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2023-05-18 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
按秘密级事项管理丹东市2023届高三总复习质量测试(二)英 语注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.答选择
并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much i
s the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是:C。1. What does John f
ind difficult in learning German?A. Pronunciation.B. Vocabulary.C
. Grammar.2. What is the probable relationship between the speake
rs?A. Colleagues.B. Brother and sister.C. Teacher and student.3.
Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a bank.B. A
t a ticket office.C. On a train.4. What are the speakers talking
about?A. A restaurant.B. A street.C. A dish.5. What does the woma
n think of her interview?A. It was tough.B. It was interesting.C.
It was successful.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有
秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第6、7小题。6. When will Ju
dy go to a party?A. On Monday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Wednesday.7. Wh
at will Max do next?A. Fly a kite.B. Read a magazine.C. Do his ho
mework.听下面一段材料,回答第8至9小题。8. What does the man suggest doing at fir
st?A. Going to a concert.B. Watching a movie.C. Playing a compute
r game.9. What do the speakers decide to do?A. Visit Mike.B. Go b
oating.C. Take a walk.听下面一段材料,回答第10至12小题。10. Which color do cats
see better than humans?A. Red.B. Green.C. Blue.11. Why do cats br
ing dead birds home?A. To eat them in a safe place.B. To show off
their hunting skills.C. To make their owners happy.12. How does
the man sound at the end of the conversation?A. Grateful.B. Humor
ous.C. Curious.听下面一段材料,回答第13至16小题。13. Who is Macy?A. Ed’s mother.
B. Ed’s teacher.C. Ed’s friend.14. How does Ed usually go to kind
ergarten?A. By car.B. On foot.C. By bus.15. What does Ed enjoy do
ing at the kindergarten?A. Telling stories.B. Singing songs.C. Pl
aying with others.16. What do the teachers say about Ed?A. He’s c
lever.B. He’s quiet.C. He’s brave.听下面一段材料,回答第17至20小题。17. At what
age did Emily start learning ballet?A. Five.B. Six.C. Nine.18. Wh
y did Emily move to Toronto?A. To work for a dance school.B. To p
erform at a dance theater.C. To learn contemporary dance.19. Why
did Emily quit dancing?A. She was too old to dance.B. She failed
to get a scholarship.C. She lost interest in it.20. How does Emil
y feel about stopping training?A. She’s pleased.B. She’s regretfu
l.C. She’s upset.第二部分:阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列
短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AOnline art class are often an affor
dable and convenient way to learn a new skill without committing
to the expense of art school. While some online learning platform
s focus on a specific type of art like drawing, painting, photogr
aphy, and even sewing, others let students explore a variety of s
kills. Here we recommend the best overall: New Masters Academy.Ke
y SpecsCost: $36 to $79 per monthClass length: Varies; 1 to 5+hou
rsAvailability: Open registrationWhy We Choose ItAdvantages:Unlim
ited access to the offering of drawing and painting classes.Stude
nts can sign up for a free 7-day trial.Community forum lets stude
nts communicate and learn from each other.Disadvantages:Does not
include courses for other skills like photography.OverviewCourses
range from art theory and drawing to painting, sculpture, and di
gital art. Classes are designed to artists of every skill level,
so it’s easy to find lessons that will match your experience and
needs. Beginner-friendly lessons include color mixing, an introdu
ction to landscape painting, and two-hour water-color painting cl
asses.The Library Plan costs $49 for a month-to-month membership
or $36 per month when billed annually. Membership includes unlimi
ted streaming access to more than 2, 500 hours of instructional v
ideos taught by true masters.Alternatively, ambitious artists can
join the Library+plan for $79 for a month-to-month membership or
$59 per month when billed annually. In addition to standard feat
ures, Library+members get access to an extensive library of refer
ence images to support daily practice and make it easy to find in
spiration.21. Which skill is taught in New Masters Academy?A. Sew
ing.B. Photography.C. Color mixing.D. Dancing.22. What do we know
about New Masters Academy?A. It provides students with a 5 days
trial for free.B. It can meet the needs of artists at different l
evels.C. It allows students to attend all the classes unlimitedly
.D. It builds an offline communication platform for students.23.
How much should a mom pay at least if her twin sons join the Libr
ary Plan yearly?A. $72.B. $98.C. $864.D. $1176.BThe Sydney to Mel
bourne Ultramarathon, an endurance race of 875km, was considered
the toughest in the world. It used to be a five-day race, with on
ly the world-class athletes daring to attempt it. Most athletes w
ho took part in this ultramarathon were under 30 years of age.Cli
ff was a farmer from Australia with a dream of running a race. Wh
en he attended the race, he was 61 years old. He had no specializ
ed sportswear. Instead, he wore galoshes overalls. When he appear
ed at the venue, the onlookers thought he was probably a spectato
r. To their surprise, Cliff picked up a race number.Having grown
up on a farm, Cliff had to go out to round up the sheep every tim
e there was a storm, because his family could not afford horses o
r tractors. Two thousand sheep scattered across two thousand acre
s of land—it took him as long as three days of chasing the animal
s, but he always succeeded.The race began, and the strong and you
ng racers started leaving Cliff behind. The racers had a strategy
. They would be running hours each for the five days of the race,
and sleep for the remaining 6 hours. Nonetheless, Cliff had no s
uch strategy! Being an amateur athlete, he was not familiar with
any such game plan. So, he just ran on and on, and the next morni
ng, when the other athletes woke up, they found that the old man
had caught up with the others by jogging all night. By the final
night of the race, he had surpassed the other competitors and bec
ame the champion.The next time Cliff caught attention again when
he was 76. He took up the challenge of running along Australia’s
border, across a distance of 16,000 km with the aim of raising mo
ney for homeless children. Unfortunately, his crew member fell il
l, and Cliff had to withdraw from the race, after running for 652
0 km.Cliff, a simple farmer, created a one-of-a-kind history. Ins
tead of withering away, he started his new life, and showed the w
orld that it’s never too late to start following the heart and pu
rsuing dreams.24. Why the age of the athletes is mentioned in the
first paragraph?A. To explain the rule of the race.B. To introdu
ce the level of the race.C. To show the popularity of the race.D.
To stress the toughness of the race.25. What contributed to Clif
f’s success?A. His hard training.B. His advanced sportswear.C. Hi
s working experience.D. His well-designed strategy.26. Which of t
he following best describes Cliff?A. Intelligent and generous.B.
Persevering and sympathetic.C. Ambitious and optimistic.D. Determ
ined and insightful.27. Which of the following can be the best ti
tle of the text?A. Cliff, the winner of many running racesB. Clif
f, a senior farmer pursuing his dreamC. Cliff, a kind charitarian
keen on raising moneyD. Cliff, a simple Melbourne ultramarathon
runnerCOxford Dictionaries’ word of the year for 2022 was “goblin
mode”: A type of behavior, which is lazy, messy, or greedy, typi
cally in a way that rejects social norms or expectations. If we a
ll got used to making our home comfortable and beautiful, it feel
s like last year was the year we gave up: Embracing the mess and
the chaos that comes with normal life.In fact, organized mess has
been on the rise for a while, with the arrival of the term “clut
tercore”, the art of having masses of stuff in your home and embr
acing color and noise. Think messy maximalism: Chaos, but lovingl
y displayed chaos.Clean spaces don’t lend themselves to innovatio
n, which is why so many geniuses do their work in cluttered studi
os and chaotic offices. They don’t see the mess—they see possibil
ity. Ever known the type of person to store crayons in the microw
ave and books in the laundry bin? That’s probably because they th
rive on disorder. That kind of mess creates the connections that
bring them to their next great idea. They need their environment
to clash—messes offer new ways of seeing the world. So don’t worr
y that your house is too messy; it just might spark your next gen
ius invention.Messy people have their own unique ways of keeping
organized. You wouldn’t know from looking at their piles of clutt
er, but they know exactly what’s in them—and how to find what the
y’re looking for in time. Though they look messy to you, there’s
a definite method to the madness. These piles are, in fact, hyper
-organized and everything is easy to access. Some chefs thrive in
workspaces cluttered with ingredients at the ready. Improvisatio
n(即兴创作)in cooking—a little of this, a little of that—works best i
n a messy kitchen. Painters, writers, scientists and inventors th
roughout history have often worked in disorder. They aren’t merel
y lazy, but they have their own way of dealing with clutter. They
know exactly where everything is and that’s just the way they li
ke it.28. What does the writer suggest in the first paragraph?A.
Learning the word for the year 2022.B. Rejecting social norms or
expectations.C. Being open to a life of mess and chaos.D. Making
homes comfortable and beautiful.29. What do we know about organiz
ed mess?A. It is an art of arranging our homes in order.B. It is
another type of chaos lovingly displayed.C. It enjoys greater pop
ularity than cluttercore.D. It helps make our life full of color
and noise.30. What does the underlined word “possibility” in Para
graph 3 refer to?A. The potential of being a genius.B. The risk o
f becoming a messy person.C. The chance of getting great inspirat
ion.D. The danger of causing a kitchen accident.31. Which of the
following best fits those examples in the last paragraph?A. A coo
k, who hardly remembers where the vinegar is.B. A professor, who
always forgets when to have a class.C. A musician, who clearly kn
ows where to find his drafts.D. A clerk, who often wonders which
papers are important.DExtreme heat often brings extreme wildfires
, and this year is no exception, with unprecedented heat waves fu
eling enormous outbreaks of fires in the western United States an
d Canada, as well as across the Mediterranean and in Siberia. But
paradoxically, the most intense wildfires can have the opposite
effect on temperatures, cooling Earth’s surface both regionally a
nd globally.Thick wildfire smoke can temporarily block sunlight n
ear the ground, causing regional temperatures to drop by several
degrees. Wildfire smoke can also have global cooling effects by m
aking clouds in the lower atmosphere more reflective or blocking
sunlight in the upper atmosphere, similar to what a volcanic erup
tion does.The effect is far too small to counteract human-caused
global warming; researchers say it’s too early to predict what it
means for the broader climate system. But with fire seasons grow
ing more intense around the world and triggering a range of extre
me fire weather in North America and elsewhere, the search for an
swers is growing increasingly urgent.Smoke particles act as seeds
for water vapor to form clouds that are smaller and reflect more
sunlight. While smoke tends to rain out of clouds fairly quickly
, the Australian bushfires raged for months, pumping more and mor
e cloud-brightening smoke into the atmosphere. “It’s not a big ef
fect, but when you integrate over the entire Southern Ocean, it a
dds up,” one of the researchers says.While this research highligh
ts the cooling effects of smoke in the lower atmosphere, on occas
ion, wildfire smoke can reach even higher altitudes into the stra
tosphere, the layer that starts about 10 miles up. There, it can
have additional effects on the climate. Smoke reaches the stratos
phere when heat from a powerful wildfire creates an updraft that
combines with moisture in the atmosphere to generate towering thu
nderclouds.However, scientists have only recently begun studying
these effects. “We might still be in the infancy of understanding
how large and how important the effects of these wildfires are,”
scientists say.32. What probably causes extreme wildfires to coo
l the earth globally?A. Extreme wildfires can result in volcanic
eruption.B. Wildfire smoke covers sunlight above the ground forev
er.C. The smoke blocks less sunlight in the higher atmosphere.D.
The clouds in the lower atmosphere reflect more sunlight.33. What
does the underlined word “raged” probably mean in Paragraph 4?A.
Spread.B. Stopped.C. Released.D. Strengthened.34. What can we in
fer from the text?A. Scientists need further studies of the effec
ts of wildfires.B. Extreme wildfires are the consequence of globa
l warming.C. Wildfire smoke means a lot to the climate system of
the earth.D. Smoke at higher altitudes has the most impact on coo
ling earth.35. Where does the text probably come from?A. A scienc
e fiction.B. A research report.C. A geography textbook.D. A scien
ce magazine.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
项,选项中有两项为多余选项。“The peach tree beams so red. How brilliant are its
flowers. The maiden’s getting wed. Good for the nuptial bowers.”
This is a verse(诗句)in Shijing, the oldest existing collection of
Chinese poetry, describing a young woman getting married in a ch
eerful spring. 36 .Peach blossom is a significant element in Ch
inese culture as it is a symbol of love and well-being, as well a
s a sign of spring and vitality. 37 . According to archaeologist
s(考古学家)from Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and
Archaeology, the ancient Chinese in the lower reaches of Yangtze
River already knew how to cultivate peaches 7,500 years ago. Unti
l today, the deciduous tree has earned its place in agriculture,
literature and horticulture.From south to north, many cities, reg
ions and gardens hold their own peach blossom festivals every spr
ing. 38 . Nyingchi peach blossom festival in southwest China’s
Tibet Autonomous Region is one of the most popular events. Unlike
the cultivated species in gardens, the peach trees here are a wi
ld species called Prunus mira, or Tibetan peach. 39 . The altit
ude there is around 2000-3400 meters above sea level, hence they
are more cold-resistant and also taller.Flowering is not just abo
ut plants themselves. It’s also about how people approach their l
ives. 40 . In some places, appreciating the luxuriant bursts of
flowers has been turned into a tourist hotspot and thus an econo
mic drive.A. Peaches originate in ChinaB. The species can be foun
d in the valleys or hillsC. Chinese people often say “to have pea
ch blossom luck”D. Today, watching flowers has become a popular o
utdoor activity across ChinaE. The lovely flowers on the peach tr
ee are produced in early spring before the leavesF. They attract
many people to enjoy the eye-catching peach flowers and boost loc
al tourismG. Since then, peach blossom has been associated with t
he beauty and romance of young girls第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题
;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“I just did
what I should do.”Ding Hui, a female Chinese 41 student who wo
n the hearts of netizens after a 42 of her performing CPR(心肺复苏
术)on an 43 stranger went viral online, reacted to the overwhel
ming support on social media 44 in an interview with Xinhuanet
.The college sophomore at Jinzhou Medical University was waiting
for her 45 home at the Jinzhou South Railway Station in northe
astern China’s Liaoning Province, when an 81-year-old man 46 o
n the platform shortly after he 47 the train.She rushed to the
48 of the elderly man when she heard about the incident and p
erformed CPR on him, which helped the man gradually regain 49 .
She also stayed with the man at the scene, until medics arrived,
even though it meant she had to miss her train heading home.To t
hank her, the son of the elderly man 50 to give her 2,000 Yuan
(About 300 US Dollar), but Ding 51 .“If it weren’t for her, my
dad would have been 52 . She wouldn’t accept the money and woul
dn’t leave her 53 . We only found her again when the video was
posted online.” The son said.The video of the girl’s courageous a
ct of kindness was posted on CCTV News and 54 by nearly 4,000
netizens and commented on by over 5,900 people on Weibo.People ar
e 55 their support in for the medical student ‘s courage for s
tanding up for a stranger’s life, applauding that the girl not on
ly is beautiful but kind.41. A. biologicalB. physicalC. medicalD.
chemical42. A. videoB. posterC. pictureD. painting43. A. agedB.
unripeC. adolescentD. innocent44. A. obviouslyB. proudlyC. humoro
uslyD. humbly45. A. flightB. subwayC. trainD. coach46. A. collaps
edB. posedC. cheeredD. trembled47. A. stepped ontoB. got offC. ra
n intoD. waited for48. A. defenceB. aidC. hotelD. hospital49. A.
strengthB. courageC. confidenceD. consciousness50. A. refusedB. h
esitatedC. offeredD. managed51. A. acceptedB. agreedC. complained
D. declined52. A. goneB. upsetC. illD. well53. A. moneyB. nameC.
purseD. ticket54. A. writtenB. deletedC. collectedD. shared55. A.
movingB. takingC. pouringD. absorbing第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下
面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Driverless taxis are now available f
or hire in suburban Beijing, marking a new chapter in intelligent
transport.This is the first time that a 56 (full)autonomous gr
oup of vehicles has got 57 (permit)to operate in a world-class
city.Previously, robotaxis 58 (require)to have a human driver i
n case of an emergency. However, the two companies will be allowe
d 59 (operate)robotaxis with just the passengers inside.The two
companies, both among the leading players in China’s autonomous
driving industry, have each put 10 autonomous vehicles in 60 6
0- square- kilometer area in Yizhuang, located in the southern su
burb of Beijing.Baidu plans to expand 61 (it)autonomous ride-ha
iling services to 65 cities in 2025 and 100 in 2030.The market si
ze for China’s self-driving taxi service is expected to reach 1.3
trillion(188.6 billion U.S. dollars)by 2030, 62 (account)for 6
0 percent of the country’s ride- hailing market at that time, acc
ording to 63 (science)forecasts from a global company, IHS Mark
it.The robotaxi is also expected to pave the way 64 the develo
pment of private autonomous vehicles, 65 have the potential to
be a revolutionary technology capable of transforming people’s l
成一个完整短文,续写词数应为150左右。Eric was a nine-year-old boy who lived with h
is single mother, Stacey and sister, Lily. They lived a hard life
. Eric felt bad for their situation but worse for himself, especi
ally in school.Eric’s leather boots were worn out. They didn’t pr
otect his feet from the rain, and his socks became totally wet as
water went through the holes in his shoes. Stacey attempted to f
ix the holes but it was no use. Eric still walked to school with
that pair of broken shoes. How much he wished he could also have
new comfortable and expensive shoes his classmates wore!One day,
Eric returned from school and complained to Stacey, “It was raini
ng today. Water has leaked into my shoes again. I hate my boots!
Why can’t you get me new ones?” Stacey was sad and helpless. “I s
pent our last savings on your sister’s medicine. She’s sick. Eric
you know that. You need to act like a responsible big brother!”
she answered. Tears welled up in Eric’s eyes. “I hate you!” he sh
outed. “You only care about Lily! You don’t love me!” Then he cri
ed and ran to his room.After preparing dinner, Stacey went to his
room with his dinner plate. “I’m sorry, Eric,” she whispered to
comfort him. “We’re going through a very tough journey recently.
But I’ll get you new shoes in the future.” However, Eric refused
to listen to her.The next day, when Eric went to class, he took h
is seat quietly and hid his feet under his chair, as usual. He wa
s embarrassed to show his boots. As the math teacher Mrs Fletcher
entered the class, all the students greeted her. “Today, we have
a very special friend with us,” she smiled. “Everyone, please we
lcome Ben, your new classmate.” Soon after, a boy with a pair of
crutches(拐杖)entered. The new boy only had one leg. Eric was shock
ed. He and all his classmates thought how unlucky Ben was and tha
t he must be very shy and sad.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作
答。Paragraph 1: At that moment, Mrs Fletcher asked Ben to introduc
e himself. ______________________________________________________
_________________________Paragraph 2: Inspired by Ben, Eric reali
zed he should appreciate what he had. ___________________________
0:GAFBD第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分30分)41-45:CAADC46-50:ABBDC51-55:DABDC56. f
ully57. permission58. were required59. to operate60. a61. its62.
accounting63. scientific64. for65. which第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分)应用文参考范文
:One possible version:With the popularity of modern communication
technology, smartphones have become widespread among high school
students due to their outstanding functions. So a survey was con
ducted among students.As can be seen from the chart, students spe
nt an hour and a half on phones on average in 2020, while the tim
e doubled in 2021. What is the most striking is that students spe
nt 6 hours on smartphones in 2022. The number of hours students spent using smartphones during spare time has shown a sharp rising trend year by year.Students are seriously addicted to smartphones, which has a negative effect on their grades and family relationships. In order to overcome this addiction, I suggest that students turn off their phones, communicate with friends face to face, and engage in more outdoor activities.读后续写参考范文:At that moment, Mrs Fletcher asked Ben to introduce himself. To everyone’s surprise, Ben walked to the platform cheerfully and confidently. After greeting them in a joyful voice, he shared many hobbies and his loving family. At the end of his speaking, Ben added, “Even though I have lost a leg, I never feel bad for my situation. I’m grateful for what I have.” All of the students were touched by Ben’s words and clapped for his courage and optimism from the bottom of their hearts.Inspired by Ben, Eric realized he should appreciate what he had. After school, he gladly walked home. When reaching home, he knocked at Mom’s door and apologized sincerely, “Mom, I’m sorry I shouted at you. I should thank you for everything you have done for me and I will take good care of Lily like a responsible big brother.” Hearing what he said, Stacey hugged Eric tightly, with relieved tears pouring down her cheeks silently. From that day on, Eric became confident and didn’t hide his feet under his chair any more.文章梗概:Eric与妈妈和妹妹相依为命,家境贫寒。他的皮靴坏了,雨水渗入了鞋里。在请求妈妈为他买一双新鞋时,妈妈因家庭拮据而拒绝了他,为此他大发脾气。他伤心又自卑的来到学校,班里转来了一位只有一条腿的同学。Eric和同学们都很同情他,认为他一定很难过,自卑,然而…续写思路:Paragraph 1:根据所给文本及续写段首句,本段主要描写Ben在自我介绍时表现得积极乐观及同学们反应。若提及断腿原因不扣分,但对此大段进行描写可酌情扣分。Paragraph 2:根据本段首句,因围绕受到触动的Eric意识到自己的错误并且向母亲道歉展开续写。