
研究问题与主要结局指标保持一致! #推荐几篇SCI文献,闲来无聊的时候看一下~

 Nursing小班长 2023-04-06 发布于山东



 [1] Brown L, Gardner G, Bonner A. A randomized controlled trial testing a decision support intervention for older  patients with advanced kidney disease[J]. J Adv Nurs, 2019,75(11):3032-3044.

 [2] Chang Y C, Hsu M C, Ouyang W C. Effects of Integrated Workplace Violence Management Intervention on Occupational  Coping Self-Efficacy, Goal Commitment, Attitudes, and Confidence in Emergency  Department Nurses: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial[J]. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022,19(5).

 [3] Dougherty C M, Thompson E A, Kudenchuk P J. Patient plus partner trial: A randomized controlled trial of 2 interventions to  improve outcomes after an initial implantable cardioverter-defibrillator[J]. Heart Rhythm, 2019,16(3):453-459.

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 [8] Moskowitz J T, Cheung E O, Snowberg K E, et al. Randomized controlled trial of a facilitated online positive emotion regulation  intervention for dementia caregivers[J]. Health Psychol, 2019,38(5):391-402.

 [9] Rohrbach P J, Dingemans A E, Spinhoven P, et al. A randomized controlled trial of an Internet-based intervention for eating  disorders and the added value of expert-patient support: study protocol[J]. Trials, 2019,20(1):509.

[10] Thompson A M, Fernandez J M, Shih T, et al. Improving hidradenitis suppurativa patient education using written action plan: a  randomized controlled trial[J]. J Dermatolog Treat, 2022,33(5):2677-2679.

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