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Promotion of healthy nutrition in primary

and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention:

a clinical consensus statement from the European

Association of Preventive Cardiology

Vassilios S. Vassiliou


, Vasiliki Tsampasian


, Ana Abreu


, Donata Kurpas



Elena Cavarretta


, Martin O’Flaherty


, Zoé Colombet



Monika Siegrist


, Delphine De Smedt


, and Pedro Marques-Vidal



Department of Medicine, University of East Anglia, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UG, UK;


Centro Reabilita??o Cardiovascular, Servi?o de

Cardiologia, Departamento Cora??o e Vasos, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, CAML, ISAMB, IMP, CCUL, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Avenida Professor

Egas Moniz MB, 1649-028 Lisbon, Portugal;


Department of Family Medicine, Wroc?aw Medical University, 1 Syrokomli Street, 51-141 Wroc?aw, Poland;


Department of Medical-Surgical

Sciences and Biotechnologies, Sapienza University of Rome, Corso della Repubblica 79, 04100 Latina, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy;


Mediterranea Cardiocentro, Via Orazio 2,

80122 Napoli, Italy;


Department of Public Health, Policy and Systems, Institute of Population Health, Whelan Bd, Liverpool L69 3GB, UK;


Department of Prevention and Sports Medicine,

School of Medicine, University Hospital ‘rechts der Isar’, Technical University of Munich, Ismaninger Str. 22, 81675 Munich, Germany;


Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Ghent

University, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 4K3, B-9000 Gent, Belgium; and


Internal Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 46, CH-1011 Lausanne,


Received 23 June 2022; revised 15 February 2023; accepted 22 February 2023; online publish-ahead-of-print 27 February 2023


Poor dietary habits are common and lead to significant morbidity and mortality. However, addressing and improving nutri-

tion in various cardiovascular settings remain sub-optimal. This paper discusses practical approaches to how nutritional

counselling and promotion could be undertaken in primary care, cardiac rehabilitation, sports medicine, paediatric cardi-

ology, and public health.


Nutrition assessment in primary care could improve dietary patterns and use of e-technology is likely to revolutionize this.

However, despite technological improvements, the use of smartphone apps to assist with healthier nutrition remains to be

thoroughly evaluated. Cardiac rehabilitation programmes should provide individual nutritional plans adapted to the clinical

characteristics of the patients and include their families in the dietary management. Nutrition for athletes depends on the

sport and the individual and preference should be given to healthy foods, rather than nutritional supplements. Nutritional

counselling is also very important in the management of children with familial hypercholesterolaemia and congenital heart

disease. Finally, policies taxing unhealthy foods and promoting healthy eating at the population or workplace level could be

effective for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Within each setting, gaps in knowledge are provided.


This clinical consensus statement contextualizes the clinician’s role in nutrition management in primary care, cardiac rehabili-

tation, sports medicine, and public health, providing practical examples of how this could be achieved.

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Corresponding author. Tel: +41 (0)21 314 09 34, Fax: +32 9 332 49 94, Email: Pedro-Manuel.Marques-Vidal@chuv.ch

? The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com

European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (2023) 00, 1–11



Nutrition/obesity (diet, alcohol)

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Graphical Abstract

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Cardiovascular disease


Poor dietary habits remain one of the leading causes of non-

communicable diseases worldwide.


Switching to a healthier diet

will help reduce cardiovascular risk factors


and cardiovascular



Despite this, dietary recommendations are irregularly ap-

plied in clinical practice.


This lack of implementation stems from

the limited training in nutrition provided during medical school,


lack of time or inadequate reimbursement of nutrition provision,



sufficient resources and community-based support, and patient



For healthy nutritional habits to be promoted in all levels of pri-

mary and secondary care, healthcare providers working together

with the public need to be active participants in a cycle of training,

education, and awareness. This will maximize the chances of imple-

menting change and adopting important dietary measures that are

crucial for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (Figure 1). In

this clinical consensus statement, practical suggestions on providing

nutritional counselling are given as proposals for public health


Healthy nutrition in primary care


Sub-optimal nutrition leads to adverse effects in both acute and chronic



An unhealthy diet is implicated in the pathogenesis of seven of

the ten leading causes of death worldwide, including heart disease,

cancer, and diabetes.


On the contrary, better nutritional support

and lifestyle approaches to patients in primary care can have substantial

short- and long-term benefits both for the patients and the healthcare

system under which they are looked after.


In 2019, the World Health

Organization issued a report on the importance of nutrition stating that

appropriate investment in nutrition could save 3.7 million lives world-

wide by the year 2025.


Primary care physicians’ motivation to provide nutritional care varies

according to practice and experience. Several studies investigating

barriers to nutritional counselling in primary care practice found that

physicians feel insufficiently trained in this.


However, educational

events (including continuing medical education courses), mentorship

schemes, and policies created by professional and government organi-

zations all help increase this provision by increasing competence and



Whilst there are exceptions, the most commonly encountered prac-

tice in a primary care setting is to screen for patients in need of nutri-

tional counselling.


These are usually individuals with high risk or with

already established chronic cardiovascular disease. Undoubtedly, offer-

ing such services to those in need is essential. However, primary care

practices should aim to incorporate screening and counselling for all in-

dividuals. In this way, primary prevention will be at the centre of pa-

tients’ healthcare, leading to significant benefits for them and their

healthcare providers.


Nutrition-focused education and public

awareness are essential for the maintenance of healthy eating habits

that are beneficial for one’s physical health and disease prevention.


2 V.S. Vassiliou et al.

Such measures are important for everyone and even more so for

individuals at increased risk of acute or chronic disease, such as elderly

or frail people, pregnant women, and other groups vulnerable to



Promotion of healthy dietary habits requires adopting a holistic ap-

proach towards a patient. Therefore, whilst dietitians and nutritionists

routinely give nutritional advice, other team members such as nurses

and allied healthcare professionals also play a vital role.


A meaningful

change towards healthy nutritional routines may significantly impact

someone’s life. A systematic review of 26 randomized controlled trials

including 5500 adults found that primary care dietary consultation ef-

fectively improved dietary quality, glycaemic control, and weight con-



These effects can have immense benefits, especially for

patients with a high risk of cardiovascular disease.

Nutritional counselling in the primary care


Nutritional counselling is a two-way interaction; interpreting the

dietary assessment results, identifying nutritional problems, and dis-

cussing goals with the patient and how to achieve them are all crucial

facets of this. Its purpose is to help patients understand important in-

formation about the health effects of nutrition and focuses on prac-

tical measures to meet their nutritional needs. Moreover, it

reinforces the importance of behaviour change towards healthy eat-

ing and optimal health.


The complexity of counselling means that

nutritional counsellors should be formally educated. The use of ap-

propriate materials to increase understanding and retention, includ-

ing illustrations, food models, home brochures, data collection forms,

and referral forms, is encouraged.

The patient’s current eating habits (e.g. during a 24-hour dietary re-

call, a short questionnaire or a tool for diet assessment such as the

Healthy Eating Index


) and knowledge should be evaluated when dis-

cussing nutrition. The primary care physician should provide education,

ascertain patient willingness to change, agree on the pace of change, and

support these changes. It should be appreciated that food plays many

roles in people’s lives and choosing what to eat can create emotional

and social pleasures or stress. Furthermore, patients should be re-

minded that permanent changes occur slowly, following a continuous

interaction between the primary care physician and the individual.


The challenge is achieving meaningful clinical results, improving quality

of life, and encouraging a positive attitude to behaviour change by en-

suring that patients understand the relevant information, accept the

need for nutritional modification, and work towards a new goal.

Adhering to change is essential to maintaining healthy nutrition.

Ongoing feedback from both the patient and the physician and allow-

ing the appropriate amount of time for serial consultations can signifi-

cantly improve adherence to behavioural and lifestyle changes.



addition, personal, religious, cultural, economic, and psychological

considerations should also be addressed and managed as these are

essential factors that may impact on compliance and treatment


Face-to-face appointments may not always be an option, and e-coun-

selling through virtual consultation has become increasingly used. The de-

velopment of new technology in e-counselling provides an important

opportunity for patients with limited access to consultations.



consultations have the advantages of being easily accessible and often

more convenient and can reduce barriers related to patient withdrawal,

geographic distance, time constraints, and socio-economic status. In add-

ition, smartphone applications have recently been used to improve nutri-

tion knowledge and contribute to behavioural changes beyond weight



Such applications using artificial intelligence can provide accurate

and near-real-time dietary assessments and positively influence chronic

disease health outcomes. Nevertheless, these applications do not always

provide personalized advice tailored to the individual and do not establish

a rapport with the patient like the clinicians do. Therefore, they should be

a complementary tool to the physician’s assessment and not a replace-

ment of it. Relying solely on apps might exclude specific tech-poor seg-

ments of the population, such as the elderly or deprived

socio-economic groups which might not have the knowledge or the ac-

cess to the technology. Table 1 summarizes the key suggestions for pri-

mary healthcare professionals providing nutritional counselling.

Knowledge gaps

There is a lack of concise data collection from primary care practices

across Europe regarding the implementation of nutritional counselling

in cardiovascular disease prevention. Large national and international

epidemiological studies are needed to better evaluate current practices

and identify areas for improvement.

Most nutrition and diet apps focus on monitoring diet and esti-

mating nutrient content. However, many apps have not been

Figure 1 Nutritional counselling has a central role in cardiovascular disease prevention. Healthcare providers, patients, and the public can contribute

to all levels of primary and secondary care, provided that they have the appropriate training, education, and awareness.

Promotion of healthy nutrition in primary and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention 3

validated for primary care practice, and no specific apps are cur-

rently recommended. Research into the long-term impact of appli-

cations focusing on nutritional e-consulting (critical in primary care

practice) is also limited


and further work in this area should be


Nutritional care in cardiac

rehabilitation programmes


Cardiac rehabilitation programmes have seen an increasing number

of complex patients with diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia,

all exacerbated by poor nutrition. All patients starting a cardiac re-

habilitation program would benefit from individualized assessment,

evaluation, and precision intervention when it comes to nutritional

advice in order to facilitate and maintain a successful outcome.


If nutrition can be successfully addressed during rehabilitation, it is

expected to lead to a better quality of life, better cardiovascular

risk management, and increased survival.


Despite the cardioprotective benefit of individualized nutritional

plans in patients with established disease, adherence and compliance re-

main major issues in clinical practice.


Maintaining healthy dietary ha-

bits in the long run can be very difficult, with many patients relapsing

to earlier eating habits as early as six months after participating in a car-

diac rehabilitation programme.


This is a recognized issue, which ac-

cording to the European Association of Preventive Cardiology has five

dimensions: the patient, the disease, the healthcare provider, the ther-

apy, and the healthcare system. Each of these dimensions should be op-

timized simultaneously in order to achieve the best possible adherence

to therapy and maximize the benefits of it.


The success of achieving the best possible results not only for the

short but also for the long term requires a multi-disciplinary team ap-

proach that will support the patients to make and maintain significant

changes in their eating habits. All members of the multi-disciplinary

team that comprises the cardiac rehabilitation programme, including

physicians, nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists, and other allied

health professionals have a vital role in this. Importantly, comprehensive

nutritional assessment and counselling by a registered dietitian are in-

valuable in the evaluation, education, and management of patients

with cardiovascular disease.


Similarly to the assessment of the pa-

tient in primary care, adopting a holistic approach is essential, especially

for the appropriate individualized management of patients with com-

plex underlying cardiac pathology.

Nutrition as a core component of the

cardiac rehabilitation programme

Before establishing a cardiac rehabilitation nutritional plan, information

regarding the dietary intake and behaviours of the patient must be col-

lected in addition to the diagnosis and comorbidities of the individual.

This includes estimates of daily energy intake and food sources of satu-

rated and trans-fat, cholesterol, sodium, and other micronutrients.

Food intake habits, number of meals, snacks, frequency of meals outside

the home, and alcohol consumption should be collected, for example

using short questionnaires. Weight, height, and abdominal circumfer-

ence should be measured to compute the body mass index and abdom-

inal obesity, as well as other clinical conditions that might require

specific dietary counselling, such as impaired renal function or weight

modifications in sarcopenia. The collection of this information will allow

assessing the targets for nutritional intervention.

Nutritional intervention should be individualized according to the

identified target areas, like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipi-

daemia and discussed with the patient, who always needs to be involved

in the treatment decision process. Both the patient and their family/

healthcare providers (where appropriate) should be educated regard-

ing the nutritional plan. It will be fundamental to transmit how crucial

adequate nutritional change is for cardiovascular risk factor control,

one of the most challenging purposes of cardiac rehabilitation.

Whenever necessary, it is recommended that the nutrition intervention

includes models of behavioural change and adherence strategies.

During the cardiac rehabilitation programme, cooking classes for pa-

tients and family members can be used (when possible) to provide tools

in practice for healthy eating. Practitioners must be encouraged to

adopt a flexible dietary approach, mindful of patient beliefs and prefer-

ences. Moreover, it should be acknowledged that other comorbidities

may necessitate deviations from generic advice, with dietitians actively

guiding the multi-professional team.


Regarding weight loss, the patient should be informed about the

benefit of weight loss, targets to achieve, and proposed interventions.

Adherence of the patient to the prescribed eating plan and/or food

education is fundamental to obtain meaningful results. Interventions

should combine eating, exercise, and behavioural programs to reduce

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Table 1 Key messages for effective nutritional

counselling in primary care

Primary healthcare physicians should aim to:

Seek formal and informal training in nutrition and nutritional counselling


Attend educational events (including continuing medical education



Participate in relevant mentorship schemes


Keep up to date with relevant literature, professional

recommendations, and national and international guidance and policies

Educate patients regarding the value of nutrition in cardiovascular health


Ensure that there is appropriate time allowed for consultation when

booking appointments, especially for patients at high risk of

cardiovascular disease


When necessary, use appropriate materials (illustrations, food models,

home brochures, and data collection forms) to increase understanding

and retention

Undertake a thorough and personalized evaluation of the patient’s

nutritional patterns


Assess the patient’s current eating habits and morphometric

parameters such as weight, height, body mass index (BMI), and

abdominal circumference


Discuss and agree with the patient on areas for improvement


Together with the patient, establish feasible goals that will lead to

improvement of their daily nutritional intake


Encourage communication and ongoing feedback to identify and tackle

issues that may occur

Provide holistic approach


Appreciate that changes in eating habits may cause emotional and

psychological stress


Provide individualized support and encourage continuous interaction


Liaise effectively with other primary healthcare providers (including

dietitians, nutritionists, and clinical psychologists) that may have valuable

input in patients’ care


Where appropriate, offer the option of e-counselling or refer the

patient to smartphone applications (complementary to the

consultation) for further reading, education, and monitoring

4 V.S. Vassiliou et al.

total energy intake, aiming for an energetic deficit (500–1000 kcal/day)

to attain the desired weight, especially in patients with BMI > 25 kg/m


and/or abdominal circumference > 102 cm in men and 88 cm in wo-

men. Targets for weight loss could be >10% in some individuals, aiming

for 0.5–1 kg/week for more than six months.


Table 2 provides recommendations for healthcare professionals in-

volved in nutritional counselling of patients in cardiac rehabilitation


Knowledge gaps

Up to this day, there are no studies evaluating and comparing the effect-

iveness of the different methods used in cardiac rehabilitation (cooking

classes, individual consultations, and group sessions) on adherence and

maintenance of healthy dietary habits. As such, there is currently no

guideline-recommended approach and future studies are needed to as-

sess the most impactful intervention. The long-term effect of behav-

ioural interventions also remains unclear as there is a lack of evidence

for these.

Nutritional care in sports medicine


Healthy nutrition and exercise have been recognized as strategic life-

style components since Hippocrates. They act synergistically to en-

hance physical performance, reduce recovery time, and boost mental



Nutrition focuses on energy availability to provide substrate

stores to meet the metabolic demand during exercise and recovery.

In contrast, exercise training aims to increase metabolic efficiency and

athletic skills. Although nutrition and exercise have been studied separ-

ately, their interaction is incompletely understood.

In sports medicine, nutrition has a central role in an athlete’s life as it

is crucial for repeated cycles of high-quality training, optimal perform-

ance, and adequate and fast recovery from exercise. Previous studies

have shown that athletes who followed nutritional plans by sports nu-

tritionists performed significantly better compared with those who fol-

lowed a self-chosen nutritional strategy.


Furthermore, systemic and

local inflammation that follows excessive muscle damage may be ame-

liorated by a healthy nutritional status.


Importantly however, insufficient energy intake may have detrimen-

tal effects both for recreational and for competitive athletes. Relative

energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) is a condition which reflects a signifi-

cant impairment of physiological functioning and results in a multifacet-

ed deleterious impact on the athlete’s psychological, cardiovascular,

endocrine, gastrointestinal, and haematological systems.


In af-

fected female athletes, amenorrhoea and hypoestrogenism are some

of the features of RED-S that are linked with early atherosclerosis,

endothelial dysfunction, and disruption of the renin–angiotensin–aldos-

terone axis.


In the more severe form of the syndrome, anorexia

nervosa may cause arrhythmias, pericardial effusion, and valvular



The International Olympic Committee, with the clearly stated goal

to protect the health of the athlete, has generated a consensus statement

in which clinical recommendations are provided for the management of

the affected individuals.


It is of paramount importance that all health-

care providers are aware of the negative impact that chronic or severe

energy deficiency can have on recreational or competitive athletes’

health. More significantly, healthcare providers should be able to pro-

vide guidance for the prevention of this condition that can have a trau-

matic impact on an athlete’s life.

Nutritional counselling for athletes

Education of athletes and, where appropriate, their next of kin is para-

mount in maintaining an adequate nutritional plan and sufficient energy

intake in the long run. Nutrition education interventions have been

shown to be effective methods of improving the athletes’ sports nutri-

tion knowledge both in individual and team sports.


These can be

provided by sports medicine experts or sports nutritionists and may

be in the form of short classroom-based sessions, group activities, or

interactive workshops.


Participation in such activities has been

shown to be an effective way of improving athletes’ eating habits, which

in turn has positive impacts on performance.


Both for recreational and for competitive athletes, tailored

sport-specific requirements, athlete’s characteristics, periodisation of

training and competitions, and nutritional goals are essential for select-

ing the best nutritional strategy.


Therefore, in practice, nutritional

plans can be individualized, considering the specific sport, performance

goals, body composition, nutrient intake timing, competition planning,

and food preferences, as ‘one size does not fit all’.

The nutritional recommendations endorse a ‘food first’ approach

with sufficient calories. This comprises macronutrients, mainly carbohy-

drates and proteins,


scaled to the (lean) body mass, with vitamins,

minerals, and other micronutrients primarily obtained from fresh vege-

tables and fruits.


Restoring muscular glycogen is a critical factor in

post-exercise recovery. Appropriate hydration and fresh fruits appear

as effective as sugar sports beverages during recovery.


Recurrent in-

juries should prompt investigation into the appropriateness of or the

adherence to the nutritional plan chosen.

Many superfoods, nutritional products, supplements, and nutraceu-

ticals have been proposed on the market. Some have been tested in re-

search studies to prove their efficacy; others are believed to be crucial,

even without evidence-based data. However, the primary outcomes of

studies, such as a lower degree of inflammation, oxidative stress reduc-

tion, or a faster metabolic recovery,


may not be perceived as essen-

tial benefits nor as performance or recovery enhancers by the athletes

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Table 2 Key messages for the promotion of effective

nutritional counselling in cardiac rehabilitation

Healthcare practitioners, as part of the multi-disciplinary

team, should aim to:

Undertake a detailed assessment of the patient’s dietary habits


Evaluate daily energy intake and preferred food sources of nutrients


Assess number of meals, snacks, and, when applicable, cooking habits


Explore alcohol consumption; where increased, explore psychosocial

factors that may have an impact

Encourage and support behavioural changes that will enable healthy eating

habits in the long run


Educate the patient (and, where appropriate, their carers) on the

importance of healthy nutrition for cardiovascular risk factor control,

with an emphasis on their co-morbidities


Provide individualized support tailored to the patient’s beliefs and



When possible, cooking classes for patients and their next of kin can be


liaise effectively with other members of the team


Physicians, nurse practitioners, dietitians, and clinical psychologists

should collaborate to support the patient’s needs and tackle issues that

may occur


Generate individualized nutritional plans that can be adopted in the

patient’s daily life

Promotion of healthy nutrition in primary and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention 5

and coaches. The debate is still ongoing if elite-level athletes need for-

mulated supplementation and healthy nutrition to overcome the

strenuous exercise workloads and reduce oxidative stress. This is be-

cause polyphenol-rich nutrition seems as effective as supplements.


Table 3 summarizes important elements of the nutritional counselling

for athletes.

Knowledge gaps

The effect of nutraceuticals, supplements, and probiotics added to a

healthy diet and correct nutrition on exercise performance or metabol-

ic recovery has not been established.

One of the most significant challenges in sports nutrition studies is to

consider differences in genetics, absorption, metabolism, and excretion,

coupled with a high-quality methodology.


Nutrigenomics and nutrige-

netics are rapidly growing experimental approaches that use the

‘OMICs’ technologies (metabolomics, lipidomics, and proteomics) to-

gether with genetic sequencing to analyse the individual athlete’s response

to nutrition and supplementation.


It is likely that implementation of both

approaches will lead to a profound advance in sports nutrition; however,

no firm evidence is available yet to confirm this.

Nutritional care in children with

cardiovascular disease


Healthy eating in childhood and adolescence with an appropriate supply

of energy and nutrients ensures daily performance and enables growth

processes and healthy development. Dietary recommendations for

children often focus on obesity. However, healthy nutrition also plays

an essential role in children with other chronic diseases. A high-quality

diet with healthy eating habits in childhood and adolescence is of para-

mount importance in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and

elimination of cardiovascular risk factors.


Children with established cardiovascular disease, such as congenital

heart defects, are particularly prone to malnutrition, a serious issue

that may result not only in failure to thrive but also in other complica-

tions such as heart failure symptoms, anaemia, and recurrent episodes

of illnesses.


Ideally, the nutritional care of children and adolescents

with cardiovascular disease should engage multiple members of the

multi-disciplinary team including paediatricians, cardiologists, specialist

nurses, paediatric dietitians, and pharmacists.


It is imperative that all

physicians can identify these patients with cardiovascular disease and

refer them early to a paediatric cardiology centre that will provide

the appropriate support and nutritional counselling.

Nutritional counselling for children with

familial hypercholesterolaemia

Familial hypercholesterolaemia is a common genetic disorder charac-

terized by lifelong highly elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

levels. These changes are already present at birth leading to early ath-

erosclerotic lesions and premature coronary heart disease.

Therefore, screening and therapy should start early, including dietary

advice from certified paediatric dietitians or nutritionists.


Through individualized counselling, children and families should be sup-

ported in consuming less food and beverages with high cholesterol, satu-

rated fat, and trans-fat content. Intake of fruit and vegetables, whole grains,

fish, or lean meats according to the Mediterranean or heart-healthy diet

and maintaining a healthy body weight should be encouraged.


All nutri-

tion advice should be age-adapted to ensure the healthy growth of chil-



in addition to any necessary pharmacotherapy.

There is no information about special alternative diets which might

be contraindicated in these children. All dietary strategies should be as-

sessed regularly to ensure that all requirements for healthy growth are



Nutritional counselling for children with

congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease is a common birth defect, which often re-

quires surgical interventions in early childhood. Children with congeni-

tal heart disease have a high risk for malnutrition or undernutrition,

leading to growth restriction, delays in cardiac surgery, increased pre-

operative morbidity, and post-operative complications.


Parents often reported feeding difficulties, including refusal, poor ap-

petite, longer feeding times, and frequent feeding. In addition, structural

anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroesophageal reflux, or

neurological problems have additional adverse effects on feeding.


Human breast milk by breastfeeding, bottle, or feeding tubes is re-

commended for neonates


and considered the ‘gold standard’ inde-

pendently of the method delivered, in preference to formula milk.

Perioperative nutrition, including enteral and parenteral nutrition, is vi-

tal for reaching sufficient energy intake and improving post-operative



After successful cardiac surgery, weight and growth im-

prove immediately in many children. Children with multiple cardiac sur-

geries or early feeding disorders are at risk for long-term feeding



Table 4 summarizes the most important messages for nu-

tritional counselling for children and adolescents with cardiovascular


Knowledge gaps

Optimal nutrition in children with congenital heart disease is essential

to reduce mortality and to improve normal growth. However, there

is a lack of large studies identifying the best nutrition strategies.


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Table 3 Important considerations for the nutritional

counselling for athletes

Healthcare practitioners should aim to:

Endorse a ‘food first’ approach with sufficient calories


Assess athlete’s body composition, specific sport, training plan, and

performance goals


Follow-up athletes regularly (weekly weight measurements) to ensure

that there is an energy balance state and prevent significant changes in

body composition/weight


Ongoing communication with the athlete, coach, and next of kin is

essential for maintenance of appropriate energy intake

Underpin the importance of appropriate nutritional strategy


Educate the athlete and, when applicable the next of kin, on the

significance of a healthy and tailored nutritional approach that covers

their needs in energy demands


Provide individualized support according to athlete’s metabolic

demands and dietary preferences

Identify and manage appropriately signs and symptoms of energy



Recurrent injuries or illnesses should prompt investigation into the

appropriateness of the chosen nutritional plan or adherence to it


Seek appropriate expertise (sports medicine expert and sports

nutritionist) for athletes with or at high risk of developing relative

energy deficiency (RED-S)

6 V.S. Vassiliou et al.

Nutrition and public health in


Nutritional counselling at the population


In the current European policy landscape, most countries use informa-

tion and education to improve dietary behaviours, such as curriculum

and community-based nutrition education, developing cooking skills,

training of cooking skills, training food service providers and teachers,

and nutrition counselling in healthcare settings. Nutritional policies

aim to result in a healthier dietary intake, with impact on a large spec-

trum of diseases including cardiovascular disease and obesity across all

socio-economic strata.

The most commonly used nutrition policies are information-based

policies providing nutrition information such as food-based dietary

guidelines (in 23 European countries


) and mass media and informa-

tional campaigns (e.g. the worldwide 5-A-Day campaign). However,

whilst these can improve population health, they are likely to be failing

the socially disadvantaged groups and, in doing so, widening inequalities

in diet.


Tackling the food environment can result in more significant and

equitable improvements in diet and health. Current popular actions

—implemented in 32 European countries


—are regulations on food

health claims, mandatory nutrient lists on packaged food, and

easy-to-understand labelling. A concrete example is France, Belgium,

and Spain adopting the NutriScore label, classifying foods and drinks ac-

cording to five categories of nutritional quality. However, these policies

rely on consumer knowledge and behaviour and might result in widen-

ing dietary and social inequalities.


Food advertising and marketing re-

strictions exist in 11 European countries.


Portugal restricts the

advertising of products high in energy, salt, sugar, saturated fat, and

trans-fats before, during, and after children’s programmes. The

United Kingdom (UK) bans TV advertising of these products before

9 p.m.

Another approach developed in 17 European countries


is to im-

prove the nutritional quality of the whole food supply through refor-

mulation (reduction of salt, saturated fat, and sugar). The UK Food

Standards Agency Salt reformulation programme was a success story,

substantially decreasing the salt content and intake over a decade.

However, after England replaced it with the Public Health

Responsibility Deal in 2011, a less demanding scheme for targeting

and monitoring the salt content of food, annual declines in salt intake

slowed significantly.


Estimates suggest that this lack of robust target

setting, monitoring, and enforcement might have resulted in 9900 add-

itional cases of cardiovascular disease in England by 2018.


Other pol-

icies aim to offer a healthier environment, especially in schools, through

the distribution of fruit, vegetables, and milk products in the EU,



on vending machines in France, offering healthy food options as default

in food service outlets in Norway, and voluntary commitments to re-

duce portion sizes in Portugal, Spain, and the UK.

Finally, more countries are using fiscal tools to modify consumer

food behaviours with health-related food taxes implemented in 12

European countries,


mainly targeting sugary drinks. These policies

are not simply designed to reduce consumption but also to induce re-

formulation of food and drink products, as recently evidenced by the

UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy.


European nutrition policies are greatly

diverse and reflect governments’ political will to tackle poor diets.

However, most policies are information-based, relying on personal nu-

trition literacy, thus risking widening inequalities. More attention should

be given to developing and implementing low-agency population pol-

icies, which are admittedly politically challenging.



population policies are interventions that require little or no involve-

ment of the public, such as taxes on foods or changing the placement

and availability of food products. Combining agency (i.e. interventions

that require the individuals to engage such as modifying their nutrition)

and low-agency policies as an integrated system approach will likely im-

prove diets and narrow inequalities, as proposed by the European Food

and Nutrition Action Plan 2015–2020.


A flowchart summarizing the

steps for promoting healthy nutrition at the population level is provided

in Figure 2. However, significant challenges remain to build an integrated

food policy framework towards a healthy and sustainable food



Nutritional counselling in the workplace

and schools

Workplace-based dietary interventions are large-scale strategies to

reach as many individuals as possible for prolonged periods.



for nutrition policies, they aim at providing a healthy food environment

in the workplace and not to specifically tackle cardiovascular diseases. A

limited number of trials of workplace-based interventions seem to be

effective in modifying some dietary habits, behaviour, and health out-



However, reviews have typically reported that workplace

interventions targeting dietary behaviour yield modest improvements

and are often poorly implemented, limiting their impact.


In Europe,

most countries like the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, and Portugal

have dietary guidelines for the workplace based on voluntary action.


For example, in the Netherlands, policies include putting the ‘healthier’

choices in the most visible places on the displayed range.


Furthermore, some European countries have mandatory standards in-

fluencing the food available in specific workplaces like Finland, Germany,

Portugal, and UK.


Schools are a unique powerful tool through which nutrition educa-

tion can be promoted in the society. According to a recent guideline

published by the World Health Organization, provision of health edu-

cation about nutrition is an essential intervention and component of

school health services worldwide, as its influence for students can

lead to meaningful and sustainable healthy behaviours.


Healthy dietary

habits adopted by a young individual can not only reduce their risk of

illness but also contribute to their emotional well-being and productiv-



A South Korean cross-sectional survey that included more than

65 000 school-going adolescents demonstrated that healthy dietary ha-

bits were associated with lower mental distress and higher psychologic-

al well-being, revealing in this way the important link between nutrition

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Table 4 Summary of key points essential for the

nutritional counselling of children and adolescents with

cardiovascular disease

Healthcare practitioners should aim to:

Acknowledge the importance of nutritional counselling in children with

cardiovascular disease


Provide nutritional advice that is tailored to the patient’s age, body

habitus, risk factors, and underlying disease


Assess patients regularly to ensure that all requirements for healthy

growth and development are met

Ensure that appropriate nutritional counselling is provided


Refer patients and their caregivers early to a paediatric cardiology

centre that will provide the appropriate support and nutritional

counselling under the care of a specialist multi-disciplinary team


When appropriate, liaise with certified paediatric dietitians or

nutritionists for the selection of the most appropriate nutritional plan

for the individual

Promotion of healthy nutrition in primary and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention 7

and welfare.


This, in turn, can also lead to important long-term cost-

effective advantages for the wider society. It is therefore imperative for

nutritional counselling to be incorporated in primary and secondary

education as its impact and benefits can be tremendous for all children

and adolescents and, consequently, the society as a whole.

Knowledge gaps

Policymaking is a non-linear process and simply providing scientific evi-

dence is not enough for implementation. Methods to engage with sta-

keholders and bring the voice of the public to understand the political,

legal, and technical feasibility of new policies and interventions alongside

public acceptance need to be further developed,


and health practi-

tioners should also advocate for population-level changes.


Nutritional counselling: is it


Knowledge of the cost-effectiveness of nutritional interventions could

prioritise health policy decision-making.


Due to the scarce financial

resources, policymakers must choose their investments wisely, focusing

on the best value for money. It is well known that preventive interven-

tions score rather well on their cost-effectiveness outcomes.


Several studies focussing on the cost-effectiveness of nutritional inter-

ventions have been conducted. These often consider obesity or dia-

betes as intermediate outcomes in developing other chronic diseases

such as cardiovascular disease.


Previous studies focussed mainly on community-based, school-

based, or workplace-based programmes, often showing conflicting re-

sults. For example, according to a review, only five out of 23 strategies

promoting fruit and vegetable intake in healthy adults were cost-



Context and setting seem to be essential drivers in the cost-

effectiveness outcome. A recent study focused on nutrition education

and system-level dietary modification in a workplace setting. It resulted

in a cost-effective outcome.


Importantly, most interventions are of-

fered as comprehensive programmes focusing on healthy eating and

physical activity, making it difficult to assess the attributable impact of

nutrition-related actions.

Recently, increased focus has been on the cost-effectiveness of food

labelling (front-of-pack labelling), fiscal taxes, price reductions, and in-

dustry agreements with very favourable outcomes. Outstanding out-

comes are seen in salt reduction strategies, with taxes and salt

reduction by manufacturers and food labelling being cost-effective or

even cost-saving.


These results are confirmed for other nutrients,

such as eliminating industrial trans-fats or using a fruit and vegetable

subsidy, saturated fat, sugar and salt taxes, and junk food taxes.


The magnitude of the tax seems critical here; taxes and subsidies should

be used together, with the increased total food price being similar to

the healthy food subsidy. Whilst the taxation level is expected to

vary between countries, as well as the proposed plans of how this in-

come is going to be used to aid healthier nutrition, it is anticipated

that this should be in the region of 10–20%.


Knowledge gaps

The context and setting seem to be essential drivers in the

cost-effectiveness outcome. Further research is needed into the prere-

quisites of cost-effective interventions and how to establish these

boundary conditions in practice.

Areas of importance for future


The European Society of Cardiology Guidelines on cardiovascular dis-

ease prevention provide a comprehensive guide for all healthcare pro-

fessionals who aim to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in

individuals and at population level.


They reverberate the aforemen-

tioned statements regarding the effect of healthy dietary habits on car-

diovascular disease prevention and risk factor modification. Policy

suggestions for population-based approaches to healthy dietary habits

are also in line with this document and highlight the need for appropri-

ate legislation that can promote healthy nutrition in several community

settings, such as workplace environment and schools.

Figure 2 Key steps for the promotion of healthy nutrition at the population level.

8 V.S. Vassiliou et al.

Acknowledging that population-based interventions face challenges

that may vary in different countries and settings, it would also be pru-

dent to highlight the need for education of both the public and the

healthcare professionals. For the former, incorporation of a taught

module or optional cooking lessons for students in schools would be

helpful. For the latter, implementation of nutritional counselling in the

medical curriculum would be extremely beneficial.


It should also be highlighted that an individual’s diet is linked with the

environmental sustainability. For example, it has been shown that

animal-based patterns of food purchases contribute significantly to

the annual carbon footprint, whilst plant-based patterns made the smal-

lest contribution to the carbon footprint of the purchases.



are highly motivated to adopt dietary habits that have an important

beneficial impact on the environment.


Therefore, guidelines should

focus on raising awareness of the environmental benefit of the nutri-

tional advice and diets suggested.

Finally, nutrition represents not only an impactful driver of many car-

diovascular risk factors such as obesity, dyslipidaemia, and diabetes but

also a highly evolving and dynamic field. Future guidelines and recom-

mendations should therefore reflect this rapidly changing domain so

as to ensure the provision of optimal support in healthcare



Dietary prevention of cardiovascular disease should be targeted from

the cradle to the grave, in the presence or absence of disease, and

from an individual to a population level. Dietary recommendations

and policies need to be well communicated and aimed to make the

healthy choice the easy choice. There are no ‘magic’ foods, yet one

should aspire to a diversified fresh diet, rich in seasonal fruit and vege-

tables, low in saturated fat meat products, and reduced in salty, sugary,

fatty, or ultra-processed foods. Nevertheless, a healthy, environmental-

ly sustainable, cost-effective diet is achievable provided patients, health

professionals, food industries, and policymakers join efforts, enabling a

reduction in cardiovascular adverse events. The provision of healthy

foods and education, starting early in life, has the potential to create

good eating habits which can be maintained and passed to the next


Author contributions

Vassilios Vassiliou (MA, MBBS, PhD, FRCP Edin (FACC, FESC), Vasiliki

Tsampasian (MSc (MD), Ana Abreu (MD, FESC), Donata Kurpas (MD),

Elena Cavarretta (MD, PhD), Martin O’Flaherty (MD, PhD), Zoé

Colombet (PhD), Monika Siegrist (PhD), Delphine de Smedt (MD, PhD),

and Pedro Marques-Vidal (MD, PhD, FESC).

Supplementary material

Supplementary material is available at European Journal of Preventive

Cardiology online.


This work did not receive specific funding.

Conflict of interest: None declared.

Data availability

This manuscript presents the review of previously published data, as such

NO new data - hence no need for an availability statement.


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