

 全栈攻城狮 2023-08-13 发布于广西


1. 点餐 (Ordering food):

- Can I have a menu, please? 可以给我看看菜单吗?

- I would like to order a hamburger and french fries, please. 我想点一个汉堡和薯条。

- Do you have any vegetarian options? 你们有素食选择吗?

- How long does it take for the food to be ready? 食物需要多长时间准备好?

2. 询问餐饮问题 (Asking food-related questions):

- What is the special of the day? 今天的特色菜是什么?

- Is this dish spicy? 这道菜辣吗?

- Can I have a glass of water, please? 可以给我一杯水吗?

- Does this dish contain nuts? 这道菜有坚果吗?

3. 用餐礼貌用语 (Polite phrases while dining):

- Thank you for the meal. 谢谢你们的饭菜。

- Excuse me, may I ask for the bill? 对不起,我可以结账吗?

- Please pass me the salt. 请把盐递给我。

- May I have a napkin, please? 我可以要一张餐巾纸吗?

4. 食物描述 (Describing food):

- This soup is delicious! 这汤很好吃!

- The chicken is tender and juicy. 这鸡肉酥软多汁。

- The salad is fresh and crunchy. 这个沙拉又新鲜又脆。

5. 提供食物推荐 (Offering food recommendations):

- I highly recommend trying the sushi here. 这里的寿司非常推荐。

- You should definitely try their homemade ice cream. 你一定要尝尝他们自制的冰淇淋。

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