

 长安叶落 2023-09-07 发布于福建

六年级英语,本试卷满分5分,考试时间10分钟! *试题下面附答案,方便同学们及时观察做题结果!

  We stayed at a beautiful village last week. We arrived on Monday and had some fresh fish.On Tuesday we had some tasty fruit.Grapes are my favourite.On Wednesday we tasted some fresh vegetables.On Thursday I drank some carrot juice. It was fresh and healthy.On Friday we ate some sweet dumplings and zongzi for good luck. On Saturday it was very hot.I ate chocolate ice cream.
What a happy holiday!

  • 1.We stayed at a beautiful city last week. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:T

  •  B:F

  • 答案为:B

  • 2.Watermelons are my favourite. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:T

  •  B:F

  • 答案为:B

  • 3.On Thursday I drank some carrot juice. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:T

  •  B:F

  • 答案为:A

  • 4. On Friday we ate some sweet apples. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:T

  •  B:F

  • 答案为:B

  • 5. I was very happy last holiday. (本题分数:1分)

  •  A:T

  •  B:F

  • 答案为:A

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