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recommendations validation of cuffless blood

pressure European Society of

Hypertension on Blood Pressure

Monitoring Variability



, Konstantinos G. Kyriakoulis





, Gianfranco Parati


, Roland Asmar





, Paolo Castiglioni





, Richard J. McManus


, Martin Myers





, Jiguang Wang


, Yuanting Zhang





Journal of Hypertension 2023, 41:000–000


Hypertension Center STRIDE-7, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,

School of Medicine, Third Department of Medicine, Sotiria Hospital, Athens, Greece,


Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences,

MacquarieUniversity, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia,


Department of Medicine,

University of Padova, Padova, Italy,


School of Population Health, University of New

South Wales, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, New South Wales,



Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, Germany,


Department of

Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca,


Istituto Auxologico Italiano,

IRCCS, Cardiology Unit and Department of Cardiovascular, Neural and Metabolic

Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, Mac-


ESH Paper

recalibration test (cuff calibration stability over time). Not

all these tests are required for a given device. The necessary

tests depend on whether the device requires individual user

calibration, measures automatically or manually, and takes

measurements in more than one position.

Conclusion: The validation of cuffless BP devices is

complex and needs to be tailored according to their

functions and calibration. These ESH recommendations

present specific, clinically meaningful, and pragmatic

validation procedures for different types of intermittent

cuffless devices to ensure that only accurate devices will be

quarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, The Shanghai Institute of

Hypertension, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,



Hong Kong Centre for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Health Engineering

(COCHE), Hong Kong, China,


CharitC19e - Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Freie Universit€at

Berlin, Humboldt-Universit€at zu Berlin, Berlin Institute of Health, Department of

Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, CharitC19e University Medicine, Berlin, Germany,


The Conway Institute, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland and


Department of

Bioengineering and Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine,

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Correspondence to Professor George S. Stergiou, MD, PhD, FRCP, Hypertension

Center STRIDE-7, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine,

Third Department of Medicine, Sotiria Hospital, 152 Mesogion Avenue, Athens

11527, Greece. Tel: +30 2107763117; fax: +30 2107719981;

e-mail: stergiougs@gmail.com

Received 21 May 2023 Accepted 22 May 2023

J Hypertens 41:000–000 Copyright ? 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights

(BP decrease accuracy); awake/asleep test (BP change

accuracy); exercise test (BP increase accuracy); and

Hypertension (ESH) Working Group on BP Monitoring and

Cardiovascular Variability recommends procedures for

validating intermittent cuffless BP devices (providing

measurements every >30sec and usually 30–60min, or

upon user initiation), which are most common.

Validation procedures: Six validation tests are defined

for evaluating different aspects of intermittent cuffless

devices: static test (absolute BP accuracy); device position

test (hydrostatic pressure effect robustness); treatment test

Sciences, S. Luca Hospital, Milan, Italy,


Foundation-Medical Research Institutes,

Geneva, Switzerland,


Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology & Medical Statistics,

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine, Athens, Greece,


Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University School of Medicine,

Tokyo, Japan,


IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milan, Italy; Department

of Biotechnology and Life Sciences (DBSV), University of Insubria, Varese, Italy,


Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Mutua Terrassa, University of Barcelona,

Catalonia, Spain,


Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland,

College Park, Maryland, USA,


Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of

Medicine, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Tochigi, Japan,



Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK,


Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,



Department of Bioengineering and Department of Medicine, University

of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,


The George Institute for Global Health,


Society of Hypertension

for the

measuring devices:

Working Group

and Cardiovascular

George S. Stergiou


, Alberto P. Avolio


, Paolo

Aletta E. Schutte


, Stephan Mieke


, Anastasios

Nikos Pantazis


, Achilleas Stamoulopoulos


, Kei

Alejandro De La Sierra


, Jin-Oh Hahn


, Kazuomi

Takayoshi Ohkubo


, Sanjeev G. Shroff


, Isabella

Reinhold Kreutz


, Eoin O’Brien


, and Ramakrishna

Background: There is intense effort to develop cuffless

blood pressure (BP) measuring devices, and several are

already on the market claiming that they provide accurate

measurements. These devices are heterogeneous in

measurement principle, intended use, functions, and

calibration, and have special accuracy issues requiring

different validation than classic cuff BP monitors. To date,

there are no generally accepted protocols for their

validation to ensure adequate accuracy for clinical use.

Objective: This statement by the European Society of

used in the evaluation and management of hypertension. reserved.


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Keywords: accuracy, blood pressure measurement,

on what to recommend against the background of some

1.2 Objective

Stergiou et al.

favorable reports encouraging their use and the fact that



this does not guarantee that these devices are accurate for

clinical use [3]. Thus, there is urgent demand expressed by

the scientific community [1–3,8,10,11] to establish standards


accuracy and usefulness in detecting and managing individ-

uals with elevated BP in clinical practice.

validation of different types of cuffless BP devices, many

published studies claiming reasonable accuracy of such

devices suffer from inadequate and heterogeneous testing

and reporting [1,8]. Healthcare professionals are uncertain

cuffless, monitoring, smartphone, smartwatch, validation,

wearable, wristband

Abbreviations: AAMI, Association for the Advancement

of Medical Instrumentation; ABPM, Ambulatory blood

pressure monitoring; BP, Blood pressure; ESH, European

Society of Hypertension; IEEE, Institute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers; ISO, International Organization for

Standardization; PPG, Photoplethysmography


1.1 Background


everal novel cuffless blood pressure (BP) measuring

devices, typically in the form of a wearable for

automated or manual use, have appeared on the

market, and few gained formal clearance by some regula-

tory organizations [1–3]. These devices are attractive for

individuals with hypertension, but also for apparently

healthy people who wish to monitor their BP as part of

wider ‘wellness’ monitoring [1].

For cuff BP devices, which are widely used for hyper-

tension diagnosis and management in clinical practice,

several protocols for their clinical validation have been

developed, and a Universal Standard has been published

in 2018 by the U.S. Association for the Advancement of

Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), the European Society of

Hypertension (ESH) Working Group on BP Monitoring and

Cardiovascular Variability and the International Organiza-

tion for Standardization (ISO) for global use (AAMI/ESH/

ISO Universal Standard - ISO 81060-2:2018, from now on

referred to as ‘Universal Standard’) [4–6]. However, it is

recognized that the validation protocols for cuff BP devices

are inadequate for cuffless devices [1,4–9]. The primary

reason is that many cuffless devices require individual user

calibration and thereby actually measure intra-person BP

changes rather than absolute BP levels. A secondary reason

is that many cuffless devices offer unique functions. For

example, typical devices are automated yet positioned at

the wrist and may thus be susceptible to significant error

due to hydrostatic pressure effects. Therefore, cuffless

devices necessitate different and more complex procedures

for their validation.

Because of the absence of a standard protocol for the

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The ESH Working Group on BP Monitoring and Cardiovas-

cular Variability responded to this need to have clinically

relevant and feasible procedures for the validation of cuff-

less BP devices intended for screening, diagnosing, treat-

ing, and following hypertension. This statement presents

the background, rationale, principles, procedures, and

requirements for the validation of ‘intermittent’ cuffless

BP measuring devices (see definition below), which are

most common [3]. The primary objective of this work is

to establish essential requirements for such devices taking

into consideration their special functions and calibration,

so that they may be confidently used in clinical practice

for hypertension management. ‘Continuous’ cuffless BP

devices (see definition below) are not addressed here, as

an ISO standard for such devices was recently published

(ISO 81060-3:2022) [12].

1.3 Development process

An international panel of 26 scientists was appointed by the

ESH Working Group on BP Monitoring and Cardiovascular

Variability. The panel included clinicians, bioengineers,

physiologists, and biostatisticians with expertise in clinical

hypertension, BP measurement research, BP device clinical

validation, and BP and cardiovascular measurement tech-

nologies. For developing this ESH statement, several virtual

meetings were conducted, with exchange of opinions and

proposals among the contributing scientists, and several

draft versions were prepared within 1 year, until consensus

was eventually reached.



2.1 Cuffless blood pressure measuring device

types and terminology

2.1.1 Measurement principles

Thereareseveraldifferentprinciplesunderlying cufflessBP

measuring devices [7]. However, pulse wave analysis with

or without pulse arrival time is by far the most popular

measurement principle. Pulse wave analysis devices obtain

a peripheral arterial waveform typically with a photople-

thysmography (PPG, optical) or tonometry (force) sensor

and apply machine learning to extract features from the

waveform and calibrate the features to BP. Pulse wave

analysis - pulse arrival time devices are similar except that

an ECG waveform is also measured to extractthetimedelay

between the ECG and peripheral arterial waveforms, and

possibly other ECG waveform features. The calibration

(sometimes referred to as initialization) for these devices

is achieved with periodic (e.g., monthly) cuff BP measure-

ments (cuff-calibrated), or with demographics such as age,

BMI, and sex, which are known to correlate with BP

(demographic-calibrated). Cuffless BP measurement prin-

ciples have been proposed that do not require individual

user calibration (calibration-free). These devices have been

much less investigated but could become available in

the future.

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2.1.2 Intended uses

Cuffless BP measuring devices have different intended uses

(Table 1). The classic cuff BP monitors (oscillometric or

manual auscultatory) provide intermittent BP measure-

ments (snapshots) upon device activation by the user on

each occasion. Classic 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring

(ABPM) obtains intermittent but automated BP readings

in prespecified time intervals, usually every 20–30min for

24h. Cuffless BP devices can provide continuous (e.g.,

beat-to-beat) or intermittent measurements (e.g., several

readings per 24h taken automatically or manually) [13].

In the intensive care, anesthesia, or operating room

setting, where very short-termBP fluctuationsare of clinical

significance, continuous BP monitoring by a cuffless device

would be of value and might replace to some extent more

invasive methods if found to be accurate. On the other

hand, for the diagnosis and management of clinical hyper-

tension, very short-term BP estimations are probably of

limited value. The intended use of cuffless BP monitors

monitor BP (vital sign) continuously and should be validat-

ed against reference invasive intra-arterial BP measure-

ment, as the manual auscultatory method cannot track

very short-term beat-to-beat fluctuations [12]. On the other

hand, for a cuffless BP monitor which will be used

for hypertension screening, diagnosis, and management,

manual auscultatory BP measurement should be the refer-

ence, as this method is the basis for defining diagnostic

and intervention BP thresholds for treatment decisions in

clinical hypertension [1].

2.1.3 Functions and calibration

Cuffless BP measuring devices can be different in function

and calibration. The various functions and modes of cali-

bration establish important terminology in this document

(Table 2). Cuffless BP measuring devices are primarily

categorized as: Continuous: cuffless BP devices, which

report BP readings every C2030s (definition introduced

in ISO 81060-3:2022) [12] or Intermittent: cuffless BP

TABLE 1. Intended uses of cuffless blood pressure measuring devices

Intended use (Users)

Clinical index

(Clinical assessment)

Blood pressure




Hypertension screening (Apparently healthy people) Cardiovascular risk factor (Hypertension) Intermittent Manual auscultatory

Hypertension diagnosis and long-term follow-up (Patients) Cardiovascular risk factor (Hypertension) Intermittent Manual auscultatory

Intensive care - Anesthesia (Healthcare professionals) Vital sign (Hemodynamic condition) Continuous Intra-arterial

Modified from [1].


in IS


, we


le d




tc) e

Validation of cuffless blood pressure devices

needs to be considered, as different procedures and criteria

may be required for their validation [1]. For example, a

cuffless device developed for use in the ICU would ideally

TABLE 2. Function and calibration of cuffless blood pressure measuring

Device function/calibration

BP output



Outputs BP readings e

(definition introduced


Outputs BP readings e

will and initiation.




Measures BP for days

for each measurement


Measures BP in a sing

(e.g., user holds a sma

still to take a measurem



Obtains BP with sensor f

glasses, chest device, e

Heart-level Obtains BP with sensor pos




Reports BP readings after

readings and requires perio



Reports BP readings after

(e.g., sex, age, height, wei



Reports BP readings withou

(i.e., cuff BP, demographi

Journal of Hypertension

Copyright ? 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized

devices, which report BP readings every >30s (usually

30–60min), or upon user initiation. The present document

addresses the principles, procedures, and requirements for

devices – Terminology


≤30 seconds

O 81060-3:2022 [12]).

>30 seconds (usually 30-60 min), or upon user’s own

eks, or months without requiring any action by the user

a wearable device (see below).

evice position via user activation

, smartwatch, or portable device at heart level while


tted on the user (e.g., wristband, smartwatch, ring, on

ither automatically, manually, or both.

itioned at/near heart level (e.g., a chest device).

initial individual-user input of one or more cuff BP

dic recalibration with cuff BP measurements.

initial input of individual user demographics

ght, or other).

t any additional individual user information

cs, or other).

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the clinical validation of intermittent cuffless BP devices

reporting absolute BP readings (values) intended for

screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of hypertension.

‘Trending’ BP cuffless devices, which provide BP changes

relative to an unknown user-specific baseline value (e.g.,

for a BP increase from 100mmHg at baseline to 115mmHg

after some time, a trending device would aim to report

0mmHg and then 15mmHg instead of the absolute BP

values) [12], are not considered in this statement, as they

may not be useful in clinical hypertension diagnosis

and management.

Intermittent cuffless devices may be Automated or

Manual (initiated or activated by the user). Automated

devices come in the form of a Wearable and report BP

readings without any action of the user, whereas manual

devices can come in a wearable or nonwearable (e.g.,

smartphone) form and take BP measurements in a single

device position relative to the heart (defined by the manu-

facturer) upon user initiation. Automated devices may be

further categorized as a wearable sensor at Heart-level or

invasive intra-arterial method directly ‘measures’ BP. All

noninvasive cuff BP methods (including standard reference

manual auscultatory and also automated oscillometric

methods) indirectly ‘estimate’ BP using different methodol-

ogies and assumptions rather than making a true ‘measure-

ment’ofthe arterialBP. Thisis also the case with cuffless BP

devices not requiring individual-user calibration. On the


changes’ in BP relative to the preceding cuff BP measure-

ment for calibration, but do output ‘absolute BP values’ by

using the cuff BPmeasurement obtained during calibration.

Demographic-calibrated cuffless devices may be inter-

preted to ‘predict’ the BP level from basic user information

and likewise track BP changes but in comparison to the

predicted BP level. Despite the fundamental differences in

how BP readings are generated with different technologies,

in this document the term BP ‘measurement’ will be used

for all the above instances to represent the ‘BP determina-

tion’ in general, irrespective of the method used.







6 and

Stergiou et al.

elsewhere on the body. Heart-level devices are not affected

by hydrostatic pressure changes in different body postures.

Most automated devices are wrist devices and do not fall in

this category. Automated and manual devices may be Cuff-

calibrated, Demographic-calibrated,orCalibration-

free. A cuff-calibrated device may also take demographics

as additional input for determining BP. The manner of

calibration which a cuffless device utilizes is most relevant

for determining a validation protocol. There may be nine

types of intermittent cuffless BP measuring devices based

on the different combinations of their functions and cali-

bration (Table 3). Finally, some cuffless BP devices may

offer multiple functions (e.g., a cuffless BP technology

implemented in a smartwatch device may operate both

automatically and manually).

2.2 Blood pressure measurement, estimation,

change tracking, and prediction

BP measurement is a widely used term to describe a BP

value provided by any device, whereas in fact only the

TABLE 3. Nine possible types of intermittent cuffless blood pressure

Each of these device types requires a different set of validation tests (see Table

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periodic calibrations with cuff devices, and/or provide

automated BP measurements with sensors not positioned

at the level of the heart. As a result, clinical validation for

cuffless BP monitors is necessarily more difficult [1,7,8].

Unique aspects in the validation of cuffless BP measuring

devices include testing the following:

1. Ability to track BP changes such as short-term, diur-

nal, treatment-induced, seasonal, or other variations

(for devices requiring individual-user calibration).

2. Impact of different device positions relative to

the heart (for automated devices with sensors not

at heart level).

devices according to their function and calibration

Fig. 1).


aspects for clinical validation of

blood pressure measuring devices

classic cuff devices measure absolute BP at heart

many cuffless devices measure BP changes, require




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3. Impact of body movement and physical activity (for

automated wearable devices).

4. Stability of cuff calibration accuracy over time (for

devices requiring periodic cuff calibration).

3.2 Current validation protocols for blood

pressure measuring devices

3.2.1 AAMI/ESH/ISO Universal Standard for cuff

blood pressure devices (ISO 81060-2:2018)

In the last 30years, several protocols have been developed

by scientific organizations for the validation of cuff BP

devices [9]. In 2018, AAMI, ESH, and ISO agreed on a

Universal Standard (AAMI/ESH/ISO - ISO 81060-2:2018)

for global use [4,5]. According to this standard, a general

population study is required with at least 85 subjects


cuff size, etc.) and using manual auscultatory BP as the

reference method. In 2020, an amendment was published

to address issues regarding limb size distribution [6]. How-

ever, this standard is not appropriate for the validation of

cuffless BP devices [1,4,5]. The most important limitation is

3.2.2 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

(IEEE) standard for cuffless wearable devices


accuracy of ‘cuffless wearable BP devices’ (IEEE 1708-2014)

[18]. An amendment to the protocol was published in 2019




to these devices were addressed for the first time. The IEEE

standard was designed to test the accuracy of both continu-

ous and intermittent cuffless BP devices using manual aus-


conditions immediately following cuff calibration, after in-



A sample size of C2185 individuals is required, and the pass

criteria are based on the mean absolute error of the test

measurements against the reference measurements [18,19].

Although the IEEE standard addresses key aspects of

cuffless BP device validation, it did not always provide

adequate solutions. An important limitation is that methods

for inducing the BP changes were not specified, rendering

this standard to be more theoretical than implementable.






Test and reference BP measurement Simultaneous or sequential Simultane

10 mmHg



Validation of cuffless blood pressure devices




requirements (BP difference) C207 mmHg (mean absolute



that the Universal Standard does not include procedures to

test the ability of devices to track BP changes. Such pro-

cedures are not necessary for cuffBP devicesbut are of vital

importance for cuffless devices requiring individual-user

calibration. It has been demonstrated that a cuffless BP

device immediately post cuff-calibration can easily pass the

Universal Standard for cuff BP devices, which is performed

in static conditions and excludes cases with clinically im-

portant BP variability [1]. However, such a device may be

grossly inaccurate in its actual purpose of tracking changes

in BP (e.g., acutely induced in a laboratory environment,



devices (which has been done in several published studies

[14–17]) is inadequate and misleading [1].

TABLE 4. Key aspects of validation procedures developed for cuffless

Electronics Engineers [18,19], the International Organizat

Hypertension Working Group on BP Monitoring and Cardiov

IEEE Standard

1708–2014 [18] &

1708a–2019 [19] 81060-3

Device type Cuffless wearable BP devices Cuffless

Number of subjects C2185 30–120


Reference method Manual auscultatory

Validation tests

A. Immediately post calibration Yes

B. In different device positions Yes

C. After inducing BP change Yes

Laboratory setting: acute

(procedures not specified)



D. Before recalibration Yes

of Hypertension

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Indeed, few studies have attempted to implement this

standard, and they failed to properly address the key step

of inducing BP changes (especially BP lowering) [20,21].

Thus, it is crucial to explicitly define methods for inducing

BP changes which are reproducible and applicable for all

device types and feasible for many validation centers.

3.2.3 ISO 81060-3:2022 standard for cuffless

continuous devices

In 2022, ISO published itsfirststandard (ISO 81060-3:2022)

that is specific for ‘continuous noninvasive sphygmoman-

ometers’ (Table 4), defined as devices ‘estimating BP from

each cardiac cycle without arterial puncture and providing

a continual series of BP parameters’ [12]. Such devices

provide BP values with an output period (period of time

pressure measuring devices by the Institute of Electrical and

ion for Standardization [12], and by the European Society of

ascular Variability. Modified from [1]


:2022 [12]

ESH Recommendations 2023

(current document)

inuous BP devices Cuffless intermittent BP devices (9 types – cf. Table 3)

on intraclass

for each BP parameter

85–175 depending on the device type

Intra-arterial Manual auscultatory; 24-h oscillometric

Yes Yes, for some device types


Yes Yes, for some device types



l setting: acute

in-hospital care)

Yes, for some device types


Laboratory setting: short-term (exercise)

Clinical setting: longer-term (prepost treatment;


Yes Yes, for some device types


ous Sequential (24-h BP simultaneous)

(meanC6SD of


C205C68 mmHg (meanC6SD of difference)

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after which updated BP values are provided) C2030s. This

means that the protocol is inappropriate for devices with an

output period >30s, which is the case for most cuffless

devices [12]. Note that although a continuous cuffless


may not occur for every cycle.

The ISO 81060-3:2022 standard is intended for ‘measur-


in BP have therapeutic consequences’ [12] (e.g., ICU and

operating rooms where BP needs to be continuously

assessed as a vital sign). Thus, this standard is not applicable

for BP devices intended for screening, diagnosing, and

ABPM values calculated using different hourly BP samples

within the same 24-h period, the meanC6SD of the awake/

asleep SBP/DBP difference was -0.1C63.7/0.4C62.7mmHg,

which may ensure high power for studies comparing two

24-h BP monitoring methods applied simultaneously (G.S.

Stergiou, K.G. Kyriakoulis, unpublished data). However,

oscillometric cuffBPdevicesalsoyieldsomemeasurements

with appreciable error, and different brands of validated

oscillometric devices will not produce identical BP values

[32]. Averaging the many BP measurements over the awake

and asleep periods and comparing the awake/asleep BP

changes rather than absolute BP values may mitigate these



Stergiou et al.


measurement frequency C2030s is probably of limited value.

The ISO 81060-3:2022 standard requires the use of an

intra-arterial reference for the validation of continuous

cuffless BP monitors. However, intra-arterial BP values

differ from those obtained by manual auscultation, which

is the reference method for the diagnosis and management

of clinical hypertension. Moreover, the intra-arterial refer-

ence restricts recruitment to patients having an intra-arterial

line, which limits its applicability and the generalizability of

the results to healthy people and special populations.

3.3 Clinical field studies of automated wearable

intermittent devices versus oscillometric cuff


A pragmatic and clinically meaningful approach which has

been used in several studies for testing the accuracy of

automated wearable intermittent cuffless devices is the

evaluation versus simultaneous 24-h ABPM using validated


is important especially for individual-user calibrated devi-

ces to assess whether they can track awake/asleep BP


are robust to different device and body positions; and are

effective during different daily activities. Although the im-

pact of each one of these factors cannot be separately

assessed, several studies have shown that 24-h ABPM is

very useful for demonstrating that some commercially

available cuff-calibrated cuffless devices cannot track the

awake/asleep BP change, which was evident even with

relatively small sample sizes [26,28–30].

The reproducibility of ABPM is known to be superior to

that of the office BP measurements [31]. Moreover, the

reproducibility of ABPM based on different hourly BP

samples within the same 24-h period is superior to that

reported in published studies that compared ABPM record-

ings performed on different days [31]. In a comparison of

TABLE5. Availableproceduresforassessingtheaccuracyofindividua

BP changes Setting Procedure

Short-term (minutes) Laboratory BP change via bicycle, treadmill, handgrip,

mental arithmetic, cold-pressor, slow

breathing, fast-acting drug (e.g.,

nitroglycerin), Valsalva maneuver,

Mid-term (24h) Clinical field Awake/asleep BP change

Long-term (days/weeks) Clinical field Antihypertensive drug-induced BP change

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issues [32]. Thus, a comparison of the awake/asleep BP

change reported by wearable automated devices with that

by a reference 24-h ABPM cuff device appears to be a valid

and pragmatic validation approach.

Home BP monitoring using validated oscillometric up-

per arm cuff BP devices may also be useful in assessing the

ability of cuffless BP devices to track BP changes induced

by drug treatment (assessment before and days/weeks after

treatment change) [26]. This is a clinically relevant and

practical experiment with direct implications for using

cuffless BP devices in practice. However, whenever possi-

ble manual auscultation is the preferred reference method.

3.4 Available procedures for assessing the

ability of cuffless devices to track blood

pressure changes

The assessment of the ability to track BP changes is crucial

and the most problematic part of the validation of common

individual user-calibrated cuffless BP devices [8]. The

abovementioned IEEE and ISO standards for cuffless devi-

ces highlight the need to incorporate BP changes in the

validation procedure [12,18,19]. The current IEEE standard

does not present specific interventions for inducing BP

changes [18,19], while the ISO standard leverages natural

BP changes occurring in the hospital environment [12]. It

should be noted that for cuffless devices providing BP

readings without requiring any individual user-specific

input before use, there is no reason to require validation

for their ability to track BP changes [8].

It is important to define protocols for standardized

procedures to induce BP changes, which are feasible for

many research centers, well tolerated and acceptable by

many subjects/patients, and provide reproducible results,


changes can be acute, diurnal, or long-term (Table 5). As

mentioned above, acute (very short-term) BP changes may

not be meaningful in clinical hypertension diagnosis and


Key points

C15 Interventional procedure

C15 Potential risks for some patients

C15 Reference: manual auscultatory BP measurement pre and post/

during procedure

C15 Observational procedure

C15 Specifically for automated wearable cuffless BP devices

C15 Reference: automated 24-h ambulatory cuff BP measurement

C15 Observational procedure

C15 Reference: manual auscultatory or automated home cuff BP

measurement pre- and post-treatment

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Validation of cuffless blood pressure devices

management, whereas diurnal (awake/asleep) and long-

term (weeks-months) BP changes are routinely assessed.

BP changes (increases or decreases) could potentially be

induced in the laboratory setting, or in the pragmatic

context of clinical care (Table 5) [1].

In the laboratory setting, BP changes can be induced via

different physiological mechanisms, including via physical

exercise (bicycle, handgrip, treadmill, legs up-down, etc.),

mental arithmetic test, cold pressor test, slow breathing,

Valsalva maneuver, neck chamber technique, or short-

acting drugs such as nitroglycerin [1]. Applying these pro-

cedures would transform the classic validation procedure

from observational (as with cuff BP device validation) to

interventional, potentially raising safety issues for some

subjects (patients), as well as issues related to feasibility,

reproducibility, consistency, resources, cost, and other

factors. BP responses of different interventions are not

uniformly predictable among different individuals and

could induce severe hypotension or hypertension. Further-

more, some interventions are short acting, making auscul-

tation a less suitable reference. Thus, most of these

interesting experimental procedures may not be appropri-

ate for validation protocols designed to be applied in

different research centers for formally approving or reject-

ing a device for clinical use. Some interventions can satisfy

these requirements with limited risks for most patients.

Submaximal physical exercises (bicycle and handgrip) in

particular are generally well studied interventions which

can be used in many centers for inducing short-term and

relatively steady BP increases [33–35].

Inthe pragmatic context ofclinical care, investigations to

test the abilityof a cufflessdevice to track BP changes might

include standard validation sessions of the cuffless device

before and several days/weeks after up- or down-titration

of BP lowering drug treatment to assess the treatment-

induced BP change, or simultaneous cuffless wearable

BP monitoring with a validated upper-arm cuff oscillomet-

ric ABPM device for 24h to assess awake/asleep BP change


cuff devices as the reference BP method (office, ambulato-

ry, or home). In this case, the BP changes rather than

absolute BP values should be assessed, and several meas-

urements of the reference (and thus test) device should be

averaged to mitigate the impact of reference BP measure-

ment error.





4.1 Rationale

Automated cuff devices determine BP from only the arterial

(oscillometric cuff pressure) waveform at the time of mea-

surement. By contrast, many cuffless devices determine BP

from a hemodynamic measurement and other information

that is known to be predictive of the prevailing BP. This

extra information is often a preceding cuff BP measurement

or demographic data, and is invoked for individual

user calibration. However, the other information can be

Journal of Hypertension

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dynamic, such as the time of day, which has been shown to

help track BP at night [3], silent accelerometer to similarly

indicate nighttime, and heart rate, which could be obtained


is ideal to assess cuffless devices in relation to ‘baseline

models’. Baseline models determine BP without the hemo-


(calibration or dynamic data). If a cuffless device is not

significantly more accurate than the baseline model, then

there is no need to have a device at all. For example, the

Microsoft Research Aurora Project concluded that several

cuff-calibrated cuffless devices were not able to provide

greater BP measurement accuracy than a suitable baseline


especially for demographic-calibrated devices, may be diffi-


bottom line is that the device provides data useful for man-

aging hypertension, irrespective of how it determines BP.

These ESH recommendations therefore do not directly

include assessment of baseline models, but focus on testing

individual user-calibrated devices in terms of measuring

clinically meaningful BP changes with a level of accuracy

that facilitates hypertension management. The required BP

changes may be large enough to prevent the cuff BP

measurement at calibration alone from trivially passing

the tests. In addition, even if a device can measure absolute

BPfrom static demographicinformation alone, itwouldstill

have to be proven to track BP changes over time through

some dynamic measurement. An important and related

point of these ESH recommendations is that the procedures

for changing BP are specific and balance practicality with

assurance that only adequate devices will be used in

clinical practice.

In these ESH recommendations, the number of tests

required for a given device naturally increases with increas-

ing functions of the device as well as its calibration require-


such that a cuffless device is calibration-free like an auto-

mated cuff device, then it should likewise undergo a single

test. The net effect of the ESH recommendations may be

that the timeline from development through validation of a

cuffless device is comparable for all device types.

As much as possible, these ESH recommendations are

based on the principles of the Universal Standard for

automated cuff devices [4,5], which has been extensively

used and globally accepted. The ESH recommendations

also take inspiration from the IEEE 1708-2014 & 1708a-2019

[18,19] and the ISO 81060-3:2022 [12] standards for

cuffless devices.

4.2 Validation tests – Overview

These ESH recommendations include six different valida-

tion tests: static test (absolute BP accuracy); device position

test (hydrostatic pressure effect robustness); treatment test

(BP decrease accuracy); awake/asleep test (BP change

accuracy); exercise test (BP increase accuracy); and recali-

bration test (cuff calibration stability over time) (Fig. 1,

Boxes 1–6). These tests are intended to address all of

the accuracy concerns of different intermittent cuffless

devices with varying functions and calibration (Table 2).

There are nine types of cuffless BP devices (Table 3), and

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each device shall undergo a different subset of the tests

according to its type (Table 6). To be recommended for

clinical use, a cuffless BP device must pass all required tests

(Table 6).

FIGURE 1 Summary of validation tests for cuffless blood pressure devices.

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Cuffless BP devices which do not require any individual

user calibration (calibration-free) shall be validated in an

85-subject general population study according to the Uni-

versal Standard (ISO 81060-3:2022) (Table 6). Automated

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different from the position used for calibration. For demographic-calibrated

devices which require a 35-subject static test, the 35-subject position test shall

be performed independently from the static test in a different device position.

- Age 18–80years.

- Males C2130%, females C2130%.

-Reference BP distribution: As in the Universal Standard (C215%/C215%/C2120% of

the reference SBP readings shall beC20100/C21160/C21140mmHg respectively, and

C215%/C215%/C2120% of the reference DBP readings shall be C2060/C21100/

C2185mmHg) respectively [4,5].

Procedure: This test shall use the same arm sequential reference-test BP

measurement procedure of the Universal Standard [4,5] in at least one

different position compared to a standard position. There shall be three

valid paired reference-test BP measurements per patient for C21105 total

measurement pairs, and the vertical distance between the standard and

nonstandard positions must be C2120cm (and ideally as large as practically

possible). For cuff-calibrated devices calibration shall be performed at least one

Validation of cuffless blood pressure devices

wearable calibration-free devices must also undergo the

exercise test according to the Universal Standard for ABPM

cuff devices [5]. If the device sensors are not placed at heart

level, they must additionally undergo the device position


Rationale: This test shall be used for calibration-free and demographic-

calibrated cuffless BP devices (Table 6). This test assesses the absolute BP

measurement accuracy of the cuffless device and is equivalent to the Universal

Standard for validation of an automated cuff device against reference dual-

observer manual auscultation [4,5]. Cuff-calibrated BP devices shall not

undergo a static test, provided that the cuff BP device used for calibration

has been validated according to the Universal Standard [4,5].

Sample size - Subjects:

- Sample size: C2185 subjects for calibration-free devices; C2135 subjects for

demographic-calibrated devices.

- Age 18–80years.

- Males C2130%, females C2130%.

- Reference BP distribution: As in the Universal Standard for 85-subject and

35-subject studies (C215%/C215%/C2120% of the reference SBP readings shall be

C20100/C21160/C21140mmHg respectively, and C215%/C215%/C2120% of the

reference DBP readings shall be C2060/C21100/C2185mmHg) respectively [4,5].

Procedure: This test shall use the same arm sequential reference-test BP

measurement procedure of the Universal Standard for a general population

[4,5]. There shall be three valid paired reference-test BP measurements per

subject (C21255 or C21105 total measurement pairs for 85-subject or 35-subject

study, respectively).

Data analysis - Reporting:

- According to the Universal Standard [4,5,36].

- Bland–Altman plots of the test-reference BP differences against their average

values [36].

Pass criteria: Criterion 1 of the Universal Standard (mean and SD of theC21255

(or C21105) BP errors [test BP measurement minus reference BP measurement]

within 5 and 8mmHg, respectively). For an 85-subject study, also Criterion 2

(SD of C2185 average BP errors [subject average test BP measurement minus

subject average reference BP measurement) within levels dependent on the

mean BP error from Criterion 1) [4,5].

test (Box 2). Calibration-free devices do not need to under-

go tests for assessing BP changes.

Cuffless BP devices which require individual-user cali-

bration (cuff-calibrated or demographic-calibrated) should

commence validation with a ‘primary’ test. The primary test


awake/asleep test (Box 4) for automated wearable devices.

If this test is successful, then all the additional required tests

shall be performed sequentially (Table 6). For manual

devices, the exercise test should be performed second.

For automated wearable devices, the treatment test should

be performed second, followed by the exercise test.

Some cuffless devices may require special programming

by the manufacturer to be able to undergo testing. For

example, an automated wearable cuffless BP device that

doesnot display the BPmeasurement inreal timeshouldbe

reprogrammed accordingly.

4.3 Validation tests – Sample sizes

A Monte Carlo simulation analysis was performed to calcu-

late the pass probabilities of cuffless devices with different

levels of accuracy for each test (Fig. 1) using different

sample sizes (see Supplemental Digital Content, Suppl.

Tables 1–6, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212). The analysis

was extensive and included a total of 1000 simulations for

each combination of 15 different sample sizes and 13

different accuracy level hypothetical devices for each vali-

dation test (see Supplemental Digital Content, Suppl.

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Rationale: This test shall be used for automated wearable cuffless BP devices

with sensors not worn at heart level (Table 6). This test assesses the robustness

of the cuffless device against hydrostatic pressure effects on BP measurement.

As an example, for a wrist device and a typical arm length, local BP is about

40mmHg higher when the hand is fully lowered than when it is at heart level,

despite no change in systemic BP. When the sensor is at heart level (e.g., classic

arm cuff device, chest patch), hydrostatic pressure effects are avoided. For

manual cuffless devices, the user is expected to always take the measurement

in a standard position according to manufacturer specification and thereby

obviate hydrostatic pressure effects (as well as movement artifact). Devices

requiring the position test shall be validated against reference dual-observer

manual auscultation in a standard position (e.g., sitting position with arm


vertical position with respect to the heart. Examples of the alternate position

may be:

- Sitting posture with arm hanging free on the side for a cuffless wrist or finger


- Supine posture for a cuffless device embedded in glasses; and

- Supine posture for a cuffless device embedded in a foot accessory/band.

Sample size - Subjects:

- Sample size: C2135 subjects. For calibration-free devices which require an 85-

subject static test, the 35-subject position test can be part of the static test with

validation in the standard position in 50 subjects and in at least one different

position in 35 subjects. For cuff-calibrated devices the 35-subject device

position test shall be performed only in a nonstandard position, which is

Tables 1–6, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212). Criterion 1

of the Universal Standard was generally employed

(see below). Low, moderate, and high accuracy cuffless

devices were defined according to the meanC6SD of their

BP errors against the reference method for all tests [4]. A

high accuracy device yields meanC6SD of the test-reference

BP differences of 0–3C60–5mmHg; a moderate accuracy

device, 3–5C65–8mmHg; and a low accuracy device,

>5C6>8mmHg [4] (see Supplemental Digital Content,

Suppl. Tables 1–6, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212).

For the novel awake/asleep test, BP error refers to the

test-reference awake/asleep BP change difference. For this

test, meanC6SD limits of 5C68mmHg were adopted as pass

criteria. For a cuffless device with a mean of 0mmHg and a

SD of 8mmHg, about 80% of the errors would lie within

10mmHg, which may be a reasonable requirement. On the

other hand, for a device with mean of t5 or -5mmHg and

an SD of 8mmHg, about 70% of the errors would lie within

10mmHg, which may also be acceptable. In these extreme

cases, about 30% of the errors would be C2110mmHg.

day before the test.

Data analysis - Reporting:

- According to the Universal Standard [4,5,36].

- Bland-Altman plots of the test-reference BP differences against their average

values [36].

Pass criteria: Criterion 1 of the Universal Standard for N C21 35 subjects with

device in alternate position.

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Sample size - Subjects:

- Sample size: C2135 subjects.

- Age 18–80years.

- Males C2130%, females C2130%.

- Reference BP distribution: C2130% of the subjects shall have average 24-h

ambulatory cuff SBP C21130mmHg and C2130% shall have average 24-h

ambulatory cuff DBP C2180mmHg; C2130% of the subjects shall have average

Stergiou et al.



cuffless BP devices (Table 6). This is a ‘primary’ test for manual devices and

should be performed first. If the test is successful, then the other required tests

(Table 6) shall be performed. This test assesses the ability of the cuffless device

to track long-term and clinically important BP decreases in the context of

routine clinical care. The device is calibrated according to the manufacturer

instructions in subjects with uncontrolled hypertension, then antihypertensive

drug treatment is initiated or up-titrated, and after 1–4weeks the device

accuracy is tested against reference dual-observer manual auscultation before


Sample size - Subjects:

- Sample size: C2135 subjects.

- Age 18–80 years

- Males C2130%, females C2130%.

- Untreated or treated for hypertension, with uncontrolled BP and medical

indication for antihypertensive drug treatment initiation or up-titration.

- At least 35% of the subjects shall have a diuretic drug added (thiazide or

thiazide-like, not received at baseline) andC2135% of the subjects should have a

A correlation coefficient between the awake/asleep BP

change of the cuffless device versus the reference device


BP change tracking ability in individuals. A correlation

coefficient of 0.70 means that a cuffless device accounts

for about 50% of the variance in the reference measure-

ments. Although useful for assessing BP change tracking

ability, the correlation coefficient was not utilized for the

treatment and exercise tests, because it greatly increased

the probability of a moderate accuracy device to fail.


put on moderate accuracy devices with the aim of ensuring

that the selected sample size would give a reasonable pass/

failure probability [4] (see Supplemental Digital Content,

Suppl. Tables 1–6, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212).

long-acting dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker added (e.g., amlodipine,

not received at baseline) as monotherapies or on top of other drugs. Treatment

choices will be exclusively made according to the individual’s clinical indication.

These drugs reduce BP through very different physiological mechanisms (blood

volume reduction in the case of a diuretic, and vasodilation in the case of a

calcium channel blocker) and consequently change the PPG waveform for

example in distinct ways. Therefore, the pair of drugs constitutes a necessarily

challenging test for cuffless devices requiring individual user calibration.

- At least 60% of the subjects shall have reference SBP decrease C2110mmHg

and C2160% of the subjects shall have reference DBP decrease C215mmHg. At

least 30% of the subjects shall have reference SBP decrease <10mmHg and

C2130% of the subjects shall have reference DBP decrease <5mmHg. BP

decrease here is defined as the average post-treatment (validation session)

reference BP minus the average pre-treatment (baseline session) reference BP.

- Subjects may be recruited from those who performed the static and/or device

position tests. This test can be combined with the recalibration test (see below)

if the post-treatment validation is performed at the time when recalibration is

recommended by the manufacturer (e.g., 4weeks).

Procedure: Baseline BP will be assessed by three sequential auscultatory BP

measurements (two observers) after 5 min sitting rest and with 30s between

measurements. The average of the last two readings will be used. Then the

treatment change shall be performed, and the validation test shall be applied

some days or weeks after the drug treatment change (usually 1–4weeks later

and before the test device requires re-calibration) [4,5]. The same arm

sequential procedure of the Universal Standard will be applied with three

valid paired reference-test BP measurements obtained per patient for a total of

C21105 pairs. For cuff calibrated devices, the calibration shall be performed at

least one day before measuring baseline BP and applying treatment changes

and recalibration shall not be performed before the validation session.

Data analysis - Reporting:

- According to the Universal Standard [4,5,36].

- Pre- and post-treatment reference BP (meanC6SD).

- Bland–Altman plots of the test-reference BP differences against their average

values [36].

- Correlation plots of the test post-pre treatment BP changes against the


Pass criteria: Criterion 1 of the Universal Standard [4,5].

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Rationale: This test shall be used for automated wearable cuffless BP devices

that are cuff-calibrated or demographic-calibrated (Table 6). This is a ‘primary’

test forautomatedwearable devices andshould beperformedfirst. Ifthetestis

successful, then the other required tests (Table 6) shall be performed. This test

assesses the ability of the cuffless device to track clinically important BP

decreases during sleep. The test is based on comparison of the cuffless

device with classic 24-h ABPM and could be performed in the context of

routine clinical care. It will not compare individual BP values but rather the

average awake/asleep BP changes of the cuffless device versus ABPM. This test

will also indirectly assess accuracy under varying device position, activity,

and motion.

An acceptable probability for a moderate accuracy device

(e.g.,with errorof4C67mmHg)to failwasgenerally consid-

ered to be about 20%. This approach is in line with the

justification of the 85-subject sample size for the Universal

Standard [4]. Furthermore, there was no reason to focus on


adequately low, or an adequately high probability to fail,

respectively (see Supplemental Digital Content, Suppl.

Tables 1–6, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212). The simula-


24-h ambulatory cuff SBP <120mmHg and C2130% shall have average 24-h

ambulatory cuff DBP <70mmHg.

Procedure: The cuffless BPdevice shallbecomparedtoclassic 24-h ABPMona

routine day. For cuff- calibrated devices, calibration shall be performed at least

one day before the test. Reference 24-h ABPM shall follow the ESH guidelines

[37] with an upper-arm cuff device validated via the Universal Standard [4,5].

Measurements shall be taken at 20min intervals during the entire 24-h period.

Awake and asleep time intervals will be defined using each subject’s reported

in-bed and out-of-bed times during the 24-h period. At least 25 awake and 12

asleep BP readings indicated by the device as valid, and at least one valid BP

reading every 2h of the 24-h period are required for an acceptable ABPM

recording. The minimum requirements for valid BP monitoring via the cuffless

device should be specified by manufacturer instructions. The cuffless device

may be applied for 24-h simultaneously with reference ABPM, or for more days

also per manufacturer instructions. However, the cuffless BP measurements

shall be compared to a single valid 24-h reference ABPM session. The cuffless

and reference devices may be applied on the same limb, or on opposite limbs if

cuff inflation interferes with cuffless device functioning. In the latter case, the

interarm BP difference shall be checked using the ISO 81060-3:2022

procedure [12]. This procedure involves two observers taking sequential BP


The procedure will be repeated until three valid BP readings on the right arm

and the left arm are obtained. Subjects with average absolute difference

between the two arms >15mmHg for SBP and/or >10mmHg for DBP shall


81060-3:2022 [12].

Data analysis - Reporting:

- Participant age, sex, weight, height, and average 24-h, awake, and asleep

SBP/DBP reported by the reference (cuff) device and the test (cuffless) device


- Participant average awake-asleep SBP/DBP change (meanC6SD, mmHg)

reported by the reference device and the test device.

-Participantaverage awake-asleep SBP/DBP change reported by the test device

minus average awake-asleep SBP/DBP change reported by the reference device

(meanC6SD, mmHg).

- Bland–Altman plots of the differences between the test awake-asleep BP

changes and the reference awake/asleep BP changes against their average

values [36].

- Correlation plots of the test awake-asleep BP changes against the reference

awake-asleep BP changes.

Pass criteria: Mean C205mmHg and SD C208mmHg for the difference between

the awake-asleep SBP/DBP change from the test and reference devices, and

correlation coefficient C210.70 between the test awake-asleep BP changes and

the reference awake-asleep BP changes (for both SBP and DBP).

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provided (see Supplemental Digital Content, Suppl. Text

Document 1, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212).

With this approach, it was evident that for all tests a

moderate accuracy device (with error of 4C67mmHg)

appears to have an acceptable failure probability of about


Digital Content, Suppl. Tables 1–6, http://links.lww.com/

HJH/C212). Thus, a sample size of at least 35 subjects per

test was deemed appropriate for cuffless devices requiring

multiple tests for their validation (Table 6). Increasing the


which is particularly important for moderate accuracy

devices as their probability to pass is increased. (see Sup-

plemental Digital Content, Suppl. Tables 1–6, http://links.




cuffless BP devices (Table 6). It assesses the ability of the cuffless device to track

physiological BP increases and is essentially the same as the Universal Standard

for the validation of classic ABPM devices against manual auscultation during

exercise [5]. It will also show whether the cuffless device can provide accurate

BP measurements under some motion (similar to what may be encountered in

daily life). Submaximal cycling, which has limited risks for subjects, will be

employedto inducesubstantial,short-termbut steady(fora coupleof minutes)

BP increases.

Sample size - Subjects:

- Sample size: C2135 subjects.

- Age 18–65years.

- Males C2130%, females C2130%.

- Reference BP distribution: C2130% of the subjects shall have baseline (pre-

exercise) reference SBP C21140 mmHg.

- Exclusion criteria: baseline SBP C21160mmHg and/or baseline DBP

C21100mmHg, high total cardiovascular risk, or any other clinical condition

possibly associated with any risk to the subject in this test.

- At least 30% of the subjects shall have a reference SBP increase C218mmHg

during exercise. There is no DBP change requirement, yet both SBP and DBP

measurements will be assessed. SBP increase is defined as the average

reference SBP during exercise minus the average reference SBP at baseline.

Procedure: This test shall be performed according to the ISO 81060-2:2018

[5] for validation of classic ABPM devices. For cuff-calibrated devices, the

calibration shall be performed at least one day before measuring baseline BP

and performing the test. Baseline (pre-exercise) BP will be assessed by three

sequential auscultatory BP measurements (two observers) after 5min sitting

rest and with 30s between measurements. The average of the last two

readings will be used. Dynamic (aerobic) exercise will be performed

immediately after baseline measurements on a bicycle ergometer with the

aim of increasing heart rate by at least 20%. During the procedure, the

subject’s elbow and forearm shall be supported. The cuff shall be at heart

level during the reference reading. When the target heart rate is achieved, the

subject will maintain stable cycling pace and the validation session will be

performed. There shall be three valid paired reference-test BP measurements

per patient for C21105 total measurement pairs. If any two sequential reference

readings differ in SBP by >8mmHg or in DBP by >6mmHg, the pair of

reference and test BP readings shall be excluded but more readings can be

obtained in the subject (maximum of two additional pairs of readings) [5,36].

Data analysis - Reporting:

- According to the Universal Standard [5,36].

- Baseline and exercise reference BP and pulse rate readings (meanC6SD).

- Bland–Altman plots of the test-reference BP differences against their average

values [36].

- Correlation plots of the test post-pre exercise BP changes against the

reference post-pre exercise BP changes along with the correlation coefficient.

Pass criteria: Criterion 1 of the Universal Standard for SBP and DBP [4,5].


Rationale: If the cuffless BP device requires the user to stay still (e.g., for 30s)

to take a measurement, then a ‘handgrip exercise test’ shall instead be

performed to induce a BP increase without body motion. This test includes

an ISO 81060-2:2018 validation session using the same arm sequential

measurement method, with handgrip exercise performed intermittently and

immediately before each test or reference BP measurement (Supplemental

Digital Content, Suppl. Figure 1, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212).

Sample size - Subjects: As for the bicycle exercise test (see above).


- For cuff-calibrated devices, the calibration shall be performed at least one day

before measuring baseline BP and performing the test. Baseline (resting) BP will

be assessed by three sequential auscultatory BP measurements (two observers)


Digital Content, Suppl. Figure 1, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212). The average

of the last two readings will be used.

- Immediately after the baseline measurements, the maximum grip strength of

the dominant arm will be quantified using a grip strength dynamometer.

Handgrip exercise will then be performed using resistance set to 30% of the

maximum grip strength (using a device with adjustable grip strength).

- Participantswillperforman‘initial exercisesession’toinduce BPincreasevia12


with the dominant one) (see Supplemental Digital Content, Suppl. Figure 1,

http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212). Then, the first reference BP measurement will

be obtained to start an ISO 81060-2:2018 validation session [5] using the same

armsequentialmeasurementmethod (seeSupplemental Digital Content,Suppl.

Figure 1, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212).

- Participants will perform ‘maintenance exercise sessions’ immediately before



SupplementalDigital Content,Suppl. Figure 1, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212).

- There shall be 3 valid paired reference-test BP measurements per patient for

C21105 total measurement pairs. If any two sequential reference readings differ

in SBP by >8mmHg or in DBP by >6mmHg, the pair of reference and test BP

readings shall be excluded but more readings can be obtained in the subject

(maximum of two additional pairs of readings) [5,36].

Data analysis - Reporting: As for the bicycle exercise test (see above).

Pass criteria: As for the bicycle exercise test (see above).

Box 5B. (Continued)

Validation of cuffless blood pressure devices

Journal of Hypertension

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For each validation test, the minimum sample size re-

quired to evaluate the accuracy of a cuffless BP device is

presented. It is important to stress that while having a

smaller sample size hardly impacts the evaluation of low


Rationale: This test shall be used for cuff-calibrated cuffless BP devices

requiring periodic recalibration (Table 6). This test assesses the stability of


accuracy is maintained between successive cuff calibrations. This test shall be


instructions (e.g., maximum recommended time until recalibration is 4weeks).

In the time interval between cuff calibration and this test, treatment changes

can be performed if indicated in people with uncontrolled BP.

Sample size - Subjects:

- Sample size: C2135 subjects.

- Age 18–80years.

- Males C2130%, females C2130%.

- Cuff BP for calibration distribution (BP used to calibrate the device taken by

manual auscultatory measurement, or an upper arm cuff oscillometric device

validated according to the Universal Standard): As in the Universal Standard

(C215%/C215%/C2120% of the reference SBP readings shall be C20100/C21160/

C21140mmHg, respectively, and C215%/C215%/C2120% of the reference DBP

readings shall be C2060/C21100/C2185mmHg), respectively [5].

- Subjects recruited for other tests can be included (e.g., treatment test).

Procedure: The same arm sequential measurement procedure of the Universal

Standard [4,5] shall be applied immediately before manufacturer-

recommended recalibration. There shall be 3 valid paired reference-test BP

measurements per subject forC21105 total measurement pairs. The original cuff

calibration for the cuffless device shall be used, and no recalibration is allowed

prior to the test.

Data analysis - Reporting:

- According to the Universal Standard [4,5,36].

- Bland–Altman plots of the test-reference BP differences against their average

value [36].

Pass criteria: Criterion 1 of the Universal Standard [4,5].

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Stergiou et al.

TABLE 6. Validation tests required for intermittent cuffless blood

and high accuracy devices, it does make it tougher for a


Content, Suppl. Tables 1–6, http://links.lww.com/HJH/

C212). Thus, increasing the sample size of any of the tests

maybedecided,aiming atincreasingthepassprobabilityof


of the performance of the device.

The overall pass probability will decrease as the number

of required tests to pass increases. All the probability

calculations (see Supplemental Digital Content, Suppl.

Tables 1–6, http://links.lww.com/HJH/C212) assume that

each test is independent from the other tests. However, as


same subjects recruitedfor morethan onetest) andbecause

the tests are not completely distinct (e.g., three tests assess

BP changing tracking ability), a cuffless device with high

chance to pass one test may be expected to also have high

probability of passing other tests. In other words, for a

device undergoing several tests, the product of the indi-

vidual probabilities for passing each one of them may

represent a significant underestimation of the overall pass

probability for the device.



These ESH recommendations build upon previous well

established principles, definitions, and procedures by the

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devices according to their type (cf. Table 3)

IEEE, ISO, AAMI, and ESH [4–6,9,12,18,19,38]. The unique

strengths of these ESH recommendations are mainly in

addressing the validation of various types of cuffless devi-

ces intended for use in hypertension management and

defining specific procedures (i.e., a recipe) for testing the

devices. Notably, the validation procedures are highly

relevant to clinical practice and largely observational and

pragmatic rather than experimental or interventional, and

include the assessment of the accuracy of the devices in

measuring absolute BP, BP under different device posi-

tions, and BP changes induced by drug treatment, sleep,

and exercise.

The validation procedures are designed to be conducted

in clinical settings with personnel experienced in BP mea-

surement research. The overall evaluation of some devices

may be demanding and rather complex and might be

performed in different research centers as a multicenter

project. A stepwise validation approach is recommended,

with a primary test for each device type that should be

performed first. The other required tests can then be

performed in decreasing order of difficulty, and with inter-

im analyses performed per test. The sample size should be

increased from the minimum requirement if higher study

power is needed (e.g., for moderate accuracy devices).

An important issue is that cuffless devices may occasion-

ally be modified by the manufacturers, with the changes

applied through software updates. Although these modifi-

cations are likely to improve the accuracy of the BP

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Validation of cuffless blood pressure devices

measurements, it is important to stress that if the device

software is updated, then the validation procedures should

be repeated. Moreover, when reporting on the validation

procedure, the exact version of the software used must

be stated.

The ESH recommendations have limitations as well.

Although considerable effort was put into simplifying the

validation process and reducing the sample sizes, the

validation of most cuffless BP devices is still necessarily

demanding and complex, with the purpose of ensuring that

only accurate devices will be used in clinical practice. The

validation procedures are not appropriate for all cuffless BP

measuring devices and particularly those intended for

continuous monitoring in critical care. The Universal Stan-

dard for cuff devices defines special populations (e.g.,

children, pregnant women) requiring separate validation,

as the accuracy of these devices may be different in these

populations compared to the general population [4,5,39].

While special populations are anticipated for cuffless devi-

ces (e.g., people with dark skin for PPG-based technolo-

gies), the particular populations and the device types that

are impacted are still unknown. The validation procedures

also do not include requirements according to the environ-

ment, such as ambient temperature, which may likewise

impact the accuracy of certain cuffless devices. Future

iterations of the validation procedures could include such

requirements. Lastly, some of the recommended tests,

especially those for assessing the accuracy of tracking BP

changes, may sometimes be challenging to perform. How-

ever, gaining experience in implementing the tests is nec-

essary to guide future revisions to these recommendations.


These ESH recommendations present specific, clinically

meaningful, and pragmatic procedures for assessing the

accuracy of common and various intermittent cuffless BP

measuring devicesintendedforhypertensionmanagement.

Cuffless devices that pass the required validation tests are

expected to be helpful in diagnosing hypertension, guiding

antihypertensive therapy, and monitoring hypertension

over time. Conversely, cuffless devices that do not pass

the required validation tests may not be useful or could

even be harmful to hypertension management. The ESH

recommendations areintended to preventinadequate devi-

ces from being used in patient care while fostering the

development of future cuffless devices that are designed to

pass the required validation tests.


Conflicts of interest

G.S.S., P.P., and E.O.B. conducted clinical development and

validation studies for various manufacturers of blood pres-

sure measurement technologies and advised manufacturers


to validation studies by various manufacturers of blood

pressure measurement technologies. K.G.K. and A.K. par-

ticipated in several validation studies funded by manufac-

turers of blood pressure measurement technologies with

payments to their institution. A.E.S. received speaker

Journal of Hypertension

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honoraria from Omron Healthcare and Aktiia. G.P. has

received honoraria for lectures by Omron and Somnomed-

ics, and financial support by the Italian Ministry of Health

(Ricerca Corrente). R.A. has served as consultant for several

manufacturers of blood pressure monitors and speaker in

sponsored symposia and has performed validation of blood


P.C. is funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (Ricerca

Corrente). J.O.H. has National Institutes of Health grants

on cuff-less blood pressure measurement and has received

research funding from Samsung Advanced Institute of Tech-

nology. He has patents on cuffless blood pressure measure-


Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. K.K. received

research grants from Omron healthcare, A&D, and Fukuda

Denshi Inc. R.J.M. has worked with Omron and Sensyne.



S. holds pending patents on cuffless blood pressure mea-

surement methods. I.T. was previously employed by AtCor

Medical. J.W. has received grants from Omron. R.M. holds


pressure measurement methods, and some of the patents

have been licensed or optioned to Digitouch Health and

Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology.


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