

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-13 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-

1. 你的笑脸如同阳光,融化我所有的忧思。遇见你是一个巧合,爱上你却是我此生最正确的选择。Your smile, like sunshine, melts away all my worries. Meeting you was a coincidence, but falling in love with you was the best choice I have ever made.

2. 我们不需要誓言来证明我们的爱,它来得自然而简单。你的存在本身就是我此生最珍贵的礼物。We don't need oaths to prove our love, it comes naturally and simply. Your presence itself is the most precious gift in my life.

3. 你的眼睛里有星空大海,令我深深倾倒。你的笑容就如同春日的暖阳,融化我所有的阴霾。In your eyes lie starry skies, making me lost and spellbound. Your smile is like spring sunshine, dissolving all my gloom and annoyance.  

4.生活中最美好的惊喜,不是什么浪漫场面,而是每天清晨醒来,看到你在我身边。The sweetest surprise in life is not any romantic scene, but waking up every morning and seeing you by my side.  

5. 我想和你一起变老,一起数星星、数落叶片,一起数着岁月在你我脸上留下的痕迹。I want to grow old with you, counting the years on each other's face, counting the stars and fallen leaves together.

6.世间所有的誓言我都可以轻易打破,唯有对你说的每一句"我爱你",便是我此生最真挚的诺言。I can easily break all the promises in the world, except for every "I love you" that I said to you, which will always stay sincere in my heart.

7. 在这个世界上,我只属于你一个人。生活匆匆而过,但只要有你在身边,世间万物便都变得美好起来。You are the only one I belong to in this world. Life is fleeting, but as long as you are by my side, everything seems to become beautiful.

8. 我会用我所有的温柔来深爱你,用我全部真诚来守候你。这便是我对你最真挚的誓言。I love you with all my tenderness, and keep my promise to you with all my sincerity. This is my most earnest oath  to you.  

9. 能与你在一起是我此生最珍贵的礼物。生活因你而变得完整,这就是我们相爱的缘由。Being able to be with you is the most precious gift in my life. Life becomes perfect because of you, this is why we love each other.

10. 你的出现让世界在我眼里变得更加明媚,生活也因此变得有意义起来。有你陪伴,我才觉得自己不再是孤单一人。Your presence makes the world more beautiful in my eyes, and thus makes my life meaningful. With you by my side, I no longer feel alone. 



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