

 古建秦 2023-04-14 发布于重庆

Residential Buildings of Chinese Ancient Architecture—Cave Dwelling


Cave dwelling, an ancient residential form on the Loess Plateau in northern China, has very strong Chinese folk and local characteristics.


In the Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia regions of China, the loess layer is very thick. The Chinese people creatively use the favorable terrain of the plateau to drill holes and live, creating cave dwellings known as “green buildings”.


图片来源公众号@百家号 汇宝健康




The form of cave dwellings first appeared on the Loess Plateau on both sides of the Shanxi-Shaanxi Gorge in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. There are cave dwellings in Yangshao culture, which is 5000 to 6000 years ago, and Banpo culture, which is about 6000 years ago. This kind of architectural form not only becomes the content of these two cultures, but also develops quite mature — “” shaped cave dwellings have appeared.



窑洞—谭翃晶国画作品  图片来源:百度百科


Up to the time of the Zhou Dynasty, the cave dwellings were all over the mountains and valleys. The Book of Songs records that “dig cave dwellings and burrows”. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the type of cave dwellings increased, and each cave had a specific purpose. In addition to living caves, there are also caves with different functions. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, small castles appeared. People use tall earth walls to enclose a group of caves or kangs to defend against the  enemies and bandits, commonly known as baozi .


Architectural Characteristics


The cave dwelling is an earth construction. Its characteristics are that people and nature live in harmony and symbiosis. It is easy to repair, material saving, solid and durable.


陕北窑洞 图片来源:百度百科


The cave dwellings in northern Shaanxi are arched caves dug according to the shape of mountains. It is generally built in the form of arches to ensure its stability. This is because the loess itself is sturdy and not easy to collapse, and the bearing capacity of the arches is better than that of flat roofs. The people of northern Shaanxi take advantage of the characteristics of thick soil layer and low groundwater level in the Loess Plateau to dig cave dwellings, which are warm in winter and cool in summer, do not damage the ecology, do not occupy good farmland, and save money economically.




Cave dwelling generally has by-cliff type, sinking type and independent type. It is the product of the Loess Plateau and the symbol of northern Shaanxi. It has deposited the ancient culture of the Loess Plateau.




There are two types of by-cliff cave dwellings: lean against the mountains and along the ditches. They are often arranged in a curve or broken line, which are very harmonious and beautiful in terms of architectural art. When the hillside is high enough, people sometimes arrange several layers of terraced cave dwellings, similar to modern buildings.




下沉式窑洞 图片来源:公众号@古建家园


下沉式窑洞 图片来源:公众号@古建家园


Sinking cave dwellings, also called pingdiyao” are mainly distributed in areas where there is no hillsides or ditches available. The way to make this kind of cave is to dig a square hole first, and then dig around to form a quadrangle.




独立式窑洞 图片来源:搜狐网


Independent cave dwelling, also called guyao, is a hole-shaped house built with bricks or adobe on a flat ground to imitate the shape of a cave dwelling. It retains the advantages of warm in winter and cool in summer, and is not limited by the terrain. It can be single-storey or built into a building.




In modern times, cave dwellings have also become a symbol of the spirit of the Red Revolution. “Yan’an caves are the most revolutionary, Yan’an caves have Marxism-Leninism, Yan’an caves can command the national anti-Japanese struggle”, Zhang Dingcheng said in Rectification in the Central Party School of Yan’an. The ordinary cave dwellings in Yan’an not only witnessed the suffering and glory of the Chinese nation to save the country from invasion, but also carried the shining revolutionary spirit. Today, the light of revolutionary spirit has turned into a burning torch on the way of the CPC, reflecting the brilliant future of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


However, with the further development of the west, modern high-rise buildings keep pace with the times, and a large number of caves are abandoned. With the development of the economy, more and more cave dwellings will be abandoned and fewer and fewer will be created. This excavation method will be less and less known. In addition to its long history and severe erosion by wind and rain, cave culture is now in an endangered position and facing extinction. How to protect and inherit this traditional Chinese architectural culture is an important mission entrusted to us by history.

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