

 古建秦 2023-04-24 发布于重庆

Residential Buildings of Chinese Ancient Buildings—the Stilted Building


The Stilted Building, also called “Diao Building”, is the traditional residential building of many nationalities such as Miao, Bouyei, Dong and Tujia in China. Most of them distribute in southeastern part of Chongqing, northern part of Guangxi, western part of Hunan, western part of Hubei and southeastern part of Guizhou, belonging to Semi-stilt Style Architecture.


Most of the Stilted Buildings have three floors: the first floor is used for laying miscellaneous goods or breeding livestock due to inappropriate living conditions; the second floor is used for living owing to dry and dampproof characters; the third floor is used for reserving grains because of its broadness and ventilation.




The cause of Stilted Buildings’ appearance.


Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau has uneven relief, abundant rainfall capacity, warm and wet climate. The uneven relief forces buildings-on-the-ground to make less use of space, going against the survival environment of “more people, less land”; the abundant rainfall capacity nourishes luxuriant plants and various creatures, so the living security of buildings-on-the-ground can’t be guaranteed; the warm and wet climate makes buildings-on-the-ground not content with “dry and ventilated” living conditions. Therefore, local residents adjust measures to local conditions, successfully building Stilted Buildings, which are fit for the local living environment.




The culture of Stilted Buildings

一方水土养一方人,一方人建一方房屋,地方文化在当地民居上体现地淋漓尽致。建造吊脚楼的工匠信奉“借天不借地,天平地不平”的理念,体现出当地人民“尊重自然,天人合一”的理念;吊脚楼内设堂屋,堂屋内设神位,体现当地人民“崇拜信仰,和谐共生”的理念;吊脚楼窗棂上的装饰多用“大包小” 的图案,蕴含尊老爱幼的思想和文化包容性,反映了当地人对外来文化的包容性和对本土传统文化的尊重性。

The unique features of a local environment always give special characteristics to its inhabitants, and the unique features of inhabitants always give special characteristics to its buildings. The local culture can be represented in the local residential buildings comprehensively. The craftsmen believe in the concept “using sky instead of land because the former one is flat while the latter isn’t”, showing local people’s thoughts “respect nature, man is an integral part of nature”; Stilted Buildings have Tang rooms where have Shenwei, showing the concept “worship belief, harmonious coexistence”; the designs on the windows of Stilted Buildings usually use “big encases small” patterns, containing cultural inclusiveness and the concept that respecting the old and cherishing the young, which can indicate the inclusiveness towards foreign culture and respect towards local traditional culture.





With life practicability and aesthetic superiority, Stilted Buildings still exist a lot today, recording the local culture and nation culture for thousand years and working as a beautiful pearl of Chinese national culture study area!

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