
Len Prince:时尚与名人

 zdjphoto 2023-05-27 发布于上海
Prince has a quiet, sensitive manner that contrasts sharply with the turbulence of the industry he worked in.
Prince 的举止安静、敏感,这与他所从事的行业的动荡形成鲜明对比。
---- Peter Fetterman


Len Prince 于 1953 年出生于密歇根州底特律。他以拍摄当时世界上一些最著名的名人和艺术家而闻名。普林斯在 9 岁收到他的第一台相机时就对摄影产生了兴趣。在成长过程中,他在整个初中和高中期间尝试了多种风格,包括静物和他的朋友。他去了纽约视觉艺术学院上大学,在那里他被他的老师杰里·尤尔斯曼分配到一艘拖船上生活。这次冒险给他留下了珍贵的照片,其中就有1972年世贸中心大楼竣工的照片。2001年 Len Prince 目睹了911事件。他用当时身边唯一的宝丽来相机从酒店房间记录下了袭击过程。事后 Prince也得以前往事发地点进行深一步的记录,这些照片都保存在埃默里大学档案库。他很多其他的作品也在该大学,此外,盖茨博物馆也有他的作品。
Len Prince was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1953. He is known for photographing some of the world's most famous celebrities and artists of the time. Prince became interested in photography at 9 when he received his first camera. Growing up, he experimented with many styles throughout middle and high school, which include still lives and his friends. He went to the School of Visual Arts for college where he was assigned by his teacher Jerry Uelsman to live on a tugboat. This adventure has left him with precious photos, among them, there was the completion of the World Trade Center towers in 1972. In 2001 Len Prince witnessed the 911 tragedy. He documented the attack from his hotel room with the only Polaroid camera he had at the time. After the event, Prince was also able to go to the scene of the incident to make further records. These photos are kept in the Emory University Archives. Many of his other works are also at this university. Besides, Getty Museum has his works too.

Len Prince 后期的作品跨越了时尚和商业领域,他曾为 Bergdorf Goodman 拍摄橱窗展示,和 Elizabeth Hurley 合作 为 Estee Lauder 拍摄广告,为  《Interview 杂志》 拍摄第一张 Kate Hudson 的魅力照,还与 Spike Lee,Missy Elliot,Ian Somerhaulder,Faye Dunaway,和其他人合作过。他参与的其他商业作品包括和比佛利山庄的《萨克斯第五大道》的合作、《Aperture》、《Paper》、《Out》 杂志和 《Vanity Fair》 的社论等。Prince 为萨克斯第五大道设计的作品后来在 1997 年被编成了一本立即售罄的书,名为《About Glamour》,由多米尼克·邓恩 (Dominick Dunne) 作序。普林斯的作品也被收录在凯利·克莱因的《Underworld》和劳埃德·波士顿的《Makeover your Man》等书中。普林斯还涉及娱乐业。他参加了一些百老汇的表演活动,例如 《The Graduate》 和 《Chicago》。

Len Prince's later works transcend into the fashion and commercial worlds, he has photographed window displays for Bergdorf Goodman, advertisements for Estee Lauder with Elizabeth Hurley, Kate Hudson's first Glam Shoot for Interview Magazine, Spike Lee, Missy Elliot, Ian Somerhaulder, Faye Dunaway, and others. Additional commercial works that he has participated in include editorials for Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills, Aperture, Paper, Out, and Vanity Fair. Prince's commission for Saks Fifth Avenue later turned into an instant sold-out book called About Glamour in 1997 with a foreword from Dominick Dunne. Prince's works were also included in books such as Underworld by Kelly Klein and Makeover your Man by Lloyd Boston. Prince is also associated with the entertainment industry. He was part of a few Broadway show campaigns such as The Graduate and Chicago.


2008: “Masks & Identity: Len Prince in the Collection of William K. Zewadski.”

2008年,佛罗里达摄影艺术博物馆为 Len Prince 举办了面具摄影展。这个展览展示了帕蒂·拉贝尔、德鲁·巴里摩尔、帕特里克·斯图尔特和凯文·斯派西等名人的肖像,他们通过为公众创造和完善的面孔或所谓的“公众面具”而获得名声。与将其视为媒体工具不同,Prince 着迷于面具的魔力。过去,猎人戴上面具是为了获得信仰的神的力量。今天,人们崇拜名人。

In 2008, the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts held an exhibition for Len Prince on masks. This exhibition displayed portraits of celebrities such as Patti LaBelle, Drew Barrymore, Patrick Stewart, and Kevin Spacey among others who obtained fame through faces they created and perfected for the public, or what is called 'public masks'. Different from viewing it as a media tool, Prince is fascinated by the power of masks' magic. In the past, hunters put on masks to obtain the strength of their gods. Today, people worship celebrities.

他与缪斯杰西·曼 (Jessie Mann) 的合作提高了他对面具的投入。在整个童年时期,Jessie 的母亲拍摄了她和她的兄弟姐妹,拍下了美丽、强烈但有时令人不安的照片,因为孩子们在镜头前毫无防备。孩子们可以用来抵御母亲相机带来的侵扰的唯一方法是表达愤怒,或者在镜头和灵魂之间设置一道屏障。虽然可能没有直接联系,但 Mann 的过去和 Prince 的关注是卓有成效且强有力的合作。

His collaboration with his muse, Jessie Mann, has heightened his engagement in masks. Throughout childhood, Jessie's mother photographed her and her siblings, creating photos that are beautiful, intense, and sometimes disturbing, as children are defenseless in front of cameras. The only way kids can use to wall off the intrusion brought by their mother's camera is to express anger or put a barrier between the lens and the soul. Though there might not be a direct connection, Mann's history and Prince's preoccupation collaborated fruitfully and powerfully.












整理/ Organize: Lisa & Mary

编译/ Cindy & Mary

审核/ Celine & Louis

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