

 昵称40677350 2023-09-05 发布于山西


Unit 1 Making Friends

Part A

1. What do you think is important in a friendship?
I think trust, honesty, and respect are important in a friendship. Also, communication and listening are vital to maintaining a strong friendship.

2. Have you ever made friends with someone from a different culture? How did you become friends?
Yes, I have made friends with someone from a different culture. We met in a language exchange program and bonded over our shared interest in learning each other's language and culture.

3. What are some ways to make friends in a new place?
Joining clubs and organizations related to your interests is a great way to meet like-minded people. Volunteering, attending events, and engaging in activities in your community are also effective ways to make new friends.

Part B

1. How did Mike and Li Mei become friends?
Mike and Li Mei became friends when Mike moved to China and started attending the same school as Li Mei. They bonded over their shared interest in basketball and started playing together.

2. Why did Li Mei invite Mike to her home for dinner?
Li Mei invited Mike to her home for dinner because she wanted to introduce him to her family and share her culture with him. She also wanted to thank him for being a good friend.

3. What did Mike learn about Chinese culture during his visit to Li Mei's home?
Mike learned that Chinese people value family and hospitality. He also learned about Chinese table manners and the importance of showing respect to elders.

Part C

1. What are some qualities that make someone a good friend?
Some qualities that make someone a good friend include honesty, loyalty, a good listener, and a positive attitude. A good friend should also be supportive, trustworthy, and respectful.

2. What should you do if a friend is in trouble or needs help?
If a friend is in trouble or needs help, it is important to listen to them and offer support. Depending on the situation, you may need to seek help from an adult or authority figure to ensure your friend's safety and well-being.

3. How can you resolve conflicts with friends in a positive way?
To resolve conflicts with friends in a positive way, it is important to communicate openly and honestly. Listen to each other's perspectives and try to find common ground. Apologize if necessary and work together to find a solution that is fair and respectful to everyone involved.

Unit 2 School Life

Part A

1. What are some differences between primary school and middle school/ high school?
In primary school, students typically have one teacher for all subjects and stay in the same classroom throughout the day. In middle school/ high school, students change classes and have different teachers for each subject. Also, the curriculum becomes more challenging as students progress through school.

2. What are some benefits of participating in extracurricular activities?
Participating in extracurricular activities can help students develop social skills, leadership skills, and time management skills. It can also provide opportunities for students to discover and pursue their passions.

3. What are some ways to manage stress during the school year?
Some ways to manage stress during the school year include getting enough sleep, exercising, prioritizing tasks, and taking breaks when needed. It is also important to practice healthy habits, such as eating well and staying hydrated.

Part B

1. What are some things that Mei Ling likes about her school?
Mei Ling likes her school because of the friendly teachers and the diverse student body. She also enjoys being involved in extracurricular activities, such as the art club and the drama club.

2. What are some challenges that Mei Ling faces at school?
Mei Ling faces the challenge of balancing her schoolwork with her extracurricular activities. She also struggles with speaking up in class and making presentations.

3. How does Mei Ling cope with stress during the school year?
Mei Ling copes with stress by taking breaks and doing something she enjoys, such as drawing or listening to music. She also talks to her friends and family for support when she feels overwhelmed.

Part C

1. What are some study habits that can help students succeed in school?
Some study habits that can help students succeed in school include setting goals, staying organized, managing time effectively, and staying focused. It is also important to take breaks and get enough rest to avoid burnout.

2. How can students deal with academic challenges, such as difficult tests or assignments?
Students can deal with academic challenges by seeking help from their teachers or peers. They can also break down the task into smaller, manageable parts and work on it over time. It is important to stay positive and not give up.

3. What are some ways to stay motivated throughout the school year?
Some ways to stay motivated throughout the school year include setting goals, celebrating small victories, and reminding oneself of the bigger picture. It is also helpful to surround oneself with positive and supportive people.

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