

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-14 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  1. 亲爱的,每当我醒来,第一眼见到的就是你甜美的笑容,这对我来说就是最好的问候和最美好的开始。Waking up every morning, the first thing I see is your sweet smile, which is the best greeting and most beautiful start of my day.

  2. 和你在一起时光总是飞逝,我们共度的点点滴滴都是我人生中最珍贵也最甜蜜的回忆。Time always flies when we are together, every moment we have spent becomes the most precious and sweetest memory in my life.

  3. 当我仰望夜空,月光总让我想起你温暖明亮的双眼,你就像天上的明月,照亮我生命的黑夜。When I gaze upon the night sky, the moonlight always reminds me of the warmth and brightness of your eyes. You're like the moon in the sky, lighting up the darkness of my life.

  4. 无论未来要面对什么,我都相信只要有你在我身旁,一切烦恼都会迎刃而解,因为我知道,你的眼中永远有我最真实和最好的模样。Whatever the future holds, I believe that as long as you are by my side, all troubles will be resolved, because I know your eyes will always reflect the truest and best version of myself.

  5. 和你携手走过的这段旅程是我一生中最宝贵的经历,我期待和你携手,一起见证我们的未来。The journey we have walked hand in hand is the most precious experience in my life. I look forward to witnessing our future together with you.

  6. 有你在我的生命里,我感到无比幸运和满足。你的出现让我的世界完整了,这是上天赐予我最好的礼物。With you in my life, I feel incredibly blessed and content. Your presence makes my world whole. You are the best gift heaven has ever given me.

  7. 亲爱的,我愿化作一缕清风,轻轻掠过你如丝的秀发,抚过你馨香柔嫩的面颊,在你耳边低语我无尽的思念。My dear, I wish I could become a gentle breeze, softly brushing through your silky hair, caressing your smooth tender cheeks, whispering my endless longing in your ear.

  8. 对你的思念深邃而碎银,连绵起伏如海上层层波涛,一波波冲击我的心扉,直到和你重逢的那一刻才得以平息。My yearning for you is profound and surging like the waves upon the ocean, billow after billow pounding against my heart, until the moment we reunite.

  9. 我会用我所有的真心和热情来爱你,哪怕我们不得不远隔两地,我的爱也会化作最柔软的羽毛,飞越高山大海,陪伴在你身边。I will love you with all my heart and passion, even if we have to be apart. My love will become the softest feather, flying across mountains and seas, keeping you company.

  10. 只要你在我身边,人生所有的困难都不再可怕,因为有你作为我坚强的后盾,让我拥有无限的力量和勇气。As long as you are by my side, no difficulty in life will ever scare me. With you as my strong support, I have unlimited strength and courage.



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