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2023-06-02 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 

英 语

一、单项填空从下面各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

1.(3分)My mother is a good teacher. __________students all like her very much.(  )

A.Our B.Her C.His D.Their

2.(3分)I like reading. I often read books __________the library near my home.(  )

A.in B.of C.on D.with

3.(3分)﹣__________is it from here to Qinhu Park?

﹣It''s about ten minutes'' walk.(  )

A.How far B.How long C.How much D.How soon

4.(3分)I __________go now, or I will be late for the party.(  )

A.can B.need C.should D.must

5.(3分)It''s difficult for me to learn physics well, _________I don''t want to give it up.(  )

A.or B.and C.but D.so

6.(3分)Emma looks after her grandparents carefully. She is __________than her sister.(  )

A.patient B.more patient

C.most patient D.the most patient

7.(3分)Sam __________his parents do housework every day.(  )

A.helps B.is helping

C.has helped D.was helping

8.(3分)﹣Tom, where is Miss Wang?

﹣She __________a speech on Chinese culture in the school gym.(  )

A.gives B.gave C.is giving D.will give

9.(3分)Our hometown __________a lot since 2017. More beautiful parks have been built.(  )

A.changes B.changed

C.has changed D.will change

10.(3分)If you keep studying hard, you __________your English.(  )

A.improve B.improved

C.is improving D.will improve

11.(3分)The 24th Winter Olympic Games __________in China in 2022.(  )

A.hold B.is held

C.will be held D.will hold

12.(3分)﹣Do you know __________next Friday?

﹣Yes. They''ll go to the Summer Palace.(  )

A.where the students went

B.where the students will go

C.where did the students go

D.where will the students go

完形填空阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项.


My first job out of high school was at a science research center. As a youngster, I was pretty worried by the administrative supervisor(行政主管). I wished I didn''t have to pass her desk every morning. In the first month there, I don''t think I ever saw her (1)   .

I am not sure what encouraged me but one day I decided to bring her flowers. They were bright red anthuriums. As soon as I walked into the office, (2)    her the flowers. But then, came the most beautiful smile.It spread across her face slowly and it seemed that the room got a bit(3)    too.I remembered my heart pounding out of my chest because I then realized I had certainly not seen her smile before.She(4)   me for the flowers and did so every day for as long as the flowers lasted.From then on, she always greeted me with a smile.

Then, it became my (5)    to make her smile every day.Some days I''d bring her something I baked, tell a funny story, or invite her to lunch with our colleagues. Then things(6)   .She began to smile more and talk to people, even when she didn''t need to. She just seemed lighter.

Now you would think this (7)    was about the administrative supervisor. It''s not. It''s about how it changed me. I used to be pretty shy but after that day with the anthuriums, I started coming out of my shell too and I learned to smile more. I began to see people (8)   , you know, actually " seeing" people by looking deeper rather than accepting the superficial(表面的).

That experience taught me a lesson for life:A loving act of kindness has a beautiful way of helping both the receiver and the giver in ways that we cannot imagine.

(1)A. talk B. smile C. leave D. stand (2)A. took B. sent C. handed D. showed (3)A. cleaner B. brighter C. darker D. dirtier (4)A. waited B. thanked C. helped D. greeted (5)A. work B. turn C. choice D. duty (6)A. ended B. started C. changed D. happened (7)A. story B. lesson C. thing D. event (8)A. separately B. clearly C. carefully D. differently

阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A, B,C,D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项.


Studying abroad

I am from Toronto, Canada and I moved to Madrid, Spain in September to pursue my master''s degree(硕士学位). After almost two years of full﹣time work, I realized that I loved my field so much that I wanted to pursue higher education in the same field. Then I decided to pursue a Master''s while having an experience abroad in Madrid. I chose Madrid because it is the business capital of Spain. They have amazing food, great wine, amazing culture and a beautiful language. I am studying abroad in Amsterdam in the Netherlands at the University of Amsterdam now. I have always wanted to study abroad because I wanted an experience studying in the Western atmosphere(气氛). I choose the Netherlands because their courses are taught in English and that is very convenient for me. It is also a very student﹣friendly country. Being an international student is a very interesting and useful experience. I got to know so many interesting students and discussed with them about different topics, not just about studies. What I wanted to experience most was the European lifestyle and cultures. Aside from the cultures, you also get to properly enjoy your time with others according to the real French lifestyle. As I got closer to graduating from high school, I began to consider spending a year or so travelling, either before or after studying at university. I was really excited to go outside of the UK. Studying abroad has given me the confidence to continue pursuing opportunities that lie outside of my comfort zone(舒适区). (1)Where does Jessica come from?   

A. Spain.

B. Canada.

C. The Netherlands.

D. The UK.

(2)Who studies in the Netherlands?   

A. Jessica.

B. Dixie.

C. Myriam.

D. Oli.

(3)What does Myriam think of studying abroad?   

A. Interesting.

B. Challenging.

C. Boring.

D. Amazing.


Yuncheng went to school for only one day and he did not start learning to read until he was 12 years old. He has a disease which affects the muscles in his body.His parents first noticed there was something wrong with their son when he was just three years old. By the time he was seven, the boy could neither run nor jump. He could only walk. On his first day of school, Yuncheng had to watch the other students as they ran around at lunch time.That day he caught a cold and his parents decided not to send him back to school.So Yuncheng stayed at home and over the years his condition got worse and worse.

However, Yuncheng''s condition has not stopped him making the most of his life.Yuncheng also taught himself to write and when he was 17 he wrote a letter to a newspaper describing his situation and his dream of a better life. The letter was read by Zhang Danuo,an editor at the newspaper,who was inspired by Yuncheng''s spirit.

Zhang Danuo offered to help Yuncheng achieve his ambition to write a book.Yuncheng was always happy when he finished an assignment."I felt everything in the world was beautiful and how wonderful it was to live in the world, "he said. Yuncheng''s book describes what his life is like, what his hopes and dreams are and how he overcomes the problems he faces every day. Readers have been inspired by his courage and his good heart and his book has sold extremely well. Yuncheng says that because his life will not be long one, he must do as much as he can in the time that is left to him.

(1)Yuncheng couldn''t   when he was seven years old.

A. walk

B. jump

C. see

D. hear

(2)   helped Yuncheng achieve his ambition to write a book.

A. His parents

B. His teacher

C. An editor

D. A writer

(3)Why has Yuncheng''s book sold extremely well?   

A. Because his book describes what his life is like.

B. Because he got help from Zhang Danuo.

C. Because his story is very strange.

D. Because his courage has inspired readers.

16.How do you feel when your teacher asks you to work on a group project with other students? Do you like to work together with others or work alone?

The Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, carried out a survey of students'' ability to work together in groups. They found that students who do well on tests by themselves are also likely to be better at working with other people.

This finding was true for many countries. Students in Japan, South Korea, Finland and Canada, where test scores are high, also did well in working together to solve problems. But this was not the case for every country. Chinese students, who tend(趋向)to have high scores as well, displayed just average collaborative(合作的)skills.

"One reason might be that Chinese parents and teachers focus too much on grades,"said Zhao Zhongxin,former vice president of the Chinese Family Education Association."Students have a lot of exam pressure and they view school as a place for competition."

"However, collaborative skills are very important for preparing students for today''s society,"he added."Luckily, more Chinese parents and teachers are realizing the importance of this and are thinking of ways to help students improve this skill."

Another interesting finding from the PISA survey was that girls tend to be better than boys at working together. They said girls show more positive attitudes toward relationships, which means they are more willing to listen to others'' opinions.

PISA also found that the classroom environment tends to influence how well students collaborate. In classes where there are a lot of activities that require communication, such as class debates, students tend to have better attitudes toward collaborating.

(1)Which of the following is NOT one of the survey''s findings?   

A. Those who do well on tests are also better at working with others.

B. Collaborative skills are more important than scores for students'' futures.

C. Girls are better at working with others than boys.

D. The classroom environment can influence students'' ability to work in groups.

(2)What can teachers do to improve their students'' ability to work with others?   

A. Give students high scores on every test.

B. Help students to get used to exam pressure.

C. Make girls work with girls instead of boys.

D. Arrange more communicative activities in class.

(3)What''s the passage mainly about?   

A. How to improve collaborative skills.

B. Who tend to cooperate in working.

C. The result of a survey on students'' collaborative ability.

D. The process of a survey on students'' collaborative ability.

17.A new research has discovered that meditation(冥想)and oxygen sport together reduce depression(抑郁).The Rutgers University study found that this mind and body combination, done twice a week for only two months, reduced the symptoms of a group of students by 40 percent.

"We are excited by the findings because we saw such a meaningful improvement in both clinically depressed and non﹣depressed students, "said lead author Dr. Brandon Alderman."It is the first time that both of these two behavioral ways have been looked at together for dealing with depression."

Researchers believe the two activities have an interactive(交互的)effect in combating depression. Alderman and Dr. Tracey Shors discovered that a combination of mental and physical training( MAP) enabled students with major depressive disorder not to let problems or negative thoughts defeat them.

Rutgers researchers say those who participated in the study began with 30 minutes of focused attention meditation followed by 30 minutes of oxygen sport. They were told that if their thoughts drifted to the past or the future they should refocus on their breathing, which enabled those with depression to accept moment﹣to﹣moment changes in attention.

Shors, who studies the production of new brain cells in the hippocampus﹣part of the brain involved in memory and learning﹣says scientists have shown in animal models that oxygen sport exercise keeps a large number of certain cells alive.

The idea for the human intervention(干预)came from her laboratory studies, she says,with the main goal of helping individuals acquire new skills so that they can learn to recover from stressful life events.

By learning to focus their attention and exercise, people who are fighting depression can acquire new learning skills that can help them process information and reduce the overwhelming recollection of memories from the past, Shors says.

"We know these treatments can be practiced over a lifetime and that they will be affective in improving mental health, "said Alderman."The good news is that this intervention can be practiced by anyone at any time and at no cost."

(1)What made the research so different?   

A. Adopting a way of meaningful talk.

B. Treating depression with special medicine.

C. Combining the two ways to reduce depression.

D. Comparing the depressed with the non﹣depressed.

(2)The underlined word " combating " in Paragraph 3 probably means   .

A. fighting

B. developing

C. improving

D. examining

(3)What can we know about what the participants did in the research?   

A. They did oxygen sport half an hour before thinking.

B. They thought quietly and then took exercise.

C. They took exercise longer than they thought.

D. They took exercise while thinking quietly.

(4)What is Shors'' main purpose of her studies?   

A. To find out certain brain cells of humans.

B. To study the production of new brain cells.

C. To offer people a new method to reduce stress.

D. To decide the links between stress and exercise.

阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题.


Green is the Way to Go

Today, communities(社区)around the US are going green. For some, that means paying attention to the environment by recycling or controlling pollution. But others are turning their neighborhoods green by planting community gardens.

Green Brings Benefits

A growing number of government and community leaders point out that gardening is a great way to improve the appearance of a neighborhood. It also unites neighborhood residents(居民). Research at Texas A&M University and the University of Illinois shows that city areas with more green have less crime.

One Neighborhood''s Story

Norris Square in Philadelphia is a neighborhood that has benefits from a community garden.In the 1980s,Norris Square was known for its run﹣down buildings and vacant parking lots filled with rubbish.Then a group of Puerto Rican women planted vegetables and flowers in one vacant lot. Soon there was also an outdoor kitchen and colorful murals showing rural life in Puerto Rico.

The community garden became a place of beauty and a source of fresh food for Norris Square residents. It also became a source of neighborhood pride. Soon people were working together to do home repairs,clean up other vacant lots, remove graffiti, and plant more trees and flowers throughout the neighborhood.

Today, instead of fights in the park,there are festivals.Instead of abandoned cars along the streets,there are trees. People can now enjoy a neighborhood that is cleaner, safer, and more beautiful.

Plant Your Own Seeds

If you want to start a community garden in your area, you can get information from the Community Gardening Association at www. communitygarden. org.

(1)How are other people turning their neighborhoods green?   

(2)What benefits does green bring?   

(3)When was Norris Square known for its run﹣down building?   

(4)What is Norris Square like now?   

(5)Where can you get information if you want to start a community garden in your area?   

书面表达 文段表达 从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计人总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.

19.题目:假如你是李华, 你们学校正在开展"美丽平谷我的家"宣传活动, 倡议大家制作关于以美化环境为主题的海报, 你们班交换生Peter给你发邮件询问相关事情.

请用英语回复一封邮件, 告诉他海报上交的时间, 并分享你设计海报的一些想法.

提示词语:beautiful Pinggu, pick up, plant, clean, attractive

提示问题:When should you hand in the poster?

What would you like to share with Peter about designing the poster?

Dear Peter,

I''m glad to receive your e﹣mail. Our school asks us to make a poster._______________.

If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.


Li Hua 20.题目:好朋友是我们一生中最宝贵的财富, 我们可以从好朋友身上学到很多好的品质.某英文网站正在开展"My Best Friend"为题的征文活动, 假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你们是如何成为好朋友的, 以及你从他/她身上学到了什么?

提示词语:talk with, get out of the troubles, helpful, learn…from

提示问题:How did you become good friends?

What have you learned from him/her?

Friends are the most precious treasure in our life. We can learn many good qualities from them.__________. 2020北京平谷(上)期末英语

一、单项填空从下面各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.


【解答】Our我们的;Her她的;His他的;Their他们的;根据My mother is a good teacher.可知下文指"妈妈的学生很喜欢她",即"她的学生很喜欢她".用形容词性物主代词her.


【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,根据My mother is a good teacher,结合选项作答.







【解答】how far 多远的距离,询问路程、距离;how long多长时间,对一段时间或长度提问;how much多少,后跟不可数名词;how soon再过多久,对表示将来的一段时间"in +一段时间"提问;根据答语"It''s about ten minutes'' walk.",可知表示多远的路程.


【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,根据It''s about ten minutes'' walk.结合选项作答.


【解答】A can能,表能力、可能;B need需要,表必要性;C should应该,表义务;D must必须,表必须.根据下文表示"否则就会迟到";可知,空格处表示"我现在必须走了",所以空格处填情态动词must.




【解答】or 或者,表选择;and "和",表顺承;but"但是",表转折;so意为"因此",表因果;前句"学好物理对我来说很难"和后句" 我不想放弃"存在句意转折;由此判断空格填表示"转折"的连词.



6.【分析】Emma 细心地照顾她的祖父母.她比她的姐姐更有耐心.

【解答】patient原级;more patient比较级;most patient最高级;the most patient最高级;根据than的比较结构,判断空格填比较级.




【解答】A helps一般现在时的单三形式;B is helping现在进行时;C has helped现在完成时;D was helping过去进行时.根据时间状语"every day",可知,句子是一般现在时.主语Sam是单数第三人称,谓语动词用单三形式.




【解答】A gives 一般现在时的单三形式;B gave一般过去时;C is giving现在进行时;D will give一般将来时.根据上文"王老师在哪里",可知,空格是表示说话时正在发生的动作,用现在进行时.




【解答】changes一般现在时、单三形式;changed一般过去时;has changed现在完成时;will change一般将来时;根据句意"我们的家乡自从2017年以来变化很大.更多美丽的公园已经(被)建成"可知,要用现在完成时,其构成为have/ has done.




【解答】A improve一般现在时;B improved一般过去时;C is improving现在进行时;D will improve一般将来时;根据if引导的条件状语从句"主将从现"的原则,从句"If you keep studying hard"是一般现在时,所以,主句用一般将来时.




【解答】A hold一般现在时;B is held一般现在时的被动语态;C will be held一般将来时的被动语态;D will hold一般将来时.根据时间状语"in 2022"判断句子是一般将来时,排除A和B选项.主语the 24th Winter Olympic Games是动作的承受者,句子用被动语态.所以空格处用一般将来时的被动语态will be held.





【解答】根据Do you know…,可知考查宾语从句.where the students went一般过去时,陈述句的语序;where the students will go一般将来时,陈述句的语序; where did the students go一般过去时,疑问句的语序;where will the students go一般将来时,疑问句的语序;根据时间状语"next Friday"判断句子是一般将来时,所以排除A、C;根据宾语从句要按照陈述句的语序,所以排除D.



完形填空阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项.


【解答】(1)B,考查动词辨析,由下文的 I had certainly not seen her smile before可知,在那里的第一个月里,我想我从没见过她微笑,A谈话,B微笑,C离开,D站,故答案为B.

(2)C,考查动词辨析,took拿;sent "送给",强调送出者没有亲自去送; handed将某物(亲手)交给某人,强调"自己亲手去送; showed展示;从文字的表层意思可知"作者亲手把花给了主管",故答案为C.

(3)B,考查形容词辨析,由上文的They were bright red anthuriums可知,主管的微笑让房间的气氛变得更加柔和了,使房间看起来似乎更明亮,A更干净,B更明亮,C更黑暗,D更脏,故答案为B.

(4)B,考查动词辨析,由下文的me for the flowers可知,主管感谢我送的花",thank sb for sth意为"为……感谢……";A等待,B感谢,C帮助,D问候,故答案为B.

(5)D,考查名词辨析,由下文的to make her smile every day可知,由上文可知"作者送花让主管开始有了微笑,房间里的氛围也更轻松,推断这让作者心生"让主管保持微笑的责任";A工作,B轮流,C选择,D责任,故答案为D.

(6)C,考查动词辨析,根据下文"She began to smile more and talk to people, even when she didn''t need to.",可知 "主管从起先很严肃,到更经常微笑和别人交谈",推断空格指"事情发生了改变";A结束,B开始,C改变,D发生,故答案为C.


(8)D,考查副词辨析,根据下文"actually " seeing" people by looking deeper rather than"可知"要深层次地看人而不是看一个人的表面;推断空格指"用不同的角度看人",A分开地,B清楚地,C仔细地,D不同地,故答案为D.


阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A, B,C,D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项.



(1)B.根据文中"Jessica I am from Toronto, Canada",可知"Jessica来自加拿大多伦多",故选B.

(2)B.根据文中"Dixie I am studying abroad in Amsterdam in the Netherlands",可知"Dixie就读于荷兰",故选B.

(3)A.根据文中"Myrian Being an international student is a very interesting and useful experience.",可知"Myrian 觉得留学的生活一个非常有趣和有用的经历",故选A.




(1)B.根据第一段"By the time he was seven, the boy could neither run nor jump.",可知"7岁时不会跑也不会跳";故选 B.

(2)C.根据第二段"The letter was read by Zhang Danuo, an editor at the newspaper, who was inspired by Yuncheng''s spirit."和第三段"Zhang Danuo offered to help Yuncheng achieve his ambition to write a book.",可知"是编辑张大诺帮助云城实现写书的抱负";故选 C.

(3)D.根据第三段"Readers have been inspired by his courage and his good heart and his book has sold extremely well.",可知"他的勇气、善良的心鼓舞了读者,所以他的书很好卖";故选D.



【解答】(1)B. 推理判断题.根据第二段"They found that students who do well on tests by themselves are also likely to be better at working with other people.", 根据第六段"Another interesting finding from the PISA survey was that girls tend to be better than boys at working together. " 根据第七段"PISA also found that the classroom environment tends to influence how well students collaborate.",可知"调查结果显示自己考得好的学生也可能更擅长与他人合作;女孩比男孩更擅长协作;课堂环境往往会影响学生的协作能力";可知B表述的"协作能力对学生将来的重要性"不属于调查得出的结论,故选B.

(2)D.推理判断题.根据第七段"In classes where there are a lot of activities that require communication, such as class debates, students tend to have better attitudes toward collaborating.",可知"有很多需要交流活动的课,学生能持更好的态度合作",由此可知"在课堂上老师要安排更多的交际活动.";故选D.




【解答】(1)C.细节理解题.根据第二段"It is the first time that both of these two behavioral ways have been looked at together for dealing with depression."".可知"这是第一次,冥想和有氧运动两种行为方式一起被认为是治疗抑郁症的方法";故选C.

(2)A.词义猜测题.根据第三段"…discovered that a combination of mental and physical training( MAP) enabled students with major depressive disorder not to let problems or negative thoughts defeat them.",可知"Alderman 和Shors2位医生发现心理和身体训练的结合使抑郁症的学生不会让问题或消极思想打败他们.",由此推断上文指"冥想和有氧运动在对抗抑郁方面是有作用的",可知combating意为"对抗";故选A.

(3)B.推理判断题.根据第四段"Rutgers researchers say those who participated in the study began with 30 minutes of focused attention meditation followed by 30 minutes of oxygen sport.",可知"他们先冥想30分钟,然后做30分钟的有氧运动.";故选B.

(4)C.推理判断题.根据第六段"…with the main goal of helping individuals acquire new skills so that they can learn to recover from stressful life events.",可知"她研究的主要目的是帮助个人学会从紧张的生活事件中恢复过来",推断"她研究的目的是为人们提供减压的新方法";故选C.

【点评】本篇阅读单选考查细节理解、推理判断和词义猜测能力.题2可以从生词后文本的描述推断词义;题3要根据文字的表层意思判断"冥想和运动的先后顺序";题4要综合文字的表层信息"她研究的主要目的是帮助个人学会从紧张的生活事件中恢复过来" 推断"她研究的目的是为人们提供减压的新方法".

阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题.



(1)By planting community gardens.根据文中"But others are turning their neighborhoods green by planting community gardens.",可知"有人通过种植社区花园来绿化他们的社区",故答案为By planting community gardens.

(2)It can improve the appearance of a neighborhood,unites neighborhood residents and have less crime.根据文中"gardening is a great way to improve the appearance of a neighborhood. It also unites neighborhood residents…city areas with more green have less crime.",可知"园艺是改善邻里环境的好方法也使居民更团结,还降低犯罪率",故答案为It can improve the appearance of a neighborhood ,unites neighborhood residents and have less crime.

(3)In the 1980s.根据文中"In the 1980s, Norris Square was known for its run﹣down buildings and vacant parking lots filled with rubbish.",可知"在20世纪80年代,Norris Square以破旧的建筑物和堆满了垃圾空置的停车场出名",故答案为In the 1980s.

(4)Cleaner, safer, and more beautiful.根据文中"People can now enjoy a neighborhood that is cleaner, safer, and more beautiful.",可知"Norris Square现在变得更干净、更安全、更美丽的社区",故答案为Cleaner, safer, and more beautiful.

(5)From the Community Gardening Association at www.communitygarden.org.根据文中"If you want to start a community garden in your area, you can get information from the Community Gardening Association at www. communitygarden. org.",可知"如果要开始建社区花园,可以联系the Community Gardening Association at www. communitygarden. org";故答案为From the Community Gardening Association at www.communitygarden.org.


书面表达 文段表达 从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计人总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.


Now, I''d like to share some ideas on how I will design my poster.

现在,我想分享一些我将如何设计我的海报的想法.本句 I''d like to share some ideas on 后使用了宾语从句how I will design my poster.


To make my poster more attractive, I plan to add several pictures to it.

为了使我的海报更吸引人,我打算在上面加几张照片.动词不定式To make my poster more attractive作目的状语;make +名词+形容词,使得……怎么样.

【解答】Dear Peter,

I''m glad to receive your e﹣mail. We need to hand in a poster by next Friday.(海报上交的时间) Now, I''d like to share some ideas on how I will design my poster.【高分句型一】(分享设计海报的一些想法)

The main part is about how to make Pinggu beautiful. For example, clean our communities and public places at weekends. Pick up the rubbish when you walk on the street.(主要部分是怎样让平谷美丽,列举做法)

To make my poster more attractive, I plan to add several pictures to it.【高分句型二】(加上几幅图片) Hope my ideas will be helpful.

If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.


Li Hua



She told me how to walk out of the difficulties.

她告诉我如何走出困境.本句用"疑问词+不定式"结构how to walk out of the difficulties讲述成为好友的过程.


Lucy is so kind and helpful that I learn a lot from her.


【解答】Friends are the most precious treasure in our life. We can learn many good qualities from them.(开篇点题)

My best friend is Lucy. Two years ago, she came to my class. At that time I was a little fat and quiet,so I didn''t have any friends to talk with after class. Lucy talked with me when I was lonely. She told me how to walk out of the difficulties.【高分句型一】 Since then I tried to talk with the students around me.(我们如何成为朋友的)

Lucy is so kind and helpful that I learn a lot from her.【高分句型二】Now I am always friendly to people and help the people in trouble.(我从朋友身上学到了善良、乐于助人)


