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2023-04-17 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1分)1.—Shall we play____basketball
this afternoon?—Good idea!Do you have____basketball?(  )A.the;aB.
a;aC./;aD./;/2.Would you please give me some ________on memorizin
g words quickly?(  )A.suggestionB.ideaC.adviceD.opinion3.About __
____ of the students in Kaili ______ to school by bus.(  )A.two f
ifth;goB.two fifths;goC.two fifth;goesD.two fifths;goes4.﹣ Fishin
g is one of activities among many people.﹣ Yes.But now it ''s not
allowed to fish in the Yangtze River as well as other rivers.(  )
A.popularB.more popularC.most popularD.the most popular5.Last wee
k the old books____to raise money for Free the Children.(  )A.is
soldB.are soldC.will be soldD.were sold6.Nowadays I can choose co
urses from the app on my phones and study by .(  )A.IB.meC.myD.m
yself7.Let''s go to the mountains if it ____ tomorrow.(  )A.Won''t
rainB.rainsC.doesn''t rainD.will rain8.—There are more TV series t
han before.—That''s true.But____was to my taste.I prefer westerns.
(  )A.allB.fewC.someD.none9.—Do you know____we hold the 24th Wint
er Olympic Games?—Exactly ,to increase the popularity of ice and
snow sports.(  )A.howB.whyC.whereD.when10.﹣﹣Helen, could you plea
se water the flowers in my garden?﹣﹣___________.They are so lovel
y.(  )A.That''s too badB.With pleasureC.You''re welcomeD.I''m afraid
选项。 When I was young,I was very proud.I liked to show off(炫耀) in
front of others to earn their praise.But after one (1) experience
,I came to understand that it ''s important to be modest(谦虚). One
day,my friend and I were riding our bikes in a park.My mother kne
w I had just learned how to ride for a short time,(2)  she asked
me to wear some safety equipment(装备)."No,I won''t wear (3)  !" I s
aid,pointing at my friend''s elbows and knees,"She doesn''t wear it
,(4) !""It''s dangerous,"my friend said,"You need more practice."
"I might have learned later than you,but I can ride even (5) !" I
said loudly.She narrowed her eyes and said,"Let''s wait and see!"
I saw a path leading into some woods."I''ll race you!"I shouted.T
hen we rode towards the woods.(6) ,the path wasn''t as smooth as I
thought.I kept bumping(颠簸)up and down,and then suddenly ...bam!I
fell(7) my bike.I(8) my elbows and knees bleeding."Ha﹣ha!"My fri
end made a face and helped me up."Be more careful next time," she
said.Tears ran down my(9) ."Sorry, "I said. All in all,this expe
rience made me realize that we must be(10) .A fall into a pit ,ag
ain in my wit.(1)A.forgettableB.unforgettable.C.uselessD.hopeless
odestD.worried三、阅读理解(40分)12.(10分)Boys and girls, we have some int
eresting and fun things for you this term.Have a good time.Englis
h ClubFor the seventh﹣grade studentsTime;Tuesday afternoon and Fr
iday evening Place:Room 301Tele:77459312Math ExamFor the ninth﹣gr
ade students Time:on Monday,March 20thPlace:Room 306PS:Top 10 wil
l get a surpriseA TalkFor all studentsTime:14:30﹣16:30,April 25th
Place:in the school hallTopic:How to Learn English WellSinging Co
mpetitionFor the eighth﹣grade studentsTime:on Thursday,May 23rdPl
ace:in the music roomTele:58172352(1)What activity will the schoo
l have on May 23rd? A.A singing competition.B.A math exam.C.A tal
k about how to learn English well.D.An English speech contest.(2)
Where will Tom,a ninth﹣grade student, probably be at 3:00 p.m. on
April 25th? A. In Room 301.B. In Room 306.C. In the school hall.
D. In the music room.(3)How often do the English club members pra
ctice spoken English? A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Three times
a week.D.Four times a week.(4)How many students will get a surpri
se after the math exam? A.4.B.10.C.20.D.306.(5)Where may you see
this notice? A.In a school.B.In a shop.C.In a hospital.D.In a res
taurant.13.(10分)Everyone has their favorite food.Some might love
chocolate.Some might love potato chips. Think about your favorite
food.Have you ever wondered why your favorite food tastes so goo
d?The answer is about your tongue (舌头) and your nose. There are s
ome taste buds (味蕾) on your tongue.They give you the sense of tas
te.How do the taste buds work?In fact,they have many tiny hairs o
n them.These tiny hairs send messages to your brain about the tas
tes of different food.In this way,sour,bitter or salty. An averag
e person has about 10,000 taste buds.They keep working all the ti
me when we enjoy our food.The taste buds don''t always stay the sa
me.They are replaced every two weeks or so.However,as a person ge
ts older,some of these taste buds don''t get replaced. An older pe
rson may only have 5,000 working taste buds.That''s why some food
may taste stronger for you than they do for an older person. Besi
des your tongue,your nose also helps you learn about the taste of
food.Sometimes,strong smells can even confuse (使困惑)your sense of
taste.Try holding an onion under your nose while eating an apple
.What do you taste? So the next time you enjoy salty pizza and sw
eet ice cream,thank your tongue and your nose.Without them,you wo
n''t have any sense of taste at all!Without the sense of taste(1)W
hich parts of our body can help us taste the food?  A.Tongue and
eyes.B.Tongue and hairs.C.Nose and eyes.D.Nose and tongue.(2)Wha
t does the underlined word "replaced" mean in Chinese?  A.更新B.创造
C.显示D.启动(3)How many working taste buds does an older person usual
ly have?  A.Only 5,000.B.Over 5,000.C.About 10,000.D.About 10000
.(4)What do you taste if you hold an onion under your nose while
eating an apple?  A.The taste of apple.B.The taste of onion.C.Th
e taste of sweet ice cream.D.The taste of potato chips.(5)What do
es the passage mainly tell us?  A.The use of taste buds.B.Our fa
vorite food.C.How we can taste food.D.Different tastes of food.14
.(10分)According to a research,more than 130 billion pounds of une
aten food go to waste in Laura''s county each year.That is about 3
0% of the yearly food supply(供应).It is a sad fact,especially when
you consider how many families and homeless people are in hunger
. When Laura saw her school dining hall throw away food that was
not eaten at all every day,she came up with an idea.She started a
project to help her school dining hall to give away uneaten food
to homeless shelters(庇护所)in her community.In the past three year
s,the same project has spread to other schools and some fast food
restaurants throughout the city.The project is called Feed & Fin
d,and has already fed thousands of people in her city. How does i
t work?Through an app,Feed & Find matches local homeless shelters
with school dining halls and restaurants that have uneaten food
to provide.When dining halls or restaurants have uneaten food lef
t,they can use the app to share the information about the food.A
truck driver working for the project is then sent to pick it up a
nd take it to a shelter. Pretty cool,right?It''s not surprising th
at people in other cities have got in touch with Laura,hoping tha
t she could help develop similar projects for their communities.
Some people,however,have concerns about the safety of the uneaten
food.They think such food may not be clean enough.Still,this pro
ject is a clever way to help solve the problem of food waste and
it helps those in need.(1)What do the numbers in Paragraph 1 tell
us?  A.Some people are poor.B.Food waste is serious.C.The popula
tion is large.D.The research is interesting.(2)Where did Laura''s
project first get food?  A.From her family.B.From a homeless shel
ter.C.From a fast food restaurant.D.From her school dining hall.(
3)What would people in other cities like Laura to do?  A.To find
a truck driver.B.To visit their communities.C.To give away food t
o them.D.To help develop projects like hers.(4)What does the unde
rlined word "it" refer to in the last paragraph?  A.The food.B.Th
e problem.C.Food waste.D.The project.(5)Which can be the best tit
le for this passage?  A.A Dining Guide App.B.A Food Sharing Proje
ct.C.A Driving Service App.D.A Food Safety Project.15.(10分)阅读短文。根
项为多余选项。 Most people have ambitions(雄心).(1)  For example,a student
''s ambition might be to pass his or her exams and then get a good
job.An athlete''s ambition could be to win an important competiti
on.(2)  Not all ambitions are about success at work,however,some
people just want to be good people,have a family or help others.
(3) He writes sports reports for his class newspaper.He likes mos
t sports ,and swimming and football are his favorites.Trudy''s amb
ition is to be a concert pianist.(4) It is very important to her.
Harry''s ambition changes every day!One day he wants to be an ast
ronaut.The next day he wants to be a pop singer.(5) His mother wo
uld be happy if his ambition was to get up in time for school eve
ry day! What''s your ambition?A.Ben''s ambition is to be a sports w
riter.B.But others don''t have any ambitions.C.She is very serious
about it and practices playing the piano every day.D.An ambition
is something we want to do,want to be or want to have.E.The next
day he wants to drive a racing car.F.He loves singing very much.
G.A businessman''s ambition is usually to make a lot of money.四、第五
。每个选项只能选一次。A:Welcome to I COOL,YOU COOL,madam.How can I help you?
B:(1) A:This way,please.These are the latest fashion.(2) B:It loo
ks cool.But I don''t like bright green.A:We''ve got other colors:pi
nk ,gray ,dark red and yellow.(3) B:Pink.Could you show me that l
ight pink one?A:(4) And it''s very thick.B:I like it.(5) A:It was
100 dollars and now it''s only 80 dollars.B:That''s a great price.I
''ll take it.A.What''s your favourite?B.What do you think of this o
ne?C.Certainly!It''s very beautiful,isn''t it?D.How much does it co
st?E.I want to buy a coat.五、第六部分短文改错(15分)17.(15分)阅读短文。判断标有题号的每一行画
行右边横线上写出所缺的词。 My mother is the person I want to thank most.She gi
ve (1) me life and brought me up,She loves me with all his heart
(2) without wait for me to give her any reward.Whenever
I have (3) difficulties ,I would ask her ∧ help.Whenever
I fall ill,she (4) would be the one to take care of me.a
t the cost of her own (5) health.She would be happy w
ith every little progresses I have (6) made.My mom cares fo
r me and never spoils(溺爱)me. (7) She is strict wit
h me and shows to me what is wrong and (8) what is
right.She herself sets up a role model for me such that (
9) will become an useful person in the society.Today,I want
(10) to say"Thank you,mom. "六、第七部分书面表达(30分)18.(10分)下面是一篇未写完
的短文,请认真阅读,为短文写一个30﹣40词的结尾,使短文连贯完整。 Nowadays robots are helpful in
many ways.And in the future,they will play more important roles
in our daily life._____________19.(20分)2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情严重,学生"停课不停学",
课文……学生和家长有人支持也有人反对。请你根据下面图表,以"Handing in homework on Wechat" 为题写一
篇80﹣100字的英语短文(给出的单词不计入总字数)要求:(1)概括调查结果 (2)发表自己的观点提示词:friend
circle (朋友圈),focus on,upload (上传),compare(提示词仅供参考,不要求全部使用)赞成者反对者自
己观点更新潮有趣朋友圈晒作业容易导致同伴压力(peer pressure)……观点老师检查更方便容易借机玩手机,容易上瘾(get
addicted to)……At the beginning of 2020,all the students had to st
ay at home to have the classes online because of the serious viru
s﹣NCP.The teachers asked the students to hand in homework through
Wechat.The students and their parents have different opinions ab
out it…_____________________________________________参考答案与试题解析二、第二
每小题1分)1.—Shall we play____basketball this afternoon?—Good idea!Do
you have____basketball?(  )A.the;aB.a;aC./;aD./;/【分析】﹣我们今天下午打篮球好
all发音以辅音音素开头,其前用不定冠词a。故选:C。【点评】熟悉冠词的用法,结合题意,给出答案。2.Would you plea
se give me some ________on memorizing words quickly?(  )A.suggest
ea主意和opinion观点,为可数名词,而题空线前有some,应用可数名词的复数形式,排除A、B、D三项;advice 为不可数
名词,可以用some修饰。故选:C。【点评】在理解名词意思的基础上,根据具体语境,仔细分析,完成试题。3.About ______
of the students in Kaili ______ to school by bus.(  )A.two fifth
;goB.two fifths;goC.two fifth;goesD.two fifths;goes【分析】凯里大约五分之二的学
ent是复数形式,动词要用原形go。故选:B。【点评】掌握分数的表达方法是解题关键。4.﹣ Fishing is one of a
ctivities among many people.﹣ Yes.But now it ''s not allowed to fi
sh in the Yangtze River as well as other rivers.(  )A.popularB.mo
re popularC.most popularD.the most popular【分析】﹣钓鱼是许多人最喜爱的活动之一。﹣是的
。但是现在不允许在长江以及其他河流钓鱼。【解答】根据题干,可知考查one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最……之一。故
选:D。【点评】熟悉形容词的比较级和最高级的用法,结合题意,给出答案。5.Last week the old books____t
o raise money for Free the Children.(  )A.is soldB.are soldC.will
be soldD.were sold【分析】上周,这些旧书被卖掉,为"解放儿童"组织筹款。【解答】结合选项分析语境,题干主语th
e old books和其谓语sell之间是被动关系,且题干时间状语是last week,表明谓语动作发生在过去,因此设空处应用一
般过去时态的被动语态,即were sold符合语境。故选:D。【点评】动词的时态和语态是中考的必考知识点,题目中常常将两者结合在一
起进行考查,因此学生需根据题意及题干的关键信息进行判断分析再作答。6.Nowadays I can choose courses
from the app on my phones and study by .(  )A.IB.meC.myD.myself【
分析】现在我可以用手机软件选择课程,自己独立学习了。【解答】I 我,通常在句中作主语;me我,通常在句中作宾语;my我的,通常在句
中作定语;myself我自己,通常在句中作宾语或同位语。句中使用了by oneself这个短语,该短语的意思是"靠自己,独立",根
据题干的字面意思可知本题正确答案是D。故选:D。【点评】本题考查的知识点是by oneself短语的意思和用法。7.Let''s g
o to the mountains if it ____ tomorrow.(  )A.Won''t rainB.rainsC.d
oesn''t rainD.will rain【分析】如果明天不下雨,我们就去山里.【解答】答案:C.根据Let''s go to t
he mountains if it ____ tomorrow,可知if引导的条件状语从句,主句用祈使句,从句用一般现在时态,从
句主语it它,第三人称单数.否定形式用doesn''t rain不下雨.故选:C。【点评】一般现在时态通常表示习惯性动作或客观事实,
注意一些时间状语用法,结合语境,完成试题.8.—There are more TV series than before.—Tha
t''s true.But____was to my taste.I prefer westerns.(  )A.allB.fewC
.few很少;C.some一些;D.none没有一个。根据I prefer westerns我更喜欢西部片。可知但是没有一样合我的
口味。我更喜欢西部片。故选:D。【点评】熟悉不定代词的用法,结合题意,给出答案。9.—Do you know____we hold
the 24th Winter Olympic Games?—Exactly ,to increase the populari
ty of ice and snow sports.(  )A.howB.whyC.whereD.when【分析】——你知道我们为
,结合句意得出正确答案。10.﹣﹣Helen, could you please water the flowers in my
garden?﹣﹣___________.They are so lovely.(  )A.That''s too badB.Wit
h pleasureC.You''re welcomeD.I''m afraid not【分析】﹣﹣海伦,你能浇一下我花园里的花吗?﹣
﹣我很愿意.它们是如此可爱.【解答】A.That''s too bad太糟糕了;B.With pleasure我很愿意;C.You''
re welcome不客气;D.I''m afraid not我恐怕不行;根据They are so lovely.可知应说我很愿意
.故选:B。【点评】首先迅速地浏览一遍对话,根据对话的情境,They are so lovely,结合选项作答.二、第三部分完形填
空(15分)11.(15分)阅读短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 When I wa
s young,I was very proud.I liked to show off(炫耀) in front of othe
rs to earn their praise.But after one (1) B experience,I came to
understand that it ''s important to be modest(谦虚). One day,my frie
nd and I were riding our bikes in a park.My mother knew I had jus
t learned how to ride for a short time,(2) D  she asked me to wea
r some safety equipment(装备)."No,I won''t wear (3) A  !" I said,poi
nting at my friend''s elbows and knees,"She doesn''t wear it ,(4) B
 !""It''s dangerous,"my friend said,"You need more practice.""I mi
ght have learned later than you,but I can ride even (5) D !" I sa
id loudly.She narrowed her eyes and said,"Let''s wait and see!" I
saw a path leading into some woods."I''ll race you!"I shouted.Then
we rode towards the woods.(6) C ,the path wasn''t as smooth as I
thought.I kept bumping(颠簸)up and down,and then suddenly ...bam!I
fell(7) B my bike.I(8) A my elbows and knees bleeding."Ha﹣ha!"My
friend made a face and helped me up."Be more careful next time,"
she said.Tears ran down my(9) D ."Sorry, "I said. All in all,this
experience made me realize that we must be(10) C .A fall into a
pit ,again in my wit.(1)A.forgettableB.unforgettable.C.uselessD.h
的事情。【解答】(1)考查形容词。A.容易遗忘的;B.难以忘怀的;C.无用的;D.无望的。根据下文I came to unders
tand that it ''s important to be modest(谦虚).(我逐渐理解了谦虚是重要的。)可知,空处句意
为:但是在一次难忘的经历后。故选B。(2)考查连词。A.或者;B.但是;C.自从;D.因此。根据上文My mother knew
I had just learned how to ride for a short time(我妈妈知道我刚学会骑自行车不长时间
doesn''t wear it (她没穿它)可知,空处句意为:不,我不会穿它。故选A。(4)考查副词。A.也,用在肯定句中;B.
形容词。A.更慢;B.更差;C.更努力;D.更好。根据上文I might have learned later than you(
hen we rode towards the woods.(然后我们朝着树林骑去。)及下文the path wasn''t as
smooth as I thought.(小路不像我想的那样光滑。)可知,空处表示"然而"。故选C。(7)考查介词。A.向下;B.
从(某处)落下;C.属于;D.到……里。根据下文I felt my elbows and knees bleeding.(我感觉肘
和膝盖在流血。)可知,空处句意为:我从我的自行车上摔下来。fall off从……掉下。故选B。(8)考查动词。A.感觉;B.品尝;
C.闻;D.听起来。根据上文I fell off my bike.(我从我的自行车上摔下来。)可知,空处句意为:我感觉肘和膝盖在流
血。故选A。(9)考查名词。A.腿;B.手臂;C.手;D.脸。根据空前Tears ran (眼泪流下)可知,空处表示"脸"。故选D
。(10)考查形容词。A.骄傲的;B.粗鲁的;C.谦虚的;D.担心的。根据下文A fall into a pit ,again i
n my wit.(吃一堑,长一智。)可知,空处句意为;总之,这次经历使我意识到我们必须要谦虚。故选C。【点评】首先要通读全文,了
2.(10分)Boys and girls, we have some interesting and fun things fo
r you this term.Have a good time.English ClubFor the seventh﹣grad
e studentsTime;Tuesday afternoon and Friday evening Place:Room 30
1Tele:77459312Math ExamFor the ninth﹣grade students Time:on Monda
y,March 20thPlace:Room 306PS:Top 10 will get a surpriseA TalkFor
all studentsTime:14:30﹣16:30,April 25thPlace:in the school hallTo
pic:How to Learn English WellSinging CompetitionFor the eighth﹣gr
ade studentsTime:on Thursday,May 23rdPlace:in the music roomTele:
58172352(1)What activity will the school have on May 23rd? A A.A
singing competition.B.A math exam.C.A talk about how to learn Eng
lish well.D.An English speech contest.(2)Where will Tom,a ninth﹣g
rade student, probably be at 3:00 p.m. on April 25th? C A. In Roo
m 301.B. In Room 306.C. In the school hall.D. In the music room.(
3)How often do the English club members practice spoken English? 
B A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Three times a week.D.Four times
a week.(4)How many students will get a surprise after the math ex
am? B A.4.B.10.C.20.D.306.(5)Where may you see this notice? A A.I
n a school.B.In a shop.C.In a hospital.D.In a restaurant.【分析】本文主要
介绍了一个学校的一些安排,英语俱乐部,数学考试,演讲,歌唱比赛.【解答】(1)A.细节理解题.根据Singing Competit
ion下面的"Time:on Thursday,May 23rd"因此可知在5月23号有一个歌唱比赛.故选A.(2)C.细节理解题
.根据A Talk下面的"Time:14:30﹣16:30,April 25thPlace:in the school hall"
因此可知9岁的汤姆在4月25号下午将要在学校大厅.故选C.(3)B.细节理解题.根据English Club下面的"Time;Tu
esday afternoon and Friday evening "周二下午和周五晚上,因此可知英语俱乐部一周两次.故选B.(
4)B.细节理解题.根据Math Exam下面的"PS:Top 10 will get a surprise"因此可知前10名的学
生会有惊喜.故选B.(5)A.细节推理题.根据"Boys and girls, we have some interesting
and fun things for you this term."孩子们,这个学期我们将有一些有趣的事情.因此可知这个布告有可能
.13.(10分)Everyone has their favorite food.Some might love chocola
te.Some might love potato chips. Think about your favorite food.H
ave you ever wondered why your favorite food tastes so good?The a
nswer is about your tongue (舌头) and your nose. There are some tas
te buds (味蕾) on your tongue.They give you the sense of taste.How
do the taste buds work?In fact,they have many tiny hairs on them.
These tiny hairs send messages to your brain about the tastes of
different food.In this way,sour,bitter or salty. An average perso
n has about 10,000 taste buds.They keep working all the time when
we enjoy our food.The taste buds don''t always stay the same.They
are replaced every two weeks or so.However,as a person gets olde
r,some of these taste buds don''t get replaced. An older person ma
y only have 5,000 working taste buds.That''s why some food may tas
te stronger for you than they do for an older person. Besides you
r tongue,your nose also helps you learn about the taste of food.S
ometimes,strong smells can even confuse (使困惑)your sense of taste.
Try holding an onion under your nose while eating an apple.What d
o you taste? So the next time you enjoy salty pizza and sweet ice
cream,thank your tongue and your nose.Without them,you won''t hav
e any sense of taste at all!Without the sense of taste(1)Which pa
rts of our body can help us taste the food?  D A.Tongue and eyes
.B.Tongue and hairs.C.Nose and eyes.D.Nose and tongue.(2)What doe
s the underlined word "replaced" mean in Chinese?  A A.更新B.创造C.显
示D.启动(3)How many working taste buds does an older person usually
have?  A A.Only 5,000.B.Over 5,000.C.About 10,000.D.About 10000.
(4)What do you taste if you hold an onion under your nose while e
ating an apple?  B A.The taste of apple.B.The taste of onion.C.T
he taste of sweet ice cream.D.The taste of potato chips.(5)What d
oes the passage mainly tell us?  C A.The use of taste buds.B.Our
favorite food.C.How we can taste food.D.Different tastes of food
.【分析】文章介绍了关于味觉的相关信息。【解答】(1)D.细节理解题。根据原文Have you ever wondered why
your favorite food tastes so good?(你有没有想过为什么你最喜欢的食物味道这么好?)可知是鼻子和
舌头。故选D。(2)A.词义猜测题。根据前文The taste buds don''t always stay the same.(
味蕾并不总是保持不变。)可知此处意为它们大约两周更新一次。故选A。(3)A.理解推断题。根据An older person may
only have 5,000 working taste buds.一个老年人可能只有5000个可以工作的味蕾。可知A选项符合
题意。故选A。(4)B.理解推断题。根据 Besides your tongue,your nose also helps you
learn about the taste of food.Sometimes,strong smells can even c
onfuse (使困惑)your sense of taste.除了舌头,你的鼻子也可以帮助你了解食物的味道。有时,强烈的气味甚至
会扰乱你的味觉。你可知B选项中的洋葱会混淆你的味觉。因此会闻到洋葱的味道。故选B。(5)C.主旨大意题。根据Have you ev
er wondered why your favorite food tastes so good?(你有没有想过为什么你最喜欢的
,认真辨析选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案。14.(10分)According to a research,more than 130
billion pounds of uneaten food go to waste in Laura''s county eac
h year.That is about 30% of the yearly food supply(供应).It is a sa
d fact,especially when you consider how many families and homeles
s people are in hunger. When Laura saw her school dining hall thr
ow away food that was not eaten at all every day,she came up with
an idea.She started a project to help her school dining hall to
give away uneaten food to homeless shelters(庇护所)in her community.
In the past three years,the same project has spread to other scho
ols and some fast food restaurants throughout the city.The projec
t is called Feed & Find,and has already fed thousands of people i
n her city. How does it work?Through an app,Feed & Find matches l
ocal homeless shelters with school dining halls and restaurants t
hat have uneaten food to provide.When dining halls or restaurants
have uneaten food left,they can use the app to share the informa
tion about the food.A truck driver working for the project is the
n sent to pick it up and take it to a shelter. Pretty cool,right?
It''s not surprising that people in other cities have got in touch
with Laura,hoping that she could help develop similar projects f
or their communities. Some people,however,have concerns about the
safety of the uneaten food.They think such food may not be clean
enough.Still,this project is a clever way to help solve the prob
lem of food waste and it helps those in need.(1)What do the numbe
rs in Paragraph 1 tell us?  B A.Some people are poor.B.Food waste
is serious.C.The population is large.D.The research is interesti
ng.(2)Where did Laura''s project first get food?  D A.From her fam
ily.B.From a homeless shelter.C.From a fast food restaurant.D.Fro
m her school dining hall.(3)What would people in other cities lik
e Laura to do?  D A.To find a truck driver.B.To visit their commu
nities.C.To give away food to them.D.To help develop projects lik
e hers.(4)What does the underlined word "it" refer to in the last
paragraph?  D A.The food.B.The problem.C.Food waste.D.The projec
t.(5)Which can be the best title for this passage?  B A.A Dining
Guide App.B.A Food Sharing Project.C.A Driving Service App.D.A Fo
od Safety Project.【分析】本文介绍了浪费食物是当今社会一个很大的问题,Laura开发了一个应用可以帮助解决这个问
题。【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据"According to a research more than 130 bill io
n pounds of uneaten food go to waste in Laura''s country each year
.That is about 30% of the yearly food supply(供应)."根据一项研究,在劳拉的国家,每
示了食物浪费严重。故选B。(2)D.细节理解题。根据"She started a project to help her scho
ol dining hall to give away uneaten food to homeless shelters(庇护所
)in her community."她开始了一个项目,帮助她的学校食堂把未吃的食物捐赠给她所在社区的无家可归者收容所。以及"Th
rough an app,Feed&Find matches local homeless shelters with schoo
l dining halls and restaurants that have uneaten food to provide.
目是从学校食堂开始。故选D。(3)D.细节理解题。根据"It''s not surprising that people in ot
her cities have got in touch with Laura,hoping that she could hel
p develop similar projects for their communities."其他城市的人们联系劳拉,希望她
till,this project is a clever way to help solve the problem of fo
od waste and it helps those in need."尽管如此,这个项目还是一个帮助解决食物浪费问题的聪明方法
,它帮助了那些有需要的人。可知it指代的是前文提到的"The project",故选D。(5)B.标题归纳题。根据"Still,t
his project is a clever way to help solve the problem of food was
te and it helps those in need."尽管如此,这个项目还是一个帮助解决食物浪费问题的聪明方法,它帮助了那
项。 Most people have ambitions(雄心).(1) D  For example,a student''s
ambition might be to pass his or her exams and then get a good jo
b.An athlete''s ambition could be to win an important competition.
(2) G  Not all ambitions are about success at work,however,some p
eople just want to be good people,have a family or help others. (
3) A He writes sports reports for his class newspaper.He likes mo
st sports ,and swimming and football are his favorites.Trudy''s am
bition is to be a concert pianist.(4) C It is very important to h
er. Harry''s ambition changes every day!One day he wants to be an
astronaut.The next day he wants to be a pop singer.(5) E His moth
er would be happy if his ambition was to get up in time for schoo
l every day! What''s your ambition?A.Ben''s ambition is to be a spo
rts writer.B.But others don''t have any ambitions.C.She is very se
rious about it and practices playing the piano every day.D.An amb
ition is something we want to do,want to be or want to have.E.The
next day he wants to drive a racing car.F.He loves singing very
much.G.A businessman''s ambition is usually to make a lot of money
.【分析】本文介绍了什么是雄心,并讲述了一些人的雄心。【解答】细节推理题。(1)根据上文Most people have ambi
根据上文For example,a student''s ambition might be to pass his or her
exams and then get a good job.An athlete''s ambition could be to w
in an important competition.(例如,一个学生的雄心可能是通过考试,然后找到一份好工作。运动员的雄心可能
是赢得一场重要的比赛。)可知说的是举例说每个职业的人的雄心,结合选项,应说商人的雄心通常是赚大钱。故选G。(3)根据下文He wr
ites sports reports for his class newspaper.He likes most sports
,and swimming and football are his favorites.(他为班级报纸写体育报道。他最喜欢运动,
ambition is to be a concert pianist.(特鲁迪的雄心是成为一名音乐会钢琴家。)可知说的是特鲁迪的
雄心是成为一名音乐会钢琴家,结合选项,应说她对此很认真,每天练习弹钢琴。故选C。(5)根据上文Harry''s ambition c
hanges every day!One day he wants to be an astronaut.The next day
he wants to be a pop singer.(哈里的雄心每天都在变化!有一天他想成为一名宇航员。接下来的一天他想成为
每个选项只能选一次。A:Welcome to I COOL,YOU COOL,madam.How can I help you?B
:(1) E A:This way,please.These are the latest fashion.(2) B B:It
looks cool.But I don''t like bright green.A:We''ve got other colors
:pink ,gray ,dark red and yellow.(3) A B:Pink.Could you show me t
hat light pink one?A:(4) C And it''s very thick.B:I like it.(5) D 
A:It was 100 dollars and now it''s only 80 dollars.B:That''s a grea
t price.I''ll take it.A.What''s your favourite?B.What do you think
of this one?C.Certainly!It''s very beautiful,isn''t it?D.How much d
oes it cost?E.I want to buy a coat.【分析】这是一则谈论购物的对话。【解答】(1)根据上一句:欢
)处缺一个词:在该行右边横线上写出所缺的词。 My mother is the person I want to thank mo
st.She give (1) give﹣gave me life and brought me up,She loves me
with all his heart (2) his﹣her without wait for me to g
ive her any reward.Whenever I have (3) wait﹣waiting diffi
culties ,I would ask her ∧ help.Whenever I fall ill,she (
4) for would be the one to take care of me.at the cost of her own
(5) at﹣with health.She would be happy with every lit
tle progresses I have (6) progresses﹣progress made.My mom c
ares for me and never spoils(溺爱)me. (7) √ She is s
trict with me and shows to me what is wrong and (8
) shows to﹣shows what is right.She herself sets up a role model f
or me such that (9) such﹣so will become an useful person i
n the society.Today,I want (10) an﹣a to say"Thank you,
mom. "【分析】本文主要介绍了我的妈妈—我最想感谢的人。【解答】(1)考查动词。根据and后的brought可知,此句时态为一
句意"每当我有困难,我会向她寻求帮助"可知,此处考查短语"ask sb sor help""项某人求助"。故填for。(5)考查介
词。根据句意"每当我生病时,她将是照顾我的人,以她自己健康为代价。"可知,此处考查短语"with the cost of""以..
....为代价"。故填at﹣with。(6)考查名词。根据every little和句意"她会对我取得的每一点进步感到高兴。"可知
此处考查不可数名词progress。故填progresses﹣progress。(7)此句"My mom cares for me
and never spoilsme"时态为一般现在时态,主语是第三人称单数,故谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式,cares和spo
ils使用正确。care for关心。故正确。(8)考查动词。根据shows可知,此处考查show的用法:show sb sth,
me what is wrong and what is right是它的双宾语。故填shows to﹣shows。(9)考查固
定短语。此处考查固定短语so that"为了",句意为:她自己给我树立了榜样,为了让我成为对社会有用的人。故填such﹣so。(1
整。 Nowadays robots are helpful in many ways.And in the future,the
y will play more important roles in our daily life._____________【
分析】【高分句型一】In the future,when we come home,they have cooked for us
.在未来,当我们回家时,他们已经为我们做饭了。when引导的时间状语从句。【高分句型二】When we are in danger
,they will protect us.当我们处于危险中时,他们会保护我们。when引导的时间状语从句。【解答】Nowaday
s robots are helpful in many ways.And in the future,they will pla
y more important roles in our daily life.In the future,when we co
me home,they have cooked for us. 【高分句型一】Of course,they''ve cleaned
up during the day.They can drive cars for us automatically.When
we are in danger,they will protect us. 【高分句型二】They do many dangerous things and we can have more time to travel.【点评】能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。19.(20分)2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情严重,学生"停课不停学",课堂由此变成了线上授课的模式。学校的老师变身主播,开始网上授课和布置"微信作业"。学生要在群里打卡,拍照上传所写的作业和朗读背诵的课文……学生和家长有人支持也有人反对。请你根据下面图表,以"Handing in homework on Wechat" 为题写一篇80﹣100字的英语短文(给出的单词不计入总字数)要求:(1)概括调查结果 (2)发表自己的观点提示词:friend circle (朋友圈),focus on,upload (上传),compare(提示词仅供参考,不要求全部使用)赞成者反对者自己观点更新潮有趣朋友圈晒作业容易导致同伴压力(peer pressure)……观点老师检查更方便容易借机玩手机,容易上瘾(get addicted to)……At the beginning of 2020,all the students had to stay at home to have the classes online because of the serious virus﹣NCP.The teachers asked the students to hand in homework through Wechat.The students and their parents have different opinions about it…_____________________________________________【分析】【高分句型一】:Some students think it''s more fashionable and interesting.一些学生认为它更时尚、更有趣。think后面跟一个宾语从句。【高分句型二】:Moreover,it helps me know how well I''m doing in study compared with classmates.此外,它还帮助我了解与同学相比,我在学习上做得有多好。help sb do sth表示帮着某人做某事。【解答】Handing in homework on Wechat At the beginning of 2020,all the students had to stay at home to have the classes online because of the serious virus— NCP.The teachers asked the students to hand in homework through Wechat.The students and their parents have different opinions about it.(引出话题)Some students think it''s more fashionable and interesting.【高分句型一】In addition,it''s more convenient for the teachers to check homework.Others believe that peer pressure may be caused by comparing homework in friend circles.What''s worse,it''s difficult for students to control themselves.They may get addicted to phone games easily.(赞成者)As for me,I prefer the traditional way.Handing in homework on Wechat not only takes more time but also makes some students unable to focus on their study.Only if we find a good method to avoid the advantages,can it work effectively. (反对着)As for me,I like Wechat homework.First ,I can get quicker reply from the teacher and then correct my mistakes immediately.Moreover,it helps me know how well I''m doing in study compared with classmates.【高分句型二】I believe if we make good use of Wechat homework,it can be very helpful to our study. (我的观点)【点评】能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务.学科网(北京)股份有限公司 zxxk.com学科网(北京)股份有限公司