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Spiritual Awareness

‘Change Has Begun’

Jay Hill and Michelle Kraus

Foreword by Amy Farrar

2008 2012

2012 : A Guide to

2012 : A Guide to Spiritual Awareness

Copyright ? 2008 Jay Hill and Michelle Kraus

ISBN: 1-882918-17-7

edited by: Amy Farrar

Page Design by: Chad Lilly

Cover creation by: Chad Lilly

Original Cover Drawing by: Michelle Kraus

All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by

electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval

systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer

who may quote a brief passage in a review. The names of individuals have been

changed to preserve con?dentiality.

Are You Aware?

w w w . i n n e r c i r c l e p u b l i s h i n g . c o m

Table of Contents

2008 2012

7 : foreword

11 : introduction

19 : chapter 1 - Ge?ing Rid of Stu? - The Beginning

32 : chapter 2 - Fear and Greed

40 : chapter 3 - Forgiving Yourself for Your Mistakes

52 : chapter 4 - Moving On

60 : chapter 5 - Returning to a Spiritual Community

74 : chapter 6 - The Path of Peace

87 : chapter 7 - Dealing with Society

99 : chapter 8 - Raising Your Consciousness

in Preparation for 2012

2008 2012

First and foremost, we would like to thank with

great humility the messengers who deemed us worthy

of receiving their messages and asked for our help to

distribute the messages in the book.

Michelle would like to thank her parents Cal and Irene

for being supportive in all ways of this project. Michelle

would also like to especially thank her husband Mike

and daughter Ma?a for their patience and supportive

love during the sometimes trying times of the writing of

this book. And as always, a thank you goes to the people

who were her second family and friends who listened

and accepted her for who she is. Thank You for believing

in me.


2008 2012

Jay would like to thank all of the people who helped

make this possible. These people include his family and

friends who believed in him, and his supervisor Andrea

at his work for being so understanding and all the people

in his life who regardless if they knew it or not were his

teachers. A special big Thank You to his cousin Linda for

everything that she did to support this project. Jay would

also like to thank Dr. Chris Grams for helping him look

at love in a whole di?erent way and showing him how

to love with his heart, and for also introducing him to

people who helped facilitate the channeling process.

We would both like to thank Drs. Diane and Loren

Mickelson for the psychic work they did that helped

open and remove blocks in us both so that we could more

clearly receive messages. What they did not only helped

with the book but helped us in all areas of our lives.

And a special mention and thank you to Amy Farrar.

Amy edited the book and through her professionalism

and knowledge of the writing business she showed us

and taught us much. Amy embraced the project and

believed in it and was supportive and patient with our

want and needs. She wrote the forward and has started

as we have to live as the book asks. Thank you Amy

We would very much like to thank the universe for the

abundance we have received in all areas of our life.


2012 : A Guide to Spiritual Awareness - Change has begun

When I was ?rst approached by Jay to work on this

book, I wasn’t sure what to think. Although I had edited

books of a spiritual nature before, I had never edited a

strictly channeled book in which much of the information

in it was sent by people who had passed on, spiritual

guides, and what many of us think of as angels.

But as I began working on the book, I was ?lled with

this overwhelming feeling of trust, not only in Jay and

Michelle, but in the book’s content and its other authors—

the spiritual beings that have brought us this message.

In the o?en unpredictable world of freelance writing

and editing, ?nding clients that we freelancers can trust

right away doesn’t happen very o?en. And although I

consider myself a fairly New Agey type of person, I also

have an analytical mind that usually discounts theories


2008 2012



and books about the end of life on Earth as we know it.

This book is not about the end. It is about the

beginning—the beginning of a new way of thinking,

feeling, and living among the human race on this planet

we call our home. Although the authors of the book (and

by authors I mean Jay, Michelle, and the spiritual beings

who borrowed them to channel this information to you)

refer to 2012 as a time of chaos that will result from wars

and natural disasters, that time is already upon us, and

each of us must take it upon ourselves to do what we can

to heal our planet, ourselves, and each other. This is a

book about spiritual awakening.

As such, one of the most potent messages in the book is

to love they neighbor, a message given by Jesus that most

of us in the New Age community take very seriously. Can

love conquer all? Yes, I believe that it can. I believe that if

we love ourselves, others, and the planet, that we all will

come through this into a new world that we can bring

into being.

As the authors state in the book, we are already

embroiled in tremendous change. Even if you don’t

believe that spiritual forces are and will be at work over

the next decade, you would have to have your head in

the sand not to acknowledge the huge changes that are

going on right now due to global warming, which was

the subject of the ?rst book I wrote (which was part of

the reason the universe threw us all together to work on

this book).


2012 : A Guide to Spiritual Awareness - Change has begun

As the authors suggest, start by unplugging from the

unhealthy brainwashing we all receive to be good li?le

consumers; really learn about sustainable living to the

best of your ability—how to grow your own food; how

to rely on your local community for support and help;

and how to survive without electricity or running water

in your home. This last point may be alarming, and most

Americans reading this may even laugh at it, but it is

a very real possibility in a war-torn world ravaged by

ongoing natural disasters, even here in the United States.

Of course this book states this will happen on a much

bigger scale, than say, New Orleans.

How it happens really isn’t the point. War and

environmental degradation are real world problems

that are already at work. 2012 means di?erent things

to di?erent people. Many reference it as the end of the

Mayan calendar. Although this has been interpreted

very negatively by a lot of people, no one knows for sure

exactly what the end of the Mayan calendar means. Much

of the Mayans’ writings were destroyed by invaders and

there is no concrete evidence of what the end of their

very accurate calendar means. But whether the chaos that

already seems to be happening (or at the very least has

happened since the dawn of recorded history) means the

end of the Mayan calendar, the end times predicted in The

Bible, or aliens coming from outer space (for either good

or bad reasons), there are a few things we can start doing

now, and those are the very valuable lessons outlined in

this book.



One thing is clear—we are at a point in our history

where some very big decisions are going to have to be

made if we want our planet and our people to survive

and thrive. Make the decision suggested in this book and

slow down to think about who you are, what you are

here for, and who you want to be. Don’t let the frantic

pace of your life keep you from seeing the reality of it.

The decisions we make in the next few years will be

important not only for our survival, but for our collective

internal evolution.

There’s no question that all this change can be very

scary. But I truly believe that if we can have the courage

to say no to what is happening to our planet and our

people the world over, if we can say no to money ruling

our lives, and if we can ?nd our spirituality and really

incorporate it into our lives, that we can change not only

ourselves, but the world.

— Amy Farrar



2012 : A Guide to Spiritual Awareness - Change has begun

This book is a guide to simple, slower, and more

aware living during this critical time in Earth’s history.

The information in this book was channeled through us

from spiritual sources outside of ourselves, the authors.

We refer to the spiritual entities who delivered this

information as healers or messengers, but some people

refer to others like them as spiritual guides and angels. It

is our collective goal to teach you about awareness and

how we treat ourselves, others, and the planet.

We asked the messengers if 2012 would be important.

They answered with a de?nitive, “Very much so.” This

is a profoundly di?cult time in the history of the human

race. Human beings are being challenged now like they

never have been before, by global warming and other

environmental problems, and by a spiritual vacuum

created by a frenzy of consumerism that is fueling greed,

isolation, intolerance, and war. Now is a pivotal time in

which we as a race can so?en the changes that are coming

by relying more on each other as we once did and by

learning to become aware of the spiritual guidance that

is being sent our way.


2008 2012



Some people have referred to the changes that are

coming in a sort of doomsday-like context, but the

messengers have assured us that if we take their advice

and do what they say, we can weather the changes into

an enlightened era. The messengers do not tell you this

to alarm you, but to help you make the transition into a

much more loving, peaceful existence that will involve

living at a higher vibrational frequency that rejects

darkness and negativity.

One of the primary messages we received is this:

“You have lost appreciation for the ability to live. You

have been placed on Earth for a purpose and we would

like you to achieve that purpose. This book is a glimpse

of our expectations for proper living. We have light and

very li?le else. Material things are of no value to us.

We are spiritual beings living together. We have and

are essentially removing your barriers to becoming a

spiritual people. It with urgency that we tell you the

earth will continue to crumble until more awareness

has been achieved. No amount of magic or voodoo is

going to change this. No amount of denial is going to

change this. Emotional evaluation will change your

view of spirituality, whatever that may be. Your love

of life and others and also what is known in Eastern

cultures will change the earth. Love, live, breathe.”

We have included some of our own personal

experiences and awareness in this book, but consider


2012 : A Guide to Spiritual Awareness - Change has begun

ourselves to primarily be conduits for information that

has come to us through the healers. They told us to write

this book and we are honored to deliver their message,

which the world needs to hear.

Channeling this book has been an amazing process.

Michelle and I (Jay) met at work, where we had a spiritual

connection of sorts from the very beginning. Michelle

approached me and told me that her brother (who had

passed over) was prompting her to talk with me. She

then asked questions to test the waters to see if my belief

system was based in spiritual thinking.

So when Michelle and I started to write the book, we

discovered that Michelle can channel and receive streams

and blocks of information, while I predominantly receive

ideas and concepts. Both of us received whole messages

at times and at other times, it took both of us receiving

parts to get an entire message. We would also incorporate

feelings and emotions we received during channeling to

allow us to accurately interpret the messages. We veri?ed

whether our interpretations were correct by asking the

messengers if they were.

At times we would receive very large amounts of

information and we spent many hours organizing it.

Sometimes we would both receive information at the

same time and other times we would receive it at di?erent

times. We live many miles apart, do not communicate

daily and live very di?erent lives. A lot of the information

we would each receive separately on many occasions



would be matching in content. We would meet and

compare and say, “Wow!” We would know then that

was pertinent information the messengers wanted in the

book. It was and is amazing to us. We are both aware

enough to be certain that what came through was from a

light-?lled, positive place and was for the greater good of

all. Our guides would help us in this respect also.

It was and is a strange feeling when you suddenly

have all these words, information, and directions in your

head and there is an urgency to write or type them. We

would have been thinking of other things (like being at

work) and suddenly feel this urgent need to write down

the information we would be receiving. We would write

or type and not even know what we were pu?ing down!

We just kept going till we were done and could continue

with what we had been doing. It would happen at our

jobs, early in the morning, at night, at our homes, or

while driving.

We met most weekends to have our writing sessions

and we estimate we channeled 80-100 hours worth of

information. We would end up with all these pages of

notes, ask the messengers where they wanted us to put

them, and we would be given the chapter numbers, so it at

times was like pu?ing a puzzle together. This was a very

tiring process. We want to thank everyone, including our

coworkers, who were so understanding and cooperative

during this di?cult time.

The messengers and healers who sent us the


2012 : A Guide to Spiritual Awareness - Change has begun

information in this book have not only helped with

writing it but have helped us increase our personal

awareness. They tell us there are many helpers/guides

involved in writing this book. Each contributes their

expertise in di?erent chapters and some in all the chapters

of the book; it is a collaborative e?ort of many. We do not

receive speci?c names and the messengers overall seem

very humble in their contributions to the whole. They are

all very positive, caring, and wish to express only love.

The messages we received revolve around a strong

urgency to change our ways, starting now. They focus

on becoming more spiritual, being kind to ourselves and

others, saving the planet, blending Eastern and Western

belief systems, and opening our eyes and being more

aware of what is happening around us. We want this

book to facilitate healing. Everyone chooses their own

path in this lifetime; it is a ma?er of personal choice. Even

though at times it seems we have no choice, we always

have choices.

Throughout our lives, most of us ask God, the universe,

or whoever our higher power is for help and we are given

messages and choices. This is what the messengers have

told us: We have made more bad choices than good; we

have not heard or have refused to listen to the messages

we have received; we have not had the awareness we

need; we have not chosen paths that will lead to positive

outcomes, and we have strayed from the spiritual path.

Look at all the war, distrust, greed and fear, hunger and

madness in the world.



This book is about returning to a spiritual path and

living from our higher selves. All of us have guides,

angels, and helpers who present us with choices to

achieve what we feel we need or want. When you leave

the spiritual path or do not hear the messages and focus

more on the ego, on cravings, on fear, and on greed, you

do not serve yourself or the greater good of all. You dwell

in negativity. You live in negativity.

Unfortunately, the world is out of balance. We need to

return to the positive. And this is simpler than you think.

We have not been aware enough to receive help from

spiritual sources to keep us on a positive and kind path.

We are told this book will make us more aware of the

messages and choices that we get and it will help us to

achieve balance. It will help you recognize why you are

not aware. It has been wri?en for everyone, regardless of

religion, philosophy, or belief system.

If everyone lived with awareness and tried to maintain

balance and respect towards the earth and each other, they

would see we are really all one community. By picking up

this book, it is a sign that you are actively seeking ways to

simplify and improve your quality of life. You want to be

part of the revolution of spirit that is happening. Please

read the entire book.

One important step to achieving balance is to make

choices that will enhance your awareness of your

surroundings and environment. We ask that you make

the choice to follow the path of kindness presented in


2012 : A Guide to Spiritual Awareness - Change has begun

this book. This book is especially for those of you who

?nd yourselves saying, “I feel: out of sorts; not myself; not

grounded; incomplete; or stuck.” Do you ?nd yourself

doing something that you were not paying a?ention to

and then saying, “What was I thinking?” or “What was

I doing? I know be?er than that!” We hope this book

introduces ways to counteract all the feelings of losing

yourself. It is easy to be forgetful and lose track of being

aware of what we have created around us and who we

are. It is easy to lose track of how we live and how we

treat each other with how we are trained, programmed,

and in?uenced by the unrelenting barrage of marketing

messages and disinformation we receive through every

means of communication. It is easy to feel overwhelmed

and lost trying to ?nd explanations for the questions we

have and the feelings that produced them with how busy

the world has become.

We can break through the brainwashing that convinces

us to be the best consumers we can be, to own more than

we need, and to keep buying more and more. We can

overcome the psychological programming that dampens

our awareness of our actions and thoughts of ourselves

and the earth and convinces us that we are all separate

communities and not all one community. We are in this

together, all of us. We have forgo?en and been led away

from remembering there were times and societies that

successfully maintained community life, individual belief

systems, individual rights, and balance with Mother

Earth; societies with long histories. Everyone can bene?t

from remembering those times. We can blend the best of



those times with the best of the present time. We must

remember and realize again we can achieve anything we

want to do or be.

We the authors are very happy with the message in

this book and are very grateful we could be a part of it.

We hope it helps you. Peace.

— Jay Hill and Michelle Kraus

