

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-13 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-


1.生命中最令人陶醉的惊喜,莫过于与你四目相观——一眼便让我明白,世间竟还存在如此奇妙的邂逅。The most intoxicating surprise in life is looking into your eyes at first sight—in that instant, I realized there is such a wonderful encounter in the world.

2.爱,让我看见生命中最绚丽的色彩,让我理解幸福来得如此简单——遇见你,如同探寻一座彩虹之城,这里有着天然的浪漫与令人心醉的风光。Love allows me to see the most splendid colors in life and understand how simple happiness comes—meeting you is like exploring a rainbow city, filled with natural romance and intoxicating beauty.

3.能与你相恋相宠,是上天最慷慨的馈赠——你如一道金色的阳光,让我久居黑夜的心蓦然醒来,生命从此光华灿烂。Being able to love you and be loved by you is the most generous gift from heaven—you are like a golden sunbeam, awakening my heart that has long been in the dark of night, and lighting up my life with radiance from now on.

4.在茫茫人群中,我的目光穿过重重阻隔,一眼便认出你——我此生最渴望宠爱的姑娘,唯一愿意为之疯狂的幻想。In the midst of the crowd, my eyes penetrated many obstacles and recognized you at first sight—the girl I most yearn to dote on, and my only fantasy for whom I would go mad.

5.你是我唯一不舍放手的牵挂,也是我今生最想与之白首的知音——生命因为你的出现,变得丰富多彩,一切都像童话般令人着迷。You are my only reluctance to let go of the concern, and the confidante with whom I want to grow old together in this life—because of your appearance, my life has become rich and colorful, and everything is as fascinating as a fairy tale.

6.生命如一场奇幻的戏剧,遇见你,便找到了最动人的旋律;爱情如一杯醇香的佳酿,我愿与你一同品味,一同在爱的海洋里迷失自我。Life is like a fantastic drama, meeting you, I found the most touching melody; love is like a cup of mellow wine, I am willing to taste with you and lose myself in the sea of love.

7.在这漫漫人生路,能与你携手同行,是我此生最珍贵的馈赠——你的到来,让我的生命如沐春风,一切似乎都不再那么艰难。On this long road of life, being able to walk hand in hand with you is the most precious gift in my life—your arrival makes my life feel like a spring breeze, and everything seems not so difficult anymore.

8.生命虽短,但因你的出现,变得精彩绝伦——我只愿与你共枕共眠,一同数落花与赏析星辰点点。Although life is short, it has become wonderful and extraordinary because of your appearance—I just want to share the pillow and sleep with you, count the flowers together, and appreciate the stars.

9.时光在你的怀抱里变得无价,光阴在你的凝视下变得意义重大——生命中的每一秒都值得我用生命来交换。Time becomes priceless in your arms, and the moments become meaningful under your gaze—every second of my life is worth exchanging for my life.

10.生命中最诱人的画面,莫过于与你携手白首,一同回望我们相濡以沫的岁月——那是属于你我的时光,最美妙的邂逅。The most tempting picture in life is nothing more than growing old with you hand in hand, looking back together at the years we have depended on each other—that is our time belonging to you and me, the most wonderful encounter.



{ Valentine's Day }




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