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2023-06-02 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2019北京顺义初三二模英 语 (2019.5)学校_________________姓名______________准考证号_____
面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Lily is a very kind girl. W
e all love ______.A. you B. him C. them
D. her2. My mother is a teacher. She works ______ No.
5 Middle School.A. in B. to C. of
D. on3. — ______ do you see a film, Mary? — Once a wee
k. A. How much B. How often C. How long D. How
far4. I was very tired last night, ________ I went to sleep ear
lier.A. but B. or C. so D.
for5. — Peter, what will you do next Sunday? — We ______ our gr
andparents. A. visit B. visited C. is visiting
D. will visit6. — Mike, ______ you answer this questio
n? — Of course I can. It’s so easy. A. can B. may
C. must D. need7. — Tom, which subject do y
ou like ______, math or English? — Math. A. well B. b
etter C. best D. the best8. — What did yo
u do after school yesterday? — I ______ basketball with Peter. A.
play B. will play C. played D. has played9
. — How does your father go to work every day, David? — He usual
ly ______ to work by bike.A. goes B. is going C. w
ill go D. went10. It’s nice to see you again. We ______
each other for a long time.A. didn’t see B. haven’t seen C
. won’t see D. didn’t see11. A new sports center ________
in our community next year. A. builds B. will build C.
is built D. will be built12. — Could you please tell m
e ______ yesterday?— In a shop near my home.A. where you buy the
dictionary B. where do you buy the dictionaryC. where you
bought the dictionary D. where did you buy the dictionary二、完
in NeedI quietly placed my ear against the kitchen door. Mom had
a male 13! I peeked (从缝隙偷看) around. Sitting there was a gentlem
an, the most handsome man I’d ever seen.Mom was a young widow (寡妇
) then with three children. My sister was ten, my brother four an
d I six. I ___14__ having a daddy. And I knew he was the one. The
n I marched right into the kitchen.“Hi! I’m Patty. What’s your na
me?”“George.” 15 towards Mom, I asked, “Don’t you think my mom’
s pretty?”“Patty!” Mom scolded (责备) with embarrassment. “Go and c
heck on Benny.”George leaned forward and whispered, “Yes, I do. I
’ll see you later, Patty. I think we’ll be good friends.” George
started 16 on Mom more often. He always seemed happy to see me a
nd never grew tired of my endless questions.Soon they entered int
o a marriage. But one evening was especially bad. Benny was cryin
g on the kitchen floor. Annie was complained 17 it wasn’t her pl
ace to look after that spoiled child. And I spilled(使溢出) a whole
pot of butter milk. With an empty look, George muttered, “I must
have been 18 to marry a woman with three kids.”Mom flew to the
ir bedroom in tears,and George walked out. I hurried to the porch
(门廊). “I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful next time. Please don’t
19!”Gently wiping my tears, he said, “We’re friends, and friends
never abandon (抛弃、遗弃) the people they love.” Then he went to com
fort Mom.Over the years, George has always been there for me, thr
ough many ups and downs. I still turn to him with my 20 though he
’s already 85. 13. A. volunteer B. supporterC. challengerD. visit
or14. A. keptB. missedC. spentD. minded15. A. LookingB. CheckingC
. TurningD. Speaking16. A. working B. callingC. takingD. living 1
7. A. loudlyB. quietlyC. carefullyD. gently18. A. talentedB. brav
eC. madD. excited 19. A. laughB. worryC. relaxD. leave20. A. sugg
estions B. experiencesC. problemsD. achievements阅读理解(共36分) 三、阅读下列
短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)AFirst Aid,Lea
rn It by Yourself When we are injured or suddenly feeling unwell,
what we need to do is to treat it in the right way. How can we d
o that? First aid (急救) is here to help. First aid is the first st
eps you can take to care for someone who’s injured. It includes k
eeping safe, helping someone feel better and staying calm. It als
o includes getting help, either by telling an adult or calling 12
0. Sept 14 is World First Aid Day. It’s time for us to learn abou
t this useful life skill.NosebleedAsk the person to lean (倾斜) for
ward and pinch (捏) his/her nose for five to six minutes. Do not m
ove the head backward, as the blood can run into their mouth or e
ven lungs.ChokingStand behind the choking (因噎住而窒息 ) person, put y
our arms around their waist and lean him or her forward. Make fis
ts with your hands and thrust (猛烈施压) your fists into their stomac
h. Do this up to five times. You can also do back blows – firmly
slap (拍打) their back with your hand. If the object still doesn’t
come out, call 120.Broken boneIf the bone is broken, keep it stil
l. You can support it with your hands or clothes to stop movement
. Then, find an adult or call 120 for further help.BurnQuickly co
ol the burned area with cold running water. You should do this fo
r at least 10 minutes. Then, call an adult for help or go to the
hospital. Do not use ice. It can make the injury even worse.21.Fi
rst Aid is the first step you can ______.A. take to care for some
one injuredB. treat it in the helpful wayC. try the useful skill
D. keep safe 22.If someone is choking, you’d better ________.A.ke
ep the person stillB.cool the area for 10 minutesC.slap the perso
n’s back with your hand D.ask the person to lean and pinch his/h
er nose23.When somebody gets burned, you should not ______. A.mov
e the head backward B.use ice to cool the areaC.support it with y
our hands D.put your arms around their waistB A Special Card“Atte
ntion, everyone!” Miss Dalrymple looked at her class of ten-year-
olds. “Today we are going to create a special card for Father’s D
ay, which falls on this weekend.” Then she busied herself handing
out the paper and art materials to her noisy pupils.They were a
mixed punch. Some came from the rich side of the town, but the ma
jorities(大部分)were from parents who struggled to get jobs. So she
had not been eager to carry out this activity.“Think about all th
e things that your dad does that makes him special,” she said lou
dly as she came up to the last table. “You can write a poem or sh
ort story that makes your dad special. The written part of this a
ctivity should be completed before you start to decorate your car
d.” Andrew looked at the blank page. He had never met, spoken to,
or been hugged by his dad, so how could he write about him? Once
when he was looking in his grandma’s photo box, he had seen an o
ld black and white photo but it was badly creased (弄皱) and diffic
ult to recognize any clear features(特点). Grandma had quickly take
n it from him and buried it deeply among the rest, never to be fo
und again. After thinking for a while, he wrote:Dear Dad,You are
a person I do not know and would probably not recognize as I only
saw an old photo of you a long time ago. I think and wonder abou
t you often, especially when I have no one to talk to. One day wh
en I grow up I will do an Internet search to find you, but I am n
ot sure whether I will be successful as several efforts by the Ch
ild Support Agency have not been successful. Happy Father’s Day,
Dad.Love, Andrew 24. Miss Dalrymple asks her students to _______.
A. make a special card for their fathersB. hand out the paper and
the art materialsC. carry out a school activity on this weekendD
. try a celebration plan for the coming Father’s Day 25. Andrew h
ad difficulty in finishing the task because _______.A. he and his
grandma didn’t like his fatherB. he forgot all the things his fa
ther didC. his father was not a real personD. he had never seen h
is father26. What can we learn from Andrew’s letter?A. Andrew is
eager to meet his father.B. Andrew’s father has been dead.C. Andr
ew is sure of finding his father. D. Andrew’s father can’t recogn
ize him.C Human, Don’t Come too CloseFrequent touching from human
s may change plants’ genes and slow their growth.When we see babi
es or pets, we can’t help gently touching them to show our love.
And they give us happy feelings back. But a recent study shows th
at it’s different for plants.A study, published in The Plant Jour
nal, shows that plants don’t “like” to be touched. That’s because
touching changes their genes (基因) and, even worse, can slow thei
r growth. Professor Jim Whelan of the La Trobe Institute in Austr
alia gave an explanation. “The lightest touch from a human, anima
l, insect, or even plants touching each other in the wind, leads
to a huge gene change in the plant,” Science Daily reported.In or
der to test the theory, the scientists did an experiment on plant
s. They grew a number of plants to the age of four weeks. Then th
ey touched them with a paintbrush every 12 hours over a 36-hour p
eriod.They found that as a response to the touch, the mitochondri
a (线粒体) in the plants had been partly destroyed. The mitochondria
, as Science Alert noted, are the “powerhouse of the cell (细胞)”.
The mitochondria produce energy for the rest of the cell in both
animals and plants. If this “powerhouse” is weakened, the plants
will lose a large amount of energy that should have supported the
ir growth. Whelan further explained to Science Daily, “If the tou
ching is repeated, then plant growth is reduced by up to 30 perce
nt.”Although the process does have a strong effect on plants, usu
ally the plants survive. Touching changes the plants, but it’s no
t necessarily a bad change.According to Science Alert, frequent t
ouching or moving plants will make them grow shorter than other o
nes. The researchers believe this change, in some way, could be h
elpful. It may help plants fight threats to their health such as
insects and bad weather.The new research findings have led to a d
eeper understanding of the plants’ response to touching. And the
research might “open up new ways to reduce sensi ivity (敏感性) and
improve growth in the future”, Science Alert reported. 27. Why di
d the scientists do the experiment? A. To test if touching can ch
ange the genes of plants. B. To show that plants’ and animals’ ge
nes are different. C. To tell when touching has effect on plants
and animals. D. To find out why some plants grow more slowly than
others.[28. What did the scientists find in their experiment? A.
Repeated touching shortened the plants’ life by four weeks. B. T
ouching slowed down plant growth by reducing energy for growth. C
. Repeated touching made plants die sooner than they were expecte
d to. D. Mitochondria in the plants couldn’t produce energy becau
se of touching. 29. What do the scientists think of the fact that
touch makes plants become shorter?[A. The plants will be more li
kely to be attracted by insects. B. The plants will be more easil
y harmed by bad weather.C. The plants will be less sensitive to b
eing touched. D. The plants will be better at fighting dangers.
DBooks Bring SuccessPeople growing with more books are more likel
y to be successful. According to German novelist Heinrich Mann, a
house without books is like a room without windows. Mann simply
stated the value of books, but some researchers have found eviden
ce that people with books in their homes really do gain a window
on the world.[ A new study in the journal Social Science Research
, published in October, suggests that people who grow up with mor
e books are more likely to have educational advantages, and to ac
hieve more in life, than people who grow up without them. In the
study, over 160,000 adults from 31 countries and regions were ask
ed about the number of books there were in their homes when they
were 16 years old. They were then given tests in literacy (读写能力),
numeracy (计算能力) and information communication technology.The res
earch shows that the number of books for each household varies gr
eatly from country to country. For example, the number of books i
s 27 in Turkey, 143 in the UK and 218 in Estonia. But “the total
effects of home library size on literacy are large everywhere”.Th
e researchers found that people who had only lower levels of seco
ndary education but had a large number of books at home got a sim
ilar score as university graduates who grew up with only a few bo
oks.The Guardian newspaper commented that “bookish adolescence ma
kes for a good deal of educational advantage.”“Adolescent exposur
e to books can compensate for shortcomings not only in adult lite
racy but also numeracy: its impacts are equal to additional years
of education,” Sikora told Science Alert.Apart from the educatio
nal benefits, growing up with more books also plays an important
role in adult success.Through analyzing their personal informatio
n, researchers found that people surrounded by books in adolescen
ce are on average more successful in adulthood than those who had
only few books at a younger age.“Early exposure to books in the
parental home matters because books are an basic part of routines
and practices that enrich lifelong cognitive competencies (认知能力)
”, Sikora told Science Alert. These competencies are important to
future development. Without doubt, the fact that we are moving t
oward a digital era could weaken the importance of printed books.
For now, however, “they still seem to maintain quite a large pos
itive benefit, which shows no sign of abating (减弱)”, researchers
wrote in the paper.30. What’s the study mainly about?? A. Reading
habits of different countries.? B. The?benefits?of growing up wi
th more books. C. How reading books?brings?educational advantages
. D. The impacts of books on people of different ages.31. How man
y books do an average British family own, according to the study?
? A. 27.? B. 32.? C. 143.? D. 218.?32. The underlined phrase?“com
pensate for”?probably means ______.? A. make up?for B. result in
C.?prepare for D. draw attention to33. According to the study
, people who read?more?books in adolescence?are likely to?______.
? a. have?better?literacy? b. achieve?more?in adulthoodc.?have?b
etter?communication skillsd.?achieve?more?pleasant personalities
A. ac B. bc C. cd D. ab四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)A Rose unlik
e Any Other[来源:学科网]The National Museum of Qatar, which opened on
March 28, looks like a desert rose. You may think of museums as d
usty collections of old objects, but modern museums are different
. They are landmarks and showcases of local culture, offering vis
itors insight (视角) into the past.The National Museum of Qatar, wh
ich opened on March 28, 2019, is the latest example.The building’
s interlocking structure of steel, glass and fiber concrete makes
people think of the petals (花瓣) of a desert rose. These “roses”
are actually crystallized (结晶的) sand, found just under the desert
’s surface. “It’s surprisingly complex and poetic,” the designer
Nouvel told UK-based design magazine Dezeen. This pioneering desi
gn also makes the building energy-efficient. They form a sunscree
n and cast (投射) protective shadows when the sun hits the building
from east or west. “I want to build a structure that keeps in li
ne with the condition of the place, to ensure that it offers maxi
mum (最大化的) protection from the sun and save energy,” Nouvel said.
Apart from its unique shape, the museum also includes Qatar’s tr
adition of both nomads (牧民) and fishermen. It’s committed to pres
erving and showing the wooden dhows that were once Doha’s lifeblo
od. These boats enabled fishing, trading and the collection of pr
ecious pearls. And visitors can see over 1.5 million of them on t
he hand-embroidered Pearl Carpet of Baroda, the most extravagant
(奢侈的) carpet ever, in the museum. The museum also seeks to redefi
ne(重新定义)the role of cultural institutions. It’s hoped that visito
rs will not only observe the exhibitions but also immerse (沉浸) th
emselves in Qatar’s history. For this purpose, it features a mult
ilayered, 360-degree environment. For example, on the path to the
gallery of Life in Qatar, viewers see open markets, camels carry
ing goods, and wealthy pearl traders drinking tea and doing busin
ess.“It creates a dialogue between the past and future,” accordin
g to a museum press release. “The scheme will give a voice to Qat
ar’s heritage (文化遗产) while celebrating its future.” 34. When did
the National Museum of Qatar open?35. What does the National Muse
um look like?36. Does the design make the building energy-efficie
nt?37. Apart from its unique shape, what other features does the
museum have?38. What does the writer think of the museum?书面表达(共10
望得到他建议的心情。提示词语: gift, love, opinion提示问题:● What’s your plan for Fa
ther’s Day?● Why do you do so?● What do you want Peter to do?Dear
Peter,How is it going? We will share the plan for Father’s Day n
ext week. Yours,Li Hua题目② 环境保护人人有责, 如果我们每一个人都能珍爱美丽地球 保护自然资源,相信我
们的家园会越来越美好。某英文网站正在开展以“Going Green”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈我
们面临的主要环境问题是什么,为改善环境我们能做什么,以及你的期望。提示词语: pollution, protect, save,
recycle, take action提示问题:● What are the main environmental proble
ms we have?● What can we do in our daily life?● What’s your wish?
Now there are many environmental problems. 参考答案知识运用一、单项填空1.D2.
A3.B4.C5.D6.A7.B8.C9.A10.B11.D12.C二、完形填空13.D14.B15.A 16.B17.A18.
.B31.C32.A33.D四、阅读短文,回答问题。34.It opened on March 28, 2019. 35.It l
ooks like a desert rose.36.Yes. It does.37.The museum includes Qa
tar’s tradition of both nomads and fishermen. It also seeks to redefine the role of cultural institutions.38.It’s a modern museum. It is a landmark and showcase of local culture, offering visitors insight into the past.书面表达五、文段表达39.参考范文:题目① Dear Peter,How is it going? Dear Peter,How is it going?We will share the plan for Father’s Day next week. I am going to do some meaningful things for my father. Firstly, I am going to buy a beautiful card for him. And then, I plan to cook him a big meal. Though I am not good at cooking, I can ask my mother for help.I will do this because I love my father deeply. He works very hard every day to support my family. Would you please give me some advice? I am eager to receive your early reply. Yours,Li Hua题目②Now there are many environmental problems. Such as air pollution, water pollution and so on.I believe that there are many things we can do in our daily life, we can save energy by go to school by bike or on foot. We can use less water by turning off the tap while we brush our teeth, and taking shorter showers. When we see litter on the ground, we must pick it up and put it into different bins. I hope everyone can take action. Although each one of us may only do a little, together we can make a big difference. Let’s work together to make a better place to live. 10 / 10