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2023-06-02 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2019北京顺义初三(上)期末英 语姓名____________学校 ____________准考证号考生须知1.本试卷共10页,共五
佳选项。1.—Are these books _______, Dad?— Yes. I’m looking for them.
Thank you.A.yours B.his C.hers D.theirs2
.J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series was completed ______ 2007. A
.forB.inC.withD.from3.— ______ did Yao Ming win his teammates’ re
spect? — By his personality and hard work.A.When B.WhereC.HowD.Wh
y4.— Tom, where is Ben?— Look, he ______the fence for me in the g
arden.A.paintedB.paintsC.will paintD.is painting5.I think dogs ar
e our friends. They ______ look after our home.A.canB.mightC.must
D.need6.— As a book lover, which do you like _______, e-books or
paper books?— Both give me the pleasure of reading. A.wellB.bette
rC.bestD.the best7.Matthew Cuthbert was a quiet man _______didn’t
speak much. A.whichB.whoC.thatD.whom8.— How do astronauts drink
in space? — They use special bags for drinks _______ the drink s
tay inside.A.so…thatB.becauseC.so thatD.since9.Steve Jobs ______
many digital products. He died in 2011. A.inventsB.will inventC.w
as inventingD.invented10.My neighbor Ms Li ______ piano lessons t
o children for three years.A.teachesB.taughtC.has taughtD.will te
ach11.Since many of da Vinci’s inventions were far ahead of their
time, they _____ hundreds of years later.A.were tested B.was t
estedC.is testedD.will be tested12.— Jenny, could you tell me ___
___ London?— Sure. Next Sunday.A.when Mr. Smith leftB.when will M
r. Smith leaveC.when did Mr. Smith leaveD.when Mr. Smith will lea
ve 二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
Believe in yourselfDad was not only my best friend, but also my c
ompass (指南针). While he was alive, he 13 me with his actions and
advice. He taught me one important?lesson: “Believe in yourself.
”If there was one phrase my dad?never?liked to hear, it was “I ca
n’t.”At that time, he?took?two jobs to 14 his large family,?bu
t he never complained.When I was in high school, I had a? 15 ?t
ime with math. My math teacher tried to help me, but I was?still?
poor in math. So my math teacher suggested I meet with him at 7:0
0 each morning before school for?extra?help. I told Dad,“That’s?
16 ?! I’m tired! I can’t do that!” He replied, “You’re doing it
. I’ll send you to school.” Every morning at 6:45, we’d leave the
? 17 . Although working 12 hours every day, Dad never?missed?dri
ving me to school. After?months of?learning, I was facing the fin
al exam. I was so?nervous.?On?the day of the final, my dad hugged
me and said, “Luke,? 18 ?yourself. You can do it.” His words ma
de me realize I needed to trust in my?ability??and in the hours o
f work I’d?put in. When I got my?grade? 19 ?, the first person I
called was my father. He cried, “Yes! You deserved (该奖[罚]的,理所当然的
) it!” Even now, whenever I?worry that a task is too much for me,
I think back to that20. No matter how?hard?something is, if you’
re willing to work, you can succeed. I’m forever?thankful to Dad
for that lesson. 13.?A.raised???? B.forced???????? C.gui
ded?? D.benefited?14.?A.support???????B.celebrate????????
C.treasure D.provide15.?A.final????????B.creative????????
?? C.silent?? D.terrible16.?A.wonderful????? B.crazy?
????????? C.expensive D.necessary17.?A.house?????????
B.school???????? C.office D.farm18.?A.jot down?????
B.deal with?????? C.believe in? D.look after19.?A.hon
estly???????? B.shyly ??????? C.carelessly? D.proudly2
0.?A.action?????? B.exam????????? C.help D.cla
题2分)AWe all know that his name is Harry Potter. And we all know t
hat Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling. I began to read the boo
ks when I was 12. It has influenced my life a lot. Here are some
fans’ stories about the influence of the books on them.Alan / UK
Share(13) Support(16)Like Harry, I’d lost my mother. Harry Potte
r helped me face it. My mother had been dead by the time I read H
arry Potter. Though I was an 11-year-old girl, I understood a lit
tle of how Harry felt, I remember staying up to read it through t
he night and ending up crying as Lily Potter, Harry’s mother, sai
d to him—“You’ve been so brave.” Those are the kind of words you
want to hear when you’ve lost a parent. They hit your heart somet
imes, in the most beautiful way. I think I can be aSara / Canada
lot stronger than before. Share(10) Support(21) Richard/ UKI did
n’t want to read, until my friends told me about a wizard (魔法师) c
alled Harry.?I didn’t like reading until I heard a lot of my frie
nds reading Harry Potter. I read it from the first page to the la
st page at the age of 14. As Harry, Hermione and Ron grew up, I g
rew up, too. Harry Potter showed me that reading could be enjoyab
le. It changed my life because it led me to love reading. Share(4
) Support(7)Jessica/ GermanyI was lonely, and Harry Potter helped
me get better.When I was 16, my family moved away to a foreign c
ountry. I lived with my uncle and his family. At that time, I was
lonely. Times were grey, but Harry Potter always gave me somethi
ng to look forward to. The books helped me understand that I coul
d talk to my friends, depend on them. And the books have taught u
s to care about others. Thanks to J.K. Rowling. How I wish to get
her autograph(亲笔签名).Share(8)Support(15)21.When did Sara begin to
read Harry Potter? A.At the age of 11.B.At the age of 12.C.At th
e age of 14.D.At the age of 16.22.Who will probably ask for J. K.
Rowling’s autograph according to the passage?A.Alan.B.Jessica.C.
Sara.D.Richard.23.What is the best title for the passage?A. How t
o Read Harry Potter? B. Every Child Knows Harry Potter C. Reading
Harry Potter Is Enjoyable??? D. How Harry Potter Changed My Lif
eBLiving aloneI saved the grain (谷物) carefully and finally had en
ough to plant. I built a wall around my garden to keep the wild g
oats away.Then when my crop (庄稼) bore its fruit, the birds discov
ered it. The birds were not afraid of my dog at all. I shot them
but as soon as I walked away, they returned. At last, I killed so
me birds and hung them among the crop, hoping they would serve as
the scarecrows(稻草人), which turned out to be successful. By harve
st time, I had nearly two bushels of rice and two and a half bush
els of wheat.With my new grain to store, I found a new problem. T
he fine grain ran through my baskets. It took me nearly two month
s to form and dry two ugly pots — one for rice and one for wheat.
Next I formed a clay oven and made some other tools from hard wo
od and cloth to bake bread. I made and baked bread in my oven. I
spent the third year on the island in farming and baking.Soon aft
er that, I began to think of my days sailing in a tidy boat with
Xury. I wished to have a boat and explore the island by sea. I tr
ied to turn over the ship''s boat that I had seen washed up, but f
ailed. I was still determined(坚决的)to have a boat. So I chose a st
rong tree and spent weeks cutting it down. Then it took me months
to turn it from tree to boat. When it was time to launch, I real
ized I had made my boat too far from the nearest stream. The boat
was far too heavy for me to move. I tried bringing the water to
the boat instead of the boat to the water. I soon saw it would ta
ke me twenty years of constant(恒久的;继续不断的)labor. I celebrated my f
ourth year on the island with two boats, but I was no closer to a
sea journey. — Taken from The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 24.P
aragraph 2 mainly tells us?__________?.A. how much rice and wheat
I harvestedB. how I protected my crop from the birds C. how many
tools which I made to bake breadD. how I kept the wild goats awa
y from my crop25.What does “a new problem” in Paragraph 3 refer t
o?A. How to plant crop. B. How to make the ship’s b
oat.C. How to store grain. D. How to bring the boat
into the river.26.What can we infer from the passage?A. The writ
er managed to turn over the ships boat.B. The writer spent months
bringing the boat to the nearest stream.C. The writer spent the
third year on the island in farming and baking. D. The writer tri
ed to solve the problems with his courage and wisdom.CEvery count
ry has its heroes. The heroes are the people the nation and espec
ially the young people admire. If you get a list of the heroes of
a nation, it will tell you the potential (潜力) of that nation. To
day in America, if you ask the high school students to list their
heroes, their choice would probably fall into three groups. The
first group of heroes would be the rock stars ?the people connect
ed with rock music. There is no doubt that such people do have ta
lent but one wonders if one should hold up rock stars as a model.
The rock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal
life is not all that good. The rock stars are rich and wear the
latest fashion styles. However, one should seek (寻觅) more in a he
ro than such things as money and good clothes.A second type of he
ro for the American youth is the sports star. Again you have a pe
rson who has a great ability in one area---sports. However, too o
ften the personal life of the sports star is a bit of a disorder.
Too frequently (频繁) drugs and drinking are a part of life of the
sports star.A third type of hero is the TV or movie star. This p
erson may have lots of acting talent and is quite handsome. Howev
er, the personal life of too many actors is quite sad and they sh
ould not be held up as a model of young people. Today, the rock s
tar, the athlete, and the actor all have become the models of the
youth in America. Really, do you hear a young person say that hi
s hero is a doctor, a teacher, or a scientist? These people are n
ot rich and do not wear fashionable clothes. However, they are ta
lented people who work hard to make the world a better place for
everyone. What is really sad is that the young try to imitate the
ir heroes. They like to wear the same clothes and follow their st
yles. If the heroes of today for the American young people are li
mited only to rock stars, athletes and actors, the future does no
t look too bright. 27.From the passage, we know that the heroes t
he American youth admire are those _________.A. who are perfect i
n all areas.B. who are not bright but are good -looking.C. who ar
e rich but are strict with themselves.D. who are talented in some
area but lead an improper life.28.According to the writer, peopl
e should admire those _________.A. who are rich and wear the late
st fashion clothesB. who work for the interests of the peopleC. w
ho can express people’s feelings D. whose personal life is good29
.What is the writer’s attitude towards American youth''s admiratio
n?A.He understands it.B.He criticizes it.C.He is angry about it.D
.He is uninterested in it.DQuestions you should not ask a foreign
erIn western countries, it’s rude to ask a person’s salary. CFPAf
ter speaking to a number of foreigners, you might be forgiven for
thinking that no question could be ruder than “How old are you?”
Yes, asking a person’s age will likely get you into trouble, esp
ecially if you ask a woman. However, money is just as difficult t
o ask about as age. In western countries, a person’s salary (薪水)
is as private as their age. US manners expert Thomas P. Farley ex
plained why it is a taboo (禁忌). “So much of who we are is based o
n what we do professionally (专业地), and by extension (引申开来), what
we earn,” he told Forbes magazine. “In American society, much of
the respect we get from others is tied to what we earn. So the su
bject can be touchy.” But maybe you are feeling brave and still w
ant to try to find out how much your foreign friend earns. How ca
n you ask the question tactfully? Do not ask, “How much money do
you make?” The most likely reply will be, “That’s none of your bu
siness.” You may then feel bad. Without knowing, you will have ma
de a big cultural mistake. Get over it and try again another time
. Ask the person, “What do you do for a living?” or “What’s your
job title?” Most people will be happy to give you an answer. Afte
r they tell you their job title, you can make a rough (粗略的) guess
at their salary based on the average salary for someone who does
that job. Once you learn their job title, you could say: “That’s
interesting. I’m thinking about a career in that line of work. C
an you give me a rough idea of what the pay is like?” You have a
better chance of getting information with a question like this th
an with a straight question. Of course, there are people who choo
se to avoid answering the question and reply by saying, “Oh, I ge
t by.” Some might jokingly reply, “Not nearly enough.” At this po
int, it’s best to change the subject. After all, money isn’t ever
ything. 30. What does the article mainly talk about?A. How to dea
l with sensitive questions. B. How to ask foreigners about their
salary. C. The skills of asking some unpleasant questions.D. Priv
ate questions that foreigners don’t like to discuss.31. By using
Thomas P. Farley’s words, the writer means to show that ______.A.
in the US, salary is linked to abilityB. money plays an importan
t role in social statusC. how much you earn often shows what kind
of life you live D. a person’s profession often affects opinions
about their salaries32. The underlined word “tactfully” in Parag
raph 4 is closest in meaning to “______”.A. directly B. hones
tly C. skillfully D. clearly33. We can learn from the
last paragraph that ______.A. some people are glad to be asked a
bout their earningsB. you might not get a specific answer even wi
th a tactful question C. you should avoid asking about a person’s
salary in the first placeD. the writer suggests replying to a se
nsitive question in a humorous way 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)
Return to the moonIt might not be long until humans uncover the s
ecrets of the far side of the moon. China’s Chang’e 4 robotic pro
be (探测器), which is set to become the first probe to land on the m
oon’s far side, was launched successfully on Dec 8, Xinhua report
ed.The moon rotates (自转) at the same speed that it orbits (绕…运行)
Earth. Therefore, the same side of the moon always faces Earth. T
he far side of the moon is the side that we cannot see. We don’t
know much about it so far.However, the far side of the moon is an
ideal (理想的) place for scientific research. It is exposed (暴露) to
solar winds that may have formed unique minerals (矿物质) and other
resources. And since the far side is less affected by Earth’s gr
avity, scientists can make clearer observations of deep space fro
m there, according to China Daily.But it is hard to land on the f
ar side of the moon. Spacecraft that land there cannot receive an
y radio signals from Earth. To solve this problem, China launched
a relay satellite (中继卫星) called Queqiao into space in May. Throu
gh Queqiao, scientists can control and operate Chang’e 4 and make
sure it will land in a specific area. The probe’s travel time is
also important. Chang’e 4 is expected to land on the moon on Jan
2, China Daily reported. It will travel through space for more t
han 20 days before landing. This is longer than Chang’e 3, which
was in space for about 12 days before landing. The travel time wa
s changed because scientists want Chang’e 4 to land on the moon w
hen it is daytime. This way, the spacecraft’s solar panels (太阳能板)
can receive energy from the sun and allow the probe to start wor
king. A single day on the moon is about 28 days on Earth. Therefo
re, Chang’e 4 will keep orbiting the moon before landing as it wa
its for daytime, according to Sun Zezhou, chief designer of Chang
’e 4. Did you know? Chang’e 4 is taking some plant seeds and eggs
to the moon. It is hoped that Chang’e 4 will be able to do exper
iments with them. These will be the first biological experiments
to take place on the moon. 34. Will Chang’e 4 be the first probe
to land on the far side of the moon? 35. What does the far side
of the moon refer to?36. What research may scientists do on the f
ar side of the moon?37. How did Chinese scientists solve the prob
lem of no signals?38. Why do scientists want Chang’e 4 to land in
词语:lecture (讲座), invite, information, question, online提示问题:● When
and where will you have the lecture?● What do you advise Peter t
o prepare for it?Dear Peter,How is it going? There’ll be a lectur
e on Literature in our school. __________________________________
__________If there is anything that I can do, please let me know.
Yours,Li Hua题目②“伟大时代呼唤伟大精神,崇高事业需要榜样引领”,榜样的力量是无穷的,榜样的精神感染着我们每一个人,
它带给我们前进的动力。某英文网站正在开展以“My role model”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈
谈生活中你的榜样是谁?他/她具备怎样的品质?以及你要向他/她学习什么?提示词语:traits (品质), hard- workin
g, respect, learn from提示问题:●Who is your role model?●What traits d
oes your role model have?●What will you learn from him/her?My rol
e model is_______________________________________________________
C4.D5.A6.B7.B8.C9.D10.C11.A12.D二、完形填空13.C14.A15.D 16.B17.A18.C19
1.B32.C33.B四、阅读短文,回答问题。34.Yes. It’s the first.35.It refers to the
side that we can’t see and know little about.36.(1) Scientists c
an do research on minerals and other resources. (2) Scientists ca
n make clearer observations of deep space from there.37. They launched a relay satellite to control and operate Chang’e 4 when it is on the far side of the moon.38.So that the spacecraft’s solar panels can receive energy from the sun and allow the probe to start working.书面表达五、文段表达39.参考范文:题目① Dear Peter,How is it going? There’ll be a lecture on literature in our school. I’d like to invite you to attend it.Here’s the information for it. The place will be the lecture hall. The time is from 9:00 to 11:00 this Friday morning. The speaker is Mr. Li, an expert on Literature. You may ask questions at the end of the lecture. If you like, you can read online articles on the topic and get ready for your questions.If there is anything that I can do, please let me know. Yours,Li Hua题目②My role model My role model is my chemistry teacher. She is very helpful and kind to all the students. She is always patient to answer questions from all the students. When I made a mistake, she never scolds me. She explains to me my errors and helps me to understand what I have done wrong. All the students in my class like her. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher just like Miss Zhang to help the children in my village.How lucky I am to meet him in my school life! I’ll try to be a person like him. 1 / 11