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H17 Club Monster
2023-04-24 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
H17 Club MonsterH17 Club Monster怪物们应该做些什么来度过漫长炎热的夏天呢?所有其他的酷怪物都加入了 俱乐部。
但是园艺俱乐部让人打了个喷嚏,旅游俱乐部让人晕船,徒步旅行 俱乐部太难了。当怪物们试图建立自己的“可怕的怪物俱乐部时,但是他们 做
的鬼脸太可怕了。到最后他们能找到消暑的方法吗?It is summer. School is out. The sun is ho
t.夏天到了,学校放假了,天气很热。What should we do?" asks Lurk. Bonk has an idea
. "Al the cool monsters have a club," says Bonk.“我们要做些什么呢?”勒克问。邦克
有一 个主意,“所有酷酷的怪物们都加入俱乐 部了。”邦克说。The monsters join a garden club. Bu
t Lurk steps on the flowers. Snag sneezes and sneezes. " I forgot
something," Snag says. "Gardens make me sneeze.怪物们加入花园俱乐部,但勒克老是踩
踏 鲜花,斯纳格一直在打喷嚏,“我忘了一 件事,“斯纳格说,“花园会让我过敏打喷 嚏。”They join a travel cl
ub. Uzzle gets lost in the airport. Bonk is seasick on the boat.他
们加入旅行俱乐部,埃泽尔在机场迷路 了,邦克在船上会晕船。They join a hiking club. "Hiking is
hard," says Snag. "Are we there yet?" Uzzle asks.他们加入远足俱乐部,“徒步旅行好
困难 ,“斯纳格说。“我们到了没?”埃泽尔问。"Let''s make our own club," says Bonk. "Wha
t should we cal it?" asks Lurk. " Let''s call it The Very Scary Mo
nsters Club," says Bonk.“我们自己办个俱乐部吧。”邦克说。“我们 要取个什么名字?”勒克问。“我们叫非常
可怕的怪物俱乐部。”邦克说。" Time to practice our scary faces," says Bonk. The
y look in the mirror and make scary faces. Then they hide under t
he bed. "That was too scary," says Bonk.“我们要练习做鬼脸了。”邦克说。他们对 着镜子,做
可怕的鬼脸,然后他们藏在床 下,“那太可怕了。”邦克说。They try to pick a secret password. "
What about fluffy?" asks Lurk. "Or chicken?" asks Snag. "Those ar
e not scary passwords," says Bonk.他们打算选一个暗号。“毛茸茸怎么样?” 勒克问道,“或者小鸡?
”斯纳格问。“这些 都不是恐怖的暗号。”邦克说。The monsters look for a clubhouse. Snag h
as a big box. "We can fit if we squeeze together,'' says Snag.怪物要找
一个俱乐部会所,斯纳格有一个 大箱子,斯纳格说“如果我们挤在一起的 话就能进去。”The monsters squeeze int
o the box. "I''m squished!" says Uzzle. " I''m squashed!" says Snag
. The box rips. The monsters fall on the ground.怪物们挤进箱子里,“挤死我了!”埃
泽尔 说。“我被压扁了!”斯纳格说。箱子破裂 了,怪物们摔在地上。"We do not have a clubhouse," sa
ys Bonk. "We do not have a secret password," says Snag. " We do n
ot have a name for our club, says Uzzle.“我们没有俱乐部会所。”邦克说。“我们没 有暗号。
”斯纳格说。“我们没有俱乐部名 字。”埃泽尔说。The monsters sit in the hot sun. Sweat dr
ips off their faces. Just then, they hear music.The ice cream tru
ck is coming!怪物们坐在炎热的阳光下,汗水滴下脸颊 。就在这时,他们听到音乐,冰淇淋车来 了!Lurk buys a
snow cone. Uzzle buys a freeze pop. Bonk buys an ice-cream cone.
Snag buys a slush.勒克买了一个刨冰,埃泽尔买了一个冰 棒,邦克买了一个冰淇淋蛋卷,斯纳格 买了一杯雪泥。" A
club is not the only thing that can make us cool," says Bonk. "It
''s not?" asks Lurk. " Ice cream works even better," says Bonk. Uz
zle, Lurk, and Snag agree.“俱乐部不是唯一可以让我们变酷的东 西。”邦克说。“不是吗?”勒克问,“冰 淇
淋让我们变得更酷。”邦克说。埃泽 尔、勒克和斯纳格纷纷表示同意。Reading A-ZQuick CheckLeveL HIns
tructions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answe
r.17 Club Monster1. What season of the year was it in this story?
A.fallB.springC.summer2. The monsters made their own club because
A.the others cost too muchB.they didn''t like the other clubsC..th
ey got kicked out of the others3. How did the ice cream make the
monsters feel?A.happy and coolB.worried and coldC.confused4. Read
this sentence: The monsters join a garden club. What does join m
ean?A to become a memberB.to learn something newC.to go to work f
or someone5. What happened after the monsters went into the box?A
.They had a meeting.B.They built a table.C.The box ripped.6. Exte
nded Response: Why did the monsters want to practice their scary
faces?快速检查说明:仔细阅读每个问题并选择最佳答案。17 俱乐部怪物1.这个故事中是一年中的哪个季节?A.秋季B.春季C.