

 老沈阅览 2023-08-05 发布于广东


Success in War Requires Good Organization


To be successful in war, the commander must ensure the readiness of his army. While war is fought on the battlefield, there are often non-military factors that determine its outcome, whether victory or defeat. A top commander must consider how to overcome the enemy as a matter of strategy. Sound policies and popular support will ensure strong support for fighting; strict military discipline and swift execution of orders will boost combat capability. Thus, the troops will be unbeatable and prevail over the enemy.

引例 Citations:



To win a war, a country or a leader must ensure good governance and effective enforcement of laws. This is what determines the victory of war. (The Art of War)



Those who are good at fighting must first keep their own forces well-organized to make themselves unbeatable. They must ensure their orders are effectively executed, and be prepared to take advantage of any sign of confusion or turmoil in the enemy camp. (Imperial Reader for Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社

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