

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-19 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  1. 亲爱的,遇见你是我生命中最妙不可言的缘分。我愿意牵着你的手,与你携手走过所有风雨,趟过所有泥泞,只为手中紧握你的存在。My dear, meeting you is the most ineffable destiny of my life. I am willing to hold your hand, walk through storms and muds with you, just to tightly grasp your existence in my hand.

  2. 我们珍惜的点点滴滴,将汇集成一方清泉,源源不断地滋润着我生命的花园,让幸福的种子永远绽放生机。Every cherished moment will converge into a clear spring, nourishing the garden of my life, letting the seeds of happiness blossom with vitality.

  3. 当夜幕低垂,我仰望天边最亮的那颗星,把对你焚烧的思念化作一封情书,寄托给宇宙使用最高速的星际快递。As the night falls, I look upon the brightest star in the sky, turning my burning longing into a love letter sent to you through the universe's fastest interstellar express.

  4. 亲爱的,你眼中倒映的是我最真实的样子。被你用充满智慧与包容的目光倾心看待,是我生命中最宝贵的馈赠。My dear, your eyes reflect the truest me. To be seen by you with a loving, wise and accepting gaze is the most precious gift in my life.

  5. 一路相伴,你我都在成长,你让我变得越来越好,我也见证你绽放光芒。让我们继续并肩而行,互相鼓励,共同进步。Growing together, we make each other better. You make me grow into a better person and I witness your shining splendor. Let us keep walking shoulder to shoulder, encouraging each other to progress together.

  6. 亲爱的,上天垂怜于我,让我们的光环在宇宙中交汇。我会永远珍惜你,与你携手书写命中注定的传奇。My dear, heaven took pity on me and let our halos intersect in the universe. I will cherish you forever and write our destined legend together.

  7. 在夜半时分,我幻想化作一阵和风,穿过树林的缝隙,轻轻抚过你安详的睡颜,感受我们融为一体的心跳。At midnight, I fantasize becoming a gentle breeze, blowing through the cracks of the woods, softly caressing your serene sleeping face, feeling our unified heartbeats.

  8. 对你的思念有时汹涌而至,它在我心中激荡,我渴望成为大海,让你成为海洋,我们天造地设的浪花翻滚相拥,融为一体。Sometimes my longing for you comes surging in, stirring up my heart. I yearn to become the ocean with you as my sea, our heaven-made waves embracing and blending into one.

  9. 让我牵着你的手,与你并肩前行,面对阳光灿烂,也披荆斩棘。这漫漫征途,我将不离不弃,与你携手同在,直到生命的尽头。Let me hold your hand and walk side by side, basking in sunlight and hacking thorns. On this long journey, I will stay with you till life's end.

  10. 有你这棵大树荫蔽,风雨无阻,困难退散。我们将心手相扣,无私相助,共创成功,携手走过一生风雨,迎接花开满园春。With you, this big tree shielding me, storms hold no threats, difficulties dissipate. Hand in hand, helping selflessly, we'll create success together and go through life's storms until flowers bloom all over our garden.



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