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2023-08-16 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
美国俚语课Phrase 片语,短语 Idiom成语 Slang俚语Rain or Shine-风雨无阻-(something will ha
ppen even甚至发生)The party will be on Sunday, rain or shine.Cats and
Dogs-不受欢迎的产品,硬或重(hard or heavy)During the Christmas season, the
merchants (商人) try to get rid od (摆脱,清除)all their cats and dogs.I
t is raining like cats and dogs.Stamp out-扑减,根除(to stop or destro
y)The firemen just stamped out the fire of this building. 消防员刚刚扑灭
了这座大楼的火。He stamps out his cancer 癌症under the treatment.治疗A body o
f -大量(a large amount 数量)This factory produces(工厂生产)a body of toys
.At full throttle (油门)-全速前进,进展(full speed headway)进展(full speed p
rogress)He’s working at full throttle to get the job dome. 他正全速工作
以获得这份工作。Difference-区别,差异(disparity 区别,not the same)What are the s
ymptom(症状) differences between covid 19 and its variant(变体)?Gridl
ock 僵局(deadlock)交通堵塞(traffic jain)A traffic jam in which a gridlo
ck jam in which a gridlock of intersecting (相交)streets is so comp
letely coagested15. For I am with you, and no one is going to att
ack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.有我与你同在,
比没有人下手害你,因为在这城里,我有许多的百姓。16. One night the Lord spoke to Pail in a
vision: ”Do not be afraid, do not be silent.” 夜间,主在异象中对保罗说:“不要怕,
不要闭17. So, Paul stayed for a year and a half, teaching them the w
ord of God. 保罗在那里住了一年零6个月,讲神的道教训他们。18. I have been crucified with
Christ and I no loner live, but Christ lives in the body, I live
by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me
. 我已经与基督同钉十字架,现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着, 并且我如今在肉身或者,是因信神的儿子而活,他是爱我,为我舍
己。19. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will fo
rgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 我们若认自己的
罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要豁免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义。20. For all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God.因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。21. Jesus answered, I
am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me.耶稣说,我就是道路,真理,生命;若不籍著我,没有人能到父那里去。46. Get Out of
Someone’s Sight. 滚开,离开远一点。约翰对大卫非常生气,要他离开自己远一点。47. Hold One’s Hor
se 停下来想想,且慢…Just hold your horses, Bill! Let’s think about this f
or a moment.停下来想想,比尔!让我们考虑一下。48. Burn the Candle At Both Ends-劳累过
度John who is definitely burning the candle at both ends, has been
getting to the office early and staying very late to work on som
e big projects. 约翰肯定是劳累过度,他从清晨到很晚都在做大项目。49. Go For It- 大胆试试(attem
pt 尝试,achieve达到,实现,or obtain获得,得到,some goal目标objective目的status待遇,
etc.)如果你真的想成为一名作家,那么你就应该去做。50. Ring The Bell -正是一个人想要,需要或正在寻找的东西W
e’ve been wandering around the town looking for a new house to bu
y, but nothing has rung the bell so far.我们一直在城里四处寻找要买的新房,但到目前为止,还
没有找到。51. Go to Far-做事过激,不适当或过分(Do something to drastic)激烈的,Inappr
opriate不适当,or excessive 过分David teases Stanly all the time, but h
e went too far when he started mocking Stanly’s family.大卫总是取笑斯坦利,
但当他开始嘲笑他的家人时,他就太过分了。52. Light at the end of the Tunnel-长期糟糕的情况出现改
善的迹象,或一项漫长而艰具的工作即将完成的迹象。(signs of improvement in a situation that
has been bad for a long time, or signs that a long and difficult
piece of work is almost finished)Our team has been working on th
is project for a long time we finally see the light at the end of
the tunnel. 我们的团队已经为这个项目工作了很长时间,我们终于到将完成的阶段。After 3 years, the C
ovid 19 pandemic is finally seeing the light at the end of the tu
nnel.三年后,Covid 19 大流行终于出现改善的迹象。54. No Man’s land-两支敌对军队在前线对峙The e
nemy soldiers are facing you across no man’s land.敌兵在争议地带与你对峙。55.
Take One’s Hands off Something or Someone-避免触摸或处理萌物。Your kids ta
ke their hands off those cookies. 你们的孩子不要碰饼干。Take your hands off
from this affair. 你不要参与这件事。56. Clear The Way通过消除挑战,限制或阻止某事发生。59.
The steak in this restaurant is very delicious, other restaurants
are hard to come by.这家餐厅的牛排非常好吃,其他餐厅很难吃到。60. Keep One’s Fingers
Crossed-强烈希望某事会发生。We’re keeping our fingers crossed that he’ll be
healthy again very soon. 我们希望(祈祷)他很快就会恢复健康。 61. We have so much
debt that we’re barely able to keep our heads above water.我们负债累累,
几乎无法维持生活。62. Keep One’s Mouth Shut-什么都不说(To not say anything)When
he stars talking about politics, I just keep my mouth shut.当他开始谈
论政治时,我只是闭嘴。他做了一个错误的决定,毁了他一生。66. To Take A Rain Check -used to tel
l someone that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would lik
e to do a later time. (告诉某人你现在不能接受邀请,但希望稍后接受。)Mind if I take a ra
in check on that drink? I have to work late tonight.介意下次让我换个时间喝一杯
?我今晚必须工作到很晚。67. To Jack Up The Prices-To increase prices(涨价)The p
lan would cost so much that the company would have to jack up its
prices. 该计划的成本如此之高,以至于公司不得不抬高价格。68. To Drive Someone Up The Wall
使某人发疯(To make someone crazy)He’s so uncooperative, he’s beginning
to drive me up the wall.他太不合作了, 他开始使我发疯。69. To Ride Shotgun 坐在乘客
座位上(To sit in the passenger’s seal)Steve was riding shotgun of hi
s father’s car to school.史蒂夫坐他父亲车乘客位去学校。70. A Couch Potato懒惰的人My
younger sister is a great couch potato, she can watch TV 24 hours
a day. 我妹妹是个懒惰的人,她可以一天24小时看电视。71. A Party Animal 喜欢聚会的人(Someone
who loves or really enjoy party)Who’s the biggest party animal on
this tour.谁是巡演重最大的派对动物。72. A Bummer 失望 (A disappointment)I had a
bummer of a day. 我度过了糟糕的一天。73. A Chicken 懦夫,胆小鬼 (A coward)He is
a chicken.74. Booze 酒 (Alcohol)He continued to booze until his he
alth finally gave out.他继续酗酒,直到他的健康终于耗尽。75. To Nail it. 成功地做什么事(to
do something successfully)I always wanted to be involved in ever
ything and completely nail it.我一直想参与所有的事情并彻底完成解决它。76. Under The S
ame Roof 同一个屋檐下(Live together)The all live under the same roof. 大
家都住在同一个屋檐下。77. Play Out以特定方式发展,结果(Develop in a particular way, re
sult)The position of the sub-tropical jet stream across North Ame
rica will determine winter plays out.横跨北美的副热带急流的位置将决定冬季的结局。78. Ou
t of Place在错误的地方或看起来错误(In the wrong place or looking wrong)His sh
orts and T-shirt looked out of place in the office.他的短裤和T恤在办公室显得格
格不入。The boy looked uncomfortable of place among the adults.这个男孩在大
人中间看起来很不舒服而且格格不入。79. Out of Luck没有获得你想成功的好机会(Not having the succe
ss or good opportunities you wanted)The bike only comes ln large
sizes, so if you’re a short person you’re of luck.这辆自行车只有大尺寸,所以如果
你是个矮个子,那你就不走运了。80. Out Of Order 不愉快或不适合(Unpleasant or not suitabl
e)His behavior in the meeting was out of order.他在会议上的行为不合常理。81. O
ut of Prospective 超出预期,看起来不真实或不自然。(not look real or natural)The p
ainting had a na?ve, out-of-perspective style.这幅画有一种天真的,脱离透视的风格。8
2, Out of Plumb 垂直不直(Not straight vertically)The external wall is
out of plumb by six inches.外墙偏离直线83. Out of print 不再生产(No longer
being produced)The rest of the book is unavailable and out of pr
int.这本书的其余部分不可用而且已绝版。84. The Of Season 在此期间该地区没有生长(Not grow in th
e area during that time)In Europe, tomatoes are out of season in
the winter.85. Out of Shape 身体健康状况不足以进行困难的运动。I‘m so out of shape
that I get out of breath climbing the stairs.我的体质太差了,爬楼梯都气踹。86. O
ut of Sorts 心情不愉快的时候。(In an unhappy mood)Peter overslept this mor
ning and has been out of sorts all day.彼得今天早上睡过了头, 一整天心情不好。87. Ou
t of station 离开,不在某处(Away, not present in a place)I am at present
out of station and will reply on my return.我现在不在那儿,回来后会回复。88. Ou
t of Step With Someone/ Something-与其他人没有相同的想法或信仰,不了解其他人的信仰。(Not h
aving the same ideas or beliefs as other people, or not being awa
re of other people’s beliefs)The governor’s remarks show that she
is seriously out of step with the voters. 州长的言论表明她与选民的意愿严重脱节。89.
Out of The Corner Of One’s Eye-不直接看东西(without looking at somethi
ng directly)I was watching TV when I saw something move out of th
e corner of my eye. 我正在看电视,突然眼角看到有东西在移动。90. Out Of Stock-缺货的产品无法在
商店购买,因为它们已全部售出。(Products that are out of stock are not available
to buy in a store because they have all been sold.)You will be no
tified by email if any part of your order is out of stock.如果你订单的任
何部分缺货,你将收到电子邮件通知。91. Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire-从糟糕或困难的情
况到更糟糕的情况。(from a bad or difficult situation to one that is worse)
Many kids who try to run away from unhappy homes discover that th
ey’ve jumped out of the frying pan into the fire when the try to
live on their own. 许多试图逃离不幸家庭的孩子发现,当他们试图独立生活时,他们已经从煎锅里跳进火里。(从糟糕或困
难情况到更糟糕的情况)92. Out of the mouths of babes-当孩子说一些让你惊讶的话,因为它看起来很明智(
When a child says something that surprises you because it seems v
ery wise)It was my daughter who told me I should enjoy life more.
She’s only four years old, but out of the mouths of babes.93. Ou
t of ordinary- 不平常(unusual)If you do notice something out of ordi
nary, call the police.如果你确实发现异常情况,请报警。94. Out of the picture-对某种情
况不重要或不参与其中(Not important to or not involved in a situation)He use
d to be an important member of the team, but he’s gradually drift
ed out of the picture. (Not a important role).他曾经是团队中的重要成员,但逐渐弹出了
人们的视野。95. Out of the question -不可能或不允许(Not passible or not allowe
d)The class cods at 2,and leaving before then is out of the quest
ion.下午两点下课,提前下课是不可能的。96. Out of running-没有机会在竟争或选举中获胜(Having no c
hance of being successful in a competition or election)He couldn’
t raise enough money for his campaign and Declared himself of the
running.他无法为竞选筹集足够的资金,并宣布推出竞选。-97. Out of thin air-从无到有(from not
hing)I can’t come up with $10, 000 out of thin air.我不可能凭空拿出一万美元。9
8. Out or this world 极好的(extremely good)This party’s food was out
of this world.这次聚会的食物真是世界上绝无仅有的。(非常好)99. Out of touch-不了解情况或对某件事
与大多数人不同,从而导致你犯错误。A few of the older teachers are completely out o
f touch with their students. 一些老教授与学生完全脱节。A few of the company de
signers are completely out of touch with new trend.公司的一些设计师完全脱离了新
趋势。100. Out of work 失业I have been out of work for the past six mo
nths.过去六个月我一直失业。101. Out of one’s depth- 不具备知识,经验,或技能处理特定情况。I was
out of my depth in the advanced class, so I moved to the interme
diate class. 高级班已经超出了我的深度,所有我转到中级班。102. In the same boat-和别人一样的困境
。(The same difficult situation as someone else)我们谁都没有钱,所有我们都在同一条船
上。(同样困难)103. In the Right place at the right time-利用拥有机会的最佳地点,时间T
he key to in to be in the tight place or the right time.成功的关键是在正
确的时间出现在正确的地点。104. In the raw- 裸体, 以一种简单而诚实的方式没有任何隐藏。The sunbathed
in the raw. 他们裸体日光浴。The film really showed you prison life in th
e raw.这部电影真实地向你展示了监狱生活的原貌。105. In the person of someone.以更笼统或间接的方
式提及你刚才提到的某人名字The editorial board has as expert with a world-wide
reputation in the person of Professor Johnston.编委会有一位享誉世界的专家,那就是詹
姆森教授。 106. In the pink-身体状况非常好。(in very good healthHer mother in
the pink. 她的母亲身体状况非常好。107. In the pipe line-正在规划中(Being planned)T
he theater company has several new productions in the pipeline fo
r next season. 该剧院公司正在筹备下一季的几部新作品。108. In the process- 正在进行中,中间(I
n the course of, In the middle)The government is in the process o
f drawing up a city development plan.政府正在制定城市发展规划。They are in the process of moving. 他们正在搬运过程中。109. In the public domain-可供公众自由讨论和审查。(Able to be discussed and examined freely by the public)All they want to know are the contents of Mr. wang will, and that’ll be in the public domain quite soon. 他们想知道的只是王先生遗嘱的内容,而且很快就会公开。110. In the public eye-暴露於公众好奇心或公众关注之下(Exposed to public curiosity or publicity)But prince had lived most of his life in the public eye, despite his royal family’s best efforts. 但尽管他王室尽了最大努力,但王子一生大部分时间都生活在公众视线中。111. In the rear-在后面(at the back) Peter could see his girlfriend through the window in the rear of the cab. 彼得可以透过出租车后部的窗户看到他的女朋友。112. In the red-债务或损失(Debi or Loss)The union strike put the auto company in the red. 工会罢工使汽车公司陷入亏损。2