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2023-05-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
第一次双周练英语答案听力 1—5 BAACB 6—10 BCABC 11—15 CCCBA 16—20 ACABA阅读理解 21-23 AC
D 24-27 CBDC 28-31 CBCB 32-35 CBCA 36-40 GAFEC完形填空 41—55. DBA
CA DCCDA BDBAC语法填空 56. which 57. that 58. difficulty 59. dealing
60. on 61. severely 62. policies 63. lowest 64. have caused 65. a
应用文Dear guests, teachers and fellow students,I''m Li Hua, chairman
of the Students'' Union. First, please allow me, on behalf of our
school, to extend the warmest welcome to our distinguished guest
s from London. And we are honoured to have the chance to play a f
riendly match with you.Established in the 1950s, our football tea
m enjoys a good reputation as one of the top teams throughout the
province, winning one championship after another. Now it has 50
members and 4 coaches. Today''s friendly match is a golden opportu
nity for young players from Britain and China to develop football
ing skills and enhance our friendship.Finally, I heartily wish th
e match a remarkable success.Thank you!读后续写My face pressed agains
t the window and found it was hard to breathe. The car pulled in
front of the house, out of it emerged my precious daughter, makin
g her way up the steps. Tears stinging my eyes, I threw open the
door, pulled her inside and hugged her tightly. The dream was jus
t too real and I could hardly believe I was now having my daughte
r in my hug. I wondered if it was because my pray was answered. T
hen through my blurred vision I saw a lady stepping out of the ca
r. Mom, she gave me a ride home," Becki said. "My car broke down
on the highway and if she hadn''t given me a ride, I would never
have made it home in my high heels at midnight." she continued, e
xposing her blistered ankles. My heart thudded at the thought of
what panic she experienced when she staggered alone along the dar
k highway at night. She must be an angel for Becki! I approached
the lady and invited her inside. Now, I was definitely grateful t
o her for extending a helping hand.【B分析】这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己找工作所遇到的挫折,
解】细节理解题。根据第二段的In one studio, a kind lady told me that in most cas
es big stations couldn''t risk hiring inexperienced person. 可知,他被拒
绝的原因可能是没有工作经验,故选C。【5题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段的"Everything happens for the b
est," Mom reminded me. Dad offered me the car to hunt for jobs. 可
知,作者的父母都非常支持作者找工作,故选B。【6题详解】推理判断题。根据第五段开头As I left his office, my
frustration boiled over(沸溢,发怒).可知,作者开始时被拒绝,心情很沮丧。然后根据本段最后and Pet
er told me I would be broadcasting Saturday’s game! 可知 Peter MacA
rthur最后给了作者这份工作机会。由此可以推出,作者的心情由怒转喜,作者对Peter MacArthur是感激的,故选D。【7题
详解】推理判断题。根据作者的经历及文章最后一段的Something wouldn''t have happened if not f
or that previous disappointment可知 ,作者的经历让我们懂得:没有苦难,就没有成功,故选C。A. W
ell begun is half done 良好的开端是成功的一半; B. Prevention is better tha
n cure与其补救于已然,不如防止于未然;C. No cross, no crown 没有苦难,就没有成功;D.Rome was
not built in a day 罗马不是一天建成的。【C导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了匹克球运动是如何发明的以及这项
运动在美国快速发展的原因和未来的发展趋势。【8题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段的句子“In 1965 three fathers i
n Washington State faced a problem familiar to many parents in 20
22: how to keep their restless children entertained. They threw t
ogether wooden paddles (乒乓球拍), a badminton net, and a perforated
(有孔的) plastic ball. The sport “pickleball” was born(1965年,华盛顿州的三位
父亲面临着许多父母在2022年都很熟悉的问题:如何让不安分的孩子开心。 他们把乒乓球拍,羽毛球网和有孔的塑料球组合到一起。 ‘匹克
猜测题。由第二段的句子“In the five years to the end of 2019, pickleball part
icipation grew by more than 7%(在截至2019年底的五年里,匹克球的参与人数增长了7%以上)”和“L
ast March, when gyms closed, portable pickleball nets temporarily
sold out.(去年3月,当健身房关闭时,便携式的匹克球网暂时卖完了。)”可知,匹克球运动的参与人数增长很快,有时球网会卖光
。所以运动品店的员工Derek Heil应该是看到了匹克球运动设备在销量上的增长。故选B项。【10题详解】推理判断题。由第二段的句
子“In the five years to the end of 2019, pickleball participation
grew by more than 7%, while Americans’ overall activity level sta
yed flat.(在截至2019年底的五年里,匹克球的参与人数增长了7%以上,而美国人的总体活动水平保持不变。)”可知,在201
的人数相对一定会下降。故选C项。【11题详解】主旨大意题。文章第一段主要介绍了匹克球运动是如何产生的。第二段用数字“grew by
more than 7%(增长多于7%)”和一个例子“portable pickleball nets temporarily
sold out.(便携式的匹克球网暂时卖光)”说明这项运动在美国发展很快。第三段分析了匹克球快速发展的原因“ Like man
y outdoor activities, pickleball is social, but it is easier to l
earn than tennis and faster and less expensive than golf. (像许多户外活
动一样,匹克球是一种社交活动,但它比网球更容易学,比学高尔夫更快,更便宜)”。最后一段是对匹克球运动发展的预测“As more p
eople take up the sport, demand for televised matches and sponsor
ships will increase. Mr. Upson expects that one day pickleball wi
ll become an Olympic sport, although that may be a long shot.(随着越
来越多的人参加这项运动,对电视转播比赛和赞助的需求将会增加。 厄普森预计,有一天匹克球会成为奥运会的一项比赛项目,尽管这可能是一个
第一段第四句“Yet intelligence researchers are at pains to ensure that I
Q tests are fair and not culturally biased.”(然而,智力研究人员正在努力确保智商测试是
公平的而且没有文化偏见。)中的yet可知,此处是指尽管Russell Warne认为智商测试对某些群体是有偏见的这种说法是不准确的
,但是智力研究人员还是正在努力确保智商测试是公平的而且没有文化偏见。所以biased against意为“对……有偏见”,也就是“
不利于”。故选C。【13题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“Despite the criticism, the intelli
gence test is one of the most reliable tests ever invented”(尽管受到了
批评,智力测验还是有史以来最可靠的测验之一)可知,Rex Jung认为智力测验是值得信赖的。故选B。【14题详解】推理判断题。根据
最后一段最后两句“However, it is rare for examiners to test IQ independent
ly: candidates might be given a personality test too and a practi
cal exercise to assess job-related skills. They usually also have
to name several professionals to judge.”(然而,考官独立测试智商的情况并不多见:考生可能
ll Warne认为对智商测试的一些负面评价是不准确的,第二段提出虽然智商测试经常引起分歧,但它依然是可靠的,第三段提出智商测试是
是在讨论智商测试是否真的有用。故选A。七选五【主题语境】人与自我36 G【解析】空处的上文讲“尽管某地是最出名且去的最多的景点之一
”,下文讲“以下事实都是关于大峡谷的不为人知的事情”,与G项中的still hold some surprises呼应。故选G。3
7 A【解析】空处的上文讲“人们一直认为科罗拉多河在大约600万年前就开始雕刻大峡谷”,而空后讲“这个过程可能早在7000万年前就
开始了”,所以空处需要一个转折。故选A。38 F【解析】空处为副标题,既要涵盖整段主要内容——大峡谷因为地理环境的特殊有自己特有的
天气情况,又要与下文 “Of all Grand Canyon facts, this one is pretty cool— n
o word-play intended. ”中的this one呼应,故选F,而D为干扰项。39 E【解析】空处上文讲“在大峡谷
发现了除恐龙化石以外的很多别的种类的化石”,下文举例讲述这些化石的种类之广,E项中的this可呼应上文,其中谈到的other cr
eatures frequented the location也可衔接下文。故选E。40 C【解析】空处前文讲“在现代防洪措施之前
八种鱼类原产于大峡谷。” C项与上文衔接紧密,继续补充说明独特生存环境产生的影响——八种原产于大峡谷的鱼中有六种在科罗拉多河以外的
区域是找不到的,与前文的a uniquely difficult habitat for fish呼应。故选C。B项为干扰项,别的
地方鱼的种类多不是前文所讲的独特生存环境的结果。答案解析41. 根据前文what we lacked in skill we ma
de up for in enthusiasm(我们热情地弥补我们在技巧上说欠缺的东西)可知,我们情绪很高(in high fea
ther),所以答案选D。42. 根据前文near the top of an off-path section that wen
t through forests可知,我是让我的弟弟先消失在树丛中(trees),然后我再赶上,所以答案选B。43. 根据前文的
catch up与后文的was suddenly thrown off balance(突然失去平衡)可知,作者是开始加速(pic
k up speed),所以答案选A。44. 根据常识,人在失去平衡的时候,会本能地想办法重新获得对自己身体的控制(regaini
ng control), 所以答案选C。45. 根据前文的like hitting a solid wall和后文的immed
iately可知受部位的疼痛是马上就来,不可可能是逐渐缓慢的,迟钝的,或者轻微的;所以答案选A。46. 根据下文的内容可知,作者意
识到很严重的是自己的处境(situation),下文没有提及自己的身体状况(condition),所以答案选D。47. 根据后文被
冻死的风险也很高可知,如果等待,有可能最终或救,所以答案选C。48. 待在原地(stay put), 被冻死的风险太高了,所以答案
选C。49. 跌倒在地,因为剧痛而眼前发黑,所以答案选D.50. 把滑雪板从脚下取出,然后把它移动(move)到我的腹部下面,以便
我可以躺在它上面。所以答案选A。51. 利用腹部下的滑雪版,慢慢的拉动,让自己的身体沿山体下滑(slide),所以答案选B。52.
知道了我是安全的的,对我来说,是巨大的宽慰(relief),所以答案选D。53. 手术后,因为是背部骨折,医生在我的身体里装上了
夹板(plates)所以答案选B。54. 持续痛是巨大的,但是比不了看见我的家人在此经受的(put though)心灵的痛苦和担心
,所以答案选A。55. 然而,我一定会坚持(stick to)走我滑雪的这条事业之路的,所以答案选C。听力材料Text 1M: H
i, Helen! Is this your new bike?W: Yes, I bought it only yesterda
y.M: It’s cool! May I have a try?W: Of course. Don’t forget to ri
de on the left.Text 2W: You look tired and sleepy. Do you have tr
ouble falling asleep?M: No, I had to finish the paper for history
class from 9:00 last night to 2:00 in the morning, because I did
n’t remember it until I finished watching TV.Text 3W: I’m disappo
inted that Everest did not accept our offer.M: The director over
there thought it wasn’t low enough.W: According to our research,
it was generous by market standards.Text 4W: I’m going to try out
some new recipes tonight.M: Well, remember that the Johnsons are
coming over for dinner. You know how much I like your cooking, d
ear, but maybe you shouldn’t pick tonight of all nights to experi
ment.Text 5W: The bus isn’t supposed to arrive at this stop for a
nother 30 minutes. I guess we’ll just have to wait until it comes
.M: Normally I’d agree with you, but I’m only going to the next s
top, and I feel like having a walk.Text 6W: Hello, Louis Catering
. What can I do for you?M: Yes, I’m with the Colbert Corporation.
We’re having a company party on February 15th next week, and I n
eed to arrange for all the food and drinks.W: OK. How many people
do you expect to take part in the party? And will it be an indoo
r one or outdoor one?M: About 108 employees will be there. In add
ition, 12 managing staff will also be present. And we’ll hold it
indoors in one of our large conference rooms.W: OK. I see.Text 7W
: What are you going to do in Canada?M: My lab is working togethe
r with a research station in Canada so I will work there for a lo
ng time.W: How long will it take?M: Three months, probably. It’ll
depend on how everything is going.W: It’s cold there. You may ne
ed some heavy clothes. Oh, this suitcase is probably too small. M
: Don’t worry! I do most of the work in the lab. But I do need a
large suitcase. I’ll take a lot of research materials with me.W:
So why don’t we go to the shop to get a larger suitcase?M: OK. Le
t’s go.Text 8W: Hi, Dad. Is your classmate still working in the p
ower company?M: Yes. He is now the manager. Why do you ask?W: Oh.
There is a summer vacation practice project of us students. Can
you help me out? Besides, several of our classmates plan to have
a picnic this morning.M: OK. You can come to the power company fo
r the practice after that. I can drive you there or you can take
a taxi.W: There is no need to do so. I can walk there.M: Shall I
telephone my classmate to tell him that you will visit him?W: I’m
not really a visitor. I plan to communicate with the workers and
learn about their company culture.M: That will be a really good
practice experience and you can learn much from it.W: I can’t agr
ee with you more.M: Now, you have to prepare for the coming picni
c. Enjoy your time.W: Thank you, Dad!Text 9M: Welcome. Jenny and
I have got lots to tell you.W: That’s right. This week Westfield
Radio runs its annual competition. Last year it was to find the b
est dancer, and next year it will be the turn of local actors to
enter. But this year we’re looking for the best singer in our cit
y. M: And what are the rules?W: Not many. You need to phone your
entry. We don’t accept entries through the Internet or by fax. M:
Right. Well, it’s school holidays this week, so what’s on offer?
W: The sports hall will open an hour earlier than usual at 8:00 a
m and shut later at 10:30 pm instead of nine. The indoor football
ground is always popular and has to be booked in advance. M: But
what about the swimming pool?W: Not quite such good news, I’m af
raid. It will be open about a week later than planned, but good n
ews now — there will be no charge for swimmers for the first week
. It’s the same size as the old one, but it is much better equipp
ed. M: That’s great.Text 10M: I started my own company, CyberEdit
, when I was a freshman. Most students have to write essays, and
I aimed to provide computer editing services for them. During one
summer vacation, I worked for an Internet company and in the eve
ning, I spent another four hours working on my website. It’s not
easy to develop a business. If you hope to be financially indepen
dent, you must do something while you are young and you can work
long hours. For a long time, I was editing nearly ten documents a
night. I spent fifty hours a week doing this. It was hard. Then
I hired my first four employees, and I never edited a single docu
ment again. The next year, I turned down my summer job at a big i
nvestment bank and spent the vacation expanding CyberEdit. In December, Wired magazine contacted me and asked me to write an article about my life. After the article appeared in March, interested investors began to contact me. In June, one of them decided to invest a large sum of money in the company. So the Wired article brought me over a million dollars in funding! More than anything else, good publicity helps a new business attract investors and customers. Investors came to me, not because I was making money and employing fifty college students, but because they read about it in Wired magazine, and saw it on ABC World News Tonight. My advice to young people who consider starting a company is: Do it now! Don’t delay starting it until you’ve finished school or had some “real-world experience”.学科网(北京)股份有限公司 zxxk.com学科网(北京)股份有限公司