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2023-07-17 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
六年级英语下册期末试卷及答案-人教PEP版(附听力材料)听力部分(30分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)(  )1.?A. G
PS   B. GRE(  )2.?A. China   B. Canada(  )3.?A. ten   B. twenty( 
 )4.?A. night   B. light(  )5.?A. delicious   B. fresh(  )6.?A. b
ridge   B. building(  )7.?A. picture   B. photo(  )8.?A. stayed  
 B. slept(  )9.?A. right   B. left(  )10.?A. magazines   B. compu
ters二、 根据录音,画?或?。(8分)三、 听录音,选择正确的答句。(6分)(  )1.?A. I’m 145 cm. ?B.
I’m 45 kg.(  )2.?A. Yes, it is. ?B. Yes, they are.(  )3.?A.?Than
k you. ?B. Happy birthday!(  )4.?A. Yes, he does. ?B. No, she doe
sn’t.(  )5.?A. She works in a factory. ?B. She goes to work by bu
s.(  )6.?A. I like fish noodles best. ?B. I’d like some fish and
noodles.四、 听录音,判断句子的正(√)误(×)。(6分)(  )1.?Lily is younger than Lucy
.(  )2.?Lily likes reading books in the library.(  )3.?Lily and L
ucy went shopping by bus.(  )4.?They bought some fruit and milk.(
  )5.?Lily and Lucy visited their father at the hospital.(  )6.?T
hey were not happy.笔试部分(70分)一、 理解单词意思,选出与它们同类的单词。(6分)二、 读句子,根据图片情
境选择正确的选项。(6分)三、 读一读,选一选,对的打“√”。(10分)四、 单项选择。(8分)(  )1.?—How _____
___ is your sister? —She is 1.60 metres.A. heavy ?B. big ?C. tall
(  )2.?That’s the?________ dinosaur in this hall.A. ?tallest ?B.
taller ?C. tall(  )3.?—Does Sarah?________? —Yes,?she does.A. ?li
kes sing ?B. like singing ?C. liked singing(  )4.?Look!?Sarah ___
_____ with a little dog.A. ?played ?B. plays ?C. is playing(  )5.
?There?________ no gym in the school 30 years ago.A. ?is ?B. was
?C. were(  )6.?—What did?you do yesterday?—I?________ swimming an
d ________ a horse.A. ?went;?ride ?B. went; rode ?C. go; rode(  )
7.?—Did you?________ an interesting dream last night?—No, it was
a nightmare.A. ?have ?B. has ?C. had(  )8.?Sarah often?________ h
er clothes on the weekend. But last weekend she didn’t?________?t
hem.A. ?washed;?wash ?B. washes; washed ?C. washes; wash五、 补全对话。(
10分)Carl:??Hi,?Lucy. Summer vacation is coming.?1________Lucy:??I
’m going to a summer camp(夏令营).Carl:??Super! Where is it?Lucy:??2
________ How about you?Carl:??I’m going to take a trip to Xiamen.
Lucy:??Oh,?it’s a beautiful place.?3________Carl:??On July 8th.Lu
cy:??Really? Me too! I’m going to Beijing by plane.?4________Carl
:??No,?we are going by train.?5________Lucy:??Yes,?it will be a g
reat trip.六、 看图片,读句子,根据图片情境写出正确的单词(每空一词)。(10分)1.?—What did you do
last Sunday?—I?________ ________ with my grandpa.2.?My favourite
season is winter because I can ________ ________ ________.3.?Thi
s boy is?________ than his father.4.?—How do you go to Sanya for
holidays? —________ ________. It is fast.5.?—What does your broth
er often do on the weekend, Peter?—He often?________ football and
________ kung fu.七、阅读理解。(10分)________How time flies!?It’s time t
o say goodbye!Thank you, my dear friends. We really changed a lot
in six years. Before, we were short and small. Now, we are tall
and big. We studied and played together. We learned about robots
in the science club. We had lots of fun.Thank you, my friendly te
achers. Sometimes you were strict, but our classes were full of f
un. We had different parties in spring. We visited the Great Wall
?and the nature park in autumn. They were all interesting.Thank y
ou, my lovely school. We learned and enjoyed every day. We painte
d in the art room. We read books in the library. We jumped and ra
n on the playground. We were happy to study here.In the past six
years,?we had so many special memories(回忆).(  )1.?They were?_____
___ before.A. ?small and short ?B. tall and big ?C. short and str
ong(  )2.?What?did they do in the science club?A. ?They read book
s. ?B. They jumped and ran.C. They learned about robots.(  )3.?Th
ey?________ with their teachers in spring.A. ?had different parti
es ?B. visited the Great WallC. went to the nature park(  )4.?Whi
ch one is right(正确的)?A. ?Their teachers were always strict.B. The
y read books and painted in the library.C. They had a lot of fun
in the past six years.(  )5.?Choose the best title(标题) for the pa
ssage.A. ?My New Teachers ?B. Goodbye,?My Dear SchoolC. Welcome t
o My New School八、从一年级到六年级,Mike发生了很多变化,你们也一样。请你帮助Mike以“A Big Chang
e”为题目,写写Mike的变化,不少于5句。(10分,其中6、7小题每小题2分,其余每小题1分)?参考答案听力材料一、 听录音,选
出你所听到的单词。1.?You can use GPS to find the way.2.?I come from Canada
.3.?I’m?20 years old. How about you?4.?I usually stay at home at
night.5.?The noodles are delicious. Do you want to have a try?6.?
There is a tall building in front of our school.7.?Our family pho
to is on the wall in the kitchen.8.?I was ill yesterday, so I sle
pt all day at?home.9.?Turn left at the hospital. Then you can see
the cinema in front of you.10.?I want to buy some magazines in t
he bookstore.二、 根据录音,画或。1.?I hurt myself yesterday.2.?My sister A
nnie is good at dancing.3.?My family are having a picnic in the n
ature park.4.?I am 165 cm and 63 kg.5.?W:?What’s the date today?M
: Today is November 4th.6.?I usually go to my grandparents’ home
by train.7.?She is climbing the mountain with her friends.8.?Robi
n is so happy.三、 听录音,选择正确的答句。1.?How tall are you?2.?Are they drin
king water?3.?Happy birthday!4.?Does he do his homework by himsel
f?5.?How does she go to work every day?6.?What’s your favourite f
ood?四、 听录音,判断句子的正(√)误(×)。Lucy and Lily are sisters. Lucy is older
than Lily. Lucy likes drawing pictures and Lily likes reading st
orybooks at home. Their father was ill last month. So they went t
o a supermarket to buy something. They went there by taxi. They b
ought some fruit and vegetables. They visited their father at the
hospital. They were tired but happy.听力部分一、?1—5.?ABBAA 6—10.?BBBB
A二、?1—5.? 6—8.三、?1—6.?ABAABA四、?1—6.?√×××√×笔试部分一、?1—6.?DAFBCE二、?1—6.?CBCABA三、?1.?winter 2.?happy 3.?ill 4.?bookstore5.?pilot四、?1—5.?CABCB 6—8.?BAC五、?1—5.?CBADE六、?1.?went fishing 2.?make a snowman3.?shorter 4.?By plane 5.?plays,?does七、?1—5.?ACACB八、?1.?short 2.?quiet 3.?tall 4.?active5.?ride a bike 6.?I can ride a bike well7.?I like reading books very much8.?writer(职业,最好与之前的兴趣爱好相对应)第 1 页 共 11 页