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2023-05-26 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 

英 语 2018.4

时间:120分钟 满分:100分


Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片。听两遍。(共5分)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ⅱ. 听5段短对话和问题,选出正确答案。听两遍。(共5分)

( )6. A. He has a sore throat. B. He has a sore back.

C. He has a sore fever.

( )7. A. He will eat fish. B. He will catch the rabbit.

C. He will take out the rubbish..

( )8. A. They are talking in the park.

B. They are talking on the phone.

C. They are cleaning up a house.

( )9. A. Their parents. B. Their friends. C. The school.

( )10. A. She was doing her homework.

B. She was playing computer games.

C. She was doing the housework.

Ⅲ. 听两段长对话,选出正确答案。听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)


( )11. How many people went swimming with Linda?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

( )12. When did they come back?

A. At 10 a.m. B. At 4 p.m. C. At 5 p.m.


( )13. What do they have to do for the party?

A. To buy some food. B. To make a plan.

C. To come up with some new ideas for games.

( )14. Do they have to set up the food table at first?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. We don’t know.

( )15. What will they do at last?

A. They will eat the food.

B. They will clean up the table.

C. They will say goodbye to other people.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。听两遍。(共5分)

( )16. Sally usually on Sundays.

A. goes to the zoo by bus

B. goes to the park by bike

C. swims in the swimming pool

( )17. Sally put her bike .

A. under a tree

B. behind a tree

C. near the swimming pool

( )18. While she was swimming in the lake, .

A. a thief took her bike away

B. the police came

C. she found there was a thief behind the tree

( )19. Sally when she couldn’t find her bike.

A. go out of the water B. called the police C. cried

( )20. How long did it take the police to catch the thief?

A. An hour. B. Half an hour. C. About forty minutes.


Ⅴ. 单选题(15分)

( )21.Bob and I had______quick breakfast and then went to get______X-ray in the hospital.

A. / ; / B. a ; an C. / ; an D. a ; /

( )22.—Be nice to him. He is under a lot of ______ these days.

A. pressure B. independence C. experience D. mind

( )23.The rainstorm came while Ann ________ her purse in the classroom.

A. was looking for B. looked for C. is looking at D. looks at

( )24.My parents don’t allow me computer games.

A. to play B. play C. playing D. played

( )25.— I argue with Tom. Could you give me some advice?

— talk to him?

A. Why not you B. Why don’t you

C. What about D. How do you

( )26. It’s raining heavily outside. Don’t leave it stops.

A. if B. until C. so that D. because

( )27.— Can I use your bike?

— Yes, but you must it on time.

A. return B. get C. offer D. take

( )28.— I’m always when I make a speech(演讲).

—Don’t be afraid. You must believe in yourself.

A. crazy B. nervous C. sad D. happy

( )29 --- They develop their skills_____ they can do things better and better.

A.so that B. even though C. in order to D. since

( )30._______he was ill, he still went to work.

A. Although; but B. Although;/ C. Though; but D. But;/

( )31.---Julia, you look unhappy. ?

---I lost my English book yesterday.

A. Can you help me B. What should I do

C. What’s wrong with you D. Could I use your book

( )32.---Could you please walk the dog?

--- . I have to do my homework.

A. Yes, sure B. Sorry, I can’t C. No problem D. Sorry, you can’t

( )33.We should often communicate our parents.

A. to B. with C. on D. for

( )34.--Lisa, let’s clean the kitchen now. Could you the rubbish?

--Yes, sure.

A. take out B. take part in C. take care of D. take off

( )35..I could my bed and my clothes.

A. make, fold B. make, do C. fold, do D. fold, wash


My mother is understanding person. She always 36 my families very well. She has always made sure we eat very healthily. Every morning she makes a 37 about the three meals. Fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet.

We 38 near the sea and we have fish about four times a week. My mother cooks 39 vegetables. I don’t know exactly 40 she’ll cook for us tonight,but it will probably be fish and vegetables. And of course there will also be some rice. You are probably going to have potatoes,because I know Americas like 41 more than rice. But I in fact like rice very much. We don’t eat 42 fat or sugar. A 1ot of my school friends eat sweets every day but I’m lucky because I don’t have a sweet 43 , I’d rather eat a nice piece of fruit. And I’m not too heavy, so I never have to diet, or anything like that.

I feel very 44 because of my mother. My father often 45 ,“Your mother has magic and takes out all kind of delicious food”

( ) 36. A. look after B. look for C. 1ook back D. look at

( ) 37. A. event B. plan C. work D. job

( ) 38 .A. walk B. swim C. drink D. 1ive

( ) 39. A. the number of B. a lot of C. an amount of D. a kind of

( ) 40. A. that B. who C. what D. where

( ) 41. A. tomatoes B. potatoes C. peppers D fruits

( ) 42. A. many B. much C. 1ittle D. few

( ) 43. A. tooth B. stomach C. tongue D. ear

( )44. A. free B. beautiful C. busy D. lucky

( ) 45. A. speaks B. talks C. says D. tells

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(30分)


Got a bad grade, afraid to show my parents... Lady Rita Report cards are going out this Friday, and I realized I had failed in chemistry. My parents are probably going to kill me for that. What should I do? Answers Butterfly It is better to be honest with them and tell them it is a very difficult course and you??are trying your hardest. Promise them you will work harder. Study a little every night so when your next test comes you''ll be much more prepared. Derp Let me guess, you have always been a great student and slipped up just this one time? Explain that to your parents. Male T You should learn from insects—when they try to cross a wall,??they fall down again and again until at some time they get success. Naughty Do what I did... show your parents your report cards and then simply ask them... “Did any one of you guys ever fail a test?” Flower I never showed my parents my test scores. It’s none of their business! ( )46.Lady Rita put her question here to ________________.

A. ask for help B. draw others’ attention

C. please her parents D. share her grades with others

( )47..How many people advised Lady Rita?

A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. D. Two.

( )48.According to Butterfly, ________________.

A. nobody can do well in chemistry

B. better preparation may lead to better grades

C. you won’t get bad grades if you do your best

D. parents don’t care how their kids do at school

( )49.What can we learn from Male T’s suggestion?

A. Good news never goes beyond the gate. B. Knowledge is power.

C. Failure is the mother of success. D. There’s no smoke without fire.

( )50.What do we know about Naughty?

A. He does well in all his subjects.

B. His parents used to be great students.

C. He thinks it’s normal to fail sometimes.

D. He dare not show his grades to his parents


Sam hated doing chores. And he had many chores. For example,on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays he took out the rubbish. And on weekends he always washed his father’s car. He also cleaned his own room once a week. What a chore that was! Sometimes he even had to look after his little sister and brother.

Sam had a foreign friend at school. His name was Kumar. Doing chores in Kumar’s family was very different. In the house only the girls did chores. His sisters made all the beds and cleaned all the rooms too, even his bedroom. His mother always cooked the meals, and his sisters helped her to go shopping, and prepare the food. They worked hard at home, doing all the chores with their mother. So when Kumar talked to his friend Sam about chores, he felt very lucky. One day, Sam had an idea. He asked Kumar,” Could I borrow your sisters? ” He wanted them to help him clean his room,but they said “ no ” Instead, they asked Sam to teach their brother how to do chores, so he could make his own bed.

Sam and Kumar are very good at science. They are going to be scientists after university. They want to make a robot to do the chores. Then everyone-mothers and fathers, sons and daughters-will be happy!

( )51.Which of the following is right ?

A. Sam liked doing chores. B. Sam did chores only on weekends.

C. Sam liked doing chores only on weekends. D. Sam really didn’t like doing chores.

( )52.Which of the following is right?

A. Sam cleaned his room once a month. B. Sam never looked after his brother and sister.

C. Sam washed the car every weekend. D. Sam enjoyed cleaning his own room.

( )53.Which of the following is right?

A. Everyone did chores in Kumar’s family. B. Kumar’s sisters made his bed.

C. Kumar did some chores. D. Kumar’s sisters liked helping their brother

( )54.Which of the following is right?

A. The sisters agreed to help him.

B. Sam wanted to borrow Kumar’s sisters.

C. The sisters didn’t want Kumar to do chores at home.

D. The sisters asked Sam to do chores for them.

( )55.Which of the following is right?

A. Sam and Kumarwant to make a robot.

B. They aren’t going to be scientists after university.

C. No one will be happy to have a chore robot.

D. Sam and Kumar want to become robot scientists.


Reading is a good hobby for a all kinds of reasons. First, reading is fun. You can always keep yourself happy. If you like reading, you will never feel bored or tired.

Next, you can read a book almost anywhere: in a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom. All you need is a book!

Another good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby, you will get better and better at it. And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. As your reading skills improve, you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better.

Some people say that reading is out of date(过时的). This is not true. You can read on computers, and the more you read, the better your computer skills will be.

Good readers may become writers, too. They always have more things to write about.

Reading is a wonderful hobby. Why don’t you start reading right now?

( ) 56. Reading can always keep yourself .

A. happy B. bored C. tired D. sleepy

( ) 57. You can read a book .

A. just in the classroom B. only on a plane.

C. when you are driving a car D. almost anywhere

( )58. You can read faster .

A. after you read a book B. only on a plane

C. if you read as a hobby D. if you like books

( )59.Which of the following is Not ture?

A. If one likes reading,he will never feel bored

B. Reading is out of date.

C. Reading can improve our schoolwork.

D. We can’t read almost anywhere.

( )60. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Reading is a good hobby.

B. You can read on computers.

C. Good readers must be good writer.

D. You should buy more books.


--What’s the matter? ----I have a _______(牙痛)

You should _______ (归还)it to me by 10 o’clock.

The boy was waiting for the bus when a _______ (暴风雨)came.

Are you good at playing_______(足球)

It takes me ________ (几个)hours to finish the work.

Ⅸ. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。(共10分) Tips for Writing Better Articles Many of us don’t spend a lot of time improving our writing skills. This can be a problem when we hand in our articles. Good writing skills will help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life. 66 . Make good word choices. When we’re not sure which word is the right one for a sentence, look it up in a dictionary. Many of us choose words in a hurry and don’t take the time to decide if they’re proper. 67 . Check facts. If we want people to believe what we write, we must make sure our facts are true. We should use dependable facts.

Rewrite. A common problem is that we don’t like to rewrite. In fact rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes, like grammar and spelling mistakes. 68 , though it takes more time and more work. Read aloud. Sometimes it’s easier to find problem with spelling, word usage, and grammar when we read aloud. Reading aloud helps us not only find out our problems but also develop our writing. 69 . Preparing a list is necessary for writing a good article. Such a list includes: Is there a proper title? Have we explained every point? Are all the parts of the article included? This can help us to make sure that we have covered everything. 70 . But with a few simple steps, we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles

Ⅹ. 书面表达。(共10分)


上个星期五,老师组织全班同学就“做家务”这个话题进行了讨论。请你谈谈自己的看法:孩子们在家应不应该做些家务?为什么? Should children do some chores at home? Why?





听力及选择题 1-5 EDCAB 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 ABCAB 16-20 BAABC 21-25 BAAAB 26-30 BABAB 31-35 CBBAA 36-40 ABDBC 41-45 BBADC 45-50 ADCBA 51-55 DCBBA 56-60 AABCC 61-65 toothache/return/rainstorm/football/several 66-70 BECAD


A.Prepare a list B.The following tips(贴士) can be helpful C.Rewriting makes our writing better D.It is not easy to become a better writer E.Good word choices are necessary for good writing
