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2023-05-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
梅河口市第五中学 2022~2023 学年度上学期月考考试高 三 英 语 试 题说明:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第
Ⅰ卷 1 至 9 页,第Ⅱ卷 9 至 11 页,共11 页。满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。第 Ⅰ 卷(选择题,共 95
分)注意事项:答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上并将条形码粘贴在粘贴处。回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B
铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试
卷上无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,
满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都
有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。What is the man suffering from?
A stomachache.B. A fever.C. A headache.Where does the conversatio
n probably take place?In a hospital.B. In a restaurant.C. In a sc
hool.What is the man doing?Asking for help for himself.Asking abo
ut a little girl.Reporting a car accident.What are the speakers m
ainly talking about?The weather.B. The jacket.C. Their health.Wha
t color is the boy’s bike?White.B. Red.C. Blue.第二节(共 15 小题:每小题 1.
5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项
。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听
第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。Who is Alice probably?The girl''s workmate.B. Th
e girl''s sister.C. The girl''s friend.What does the boy think the
girl should do?Tell Alice about her thoughts.Say sorry to Alice.S
pend more time with Alice.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。What does the wom
an think of the story?Meaningful.B. Touching.C. Interesting.Why d
oes the man want to borrow the book from the woman?It will help h
im prepare for a drama.He has been looking for it.Doris Lessing i
s his favorite writer.Where will the speakers go next?To the read
ing room.B. To the library.C. To the classroom.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至
13 题。What does the woman need?Potatoes and peppers.B. Carrots and
peppers.C. Carrots and potatoes.How long does it take to cook th
e dish?40 minutes.B. 15 minutes.C. 25 minutes.What will the man d
o while the dish is cooking?Make a dessert.B. Watch TV.C. Do the
washing-up.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。What day is it today?Friday.B.
Tuesday.C. Thursday.What will the woman probably buy?An overcoat.
B. A pair of gloves.C. A watch.What is the probable relationship
between the speakers?Father and daughter.B. Classmates.C. Sister
and brother.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。When did Yang become interest
ed in collecting meteorites?A. In 2017.B. In 2012.C. In 2013.How
did Yang get meteorites?From her workmates.B. From her own trips.
C. From her friends.How many meteorites does Yang have?Over 600.B
. Over 300.C. Over 400.What is Yang now?She is a story writer.B.
She is a tour guide.C. She is a store owner.第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第
一节 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分。满分 37.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个
选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AIt is that time of the year, when a handful o
f world’s leading scholars, social activists and researchers are
rewarded with what is often cited as the most prestigious acknowl
edgement of human effort—the Nobel Prize. Here’ s a look at who h
as won the prize and for what.Physiology or MedicineSwedish genet
icist Svante Peabo won the first Nobel of the year, for starting
the field of ancient DNA studies. He is well-known for extracting
, sequencing, and analyzing ancient DNA from Neanderthal bones.Ph
ysicsAlain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger’s work in
quantum (量子) technology landed them the second Nobel Prize announ
ced in 2022. Although Aspect is from France, Clauser from the U.S
, and Zeilinger from Austria, the three separately performed “gro
undbreaking experiments” as one team. “Their results have cleared
the way for new technology,” the committee stated.ChemistryThe N
obel Prize for chemistry went to another trio, Carolyn R. Bertozz
i from the U.S., Morten Meldal from Denmark and K. Barry Sharples
s from the U.S. “for the development of click chemistry and biort
hogonal chemistry,” the committee stated. Dr. Bertozzi is the eig
hth woman chemist to be awarded the prize, while Dr. Sharpless is
the fifth scientist to be awarded two Nobel Prizes.EconomicsThe
Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to three American economis
ts, Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig “for
research on banks and financial crises,” the Nobel Prize committ
ee announced on Monday. By studying the history of American econo
mics, particularly the Great Depression of the 1930s,they improve
d how we understand the role of banks during times of hardship an
d the bank’s impact on societal functions. 21.What prize is relat
ed to the research with bones?A. Physiology.B. Chemistry.C. Physi
cs.D. Economics.22.For what study did Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W.
Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig win the prize?A. About societal fun
ctions.B. About the history of America.C. About banks and financi
al crises.D. About the Great Depression of the 1930s. 23.What do
the prizes for physics, chemistry and economics have in common?A.
Their winners are from different countries.B. They have three wi
nners.C. They improve new technology.D. They help people understa
nd hardship.BI am not sure how many years ago it was, but I still
had a cassette player(盒式磁带放音机) at the time. I was tired of telev
ision and was in the mood for music. I pulled out one of my favor
ite cassette. It started to play but before long the music stoppe
d. I opened the player and saw the tape in the cassette was all p
ulled out and twisted. I tried to fix it, but it was already brok
en beyond repair. I frowned. I didn’t want to risk another of my
cassettes with a tape-eating machine, but I really wanted some mu
sic.Then I noticed my ancient record player in the corner. I walk
ed over and dusted it off. I pulled out on old record of my mom’s
that my dad had given me after her death. I turned on the record
player and gently put the record on the turntable(唱机的转盘). “Pop!”
The record cracked as I put the needle down. Then a beautiful me
lody from my childhood started to play. I smiled and started to d
o my housework. The sweet songs I grew up with touched my soul. I
felt the music coming out of me. I started to sing letting my we
ak voice join in joyously with the music. I even dared to dance a
little while I did the dishes. “This is how life is supposed to
be!”These days all my music is on CDs. My daughter says I am behi
nd the times. She says I should buy a cellphone and download all
the music I want. But instead, I think I will dust off those old
records again, put them on that record player and start to sing a
long.We all have music within us just waiting to get out. Don’t l
et your music die within you then.Share your song with the world.
And don’t forget to dance a little too.Why did the author give u
p listening to cassettes?A.He preferred records to cassettes.B. H
is cassettes were out of order. C.His cassette player was twisted
.D. His cassette player didn’t work.How did the author feel when
listening to his late mom’s record?Upset.B. Content.C. Grateful.D
. Relieved.What did the author’s daughter think of his action?A.I
t is inconvenient.B. It is out of fashion.C. It makes singing alo
ng hard.D. It brings good memories.What does the author want to c
onvey?A.Records can better express music.B. Music helps us keep u
p with the times. C.Music helps strengthen family bonds.D. Life w
ith music is beautiful.CChinese astronauts sent back a science le
sson from the country’s under-construction space station. The les
son focused on physics, aiming to illustrate how the weightless e
nvironment affects buoyancy (浮力), the movement of objects and opt
ics (光学).Students from five cities asked the astronauts about liv
ing conditions in space and were treated to a virtual tour of the
station. Wang Yaping, the only woman aboard the station, served
as the main instructor, while Ye Guangfu assisted and commander-i
n-chief Zhai Zhigang worked the camera.The three arrived at the s
tation in October, 2021 for about a six-month stay, mainly aimed
to prepare the main Tianhe module (舱) for the arrival of two addi
tional modules named Mengtian and Wentian ahead of completion by
the end of 2022. The crew is assessing living conditions in the T
ianhe module and conducting experiments in space medicine and oth
er areas.Wang became the first Chinese woman to conduct a spacewa
lk when she and Zhai spent six hours outside the module fixing eq
uipment and carrying out tests alongside the station’s robotic se
rvice arm.The mission of Shenzhou-13 is China’s longest one since
it first put a human in space in 2003, becoming only the third c
ounty to do so after Russia and the US. China has also pushed ahe
ad with unmanned missions, and its lunar exploration program gene
rated media buzz when its Yutu 2 rover sent back pictures of what
was described by some as a “mystery hut”, but was most likely on
ly a rock of some sort. The rover is the first to be placed on th
e little-explored far side of the moon, while China’ s Chang’ e 5
probe returned lunar rocks to Earth for the first time since the
1970s. A Chinese rover, meanwhile, is searching for evidence of
life on Mars.What is the main task of the three crew in China’s s
pace station?To give lessons about physical principles. B. To pre
pare for the station’ s expansion.C. To test the station’s roboti
c service arm.D. To do a spacewalk outside the module.Which of th
e following can best replace the underlined word “assessing” in P
aragraph 3?judgingB. updatingC. adjustingD. repairingWhat can be
implied in the last paragraph?China has found some strange huts o
n the moon.China has found evidence of life on Mars.China is prep
aring to find a living place on Mars.China has made great achieve
ments in space exploration.What might be the best title for the t
ext?Chinese astronauts test new technology to explore spaceChines
e female astronauts prepares for walking outside in spaceChinese
astronauts give a science lesson from the space stationChinese as
tronauts expand the module into a big stationDChinese scientists
say they have developed a robotic fish that can remove microplast
ic particles from water environments. Researchers working on the
project say the robots could help to clean up plastic pollution i
n oceans around the world.The robotic swimmers are about 1.3 cent
imeters long. They are made of a soft chemical Compound. The robo
ts are designed to absorb microplastics while moving through the
water. The project was launched by a team at Sichuan University i
n southwestern China. The researchers said the robots have alread
y performed well in shallow water and they plan to carry out more
tests in deeper waters. The scientists reported their findings i
n a new study in Nano Letters. The publication comes from the Ame
rican Chemical Society, a nonprofit organization supported by the
U.S. Congress. The robotic fish were built to target microplasti
c particles, which are smaller than five millimeters. Studies hav
e confirmed that microplastic pollution has been discovered in ma
ny natural environments. The material comes from the breakdown of
manufactured plastic products and industrial waste.The team said
the robots can be controlled by light. Turning “a near-infrared
light laser” on and off causes the fish’s tail to move back and f
orth, the American Chemical Society said. The robotic fish can sw
im up to 2.76 body lengths per second. The researchers said this
is faster than most similar soft robots. Wang Yuyan was a member
of Sichuan University’s research team. She told Reuters news agen
cy that the small, lightweight robot is currently being used to c
ollect microplastics for research purposes. But Wang added that t
he team plans to expand that use so the robot fish can remove lar
ger amounts of microplastic waste from deep ocean areas. The fish
can take in different kinds of microplastics and even repair its
elf when damaged, the researchers said. And if a robot fish is ac
cidentally eaten by a real fish, it could safely digest the mater
ial, the team added. Wang said similar robots could be developed
to be placed inside the human body to remove unwanted materials o
r disease.Why has a robotic fish been created?To remove disease i
n people.B. To clean up pollution in oceans.C. To remove unwanted
materials in body.D. To remove microplastic particles in water.W
hat will happen to the robotic fish when eaten by a real fish?It
will be harmless.B. It will repair itself.C. It will take in micr
oplastics.D. It will collect microplastics.What is Paragraph 2 ma
inly about?The purpose of the robotic fish.B. The function of the
robotic fish.C. A further introduction of the robotic fish.D. Po
tential application of the robotic fish.What is Wang Yuyan’s atti
tude to the future use of the robotic fish?Pessimistic.B. Positiv
e.C. Unclear.D. Suspicious.第二节(共 5 小题; 全科免费下载公众号《高中僧课堂》每小题 2.5 分,
满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Art education
is important. It serves a critical role in boosting intelligence
and academic performance and gives students an important creativ
e outlet (表达途径).Cognitive (认知) Skills 36 . For example, students
who participated in the Developing Reading Education with Arts Me
thods program increased their reading scores on standardized test
s by an average of 87 points. Art also teaches spatial reasoning
skills, which play a critical role in math and IQ tests.Analytica
l SkillsArts classes teach students to deal with a problem using
a variety of approaches.37.These skills are important in a wide v
ariety of subjects, from science to writing. Americans for the Ar
ts advocating for art exposure and education sums up art
can boost critical thinking skills. 38 。 39Teachers surveye
d about the impact of arts in the classroom emphasized that art c
lasses helped kids develop strong social skills and a healthy out
let for emotions. Art can be particularly helpful for children wh
o struggle with difficult emotions or had a hard time talking abo
ut their feelings.Different Learning StylesChildren each have the
ir own learning styles. Art education gives children another appr
oach to learning. 40 Thus, children can behave better and gain hi
gher academic achievement.Thinking ModeEmotional OutletThis teach
es analytical and critical thinking skillsArt classes can raise s
tudents’ scores on standardized testsDifferent learning approache
s are applied into different tasksThese skills can help children
develop novel approaches to problemsIt may activate the imaginati
on and interests of children struggling in other classes第二部分语言运用(
共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选
项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Marley Christian found a young koala, next to hi
s dying mother. However, becoming motherless wasn’t his only 41.
The rescuer from Friends of the Koala also 42 he was missing a
foot.Marley did her best for Triumph, the koala. She used socks
to 43 his stump ( 残 肢 ), which helped ease the discomfort Triumph
felt whenever he tried to put 44 on it, but Marley thoughts he
couldn’t 45 there. She began searching the Internet for pet pros
theses ( 假 体 ). But for a koala, there was nothing 46 . “I was to
ld it couldn’t be done,” Marley said.Marley did find a company sp
ecializing in animal prostheses that would like to 47 the case,
but they were unsuccessful after several 48. Eventually Marley
found the 49 right in her neighborhood. She mentioned Triumph’s
trouble to her dental prosthetist Jon Doulman, and he 50 to find
a way to make a prosthesis for Triumph.“ 51, it’s different from
tooth problems,” Jon said. “But it’s worth a try.” After making
one 52 of Triumph’s stump, he created a pink rubber boo
t, which could help makeTriumph’s 53 of movement return. “It
’s a seemingly 54 thing. But the design of the dentist does ch
ange Triumph’s life. Once the boot was 55 , he did a little jump
, and then ran around. I actually cried,” said Marley.41. A. acc
identB. misfortuneC. resultD. difference42. A. suspectedB. wonder
edC. concludedD. noticed43. A. coverB. cureC. warmD. solidify44.
A. emphasisB. hopeC. burdenD. weight45. A. continueB. leaveC. cea
seD. stick46. A. helpfulB. availableC. convenientD. satisfactory4
7. A. take onB. figure outC. seek forD. look into48. A. examinati
onsB. attemptsC. discussionsD. treatments49. A. inspirationB. sup
portC. responseD. solution50. A. happenedB. agreedC. volunteeredD
. recommended51. A. NaturallyB. SurprisinglyC. ThankfullyD. Stran
gely52. A. exampleB. modelC. issueD. mark53. A. preferenceB. memo
ryC. freedomD. intention54. A. ordinaryB. touchingC. imperfectD.
unlikely55. A. adjustedB. completedC. attachedD. confirmed第 Ⅱ 卷(非
选择题,共 55 分)第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当
的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China has formally made an announcement of its fir
st five national parks of 230, 000 from Tibet to Hainan, focusing
on 56 (preserve) of its most valuable bio-resources.Giant Panda
National Park will surely be 57 hit with the swells of tourists
who come yearly for some of the world’s cutest animals. 58 (cove
r) three provinces (Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu), the region is th
e panda’s natural habitat.The intersection (交汇处) of Jilin and Hei
longiang provinces is home to Northeast China Tiger and Leopard N
ational Park, which59(set) out to protect the habitats of those t
wo species since its start. It is the unique area60live both wild
Siberian tigers and Siberian leopards. China’s best-preserved ra
inforest is in Hainan, the only place in the world61(find)the Hai
nan black-crested gibbon( 黑冠长臂猿). Hainan Tropical Rainforest Nati
onal Park protects the gibbons and62(they) environment.Unlike tho
se three, Wuyishan National Park in Fujian Province and Sanjiangy
uan National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau focus63(much) on
preserving multiple animals than64(specific) protecting one spec
ies. They serve various rare and endangered species and conserve
biodiversity.Now, with some tourist programs65place, these park
s will be a good way for tourists to truly experience the natural
originality as well as expansive Chinese landscape.第三部分 写作(共两节,满
分 40 分) 第一节(满分 15 分)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter 坚持学习汉语 10 年,最近顺利通过汉语水平考试(
HSK)四级。请写信向他表示祝贺。内容要点包括:表示祝贺;肯定 Peter 平时为之做出的努力;鼓励和期望。注意:词数 80 左右
;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Peter,Yours sincerely,Li Hua第二节(满分 25 分)阅读下面
材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 “I wish my mother had a ring li
ke those the ladies wear at the hotel.” said Hiram Green to himse
lf one day. Hiram was the son of a fisherman, but the fisherman h
ad died when Hiram was a little boy. Hiram’s mother took on sewin
g work to earn money to support herself and her son. He helped he
r when he could out of school hours, and during vacation time. He
had two uncles who had taught him how to catch shrimps. With the
money he earned by selling them he could buy things for his own
use or pleasure. He had a “bank” almost full of what he called hi
s “shrimp money.”The sight of the flashing diamonds on the hands
of some of the summer visitors at the fishing village in which he
lived had added a new article to the list of beautiful things hi
s mother would own someday. He had heard that just one single dia
mond was sometimes worth five hundred dollars or more. This had d
iscouraged him very much.But one day, he happened to pass a shop
in the neighboring town and saw a number of diamond rings display
ed in the window. He stopped fascinated, and pressed his face aga
inst the glass eagerly to see if any prices were marked upon them
. Imagine his surprise when he saw upon the largest one a tag mar
ked $4.75. He looked again to see if he had made a mistake. Perha
ps it was $475. But no, he knew enough about figures to see that
he was right the first time.He went home as fast as he could, and
ran up into his bedroom. Then, he opened his “bank” and counted
its contents. “Three dollars and twenty-two cents!” he cried. “I’
ll have that ring before another week.” Hiram worked early and la
te for the next few days. He caught more shrimps than he had ever
caught in the same length of time, and sold them readily.注意:续写词数
应为 150 左右;请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。At the end of the week he had the sum
he desired.Years after, Hiram learned what he had bought was in
fact only glass, and he decided to tell his mother.高三英语月考试题答案听 力
:1-5 ACCAB 6-10 CABAB 11-15 BACBC 16-20 CBBAC阅读:21-23 ACB【导语】这是一篇
应用文。文章主要介绍了四项诺贝尔奖的获得情况。细节理解题。根据第二段中“He is well-known for extracti
ng, sequencing, and analyzing ancient DNA from Neanderthal bones.
(他以从尼安德特人的骨头中提取、测序和分析古代 DNA 而闻名)”可知,生理学奖项与骨骼研究有关。故选 A。细节理解题。根据最后一
段中“The Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to three American e
conomists, Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybv
ig “for research on banks and financial crises,” the Nobel Prize
committee announced on Monday.(诺贝尔奖委员会周一宣布,经济科学奖授予了三名美国经济学家, Ben
S. Bernanke、Douglas W. Diamond 和 Philip H. Dybvig,以表彰他们“对银行和金融危机的
研究”)”可知,Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond 和 Philip H. Dybvig 凭关
于银行和金融危机研究获奖。故选 C。细节理解题。根据第三段中“Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and
Anton Zeilinger’s work in quantum ( 量子) technology landed them th
e second Nobel Prize announced in 2022.( Alain Aspect、John F. Cla
user 和 Anton Zeilinger 在量子技术方面的工作使他们在 2022 年获得了第二个诺贝尔奖)”;第四段中“The
Nobel Prize for chemistry went to another trio, Carolyn R. Berto
zzi from the U.S., Morten Meldal fromDenmark and K. Barry Sharple
ss from the U.S. “for the development of click chemistry and bior
thogonal chemistry,” the committee stated. (诺贝尔化学奖授予了另一个三人组,来自美国的
Carolyn R. Bertozzi、来自丹麦的 Morten Meldal 和来自美国的 K. Barry Sharples
s,他们“因发展了咔嗒化学和双正交化学”,委员会说)”以及最后一段中“The Prize in Economic Sciences
was awarded to three American economists, Ben S. Bernanke, Dougl
as W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig “for research on banks and fin
ancial crises,” the Nobel Prize committee announced on Monday.(诺贝
尔奖委员会周一宣布,经济科学奖授予了三名美国经济学家, Ben S. Bernanke、Douglas W. Diamond 和
Philip H. Dybvig,以表彰他们“对银行和金融危机的研究”)”可知,物理学奖、化学奖和经济学奖的共同之处是有三个获奖者
。故选 B。24-27DBBD根据第一段中的”I opened the player...a tape-eating machin
e”可知, 作者放弃盒式磁带的原因是他的盒式磁带放音机坏了,故 D 正确。根据第二段中的 “I smiled...The swee
t songs I grew up with touched my soul... I started to sing letti
ng my weak voice join in joyously with the music... ‘This is how
life is supposed to be !’ ”可以推断, 作者听着已故母亲留下的唱片感到非常满足,故 B 正确。根据第三段
中的 “These days all my music is on CDs. My daughter says I am behi
nd the times. ”可知,作者的女儿认为作者听音乐的方式落伍了,故 B 正确。本文主要讲述了作者一直坚持用传统设备播放音
乐,音乐给他带来了很大的幸福感,再结合最后一段中的 “Share your song with the world. And do
n’t forget to dance a little too.”可推知,作者写这篇文章旨在告诉读者有音乐的人生真是太美妙了,故
D 正确。28-31BADC【导语】本文是新闻报道。这篇文章主要讲述中国航天员从空间站返回了一堂科学课,从而延伸出中国在太空探索
方面取得的成就。【28 题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“The three arrived at the station in O
ctober, 2021 for about a six-month stay, mainly aimed to prepare
the main Tianhe module ( 舱 ) for the arrival of two additional mo
dules named Mengtian and Wentian ahead of completion by the end o
f 2022.”(这三位航天员于 2021 年 10 月抵达太空站,在那里停留了约 6 个月,主要目的是为 2022 年底之前完工
的另外两艘太空船“梦天”号和“问天” 号做准备。)可知,中国 3 位航天员的任务是为空间站的扩建做准备。故选 B。【29 题详解】
词句猜测题。根据第三段“The crew is assessing living conditions in the Tianhe
module and conductingexperiments in space medicine and other are
as.”(航天员们正在 assessing 天河舱的生活条件,并在太空医学和其他领域进行实验。)可知,assessing 是动词
assess 的现在分词形式,描述了航天员们在天河舱的活动,因为他们是第一次在那样的条件下生活,所以要对那里的生活条件进行评估,和
选项 A 意思一致。故选 A。【30 题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段“The mission of Shenzhou-13 is
China’s longest one since it first put a human in space in 2003,
becoming only the third county to do so after Russia and the US.
China has also pushed ahead with unmanned missions, and is lunar
exploration program generated media buzz when its Yutu 2rover se
nt back pictures of what was described by some as a “mystery hut”
, but most likely only was a rock of some sort. The rover is the
first to be placed on the little-explored far side of the moon, w
hile China’s Chang’e 5 probe returned lunar rocks to Earth for th
e first time since the 1970s. A Chinese rover, meanwhile, is sear
ching for evidence of life on Mars.”(神舟十三号是中国自2003 年首次将人送入太空以来执行任
务时间最长的一次,成为继俄罗斯和美国之后第三个这样做的国家。中国也在推进无人驾驶任务,月球探测计划也在媒体上引起轰动,当时宇宙 2
号火星探测器发回了一些被称为“神秘小屋”的照片, 但很可能只是某种岩石。月球车是第一个被放置在探索甚少的月球远端的探测器,而中国
的嫦娥五号探测器自上世纪 70 年代以来首次将月球岩石送回地球。与此同时,一辆中国探测车正在火星上寻找生命迹象。)可知,这一段主要
讲述中国在太空探索方面取得的成就。故选 D。【31 题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段“Chinese astronauts sent
back a science lesson from the country’s under construction spac
e station.”(中国航天员从国家正在建设的空间站返回了一堂科学课。)可知,这篇文章是新闻报道,这句话是这篇文章的中心句。所
以这篇文章主要讲述中国航天员从空间站返回一堂科学课的情况。故选 C。32-35 DACB【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章对科学家们新开
发出的一种可以清除水中微塑料颗粒的机器鱼进行了相关介绍。细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Chinese scientists say
they have developed a robotic fish that can remove microplastic p
articles from water environments. Researchers working on the proj
ect say the robots could help to clean up plastic pollution in oc
eans around the world. (中国科学家表示,他们已经开发出一种机器鱼,可以从水中清除微塑料颗粒。从事该项目的研
究人员表示,机器人可以帮助清理世界各地海洋中的塑料污染。)”可知发明机器鱼是为了清除水中的微塑料颗粒;故选 D 项。细节理解题。根
据文章最后一段中“And if a robot fish is accidentally eaten by a real fish
, it couldsafely digest the material, the team added. (研究小组补充说,如果
质,即也是无害的;故选 A 项。文章大意题。根据文章第二段“The robotic swimmers are about 1.3
centimeters long. They are made of a soft chemical Compound. The
robots are designed to absorb microplastics while moving through
the water. The project was launched by a team at Sichuan Universi
ty in southwestern China. The researcherssaid the robots have alr
eady performed well in shallow water and they plan to carry out m
ore tests in deeper waters. The scientists reported their finding
s in a new study in Nano Letters. The publication comes from the
American Chemical Society, a nonprofit organization supported by
the U.S. Congress. The robotic fish were built to target micropla
stic particles, which are smaller than five millimeters. Studies
have confirmed that microplastic pollution has been discovered in
many natural environments. The material comes from the breakdown
of manufactured plastic products and industrial waste. (这种自动游泳者大
约 1.3 厘米长。它们是由一种柔软的化合物构成的。这些机器人被设计成在水中移动时吸收微塑料。该项目是由位于中国西南部的四川大学的
他们的发现。这份报告来自美国化学学会,这是一个由美国国会支持的非营利组织。这种机器鱼的目标是小于 5 毫米的塑料微粒。研究证实,在
水下的工作表现,故本段主要是对这种机器鱼进行了进一步的介绍;故选 C 项。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“She told Reu
ters news agency that the small, lightweight robot is currently b
eing used to collect microplastics for research purposes. But Wan
g added that the team plans to expand that use so the robot fish
can remove larger amounts of microplastic waste from deep ocean a
,故推知她对于这种机器鱼是抱有积极态度的,要不然不会说计划扩大其应用;根据文章最后一句“Wang said similar rob
ots could be developed to be placed inside the human body to remo
ve unwanted materials ordisease. (王说,可以开发类似的机器人,放置在人体内去除无用的物质或疾病。
;故选 B 项。36-40DCFBG【解析】【导语】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了艺术教育的重要性及艺术教育可以培养孩子哪些技能。【
36 题详解】根据下文“For example, students who participated in the Develop
ing Reading Education with Arts Methods program increased their r
eading scores on standardized tests by an average of 87 points. (
例如,参加“用艺术方法发展阅读教育”项目的学生在标准化测试中的阅读成绩平均提高了 87 分。)”可知,上文告诉我们艺术课可以提高学
生在标准化测试中的阅读的分数,D 项意为“艺术课可以提高学生在标准化测试中的分数。”选项能够引起下文,下文是艺术课可以提高分数的一
个例子。故选 D。【37 题详解】根据段落主旨句“Analytical Skills (分析技能)”和下文“Americans f
or the Arts advocating for art exposure and education sums up art
can boost critical thinking skills. (倡导艺术接触和教育的美国艺术协会总结说,艺术可以提高批
判性思维能力。)”可知,本段内容告诉我们艺术能提高分析技能,同时也可以提高 批判性思维能力,C 项意为“这将教授分析和批判性思维技
能。”选项符合段落主旨,且能引起下文, 艺术能提高分析技能和批判性思维能力,这将教授我们分析和批判性思维技能。故选 C。【38 题
详解】根据上文“Americans for the Arts advocating for art exposure and ed
ucation sums up art can boost critical thinking skills. (倡导艺术接触和教
育的美国艺术协会总结说,艺术可以提高批判性思维能力。)”可知, 艺术可以提高批判性思维能力,F 项意为“这些技能可以帮助儿童发展解
决问题的新方法。”选项能够承接上文,艺术可以提高批判性思维能力,这些技能可以帮助儿童发展解决问题的新方法,选项中的“These s
kills”代指上文提到的“critical thinking skills”。故选 F。【39 题详解】根据下文“Teacher
s surveyed about the impact of arts in the classroom emphasized t
hat art classes helped kids develop strong social skills and a he
althy outlet for emotions. (接受调查艺术对课堂的影响的教师强调,艺术课有助于孩子们发展强大的社交技能,
也是一种健康的情绪宣泄方法。)”可知,艺术是一种健康的情绪宣泄方法,B 项意为“情感宣泄”,选项能够概括段落主旨,本段内容主要告诉
我们艺术也是一种健康的情绪宣泄方法。故选 B。【40 题详解】根据上文“Art education gives children
another approach to learning. (艺术教育为儿童提供了另一种学习方法。)”可知,本段内容告诉我们艺术教
育为儿童提供了另一种学习方法,G 项意为“它可以激发在其他班级中吃力学习的孩子的想象力和兴趣”,选项能够承接上文,艺术教育为儿童提
子的想象力和兴趣,所以孩子们可以表现得更好,获得更高的学业成绩。故选 G。完形:41-45BDADC46-50BABDC51-55
ABCDC【解析】【导语】本文是记叙文,小考拉 Triumph 不仅失去了妈妈,还少了一只脚。Marley Christian 想
要帮它寻找一只假足。在牙医 Jon Doulman 的帮助下,小考拉终于重获运动自由。【41 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而
,失去母亲并不是他的唯一的不幸。A. accident 事故;B. misfortune 不幸; C. result 结果; D.
difference 差别。根据前文的“becoming motherless”可知失去母亲是很大的不幸。故选 B 项。【42
题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:来自考拉之友的救援者还注意的它也失去了一只脚。A. suspected 怀疑;B. wondere
d 想知道; C. concluded 结论;D. noticed 注意。此处表示的意思是“注意到,发现”。故选D 项。【43 题
详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:她用袜子给他的残肢盖上。A. cover 覆盖; B. cure 治愈; C. warm 温暖;D.
solidify 固定。根据下文的“which helped ease the discomfort Triumph felt
whenever he tried to put 4on it,”可知用袜子给他的残肢盖上以减轻残肢着地是疼痛。故选 A 项。【4
4 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这有助于减轻Triumph 每次试图在这支残肢上负重时的不适感。A. emphasis 强调;
B. hope 希望;C. burden 负担;D. weight 重量。小考拉少了一只脚,所以当那只残肢承重时它会感到不舒服。
故选 D 项。【45 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但马利认为他不能就停留在那里。A. continue 继续; B. leav
e 留下,离开;C. cease 停止;D. stick 粘贴,坚持。根据前文的“She used socks”和下文的“She
began searching the Internet for pet prostheses (假体)”可知尽管 Marley
已经帮助小考拉改善了状况,但她觉得自己不能止步于此, 于是开始寻求进一步的帮助。故选 C 项。【46 题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。
句意:但对于一只考拉来说,没有小考拉可以用的。A. helpful 有帮助的;B. available 可用的; C. conve
nient 方便的;D. satisfactory 令人满意的。根据下文的“I was told it couldn''t be d
one”可知 Marley 没有找到任何小考拉可以用的(available)假体。故选 B 项。【47 题详解】考查动词词组辨析。
句意:Marley 的确找到了一家专门从事动物假体制作的公司,他们愿意接手这件事。A. take on 承担,呈现; B. fig
ure out 计算,弄明白;C. seek for 寻找;D. look into 调查。表示“接手,承担”应使用动词词组 ta
ke on,故选 A 项。【48 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家公司尝试了几次后都没有成功。A. examinations
考试; B. attempts 尝试; C. discussions 讨论;D. treatments 治疗。根据前文的“they
were unsuccessful”可知是经过了几次尝试。故选 B 项。【49 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:最终 Marle
y 在她邻居那里找到了解决办法。A. inspiration 灵感; B. support 支持;C. response 响应;D
. solution 解决方案。根据下文的“he created a pink rubber boot, which. . . m
ovement return”可知最终 Marley 找到了解决办法( solution)。故选 D 项。【50 题详解】考查动词
词义辨析。句意:Jon 主动提出要找到办法为 Triumph 做假足。A. happened 发生; B. agreed 同意;
C. volunteered 自愿;D. recommended 推荐。联系上文的“She mentioned Triumph''s
trouble in passing”和生活实际可知,Marley 只是顺带提到了 Triumph 的情况,并非特意去寻求 Jon 的帮助,所以 Jon 是主动提出帮助的。故选 C 项。【51 题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:当然,这和牙齿问题不同。A. Naturally 自然地;B. Surprisingly 惊讶地;C. Thankfully 感激地;D. Strangely 奇怪的是。Jon 知道为考拉做假足与制作假牙是不一样的,这是自然的,也是当然的。故选 A 项。【52 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在完成了 Triumph 假肢的模型后,他制作了一只粉红色的橡胶靴,这有助于 Triumph 的自由移动。A. example 例子;B. model 模板;C. issue 问题;D. mark 标记。Jon 要为缺少一只脚的 Triumph 做假足,所以他应是先做了一个 Triumph 的残肢的模型(model)。故选 B 项。【53 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意同上题。A. preference 偏好;B. memory 记忆;C. freedom 自由;D. intention 打算。根据下文的“Once the boot was _15_, he did a little jump, and then ran around.”可知 Jon 做的粉色靴子能使 Triumph 重新拥有活动的自由(freedom)。故选 C 项。【54 题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一件看似不可能的事。A. ordinary 普通的; B. touching 令人感动的; C. imperfect 不完美的;D. unlikely 不大可能发生的。专业人士都没能为小考拉做一只合适的假足,但是牙医 Jon 却成功解决了小考拉的问题。这是一个看似不可能的事。故选 D 项。【55 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这只靴子一固定在 Triumph 的残肢上,它就跳了一下,然后四处跑了起来。A. adjusted 调整;B. completed 完成;C. attached 依附,认为;D. confirmed 确认。Triumph 少了一只脚,所以这只靴子是通过某种方式固定在残肢上的,此处用 attached 一词最为合适。故选 C 项。语 法 填 空 :56.preservation 57.a 58.Covering 59.has set 60.Where 61.to find62.their63.more64.specifically65.In【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国第一批五个国家公园的情况及其意义。考查名词。句意:中国已正式宣布从西藏到海南的首批五个国家公园,占地 23 万平方公里, 重点保护其最宝贵的生物资源。分析句子可知,介词 on 之后,应该加上名词作为宾语,根据提示, 此处应用名词 preservation(保护),且为不可数名词,故填 preservation。考查冠词。句意:大熊猫国家公园每年都会吸引大批游客前来观赏世界上最可爱的动物。hit 此处泛指“受欢迎的事物”应用不定冠词,且 hit 是发音以辅音音素开头的单词,故填 a。考查非谓语动词。句意:该地区覆盖四川、陕西、甘肃三省,是大熊猫的自然栖息地。分析句子结构可知 cover 在句中应用非谓语动词形式作状语,与逻辑主语 the region 构成主动关系,故用现在分词。句首单词首字母要大写,且根据提示,故填 Covering。考查时态。句意:吉林省和黑龙江省交汇处的交汇处是东北虎豹国家公园的所在地,该公园从一开始就着手保护这两种物种的栖息地。根据后文 since its start 可知从句用现在完成时,从句谓语与先行词 Northeast Chins Tiger and Leopard National Park 保持一致,助动词用 has。故填 has set。60.考查定语从句。句意:这是一个独特的地区,同时生活着野生东北虎和东北豹。此处为定语从句修饰先行词 area,从句为倒装句,关系副词 where 在从句中作状语,相当于 in this area。故填where。考查非谓语动词。句意:中国保存最完好的热带雨林在海南,世界上唯一发现黑冠长臂猿的地方。place 前有 the only 修饰,后面的定语用 to do 形式。故填 to find。考查代词。句意:海南热带雨林国家公园保护长臂猿和它们的生存环境。修饰后文名词environment应用形容词性物主代词,且这里表示“长臂猿的生存环境”。故填 their。考查形容词。句意:与这三个国家不同的是,福建省武夷山国家公园和青藏高原三江源国家公园更注重保护多种动物,而不是专门保护一个物种。结合后文 than 可知应用 much 的比较级形式。故填 more。考查副词。句意:与这三个国家不同的是,福建省武夷山国家公园和青藏高原三江源国家公园更注重保护多种动物,而不是专门保护一个物种。修饰后文动词 protect 应用副词 specifically,作状语。再根据提示,故填 specifically。考查介词。句意:现在,随着一些旅游项目的准备就绪,这些公园将成为游客真正体验自然原创性和广阔中国景观的好方法。短语 in place 意为“到位”,符合句意,故填 in。应用文写作:略