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113Day 66 讲义
2023-03-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
P1 /Day 66

The Venus flytrapThe Venus flytrap. Like the sundew, it makes itself very attractive, oozing nectaracross the brim of each leaf. But any visiting insect had better watch out for thesesix tiny hairs.This fly has to tread carefully. If it strikes one hair, it can carry on feeding but a timerhas been set. A second strike in less than 20 seconds and the fly is doomed. An

electrical impulse is triggered and the leaf snaps shut in just a fraction of a second.The tips lock together like prison bars. If the fly is very big or very small, it may justmanage to escape. But most are trapped and die.Ten days later, the trap reopens. All that remains is a husk. The plant has finished itsmeal and resets itself for its next victim.

一、核心词汇Venus [‘vi?n?s] n. 维纳斯(罗马神话中爱与美的女神)flytrap [‘fla?tr?p] n. 捕蝇草;捕蝇器sundew [‘s?ndju?] n. 茅膏菜(和捕蝇草类似的食虫植物)ooze [u?z] vt.&vi. 渗出;流出

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nectar [‘nekt?] n. 花蜜;甘露brim [br?m] n. 边缘tread [tred] vt. 踏;踩strike [stra?k] vt.&vi. 打击;敲击 n. 打击;碰撞timer [‘ta?m?] n. 定时器;计时器

impulse [‘?mp?ls] n. 冲动;脉冲snap [sn?p] vt.&vi. 咔嚓折断;发出啪的一声shut [??t] vt.&vi. 关闭 adj. 关闭的fraction [‘fr?k?(?)n] n. 少量;小部分tip [t?p] n. 尖端;小费

bar [bɑr] n. 条;棒husk [h?sk] n. 外壳victim [‘v?kt?m] n. 受害者二、核心表达

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had better do sth. 最好做某事watch out for sth. 小心某事carry on doing sth. 继续做某事set a timer 设置一个定时器electrical impulse 电脉冲

snap shut 猛地关闭a fraction of a second 一眨眼的功夫;眨眼间prison bars 监狱的铁栅栏manage to do sth. 设法做成某事

三、参考译文 捕蝇草捕蝇草。像茅膏菜,它使自己非常有吸引力,在每个叶片的边缘都渗出蜜汁。但是任何来访的昆虫最好小心这六根细毛。这只苍蝇要谨慎行事。如果它碰到一根捕蝇草的细毛,它还可以继续进食,但是计时器已经

开启了。在 20 秒内,如果又碰到另一根细毛,这只苍蝇就会在劫难逃。一个电脉冲被触发,

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下面我们来逐句看一下今天的这个片段:The Venus flytrap. 捕蝇草。Like the sundew,dew 的意思是“露水”;sundew 的本意是“太阳升起时植物叶子上产生的露水”,但其实 sundew 也是一种通过体内分泌出的和“露水”类似的液体来吸引和捕食昆虫的植物,

俗称“茅膏菜”。这里是用茅膏菜引出捕蝇草,告诉我们:捕蝇草就像茅膏菜一样,it makes itself very attractive, 它把自己变得非常有吸引力,然后是现在分词做伴随状语:oozing nectar 渗出蜜汁在哪里渗出呢?然后是一个地点状语:

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across the brim of each leaf. 遍布在每个叶片的边缘。之所以在叶片的边缘渗出蜜汁,就是为了吸引周围的昆虫走入自己精心布置的陷阱里。然后是一个转折句:But any visiting insect 但是任何到访的昆虫had better watch out 最好小心点儿

hadbetter(not) dosth.,意思是“最好(别)做某事”,指的是“权衡之后做出更好的决定”。比如说:You’d better not do that.(你最好别那样做。)这里指的是昆虫对什么要小心呢?for these six tiny hairs. 对于这六根小细毛。捕蝇草身上的六根细毛,是捕捉昆虫的传感器。我们接着来看捕蝇草是怎样一步步捕捉一只

苍蝇的:This fly has to tread carefully. 这只苍蝇得谨慎行事。tread 作动词,本意是“踩、踏”;tread carefully,意思是“每走一步都要小心”,也就是“谨慎行事”的意思。If it strikes one hair, 如果它碰到(捕蝇草的)一根细毛,

it can carry on feeding

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carry on doing sth.,意思是“继续做某事”。这里也就是说:碰到细毛之后,它还能继续进食but a timer has been set.timer 的意思是“计时器”;set a timer,就是“设定一个计时器”,这里是现在完成时的被动语态,表示:但是一个计时器已经被设定了。

A second strike in less than 20 seconds 在 20 秒之内第二次碰到细毛and the fly is doomed. 这只苍蝇就在劫难逃了。也就是说,一只昆虫必须在 20 秒内连续触碰到两根捕蝇草身上的细毛,才会触发捕蝇草的机关。这个工作原理是什么呢?我们接着来看下一句:An electrical impulse is triggered 一个电脉冲被触发了

impulse 的意思是“推动力、脉冲”;这里的 electrical impulse(电脉冲),指的就是触发捕蝇草捕食动作的信号。and the leaf snaps shutsnap 作动词,可以表示“发出啪的一声”;shut 作形容词意思是“关闭的”;snapshut是一个常见的表达,表示“啪地一声关上了”。这里也就是说:捕蝇草的叶片啪地一声就关上了


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in just a fraction of a second. 在眨眼之间。fraction 的意思是“非常少的量”;afraction ofasecond,指的就是“一眨眼的功夫”。我们再把这句话完整看一遍:An electrical impulse is triggered and the leaf snaps shut in just a fraction of asecond. 一个电脉冲被触发,叶子眨眼之间就啪地一声关上了。

The tips lock together like prison bars.tip 作名词,可以表示“尖端”。这里的 tips 指的是捕蝇草叶片边缘的细毛;bar 的意思是“条、棒”,prisonbars 指的是“监狱里一条条的铁栅栏”。这句话也就是说:叶片尖端就像监狱的铁栅栏一样紧紧地锁在一起。If the fly is very big or very small, 如果苍蝇非常大或者非常小,

it may just manage to escape. 它还有可能设法逃脱。这里有个句型,叫做 manage to do sth.,表示“设法做成、完成某事”。But most are trapped and die. 但是大部分都被困其中,随后命丧黄泉。Ten days later, 十天之后,the trap reopens. 陷阱再次打开。

All that remains 里面仅存的

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is a husk. 只是一个外壳。也就是说:被捕的苍蝇已经完全被捕蝇草消化掉,只剩下了干枯的外壳。The plant has finished its meal 捕蝇草已经吃完了它的这顿饭and resets itself 然后重新设置自己为什么设置呢?

for its next victim. 为它的下一个受害者。五、亮解单词下面我们一起来看一下这篇文章里的核心词汇:1. ooze [u?z] vt.&vi. 渗出;流出

这个词听读音很像 juice(汁、果汁)。ooze 作动词,表示“渗出、流出”,也就是“液体、汁液渗出来、流出来”。比如说:The toast is oozing butter.(这块吐司面包正在渗着黄油。)或者说:Blood isstilloozing outofthewound.(伤口还是在往外渗血。)2. nectar [‘nekt?] n. 花蜜

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nectar 是一个来自希腊神话里的词汇,指的是“众神喝的酒”。据说这种东西喝了之后可以永葆青春。现在 nectar 作名词,通常用来表示花朵的“花蜜”。比如说:Bees collectnectar from flowers.(蜜蜂从花中采集花蜜。)3. brim [br?m] n. 边缘这个词作名词表示“边缘”,和我们之前学过的 edge 看起来是一个意思。但是 edge 往往侧重的是“一个地点或者一个平面的边缘”,比如“悬崖边”(theedgeofacliff)、“刀

刃”(the edge of a blade)等等。而 brim 往往侧重的是“容器或者小东西的边缘”,比如杯子或者帽子的边缘,也就是“杯口”(the brim of a cup)、“帽檐”(the brim of a hat)之类的概念。这两个词大家要注意区分。4. tread [tred] vt. 踏;踩

这个词和 trip(旅行)是同源词,两个词都和“走路”相关。所谓的 trip,专指的是“徒步旅行”或者“短途旅行”;而 tread 指的是“用脚踩、踏”。比如说:Ouch!You trodon my toe!(哎呀!你踩我脚了!)这里用到的就是 tread 的过去式 trod。5. strike [stra?k] vt.&vi. 打击;撞击,碰撞 n. 打击;碰撞;罢工strike 作为“打击”来讲,是一个很常见的英语单词。生活当中我们汉语里讲的“趁热打铁”,英语就叫做:Strike the iron while it’s hot.

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strike 作动词,也可以表示“撞击、碰撞”。比如说:He fell, striking his head on theedge of the table.(他摔倒了,头碰在了桌子边上。)生活当中,strike 也经常以名词形式出现,除了可以表示“打击、碰撞”,也可以表示“罢工”,也就是“用停工的手段去对抗雇主的不公平待遇”。比如说:The workers are onstrike to fight with the injustice they received.(工人们正在罢工,以对抗他们受到的不公平待遇。)

6. impulse [‘?mp?ls] n. 冲动;脉冲前缀 im-是 in-的变体表示“注入”,中间的-puls-和 push(推)相关。impulse 的字面意思,是“注入一股推动力”,生活当中这个词作名词经常用来表示“冲动”,也就是“在刺激之下做出的不理性的行为”。比如说:He always acts on impulse.(他经常冲动行事。)impulse 也可以表示“脉冲”,指的是“在一股力量的作用下导致的反应”。比如 nerve

impulse(神经脉冲), electrical impulse(电脉冲)等等。7. snap [sn?p] vt.&vi. 咔嚓折断;发出啪的一声snap 作动词,指的是“突然折断、咔嚓一声折断”。比如说:Thewindhadsnapped thetree in two.(风把树咔嚓一声刮断了。)snap 作动词,也可以表示“发出啪的一声”,经常和 shut 连用。比如说:The door

snapped shut.(门啪地一声关上了。)

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生活当中,有一个很常见的名词,叫做 snapshot,指的是相机“咔嚓一声拍出的一张相片”,也就是“快照”的意思。比如说:Letme take asnapshotfor you.(让我为你拍一张快照。)8. fraction [‘fr?k?(?)n] n. 少量;小部分这个词前面的 frac(t)和 break(打破)相关,所谓的 fraction,指的是“破开、分开的部分”,作名词意思是“小部分、少量”。比如说:Thecostisonlyafraction ofhissalary.

(那项费用只不过是他薪水很小的一部分。)9. husk [h?sk] n. 外壳这个词前面的 hus 和 house(房子、藏身之所)相关。husk 作名词,指的是植物或者一些动物的“外壳”。比如说:The husks of coconuts are very strong.(叶子的外壳非常坚固。)

10. victim [‘v?kt?m] n. 受害者这个词前面的 vict 和 victory(胜利)的词根-vict-一样,我们可以把 victim 理解成“被战胜、被打败的一方”。victim 作名词,意思是“受害者”。比如说:He is one of thevictims in this disaster.(他是这次灾难的受害者之一。)这就是今天的全部核心词汇和相关知识点,希望大家结合文本认真做好复习。


P12 /Day 66

下面我们来看看今天这个片段在语音语调方面大家需要注意的地方:The ''Venus ''flytrap↘.(1)语调:注意重读词汇(下文全部标出);(2)语音:The 咬舌(th 咬舌音下文全部标出)。Like↗ the ''sundew, it ''makes↗ itself very at''tractive, ''oozing nectar a''cross the

brim / of ''each leaf↘.(1)语调:2 处升调;1 处断句;(2)语音:it 尾音 t 不读;makes↗ itself 连读+t 不读;very at’tractive 连读;of ‘each连读。But ''any ''visiting ''insect had better watch ''out for these ''six ∨tiny ''hairs↘.

(1)语调:1 处降升调;(2)语音:had better 中的 d 不读;watch ‘out 连读。This↗ ''fly has to ''tread ''carefully↘.(1)语调:1 处升调;(2)语音:to 弱读[t?]。

If it ''strikes↗ ''one hair, it can ''carry on ''feeding/ but a ''timer has been ''set↘.

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(1)语调:1 处升调;1 处断句;(2)语音:If it 连读+尾音 t 不读;carry on 连读。A ''second strike in ''less than ''20 ''seconds / andthe ''fly is ''doomed↘.(1)语调:1 处断句;(2)语音:second 尾音 d 不读;strike in 连读;and 读成 n(下文全部标出)。

An e''lectrical ''impulse is ''triggered↗ / and the''leaf↗ ''snaps↗ shut in justa ''fraction of a ''second↘.(1)语调:1 处断句;3 处升调;(2)语音:impulse is 连读;shut in 连读;just a 连读;fraction of a 连读。The ''tips lock to''gether like↗ ''prison ''bars↘.

语调:1 处升调。If the ''fly is ''very ''big↗ or ''very ∨small, it ''may''just ''manage to es''cape↘.(1)1 处升调;1 处降升调;(2)语音:big↗ or 连读;just 尾音 t 不读; to es’cape 连读。But ''most are ''trapped / and↗ ‘die↘.

语调:1 处升调。

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Ten ''days↗ later, the ''trap↗ ''reopens↘.语调:2 处升调。All that re''mains / is a ''husk↘.(1)语调:1 处断句;(2)语音:that 弱读[e?]+尾音 t 不读;is a 连读。

The ''plant↗ has ''finished↗ its ''meal / andre''sets itself / for its ''next ''victim↘.(1)语调:2 处升调;2 处断句;(2)语音:finished↗ its 连读;re''sets itself 连读+t 不读;for its 连读。我再为大家完整把整个片段读一遍:The ''Venus ''flytrap↘.Like↗ the ''sundew, it''makes↗ itself very

at''tractive, ''oozing nectar a''cross the brim / of ''eachleaf↘.But ''any''visiting ''insect had better watch ''out for these''six ∨tiny ''hairs↘.This↗ ''fly has to ''tread ''carefully↘.If it ''strikes↗ ''one hair, it can ''carryon ''feeding /but a ''timer has been ''set↘.A ''second strikein''less than ''20 ''seconds / and the ''fly is''doomed↘.An e''lectrical ''impulseis''triggered↗ / and the ''leaf↗ ''snaps↗ shut in just a ''fraction of

a ''second↘.The ''tips lock to''gether like↗ ''prison ''bars↘.If the ''fly

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is ''very ''big↗ or''very ∨small, it ''may ''just ''manage to es''cape↘.But ''mostare ''trapped / and↗ ‘die↘.Ten ''days↗ later, the ''trap↗ ''reopens↘.All thatre''mains / isa ''husk↘.The ''plant↗ has''finished↗ its ''meal / and re''sets itself / forits''next ''victim↘.

七、课后练习1. 核心语言点回顾:a核心词汇回顾:请结合语境,在括号内填写划线单词的汉语意思或在横线上填写括号内汉语所对应的英语单词。

The _______(维纳斯) flytrapThe Venus flytrap ( ). Like the sundew ( ), it makes itself very attractive,oozing ( ) nectar ( ) across the _______(边缘) of each leaf. But anyvisiting insect had better watch out for these six tiny hairs.This fly has to tread ( ) carefully. If it _______s(碰撞) one hair, it can carry onfeeding but a _______(计时器) has been set. A second strike in less than 20 secondsand the fly is doomed. An electrical _______(脉冲) is triggered and the leaf snaps

( ) shut ( ) in just a _______(少量) of a second. The _______s(尖端) lock

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together like prison _______s(条;棒). If the fly is very big or very small, it may justmanage to escape. But most are trapped and die.Ten days later, the trap reopens. All that remains is a husk ( ). The plant hasfinished its meal and resets itself for its next _______(受害者).b. 核心表达回顾:

The Venus flytrapThe Venus flytrap. Like the sundew, it makes itself very attractive, oozing nectaracross the brim of each leaf. But any visiting insect had better watch out for thesesix tiny hairs.This fly has to tread carefully. If it strikes one hair, it can carry on feeding but a timerhas been set. A second strike in less than 20 seconds and the fly is doomed. Anelectrical impulse is triggered and the leaf snaps shut in just a fraction of a second.

The tips lock together like prison bars. If the fly is very big or very small, it may justmanage to escape. But most are trapped and die.Ten days later, the trap reopens. All that remains is a husk. The plant has finished itsmeal and resets itself for its next victim.请结合以上所学文本,翻译下列短语的意思:1.最好做某事______________________ 2.watch out for sth. ______________________

3.继续做某事______________________ 4.设置一个定时器______________________

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5.电脉冲______________________ 6.猛地关闭______________________7.一眨眼的功夫;眨眼间______________________ 8.prison bars ______________________9.manage to do sth. ______________________c. 举一反三:1. If I can''t borrow the money, I will have to _______ _______

_______ it without money.如果我不能借到这笔钱,我将不得不设法不花钱来做这件事。2. She hesitated for _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ before responding.她在回答之前犹豫了一下。3. Can the human race _______ ______________ and growing the same way that it is now?人类能继续像目前这样扩张和增长下去吗?

4. You had better get professional advice before buying stocks. (英译汉)____________________________________________________________5. 我们应当提防伪装的朋友。(汉译英)___________________________________________________________2. 翻译训练

1. 一个电脉冲被触发,叶子眨眼之间就啪地一声闭上了。

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_________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 如果苍蝇非常大或者非常小,它还有可能设法逃脱。但是大部分都被困其中并且命丧黄泉。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

参考答案:1. 核心语言点回顾:a核心词汇回顾:Venus 维纳斯 flytrap 捕蝇草;捕蝇器 sundew 茅膏菜ooze 渗出;流出 nectar 花蜜;甘露 brim 边缘

tread 踏;踩 strike 打击;碰撞 timer 定时器;计时器impulse 冲动;脉冲 snap 咔嚓折断;发出啪的一声 shut 关闭的fraction 少量;小部分tip 尖端 bar 条;棒husk 外壳 victim 受害者b核心表达回顾:

1. had better do sth. 2. 小心某事3. carry on doing sth. 4. set a timer

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5. electrical impulse 6. snap shut7. a fraction of a second 8. 监狱的铁栅栏9. 设法做某事c举一反三:1. manage to do ; 2. a fraction of a second; 3. carry on expanding; 4. 你在买股票

前,最好听听行家的意见。5. We should watch out for those friends in disguise.2. 翻 译 训 练1. An electrical impulse is triggered and the leaf snaps shut in just a fraction of asecond.

2. If the fly is very big or very small, it may just manage to escape. But most aretrapped and die.
