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boiler water related problems
2023-06-17 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Water Related ProblemsScale Corrosion DepositsScales Calcium Carbon
ated Ca(HCO3)2Calcium Sulfate CaSO4 Magnesium Hydroxide MgCO3WAY:
hardness Control (phosphate 20-40ppm)To provide a phosphate rese
rve in boiler, to precipitate calcium as calcium phosphate a soft
non adherent sludge that can easily be blow down.Corrosion Carbo
nic acid corrosionWAY: Feeding and recycling of a neutralizing am
ine. PH Control 9.5-11Mineral Acid corrosionWAY: Alkalinity Contr
ol 100-150ppm CL- Control <200ppmIt reacts with the bicarbonates
and chlorides of magnesium and calcium; to precipitate harmless n
on-adherent sludge and sodium chloride which remains in solution.
MgCl2+2NaOH HEAT Mg(OH)2 + 2NaClExposed to atmosphere, NaOH absor
bs CO2 to form NaCO3.Oxygen corrosionWAY: Oxygen scavenger Corros
ion inhibitorHydrazine Properties, Hydrazine reacts at 204°C to f
orm nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia. Ammonia gives good corrosion
protection to copper & copper alloy components of the system in t
he absence of dissolved oxygen.Maintain cascade tank temperature
as high as possible without losing pump suction.(As the temp appr
oaches boiling point , its ability to hold the oxygen in the diss
olved state decreases to approximately 1 ppm.3DepositsWAY: Liquid
Coagulant Boiler Coagulant prevents the formation of deposits o
n boiler internal surfaces. Sludge is kept dispersed in small par
ticles and conditioned to be removed by normal blow down. Contai
ns anti-foam constituents which can minimize foaming tendencies.
Boiler Coagulant can also be used where minor oil contamination h
as been experienced, the oil being required to be coagulated removal by blow down.