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2018北京陈经纶中学初二(上)期中英 语一、单项选择: (共10分,每小题1分)1.(1分)—What is your home tow
n like?—It is as_____as your home town.( )A.goodB.betterC.bestD.t
he best2.(1分)—Math is quite a difficult subject.—Sure it is.But I
think it is______than Chinese.(  )A.easyB.easierC.easiestD.the e
asiest3.(1分)—What do you think of Lu Xun?—Lu Xun is one of______
writers in China.( )A.famousB.more famousC.most famousD.the most
famous4.(1分)—What did your sister do last Sunday?—My sister_____
to the park with my parents.( )A.goB.goesC.wentD.is going5.(1分)—A
re you at home now?—No,I______home soon,about 10 minutes later.( 
 )A.getsB.gotC.will getD.is getting6.(1分)—What does your sister l
ike doing in her spare time?—She______watching TV.( )A.likedB.lik
esC.is likingD.like7.(1分)We all arrive as early as we can_______w
e have time to warm up.(  )A.so thatB.becauseC.butD.though8.(1分)M
y brother is planning_____a party at a restaurant now.(  )A.haveB
.hasC.havingD.to have9.(1分)We are free now.Why not________footbal
l on the playground?(  )A.playingB.playC.to playD.played10.(1分)Hi
s father bought a new car and it_____him 120,000 yuan.(  )A.tookB
处的最佳选项 。(共15分,每小题1.5分)11.(10分)I was 15 months old,a happy carefre
e(无忧无虑的)kid,until the day I fell.It was a bad fall.I(1)   on a pi
ece of glass that cut my eye badly.My mom found a doctor who knew
that if the eye were removed,my face would look ugly,so my scarr
ed(有疤痕的),sightless,cloudy gray eye lived on with me.Sometimes peo
ple asked me embarrassing questions.When kids played(2)    I was
always the monster".I grew up imagining that everyone looked down
on me. Yet Mom would say to me, "Hold your head up high and face
the world." I began to rely on (依靠)that(3)   . As a child,I thou
ght Mom meant,"Be careful or you will fall down or bump into some
thing(4)   because you are not looking." As a teenager,I usually
looked down to hide(掩藏) my shame (羞愧).But I found that when I hel
d my head up high,people liked me. In high school I even became t
he class president(学生会主席),but on the inside I still felt like a f
reak(怪物).All I really wanted was to look like everyone else.When
things got really(5)   I would(6)    to my mom and she would look
at me with loving eyes and say,"Hold your head up high and face
the world.Let them see the beauty that is(7)   instead of your ap
pearance(外貌)" My mom''s love was the(8)    that gave me confidence
.I had faced hardships,and learned not only to be (9)    but to h
ave deep compassion (怜悯) for others. "Hold your head up high" has
been heard many times in my home.I(10)   it to my children.The g
ift my mum gave me live on .(1)A.stoodB.landedC.foundD.worked(2)A
gamesB.jokesC.toysD.sports(3)A glassB.topicC.answerD.saying(4)A
immediatelyB accidentallyC.excitedlyD.happily(5)A.betterB.happyC.
goodD bad(6)A writeB.addC.cryD.face(7)A.besideB.outsideC insideD.
alongside(8)A.suggestionB.experienceC.introductionD sunshine(9)A.
、阅读理解(共28分,每小题8分)阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D12.(8分)What pro
blems do the teenagers probably have?Here is a survey showing the
ir main problems.ProblemsCauses(原因)AdviceFeeling Stressed(有压力的)※T
oo much homework.※Don''t have enough time for their hobbies.※Make
a plan for study and hobbies.※Find time to relax as possible as y
ou can.Getting short﹣sighted(近视的)※Too much homework.※Bad reading
and writing habits.※Do homework or reading in a correct way.Feeli
ng tired of study※Computer games'' bad influence.(影响)※Don''t be cra
zy about computer games.Play them just for a short time when you
are tired.Getting fat※Having more pocket money to buy snacks.※Dis
like doing exercise.※Use your pocket money to do something meanin
gful.※Spend some time doing exercise every day.(1)How many main p
roblems are there in the survey?    A.Four.B.Seven.C.Six.D.Five.(
2)What can you do when you are feeling stressed?    A.We can find
time to relax as possible as we can.B.We can do homework or read
a storybook.C .We can use our pocket money to do something meani
ngful.D.We can use our pocket money to buy snacks.(3)What problem
s are caused by too much homework?    A.Feeling stressed and figh
ting with each other.B.Feeling tired of study and getting fat.C.F
eeling stressed and getting short﹣sighted.D.Getting short﹣sighted
and feeling tired of study.(4)If Peter is tired of study,he shou
ld    .A.do homework as much as possibleB.not be crazy about com
puter gamesC.do homework or read in a correct wayD.Use his pocket
money to do something meaningful13.(8分)Tony loved basketball.One
afternoon on his way to a basketball game,he was walking and dre
aming about playing college basketball the next year.Suddenly a c
ar hit him and he was thrown three meters into the air.Tony woke
up in a hospital room.When the doctor told him that both his legs
were broken,he knew his college basketball dreams were over.Tony
did what the doctors told him,but it didn''t work.After he left t
he hospital,Tony was sent to a health center. A week after he arr
ived there,he met Sunny Chen.Sunny used to be a coach.His legs we
re hurt badly in a skating accident.Though he couldn''t move his l
egs,Sunny became a coach of a basketball team called the Suns.It
was an on﹣wheelchair basketball team,because everybody on the tea
m played from a wheelchair.Sunny invited Tony to join the game.To
ny played badly,but for the first time since the accident,he stop
ped feeling sorry for himself. After becoming a part of the Suns,
Tony improved quickly.Basketball was like medicine for him.Tony
was much better than before.When Tony became sad or angry,Sunny w
as there to be with him.The day before Tony left the center,he ha
d dinner with Sunny.He asked Sunny how he could be so happy,even
with his broken legs. Sunny smiled and said, "It''s really quite e
asy.When you keep your face to the sun,the shadows fall behind."
(1)From the passage,we know that    .A.Tony was hit by a busB.To
ny was hit by a carC.Tony was hit by a basketballD.Tony was hit b
y a football(2)Where was Tony when he woke up after the accident
?   A.In a hospital.B.In a health center.C.In a college.D.In a sp
orts center.(3)How did Sunny help Tony?   A.By teaching him how t
o play basketball.B.By giving him some medicine in the game.C.By
having dinner with him in the health center.D.By inviting him to
join the Suns and being with him.(4)According the passage,we can
know that Sunny was    .A.shy and carefulB.humorous and patientC
.helpful and hopefulD.serious and hardworking14.(6分) English is a
n excellent language to learn.It is important for study,business
and travel.Read the information below and learn more about listen
ing and reading skills. Listen to English radio. One of the best
ways to improve your English listening is to listen to English ra
dio on your mobile phone. You should listen to the radio shows fo
r more than 30 minutes every day. Try to understand what is said.
Don''t just let the English wash over you.If you find the listenin
g too fast,try to pick out the key words to get a general idea of
it You can also make a note of any words or phrases(短语) that you
don''t understand.Look them up in the dictionary later.Then liste
n to the show again. Watch English movies and TV shows. Another f
un way to improve your listening is to watch English movies and T
V shows. Try to choose movies or TV shows that you will enjoy.Thi
s will make the listening more interesting.When you like the movi
e or TV show,you may forget your task is to practice listening.Yo
u just enjoy it. However,you should not watch movies or TV shows
with Chinese translations(翻译) on the screen.It will be difficult
for you to focus on English. Read an English book,newspaper or ma
gazine(杂志). Reading is an important part of learning a language,s
o don''t forget to practice! Choose a book that you are really int
erested in.It can be an English novel or a magazine.Then start wo
rking your way through it.If you find it boring,it''s difficult fo
r you to finish reading it. Again,try to understand what you''re r
eading.Pick out any words or phrases that you don''t understand.Th
en look them up in the dictionary. Learning any language requires
hard work and skills,so find good methods and work hard.(1)If th
e listening is too fast,you should try to     .A.listen more tha
n 30 minutesB.get a general idea of itC.make a note of the phrase
sD.use an English dictionary(2)When you choose a book,you''d bette
r make sure     .A.you are interested in itB.it is famous in the
worldC.you can finish it quicklyD.there are many new words in it
(3)What is the passage mainly about?    A.When to practice listen
ing and reading.B.What is needed for listening and reading.C.Why
listening and reading are important.D.How to improve listening an
d reading skills.15.(6分)In 1938,a fishing boat off the coast of A
frica pulled up its nets.One net held a very strange fish,five fe
et long and bright blue.Strangest of all,it had fins (鳍) that loo
ked like legs! In the nets,only this fish stayed alive for severa
l hours.Before the fish began to rot(腐烂 ),a young woman made a dr
awing of it.She sent her drawing to a scientist on sea life,Profe
ssor J.B.Smith. Upon seeing her drawing of the fish,Smith couldn''
t believe his eyes.Could it be true It just didn''t seem possible,
but there it was.It could be only one thing,a coelacanth,a fish p
eople believe having extincted fifty million years ago.How could
the fish be swimming about only a few days before. If we found on
e,there must be others.The professor put up posters offering a re
ward for catching such a fish.Other scientists laughed at Smith.T
hey thought the search was a waste of time.Years passed.It seemed
the other scientists were right.But Smith never gave up hope.One
day,fourteen years later,the professor received a telegram.A fis
h had been caught that looked like the one in the poster.Would th
e scientist fly to the region and check the fish Smith did. With
shaking fingers the professor raised the cloth around the fish.It
was exactly like the one in the young woman''s drawing.It was a c
oelacanth ,a missing link(关联)with the past! After the discovery o
f the coelacanth,scientists began to wonder.Is it possible that a
n even stranger creature(生物)will someday be discovered.(1)Which i
s TRUE about the first coelacanth in the passage    .A.It had fo
ur legs.B.It was bright blue.C.It was six feet long.D.It died whe
n caught.(2)What does the word "extincted" mean in this passage?
   A.Found out.B.Died out.C.Looked out.D.Work out.(3)What can we
infer from the last paragraph?   A.Scientists didn''t believe the
discovery of the coelacanth.B.Scientists are working hard to find
more coelacanths.C.Scientists may find even stranger creatures s
omeday.D.Scientists are doing research on the coelacanth.四.用方框中所给
词的适当形式填空。 16.(5分)famous ,read,important learn,word Reading f
or pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in Engli
sh.It is also the most important way. Some students say they don''
t want(1)    for pleasure.They say they want to use their time to
(2)    the rules of the language and new words.They say that plea
sure reading is too easy. Many experts say pleasure reading is ve
ry important for learning English.A(3)    expert on learning lang
uages,says that pleasure reading helps you learn many(4)    thing
s about English. Students learn more grammar and more(5)   when t
hey read for pleasure.They also learn more about good writing.五.阅
读与表达。 17.(10分)Wild animals are our friends,but many of them are g
etting fewer and fewer.We should try to protect them.The four ani
mals below are now in danger. Tibetan Antelope Tibetan antelopes
(藏羚羊) are medium﹣sized animals.They mainly feed on grass.They are
usually found in groups of about 20.They are killed for their wo
ol,which is warm,soft and fine and can be made into expensive clo
thes.Although people can get the wool without killing the animals
,people simply kill them before taking the wool.The number of the
m is dropping year by year.There are less than 75,000 Tibetan ant
elopes left in the world,down from a million 50 years ago. Golden
monkeys are mainly found in Sichuan,Gansu,Shanxi provinces and S
hengnongjia mountainous area of Hubei Province.Golden monkeys hav
e golden﹣orange fur.They move around in the daytime,usually in gr
oups of as many as 100 to 200 heads,or 20 to 30 heads.They feed o
n fruits and young leaves of bamboos.But people are destroying th
e environment where they live. Trees and bamboos are disappearing
,so golden monkeys have less and less to eat. Elephants are very
big and strong.They are bigger than any other animals on land.The
y are grey and have long trunks and tusks.They have poor eyesight
,but very good hearing and smell.They can lift heavy things and b
reak down branches with their trunks.Elephants are very friendly
towards each other and towards their neighbors.Normally,they live
in a group for many years.Young male elephants do not leave the
group until they are about 12 years old.Now,there are very few el
ephants in the world.The number of them is becoming smaller and s
maller because their living areas are used for farming.Also,peopl
e hunt them for their tusks. Wolves are not very big.They have gr
ey fur.Wolves have very good eyesight,hearing and smell.Wolves'' f
ood is various.They eat animals,insects and snails.They are frien
dly to each other and never attack people.They do not kill for fu
n.Wolves are in danger,too.They are losing their living areas bec
ause people cut down forests.Soon they will have no home or food.
(1)Do Tibetan antelopes usually live in groups of about 20?    (2
)What do Golden monkeys feed on?    (3)When do young male elephan
ts leave the group?    (4)Why are wolves losing their living area
s?    (5)What will you do to protect the animals in danger?    六、
,city/village,in the east,be famous for,you''d better,hope提示问题:Whe
re is your hometown?What is it famous for?What advice can you giv
e us if we want to go to your hometown? Everyone has his own home
learn...from,a good idea,take notes...提示问题:What''s your favorite b
ook/play?Why do you like it?What''s your advice to improve reading
skills? Reading is very important .For this reading activity,I''d
like to introduce my favorite book/play to you all._____________
_2018北京陈经纶中学初二(上)期中英语参考答案一、单项选择: (共10分,每小题1分)1.【分析】﹣你的家乡是什么样的?﹣它和
﹣鲁迅是中国最著名的作家之一。【解答】one of+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最...其中之一,根据语境:鲁迅是中国最著名的作家
于一般将来时,will+动词原形,get home到家。故选:C。【点评】主要考查的是对句子意思的理解和对一般将来时的掌握。6.【
会。【解答】根据题干,可知考查plan to do sth计划做某事。故选:D。【点评】熟悉不定式的用法,结合题意,给出答案。9.
【分析】我们现在有空了。为什么不去操场上踢足球呢?【解答】why not后面跟动词的原形,用来表示"建议",所给选项只有B合适。故
选:B。【点评】此题考查英语固定句式,要平时多加积累。10.【分析】他父亲买了一辆新车,花了他12万元。【解答】A.It took
sb.some time to do sth."花费的是时间";B.It cost sb.some money"主语为物,花费金
钱";C.人+spent+some time/some money on sth./in doing sth."主语为人";D.人
+paid some money forsth."主语为人,pay需要和介词for搭配"。根据题干结构,可知选项B正确。故选:B。
大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项 。(共15分,每小题1.5分)11.【分析】这篇短文讲述的
下,作者开始变得自信起来,也知道了如何去同情他人。【解答】(1)B 考查动词。A站,B着陆,C发现,找到,D工作。根据 It?wa
作者摔了一跤,跌到了玻璃上,故这里应该用land表示落到地上的意思。故选B。(2)A 考查名词。A游戏,B笑话,C玩具,D运动,根
据后面 I was always the monster我总是怪兽,可知当孩子们玩游戏时。故选A。(3)D 考查名词。A玻璃,B主
题,C答案,D话,谚语,根据"Hold?your?head?up?high?and?face?the?world." I?bega
生了依赖,故选D。(4)B 考查副词。A迅速地,B意外地,C兴奋地,D开心地,根据Be careful or you will f
all down or bump into something(4)because you are not looking.应该是
小心点,否则你会因为没有看东西而意外摔倒或撞到东西,故选B。(5)D 考查形容词。A更好的,B开心的,C好的,D糟糕的,根据上句I
n high school I even became the class president(学生会主席),but on the
inside I still felt like a freak(怪物).高中时我甚至当上了学生会主席,但内心深处我还是觉得自己
像个怪胎。这里是作者因为自己的相貌丑陋而感到自卑,所以应该是当情况变得糟糕的时候,会对妈妈哭泣,故选D。(6)C 考查动词。A写,
加的自卑,故会对妈妈哭泣,故选C。(7)C 考查介词。A在…旁边,B外边,外部,C里面,内部,D在…侧面,这里的inside 是内
心,内里的意思,是相对于后面的appearance外貌而言的,虽然作者的外貌丑陋,但是内心是美的。故选C。(8)D 考查名词。A建
议,B 经验,经历,C介绍,D阳光,根据句中made me bright让我光亮,可知这里应该是sunshine,阳光,故选D。(
9)A 考查形容词。A自信的,B不寻常的,C相似的,D帅的,根据 I?had?faced?hard?times,and?learn
ed?not?only?to?be (9)but?also?to?have?deep?compassion (同情) for?ot
10)A 考查动词。A告诉,B问,C展示,D借,这里的it 指的是妈妈对作者说的话。"抬起头来"这句话经常可以在我的家里听到,我把
的纵列一共有4个项目,所以调查中的主要问题就有4个。故选:A。(2)A。根据Feeling Stressed这栏中的Advice"
Find time to relax as possible as you can"找时间尽可能地放松。可知A符合题意。故选:A。
(3)C。根据cause这栏"Too much homework.Don''t have enough time for their
hobbies.Too much homework.Bad reading and writing habits"太多的家庭作业
eeling tired of study这栏中的Advice"Don''t be crazy about computer gam
es.Play them just for a short time when you are tired"不要痴迷于电脑游戏。当
以前好多了。桑尼告诉他:"当你面对太阳时,影子会落在后面。"【解答】(1)B.细节理解题,根据Suddenly a car hit
him and he was thrown three meters into the air.突然一辆车撞上了他,他被抛到了三
米的高空。可知托尼被一辆汽车car撞了,故选:B。(2)A.细节理解题,根据Tony woke up in a hospital
room.托尼在一间病房里醒来。可知托尼在事故后醒来时在医院里。故选:A。(3)D.细节理解题,根据文中关键句Sunny invi
ted Tony to join the game.","When Tony became sad or angry,Sunny
was there to be with him."Sunny邀请Tony参加比赛。""当Tony伤心或生气时,Sunny会陪在他
身边。"可知桑尼通过邀请托尼加入太阳队和陪在托尼身边帮助他的。故选:D。(4)C.推理判断题,根据文中关键句"Sunny smil
ed and said,"It''s really quite easy.When you keep your face to th
e sun,the shadows fall behind."桑妮笑着说:"这真的很容易。当你把脸对着太阳时,影子就会落在后面。"
读懂文章,根据问题找到关键句,理解选项,正确解答。14.【分析】文章主要介绍了如何提高英语听力和阅读技巧。【解答】(1)B 细节理
解题。根据If you find the listening too fast,try to pick out the key w
ords to get a general idea of it如果你发现听力太快,尽量挑出关键词大致了解,故选B。(2)A 细节
理解题。根据Choose a book that you are really interested in,可知选择一本书,要选择
感兴趣的,故选A。(3)D 主旨大意题。根据Read the information below and learn more a
bout listening and reading skills,可知文章介绍的是如何提高英语听力和阅读技巧,故选D。【点评】在
来还会发现更奇怪的生物。【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据One net held a very strange fish,fiv
e feet long and bright blue.Strangest of all,it had fins (鳍)that
looked like legs!一张网里有一条非常奇怪的鱼,五英尺长,明亮的蓝色。最奇怪的是,它的鳍看起来像腿。根据描述可知它是
浅蓝色。故选B。(2)B.词义猜测题。根据Upon seeing her drawing of the fish,Smith co
uldn''t believe his eyes.Could it be true It just didn''t seem poss
ible,but there it was.It could be only one thing,a coelacanth,a f
ish people believe having extincted fifty million years ago.看到她画的
前灭绝的鱼。可知,在这篇文章中, "extincted" 一词是"灭绝"的意思。故选B。(3)C.推理判断题。根据Is it p
ossible that an even stranger creature(生物)will someday be discove
给词的适当形式填空。 16.【分析】短文大意主要是说的快乐阅读给学生带来的好处。【解答】(1)to read .考查动词。根据句意
:一些学生说他们不想为了快乐而阅读。want to do sth,想做某事。,故填to read。(2)learn.考查动词。根据
式。五.阅读与表达。 17.【分析】文章讲述了野生动物是我们的朋友,但它们中的许多正变得越来越少。我们应该努力保护它们。下面的四种
动物现在处于危险之中。【解答】(1)Yes.细节理解题。根据"They are usually found in groups o
f about 20."可知,它们通常以20只左右为一组,故填Yes.(2)They feed on fruits and you
ng leaves of bamboos.细节理解题。根据"They feed on fruits and young leave
s of bamboos"可知,它们以水果和竹子的幼叶为食,故填They feed on fruits and young lea
ves of bamboos.(3)When they are about 12 years old.细节理解题。根据"Young
male elephants do not leave the group until they are about 12 ye
ars old"可知,年轻的雄性大象直到12岁左右才离开群居,故填When they are about 12 years old
.(4)Because people cut down forests.细节理解题。根据"They are losing thei
r living areas because people cut down forests"可知,因为人们砍伐森林,它们正在失去
它们的生存空间,故填Because people cut down forests.(5)I will not buy expen
sive clothes to protect the animals in danger.开放性题,答案合理即可。根据"They
are killed for their wool,which is warm,soft and fine and can be
made into expensive clothes"可知,它们被杀死是因为它们的羊毛温暖、柔软、细腻,可以制成昂贵的衣服,故
填I will not buy expensive clothes to protect the animals in dange
弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。六、书面表达(共12分)18.【分析】【高分句型一】It''s famo
us for the beach.它以海滩而闻名。be famous for【高分句型二】If you want to go to
my hometown,you''d better go there in summer.如果你想去我的家乡,你最好在夏天去那里。if引导条件状语从句。had better do sth最好做某事。【解答】Everyone has his own hometown.My hometown is a beautiful city.It''s in the east of Shandong. (我的家乡在哪里)It''s near the sea.It''s famous for the beach. 【高分句型一】The air there is very good. (因为什么出名)If you want to go to my hometown,you''d better go there in summer. 【高分句型二】Because you can enjoy the sun and the beach.Every summer,my hometown attracts many tourists.I hope you have a good time.(建议)【点评】能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。19.【分析】【高分句型一】I like reading it because it teaches me to face diffculty bravely.我喜欢读它,因为它教会我勇敢地面对困难。like doing sth表示喜欢做某事。【高分句型二】Sometimes we may not succeed,but if we try hard,we''ll never regret it.有时我们可能不会成功,但如果我们努力,我们永远不会后悔。句子中if引导一个条件状语从句,遵循主将从现原则。【解答】Reading is very important .For this reading activity,I''d like to introduce my favorite book to you all.(点题)The Old Man and the Sea is my favorite book.(我最喜欢的书)It is mainly about an old fisherman called Santiago.During the eighty﹣four days,the old fisherman didn''t catch a fish,but he never gave up.Finally,on the eighty﹣fifth day,he was surprised to catch a fish.On the way home,the big fish was eaten by sharks,though he fought with sharks for a time.But the old fisherman won respect of everybody.(原因及简介)I like reading it because it teaches me to face diffculty bravely.【高分句型一】I think choosing books you like can improve your reading skills.Sometimes we may not succeed,but if we try hard,we''ll never regret it.【高分句型二】(建议)【点评】能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。 2 / 2