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2023-08-02 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
、阅读理解Waste NotThis eco-conscious shoulder bag is cut from old tru
ck cloth, so each handmade bag features a unique look. The rest o
f the bag is constructed out of strong nylon from recycled water
bottles. Sorry, pack addicts: students only. (Seriously, you need
a student ID to buy one. ) Freitag F601 Malcolm Student Backpack
$170Agenda ItemMost calendars have a systematized accounting of
time boring. The Every Day Calendar is a touch-sensitive device t
hat encourages you to keep up with a daily routine. Each day you
follow through on a promise to yourself tap the corresponding (相关
的) number on the face and an LED lights it up. You don’t have to
use it every days—it’s there when you need it and functions as gl
orious wall art when you don’t. Every Day Calendar $300 Night Rid
er Lumenus pill-shaped bike light smartly helps cyclists see and
be seen in the park. Pair it with the companion app and it taps i
nto your phone’s GPS for some location-aware tricks. It can incre
ase visibility at night. The 30-hour battery is good for weeks. L
umenus ioLight $100Light CycleAt 35 pounds, the Turbo Vado SL is
light for an ebike. It’s also slim enough to swing over a shoulde
r, with the 320-watt-hour battery and powerful motor all hidden i
n the frame. Still, the bike’s range is 80 miles, and its speed r
eaches 28 mph. Specialized Turbo Vado SL 5.0 EQ $4,5001.Which of
the following products is made of recycled materials?A.Lumenus io
Light.B.Every Day Calendar.C.Specialized Turbo Vado SL 5.0 EQ.D.F
reitag F601 Malcolm Student Backpack.2.If you want to buy a light
for your bike from the above, how much should you pay?A.$100.B.$
170.C.$ 300.D.$ 4,500.3.What can we learn from the text?A.Using t
he Every Day Calendar is boring.B.Lumenus ioLight can improve cyc
lists’ eyesight.C.Specialized Turbo Vado SL 5.0 EQ is convenient
to be taken away.D.Everyone is encouraged to buy Freitag F601 Mal
colm Student Backpack.Cecilia Chiang, named the “mother of Chines
e food in American”, a famed restauranteur who helped introduce r
eal Chinese food to America in the 1960s, died on October 28, 202
0 at the age of 100. Opened in 1961, Cecilia’ legendary San Franc
isco restaurant, the Mandarin, was arguably the best Chinese rest
aurant in the US for over 30 years. She challenged the American i
dea of Chinese food and transformed their appreciation for authen
tic Chinese cuisine. Ms Chiang was born in Wuxi in 1920 as the se
venth daughter in a wealthy family. After her parents died, Cecil
ia managed the businesses’ finances while still in her teens. Ms
Chiang came to San Francisco in 1959. Once in San Francisco, she
met two acquaintances who wanted to open a restaurant. Ms Chiang
agreed to put up a huge deposit. But when the two women quit, Ms
Chiang found to her horror that the deposit was not refundable. S
he decided to open the restaurant herself. “I began to think that
if I could create a restaurant with Western-style service and th
e dishes that I was most familiar with-the delicious food of nort
hern China — maybe my little restaurant would succeed,” she wrote
in her book. The Mandarin, which was opened in 1961 as a small r
estaurant, introduced customers to mainly Sichuan, Shanghai and C
anton dishes. The early days were especially tough. But little by
little, Chinese diners, and a few Americans came regularly. Over
night, the tables filled and became a huge success. Ms Chiang enj
oyed many extraordinary honors. In 2013, when she was 93, she rec
eived the long overdue Lifetime Achievement Award from the James
Beard Awards, known as the ”Culinary Oscars“ at New York’s Lincol
n Center. Cecilia considered it her legacy to have redefined what
Americans know about Chinese food and culture. In her acceptance
speech, Cecilia said, ”This is an incredible honor. James Beard
was one of my close personal friends, so this award holds a speci
al place in my heart.“4.When did Ms Chiang start to manage the bu
sinesses’ finances?A.In the 1920s.B.In the 1930s.C.In the 1950s.D
.In the 1960s.5.Why did Ms Chiang open a restaurant alone?A.She w
anted to live a better life.B.She needed to get her deposit back.
C.She decided to help her acquaintances.D.She wished to spread Ch
inese food across America.6.What can be Ms Chiang’s chief achieve
ment?A.She changed American’s eating habits.B.She won an Oscar aw
ard for her restaurant.C.She showed Americans the charm of Chines
e food.D.She recorded many recipes for Chinese dishes in her book
.7.Which of the following best describes Ms Chiang?A.Smart but st
ubborn.B.Adventurous but careless.C.Devoted and brave.D.Enthusias
tic and ambitious.Here are some properties that the British royal
family owns.Buckingham PalaceThe most famous palace for the Brit
ish monarchy(君主), Buckingham Palace, is easily recognized. It was
originally built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 and acquired
by King George Ⅲ in 1761 and has remained in the royal family ev
er since. This is where the family tends to greet visitors and cr
owds, and serves as the administrative offices of the monarch of
the United Kingdom. It is valued at $4.9 billion.The Diamond Diad
em(王冠)This Diamond Diadem was made in 1820 for George Ⅳ, which wa
s regularly worn by Queen Victoria after it was reset with jewels
from the royal collection. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ wore it in 1953. Th
e jewelry experts estimated it to be worth around $ 6.9 million.P
ainting by Claude MonetThe royal family is known for its extensiv
e art collection as well. This is “Study of Rocks; Creuse: ‘Le Bl
oc’” by Claude Monet (1840-1926). In 1949, Queen Elizabeth the Qu
een Mother purchased it for $2,300, and by the time of her death
in 2002, it was worth about $17,000. The Monet painting hung in h
er main residence at Clarence House for several years, but is now
on display at Buckingham Palace.Tower of LondonIt’s built in 106
6. It’s not a working palace any more, but it used to be. The Tow
er of London, officially called His Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fo
rtress of the Tower of London, now functions as a museum and is a
protected World Heritage Site due to its extensive history. It’s
also the single most valuable piece of property in the United Ki
ngdom, estimated to be worth about $81 billion.8.What do we know
about Buckingham Palace from the text?A.It was built in memory of
King George Ⅲ.B.All the British royal family lives there.C.It’s
a working place of the British monarchy.D.The Diamond Diadem is o
n display there.9.What makes the painting by Claude Monet differe
nt from the other three?A.It has the shortest history.B.Its value
cannot be estimated by money.C.It was passed down by previous mo
narchs.D.It was Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother’s favorite.10.Wh
ich of the following properties has the highest price?A.Buckingha
m Palace.B.The Diamond Diadem.C.Painting by Claude Monet.D.Tower
of London.The Government’s sugar tax on soft drinks has brought i
n half as much money as Ministers first predicted it would genera
te, the first official data on the policy has shown. First announ
ced in April, 2016, the tax which applies to soft drinks containi
ng more than 5g of sugar per 100ml, was introduced to help reduce
childhood obesity (肥胖). It is believed that today’s children and
teenagers are consuming three times the recommended level of sug
ar, putting them at a higher risk of the disease.Initially the su
gar tax was expected to make £520m a year for the Treasury. Howev
er, data of the first six months showed it would make less than h
alf this amount. At present it is expected to generate £240m for
the year ending in April 2019, which will go to school sports.It
comes after more than half of soft drinks sold in shops have had
their sugar levels cut by manufacturers (制造商) so they can avoid p
aying the tax. Drinks now contain 45 million fewer kilos of sugar
as a result of manufacturers’ efforts to avoid the charge, accor
ding to Treasury figures. Since April drinks companies have been
forced to pay between 18p and 24p for every litre of sugary drink
they produce or import, depending on the sugar content. However,
some high sugar brands, like Classic Coca Cola, have accepted th
e sugar tax and are refusing to change for fear of upsetting cons
umers. Fruit juices, milk-based drinks and most alcoholic drinks
are free of the tax, as are small companies manufacturing fewer t
han 1m litres per year. Today’s figures, according to one governm
ent official, show the positive influence the sugar tax is having
by raising millions of pounds for sports facilities (设施) and hea
lthier eating in schools. Helping the next generation to have a h
ealthy and active childhood is of great importance, and the indus
try is playing its part. 11.Why was the sugar tax introduced?A.To
collect money for schools.B.To improve the quality of drinks.C.T
o protect children’s health.D.To encourage research in education.
12.How did some drinks companies respond to the sugar tax?A.They
turned to overseas markets.B.They raised the prices of their prod
ucts.C.They cut down on their production.D.They reduced their pro
ducts’ sugar content.13.From which of the following is the sugar
tax collected?A.Most alcoholic drinks.B.Milk-based drinks.C.Fruit
juices.D.Classic Coke.14.What can be inferred about the adoption
of the sugar tax policy?A.It is a short-sighted decision.B.It is
a success story.C.It benefits manufacturers.D.It upsets customer
s.二、七选五The first year of college is crucial in setting students u
p for success, laying a strong foundation for the rest of college
and beyond. So how do you get through the first year? 15, which
I hope you find useful. ·Go to college with a purposeGoing to co
llege takes time and money. Simply going because everyone told yo
u to—without a clear end-puts you more at risk of not getting you
r degree. 16. Pick your classes wisely and map out your path. So
me of this is really basic, for example, if you know you need 120
credits to graduate. ·Make a connection with a staff memberThe s
taff member can be an adviser, a librarian, a financial aid offic
er, and even an admissions counselor. Anyone connected with the c
ollege who you can lean on to learn the ropes of the institution
is OK. Having one strong connection with the adult staff can make
you feel engaged and supported throughout the college. 17.·Turn
to your professor during office hoursSo many students agree that
office hours are terrifying. If you go to your professor’s offic
e and talk to him or her, you will be more likely to find that yo
ur professor is a modest person and you can become friends. 18,
and ask what’s on an upcoming exam. You may be able to get an ext
ension on a paper. You can also talk about stuff that’s unrelated
to your class. · 19 College is full of opportunities to meet peo
ple. Start with your classes—work on assignments together or form
a study group. Join clubs and organizations—let the organization
al framework of those meetings ease the awkwardness of scheduling
a first friend date.A.Work on assignments respectivelyB.Here is
what the experts recommendC.Find a group of friends who support y
ouD.You can bring an assignment you’re struggling withE.You actua
lly go to college because you have a scheduleF.Be well-prepared f
or important appointments with your friendsG.It can also result i
n strategic career advice and networking opportunities三、完形填空Colin
Coleman was a 16-year-old employee who had been working for 6 mo
nths at a Kroger grocery store where Josh York 20does the shoppin
g, so they became 21with each other. Unluckily, Josh York has imp
aired 22, so he needs some help to see the products at the grocer
y store.One day when Josh went to Kroger for his 23grocery shoppi
ng, Colin recognized him and immediately began to guide him aroun
d the store and help him find what he 24. He didn’t stop until Jo
sh’s 25was entirely checked off. Colin guided the shopping cart a
round 26that could be obstacles. Throughout this moment of 27, Co
lin and Josh were overheard making small talk and finding out one
another’s lives.Another customer saw this 28act and took a pictu
re of it, where the two really worked together as a(n) 29to get t
he shopping done. The picture 30being posted on the social media,
where it received 46 thousand likes, and 9.9 thousand shares.Jos
h York really 31Colin’s actions, not just because he helped him a
round the store, but because Colin made sure to 32the experience
with respect and kindness. Colin often helps 33out, especially Jo
sh. Even though Colin doesn’t seem impressed with his own kind be
havior, lots of other people felt their 34 are lifted because of
uilding30.A.ended upB.aimed atC.carried onD.contributed to31.A.ap
使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。On a cold winter evening, I was walking home, tire
d and hungry, when shouts for help came from behind some trees. I
slowed down to listen and realized that 35girl was being attack
ed not far away from where I stood. “Should I go to help her 36
just run to the nearest phone and call the police?” I thought. I
was worried about my own 37(safe). “What if I am hurt, too?” But
the girl’s cries were growing weaker. I thought, “It’s time for
me 38 (act) quickly, though it may mean losing my own life.”I ra
n behind the trees and fought 39 the attacker. We fought for a f
ew minutes before the man ran away. 40(breathe) heavily, I went o
ver to the girl, 41was crying behind a tree. I didn’t want to fr
ighten her any further, so I spoke to her from a distance. I said
42 (soft), “It’s OK! The man ran away. You’re safe now.” There
was a long silence and then I heard the 43 (word) said in both w
onder and surprise. “Dad, is that you?” And then, from behind the
tree 44(walk) out my youngest daughter, Katherine.五、感谢信/祝贺信45.假
定你是李华,你的英国好友Tom在学校羽毛球比赛中获得第一名,请你给他写封祝贺信,要点如下:1. 表示祝贺;2. 肯定他的付出;3.
希望学习他的技术。注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头及结尾已为你写好,不计入总词
数;4. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Tom, ________________________________
_______________________________Best wishes. Yours, LiHua六、读后续写46.
阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。An anonymous (匿名的) person’s
rude note was sent to a struggling neighbor. Prior to receiving t
he unpleasant letter last month, Randa Ragland and her family had
been facing a variety of tough challenges. Her husband had lost
his job; she had been diagnosed with some health issues; but wors
t of all, her 3-year-old son Jaxen had been diagnosed with stage
IV neuroblastoma just before his birthday. Jaxen had already suff
ered seven surgeries and been hospitalized more than 20 times.Bei
ng a desperate Mom, Ms. Ragland had to care for her little one at
tentively and tried to get in contact with the “best doctor in th
e world for this condition”. She and her husband travelled all th
e way state after state to give her little one a fighting chance.
Exhausted and worn out, she found the sparkle (火花) of the hope f
or lighting the messy situation was to go out.On top of all of th
is, she opened her mailbox in Pinson, Alabama, to find an unaddre
ssed note from a neighbor criticizing her for the state of her la
wn. The note said that since her yard had fallen into disrepair,
its appearance was “affecting the resale value” of their homes an
d that Ragland needed to “do better.”At first, she felt a little
angry. But so much had been going on with her and her family. She
just didn’t have the energy to be more negative.She posted a pho
to of the note on Facebook as a means of encouraging her friends
to have patience with their own neighbors because we never know w
hat hardships someone might be going through.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2.
请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Unexpectedly, her post was shared by dozens of
___________________________Ms. Ragland had never met any of these
people before in her life.______________________________________
___________________________________________参考答案1.D 2.A 3.C【
eco-conscious shoulder bag is cut from old truck cloth, so each h
andmade bag features a unique look. The rest of the bag is constr
ucted out of strong nylon from recycled water bottles.(这个环保背包是用旧卡
车布料剪下来的, 所以每个手工制作的袋子都有独特的外观。袋子的其余部分是用回收水瓶做成的高强度尼龙)”可知,Freitag F60
1 Malcolm Student Backpack这种背包用了回收的旧卡车布和回收水瓶制作。故选D。2.细节理解题。根据第三段“
Lumenus pill-shaped bike light smartly helps cyclists see and be
seen in the park.(Lumenus药丸形状的自行车灯巧妙地帮助骑车者在公园里看见和被看见)”以及“Lumenus
ioLight $100”可知,这种自行车灯要100美元。故选A。3.推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“At 35 pounds,
the Turbo Vado SL is light for an ebike.(35英镑,Turbo Vado SL对于电动自行
车来说太轻了)”可知,这种电动车只有35磅,很轻,所以Turbo Vado SL携带方便。故选C。4.B 5.B 6.
C 7.D【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了“美国中餐之母”——蒋孙芸的一生,以及蒋孙芸为中餐引入美国所做的贡献。4.
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Ms Chiang was born in Wuxi in 1920 as the seventh d
aughter in a wealthy family. After her parents died, Cecilia mana
ged the businesses’ finances while still in her teens.(蒋女士1920年出生
0年,十几岁开始管理公司的财务,所以她是在二十世纪三十年代开始管理公司的财务。故选B。5.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Ms Chi
ang came to San Francisco in 1959. Once in San Francisco, she met
two acquaintances who wanted to open a restaurant. Ms Chiang agr
eed to put up a huge deposit. But when the two women quit, Ms Chi
ang found to her horror that the deposit was not refundable. She
decided to open the restaurant herself. (蒋女士1959年来到旧金山。有一次在旧金山,她遇
断题。根据文章第一段“She challenged the American idea of Chinese food and t
ransformed their appreciation for authentic Chinese cuisine.(她挑战了
美国人对中餐的看法,改变了他们对正宗中国菜的欣赏。)”以及最后一段“Cecilia considered it her legac
y to have redefined what Americans know about Chinese food and cu
lture.( Cecilia认为,她的遗产是重新定义了美国人对中国食物和文化的认识。)”可推断,她最大的贡献就是向美国人展示了中
国食物的魅力。故选C。7.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Ms Chiang came to San Francisco in 195
9. Once in San Francisco, she met two acquaintances who wanted to
open a restaurant. Ms Chiang agreed to put up a huge deposit. Bu
t when the two women quit, Ms Chiang found to her horror that the
deposit was not refundable. She decided to open the restaurant h
erself. “I began to think that if I could create a restaurant wit
h Western-style service and the dishes that I was most familiar w
ith-the delicious food of northern China— maybe my little restaur
ant would succeed,” she wrote in her book.(蒋女士1959年来到旧金山。有一次在旧金山,
蒋孙芸为人真诚热情,而且非常有志向。故选D。8.C 9.A 10.D【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了英国君主实际拥
有的一些财产。8.细节理解题。根据Buckingham Palace中的“This is where the family ten
ds to greet visitors and crowds, and serves as the administrative
offices of the monarch of the United Kingdom. (这是王室成员接待访客和人群的地方,
三个财物的产生时间“It was originally built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1
703(它最初是在1703年为白金汉公爵建造的),This Diamond Diadem was made in 1820 for
George Ⅳ(这枚钻石王冠是1820年为乔治Ⅳ制作的),It’s built in 1066.( 它建于1066年。)”可知
知,伦敦塔是英国最有价值的房产,估计价值约810亿美元,为价格最高。故选D。11.C 12.D 13.D 14.
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“First announced in April, 2016, the tax which appli
es to soft drinks containing more than 5g of sugar per 100ml, was
introduced to help reduce childhood obesity.(该税于2016年4月首次宣布,适用于每
理解题。根据第四段中的“It comes after more than half of soft drinks sold in
shops have had their sugar levels cut by manufacturers so they ca
n avoid paying the tax.(此前,制造商已经降低了商店中销售的超过一半的软饮料的含糖量,以避免纳税)”可知,一
些饮料公司通过降低了产品的含糖量来避税。故选D项。13.细节理解题。根据第五段中的“However, some high suga
r brands, like Classic Coca Cola, have accepted the sugar tax and
are refusing to change for fear of upsetting consumers. Fruit ju
ices, milk-based drinks and most alcoholic drinks are free of the
tax, as are small companies manufacturing fewer than 1m litres p
er year.(然而,一些高糖品牌,如经典可口可乐,已经接受了糖税,并拒绝改变,因为担心会惹恼消费者。果汁、以牛奶为原料的饮料和
理判断题。根据最后一段中“Today’s figures, according to one government officia
l, show the positive influence the sugar tax is having by raising
millions of pounds for sports facilities and healthier eating in
糖税政策带来了积极影响。由此推知,糖税政策的实施是一个成功的政策。故选B项。【点睛】15.B 16.E 17.G
18.D 19.C【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要就大学第一年如何度过给出了一些专家的建议。15.根据上文“The fir
st year of college is crucial in setting students up for success,
laying a strong foundation for the rest of college and beyond. S
o how do you get through the first year?(大学的第一年是为学生的成功奠定基础的关键,为大学
”符合语境,故选B。16.根据上文“Going to college takes time and money. Simply g
oing because everyone told you to—without a clear end-puts you mo
re at risk of not getting your degree.(上大学需要时间和金钱。仅仅因为每个人都告诉你要去,而
没有一个明确的目标,这将使你更有可能拿不到学位)”以及后文“Pick your classes wisely and map ou
t your path. Some of this is really basic, for example, if you kn
ow you need 120 credits to graduate.(明智地选择你的课程,规划你的道路。有些是非常基础的,例如
有一个时间表”符合语境,故选E。17.根据上文“The staff member can be an adviser, a lib
rarian, a financial aid officer, and even an admissions counselor
. Anyone connected with the college who you can lean on to learn
the ropes of the institution is OK. Having one strong connection
with the adult staff can make you feel engaged and supported thro
ughout the college.(工作人员可以是顾问、图书管理员、财务援助官员,甚至是招生顾问。任何与学校有关系的人都可以,
上文“So many students agree that office hours are terrifying. If yo
u go to your professor’s office and talk to him or her, you will
be more likely to find that your professor is a modest person and
you can become friends.(很多学生都认为办公时间很可怕。如果你去教授的办公室和他或她交谈,你会更有可能发现
你的教授是一个谦虚的人,你们可以成为朋友)”以及后文“and ask what’s on an upcoming exam. Yo
u may be able to get an extension on a paper. You can also talk a
bout stuff that’s unrelated to your class.(询问即将到来的考试内容。你可能会在一篇论文上
己的事情。故D选项“你可以把你正在纠结的任务带来”符合语境,故选D。19.根据后文“College is full of oppo
rtunities to meet people. Start with your classes—work on assignm
ents together or form a study group. Join clubs and organizations
—let the organizational framework of those meetings ease the awkw
ardness of scheduling a first friend date.(大学里充满了结交朋友的机会。从你的课程开始—
大学交朋友,故C选项“找一群支持你的朋友”符合语境,故选C。20.B 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.
B 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.A 31.B 32.B
33.A 34.C【导语】本篇是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在克罗格杂货店工作的科林在看到一位视力受损的人乔希·约克进店购
一家乔希·约克经常购物的克罗格杂货店工作了6个月,所以他们很熟。A. occasionally偶尔地;B. regularly有规
律地;C. accidentally意外地;D. seldom很少。根据下文“Colin recognized him and i
mmediately began to guide him around the store ”(科林认出了他,立刻开始带他在店里
一家乔希·约克经常购物的克罗格杂货店工作了6个月,所以他们很熟。A. concerned关心的;B. bored无聊的;C. fa
miliar熟悉的;D. patient有耐心的。根据下文“Colin recognized him and immediatel
y began to guide him around the store ”(科林认出了他,立刻开始带他在店里转)可知,乔希经常
需要有人帮他去看杂货店的东西。A. smell嗅觉;B. vision视觉;C. hearing听力;D. balance平衡。根
据本句话“he needs some help to see the products at the grocery store”
常购物时,科林认出了他,并立即开始带领他逛商店,帮助他找到他需要的东西。A. painful痛苦的;B. slow慢的;C. la
st最后的;D. normal正常的。根据上文“ a Kroger grocery store where Josh York r
egularly does the shopping”(一家乔希·约克经常购物的克罗格杂货店)可知,乔希经常来这家买东西,所以来这
商店,帮助他找到他需要的东西。A. valued重视;B. needed需要;C. lost失去;D. ordered命令。根据上
文“he needs some help to see the products at the grocery store”(他需
他才停下来。A. list清单;B. card卡片;C. parcel包裹;D. information信息。根据上文“Colin
recognized him and immediately began to guide him around the sto
re and help him find what he needed”(科林认出了他,并立即开始带领他逛商店,帮助他找到他需要的
:科林推着购物车绕过可能是障碍物的物体。A. vehicle车辆;B. furniture家具;C. objects物体;D. r
的帮助的过程中,科林和乔希互相闲聊,了解彼此的生活。A. struggle斗争;B. success成功;C. test测试;D.
helpfulness乐于助人。根据上文“Colin recognized him and immediately began
to guide him around the store and help him find what he needed”(科
义辨析。句意:另一位顾客看到了这一慷慨的举动,并拍下了照片,两人真的像一个团队一样合作完成了购物。A. brave勇敢的;B. c
onfident自信的;C. rude粗鲁的;D. generous慷慨的。根据上文“Throughout this moment
of helpfulness, Colin and Josh were overheard making small talk
and finding out one another’s lives.”(在整个的帮助的过程中,科林和乔希互相闲聊,了解彼此的生
照片,两人真的像一个团队一样合作完成了购物。A. department部门;B. organization组织;C. team队伍
;D. building建筑物。根据本句句中“worked together”(一起工作)可知,两个人一起购物,就像一个团队一样在
一起工作,故选C。30.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这张照片最终被发布在社交媒体上,收到了4.6万个赞和99000次转发。A. e
nded up最终;B. aimed at瞄准;C. carried on继续;D. contributed to有助于。根据上文
“Another customer saw this generous act and took a picture of it”
善的态度对待这段经历。A. approved同意;B. appreciated感激;C. stressed强调;D. expect
ed期待。根据前文“Colin recognized him and immediately began to guide him
around the store and help him find what he needed. He didn’t sto
p until Josh’s list was entirely checked off. Colin guided the sh
opping cart around objects that could be obstacles. ”(科林认出了他,马上就开
帮了他,还因为科林确保以尊重和友善的态度对待这段经历。A. share分享;B. treat对待;C. describe描述;D.
prove证明。根据前文“Colin and Josh were overheard making small talk and
finding out one another’s lives.”(科林和乔希互相闲聊,了解彼此的生活)可知,在科林帮助乔希的过
林经常帮助顾客,尤其是乔希。A. customers顾客;B. passengers乘客;C. employers雇主;D. co
lleagues同事。根据上文“Colin Coleman was a 16-year-old employee who had
been working for 6 months at a Kroger grocery store where Josh Yo
rk regularly does the shopping”(科林·科尔曼是一名16岁的雇员,他在一家乔希·约克经常购物的克罗格
34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管科林似乎对自己的善良行为不以为然,但很多人都因为他而感到精神振奋。A. loads负担;B. d
epressions抑郁;C. spirits精神;D. incomes收入。根据本句句意,人们看到科林这种善良的行为,肯定是很开
心的,那么能够得到提升的肯定是精神上的,故选C。35.a 36.or 37.safety 38.to act
39.against/with 40.Breathing 41.who 42.softly 43.wo
rds 44.walked【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是作者在一个夜晚独自回家时,听过有个女孩求救,作者本想离开去
去帮助她还是仅仅跑到最近的电话边上报警?分析句子可知,“I go to help her”和“just run to the ne
arest phone and call the police”之间是选择关系,应使用or连接,故填or。37.考查名词。句意:我
的生命,我是时候快速行动了。It’s time for sb. to do sth.是固定句型,意为“对某人来说该是做某事的时候了
”,所以此处用动词不定式,故填to act。39.考查介词。句意:我从树后面跑过去和攻击者作斗争。fight against/wi
状语,注意首字母大写,故填Breathing。41.考查定语从句。分析句子可知,空处引导一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是the gi
过去时,故填walked。45.One possible version:Dear Tom,I''m very excited to
know the news that you are the first in the badminton match held
in school last Sunday. I show my congratulations sincerely. This
is a good evidence to show what hard work you''ve devoted to prac
tising and improving your skills. When you first learned to play
badminton, you were at a loss about the basic skills and felt emb
arrassed. But it wasn''t long before you caught up and became an e
xcellent player. That you won the first prize shows your great de
termination and painstaking effort in practising badminton. I hop
e that one day we can have a game of badminton,so that I can lear
n from you. Best wishes. Yours,LiHua【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给英国好友Tom写
封祝贺信,祝贺他在学校羽毛球比赛中获得第一名。【详解】词汇积累比赛:match→competition努力:hard work→e
ffort好的:good→excellent提高:improve→perfect2.句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:I show my
congratulations sincerely.拓展句:I’m writing to congratulate you on
your good performance you have achieved in the match.【点睛】[高分句型1]
This is a good evidence to show what hard work you''ve devoted to practising and improving your skills. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)[高分句型2] That you won the first prize shows your great determination and painstaking effort in practising badminton. (运用了that引导的主语从句)46.Unexpectedly, her post was shared by dozens of people. It spread throughout the community. The very next day, team of lawn care service members showed up to take care of her grass; dozens of volunteers showed up with tools to clear away the rubbish; and people brought groceries from the store, while others tidied up the house. All of these volunteers joined together to form a group dedicated to helping the Ragland family.Ms. Ragland had never met any of these people be fore in her life. The compassion of the volunteers had an enormous impact to relieve her struggles. No one had imagined that the note to the struggling neighbor later sparked an outpouring of kindness from across the community and the country. Needless to say, Ms. Ragland was filled with so much gratitude and her life was actually lit up by the note.【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。文章主要讲述拉格伦女士一家遇到了各种严峻的考验,丈夫失业,四岁儿子患上了神经母细胞瘤,自己身体不适,还要照顾儿子,为他寻医治疗,在这绝望的状态下,拉格伦女士收到了一封匿名信指责她不打理花园影响到了他们房子的售卖,拉格伦女士已经没精力变得更消极,她在网上公布这封信让她的朋友们对可能正在经历困难的邻居多点耐心。【详解】读后续写要求考生首先要读懂已有信息,不仅能读懂字面含义,还要理清文章的脉络。续篇这篇短文时,考生要搞清楚故事的发展进程、前因后果、地理位置、人物思想情感的变化等。在此基础上,考生要顺着文章的思路,根据线索,发挥想象,对其后的情节进行合理预测,并用语言表达出来,续写时注意词数应为150左右。这篇短文续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:出乎意料地,她的帖子被几十个人分享。由第二段给出的开头“Ms. Ragland had never met any of these people before in her life.”可知,拉格伦女士以前在她的人生中从没有遇见过这些人。第二段开头中的“these people”指代的是续写第一段的内容,由此可见,第一段在她的帖子被分享出去之后,出现了很多人来帮助拉格伦女士。所以接下来要详细写哪些人如何帮助拉格伦女士解决她遇到的问题。第二段开头是:拉格伦女士以前在她的人生中从没有遇见过这些人。由给出的段首句可知,这是拉格伦女士生活的转折点,这些人的帮助给她绝望的人生带来了希望。由此可见,为了和前文拉格伦女士绝望的生活态度形成对比,接下来本段应该要写拉格伦女士因为这封信和这些人重燃生活希望,感激这些善意的人们。【点睛】本文作者所续写内容符合文章的发展进程,情节合理,字数符合要求。作者在文中使用了复合句,非谓语动词结构,使得文章句式灵活多变,也展现了作者较高的英语句式驾驭功底。如 “All of these volunteers joined together to form a group dedicated to helping the Ragland family.”中使用了过去分词作定语,“No one had imagined that the note to the struggling neighbor later sparked an outpouring of kindness from across the community and the country.”中使用了宾语从句。此外,作者在文中较多使用高级词汇,如“showed up,dozens of,clear away,tidied up,dedicated to,had an enormous impact,sparked an outpouring”等,使得文章表达更准确生动。试卷第11页,共33页试卷第11页,共33页答案第11页,共22页答案第11页,共22页