

 喀什噶爾 2023-09-18

【Weather Sept. 18】
济南 阵雨 28℃/21℃
青岛 多云 27℃/23℃
【Stock Market】
Shanghai: 2598.69; -3.78; -0.15%
Shenzhen: 11208.25; +44.23; +0.40%
>Doctored photo flatters Mubarak
>Hospital gunman kills self, mother
母医治无效 子血洗医院
>Fight for a seat
>Bid for lunch with Maradona
>Falling in love costs you friends
【Top News】
>Mooncakes in close-up
A journalist from the Legal Evening News has recently investigated moon cakes provided by more than 20 starred-hotels in Shanghai. Most of the hotels only designed the outer packaging. The moon cakes themselves were produced by other manufacturers. The price for a piece of ordinary moon cake rises from seven yuan to 30 yuan due to the hotel packaging. As early as 2006, China ruled that the name and address of the consigned moon cake manufacturers must be printed on the outside of the package.
※This is the first year that the national standard for food packaging has been enforced. Luxury packaging for moon cakes is forbidden according to this standard. Manufacturers' profits will shrink due to less ornate packaging. Subsequently, they want to maintain profits by adding herbs to the cakes. However, in 2002 the Ministry of Health defined the herbs could only be used in functional food. Adding herbs to moon cake, which is a common food, is not allowed.
【In the News】
>Oz 'declares war' on locusts

Victoria State Premier John Brumby has declared war on swarms of locusts threatening the Australian state's farmland. 'This is the biggest plague we have faced in 75 years. It's got the potential to destroy a quarter of our agricultural crop,' Brumby said. 'We're doing everything we can to get on top of this.' Early hatchings are already being reported from egg beds up to 20 kilometers long, spread across an area of southeastern Australia roughly the size of Spain. Brumby said that, if unchecked, the plague could cost Victoria's agriculture sector two billion Australian dollars (US$1.9 billion), devastating crops and grazing land.
>Fight for a seat
To seize a bus seat in Chongqing, a 63-year-old man sat on the lap of a young woman who wore a short skirt, Newssc.org reported. The woman struggled to stand up while arguing with the man. The man then slapped her in the face. Some commented that it was impolite for the young woman not to offer her seat to the man voluntarily, but the man's aggressive act has been categorized as sexual harassment.

>Doctored photo flatters Mubarak
Egypt's biggest state-run newspaper, Al-Ahram, has come under fire for altering a photograph that showed Egyptian President Mubarak walking on a red carpet ahead of U.S. President Obama, as well as the Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian leaders, which suggested Mubarak was leading the Middle East peace talks, BBC reported. The original image shows Mr. Obama leading the way and Mr. Mubarak trailing behind.

>Hospital gunman kills self, mother
母医治无效 子血洗医院
50-year-old Paul Warren Pardus shot and wounded a surgeon after becoming distraught who was briefing him on his mother's condition at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore on Thursday, AP reported. Pardus then holed up in the room in a two-hour standoff. When police officers made their way in, they found Pardus and his mother, 84-year-old Jean Davis, shot dead. 'I guess he just couldn't bear to see her the way she was,' said Pardus' brother, 59-year-old Alvin Gibson. Gibson said their mother suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis and had surgery last week, but her condition had not improved. Pardus was from Arlington, Virginia, and had a handgun permit in that state. He previously worked as a driver.
>Falling in love costs you friends
Oxford University scientists found that falling in love comes at the cost of losing two close friends, BBC reported. Men were just as likely to jettison friends at the start of a new romantic attachment as women. Men tend to have four or five intimate friends, women five or six, and a new love interest leads to two friends being pushed out of the inner circle, Professor Robin Dunbar of Oxford University said. Instead of having the typical five friends, they only have four in that inner circle. But it's not just romance that can push out close friends, children or buying a new pet can have the same effect.
>Sex misery for most French couples

A survey by the Institute for Public Opinion has found that more than three-quarters of French couples have bad sex lives, BBC reported. More than one in three women said they had used excuses such as headaches, tiredness or children being nearby to get out of having sex. Nearly one in six men said they had also made similar excuses. France has long enjoyed a reputation for romance and the French have traditionally thought of themselves as great lovers, more amorous and flirtatious than most other Europeans, especially the British, the BBC's David Chazan reports. The survey suggests the nation could be suffering a loss of libido.
【In Brief】
>43.6 million US people in poverty
美国贫困人口4360万 USA Today reports the number of people living below poverty line in the United States increased to 43.6 million in 2009 -- the largest number in 51 years, according to US Census data. The poverty rate rose to 14.3%, up from 13.2% in 2008, i.e. one in every 7 officially counted as living in poverty.
>Coke tops list of global brands
Reuters reports that Coca-Cola, IBM and Microsoft again scored wins and honors in this year's Interbrand ranking of the 100 'Best Global Brands.' Among other highlights, BP fell off the list, and Hewlett-Packard jumped to the top 10 for the first time.
>Bid for lunch with Maradona
Diego Maradona will auction off a lunch with him when he visits China in November with proceeds going to help cancer patients, the Guangzhou Daily reported. The winner can bring another six people to the 2-hour lunch with Maradona.


>Plus-size show at NY Fashion Week
For the first time in the forty six-year history of the New York Fashion Week, an entire line was showcased only by plus-size models on September 15, Reuters reported. The models showcased the label, OneStopPlus.com, which caters to women who are a UK size 16 or more. The show was given a standing ovation by spectators, and hailed as a sign that the era of wafer-thin models is ending.

【Fancy That】
>Make clothes with spray-on fabric
Scientists at Imperial College London have developed a liquid clothing spray that hardens on the body and turns into a reusable garment, the Daily Telegraph reports. The spray contains small fibers which are mixed with polymers to join them together and a solvent that keeps the fabric in liquid form in the can. The solvent evaporates instantly as the spray touches a surface, creating a smooth clothing material that can be washed and re-worn.

【Language Tips】
a human bed-warming service
A: Are you going to London next week?
B: Yes. It's rather cold now. I'm afraid I couldn't fall asleep at night.
是的。 那儿现在特冷。 恐怕我晚上会睡不着。
A: Holiday Inn is offering a human bed-warming service at three hotels in Britain this month.
B: Human bed-warming service?
A: Yeah. If requested, a bed-warmer at the hotel will dress in a fleece sleeper suit before slipping between the sheets.
B: That sounds great, but I hope the warmer would shower first.


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