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2023-05-30 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 


1、There are two kinds of opinions on “the life in the past and the life today”.

Someone thinks that the life today is quite ? from that in the past. On the one hand, the significant technological developments do help people solve a lot of problems. However, on the other hand, the life in the past ? more happiness to people than that does today.

The life was ? in the past. As the ? of the world is getting larger, competition is getting fiercer (更加激烈的) now. If you are not able to do your job well, someone will ? you soon.

While others think the life today is much better than that in the past. There are many new ? that make our life easy and comfortable. The rice cookers, gas stoves and microwave ovens are of great ? to many housewives. The rice cooker is a real time-saver. It is so simple to use that even a child can ? rice with it. There are some other machines which ? the long hours of doing housework for the house wives.

There are many other inventions which help make our life better. For example, the ? help people get in touch with each other more conveniently and the Internet makes people’s life more colorful.












2、The Mogo Wildlife Park, an Australian zoo, saved all of its animals facing danger from bush fires (林区大火), thanks to a zookeeper, who brought monkeys, pandas, and even a tiger to his home. The Mogo Wildlife Park is located in the South coast. It is just 10 kilometers from Bateman’s Bay, a popular tourist place that has been seriously influenced by the fires, The fires have made thousands of people leave their homes and at least eight people die.

The zoo houses nearly 200 animals, including Sumatran tigers and southern white rhinos. Chad Staples, the director of the zoo, told the Broadcasting Company that zookeepers were well-prepared to protect the animals as bush fires broke out over the New Year’s Eve. “Thanks to the amazing staff here and a plan, no one is hurt, not a single animal,” Sara Ang from the wildlife park told BBC Radio 5 that some of the smaller monkeys and red pandas were moved into Staples’ home. Staples told the ABC that zookeepers felt it was safer to keep larger and more dangerous animals including lions and gorillas in their night enclosures (圈地) where they would feel more comfortable as bush fires burned around them.

Staples told The Times that the team on-site fought against fires at the 65-acre park for several hours. He thanked his staff for working tirelessly to protect the animals because they “love them like their own family”. The zoo confirmed on Tuesday that every animal was “safe and in wonderful care.”

【小题1】What can you know from the first paragraph?

【小题2】What does the underlined word “houses” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

【小题3】Which one is the best title for this passage?

3、Many people take running as a way to keep fit. They like to run in hot weather and enjoy the feeling of being wet through with sweat while running. Cold weather during winter months, with low temperatures and freezing cold winds, may keep many people from running in the open air.

However, a new study shows that the drop in temperature is a good reason to run. In fact, running in cold weather helps improve one’s performance. Many runners might find it easier to run in winter than in hot weather.

Lower temperatures reduce stress on the body. When you run in cold weather, your heart rate is lower. And the body needs less water on a cold day than in warm weather because the levels are lower in winter than in warmer conditions.

John Brewer is a professor of applied sport science at St. Mary’s University in London. For this study, he and other researchers put a group of people into a room where summer and winter weather conditions are recreated. The test subjects were asked to run 10, 000 meters under both conditions and their biological measurements were recorded and studied.

From the study, every movement runners make produces heat. The heat can be really damaging unless the body can lose it. One way in which people lose heat is by sweating. The body loses heat through droplets of sweat. The body also loses it by transporting the blood to the surface of the skin and it puts more stress on the heart, particularly in hot conditions because it’s much harder to lose heat when the outside environment is warm. As the result shows, running in hot temperatures results in 6 percent higher heart rates.

When running in cold conditions, the body does not have to work hard to pump blood to the skin’s surface. Therefore, it requires less energy. The most important thing for people who run in cold conditions is to wear the right clothing. Keep as dry as possible when exercising in low temperatures. Wear mittens (连指手套) on your hands instead of gloves (分指手套). Wear more than one layer of clothing to keep sweat away from your skin. So, don’t let winter weather keep you indoors. Simply get ready for the low temperatures and start running.

【小题1】Why do most people dislike running outdoors in winter?

【小题2】Why did John Brewer make a group of people run in a room?

【小题3】What should people wear while running in cold winter?

【小题4】What’s the purpose of the passage?

4、 Vacation Packages in Los Angeles

A Disney in Los Angeles

Enjoy a fantastic and magical adventure in the Los Angeles area with A Disney in Los Angeles, which includes a four-night stay and a 1-day Disneyland Park Hopper (通票) with transport which will help you set up a perfect experience to Disney.


4 nights’ stay in one of over 85 hotels of your choice

l-day Disneyland Park Hopper with transport


People of all ages love Disneyland, and you will have the park’s all kinds of rides and attractions. If you would prefer to look for excitement on exciting rides like Space Mountain, you are sure to find something new and exciting at Disneyland!

Experience of the Hollywood Stars

With Experience of the Hollywood Stars, you can get a two-night stay at a hotel and maybe the chance to see some of the most popular stars of Los Angeles!


2 nights’ stay in one of over 85 hotels of your choice


The package includes the Celebrity Homes and Rodeo Drive Shopping Tour, so you are sure to have fantastic time in having a look at the houses of your favorite stars as well as in shopping.

Places of Interest in Los Angeles

The fantastic city of Los Angeles has much to offer, and you can take full advantage of it with Places of Interest in Los Angeles, offering a five-night stay.


5 nights’ stay in one of over 85 hotels of your choice

Half-day Hollywood and Beverly Hills Tour


Visit the most beautiful sights in the area and come back to your freshly-made bed for all five nights of your stay. You’ll be able to enjoy every moment of your vacation whether in your room or out in the town.

【小题1】Which place should you go to when you would like to take exciting rides?

【小题2】What can you do in the Experience of the Hollywood Stars vacation package?

【小题3】In which part of the newspaper can you read the text?

【小题4】If you want to enjoy the hotel service in Los Angeles as much as possible, which vacation package should you probably choose?

5、Working from home is more and more popular as a means of escaping the nine-to-five office life. Why do you work under the eye of your boss when you can work in front of the TV in your slippers? Armed with all the necessary things—telephone, computer, e-mail and fax, many workers believe they can work as effectively as their colleagues in the office. Being able to work wherever you like: from a busy city to a village, and not having to stand the daily things, make working from home an attractive choice. If you wish, you can even work on a river boat.

So what will become of the office tomorrow? It is possible that many could go into computer space creating a new wave of virtual (虚拟的) offices. To minimize office in inner-city areas, companies will have a work force made up of a network of home, workers linked by an advanced communication and information system. A central processing computer would be controlled by the manager who sends out work schedules and oversees (监视) the activity of each employee.

A video screen would be created, as the need for e-mail or telephone becomes greater. Seeing the mood and expression of work colleagues, mangers would have the ability to view several employees at once on their screen. Employers would be encouraged to feed any information that may be useful to fellow workers into the computer to make the company work more effectively. As the company’s lifeblood, the computer would contain a record of all conversations and communication for future reference and hold secret information such as accounts in password (口令) protected areas.

【小题1】Why does the author say “If you wish, you can even work on a river boat.” in the first paragraph?

【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following things is NOT necessary for a virtual office?

【小题3】From the passage we can learn that __________

【小题4】Which one is the best title for the passage?


6、Everyone knows that fish is good for health. The fats in fish are thought to help us keep away from heart disease. However, it seems that many people don’t cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of each person a year, but we eat twice as many fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, keeping, or cooking fish isn’t difficult. It just requires a little knowledge. ?????【小题1】

When buying fish, you should first smell it. Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that you’re standing by the ocean. ?????【小题2】 ? Do not buy it. When you have bought a fish and arrived home, you’d better keep the fish in the fridge if you don’t cook it immediately. Frozen fish isn’t as tasty as the fresh one. ?????【小题3】

There are many common methods used to cook fish. Is there anything better than a piece of properly cooked fish? ?????【小题4】 ? Here are some steps to teach you how to steam fish in a rice cooker. First, clean it and mix it with your choice of spices (调料). Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) ?????【小题5】 ? Be careful when opening the steam pot. Hot steam will come out once you open the pot and it can easily burn you.


7、Take a piece of hair from your head. Ouch! It may be long, ? it’s not very wide. Three scientists spent over 30 years ? machines that are about a thousand times ? than the width of one piece of your hair. They are ? small that they can only be seen under ? microscope (显微镜)!

They ? nanomachines (纳米机器). Because of their hard work, the three scientists won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. They are all European,

Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, one of the scientists, told reporters that he thanked ? other scientists from 24 different countries for helping make this prize ?. He said he once brought home a chocolate Nobel Prize ? his daughter from a trip to Stockholm. He was very excited ? a real one.

Scientists believe that in the future, nanomachines could ? deliver medicine inside a person’s body, or take away things ? are making us sick.

Mr. Feringa compared their work to that of the Wright Brothers. When the Wright Brothers ? their airplane for the first time, some people questioned ? airplanes were good for. Now we use ? all the time.


















Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world. But do you know they can teach us?

Geese (雁), for example, teach us a very good l ?????【小题1】 ? about teamwork. In the fall, Canada geese fly to the warm south to get away from the cold winter. They lift off in no order. Yet quickly they form a V s ?????【小题2】 ?, with one bird leading the group. This allows geese to save energy. When the front bird moves its wings up and down, the resulting force of the air lifts the next one. This continues down the line. The bird in front has the hardest job. When it gets t ?????【小题3】 ?, it moves behind, and another bird moves into the lead. By sharing the role, the group can travel long d ?????【小题4】 ?.

During the long flying journey, geese communicate with one another. They honk (鸣叫) to e ?????【小题5】 ? the birds up front to keep up the speed. They also cheer each other up while working towards a common goal.


9、太平洋是这么大的海洋要花很多天才能横跨它。The Pacific is ? big ocean that ? many days to cross it.

10、张骞是中国历史上第一个开辟了丝绸之路的人。Zhang Qian was the first person ? the Silk Road in Chinese history.

11、他习惯了每天都跑步。He ? every day.

12、李娜成为冠军时,全场欢呼。这一刻太激动人心了!All the people cheered when Li Na became the champion. ? it was!


We ?enter any public places ?we show the health code.



注意:1. 短文内容必须包含表格所提供的要点,可适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名;3. 词数:80左右(短文开头已给出,仅供选择使用,不计入总词数)。

Last week, we discussed whether the high school entrance examination should include music and art.


1 、【答案】 【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】D【小题4】C【小题5】D【小题6】A【小题7】C【小题8】B【小题9】D【小题10】A


【解析】 【导语】本文主要讲述了关于“过去的生活”和“现在的生活”的两种观点。【小题1】句意:有人认为今天的生活与过去的生活大不相同。different不同的;difficult困难的;better更好的;the same一样。根据“On the one hand, the significant technological developments do help people solve a lot of problems.”可知,此处介绍现在生活和过去生活的不同之处,be different from“与……不同”,故选A。【小题2】句意:然而,另一方面,过去的生活给人们带来了比今天更多的幸福。connected连接;brought带来;showed展示;went去。根据“However...more happiness”可知,过去生活给人们带来更多的幸福,故选B。【小题3】句意:过去的生活很简单。boring无聊的;busy繁忙的;fast快速的;simple简单的。根据“competition is getting fiercer (更加激烈的) now”可知,过去生活很简单,故选D。【小题4】句意:随着世界人口越来越多,竞争也越来越激烈。pollution污染;weather天气;population人口;air空气。根据“competition is getting fiercer”可知,人口越多,竞争越激烈,故选C。【小题5】句意:如果你不能把工作做好,很快就会有人取代你。take拿;hurt受伤;look看;replace替代。根据“If you are not able to do your job well”可知,工作做不好,会有其他人取代你,故选D。【小题6】句意:有许多新发明使我们的生活变得轻松和舒适。inventions发明;stories故事;opinions观点;scientists科学家。根据“The rice cookers, gas stoves and microwave ovens”可知,这些都是人类的发明,故选A。【小题7】句意:电饭煲、煤气灶和微波炉对许多家庭主妇有很大的帮助。exercise练习;ability能力;help帮助;information信息。根据“The rice cooker is a real time-saver.”可知,这些发明对家庭主妇来说有帮助,故选C。【小题8】句意:它使用起来非常简单,连孩子都能用它做饭。plant种植;cook煮;grow生长;throw扔。根据“The rice cooker”可知,电饭煲是用来煮饭的,故选B。【小题9】句意:还有一些其他的机器,为家庭主妇节省长时间做家务。spend花费;waste浪费;take携带;save节省。根据“the long hours of doing housework for the house wives”可知,其他发明能节省家务的时间,故选D。【小题10】句意:例如,手机帮助人们更方便地联系彼此,互联网使人们的生活更加丰富多彩。phones手机;letters信;watches手表;videos视频。根据“help people get in touch with each other more conveniently”可知,手机使我们联系别人更方便,故选A。

2 、【答案】 【小题1】C【小题2】D【小题3】D


【解析】 【导语】本文主要讲述了动物管理员从大火中救出动物的故事。【小题1】细节理解题。根据“The Mogo Wildlife Park is located in the South Coast. It is just 10 kilometers from Bateman’s Bay, ”可知,Mogo Wildlife Park和Bateman’s Bay距离10公里,故选C。【小题2】词句猜测题。根据“who brought monkeys, pandas, and even a tiger to his home”以及“The zoo houses nearly 200 animals”可知动物园把动物带回去,应该是动物园给动物提供住处,划线部分表示“给……提供住房”,与D项同义。故选D。【小题3】最佳标题题。本文主要讲述了动物管理员从大火中救出动物的故事,故选D。

3 、【答案】 【小题1】A【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】C


【解析】 【导语】本文通过John Brewer的研究,介绍了冬季户外跑步的益处,鼓励人们在冬天多做户外活动。【小题1】细节理解题。根据“Cold weather during winter months, with low temperatures and freezing cold winds, may keep many people from running in the open air.”可知,大多数人冬天不喜欢在户外跑步,是因为天气太冷,故选 A。【小题2】推理判断题。根据“he and other researchers put a group of people into a room where summer and winter weather conditions are recreated”可知他让一群人在房间里跑步,在那里可以重现夏天和冬天的天气情况,可推知他这样做的原因是可以更容易地重现不同的天气条件。故选C。【小题3】细节理解题。根据“Wear more than one layer of clothing to keep sweat away from your skin”可知要穿不止一层衣服。故选D。【小题4】主旨大意题。根据“So don’t let winter weather keep you indoors. Simply get ready for the low temperatures and start running.”可知,作者鼓励人们在冬天做户外运动,故选C。

4 、【答案】 【小题1】A【小题2】D【小题3】C【小题4】C


【解析】 【导语】本文主要介绍了几个洛杉矶度假套餐的相关信息。【小题1】细节理解题。根据“and you will have the park’s all kinds of rides and attractions”可知在迪士尼可以玩公园的各种游乐设施。故选A。【小题2】细节理解题。根据“so you are sure to have fantastic time in having a look at the houses of your favorite stars as well as in shopping”可知这个度假套餐会让你度过一段美好的时光,看最喜欢的明星的房子以及购物。故选D。【小题3】推理判断题。本文主要介绍了几个洛杉矶度假套餐的相关信息,故可能出现在旅游部分。故选C。【小题4】推理判断题。根据“come back to your freshly-made bed for all five nights of your stay”可知在洛杉矶景点套餐里在你入住的所有五个晚上都有刚铺好的床铺,说明这个旅游套餐的酒店服务非常好。故选C。

5 、【答案】 【小题1】D【小题2】B【小题3】C【小题4】B


【解析】 【导语】本文主要介绍了未来的虚拟办公室及其特征。【小题1】推理判断题。根据“Being able to work wherever you like: from a busy city to a village, and not having to stand the daily things, make working from home an attractive choice. If you wish, you can even work on a river boat.”可知,虚拟办公室让你可以在任何你想办公的地方工作。故选D。【小题2】细节理解题。根据“Being able to work wherever you like: from a busy city to a village, and not having to stand the daily things, make working from home an attractive choice. If you wish, you can even work on a river boat.”可知,虚拟办公室不需要固定的场所,故选B。【小题3】细节理解题。根据“mangers would have the ability to view several employees at once on their screen”可知,经理们将能够在他们的屏幕上同时查看几名员工,所以管理者可以在虚拟办公室里观察他们的员工,故选C。【小题4】最佳标题题。本文主要介绍了未来的虚拟办公室及其特征,故选B。

6 、【答案】 【小题1】D【小题2】B【小题3】A【小题4】C【小题5】E


【解析】 【导语】本文主要讲述了如何以一种简单的方式购买和烹饪鱼。【小题1】根据“When buying fish, you should first smell it.”以及下文内容可知,介绍了如何买鱼和煮鱼,选项D“下面是关于如何以一种简单的方式购买和烹饪鱼。”符合语境,故选D。【小题2】根据“Do not buy it.”可知,阐述社么样的鱼不能购买,选项B“如果一条鱼闻起来很臭,这意味着鱼不新鲜。”符合语境,故选B。【小题3】根据“Frozen fish isn’t as tasty as the fresh one.”可知,此处应该阐述冷冻鱼或者新鲜鱼的内容;选项A“然而,新鲜的鱼应该在你的冰箱里只保存一两天。”符合语境,故选A。【小题4】根据“Here are some steps to teach you how to steam fish in a rice cooker.”可知,此处与蒸鱼有关,选项C“清蒸鱼是一道简单、健康的菜肴,在任何餐桌上都能吃到。”符合语境,故选C。【小题5】根据“Be careful when opening the steam pot”可知,此处说明直接等着鱼烧好,然后打开蒸锅,选项E“然后就可以上菜了。”符合语境,故选E。

7 、【答案】 【小题1】C【小题2】D【小题3】B【小题4】C【小题5】A【小题6】C【小题7】D【小题8】A【小题9】B【小题10】C【小题11】D【小题12】C【小题13】B【小题14】A【小题15】B


【解析】 【导语】本文主要讲述了3位科学家花了30多年的时间发明出了纳米机器,这种机器只能在显微镜下看见。【小题1】句意:它可能很长,但不是很宽。and和;or或者;but但是;so所以。根据“it’s not very wide”可知,前后两句是转折关系,故选C。【小题2】句意:三位科学家花了30多年的时间发明了比你一根头发宽1000倍的机器。invented发明,过去式;invent发明,动词原形;to invent发明,动词不定式;inventing发明,动名词。spend sth doing sth,动名词作宾语,故选D。【小题3】句意:三位科学家花了30多年的时间发明了比你一根头发宽1000倍的机器。small小的,原级;smaller更小的, 比较级;smallest最小的,最高级;the smallest最小的,最高级。根据“than”可知,需要比较级,故选B。【小题4】句意:它们太小了,只有在显微镜下才能看到such如此;too太;so如此;very非常。根据“that they can only be seen...”可知,so/such...that...引导结果状语从句,结合small,so符合句意,故选C。【小题5】句意:它们太小了,只有在显微镜下才能看到a一个,用于辅音音素前;an一个,用于元音音素前;the定冠词;/零冠词。此处需不定冠词表示泛指,microscope是辅音音素开头,a符合句意,故选A。【小题6】句意:它们被称为纳米机器。call称呼,动词原形;called称呼,过去式;are called被称呼,一般现在时的被动语态;was called被称呼,一般过去时的被动语态。根据“They”与“call”可知,两者是被动关系,主语是they,be动词用are,故选C。【小题7】句意:其中一位科学家Sir J. Fraser Stoddart告诉记者,他感谢来自24个不同国家的数百名其他科学家,感谢他们帮助使这个奖项成为可能。hundred一百;hundred of错误格式;hundreds错误格式;hundreds of成百的。hundreds of“成百的”,故选D。【小题8】句意:其中一位科学家Sir J. Fraser Stoddart告诉记者,他感谢来自24个不同国家的数百名其他科学家,感谢他们帮助使这个奖项成为可能。possible可能的,形容词;possibly可能地,副词;possibility可能性,名词;most possibly最可能地,最高级。make sth adj.,形容词作宾语补足语,故选A。【小题9】句意:他说,有一次在斯德哥尔摩旅行时,他给女儿带回了一块巧克力诺贝尔奖。by通过;for为了;in在……里;at在。根据“his daughter”可知,为了女儿,故选B。【小题10】句意:他很高兴能有一个真的诺贝尔奖。have有,动词原形;having有,动名词;to have有,动词不定式;to having有,作介词to的宾语。be excited to do“兴奋做某事”,故选C。【小题11】句意:科学家们相信,在未来,纳米机器可以帮助在人体内运送药物,或带走让我们生病的东西。helped帮助,过去式;to help帮助,动词不定式;helping帮助,动名词;help帮助,动词原形。根据“could”可知,情态动词后接动词原形,故选D。【小题12】句意:科学家们相信,在未来,纳米机器可以帮助在人体内运送药物,或带走让我们生病的东西。who谁;when什么时候;that那个;/不填。分析句子结构可知,是定语从句,先行词是物,用that作从句的主语,故选C。【小题13】句意:当莱特兄弟第一次驾驶他们的飞机时,一些人质疑飞机有什么好处。fly飞,动词原形;flew飞,过去式;are flying飞,现在进行时;will fly将要飞,一般将来时。根据“some people questioned”可知,从句用过去时态,故选B。【小题14】句意:当莱特兄弟第一次驾驶他们的飞机时,一些人质疑飞机有什么好处。what什么;that那个;how如何;if是否。根据“airplanes were good for”可知,缺少for的宾语,用what引导宾语从句,故选A。【小题15】句意:现在我们一直在使用它们。they它们,主格;them它们,宾格;their它们的,形容词性物主代词;themselves它们自己,反身代词。根据“use”可知,动词后用人称宾语,故选B。

8 、【答案】 【小题1】(l)esson【小题2】(s)hape【小题3】(t)ired【小题4】(d)istance【小题5】(e)ncourage


【解析】 【导语】本文通过雁成V字形飞行的方式来讲述团队合作的重要性。【小题1】句意:例如,雁给我们一个关于团队合作的很好的教训。动词“teach”后缺宾语,根据“a”可知是单数名词。根据“teach us a very good”及首字母提示可知句子用“teach sb. a lesson”表达“给某人一个教训”。故填(l)esson。【小题2】句意:然而,很快它们形成一个V字形,有一只雁在前面领队。动词“form”后缺宾语,根据“a”可知是单数名词。根据“form a V”及首字母提示可知句子用表达“V字形”,用名词“shape”。故填(s)hape。【小题3】句意:当它累了,它移动到后面去,另一只雁移动到前面领队。根据“it moves behind, and another bird moves into the lead”可知讲述当领队的雁疲惫的时候,根据首字母提示可知用形容词“tired”作表语。故填(t)ired。【小题4】句意:通过共享这个角色,团队能飞很远的距离。根据前文“This allows geese to save energy”及“By sharing the role, the group can travel long”可知表达飞很远,根据首字母提示可知用名词“distance”表达“距离”。故填(d)istance。【小题5】句意:它们鸣叫来鼓励前面的雁能跟上速度不掉队。此处讲述鸣叫的目的,用动词不定式作目的状语,根据“ the birds up front to keep up the speed”及首字母提示,可知表达“鼓励”用动词“encourage”。故填(e)ncourage。

9 、【答案】 such;a;it;takes;

【解析】 【详解】根据中文提示可知,是so/such...that...句型以及it takes sth to do sth句型;再者根据“big ocean”可知,中心词是名词单数,因此是such...that...引导的结果状语从句,big是辅音音素开头的,因此前两空such a符合句意;中文陈述的是一般事实,需要用一般现在时;因此后两空it takes符合句意;故填such;a;it;takes。

10 、【答案】 that;opened;up;

【解析】 【详解】开辟:open up;分析句子结构可知,是定语从句,先行词有“the first”修饰,用关系代词that作从句主语;从句陈述的是过去内容,用过去时态;故填that;opened;up。

11 、【答案】 is;used;to;running;

【解析】 【详解】run“跑步”;be used to doing sth“习惯做某事”,陈述事实句子用一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数形式,be动词用is,故填is;used;to;running。

12 、【答案】 What;an;exciting;moment;

【解析】 【详解】根据中文提示可知,激动人心的时刻:exciting moment,中心词是名词;再者根据“what a/an+形容词+名词单数”可知,用what引导感叹句,位于句首,首字母大写;exciting是元音音素开头,冠词用an;故填What;an;exciting;moment。

13 、【答案】 are;not;allowed;to;unless;

【解析】 根据中文提示可知,除非:unless,引导条件从句,遵循主将从现原则;允许某人做某事:allow sb to do sth;再者根据“we”和“allow”可知,是被动关系,用be allowed to do的格式,且主句是否定句,在be动词后加not;故填are;not;allowed;to;unless。

14 、【答案】 例文

Last week, we discussed whether the high school entrance examination should include music and art.

Students have different opinions. Some students think that it offers us more chance to study music and art. Therefore, we will pay more attention to them. Meanwhile it can improve our art skills. However, a few students disagree with it. If music and art are in the examination, there will be more subjects to prepare for and it needs more time and energy. So students will feel more pressure.

In my opinion, music and art should be in the entrance examination for high school. As we all know, art and music play an important role in our life which can help us develop our interests and make our life more colorful. The most important thing is that we can relax ourselves by art and music in Grade 9.


【解析】 【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。围绕“音乐、美术是否应该纳入初中毕业生学业考试”展开讨论。2.写作指导:本文采用一般过去时和一般现在时,人称以第一人称和第三人称为主。分为三段式:第一段开头已给出;第二段根据提示材料介绍同学们的观点;第三段介绍个人的看法。写作时保持主谓一致性,做到无语法和标点错误。
