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G19 Rude Robot
2023-04-24 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
G19 Rude RobotRob opened his huge birthday present. " A talking robot!
” said Rob. “I''ll name you Bott!”Rob took Bott to meet all of hi
s friends. But one by one, his friends stopped playing with Bot
t.Rob soon found out why. Bott was rude to people. He never said
hello or please or thank you.Bott sat like a big tin can when G
randma came to visit. " You should say Nice to meet you, " Rob
said.Being rude isn''t cool,” Rob said A robot can learn anything
. So you can learn good manners, he said.Bott nodded, and burped
. " Say excuse me when you burp,” said Rob. " Excuse me,” said t
he robot. " Good job!” said Rob.Rob gave Bott a new battery. Do I
say excuse me?” Bott asked. “No, you say thank you when a pers
on helps you.”Bott burped again and nodded. He learned when to s
ay hello and please and thank you.“This is easy !”Bott said .Soo
n, Bott opened doors for people. He used his napkin. He waited f
or his turn to talk. " Bott is so cool! " said Rob''s friends.“Yo
u''re the best robot in the world.” said Grandma. "Thank you,” sa
id Bott, as he burped. "And excuse me,” he said.19 Rudc Robot在这个
离奇的故事里,罗布收到了一个机器人作为他的生日礼物。然而, 当他意识到博特这个机器人对他的朋友和家人很粗鲁时,他的兴奋被抑制 了。
罗布能教他粗鲁的机器人礼貌吗?新兴的该者会望了解故事是如何展 开的。明亮和美丽的插图增强了故事。Rob opened his hu
ge birthday present. " A talking robot!” said Rob. “I''ll name you
Bott!”罗布打开了他巨大的生日礼物。“一个会 说话的机器人!”罗布说,“我就叫你博 特吧!”Rob took Bott t
o meet all of his friends. But one by one, his friends stopped p
laying with Bott.罗布带着博特去见他所有的朋友,但是 后来,他的朋友们一个接一个都不和博 特玩了。Rob soo
n found out why. Bott was rude to people. He never said hello or
please or thank you.罗布很快就发现了原因。博特对人很粗 鲁,他从来不给人说你好,或者说谢谢 你。Bott
sat like a big tin can when Grandma came to visit. " You should
say Nice to meet you, " Rob said.当奶奶来家里拜访时,博特就像一只大 罐头一样坐着不动。“你应该
说很高兴认 识你。”罗布说。Being rude isn''t cool,” Rob said A robot can learn
anything. So you can learn good manners, he said.“粗鲁是不对的。”罗布说,“
机器人可 以学会任何东西,所以你可以学会讲礼 貌。”他说。Bott nodded, and burped. " Say excus
e me when you burp,” said Rob. " Excuse me,” said the robot. " G
ood job!” said Rob.博特点了点头,打了个嗝。“当你打隔的 时候,你要说请原。”罗布说。“请原谅 。”机器人说。“
好样的!”罗布说。Rob gave Bott a new battery. Do I say excuse me?” Bott
asked. “No, you say thank you when a person helps you.”罗布给博特换了一个
新电池。“我要说请 原吗?”博特问。“不,当一个人帮助 你的时候,你要说谢谢你。Bott burped again and nod
ded. He learned when to say hello and please and thank you.“Thi
s is easy !”Bott said .博特又打了一个,点点头。他现在知 道什么时候打招呼,什么时候说谢谢你 了。“这很容易
!”博特说。Soon, Bott opened doors for people. He used his napkin. He
waited for his turn to talk. " Bott is so cool! " said Rob''s fr
iends.不久之后,博特会给客人开门,还用了 餐巾,他等到轮到他说话时才说话。“博 特太酷了!”罗布的朋友说。“You''re t
he best robot in the world.” said Grandma. "Thank you,” said Bot
t, as he burped. "And excuse me,” he said“你是世界上最好的机器人。”奶奶说。 “谢谢你
。”博特说着又打了个嗝,“请 原谅。”他说。Quick Check19 Rude Robot1. What is Rob''s pr
oblem in the story?A.He has a robot that is rude to his friends
.B.He has a robot that does not talk or walk.C.He has a robot th
at makes too much noise.2. What is one way that Bott is rude?A.
He says hello and thank you.B. He waits for his turn to talk.C.He
says nothing after he burps.3. What causes Rob''s grandma to li
ke Bott?A.He tells her funny jokes.B.He uses good manners.C.He gi
ves her a present.4. Which choice below helps the author show th
at it is important to have good manners?A.A robot can learn anyt
hing.B.Rob''s friends don''t want to spend time with Bott when he
is rude.C.Rob is excited to have his own robot and shows Bott
to his friends.5. What are manners?A.sad behaviorsB.mean behavior
sC.polite behaviors6. Extended Response: Have the student write
about how Rob solves the problem in the story. Use specific exa
mples from the book.快速检查19粗鲁机器人1.故事中罗布的问题是什么?A、 他有一个机器人,对他的朋友很粗鲁
。B、 他有一个不会说话也不会走路的机器人。C、 他有一个制造太多噪音的机器人。2.博特粗鲁的一种方式是什么?A、 他说你好,谢谢
你。B、 他等待轮到他讲话。C、 打嗝后他什么也没说。3.是什么原因使罗布的奶奶喜欢博特?A、 他给她讲了一些有趣的笑话。B、 他举止得体。C、 他给了她一份礼物。4.下面哪一个选择有助于作者表明礼貌很重要?A、 机器人可以学习任何东西。B、 当博特粗鲁无礼时,罗布的朋友们不想和他呆在一起。C、 Rob很高兴拥有自己的机器人,并向他的朋友们展示了Bott。5.什么是礼貌?A、 悲伤的行为B、 卑鄙的行为C、 礼貌行为6.扩展响应:让学生写下Rob如何在故事