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2023-06-05 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Voice & Auxiliary verb 语态与助动词VOICE语态定义:语态是动词的一种形式,用于说明主语和谓语动词之间的关系语态分
类Types of voice in English language1. Active voice 主动语态2. Passive
voice被动语态Passive voice 被动语态1. 基本形式 Basic structure of passive v
oicebe + p.p (transitive verb)2. 涉及被动的八种时态8 tenses involving pa
ssive voice : Present:一般现在时(present indefinite tense)现在完成时(presen
t perfect tense)现在进行时(present continuous tense)Past:一般过去时(past in
definite tense)过去完成时(past perfect tense)过去进行时(past continuous ten
se)Future:一般将来时(future indefinite tense)Past-future:一般过去将来时(futur
e-in-the-past indefinite tense)被动语态的一般疑问和否定结构 Passive voice in ge
neral question and negative structurefor general question:将第一个助动词
移至主语之前eg: It is written—→Is it written?2. for negative structure:
助动词后加not eg: It is not written主动形式表被动含义1.常见涉及的动词:look, taste, sou
nd, prove, feel, write, read, wash, sell, lock, shut, close, open
eg: He pen writes smoothly. (笔是被使用) The window won’t shut .
(窗户是被关上)2. need , want , require, deserve + V-ing的主动形式eg:This mac
hine needs fixing 这个机器需要修理(被修理) This work requires finish
ing 这项工作需要完成(被完成) 3. be worth + V-ing This place is worth vis
iting 这个地方值得参观(被参观)4. 有些形容词后接不定式作状语时, 常用主动形式表被动意义:easy , hard, di
fficult , cheap, expensive , fit , nice , good, funny , exciting
, light , heavy , dangerous, comfortable, deliciouseg:His book is
difficult to understand. 他的书很难理解(被理解) The details of thi
s case is dangerous to know. 这个案件的细节了解起来很危险(被了解)5. 在there be 句型中,
可以用主动形式表被动意义 Is there anything to read ? 有什么(书)可以读的吗?(被读)There i
s nothing to worry about . 没什么事好担心(被担心) 各时态的被动语态 passive voice in
different tenses 主动语态变被动语态1. 找宾语 ----即动作的承受者2. 判断宾语的单复数 ----即be动
词的单复数.3. 判断动词的时态 ----即be动词的时态.4. 修改谓语的时态 ----即原句动词改为过去分词5. 修改原句的主
语 ----即by+ 主语/ 宾语.eg: They make shoes in that factory Shoes
are made in that factory被动语态功能用法1)动作执行者不明或动作执行者没有必要提及Printing wa
s introduced into Europe from China.(动作执行者不明)Human rights were ig
nored in this country. (动作执行者不必提及,可能涉及多方面的忽视)2) 同时重视动作承受者以及动作执行者
。涉及by的使用。A lot of towns in New zealand were destroyed by the eart
hquake. I was shocked by her behavior. 短语动词的被动语态动词+介词:look at,
depend on, call on, laugh at, send for, listen to, etc.eg: We hav
e sent for the doctor. The doctor has been sent for. they l
aughed at the little girl.The little girl was laughed at by them.
2. 动词+名词+介词: take care of, make use of, pay attention to, etc.eg
: I takes care of my sister. My sister is taken care of by m
e. 3. 动词+副词: carry out, look up, hand down, take off, put on, giv
e up, etc.eg:They have successfully carried out the policy.
The policy has been successfully carried out. 4. 动词+副词+介词:put
up with, do away with, look down upon, etc.eg: They class looked
down upon the new student at the beginning. The new stude
nt was looked down upon by the class at the beginning. 含情态动词的被动语态
结构passive voice structures with modal verbmodal verb+be+P.Peg: We
must handle this work with care. This work must be handled
with care.(by us) We have to finish the assignment. The a
ssignment have to be finished by us. 双宾语结构主动变被动He gave me
a book. (变被动)主 谓 间宾 直宾I was given a book by hi
m. (间宾作主)A book was given to me by him. (直宾作主)即: 变被动时间接宾语做主语,则直接宾
语还是宾语 变被动时直接宾语要做主语,间接宾语前要加to 或 for主动机构中如有复合宾语,变为被动时谨记一个原
则:只将复合宾语中的逻辑主语变为主语,其余不作变动。We found him working in the fields.(复合宾
语结构) 逻辑主语为himHe was found working in the fields(by us)被动语态与系表结构的区
别?被动语态:表动作;句子主语为动作对象。过去分词必须是及物动词。故被动语态be动词有时态之分。 The play was w
ritten with great care.The play has been written with great care.
The play is being written with great care. 系表结构表性质、状态 ;过去分词作为形容词
使用,其系动词be时态只涉及一般时/完成时;有well, very, quite等副词修饰;过去分词可以是gone, fallen
, risen等不及动词 be broken,be excited, be well educated , be conne
cted with,be separated from, be surprised at,be concerned aboutAu
xiliary verb 助动词助动词be的用法1. be+ 现在分词V-ing构成进行时We are preparing th
e dinner.She came in when we were discussing about her new boyfri
end.2. be+过去分词done 构成被动语态I was stopped by the parade.They are sho
cked by the terrible news.3. be+不定式to do 1) 未来安排计划The consulting
group is to leave Africa next Monday.2) 必要,命令或询问对方意志You are to si
t there during interrogation. (命令)What it is to be done?(询问)3) 表可
能性I am not sure whether he is to show up tonight. = I am not sure
whether he may show up tonight.4) be+about+动词不定式to do 表计划即将The m
eeting is about to begin.have的用法构成完成时态 do(did)的用法一般现在时和一般过去时中的疑问句
和否定句Do you understand?Did you know the truth by then?I do not wan
t to help an ungrateful person.she did not say that!2. 否定祈使句Don’t
be such a coward.Don’t hesitate to ask me for any help if needed
. You do not bump into people on the sidewalk like that!3. 加强语气I
do have the feeling that she will come.Do send me the links of this beautiful dress.4. 倒装句中Never did I expect to see you here.only then did I realize how important she is to me. 5. 简略答语中替代主要动词(避免重复)Does she work as an actress?---Yes, she does.shall和 will构成一般将来时,后接动词原形should和 would构成过去将来时,后接动词原形