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2023-08-03 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
山西省2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试卷一、阅读理解The world is a splendid place, full of
hidden and overt beauty in every corner. Here are some of the mos
t beautiful places around the world.Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, U
ganda Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is one of the last harbors of th
e mountain gorilla (大猩猩). Several hundred call this UNESCO World
Heritage Site home, with the chance for visitors hike and meet ha
bituated groups. Its biodiversity extends far beyond its most fam
ous inhabitants. However -almost 350 bird species and around 220
butterfly species can be found within its 331-square-kilometer ex
panse.Samburu, KenyaThanks to its relative inaccessibility in the
heart of Kenya, Samburu is a haven (避难所) for some of Africa’s mo
st charming wildlife. The grassland and acacia-dotted landscapes
of its national reserve are home to the endangered giraffe and ze
bra, as well as the pioneering Elephant Watch Camp.Zhangjiajie Na
tional Forest Park, ChinaChina’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site
, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in Hunan Province is known for
its towering sandstone pillars (柱子). Best explored on foot, its
back trails make for an easy way to escape the crowds and find th
e best views. As the mists fall, it’s easy to sea why this area h
as long been an inspiration for traditional Chinese paintings.The
MaldivesThe sand of its 1,200 islands is as white as it gets, an
d the water is a deep blue that puts all other seas in the shade.
The Indian Ocean nation of the Maldives has developed into the w
orld’s premier tropical hot spot for a reason. Best of all, there
are plenty of beaches to go around, with over 100 private resort
s and welcoming, affordable guesthouses around the Male and Ari a
tolls.1.What makes Samburu a haven for wildlife?A.Its landscape.B
.Its location.C.Its climate.D.Its food.2.What do Bwindi Impenetra
ble Forest and Zhangjiajie National Forest Park have in common?A.
They are home to gorillas.B.They have more than 350 bird species.
C.They are on the World Heritage Site List.D.They are inspiration
s for traditional paintings.3.Which of the following suits beach-
lovers?A.Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.B.Samburu.C.Zhangjiajie Natio
nal Forest Park.D.The Maldives.Last weekend, my husband and I dro
ve a dog to her new home. Typically, when we have a new dog in th
e backseat, it’s a young dog. But this passenger was a much diffe
rent story. Magdalen is a 13-year old dog. Her owner gave her up
temporarily when he was sick, but when he fully recovered several
months later, he said he didn’t want her back. He had her since
she was young but now had no place for her. The family who had gi
ven her a temporary home had children and other dogs and was unab
le to give her a forever home. When Speak St, Louis, the rescue t
eam I work with, was contacted about the dog, they offered to tak
e her in. She went to a vet (兽医) for a basic health check. But th
e vet didn’t have great news. Her mouth was swollen (肿胀的) with al
l sorts of problems. Two teeth fell out during cleaning and eleve
n more had to be pulled out.Luckily, a good friend of mine, a dog
trainer with a soft heart for seniors, had agreed to adopt Magda
len. On the trip to the trainer’s home, the sweet senior looked s
o relaxed in our backseat. I felt a great sense of relief and ple
asure.Her owner needed some temporary help when he was sick. But
I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t have wanted her back. I think of
my own dog and dogs we lost to old age in the past. We’re family
and we stay that way forever. She’d be able to live a good life.
I hoped, in her new home!4.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?A.The
former owners of the dog.B.Where the dog was treated.C.What the
dog needed most.D.The problems the dog met.5.What is the author’s
job?A.Training old dogs.B.Treating sick dogs.C.Looking for homes
for dogs.D.Looking for lost dogs’ owners.6.How did the author fe
el on her way to her friend’s home?A.Relieved and happy.B.Nervous
and grateful.C.Surprised and curious.D.Hopeful and proud.7.What
does the author think of Magdalen’s owner giving her up?A.She did
n’t understand his behaviour.B.She believed it was painful for hi
m.C.She was certain he would regret.D.She thought he made a wise
decision.Failure is probably the most exhausting experience a per
son ever has. There is nothing more tiring than not succeeding.We
experience this, tiredness in two ways: as start-up fatigue (疲惫)
and performance fatigue. In the former case, we keep putting off
a task because it has either too boring or too difficult. And th
e longer we delay it, the more tired we feel.Such start-up fatigu
e is very real, even if not actually physical, not something in o
ur muscles and bones. The solution is obvious though perhaps not
easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.Years a
go, I was asked to write 102 essays on the great ideas of some fa
mous authors. Applying my own rule, I determined to write them in
alphabetical (按字母顺序), never letting myself leave out a tough ide
a. And I always started the day’s work with the difficult task of
essay-writing. Experience proved that the rule works.Performance
fatigue is more difficult to handle. Though willing to get start
ed, we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear s
o great that, bow ever hard we work, we fail again and again. In
such a situation, I work as hard as I can - then let the unconsci
ous take over.When planning Encyclopedia Britannica (《大英百科全书》), I
had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its art
icles. Nothing like this had ever been done before, and day after
day I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked. My
fatigue became almost unbearable.One day, mentally exhausted, I
wrote down all the reasons why this problem could not be solved.
I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem
itself, not with me. Relieved, I sat back in an easy chair and fe
ll asleep.An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the solution cle
arly in mind. In the weeks that followed, the solution which had
come up in my unconscious mind proved correct at every step. Thou
gh I worked as hard as before, I felt no fatigue. Success was now
as exciting as failure had been depressing.Human beings, I belie
ve must try to succeed. Success, then, means never feeling tired.
8.What does the author recommend doing to prevent start-up fatigu
e?A.Writing essays in strict order.B.Building up physical strengt
h.C.Leaving out the toughest ideas.D.Dealing with the hardest tas
k first.9.On what occasion does a person probably suffer from per
formance fatigue?A.Before starting a difficult task.B.When all th
e solutions fail.C.If the job is rather boring.D.After finding a
way out.10.According to the author, the unconscious mind may help
us ________ .A.ignore mental problemsB.get some nice sleepC.gain
complete reliefD.find the right solution11.What could be the bes
t title for the passage?A.Success Is Built upon FailureB.How to H
andle Performance FatigueC.Getting over Fatigue: A Way to Success
D.Fatigue: An Early Sign of Health ProblemsKite surfing is a spor
t that takes place on the surface of the water, on top of boards
that are similar in design to wakeboards (尾波滑水板), with the surfer
pulled by a kite. The popularity of kite surfing has grown, alth
ough it is rather difficult to master. Kite surfing uses the same
equipment as kite boarding, but is generally given more to ridin
g on top of waves, rather than on smaller lakes or other calm bod
ies of water.Early experiments in kite transportation took place
through the 19th century, and at the dawn of the 20th century Sam
uel Cody crossed the English Channel using kites and a small boat
. Kite surfing itself, however, wasn’t really born until the late
1970s. Beginning in that decade, more people became involved in
using kites for personal transport and sport. Kite technology its
elf advanced enormously during the 1970s, with kites becoming muc
h more controllable.The early kite surfing was rather accidental,
but innovators continued to develop the technology to make it ea
sier to control and safer. By the late 1990s, kite surfing was be
coming popular off the coast of Maui, France and throughout the w
orld. In 1997, a special kite system was built specifically for k
ite surfing, which helped kite surfing into the mainstream.Becaus
e of the high speeds and the dangers, it is generally recommended
that would-be kite surfers take at least a few basic classes to
learn the fundamentals. The main attraction of kite surfing is th
e potential for amazing tricks. The kite allows the surfer to exp
erience enormous jumps, flying through the air for large distance
s before hitting the water in a controlled fashion. Like skateboa
rding, kite surfing makes use of a number of board grabs, with co
mplex tricks possible due to the long period of time the surfer c
an remain in the air.12.What does the author mainly intend to tel
l us in Paragraph 1?A.What is kite surfing.B.Where to go kite sur
fing.C.How to enjoy kite surfing.D.Why people like kite surfing.1
3.In the 19th century, people intended to use kite for ________.A
.sportB.experimentC.entertainmentD.transportation14.What can we k
now from the third paragraph?A.Kite surfing often leads to accide
nts.B.Maui is home to kite surfing.C.Kite control is the key to k
ite surfing.D.Kite surfing came into being in the 1990s.15.What i
s most charming for people surfing?A.Its potential for tricks.B.I
ts long time in the air.C.Its speed across the water.D.Its big di
stance over the water.二、七选五Here’s How To Have A Calmer Sunday Nig
htFor most people, the end of the weekend isn’t a welcome time.
16. If you’re one of the many people who feel a sense of horror c
ome Sunday, there are things you can do to make your evening a li
ttle better and a little calmer. Here’s what to know. 17It can he
lp you relax as you close out the weekend. You might want to esta
blish a good bedtime and engage in an activity you enjoy, such as
reading a book, watching your favorite show or doing gentle yoga
. So, ending the weekend in an anger certainly won’t help you fee
lgood about the upcoming week, but a calm Sunday night schedule w
ill.Prepare for Monday morningPutting things in place to start yo
ur Monday on the right foot is a good way to ease some of your Su
nday scaries, according to Francis Sopper, the CEO of productivit
y coaching organization GTD Focus. 18.Plan fun things for the wee
kTo help reduce your sense of despair, Janssen, a productivity co
nsultant at Ashley Janssen Consulting, suggested making plans to
look forward to during the week, like dinner with a friend or a m
ovie night with your partner. You could even add things to your.
Monday morning routine to make the day a little more pleasant. 1
9 . Or order your favorite breakfast to eat before you start work
.Many people don’t have the luxury of tuning out of work for the
entire weekend. If this is you, Sopper said to plan out your work
intentionally; don’t just take on tasks that have no possibility
of getting done over the weekend. 20. This way, “at least if you
worked, you have a sense of completeness,” Sopper added.A.Fill y
our Sunday with activitiesB.Create a relaxing Sunday night routin
eC.It marks the return to the busy workweekD.Instead, focus on th
e one-and-done thingsE.Maybe set up a coffee meeting with a co-wo
rkerF.This could mean packing your work bag ahead of timeG.Your t
o-do lists show how long a task will take to complete三、完形填空When m
y kids were small, I started a tradition in our house of giving e
ight gifts over the course of the eight days of Hanukkah(光明节). I
liked the idea of 21a candle every night and giving my children a
gift to unwrap to 22. It was easy to go into a toy store and pi
ck up something 23less than $10 each, or even $1 each (at the Do
llar Store). My children didn''t ask for anything much in particul
ar and they 24whatever they got.As the years progressed, I 25th
e tradition of eight gifts for each night of Hanukkah.But this ye
ar, Hanukkah 26something else. My special-needs son decided that
he wanted to 27a computer, and it was up to me to buy all the p
arts of it. When I wouldn''t 28that, he decided he wanted a PlayS
tation. Then Amazon gift cards. Then money. And it became clear t
hat it wasn''t going to happen, he got 29.I keep 30him that Hanuk
kah isn''t about greed or materialism. It''s about the miracle of a
n oil lamp that 31for eight days. It''s about being 32of our heri
tage. It''s about freedom.But he 33. I know deep down that his ob
sessions(迷恋) are out of his 34, and definitely out of mine. Havi
ng a special-needs child is as 35as it gets. Some days are better
than others and not all holidays 36the way I hope. But despite h
is unrealistic requests, he''s a(n) 37child who is showing me the
true meaning of life.And as we enter a new year and light the 3
8approaching the time, I welcome his differences 39I learn how t
o turn negative requests into 40ones.21.A.buyingB.donatingC.light
D.from24.A.ateB.threwC.likedD.drank25.A.held upB.gave inC.handed
inD.kept up26.A.madeB.becameC.foundD.designed27.A.buildB.buyC.use
D.watch28.A.rely onB.learn fromC.agree toD.dream about29.A.calmB.
A.wonderfulB.dangerousC.interestingD.challenging36.A.run outB.bre
ak downC.work outD.put down37.A.strangeB.amazingC.badD.energetic3
,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。What comes to mind when you think of Ch
inese kung fu? For Laurence J. Brahm, a US filmmaker who recently
completed his 41 (late) work Searching for Kung Fu, the first t
hing 42 springs to mind is the concept of non-violence.The offic
ial Chinese name for kung fu is wushu. As Brahm explained, if you
break down the character “wu”, it 43 (consist) of two character
s: one is “ge”, meaning dagger-axe (戈); the other is “zhi”, meani
ng stopping. So, the meaning of kung fu is not the “art of fighti
ng”. On the contrary, he said, kung fu is the art of stopping fig
hting, the art of non-violence.In making his film, Brahm looked i
nto different forms of kung fu widely 44 (practice) in China, int
erviewing many masters and scholars. Kung fu practitioners salute
with ‘baoquan’, literally meaning ‘fist wrapping’, which shows t
wo things at least. One is that you have a fist, but you’re also
not using it. And then you’re showing ‘I have no hidden weapons’.
It’s trust,” he said.“Kung fu masters will avoid 45 (fight) at
all costs. Although you know how to use force, you are the last o
ne 46 (use) force, because you know the outcome of this thing.”
“Kung fu, in my eyes, is 47 mirror of Chinese culture,” Brahm sa
id. “It reminds you why China adopts a policy of not wanting to h
ave conflict with other countries.”Brahm believes that today’s wo
rld 48 (urgent) needs to restart equal exchanges between countri
es, 49 that culture and sports, such as kung fu, can serve 50 a
great channel and platform.五、短文改错51.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌
),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每
处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。A few week ago, I joined a
n online study club. At first, I felt depressing. During online c
lasses, some classmates were kept silent. Besides, we didn’t see
each other face to face. But to our surprise, when I shared my ge
nuine feelings, all the teachers and peers listened me carefully.
Interestingly, the peer said whenever he talked to his classmate
s online, he imagined they were not real persons, and man-made ro
bots. Everyone laughed and started to think about how we should d
o to give others more positively reaction online. Gradually, we a
ll turned on the camera, actively participating in the discussion
and even made funny jokes.六、其他应用文52.假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let’s Rid
e Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题;2. 骑自行车的
益处,如能环保有利健康等。注意:1.词数:120词左右;演讲稿开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 2.参考词汇:低碳生活(low-car
bon life)?节能 (energy saving)Good morning, everyone, I am Li Hua f
rom Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is “Let’s Rid
e Bicycles”._____________________________________________________
_________________参考答案1.B 2.C 3.D【导语】本文是应用文。文章主要介绍几个世界上最美丽的地
方。1.细节理解题。根据Samburu, Kenya部分“Thanks to its relative inaccessibili
ty in the heart of Kenya, Samburu is a haven(避难所) for some of Afr
ica’s most charming wildlife. (由于桑布鲁在肯尼亚的中心地带相对难以接近,它是非洲一些最迷人的野生动
windi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda部分“Several hundred call this UNE
SCO World Heritage Site home (几百种物种把这个联合国教科文组织世界遗产称为家)”和Zhangjiaj
ie National Forest Park部分“China’s first UNESCO World Heritage Sit
e, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in Hunan Province is known fo
r its towering sandstone pillars(柱子). (湖南省张家界国家森林公园是中国第一处联合国教科文组织
据The Maldives部分“Best of all, there are plenty of beaches to go ar
ound (最棒的是,周围有很多海滩可供游览)”可知,马尔代夫有许多海滩,适合喜欢海滩的人。故选D。4.D 5.C 6
.A 7.A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者安置一只老龄狗的故事。4.主旨大意题。根据第二段“The famil
y who had given her a temporary home had children and other dogs
and was unable to give her a forever home. When Speak St, Louis,
the rescue team I work with, was contacted about the dog, they of
fered to take her in. She went to a vet (兽医) for a basic health c
heck. But the vet didn’t have great news. Her mouth was swollen (
肿胀的) with all sorts of problems, Two teeth fell out during cleani
ng and eleven more had to be pulled out.(给她临时住所的家庭有孩子和其他狗,无法给她一个永
远的家。当与我一起工作的救援队Speak St, Louis联系到这只狗的情况时,他们表示愿意收留它。她去兽医那里做了基本的健康检
绍了 Magdalen遇到的问题。故选D。5.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Last weekend, my husband and
I drove a dog to her new home. Typically, when we have a new dog
in the backseat, it’s a young dog.(上周末,我和丈夫开车送一只狗去她的新家。通常情况下,当后座
上有一只新狗时,它是一只年轻的狗)”和下文作者找兽医为 Magdalen治病,并最终为 Magdalen找到收养者可知,作者的工作
是为狗狗找新家。故选C。6.细节理解题。根据第三段“Luckily, a good friend of mine, a dog t
rainer with a soft heart for seniors, had agreed to adopt Magdale
n. On the trip to the trainer’s home, the sweet senior looked so
relaxed in our backseat. I felt a great sense of relief and pleas
owner needed some temporary help when he was sick. But I can’t im
agine why he wouldn’t have wanted her back. I think of my own dog
and dogs we lost to old age in the past. We’re family and we sta
y that way forever. She’d be able to live a good life. I hoped, i
n her new home!(她的主人生病时需要一些临时的帮助。但我想不出他为什么不想让她回来。我想起了我自己的狗和我们过去失去
者无法理解Magdalen的主人的行为。故选A。8.D 9.B 10.D 11.C【导语】本文是一篇说明文。成功
路上,我们会经历启动疲劳和表现疲劳,只有克服疲劳,我们才会成功。8.细节理解题。根据第三段“Such start-up fatig
ue is very real, even if not actually physical, not something in
our muscles and bones. The solution is obvious though perhaps not
easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first. (这种启动
议阻止启动疲劳的方法是先处理最难的工作。故选D。9.细节理解题。根据第五段前三句“Performance fatigue is m
ore difficult to handle. Though willing to get started, we cannot
seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that,
bow ever hard we work, we fail again and again. (表现疲劳更难处理。虽然愿意开始
当所有的解决方案都失败的情况下。故选B。10.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段前两句“An hour later, I woke up
suddenly with the solution clearly in mind. In the weeks that fol
lowed, the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind prov
ed correct at every step. (一个小时后,我突然醒来,脑海中清晰地浮现出解决方案。在接下来的几个星期里,在
re is probably the most exhausting experience a person ever has.
There is nothing more tiring than not succeeding. (失败可能是一个人所经历过的最
令人筋疲力尽的经历。没有什么比没有成功更让人疲惫的了。)”以及末段“Human beings, I believe must tr
y to succeed. Success, then, means never feeling tired. (我相信,人类必须
努力取得成功。因此,成功意味着永不疲倦。)”可知,我们要成功,必须要克服疲惫。故选C。12.A 13.D 14.C
15.A【分析】这是一篇说明文,介绍了风筝冲浪的出现、发展以及特点。12.主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Kite surfing
is a sport”( 风筝冲浪是一项运动)以及“Kite surfing uses the same equipment…”(
风筝冲浪使用同样的设备)等可知,本段是对风筝冲浪的概念进行解释。故选A。13.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Early experim
ents in kite transportation took place through the 19th century”(
14.推理判断题。根据第三段中“but innovators continued to develop the technolog
y to make it easier to control and safer”(但创新者继续发展这项技术,使其更容易控制和更安
全)以及“In 1997, a special kite system was built specifically for ki
te surfing, which helped kite surfing into the mainstream.”( 1997
据第四段中“The main attraction of kite surfing is the potential for am
azing tricks.”(风筝冲浪的主要吸引人的地方是它可能会有惊人的技巧)可知,风筝冲浪最吸引人的地方是它潜在的惊人绝技。故
选A。16.C 17.B 18.F 19.E 20.D【导语】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一些如何度过一个平
静的周日晚上的方法。16.根据上文“For most people, the end of the weekend isn’t a
welcome time.”(对大多数人来说,周末结束的时候并不受欢迎。)可知,讲的是周末结束的时候并不受欢迎。可推知下文与此内
容相关。结合选项C项It marks the return to the busy workweek.(它标志着回归繁忙的工作周。
)和上文内容相关,为上文内容的补充说明,上下文语意连贯。故选C项。17.由该题为段落小标题可知,为总结该段内容。该段下文“It c
an help you relax as you close out the weekend. You might want to
establish a good bedtime and engage in an activity you enjoy, su
ch as reading a book, watching your favorite show or doing gentle
yoga. So, ending the weekend in an anger certainly won’t help yo
u feel good about the upcoming week, but a calm Sunday night sche
dule will.”(它可以帮助你在周末结束时放松。你可能想要建立一个良好的就寝时间,从事一项你喜欢的活动,比如读书,看你最喜欢
知,讲的是一个平静的周日晚上的安排会让你感觉良好。结合选项B项Create a relaxing Sunday night rou
或与上文内容相关。该段上文“Putting things in place to start your Monday on the
right foot is a good way to ease some of your Sunday scaries, ac
cording to Francis Sopper, the CEO of productivity coaching organ
ization GTD Focus.”(生产力培训机构GTD Focus的首席执行官弗朗西斯?索珀表示,把事情安排妥当,让你的周一
his could mean packing your work bag ahead of time.(这可能意味着提前打包你的工
作包。)和上文内容意思一致,为上文内容的总结,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。19.上文“You could even add thin
gs to your Monday morning routine to make the day a little more p
这一天变得更愉快。下文“Or order your favorite breakfast to eat before you st
art work.”(或者在开始工作前点你最喜欢的早餐。)说明另外一种变得愉快的方式。故可推断空格处内容为说明其中一种变得愉快的活
动方式。结合选项E项Maybe set up a coffee meeting with a co-worker.(也许可以和同事
一起喝杯咖啡。)符合此推断,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。20.根据上文“don’t just take on tasks that
have no possibility of getting done over the weekend.”(不要只做那些不可能在
周末完成的任务。)以及下文“This way, “at least if you worked, you have a sense
of completeness,” Sopper added.”(这样,“至少如果你工作了,你会有一种完整的感觉,”索珀补充道。
)可推知,空格处内容为可以专注于某件特定的事情上。结合选项D项Instead, focus on the one-and-done
22.A 23.B 24.C 25.D 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D
30.A 31.D 32.B 33.C 34.C 35.D 36.C 37.B
38.A 39.B 40.D【分析】文章主要讲述作者一家庆祝光明节的故事。21.根据语境以及第18空可知此处是点亮
蜡烛。A. buying购买;B. donating捐款;C. lighting照明,点燃;D. drawing绘画。light
a candle点燃蜡烛。故选C。22.此处表达点燃蜡烛,分发礼物来庆祝光明节。A. celebrate庆祝;B. present
呈递;C. send发送;D. play玩。故选A。23.此处表达值10美元的东西,用for表示“价值……”。故选B。24.此处表
达孩子们不会要求特别的东西,他们喜欢自己得到的。A. ate吃;B. threw扔;C. liked喜欢;D. drank喝。故选
C。25.此处表达保持着这种传统。A held up举起,耽搁;B. gave in屈服;C. handed in上交;D. ke
pt up保持。故选D。26.此处表达今年跟往年不一样,变成了另外的样子。A. made制作;B. became变成;C. fou
nd发现;D. designed设计。故选B。27.此处表达要组装电脑,因为后句是让作者买零件。A. build建造;B. buy
买;C. use使用;D. watch观察。故选A。28.此处表达作者不同意后,他又提出了很多其他的要求。A. rely on依靠
;B. learn from向……学习;C. agree to同意;D. dream about梦想。故选C。29.此处表达作者没
有满足孩子的愿望,所以孩子应该是伤心。A. calm平静;B. happy高兴;C. selfish自私;D. upset伤心。故
选D。30.此处表达我不停地告诉他,光明节不是关于贪婪和物质的。A. telling告诉;B. warning警告;C. prom
ising承诺;D. accusing指控。故选A。31.此处表达油灯燃烧8天。A. lays放置;B. hangs悬挂;C. w
aits等待;D. burns燃烧。故选D。32.此处表达为我们的文化遗产感到自豪。A. tired累的;B. proud自豪;C
. afraid害怕;D. lack缺乏。故选B。33.此处表达转折意义,所以应该是他很坚持。A. nodded点头;B. sle
pt睡觉;C. insisted坚持;D. failed失败。故选C。34.此处表达他的迷恋已经无法自控。A. mind心情;B.
sight视线;C. control控制;D. place地方。故选C。35.此处表达对待这样的孩子有一定的挑战。A. wond
erful好极了;B. dangerous危险的;C. interesting有趣的;D. challenging有挑战的。故选D
。36.此处表达并不是所有的假日都像我期望的那样进行。A. run out用光;B. break down坏了,垮掉;C. wor
k out进展;D. put down镇压。故选C。37.此处表达令人吃惊的孩子,因为他向我展示了生活的真正意义。A. stran
ge奇怪的;B. amazing令人吃惊的;C. bad坏的;D. energetic精力充沛的。故选B。38.此处表达点燃蜡烛。
A. candles蜡烛;B. lamps灯;C. torches;火把;D. lanterns灯笼。呼应第一空后面的a cand
le,故选A。39.此处表达因为我学会怎样把负面的请求转变为积极的请求。A. when当……时;B. as因为;C. unless
除非;D. until直到……时。故选B。40.此处表达我学会了积极怎样把负面的请求转变为积极的请求。A. relative相对;
B. possible可能;C. reasonable合理的;D. positive积极的。与negative相对的是positi
ve,故选D。41.latest 42.that 43.consists 44.practiced 45.
fighting 46.to use 47.a 48.urgently 49.and 50.as【导
语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了美国电影制作人Laurence J. Brahm制作的新影片Searching for Kung
Fu及其对中国功夫的深刻理解。41.考查形容词。句意:但对于美国电影制作人 Laurence J. Brahm来说他首先想到的是非
功夫,采访了许多大师和学者。句中已有谓语动词looked into,故空处应填非谓语动词,practice和kung fu之间是逻
道如何使用武力,但你是最后一个使用武力的人,因为你知道这件事的结果。”根据短语avoid doing“避免做某事”可知,空处应填所
ne被the last修饰,因此引用不定式作后置定语。故填to use。47.考查冠词。句意:Brahm说:“在我看来,功夫是中国
应用所给词的副词形式。故填urgently。49.考查连词。句意同上。分析句子结构可知,“that today’s world 9
(urgent) needs to restart equal exchanges between countries”和“th
at culture and sports, such as kung fu, can serve  10 a great cha
nnel and platform.”是并列的宾语从句,应用and连接。故填and。50.考查介词。句意同上8小题。serve a
s“充当,用作”是固定短语。故填as。51.l. week→weeks2. depressing→depressed3.去掉wer
e/kept4. our→my5. listened后加to6. the→a7. and→but8. how→what9. pos
itively→positive10. participating→participated【导语】本文为记叙文,文章讲述了作者加
入在线学习俱乐部的经历。【详解】l.考查名词复数。句意:几周前,我加入了一个在线学习俱乐部。week前有A few修饰,应用复数形
ssing改为depressed 。3.考查系动词。句意:在线课程上,一些同学沉默不语。本句中keep为系动词,意为“保持”,we
此处泛指“一个同学”,且peer发音以辅音音素开头,故将the改为a。7.考查并列连词。句意:有趣的是,一位同学说,每当他在网上与同学交谈时,他都会想象他们不是真人,而是人造机器人。not...but…不是……,而是……,故将and改为but。8.考查宾语从句。句意:每个人都笑了,并开始思考我们应该做些什么,让其他人在网上得到更积极的反应。宾语从句中缺少do的宾语,指“……的事情”,故将how改为what。9.考查形容词。句意:每个人都笑了,并开始思考我们应该做些什么,让其他人在网上得到更积极的反应。修饰名词reaction用形容词,故将positively改为positive。10.考查谓语动词。句意:渐渐地,我们都打开了摄像头,积极参与讨论,甚至开了一些有趣的玩笑。分析句子结构可知,and连接三个过去的动作,并列作谓语,故将participating改为participated。52.Good morning, everyone,?I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is “Let’s Ride Bicycles”. As is known to all, with the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport. However, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams, which have badly affected people’s daily life. How can we solve the problems then? As far as I’m concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles don’t need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won’t give off waste gas. Furthermore, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and beneficial to our health.Therefore, let’s take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us!【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生以“一起骑行”为主题写一篇演讲稿,内容包括汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞问题,以及骑自行车的好处。【详解】1. 词汇积累众所周知:as is known to us → as we all know影响:affect → influence解决:solve → figure out此外:furthermore → what’s more有利于:be beneficial to → contribute to因此:therefore → hence/thus2. 句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:Furthermore, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and beneficial to our health.拓展句:Furthermore, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise, which is beneficial to our health.【点睛】【高分句型1】As is known to all, with the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport. (运用了as引导的非限制性定语从句)【高分句型2】However, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams, which have badly affected people’s daily life. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)试卷第11页,共33页答案第11页,共22页试卷第11页,共33页答案第11页,共22页