
国外艺术家 | 米格尔·巴塞洛 Miquel Barceló

 新用户82512YXg 2023-08-01 发布于北京

Culture Sower

Culture 菌整理编辑,版权为艺术家本人所有


7 poissons 3 citrons, Mixed media on canvas,81 x 101 x 3 cm,2021


Miquel Barceló

Miquel BarcelóPourpre de tyr, Mixed media on canvas,120 x 180 x 3.5 cm,2022

Bodegón groc, Mixed media on canvas,190 x 240 x 3.5 cm,2021

Quadro color de gos que fuig,Mixed media on canvas,205 x 248 x 4 cm, 2022

Manifesto Haptique,Mixed media on canvas,190 x 240 x 5 cm,2015

Gran Elefante Dret, Bronze with white patina, Plaza Mayor de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, 2017

14 Allumettes,Bronze,Musée Picasso, 2015, Paris, France

Siurell Rebentat, Ceramic,100 x 57 x 71 cm,2019-21

米格尔·巴塞洛是西班牙最受赞誉的当代艺术家之一,以其浮雕般的混合媒体绘画、富有表现力的青铜雕塑和陶瓷而闻名。作为一名艺术游牧者,他对自然世界的迷恋激发了纹理丰富的画布的灵感,这些画布唤起了Art Informel朴实的物质性,以及研究光的影响和不断变化的海洋颜色的作品。他的作品总是用火山灰、食物、海藻、沉积物和自制颜料等非传统材料进行实验,带有强烈能量的痕迹,激发了他的创作过程。
One of Spain's most acclaimed contemporary artists, Miquel Barceló is known for his relief-like mixed-media paintings, expressive bronze sculptures and ceramics. An artistic nomad, his fascination with the natural world has inspired richly textured canvases that evoke the earthy materiality of Art Informel, as well as compositions that study the effects of light and the ever-changing colours of the sea. Always experimenting with non-traditional materials such as volcanic ash, food, seaweed, sediments and homemade pigments, his works carry the traces of the fierce energy that animates his creative process.  
In the mid 1980s, Barceló began eliminating narrative elements from his works, creating an increasingly unreal space punctuated by holes, cracks and transparencies. This process of simplification culminated in 1988, a year in which he travelled across the Sahara and created his white paintings. Relying on cultural and geographical diversity for inspiration, his time in Mali, where he established a studio, was a formative experience. For Barceló, painting is a visceral way of relating himself to the world and, as such, his art connects with the primitive beauty of cave paintings. He expands the technical boundaries of representation, while remaining rooted in the grand tradition of painting, following in the footsteps of Picasso or Goya when representing bullfight scenes or Baroque painters when completing a commission for the Palma de Mallorca Cathedral.

© Miquel Barceló 





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