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2023-04-07 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
开考前秘密 试卷类型 A二〇二三年东营市初中学业水平考试 英 语 模 拟 试 题 (总分120分 考试时间 120分钟)注意事项:1.本
写在试卷和答题卡相应位置上, 考试结束后,试卷和答题卡一并收回。3.答题前请务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,试题答案必须填涂或填写
在答题卡上相应位置。4.听力填表题为第Ⅱ卷的第四大题。 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题, 共65分)一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题
约有8秒钟的答题时间) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。1.
A. It''s OK. B.I hope so. C. That’s right.2. A. It''s interes
ting. B.I have read it. C. It’s about animals.3. A. You''re welco
me. B.Thank you. C. Congratulations.4. A. No,it isn''t. B.Ye
s, you are. C.Yes, it’s your turn.5. A. I don''t park. B. It''s
not polite. C.Sorry ,I won’t.(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给
问题的正确答案。6.Who has long hair in the picture?A. Mary. B. Lisa. C. L
isa''s friend.7.When will they meet for tea tomorrow?A. At 2: 30 p
.m. B. At 3: 30 p.m. C. At 4: 30 p.m.8.Where does Rick come from?
A. The USA. B. Canada. C. The UK.9.Why was Peter very happy?A. Be
cause he passed his exams.B. Because he had a party for Mike.C. B
ecause it was his birthday that day.10.How long did the man sleep
last night ?A.For 6 hours. B.For 4 hours. C.For 3 hou
rs. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有30秒钟的读题时间
)11. Who is the man?A. A doctor. B. The girl''s teacher. C. The gi
rl''s boss.12. What is wrong with the girl? 1A. She hurt her leg.
B. She caught a cold. C. She hurt her back.13. What was the weath
er like yesterday?A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.14. When will the
girl be OK?A. In two days. B. In a week. C.In a month.15.What wil
l the man do ?A.Take care of the girl. B.See the girl soon.
C.Ride to the hospital.(注意:请同学们翻到第Ⅱ卷第四大题,继续做听力填表题。)二、单项选择 (共10
小题,计10分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。16. Everyone in our neighbo
rhood loves to talk with my grandma, because she is ________ kind
to others.A. never B. always C. seldom D. sometimes17.The Belt a
nd Road initiative(一带一路) is a good chance to let more and more
foreign students study in our country . A. never B. really C. h
ardly D. almost18. -- I don’t know how to get along well with oth
ers, Mrs Li ?-- Try to smile to others. You’ll find it ______ to
make new friends than before.A.easy B. more easilyC. easier D. e
asily19. -- ______ terrible mess you have made! --Sorry, Mum. I w
ill clear it up right now.A. What aB. WhatC. How D. How a20. ---I
t’s important to keep healthy.---You’re right._____ is as importa
nt as our health.Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything21
. – Congratulations! You’ve passed the final exam. --Hooray! ,
I am worrying about it.A. All in all B. To be honest C. Without
doubt D. In my opinion22. --What a mess! The sharing bikes are th
rown here and there.--Let’s collect and put them in the right pla
ce they can be used conveniently.A.unlessB. so thatC. becauseD.
so long as23. --My house is next to a very busy street. I often
can’t sleep well because of the noise.--It _____ be terrible for
you. You should look for another one.A. shallB. mustC. can’t D. n
eedn’t24. She used to _____ a bus to school ,but now she gets use
d to ______ to school . A. take; ride a bike B. taking; ride a bi
keC. take; rode a bike D. take; riding a bike25. --Excuse me. Co
uld you tell me _____ ?--Of course, and the earlier, the cheaper
.A.How long it will take to get to New DelhiB. if I can book a d
irect flight to New Delhi online C.where I can buy the ticket for
the direct flight to New DelhiD. whether I can buy a ticket to N
ew Delhi without my passport三、阅读理解(共20小题,计40分)(一)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B
、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共20小题,计30分)AInteresting festivals
in the worldThrowing tomatoes--Spain( 西班牙)Spain takes "tomatoes
fights" to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown,
not eaten. The festival takes place during the last Wednesday in
August. Trucks (卡车) carry tomatoes into the square. People rush t
o the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd. Rolling cheese-Engl
andThis festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It take
s place on Cooper''s Hill. A large wheel of cheese (奶酪) is roiled
down Cooper''s Hill. The festival is actually a race where people
run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to c
ross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese. B
urning man--The United StatesThe Burning Man ''Festival lasts a we
ek, it is from the Monday before Labor Day to Labor Day(which fal
ls on the first Monday in September in America). The festival tak
es place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival
is the burning of a large sculpture of a man.Pouring water--Thail
andThe Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Th
ailand. Rather than a single day, Thailand celebrates the New Yea
r from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other
, pouring water. Songkran is one of the most important reasons wh
y foreigners travel to the beautiful land.26.How many festivals a
re mentioned in the passage?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four27
.Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above i
n May?A. Spain B. England C. The United States D. Thailand28
.Which festival is held in Black Rock Desert?A. Throwing tomatoes
B. Rolling cheese C. Burning man D. Pouring water29.Which
of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The tomatoes
are thrown into the crowd to eat.B. Not all the festivals alive
fall on the single day.C. Burning a large real man is the best pa
rt of the festival.D. Songkran is the only reason for attracting
lots of tourists,30.The passage is most probably taken from _____
_______.A. a tour guide B. a science reportC. a story book
D. a fashion magazineBThe earth is our home;we must take care of
it.This means keeping the land,air and water clean. Pollution is
a dirty word.To pollute means to make things unfit(不合适的)or unclea
n to use.Pollution comes in many ways.We see it,smell it ,taste i
t and drink it.Pollution is beginning to threaten(威胁)our health ,
or happiness and our life. Man has been polluting the earth from
the time he first made fire,washed his clothes in the river and t
hrew his waste on the ground.When land was used up or water becam
e dirty.Men moved to another place.At first the problem was not
so serious because there was plenty of clean air,land and water.T
here weren’t so many people then and their wants(需求)were fewer.Al
l the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收)by nature and soon covere
d over(恢复).But this is no longer true.The increase of population(
人口增长)and the development of industry have changed that.Man is slo
wly polluting his environment. Through the use of poison(农药),mall
has polluted land ,killing the animal.By putting dirty water and
chemicals into rivers and lakes , we have polluted our drinking
water ,killing the fish. Our increasing population is part of the
problem.More people more waste. Where is this all to end ? Are w
e turning the world into a big rubbish dump,or is there anyhope t
hat we can get rid of(摆脱)the pollution ? Luckily,millions of peop
le have been warned ofthe danger of pollution.Large numbers of pe
ople are now working hard to bring pollution under.31.Which sente
nce is WRONG? A.We live on the earth,so we should look after it.
B.To pollute means to make air ,water and land unfit for use. C.A
ll the waste produced by modem industry can be absorbed. D.Man is
now fighting against different kinds of pollution.32.In this pas
sage the underlined word“chemicals”means .A.化学 B.化学物质 C.化学的
D.医学的33.Through the uncontrolled use of poison mall has . A.ma
de the drinking water dirty B.polluted the land C.killed the an
imals and fish D.all of the above34.From the sentences“More
people more waste”,we know that . A.because of the increase of p
opulation and the development of industry,more and more waste is
produced B.we need more people,not more waste C.there isn’t any h
ope that we can get rid of the pollution D.more people have been
warned of the danger of more waste.35.From the passage we can kno
w that now man . A.doesn’t know how to control pollution B.still
doesn’t realize how serious pollution is C.is doing something to
control pollutionD.begins to understand the pollutionCThe cold w
ind blew strongly outside. Amaya was warm in her house, thinking
about an article she’d read at school. The article was about kids
who helped out their communities, and she thought it would be re
ally cool to help her own town, Harvard.The only problem was that
she wasn’t sure how to help. In the article, the kids had grown
food for people who needed food, but it was winter. She couldn’t
start a garden. Amaya was deep in thought when her mom said it wa
s time to go shopping.As they drove along the road, Amaya saw a f
amily walking on the sidewalk( 人行 道 ),wearing only light jackets.
How cold they must be! That gave her an idea! She could collect
winter coats, hats and gloves for people who needed them.She shar
ed her idea with her mom, who thought it was great. But how would
they spread the idea to get plenty of winter clothing? Amaya dec
ided to talk to her teacher, because then she could share her ide
a with her classmates at least.Ms. Monroe agreed when Amaya talke
d about her idea. They decided to call the project Hats in Harvar
d. Then they wrote a letter explaining the project. Ms. Monroe ev
en said she could help Amaya talk to the headmaster about it, so
they could get the whole school to join in it. They met with the
headmaster during lunch time. He was excited about the idea, and
said he would makesure copies(复印件) of the letter went home with
all the students.They collected enough winter clothing in only on
e week. Then they left the clothes around two parks, so families
who needed clothes could get them there. Three days later, Amaya
and her mom went shopping again. She saw the same family that had
given her the idea for Hats in Harvard. This time, though, the f
amily looked nice and warm in some new coats, hats and gloves. Am
aya felt warm in her heart, and was very glad she could help othe
rs.36. Amaya wanted to after she had read an article at school.
A. grow foodB. collect winter clothingC. help her own townD. go s
hopping with her mom37. Whom did Amaya share her idea with first?
A. Her teacher.B. Her mother.C. Her classmates.D. Her headmaster.
38. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refers to(指的是) .A.
the letterB. the projectC. the winter clothingD. Ms. Monroe’s ide
a39. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. I
t took three days to collect enough clothes.B. Ms. Monroe only he
lped Amaya write a letter.C. Families who needed clothes got clot
hes from Amaya.D. The headmaster helped spread the project Hats i
n Harvard.40. After reading the passage, we can know that .A. A
maya herself could complete the project wellB. Hats in Harvard wa
s supported by many people in HarvardC. the family that gave Amay
a the idea for Hats in Harvard knew AmayaD. Amaya helped the fami
lies who needed winter clothing because she knew themDEmergencies
(紧急情况) don’t happen very often. But when they do, you want to ge
t help first. No one wants to spend time looking up the phone num
bers.In 1968, the United States government wanted one number that
people could call for emergencies. They decided that 911 was eas
y to remember and people could dial it quickly. The first 911 cal
l was made on February 16, 1968, in Alabama. Today, 911 is used f
or emergencies in most parts of the United States and many parts
of Canada.Other countries may use other numbers. In Great Britain
, it’s 999. If you’re not sure which emergency number is used in
your area, check your phone book.When to callNever call 911 as a
joke or just to see what might happen. The only time you should c
all 911 is when a person is badly hurt or in danger right now! So
call when there is a fire, a car accident, or sudden sickness, e
tc.When in an emergency callWhen you dial the 911 operator(接线员),i
t’s always OK to give out your information. Speak slowly and clea
rly when you explain what’s happening. What happened? Where are y
ou? Who needs help?Don’t hang up(挂断)!If you have to call 911, do
not hang up until the operator tells you it’s OK to do so. That w
ay, you can be sure that the operator has all the information to
offer help fast.A dog named Faith dialed 911 when her owner who w
as in a wheelchair fell and needed help. She had been taught to u
se a speed-dial (快速拨号) function.41. The emergency number 911 was
first used in ________ in the USA.A. 1958 B. 1968 C. 1978 D. 1999
42. Why was 911 chosen to be the emergency call?A. Because other
countries also used the number.B. Because it was suggested by the
phone company.C. Because it was simple and easy to remember and
dial.D. Because it was also used in many parts of Canada.43. Peop
le can’t call 911 when ________.A. a bus hits a boy badlyB. a gir
l feels boredC. an old lady falls off the stairs, unable to stand
upD. some people can’t get out of a burning building44. Which is
the right thing to do?A. Wait for the operator’s words to end th
e call.B. Tell the operator what has happened and hang up.C. Test
if your phone can get through to 911.D. Tell the operator everyt
hing as quickly as possible.45. Which is NOT true according to th
e passage?A. 911 is an emergency number almost throughout the Uni
ted States.B. We haven’t got a worldwide universal(通用的)emergency
number yet.C. Usually phone books list emergency call numbers.D.
The dog Faith pressed the three numbers 9-1-1. 第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题, 共55分)四、
有30秒钟的读题时间) Information about Thomas EdisonWhenThomas Edison was
born on 46.________.How longHe studied at school for 47.________.
Who48.________ helped him a lot.How manyHe invented 49.________ t
hings in his life.WhenHe died at the age of 50.________.五、动词填空(共1
0空,计10分)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Hi Vince, It''s bee
n a while since we got in touch last time. How has your semester
(学 期)been?I want to send you an email (51) ______ (let) you know
how things (52)______ (be) going during my semester abroad here i
n Malaga , Spain(西班牙). I’ve already been here for several weeks,
and I feel like I am finally adapting (适应)to the culture. (53)___
___ (stay) here for a period of time, I''m also speaking the langu
age better. I arrived here on September 1st. The weather has been
very nice. Even though it''s October, it''s still rather sunny and
warm. In fact, I (54)______ (go) to the beach and swam in the Me
diterranean Sea (地中海)earlier today. I (55)______ (live) with a ve
ry welcoming host family. I have my own private bedroom. We eat b
reakfast, lunch, and dinner together. On Sundays, I (56)_____ oft
en _____(invite) to a big home- cooked paella for lunch. In Spain
, lunch is usually the biggest meal of the day. It''s also very co
mmon for the people (57)______(take) a midday nap right after a b
ig meal. I am actually just waking up from my nap right now!On we
ekdays, I take classes at the local university. There, I met seve
ral native(本国的)Spanish speakers. They have been very kind and pat
ient with me. At first, it I was difficult for me to understand t
heir Spanish, but now I understand most of our conversations. The
y say that my Spanish has improved a lot since we first met. Now,
I am more confident (自信的)to use the language in other places lik
e stores and restaurants. I am so glad that I decided to spend th
e semester here in Spain. Tomorrow, October 12th, is Spain''s Nati
onal Day. We (58)______(have) a five-day holiday. A group of my f
riends and I are going to travel to France for four days. It''s so
easy and inexpensive to travel internationally in Europe. I love
it!I look forward to (59)______(hear) from you soon. Do stay in
touch more often. Perhaps you (60)______ even ______(come) to vis
it! What do you think?Best wishes, Alfred六、综合填空(共10空,计10分)阅读短文,根据
短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 A tornado(龙卷风)is a (61)k______ of stron
g storm with air which moves in a circle quickly. They can move (
62) o____ 200 miles per hour and cause a lot of damage(损坏). As th
ey move across the land, they can (63) e______ pick up cars, truc
ks, and even houses, and then throw them very far. It is (64) i__
____ to find a safe place if a tornado gets close. A safe place (
65) c_____ be a basement(地下室)or the lowest floor. If you are in a
home without a basement, try to find a first-floor bathroom or a
small room without windows in the middle of your house. You shou
ld curl up(蜷缩)into a ball and cover your head and neck with your
(66)h_____. But there are some people who actually want to get cl
ose to tornadoes. They are (67) s______ who want to learn more ab
out tornadoes. One of the best ways to do this is to get as close
as possible to the tornado. They use special tools to measure (测
量) what is happening in and around a tornado. One special tool is
(68)c______ a tornado probe(探测仪). Inside the tornado probe, ther
e are sensors(传感器)to measure wind speed, temperature, pressure, a
nd direction. Some probes even have cameras, so the scientists ca
n see and understand what it’s like to be in a tornado. To be abl
e to get these measurements, the scientists have to get a tornado
probe near or into a tornado. Scientists will try to guess where
a tornado will go next. Then they drive to that location and (69
)p_____ down the probe. If they do not guess correctly, they pick
up their probe and try another place. If they are right, the tor
nado will go near or even right over the probe. Then they take al
l of the measurements from the probe and use them to predict wher
e future tornadoes may form(形成)and travel. And they can give peop
le some warning to keep away (70)f_____ a dangerous tornado.七、阅读表
达 (共5小题,计10分) 阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Recent years have witnessed (见证) t
he running of Bike-sharing across China. An increase number of pe
ople choose cycling instead of driving to school, to workplace or
to do sightseeing. Bike-sharing plans are warmly welcomed in man
y cities. Mobike had 5.85 million active users while Ofo had 1.4
million in the first week of this year. People can unlock the shr
ed bikes by simply using their smart phones. All bikes have GPS a
nd can be left anywhere in the public for the next user. They’re
popular among many Chinese people because they help solve “last-m
ile” problems in cities. For example , 73people find it difficult
to get to the hotel when they got off trains or to travel around
the city. However , the plans have also led to problems such as
illegal(非法的) parking, vandalism (故意破坏)and theft .In February, two
nurses in Beijing were placed under administrative detention(行政拘
留) for five days for putting locks on two shared bikes. In fact,
these problems are also shared by bike-sharing plans abroad. Star
ted in 2007, Velib is the largest public bike sharing system in P
aris in France. At its early period , it also met with problems o
f vandalism or theft. 74To deal with these problems , the company
came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes
to the stations by rewarding free riding time for their next ride
s. Now, Chinese service organizations are also trying to deal wit
h these problems. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit sco
re(信用分数) for each user, but the points will be taken because of h
is or her bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental(
租金) will be increased from 1 yuan to 100 yuan per 30 minutes. 根据短
文内容简要回答问题。71.How do people unlock the shared bikes ?_____________
.According to Mobike , how will a rider be punished if he or she
credit score drops below 80 ?____________________________________
亲身经历谈谈生活的味道。请以the Taste of Life为话题,谈谈生活的味道。提示:1.描述一段难忘经历;2.它是什么味道
英语试题参考答案及评分标准第 I 卷 (选择题, 共65 分)一 ~ 三题 (一) 一 ~ 三题答案:1-5 BACBC 6-1
0 BCBAC 11-15 BAACB 16-20 BBCBB 21-25 BBBDB 26-30 DBCBA 31-35
CBDAC 36-40 CBADD 41-45 BCBAD (二) 评分说明:1、1-25题,每小题1分;2、26-45题,每
小题2分;3、与答案不符, 不得分。第 II 卷 (非选择题, 共55分)四、听力填表(一) 答案: 46. February
11th, 1847 47. 3/three months 48. His parents 49. over 1000/one t
housand/more than 1000 50. 84/eighty-four(二)评分说明:1、本题共5分,每小题1分;2、
扣完为止。五、动词填空(一) 答案: 51. to let 52. have been 53. staying 54. we
nt 55. am living 56. am ;invented 57. to take 58. will have 59
. hearing 60. could ;come (二) 评分说明:1、本题共10分,每空1分;2、未用所给动词者,不得分;3、
与所给答案不同,只要语法正确,也可得分。六、综合填空(一)答案: 61. kind 62. over 63. easily
64. important 65. could 66. hands 67. scientists 68. called 69.
put 70. from (二) 评分说明:1、本题共10分,每空1分;2、与所给答案不符,只要语法、意义、拼写正确,符合逻辑及英
语表达习惯也可得分;七、阅读表达 (一)答案:71. By simply using their smart phones. 72
. Bike rental will be increase more.73. 人们发现在下了火车或者周游城市时很难到达酒店 。7
4. 为了解决这些问题,该公司想出了一个主意,通过奖励他们下次免费骑行的时间来鼓励人们把自行车送回车站。75. Bike-shar
ing (二)评分说明:1、本题共10分,每小题2分;2、第73、74题,若与答案表达方式不同,但与所给参考答案意思一致,符合汉语
共20分A possible versionIn my class, everyone is very friendly. We
have a wonderful time together. Everyone in my class is trying hi
s or her best to study hard. Last month, our school held the spor
ts meeting. Some of my classmates signed up for it. They trained
hard after school every day. Other students were busy designing p
osters and making other preparations. At the sports meeting, we c
heered loudly when our classmates were competing against students
from other classes. Finally, our class won the first place in Gr
ade 9. Everyone felt excited and proud .We worked together to ach
ieve the success, which made me love my class more. (二) 评分说明:评分时,
四档评分: 1、短文通顺完整,表达清楚, 语言基本无误,17-20分;2、短文较通顺完整,表达基本清楚,语言有少量错误,12-16
子做出适当反应的答语。1. I hope that I can visit the Great Wall.2. What do y
ou think of this new magazine?3. We won the game for the first ti
me.4. Are we supposed to do it again?5. Don''t park your car under
the tree!(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。6. M: Hi, M
ary. This is a picture of my sister Lisa and her best friend.W: T
hey are so pretty. Which one is your sister?M: The one with long
hair.7. W: Can you come to my home for tea tomorrow afternoon?M:
Sure. What time? How about 3:30?W: Oh, I can''t meet that early. S
hall we make it 4:30?M: OK. See you then.8. M: What country does
Rick come from? Do you remember?W: I know he speaks English. He m
ight be from the USA.M: Wait a minute. He told me his parents liv
e in Toronto.W: Oh,I remember. He''s from Canada.9. W: How was your weekend, Mike?M: Fantastic. My friend Peter had a party at his house. It wasgreat.W: Was it his birthday?M: No,he passed his college exams. So he was really happy!10.M: I stayed up until three in the morning to finish my report. I got up at six this morning.W: You must be sleepy.(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有30秒钟的读题时间)M: Hello! May I speak to Jenny, please?W: Hi, Mr. Smith! This is Jenny speaking.M: You didn''t come to school today. What''s wrong?W: Oh, I hurt my leg when I was riding home yesterday and I can''t walk.M: I''m sorry to hear that. How did it happen?W: It was raining hard then, but I didn''t take my raincoat. I tried to ride home quickly. When I turned left at a corner, I fell down and hurt my leg.M: Did you see a doctor?W: Yes. My father took me to a hospital, and luckily it wasn''t serious. The doctor said that I''d be OK in a month.M: Have a good rest and I''ll come to see you in two days.二、听力填表录音中有一段短文,听录音两遍后,根据所听到的短文内容完成下面的表格(每空不多于三个词)。(录音播放前你有30秒钟的读题时间)Thomas Edison was born on February 11th, 1847. When he was a child,he always had a lot of questions about how things worked. So his teachers didn''t like him. They thought he was silly and many people didn''t understand him, either. He studied in the school only for three months. Then his mother taught him at home. Thomas loved to read and he read many books. He learned a lot by reading. With the help of his parents,he also built labs by himself. In his life, he invented more than one thousand things, such as the first silent film, the light bulb, the record player and so on. He died on October 18th,1931,at the age of 84.听力测试到此结束