoid burdening themselves with others'' feelings.




开头:Phones influence all aspects of teenage life...


【答案速查】26-30 DNHGA 31-35 LEJCF

26. D) constantly

27. N) usage

28. H) nationally

29. G) inseparable

30. A) absorbed

31. L) specific

32. E) context

33. J) shape

34. C) behavior

35. F) exercise



标题:Evil Genius


36-40 DJBGA 41-45 IKCHF


36. A behavior that does not conform to social norms may be described as being deviant.

36. D 【定位】Evil is typically referred to when there is deviance from social norms:

37. Various experiments found that participants who cheated in the initial task performed better in the creativity test.

37. J 【定位】For every one of the five studies, they found the same thing –participants who cheated in the first task did better on the creativity task.

38. People may be simply considered evil if their behaviors are morally unacceptable to us.

38. B 【定位】With others, however ,it is far easier to write them off. If their actions deviate (偏离) substantially from what we consider acceptable, we may label them evil.

39. The research published by two scientists was intended to examine the relationship between dishonesty and creativity.

39. G 【定位】 In a research paper, Evil Genius, published in 2014. the behavioral scientists Francesca Gino and Scott Wiltermuth wanted to examine whether people who behave unethically in one task are more creative than others on a subsequent task

40. The author''s lectures sparked lively discussions in his class.

40. A 【定位】 It was a huge success. The debates were heated and interesting.

41. The researchers tested the participants’ creativity by asking them to play a word game.

41. I 【定位】This shows participants three words at a time that appear to be unrelated and the person has to think of a fourth word that is associated with all of them. For example, … The more you get right, the more creative you are thought to associations.

42. It is time we realized that deviance may be capable of doing both good and harm to individuals and society.

42. K 【定位】It''s time for us to understand deviance, and realize its potential for good as well as for harm.

43. The reasons for people''s evil behaviors can be explained in more ways than one.

43. C 【定位】- there are no simple explanations for why humans do bad things instead there are many and they are all marvelously different.

44. The math task in one experiment was designed to test participants'' tendency to cheat.

44. H 【定位】Over five experiments researchers gave participants tasks in which they could cheat. In one study, they were given matrixes (矩阵) and had to find two numbers that…

45. Some creative ideas have turned out to do harm to human society.

45. F 【定位】Thinking creatively has given us modern medicine...but it has also given us poison and nuclear weapons. Great benefit and great harm can come from the same human tendency.


开头句:Even though we are living in an age where growing old is thought of as an inevitable misery…


46. D)Shifting people’s perspective on aging.

47. A) He wanted to make it more pleasant for seniors.

48. D) He acted in violation of the state law.

49. C) Getting old is by no means something miserable.

50. A) It is gaining ground in many countries.


Passage Two

文章开头:Research shows that in developed countries, more affluent and educated people...

答案速查:51-55 BADCB

51. B) People from different social groups vary in their dietary habits.

52. A) A better understanding of the relationship between social class and health.

53. D) They do not lack food knowledge or budgeting skills.

54. C) Enabling them to have more access to nutritious foods.

55. B) Choose diets that are both healthy and affordable.



在中国农历中,立秋(Start of Autumn)意味着夏天的结束和秋天的开始。立秋带来的首先是天气的变化,气温逐渐下降。人们看到树叶开始变黄飘落时,知道秋天已经来临。这就是所谓的“一叶知秋”。但此时酷热的天气并未完全结束,高温通常还会持续一段时间,被称为“秋老虎”。立秋对农民意义重大,这时各种秋季作物迅速生长、开始成熟,收获的季节即将到来。

In the Chinese lunar calendar, Start of Autumn means the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. After Start of Autumn, the weather firstly starts to change, and the temperature gradually decreases. The sight of leaves are turning yellow and falling reminds people that autumn has arrived, which is the literal sense of the idiom that the falling of one leaf indicates the autumn. However, during this period, the heat doesn’t entirely end, and it usually lasts a spell, which is called "Autumn Tiger". Start of Autumn is of great significance to farmers. It is at this time that various autumn crops grow rapidly and begin to mature, and the harvest is approaching.


冬至(Winter Solstice)是全年白昼最短、黑夜最长的一天,标志着一年中最寒冷时节的开始。冬至过后,气温越来越低,人们的户外活动逐渐减少。农民地里活儿不多,主要忙于灌溉系统的维护和农作物的防冻,同时为来年春天播种做准备。



The Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of a year, marks the beginning of the coldest period of a year. After the Winter Solstice, with the lower temperature, people will have less outdoor activities. Since there is much less farming work to do, farmers are mainly busy for maintaining irrigation systems and protecting crops from being frozen, and in the meantime, make preparations for spring sowing in the following year.

Chinese people have always attached great importance to the Winter Solstice. In many places, people regard it as a festival and celebrate it in different ways. People in Northern China have the custom of eating jiaozi on this day, while people in Southern China have the tradition of eating tangyuan.


立春(Start of Spring)在中国农历中表示春天的开始。立春之后,白天变得更长,天气也愈发温暖:万物开始复苏,大地充满生机。人们常说"一年之计在于春”,农民在这个时节开始播种,为全年的丰收打下基础。中国人早在三千年前就已开始在立春这一天举行庆祝活动。数百年来,迎春一直是民间的重要习俗。在春暖花开的日子里,人们常常外出玩,欣赏春天的美景。

Start of Spring marks the beginning of spring in the Chinese lunar calendar. After the Start of Spring, the days get longer and the weather gets warmer: Everything starts to recover and the earth is full of life. It is often said that "a year''s plan begins in spring". Farmers start planting seeds at this time to lay the foundation for the whole year''s harvest. As early as 3,000 years ago, Chinese people began to celebrate the Start of Spring on this day. Welcoming spring has been an important folk custom for hundreds of years. In the spring days, people often go out to play and enjoy the beautiful scenery in spring.
