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2023-09-11 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
建议信step1:审题题材:人称:时态:step2: 结构: How is everything going?
建议信建议信第二人称一般现在时、一般将来时para1: 问候+写作背景+写作目的para2: 陈述建议(原因+结果)para3:表
达祝愿step3: 吸引阅卷人的开头句:1. 非常高兴收到了你的来信,询问我关于...的建议,建议如下。2. 非常抱歉得知你在..
.方面有困难,我写信给你提供一些详细的建议。Delighted to receive your letter asking my
advice on sth, here are some tips for you. 亮点:非谓语动词做原因状语和伴随状语 I a
m sorry to hear that you have problems in doing sth, I am droppin
g a line to offer you some suggestions in detail. 亮点:非谓语动词开头;drop
a line to sb=write to sbstep4: 吸引阅卷人的篇中句:1. 首先,你最好做...,这有助于...Fi
st of all/ To begin with, you had better do sth, which contribute
s to ...2. 其次,做某事是明智的,这使得你能...Furthermore/Additionally, it is wis
e to do sth, thus enabling you to do sth...3. 最后但同样重要的是,你应该做某事, 它
不仅能...而且能...Last but not the least, what’s the matter is that you
are supposed to do sth...Not only can it do sth, but (also) it c
an do sth1.首先,你应该买本电子词典,这能帮你扩大词汇量,提高阅读效率。2.其次,你最好尽可能的多参加关于中国传统音乐的
演讲,这有助于你了解中国音乐的发展史。3. 最后,但同样重要的是,选择观看恰当的汉语电视节目,不仅有助于帮你接触标准的中国口音,还
能帮你交朋友。Furthermore, it is wise to take part in traditional Chines
e talk on music as much as possible, thus enabling you to learn m
ore about its development.Last but not lest, what’s the matter is
that you are supposed to pick up proper Chinese TV programs, not
only can it make you access to standard Chinese accent, but also
help you make friends with Chinese.First of all, you had better
buy an electronic dictionary, which contributes to enlarging your
vocabulary and improve your reading efficiency.翻译:1. 首先,最好让自己频繁的
沉浸在汉语节目中,这有助于更好的理解中国文化。First of all, you had better be exposed to
Chinese programmes frequently, which contributes to helping you
understand traditional Chinese deeply. 2.其次,尽可能多的与中国人交流,能让你提高口语。F
urthermore, it is wise of you to communicate with Chinese as much
as possible, thus enabling you to improve your oral Chinese.
3. 最后但同样重要的是,养成写日记的好习惯,不仅有助于你的写作,还有助于你提升你的逻辑思维能力。 Last but
no least, what is the matter is that you are supposed to develop
a good habit of keeping diary, not only can it help you written C
hinese, but also improve your logical ability.keep slim 保持苗条keep
fit/ healthy保持健康do exercise 做锻炼arise one’s interest in sth 激发某人的兴
趣develop one’s team spirit 培养某人的团队精神foster your relationship 促进你们
的关系improve your spoken English 提升你的口语raise one’s awareness of sth
提升某人对的意识realize the importance of sht 意识到...的重要性offer you opportu
nity to do sth 提供给你们机会去做某事have a positive impact on your physica
l mental health有助于你的身心健康语料积累1. 首先,我建议你应该做...2. 其次,做...也会对你有用。3. 另
外,你最好做...,因为...4. 你不妨做...Firstly, I suggest that you should do st
h. Secondly/ Next, doing sth is also helpful for you.Moreover/ Wh
at’s more, you had better do sth, because...You might/ may as wel
l do sthstep5: 吸引阅卷人的结尾句:我希望我的建议有用,给你最好的祝愿。I hope you will find m
y suggestions helpful/ useful/ practical/ beneficial. Best wishes
to you.step6. 语料积累:1.It"s necessary for you to read some books a
bout these places before you e to see them with your own eyes. Wi
th more knowledge about these places, you will have a better unde
rstanding of Chinese history and culture.2.you should listen to t
he teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go o
ver your lessons as soon as you can after class.3.What’s more, tr
y to communicate with your classmates in English out of class. On
ly in this way can you improve your listening and spoken English
quickly.4. Last but not least, you should develop the habit of ke
eping a diary, which helps improve your written English and helps
you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learn
t.假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter 来信就下周三要参加孔子学院(the Confucius Institute)的面试征询你
的意见。请你写封回信,内容包括:1. 写信的目的;2. 提出建议 3. 表示祝愿。建议:①读关于孔子的书,了解孔子②学如何打招呼(
learn a few Chinese greetings),有助于你看起来更友好③穿汉服,不仅给面试官留下深刻印象,而且有助于你
脱颖而出(Han-style clothing; impress sb with sth) Dear Peter,I
am very delighted to receive your letter. Learning you will take
part in an interview for the Confucius Institute, and ask me som
e suggestions. Here are some tips for you.Firstly, you’d better r
ead some books about Confucius, which contributes to learn more a
bout him. Secondly, it is wise to learn a few Chinese greetings,
such as ‘Nihao’ ‘xiexie’ ‘zaijian’, thus enabling you to look mor
e friendly. Last but not the least, you should wear Han-style clo
thing, not only can it impress interviewers greatly, but (also) i
t can make you stand out among the candidates.I hope you will fin
d my suggestions helpful. Best wishes to you. Yours sincerely, Lihua假设你是李华,英国好友Jim 正在策划一次以“绿色北京”为主题的活动,他发来邮件询问你的建议。请用英文给他回复,包括:活动形式;活动内容建议:1.