

 长安叶落 2023-09-07 发布于福建

六年级英语,本试卷满分10分,考试时间10分钟! *试题下面附答案,方便同学们及时观察做题结果!

  • 21.I think the old man is _________than my grandfather. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:younger

  •  B:short

  •  C:strong

  • 答案为:A

  • 22.My classroom is on the _________floor. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:three

  •  B:eleven

  •  C:second

  • 答案为:C

  • 23.I like winter.I often _________. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:counttoten

  •  B:makeasnowman

  •  C:seeadoctor

  • 答案为:B

  • 24.-What time is it?-It’s nine o’clock. It’s time _________. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:togotobed

  •  B:slowdown

  •  C:forlunch

  • 答案为:A

  • 25.December has _________ days. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:thirty

  •  B:thirty-one

  •  C:twenty-nine

  • 答案为:B

  • 26.He_________ tea in the afternoon and ate some fruit. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:drink

  •  B:drinks

  •  C:drank

  • 答案为:C

  • 27.These are not my books.They’re my__________. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:sister

  •  B:sisters

  •  C:sister’s

  • 答案为:C

  • 28.I was ill,so I __________ go to school. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:aren’t

  •  B:can’t

  •  C:amnot

  • 答案为:B

  • 29.There were no computers __________ Internet in my grandfather’s home. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:or

  •  B:and

  •  C:but

  • 答案为:A

  • 30.Today I won a football game.Now I feel very__________. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:worried

  •  B:angry

  •  C:happy

  • 答案为:C

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