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2023-07-05 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
________一、完形填空阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。There is nothing
more wonderful than the smell of the Adirondack air! Every summer
, my father would plan a 1, to one of those wonderful lakes whic
h are among the forests of the Adirondack Mountains.One trip that
I will never 2 was a visit to a lake at the foot of the mountai
ns. After arriving at the lake, we 3 the car full of picnic thin
gs, carrying them through a wooded path to the picnic place. Then
my dad, my sister and I 4 ran into the water. Dad let us dive (
跳水) from his 5, throwing us up in the air and turning us over li
ke thick pancakes on a grill (烤架). This amazing game went on and
on as we 6 , “more, more”.When we were finally 7 of our games,
my dad stopped to watch my sister. She loved synchronized swimmin
g (花样游泳) and started 8 skills that her team used in competition.
My father paid all his attention to her. I was 9 that no one wa
tched or played with me. I decided to swim by myself in deeper wa
ter. The waves were getting 10, but I didn’t care. I just wanted
to do what my 11 could do so that I could catch dad’s attention
.As I tried to dive, a huge wave hit me. I tried to stand up but
12. I thought I was dying. Suddenly, I felt a strong catch on my
arm and a pull to 13. It was my dad! He gave me a big hug and s
mile 14 he knew I was all right. He was watching me all the time
! He had never taken his eye 15 me. He had protected me.Being to
ld by someone that you are loved is great, but experiencing that
love is even better.1.A.tripB.partyC.lessonD.meeting2.A.mindB.fin
shouted outB.worried aboutC.found outD.thought about7.A.sureB.tir
eD.although15.A.onB.pastC.offD.to二、阅读单选Every year, the Time magaz
ine makes their 100 Most Influential People list. Read the follow
ing and click here for more information.On June 2, Harini Logan,
a 14-year-old girl from Texas, won the 94th National Spelling Bee
. She spelled 22 words correctly in 90 seconds. Logan said that t
he competition has taught her to learn from mistakes. “Having a g
rowth mindset(心态) is important in life, not just in the competiti
on.” she said. About 11 million US children take part in the comp
etition each year.This year tennis star Serena Williams retired (
退休) from the sport at age 40. She was thought to be one of the mo
st famous women athletes and one of the first also to become succ
essful in business. She gave a speech in August, saying she wante
d to spend more time on her family and business. She has won 23 G
rand Slam titles (大满贯冠军).Landis Sims, an athlete who was born wit
h no hands or feet, starred in a film called Landis: Just Watch M
e. It follows him over eight years as he goes after his dream of
making his high school baseball team. In the film, he works hard
to move and improve his skills. The director, Eric Cochran, said.
“He is a good-spokesperson for anybody going through difficultie
s.”In October, Nicole Aunapu Mann became the first Native America
n woman in space after she went to the International Space Statio
n. She brought a dreamcatcher, a type of Native American artifact
(工艺品) with her to space. She said, “It’s important that we show
our culture and really pass that down to the young.”16.What do th
e four people have in common?A.They want to be sports stars.B.The
y all have a good mindset.C.They are the heroes in the films.D.Th
ey have influenced other people greatly.17.Which of the following
is TRUE according to the passage? A.Harini spelled 90 words corr
ectly and won the competition.B.Serena has won 23 Grand Slam titl
es in baseball game.C.Nicole gave a speech to the young people fr
om the space.D.Landis sets a good example on how to overcome diff
iculties.18.Where can we most probably read the passage?A.On a we
bsite.B.In a diary.C.In a storybookD.On a postcard.Have you ever
done something that made you embarrassed(尴尬的)? No one likes this
feeling, but learning to deal with embarrassment can make you fee
l more confident.What does embarrassment feel like?Embarrassment
makes you laugh, cry and want to hide under your bed forever. Fal
ling over in a shop or accidentally calling your teacher “Mum” mi
ght feel like the end of the world. But everyone gets embarrassed
sometimes. We all react(反应) differently, and what feels embarras
sed and uncomfortable to one person might be easily laughed off b
y another. Childline, a charity that supports young people, says,
“Whatever you’re feeling embarrassed about, remember that it’s n
atural to feel this way.”Why do we feel embarrassed?Scientists be
lieve embarrassment is a way of teaching us not to repeat mistake
s. You’re more likely to feel embarrassed when you worry too much
about what other people think of you. Even if you think everyone
saw you with strawberry jam on your face, studies show that fewe
r people notice than you think.How do we deal with embarrassment?
If something isn’t very serious, try making a joke out of it. “La
ughter can show people (and yourself) that it isn’t something to
worry about.” Childline says. If you are feeling embarrassed, oth
er people may not have even noticed, so try acting like it’s no b
ig deal or take no notice of what happened. Sometimes we’re embar
rassed about the way we’ve behaved towards others. In that case,
try saying how sorry you are and that you regret what happened. “
Telling someone can be a first step in moving on,” says Childline
.19.Why is it important to learn to deal with embarrassment accor
ding to this passage?A.It makes you happy.B.It improves your stud
y.C.It helps you sleep well.D.It makes you more confident.20.You
may get embarrassed when you ________.A.hide yourself under your
bedB.run off a shoe at a sports meetingC.fall over in your bedroo
mD.get some advice from Childline21.Which of the following is a g
ood way to deal with embarrassment?a. Try forgetting something aw
ful that just happened.b. Say you are not sorry for copying Chine
se homework.c. Try making a joke and let the embarrassment go qui
ckly.d. Try acting like it’s not a big deal and cry loudly at hom
e.e. Talk with a good friend when you greet someone by mistake. A
.a, b and cB.b, c and dC.c, d and eD.a, c and e22.What is the wri
ter’s purpose of writing this passage?A.To explain what embarrass
ment is.B.To suggest how we deal with embarrassment.C.To show how
people feel about embarrassment.D.To tell us what scientists thi
nk of embarrassment.Objects in the night sky are disappearing fro
m view bit by bit because of light pollution, according to astron
omers. Outdoor lights like street lights cause light pollution, w
hich makes stars and the planets harder to see from Earth.Dr Chri
stopher Kyba and his team studied 50,000 stars between 2011 and 2
022. They found that the stars are becoming less visible(可见的) eac
h year because of increasing levels of light from the towns and c
ities. “If the brightening of the night sky continues.” Kyba said
, “I’m afraid that a child born in a place where 250 stars are vi
sible will only be able to see 100 stars by the time they turn 18
.”In fact, light pollution influences the whole world, especially
in North America, where 80% of people can’t see the Milky Way. T
his huge group of stars can’t be seen clearly. However, only real
ly faraway places, like the Sahara desert or the Amazon rainfores
t, have a truly night sky.Light pollution makes it harder for ast
ronomers to study stars and planets. ________ Nocturnal (active a
t night) animals like bats may get lost easily and knock into obj
ects. Turtles that hatch(孵化) at night depend on the light of the
Moon to go to the sea, but Moon-like lights make it difficult. Bi
rds in cities wake and start singing earlier than they should. Ma
n-made light means that animals and humans have some problems lik
e sleep problems, headaches, tiredness and so on.Here is somethin
g that you can do. Raising knowledge of light pollution among fam
ily and friends can help. Try to use less outdoor lighting, for e
xample, turn off motion-sensitive lights (感应灯) when they are not
needed.23.The underlined word “astronomers” in Paragraph 1 probab
ly means ________.A.teachers who teach science and ITB.scientists
who study the stars and planetsC.reporters who collect and repor
t newsD.engineers who design light and spaceship24.Why is the und
erlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mentioned?A.To list the numbers.B
.To support a study.C.To describe the worries.D.To express a resu
lt.25.Which of the following can be put in ________ in Paragraph
4?A.Light pollution is harmful to the environment as well.B.Light
pollution can also cause serious problems for animals.C.Animals
do not like man-made light because it is too strong.D.Animals lik
e the light of the Moon better than man-made light.26.What is the
best title for the passage?A.Light PollutionB.Lost StarsC.Scient
ists’ AdviceD.Suffering Animals“Where is Trevor?” asked Dad. “In
his room.” Fern answered. She was trying to decide on the birthda
y gift for Dad. This year, she wanted something that couldn’t be
bought at a store. Then she heard Trevor calling her. “Just a sec
ond,” she replied, walking toward her brother’s room. “Look!” Tre
vor sounded close to tears. “No dragon.” Trevor really wanted a t
oy dragon in the cercal(麦片)box, so he was a bit sad at finding no
thing.“Let’s see what the box says,” Fern suggested. “I can’t rea
d.” “You can’t because you don’t know how to read,” she said care
fully. Last year, Dad made a decision to teach him to read, but t
he result was terrible. They both gave up. Fern finished reading
the box. “No promise of a toy dragon,” she said. “I wish you coul
d read. So does Dad,” she added. The conversation swept away Fern
’s worry about a gift for Dad. “Maybe we can prepare it together.
” she thought.Soon Fern had an idea—to write and read a dragon st
ory for Dad. When she shared it with Trevor, he shook his head. F
ern felt disappointed. Without Trevor’s help, there would be no p
resent. “We’ll try for ten days,” she said. “Then we’ll decide if
it’ll work.” Trevor counted with his fingers, saying loudly, “Ju
st ten days.”The first day was the hardest. “I need your help, Tr
evor,” Fern said. “Just tell me how you felt when discovering the
re was no dragon.” “I was mad and sad.” “That’s it.” She then pri
nted this on the notebook: I was mad and sad, too. Trevor watched
. “Which word is ‘mad’?” Fern pointed. “What next?” Fern asked. T
revor was silent. “It’s a story,” she said. “You’re the teller. I
f you can’t do it, I will.” “No! I want to tell more.” Trevor sho
uted. “So.. that night I ...” Each day, Trevor told more of his d
ragon story.27.What present did Fern plan to give to her father?A
.A birthday pen bought by Fern.B.A story book from a store.C.A bo
x of cereal with a toy dragon.D.A dragon story read by Trevor.28.
What did the writer tell us in the last paragraph?A.That ten days
had passed by quickly.B.How soon their Dad’s birthday would come
.C.How Fem encouraged his brother to prepare the gift.D.Why Fern
and Trevor wanted to work together on the gift.29.What do you thi
nk of Fern according to the passage?A.Happy and useful.B.Lovely a
nd hopeful.C.Creative and helpful.D.Kind and hardworking.30.What
would probably happen if the story continued?A.Fern and Trevor wo
uld have to buy a present for their Dad.B.At Dad’s birthday party
, Trevor would fail to tell his dragon story.C.Fern and Trevor’s
Dad would be satisfied with the special birthday present.D.Fern w
ould give up her plan because her brother was too lazy to finish
his story.三、多句选词填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词).flight?twenty-one?
red?spread?education31.Peter said that he wanted the _________ ap
ple of the two.32.China has developed rapidly during the ________
century.33.Is Mr. Jackson’s ________ put off because of the bad
weather?34.Compared to the past, girls can get quite a good _____
____ nowadays.35.The fire which broke out last night ________ qui
ckly because of the strong wind.四、短文汉语提示填空阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单
词的正确形式(每空一词)Ice skating is a popular winter activity. You just ne
ed a pair of ice shoes to take part in it. The activity 36 (提供)
great exercise and can be lots of fun to do with friends and fami
ly. Here’s how to get started.Choose your shoesThere are two main
types of ice shoes. They are a bit different at the 37 (底部). Yo
u can borrow them from a friend or a 38 (亲戚). If you love skatin
g and often practise it, it’s a good idea to buy a pair.Follow th
e rulesExperts suggest wearing a helmet when going ice skating; Y
ou should wear 39 (手套) to keep your hands warm; It’s smart to we
ar 40 (厚的) clothes to protect yourself when falling down. Never
skate on a frozen river 41 (除非) it is safe enough.Find your bala
nceFirst, get 42 (舒适的) being on the ice. Next, 43 (推) one foot
forward, and then the other. Then, try going from one foot to the
other 44 (没有) stopping. Keep your body lower to help with your
balance.Start gliding (滑行)Practise gliding on skates. Improve you
r speed 45 (慢地) at first. Remember! if you fall down, don’t worr
y, stand up and try again.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确
形式(不超过3个词)。Laba Festival, also called “Laba”, comes on the eighth
day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar year. The festival
has this name 46 the twelfth month is also called “la” month in
Chinese while the number eight 47 (pronounce) “ba”. Since it’s
in the last month of the year, the festival means saying goodbye
to 48 old and welcoming the new.There are different ideas about
49 the Laba Festival comes, but one of 50 (famous) is about Emp
eror Zhu Yuanzhang. Before 51 (become) emperor, he was put in a
prison(监狱) 52 a winter day. To 53 (everyone) surprise, when he
was starving, he found some red 54 (bean), rice and other grains
near a mouse hole, so he boiled these together to make a porridg
e. That day was the 8th day of the 12th lunar month. 55 (late),
when Zhu Yuanzhang was emperor, he decided to remember that speci
al day.六、多任务混合阅读阅读下面对话剧本,完成思维导图中的1—4小题(每空不超过2个词),并回答第5小题的问题(不超过10
个词)。Alderona(sister) and Kludo(brother) have secret powers to pro
tect and save people’s lives. Alderona is not sure about her abil
ity and she is discussing it with her brother at home now. Aldero
na: I do not know how to tell father that I no longer wish to hav
e my secret power.Kludo: What do you mean?Alderona: I do not want
this, this gift as it’s called.Kludo: Alderona, give it time...I
have also gone through a difficult time with mine.Alderona: I do
n’t want to keep it any more. I want to be normal, like everyone
else.Kludo: Why not? What if you grow to regret it? Give it time.
Alderona: I’m not sure I can wait longer. I feel as if I belong m
ore to the others, have more in common, similar interests.Kludo:
At your age I wanted to give up my power as well. But then, there
was an accident. Do you remember the train accident in Marcudian
?Alderona: Of course.Kludo: Well, I was the one who stopped the t
ragedy (悲剧).Alderona: What? How?Kludo: I was walking along the ra
il when suddenly I heard a loud noise and noticed the train come
off its rail. I slowed the train and held it in the air until I b
rought it back on its rail. This is why, ever since that day, I r
ealized the importance of what it is we do and I am thankful I di
d not get the secret power removed. So give it time!Alderona: I t
hink I’ve decided.56.__________57.__________58.__________59._____
_____60.What does Alderona decide to do?(不超过10个词)________________
Benefits(益处)A lunch menu design(设计)·design a menu with some healt
hy food and drinks·especially include a healthy dish of your favo
urite·…·learn the importance of healthy eating·develop your abili
ty of designing·…A school trip·go jogging·have a picnic·…·develop
friendship with...·keep fit·…注意:1.短文必须包含你所选活动项目的所有信息,并适当发挥;2.文中不
得出现与你身份相关的信息;3.词数:80~100。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。Next week will be the Sch
ool Health Week._________________________________________________
_____________________________________参考答案:1.A 2.C 3.D 4.
D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.B 1
3.D 14.C 15.C【导语】本文主要介绍了作者和家人旅行时,作者为了引起爸爸的注意,去湖里游泳,结果被巨浪吞没,
y聚会;lesson课程;meeting会议。根据“One trip that I will never”可知是去旅行。故选A。2
trip that I will never”可知是不会忘记的旅行。故选C。3.句意:到达湖边后,我们清空了装满野餐用品的车。c
leaned打扫;washed洗;stopped停止;emptied清空。根据“carrying them through a w
ooded path to the picnic place”可知是把车上的东西都清空,把它们带到野餐地。故选D。4.句意:然后我
根据“ran into the water.”可知作者他们很兴奋,所以是立刻就跑进了水里。故选D。5.句意:爸爸让我们从他的膝盖上
跳下来,把我们抛到空中,像烤架上的厚煎饼一样把我们翻过来。head头;knee膝盖;foot脚;face脸。根据“Dad let
us dive (跳水) from his”可知是从他的膝盖上跳下来。故选B。6.句意:这场精彩的游戏一直在进行,我们大声喊着。“
再来,再来”。shouted out喊出;worried about担心;found out查明;thought about思考。
根据“more, more”可知是喊着让爸爸再继续这个游戏。故选A。7.句意:当我们终于厌倦了这个游戏时,我爸爸停下来看我姐姐。s
ure确定的;tired劳累的;proud自豪的;afraid害怕的。根据“my dad stopped to watch my
sister”可知是厌倦了这个游戏,所以停了下来,be tired of“厌烦”。故选B。8.句意:她喜欢花样游泳,并开始练习她的
s that her team used in competition”可知是练习技能。故选D。9.句意:没人看我,没人陪我玩,我
很难过。sad悲伤的;relaxed放松的;excited兴奋的;scared害怕的。根据“no one watched or p
layed with me”可知作者很伤心没有人陪他玩。故选A。10.句意:海浪越来越大,但我并不在乎。smaller更小;qui
eter更安静;stronger更强;smoother更顺滑。根据“As I tried to dive, a huge wave
hit me”可知是海浪越来越大。故选C。11.句意:我只是想做我姐姐能做的事,这样我就能引起爸爸的注意。father爸爸;si
ster姐妹;mother妈妈;brother兄弟。根据“my dad stopped to watch my sister”可知
ed移动。根据“I tried to stand up but”可知转折词后表示没有成功站起来。故选B。13.句意:突然,我感觉到
手臂上有一个强有力的手,我被拉到了安全地带。fear害怕;dark黑暗;health健康;safety安全。根据“I felt a
strong catch on my arm and a pull to”可知是把作者拉到安全地带。故选D。14.句意:他给了我
开;to到。根据“He was watching me all the time”可知爸爸一直在看着,目光没有离开。故选C。16.
D 17.D 18.A【导语】本文主要介绍了《时代》杂志每年都会评选出100位最具影响力人物中的四位。16.推理判断题
。根据“Every year, the Time magazine makes their 100 Most Influentia
l People list. Read the following and click here for more informa
根据“He is a good-spokesperson for anybody going through difficulti
es”可知,Landis在如何克服困难方面树立了一个很好的榜样,故选D。18.推理判断题。根据“Read the followin
g and click here for more information”可知,可以在网站上看到此篇文章,故选A。19.D
20.B 21.D 22.B【导语】本文主要介绍了“尴尬”这种情绪的一些事实,尴尬是什么感觉,我们为什么会感觉尴尬以
及如何处理尴尬。19.细节理解题。根据“but learning to deal with embarrassment can m
ake you feel more confident”可知,学会处理尴尬会让你感觉更自信,故选D。20.细节理解题。根据“Emb
arrassment makes you laugh, cry and want to hide under your bed f
,故选B。21.细节理解题。根据“If something isn’t very serious, try making a jo
ke out of it”“If you are feeling embarrassed, other people may no
t have even noticed, so try acting like it’s no big deal or take
no notice of what happened”及“Telling someone can be a first step
in moving on”可知,可以试着开个玩笑,把这个尴尬的事情告诉别人,表现得好像这没什么大不了的,或者不去注意发生了什么,故
选D。22.主旨大意题。根据“but learning to deal with embarrassment can make y
ou feel more confident”可知,目的是建议我们如何处理尴尬,故选B。23.B 24.C 25.B
26.A【导语】本文主要介绍了光污染的危害以及如何减少光污染的方法。23.词义猜测题。根据“Outdoor lights l
ike street lights cause light pollution, which makes stars and th
e planets harder to see from Earth”可知,像街灯这样的室外灯光会造成光污染,这使得从地球上很难看
到恒星和行星,由此可推断,这是研究恒星和行星的科学家所得出的结论,故选B。24.推理判断题。根据“I’m afraid that
a child born in a place where 250 stars are visible will only be
able to see 100 stars by the time they turn 18”可知,担心一个出生在能看到250颗星
星的地方的孩子到18岁时只能看到100颗星星,这是在表达一种担心,故选C。25.推理判断题。根据“Nocturnal (activ
e at night) animals…Turtles”可知,此处提到的是光污染对动物的影响,B选项“光污染也会给动物带来严重的问
故选A。27.D 28.C 29.C 30.C【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了费尔南和有阅读障碍的哥哥为爸爸
准备了一份特殊的生日礼物。27.细节理解题。根据“Soon Fern had an idea—to write and read
a dragon story for Dad.”可知,费尔南有了一个主意,为爸爸写一篇龙的故事,并读出来。故选D。28.推理判断题
多。这说明费尔南富有创造力和乐于助人。故选C。30.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Each day, Trevor told more
of his dragon story.”可知,每天,特雷弗都会讲述更多关于龙的故事。这说明特雷弗克服了阅读障碍。所以费尔南和特
雷弗的爸爸会对这份特别的生日礼物感到满意。故选C。31.redder 32.twenty-first 33.fligh
t 34. education 35.spread【解析】31.句意:彼得说他想要两个苹果中较红的那个。根据“of t
he two”可知,此处是两者中的比较,要用比较级,备选词red的比较级redder符合,故填redder。32.句意:中国在21
世纪发展迅速。根据“during the … century”及备选词可知,此处指在21世纪,用twenty-one的序数词twe
nty-first表示“第二十一”,故填twenty-first。33.句意:杰克逊先生的航班推迟是因为天气不好吗?根据“Is M
r. Jackson’s … put off because of the bad weather”可知,询问航班是否因为糟糕的天
气被取消,flight“航班”,故填flight。34.句意:与过去相比,现在的女孩可以得到很好的教育。根据“girls can
get quite a good ”及备选词可知,此处指得到一个好的教育,education“教育”,故填education。35
.句意:昨晚爆发的大火由于大风迅速蔓延。根据“The fire which broke out last night…quickl
y”及备选词可知,此处指大火迅速蔓延,spread“蔓延”,根据last night可知,此空应填过去式,故填spread。36.
provides/offers 37.bottom 38.relative 39.gloves 40.th
ick 41.unless 42.comfortable 43.push 44.without 45
现在时,并且主语为The activity,为单数,所以动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填provides/offers。37.句意:
它们的底部有点不同。bottom底部,at the bottom意为 “在底部”,故填bottom。38.句意:你可以从朋友或亲戚
形式。故填slowly。46.because 47.is pronounced 48.the 49.how 50.the most
famous 51.becoming 52.on 53.everyone’s 54.beans 55.Later【导语】本
据“The festival has this name”和“the twelfth month is also called ‘
la’ month in Chinese while the number eight is pronounced ‘ba’.”可
he twelfth month is also called ‘la’ month”可知,时态为一般现在时,表示客观事实;“th
e number eight”与“pronounced”之间为被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,形式为“am/is/are +
过去分词”。“the number eight”为第三人称单数,所以用is;pronounce的过去分词形式为pronounce
d,所以填is pronounced。故填is pronounced。48.句意:由于它是农历新年的最后一个月,所以意味着辞旧迎新
。根据后面的“and welcoming the new”可知,“and”前后一致,此空也为the old,the表特指。故填th
e。49.句意:关于腊八节的来历有不同的说法,但其中一个最著名的是关于朱元璋皇帝的。根据“the Laba Festival co
mes”和“about Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.”可知,此空讲的是腊八节的来历,“怎么”用how。故填how。
50.句意:关于腊八节的来历有不同的说法,但其中一个最著名的是关于朱元璋皇帝的。根据“one of”可知,famous为形容词,此
处考查形容词用法,“one of + the 形容词最高级 + 名词复数”表示“最……之一”,所以此空用famous最高级the
most famous。故填the most famous。51.句意:在成为皇帝之前,在一个冬日他被关进监狱。根据“Before
句意:在成为皇帝之前,在一个冬日他被关进监狱。根据“a winter day”可知,此空指在一个寒冷的一天,具体某一天用介词on。
To”和“surprise”可知,考查固定搭配“to one’s surprise”表示“令某人吃惊的是”,所以填everyone
此空填bean的复数形式beans。故填beans。55.句意:后来,朱元璋当皇帝时,决定纪念那个特殊的日子。根据“when Zh
u Yuanzhang was emperor, he decided to remember that special day.
”可知,此空为副词,修饰整个句子,later副词later,表示“后来”,符合句意。故填Later。56.at home 57.Characters 58.secret power 59.train accident 60.She decides to keep the secret power.【导语】本文主要讲述了Alderona和Kludo两兄妹拥有秘密力量,但是Alderona想放弃她的力量,哥哥告诉了妹妹他拯救火车事故的故事,最后Alderona决定保留力量的故事。56.根据“she is discussing it with her brother at home now.”可知,对话发生在家里。故填at home。57.根据“Who: Alderona&Kludo”可知,他们是剧本里面的人物,character“人物,角色”,可数名词,句中有两个人物,所以用名词复数。故填Characters。58.根据“I no longer wish to have my secret power.”可知,Alderona不想再拥有秘密力量了。故填secret power。59.根据“But then, there was an accident. Do you remember the train accident in Marcudian?”可知,Kludo阻止了火车事故的发生。故填train accident。60.根据思维导图plot第四点“Finally, Alderona begins to realize her responsibility.”并通读对话可知,最后Alderona决定保留她的秘密力量。故填She decides to keep the secret power.61.例文Next week will be the School Health Week. During the Health Week, we will have a School Trip Day on Friday.Here is the plan for the day. We will start our trip by walking to Lakeside Park. In the morning, we will go jogging. At noon, we will have a picnic near a small lake there. After lunch, we will go boating on the lake. We can feel a sense of peace in mind while we are rowing on the blue water.By being part of these activities, we will not only develop friendship with our classmates, but also keep fit. We also can relax ourselves and be free from the pressure of study.【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇记叙文,为材料作文;②时态:时态为“一般将来时”;③提示:从两个项目中选择一个,根据表格的提示信息和问题提示,介绍该项目的活动内容及意义,可适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。[写作步骤] 第一步,表明写作意图。介绍要介绍的活动主题;第二步,具体介绍该活动的具体安排;第三步,介绍该活动的意义。[亮点词汇]① have a picnic去野餐②go boating划船③not only...but also...不仅……而且……④ be free from不受……的影响[高分句型]①We can feel a sense of peace in mind while we are rowing on the blue water(while引导的时间状语从句).②By being part of these activities, we will not only develop friendship with our classmates, but also keep fit. (动名词作宾语)试卷第1页,共3页答案第1页,共2页试卷第1页,共3页答案第1页,共2页