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103Day 56 讲义
2023-03-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
P1 /Day 56

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger blasted his way to stardom in blockbuster action films like

the Terminator. When he did the unexpected and shifted into comedy, his fan

base expanded. But his road to the top was not a smooth one.

He was a body builder from Austria with a thick accent, the funny sounding name,

and almost no acting experience. And when he showed up in Hollywood and told

people he was determined to become a star, he was laughed at. But what the

experts did not know about this former Mr. Universe was that his most well-

developed muscle was his brain. And with it, he orchestrated career moves that

took him to the top.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I’ll be back.” (From Terminator)

一、 核心词汇

Arnold Schwarzenegger [‘ ɑrn?ld ,?wazi’ nig?] 阿诺德 ·施瓦辛格(著名影星;前美


blast [bl?st] n. 爆炸;响声 vt. 爆破;炸毁;发出刺耳的声音

stardom [‘st ɑrd?m] n. 明星身份

blockbuster [‘bl ɑkb?st?] n. 大片

P2 /Day 56

Terminator [?t??m??ne?t?] n.《终结者》(电影名)

shift [??ft] vt.&vi. 移动;转变

expand [?k’sp?nd] vt.&vi. 扩张;展开

smooth [smu?e] adj. 光滑的

Austria [‘ ?stri?n] adj. 奥地利的;奥地利人的

accent [‘?ksent] n. 口音

muscle [‘m ?sl] n. 肌肉

orchestrate [‘ ?rk?stre?t] vt. 精心安排;精心策划


blast one’s way to 借助射击或爆炸打开 (通道 )

shift into 转变

fan base 粉丝群;歌迷;影迷

road to the top 通向顶端之路

body builder 健美运动员

P3 /Day 56

thick accent 浓重的口音

sb. be laughed at 某人被嘲笑( laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人)

Mr. Universe 环球先生

career moves 职业发展

take sb. to the top 将某人带上顶峰


阿诺德 ·施瓦辛格

在像 “ 终结者 ” 这样的动作大片里,阿诺德 ·施瓦辛格炸出了一条通向 明星身份的道路。



出现在好莱坞并告诉人们他决心成为一个明星时,他被嘲笑了。但专家们对这位前 “ 环球

先生 ” 所不了解的是,他最发达的肌肉其实是他的大脑。用自己的头脑,他精心策划了将


阿诺德 ·施瓦辛格: “ 我会回来的。 ” (《终结者》经典台词)

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Arnold Schwarzenegger blasted his way to stardom

blast 作动词,本身是 “ 爆炸、炸出 ” 的意思; stardom 这个词来自 star(星星、明

星),后面的 -dom 作后缀表示一种性质, stardom 指的就是 “ 明星的身份 ” 。这里的

blasted his way to stardom,是一个很形象的说法,表示 “ 炸出了一条通向明星身份

的路 ” ,和施瓦辛格动作片里的爆炸场景相契合,整体表达非常直接到位。


in blockbuster action films

blockbuster 是 “ 大片 ” 的意思;也就是说:在动作类的大片里

like the Terminator. 比如《终结者》。


Arnold Schwarzenegger blasted his way to stardom in blockbuster action

films like the Terminator. 在像 “ 终结者 ” 这样的动作大片里,阿诺德 ·施瓦辛格炸出了


When he did the unexpected

这里的 the unexpected 指的是 “ 出人意料的事 ” 。

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and shifted into comedy,

shift into sth.,意思是 “ 转向某事 ” ,这里也就是说:当施瓦辛格出人意料地转向喜剧


his fan base expanded. 他的粉丝团扩大了。

fan base 字面意思是 “ 粉丝基础 ” ,也就是 “ 粉丝团 ” 的意思。


非常强大的幽默感,据他身边的多个朋友回忆,跟施瓦辛格在一 起的时候,大家总能感觉


1988 年,也就是在《终结者》上映后的第四年,施瓦辛格和美国笑星丹尼 ·德 ·维托

( Danny DeVito)合作,出演了喜剧电影 Twins(《龙兄鼠弟》)。在这部电影里,施






But his road to the top 但是他通向顶层的道路

was not a smooth one. 并不是一帆风顺的。

smooth 这个词,本意是 “ 光滑的 ” ,在生活当中经常用来形容 “ 平稳、顺利 ” 。

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He was a body builder from Austria 他是一个来自奥地利的健美运动员


with a thick accent, 有着一股浓重的口音,

the funny sounding name, 一个听起来很古怪的名字,

这里用的是定冠词 the,专指的是 Arnold Schwarzenegger 这个听起来很奇怪的名字。

funny 这个词,除了可以表示 “ 搞笑的 ” ,生活里也经常用作贬义词,表示 “ 古怪的、让

人不舒服的 ” ,比如说: He acted kinda funny when his girlfriend discovered his


这里说施瓦辛格的名字古怪,是因为他的名字很不好发音。这在电影行 业,对于影迷来说



and almost no acting experience. 而且几乎没有什么表演经验。

当然,作为健美运动员,施瓦辛格是当之无愧的天才。他 14 岁开始健身,从此一发不可




P7 /Day 56

虽然得不到父母的支持(因为那个时候他的父母认为健身是在整个奥 地利最小众的运

动),但是凭借着自己对健身梦的执着坚持, 5 年之后,也就是 1966 年, 19 岁的阿诺

德 ·施瓦辛格赢得了欧洲健美界 “ 欧洲先生 ” ( Mr. Europe)的荣誉,也因此而变成了奥


1967 年, 20 岁的阿诺德 ·施瓦辛格参加了伦敦举办的男子业余健美大赛: “ 环球先生大

赛 ” ( Mr. Universe Contest),并一举夺冠,成为了是史上最年轻的 “ 环球先生 ” ;

次年,又赢得了男子专业健美大赛的 “ 环球先生 ” 称号,并在别人的建议下,第一次踏上


1970 年,在来美国的第三年 ,历经了种种文化的不适应以及美国健美行业评比标准的严

苛考验后,施瓦辛格终于在纽约赢得了 “ 国际健美协会 ” ( International Federation

of BodyBuilding and Fitness)男子专业健美大赛 “ 奥林匹亚先生 ” ( Mr. Olympia)

的称号,并且在接下来的连续六年保持了不败纪录。 Arnold Schwarzenegger 这个名

字,在美国也渐渐变成了 “ 健美 ” 二字的代名词,这也让施瓦辛格的事业蒸蒸日上,和健





And when he showed up in Hollywood 当他出现在好莱坞

and told people he was determined to become a star, 并且告诉人们他决心成为一


P8 /Day 56

he was laughed at. 他被嘲笑了。


候,同一句话往往要重复好几遍,对方才能听懂他在说什么。 1970 年,施瓦辛格的第一

部电影《大力神在纽约》( Hercules in New York)在美国上映,但是由于自己浓重的


后来,施瓦辛格专门在加州的圣莫尼卡学院( Santa Monica College)上英语课,来提


仔细看看施瓦辛格的很多电影,就会发现他在电影里很少有大段的台词,比如 1984 年






But what the experts did not know about this former Mr. Universe 但是关于这

个前 “ 环球先生 ” 专家们不知道的事情

was 是

是什么呢?然后是一个 that 引导的表语从句:

that his most well-developed muscle was his brain. 他最发达的肌肉是他的大脑。

P9 /Day 56



And with it, 用他的大脑,

这里的 it 指的就是 his brain。

he orchestrated career moves 他精心策划了自己的职业行动

什么样的职业行动呢?然后是 that 引导的定语从句:

that took him to the top. 把他带向顶峰(的职业行动)。


Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I’ll be back.” ( “ 我会回来的。 ” )

纵观阿诺德 ·施瓦辛格的职业生涯,我们不难发现,这是一个从小就对自己的人生规划非常


1986 年,正当施瓦辛格在好莱坞的发展风生水起的时候,他迎娶了美国第 35 届总统约

翰 ·肯尼迪的侄女玛丽娅 -施瑞弗尔( Maria Shriver),可以说是事业爱情双丰收。

2003 年,施瓦辛格又当选了美国加利福尼亚州州长( The Governor of California),

媒体把他称作 The Governator,也就是 Governor(州长)和 Terminator(终结者)

的混成词,施瓦辛格自此开始了为期 8 年的政治生涯。退出政治舞台后,施瓦辛格又重返

荧屏, 60 几岁的高龄,又在好莱坞大片《敢死队》( The Expendables)、《金蝉脱

P10 /Day 56

壳》( Escape Plan)、《终结者:创世纪》( Terminator Genisys)等一大批优秀的


“ 传记栏目 ” 评价施瓦辛格的时候说: He is an icon, and he’s living in the

ultimate American Dream.(他是一个象征,他也生活在终 极的美国梦当中。)确实,





1. blast [bl?st] n. 爆炸;响声 vt. 爆破;炸毁;发出刺耳的声音

这个词前面 的 bla 和 blow(吹)有关 , blast 指的是爆炸时候产生的强大气流,作名词表

示 “ 爆炸 ” 。比如说 : 25 people were killed in the blast.( 25 人在这次爆炸中丧

生。)这个时候 , blast 可以 和 explosion( 爆炸)互换使用。

另外 , blast 作名词,也可以表示 “ 强劲的气流 ” 。比如说 : A blast of cold air hit him

as he opened the window.(当他打开窗户的时候,一阵冷风向他袭来。)

blast 作名词,还可以表示乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等发出的响声。比如说 : The coach

blew three blasts on a whistle.(教练吹了三声哨子。)

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在口语当中 , blast 还有一个很形象的说法,表示 “ 大脑非常兴奋,像爆炸了一样 ” ,指

的是 “ 玩得非常开心 ” 。比如说 : We had a blast at the party last night.(昨晚的聚

会我们玩得非常开心。)或者在你离开一个类似场合的时候,可以和还在那里玩的人说 :

Enjoy your blast.(祝你玩得开心。)

blast 还可以作动词,表示 “ 爆破、炸毁 ” 。比如说 : They blasted a tunnel through

the mountain.(他们在山间炸出了一条隧道。)

blast 作动词,也可以表示 “ 发出刺耳的声音 ” 。比如说 : Music suddenly blasted

out from the speakers.(喇叭里突然响起了刺耳的音乐。)

2. blockbuster [‘bl ɑkb?st?] n. 大片

block 的意思是 “ 街区 ” , bust 和 burst 同源,意思是 “ 爆裂 ” 。 blockbuster 这个


街区。现 在 blockbuster 在生活当中通常用来指代 “ 非常卖座、万人空巷 ” 的电影,是一

种比喻的说法。比如说 : Jurassic Park was the blockbuster movie of 1993.(《侏

罗纪公园》是 1993 年引起轰动的影片。)

3. shift [??ft] vt.&vi. 移动;转变 n. 改变;轮班

有的同学可能会问 : shift 作动词表示 “ 移动 ” , 和 move 有什么区别 ? move 作为移动

就是 “ 改变位置 ” , 而 shift 作为 “ 移动 ” 来讲,专门指的是 “ 从一个特定的地方移到另

一个特定的地方 ” ,这就是为什么 “ 汽车换挡 ” ,英语叫 做 shift gears。再比如说 : He

P12 /Day 56

shifted his gaze from the child to her mother.(他把目光从孩子身上移到了孩子母


shift 也可以作名词,表示 “ 改变 ” ,尤其是 “ 从一方变到另一方 ” 。比如说 : There’s

a shift in the wind.(风向发生了改变。)

另外,工作当中的 “ 轮班 ” ,也可以叫 做 shift。比如说 : They’re working in shifts

between day and night.(他们昼夜轮班工作。)

4. expand [?k’sp?nd] vt.&vi. 扩张;扩大;膨胀

前缀 ex-表示 “ 向外 ” ,后面 的 pand 和 pass(通过)相关 。 expand 的字面意思,是

“ 向外走 ” ,作动词意思是 “ 扩张、扩大 ” 。比如说 : He wants to expand his


expand 作动词,也可以表示 “ 膨胀 ” 。比如说 : Metals expand when they are


5. smooth [smu?e] adj. 光滑的;顺利的

smooth 来自古英语,而且是个 “ 孤源词 ” 。所谓的 “ 孤源词 ” ,就是英语单词里没有任

何一个和它有关系,所以这个单词大家结合语 境记住就可以了。

smooth 作形容词,意思是 “ 光滑的 ” 。比如说 : Her skin is very smooth.(她的皮肤


P13 /Day 56

生活当中 , smooth 经常用来形容一件事情进展得很 “ 顺利、平稳 ” ,也就是 “ 没有磕磕

绊绊的 ” 。比如说 : The plane made a smooth landing.(飞机降落得很平稳。)或者

说 : This problem was settled very smoothly.(这个问题被很顺利地解决了。)这里

用到的就 是 smooth 的副 词 smoothly,表示 “ 顺利地 ” 。

在口语 当中 , smooth 还可以表示 “ 精明的、圆滑的 ” ,形容一个人做事手段 “ 很老练、

很娴熟 ” 。比如说 : He’a a very smooth talker.(他是一个讲话很圆滑的人。)

6. accent [‘?ksent] n. 口音

前 缀 ac-起强调作用,后面 的 cent 和 chant(唱)相关 。 accent 形容的是一个人 “ 说话

和唱歌一样 ” ,尤其指的是这个人说的话和普通人发音不一样,也就是名词 “ 口音 ” 。比

如说 : Judging from your accent, you must be from England.(从你的口音判断,


7. muscle [‘m ?sl] n. 肌肉

这个词前面 的 mus 和 mouse(老鼠)相关,加上了一个名词后缀 -cle(相当于 -icle 的简

写)。为什 么 muscle(肌肉)这个单词和 “ 老鼠 ” 相关呢?因为肌肉鼓起来的时候,很


8. orchestrate [‘ ?rk?stre?t] vt. 精心安排;精心策划

这个词 来自:

orchestra [‘ ?rk?str?] n. 管弦乐队

P14 /Day 56

orchestra 来自希腊语,专门指的是 “ 管弦乐队 ” ,也就是用管乐器、弦乐器、打击乐器


合,一点都不能出错,所 以 orchestrate 作动词,就延伸成了 “ 精心安排、精心策划 ” 的

意思。比如说 : She orchestrated the entire event.(她精心策划了整个活动。)




''Arnold ''Schwarzenegger ''blasted his way to''stardom

in ''blockbuster ''action ''films like the''Terminator↘ .

( 1)语调:注意重读词汇(下文全部标出,不再强调);

( 2)语音: ’ Arnold 尾音 d 不读; blasted his 连读; to 弱读 [t?]; stardom in 连读;

注意 th 咬舌音(下文全部标出,不再强调)。

When he ''did↗ the unex’ pected / and ''shifted into ∨comedy,

his ''fan↗ ''base↗ ex''panded↘ .

( 1)语调: 3 处升调; 1 处停顿; 1 处降升调;

P15 /Day 56

( 2)语音: When he 连读; the unex’ pected 连读 +尾音 d 不读; and 读成 n;

shifted into 连读 +弱读; base↗ ex’ panded 连读。

But his ''road↗ to the ''top was not a ''smooth one↘ .

( 1)语调: 1 处升调;

( 2)语音: But his 连读; road 尾音 d 不读; to 弱读 [t?]; not a 连读 [nɑd?]; smooth

one 连读。

''He was a ''body builder↗ from ‘ Austria / with a''thick

''accent↗ , the ''funny ''sounding ''name↗ , and almost ∨no ''acting experience↘ .

( 1)语调: 3 处升调; 1 处断句; 1 处降升调;

( 2)语音: was a 连读; with a 连读; ''thick ‘a ccent 连读; name↗ , and almost 连

读; no ‘a cting 连读。

And ''when he ''showed up in ‘ Hollywood / and''told people he was

de''termined to become a∨star, he was ''laughed at↘ .

( 1)语调: 1 处断句; 1 处降升调;

( 2)语音: And 读成 n; when he 连读; ''showed up in 连读; de''termined 尾音 d 不

读; to 弱读 [t?]; become a 连读; laughed at 连读。

P16 /Day 56

But what the ''experts did ''not ''know about this former Mr.

Universe↗ / was that his most ''well-de''veloped ''muscle↗ was his ''brain↘ .

( 1)语调: 2 处升调; 1 处断句;

( 2)语音: But 尾音 t 不读; what 尾音 t 不读; the ‘e xperts 连读; did 尾音 d 不读;

not 尾音 t 不读; know about 连读 +尾音 t 不读; that his 连读; de''veloped 尾音 d 不

读; was his 连读。

And ''with↗ ''it, ''he ''orchestrated ca''reer ‘ moves/ that ''took him

to the ‘ top↘ .

( 1)语调: 1 处升调; 1 处断句;

( 2)语音: And 读成 n; ''with↗ ‘ it 连读; ''he ‘o rchestrated 连读 +尾音 d 不读;

that 连接词读音很短 +尾音 t 不读; took him 连读; to 弱读 [t?]。


''Arnold ''Schwarzenegger ''blasted his way to''stardom

in ''blockbuster ''action ''films like the''Terminator↘ .When he ''did↗ the

unex’ pected /and ''shifted into ∨comedy, his ''fan↗ ''base↗ ex''panded↘ .But

his ''road↗ to the ''top was not a ''smooth one↘ .

''He was a ''body builder↗ from ‘ Austria / with a''thick

''accent↗ , the ''funny ''sounding ''name↗ , and almost ∨no ''acting experience↘ .

P17 /Day 56

And ''when he ''showed up in ‘ Hollywood / and''told people he was

de''termined to become a∨star, he was ''laughed at↘ .

But what the ''experts did ''not ''know about this former Mr.

Universe↗ / was that his most ''well-de''veloped ''muscle↗ was his ''brain↘ .

And ''with↗ ''it, ''he ''orchestrated ca''reer ‘ moves/ that ''took him

to the ‘ top↘ .


1. 核心语言点回顾:

a 核心词汇回顾:



Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger blasted ( ) his way to _______(明星身份 ) in blockbuster

( ) action films like the Terminator ( ). When he did the unexpected and

_______ed(转变 ) into comedy, his fan base _______ed(扩张 ). But his road to the top was

not a _______(光滑的 ) one.

He was a body builder from ________(奥地利 ) with a thick _______(口音 ), the funny

sounding name, and almost no acting experience. And when he showed up in

P18 /Day 56

Hollywood and told people he was determined to become a star, he was laughed

at. But what the experts did not know about this former Mr. Universe was that his

most well-developed _______(肌肉 ) was his brain. And with it, he orchestrated

( ) career moves that took him to the top.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I’ll be back.” (From Terminator)

b. 核心表达回顾:

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger blasted his way to stardom in blockbuster action films like

the Terminator. When he did the unexpected and shifted into comedy, his fan base

expanded. But his road to the top was not a smooth one.

He was a body builder from Austria with a thick accent, the funny sounding name,

and almost no acting experience. And when he showed up in Hollywood and told

people he was determined to become a star, he was laughed at. But what the

experts did not know about this former Mr. Universe was that his most well-

developed muscle was his brain. And with it, he orchestrated career moves that took

him to the top.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I’ll be back.” (From Terminator)

请结合以上所学文本 , 翻译下列短语的意思 :

1.blast one’s way to __________________________;

P19 /Day 56

2.shift into __________________________;

3.粉丝群 ; 歌迷 ; 影迷 __________________________;

4.通向顶端之路 __________________________;

5.健美运动员 __________________________;

6.浓重的口音 __________________________;

7.show up __________________________;

8.sb. be laughed at __________________________;

9.环球先生 __________________________;

10.career moves __________________________;

11.将某人带上顶峰 __________________________;

c. 举一反三 :

1. Scientists know that cancer may not _______ _______ for many years.


2. 不要讥笑别人的缺点。 (汉译英 )


3.T he US can close its fiscal deficit only if it can _______ _______export-led growth.


4. He speaks Spanish fluently, but with a thick British accent. ( 英译汉 )


5.Key Skills widen your job choice now and they''ll give you flexibility in job and ___

P20 /Day 56

____ _______ throughout your life.


2. 翻译训练



2.但专家们对这位前 “ 环球先生 ” 所不了解的是,他最发达的肌肉其实是他的大脑。



1. 核心语言点回顾:

a 核心词汇回顾:

blast 爆炸 ; 炸出 stardom 明星身份 blockbuster 大片

Terminator《终结者》 shift 移动 ; 转变 expand 扩张 ; 展开

smooth 光滑的 Austria 奥地利 accent 口音

muscle 肌肉 orchestrate 精心安排 ; 精心策划

b 核心表达回顾:

P21 /Day 56

1.借助射击或爆炸打开 (通道 ) 2.转变

3.fan base 4.road to the top

5.body builder 6.thick accent

7.到场,露面 8.某人被嘲笑

9.Mr. Universe 10.职业发展

11.take sb. to the top


1. show up ; 2. Don''t laugh at other''s shortcomings. ; 3. shift into; 4. 他西班牙 语

说得很流利,不过带有浓重的英国口音 ; 5. career moves

2. 翻译训练

1. When he showed up in Hollywood and told people he was determined to

become a star, he was laughed at.

2. But what the experts did not know about this former Mr. Universe was that his

most well-developed muscle was his brain.
