

 星星情景英语 2023-04-02 发布于上海


Answer:是啊,我们今天继续学习。条件句和虚拟语气(6 Unless, provided (that)等(2

条件句和虚拟语气(6 Unless, provided (that) 等(2

In case


Rosanna’s taking a group of young people into the mountains tomorrow.

“Bring a waterproof jacket with you in case it rains and an extra sweater in case it gets cold. We’ll take survival bags with us in case we have to spend the night on the mountain. Last month I took a group out and we took survival bags and extra sweaters in case the weather changed. Well, it suddenly got very foggy and we were on the mountain for 48 hours. So, don’t forget your survival bags in case we can’t get home tonight.”

1 in case表示做某事之前的谨慎和小心,从句中用现在时态表示将来,不用will

You’ll each need a jacket in case it rains.(不说 it will rain)

(= Take a jacket as a precaution because it might rain.)

Take your survival bags in case we can’t get home tonight.

(=Take them as a precaution because we might not get home.)

2 in case if的意思不一样,试比较:

上述两句A 句中的动作先发生。

3 in case 也可以表示过去的谨慎和小心。

We took survival bags and extra sweaters in case the weather changed.

(=We took survival bags and extra sweaters because it was possible the weather would change.)

小练习:用  if   in case填空:

1 We should get back for dinner… we leave now.

2 we’ll take plenty of food with us.. we don’t get back for dinner.

3 We’ll also take some matches…. We need to light a fire


I 1. You can’t go hang-gliding unless you’re 16 or over.  

2. Unless you’ve got a medical certificate, you can’t go scuba diving.

II 1. Mark can go windsurfing provided/providing (that) there’s enough wind.(or as long as)    2. Emily can go into town as long as she doesn’t get back late. Or provided/providing


*They  won’t play the match tomorrow unless the weather changes.

(=  They won’t play the match tomorrow if the weather doesn’t change.)

Unless  +肯定动词 = if +否定动词

*As  long as ,provided/providing (that)的意思是only if.

*in case表示谨慎和小心

* unless, as long as, provided,  providing (that)in case引导的从句中不用will,用现在时态。

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