
游美同学录 第八辑

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徐景文 年三十二岁。生于香港。兄翼周。任大总统府医官。已婚。初学于香港圣保罗书院。拔萃书室。及上海圣约翰大学。光緖二十八年。自费游美。入菲立德非亚牙医学校。习牙医。光緖三十一年。得博士学位。曾为英美会及某会会员。光緖三十二年。回国。光緖三十四年。充广东省商务代表。前赴马来半岛。又任上海保险公司经理。宣统三年。任京奉铁路名誉医官。现在北京天津行医。住址及通信处。北京王府井大街。

Kingman, H. B.-Born in Hongkong, 1885. Married, 1910. Stud-ied at St. Paul's College, Hongkong, 1894-98; at Diocesan School, Hongkong, 1899-1901; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1902. Passed Local Oxford Examination, 1901. Arrived in America, September, 1902. Private support. Studied Dental Surgery at Philadelphia Dental College, 1902-5. D.D.S. 1905. Member, Garretsonian Society and British American Society, 1902-5. Returned to China, January, 1906. Commercial Deputy to Strait Settle-ment by the Kwangtung Provincial Government, 1908. Manager, Hun Ta Insurance Co., Shanghai, 1908. Honorary Surgeon to Peking-Mukden Rail-way, 1905. At present, Dental Practitioner in Peking and Tientsin.


徐崇钦 字敬侯。年三十九岁。生于江苏昆山。已婚。游美。入威廉哲威学校。得学士学位。入耶路大学。得硕士学位。回国。任上海南洋公学教务长。民国元年。任北京大学预科学长。给予三等嘉禾章。现时住址。北京东安门外小草厂胡同四号。

Zee, C. J.-Born in Quinsan, Kiangsu, 1878. Married. A.B., William Jewell College; A.M., Yale. Dean, Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1910. Director, Preparatory School, Government University, Peking, 1912 to date. Third Class Chia Ho Decoration.


徐志芗 年二十五岁。生于上海。父景甫。家中住址。上海寿康里十号。未婚。初学于圣约翰大学。宣统二年。以官费游美。入伊利诺爱大学。习电气工程。民国三年。得学士学位。入麻省工业学校。民国四年。得硕士学位。入哈佛大学。得硕士学位。在普通电气公司。充试验员。民国五年。回国。任广东志利洋行工程师。现时通信处。广州靑年会。

Zee, J. Z.-Born in Shanghai, 1892. Studied at St. John's Univer-sity, Shanghai, 1905-9. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government support. Studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois, 1910-14; at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Uuiversity, 1914-15. B.S., Illinois, 1914; M.S., Harvard and M.I.T., 1915. Tester, General Electric Co., 1915-16. Returned to China, July, 1916. Engineer, Gerin, Drevard and Co., Canton, 1916 to date.


徐可陞 字可陞。年三十三岁。生于浙江南浔。堂兄可鸿。业布商。未婚。初学于苏州博习书院。及上海中西书院。宣统三年。以上海基督教靑年会资送游美。入卾必林学校。习哲学及神道学。民国三年。得学士学位。曾为中国学生会书记。世界会副会长。及学生志愿传道团团员。民国三年。回国。任上海靑年会书记。通信处。上海四川路一百二十号靑年会。

Zee, Ko-Seng.-Born in Nanch'in, Chekiang, 1884. Graduate of Anglo-Chinese College, Shanghai. Arrived in America, January, 1911. Private support. Studied Philosophy and Theology at Oberlin College, 1912-14. A.B., 1914. Vice-President, Cosmopolitan Club, and Member, Students Volunteer Movement, 1912-14. Secretary, Chinese Students' Club, 1913-14. Returned to China, August, 1914. Secretary, Shanghai Y.M.C.A., 1914 to date.


徐志诚 字振麟。年二十九岁。生于上海。父景甫。现任上海同义善会事。已婚。女一。初学于圣约翰大学。以作文得奖。宣统二年。以官费游美。入威斯康心大学。习教育。民国元年。得学士学位。入哈佛大学。习商业管理法。民国二年。入芝加哥大学。习社会学。得硕士学位。为万国会会员。为中美留学生分会书记。为留美学生月报襄理。民国三年。回国。任北京淸华学校教员。民国五年。任上海中华书局编辑。住址及通信处。上海麦特赫司脱路六百零八号。

Zee, T. Z.-Born in Shanghai, 1888. Married, 1910. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1904-10. Awarded 1907 Essay Prize, St. John's, 1910. Arrived in America, September, 1910, Government support. Studied Education at the University of Wisconsin, 1910-12; Business Administration at Harvard University, 1912; Sociology at the University of Chicago, 1913-14. B.A., 1912; M.A., 1914. Member, International Club, 1910-12. Secretary, Chinese Students' Couference, Mid-West Section, 1913. Assistant Manager, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1911-14. Returned to China, May, 1914. Teacher, Tsing Hua College, Peking, 1914-16. Editor, Chung Hua Book Co., Shanghai, 1916 to date.


徐善祥 字凤石。年三十五岁。生于江苏上海。兄善庆。已婚。子一。女二。光緖三十年。毕业于上海圣约翰大学。任上海南洋高等学堂教员。光緖三十二年。以官费游美。入耶路大学。习化学。宣统元年。得学士学位。入米西根大学。以化学得奖。为美国化学会会员。耶路理科学校试验室助教。留美学生月报经理。又在波士顿某试验室。任分析员。宣统二年。回国。任上海商务印书馆编辑。民国三年。任财政部化验员。民国五年。任长沙湘雅医学校化学教员。著有定性分析。及民国新教科书。均上海商务印书馆出版。为中国社会政治学会杂志经理。现时通信处。湖南长沙潮宗门正街湘雅医学校。

Zee, Zai-Ziang.-Born in Shanghai, 1882. Married. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1897-1904. Graduated, 1904. Teacher of English, Nanyang High School, Shanghai, 1904-6. Arrived in America, July, 1906. Government support, Studied Chemistry at Yale University, 1916-10; at Michigan University, summer, 1908. Ph. B., 1909. Awarded second prize, June, 1907 and General Honors, June, 1909, for proficiency in Chemistry. Member, American Chemical Society, 1910. Laboratory Assist-ant, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale, 1910. Manager, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1909-10. Analyst, A.D. Little's Chemical Laboratory, Boston, 1909. Returned to China, September, 1910. Editor, Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1910-14. Government Assayer, Ministry of Finance, Peking,1914-15. Instructor of Chemistry, Hunan-Yale Medical College, Changsha, 1916 to date. Author, "Qualitative Chemical Analysis" and "Science Series", Commercial Press, 1911. Manager, Chinese Social and Political Science Review, 1916.


徐书 字静远。年二十六岁。生于江苏无锡。父巽祥。任交通部电政司考工科事。已婚。初学于上海圣约翰大学。宣统三年。以官费游美。入卜渡大学。习电气工程。民国三年。得学士学位。入麻省工业学校。习电气铁路工程。民国四年。回国。任交通部上海水底电线工程事。住址及通信处。上海城内西仓桥怀仁里十四号。

Zi, Su.-Born in Wusih, Kiangsu, 1891. Married, 1915. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1911. Arrived in America, September, 1911. Government support. Studied Electrical Engineering at Purdue University, 1911-14; Electrical Railway Engineering at Masschusetts Institute of Technology, 1915-15. B.A. and E.E., 1914. Returned to China, June, 1915. Engineer in charge of the Submarine Cable at Shanghai for the Ministry of Communications, 1915.


祝毓瑛 字石岑。年三十四岁。生于河南固始县。父芾。前山东济南道尹。永久住址。天津大马路乐仁里。已婚。初学于天津育才馆。山东大学堂。天津新学书院。毕业于北洋大学。授举人。光緖三十三年。以官费游美。入耶路大学。光緖三十四年。入本薛文尼大学。习商业及财政。宣统二年。得学士学位。回国。历任财政部秘书。全国煤油矿事务处秘书。现时通信处。北京皮库胡同二十三号。

Chu, Yu-Ying.-Born in Kushih, Honan, 1883. Married, 1907. Studied at Yu Tsai School, Tientsin, 1898-1900; at Shantung University, Tsinanfu, 1901-2; at Anglo-Chinese College, Tientsin, 1902-4; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1904-6. Chu Jen, 1906. Arrived in America, August, 1906. Government support, Studied Liberal Arts at Yale University, 1907-8; Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania, 1908-10. B.S., 1910. Secretary, Ministry of Finance and National Oil Administration, 1913-17.


郝伯阳 年二十八岁。生于直隶天津。未婚。初毕业于南京宏育书院。宣统三年。由美国靑年会同人资助。自费游美。入靑年会学校。习体育。民国三年。得学士学位。为柳屋会会员及会计。民国三年。回国。任上海靑年会体育部干事。民国四年。充远东运动大会运动场经理。任江苏体育传习所教员。为上海正乐社社员及书记。

Hoh, C. George.-Born in Tientsin, 1889. Studied at Nanking Christian College, 1898-1907. Graduated, 1907. Arrived in America, August, 1911. Private support. Studied Physical Education in Y.M.C.A. College, 1911-14. B. Ph. Ed., 1914. Member, and one time Treasurer, Weidensall Club, 1911-14. Returned to China, August, 1914. Associate Physical Director, Chinese Y.M.C.A., Shanghai, 1914 to date. Track Meet Manager, Far Eastern Olympic Games, May, 1915. Instructor, Kiangsu Physical Training Institute, 1915-16. Member and Secretary, Shanghai Chinese Glee Club, 1914 to date.


侯景飞 字骏千。年三十一岁。生于江苏无锡。本籍住址。江苏无锡县东门内驳岸上。已婚。初学于上海南洋公学。保定直隶高等学堂。及天津北洋大学。任南京学务公所专门科科长。宣统元年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习机器工程。民国二年。得学士学位。是年回国。任京绥铁路张家口制造厂厂务视察员。民国五年。任该厂厂长。现时通信处。直隶张家口铁路车站。

Hou, Ching-Fei.-Born in Wusih, Kiangsu, 1886. Studied at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1902; at Chihli Provincial College, Paoting, 1904-5; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1905-7. Director of Technical Depart-ment, Educational Commission, Nanking, 1907-9. Arrived in America, October, 1909. Government support. Studied Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University, 1909-13. M.E., 1913. Returned to China, 1903. Workshop Inspector, Kalgan Workshop, Peking-Suiyuan Railway, 1913-16 and Work-shop Manager, 1916 to date.


席德柄 字彬儒。年二十六岁。生于上海。父裕光。本籍住址。上海白克路五百七十九号。已婚。初学于上海绳正学堂。华童公学。及南洋公学。屡得优奖。宣统元年。自费游美。继补官费。入三一学校。习理科。宣统二年。入麻省工业学校。习卫生工程。民国三年。得学士学位。为麻省工业学校中国学生会书记副会长及会长。世界会书记。民国三年。赴英国。入北明翰大学商科。民国四年。得有毕业文凭。回国。任北京淸华学校测量员及卫生工程师。现时通信处。北京淸华学校。

His, Turpin P.-Born in Shanghai, 1891. Married, 1917. Studied at Shun Cheng School, Shanghai, 1900-3; at Public School, Shanghai, 1903-6; at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1906-9. Won many prizes as a student. Arrived in America, August, 1909. Partial Government Support. Studied Science at Trinity College, 1909-10; Sanitary Engineering at Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology, 1910-14. S.B., 1914. Secretary, M. I. T. Chinese Students' Club, 1911-12 and Vice-President and President, 1912-13. Secretary, M. I. T. Cosmopolitan Club, 1913-14. Studied Commerce at Birmingham University, England, 1914-15. Awarded Graduate's Commerce Diploma, 1915. Returned to China, September, 1915. Surveyor and Sanitary Engineer, Tsing Hua College, Peking, 1915 to date.


夏元瑮 字浮筠。年三十三岁。生于浙江杭州。初学于上海南洋公学。游美。入耶路大学。光緖三十四年。得学士学位。后留学德国。现任北京大学理科学长。

Hsia, Yuan-Li.-Born in Hangchow, Chekiang. Studied in America and Germany. Ph. B., Yale, 1907. Director, Department of Science, Government University, Peking.


高仑瑾 字季瑜。年三十一岁。生于江苏南京。已婚。子二。女一。初毕业于南京金陵大学。得学士学位。得第一名学绩奖。任南京美国领事馆翻译。及南京陆军学校教员。宣统元年。以官费游美。入米西根大学。民国元年。得学士学位。民国三年。入本薛文尼大学。习商业财政科。民国四年。得硕士学位。被选入商学会。为米西根中国学生会会长。中国基督教学生会书记。留美赔款官费学生会会长。留美学生月报编辑。曾在美国各铁路。实习铁路管理法。民国五年回国。任交通部主事。现时通信处。北京韶九胡同一号。

Kao, L. K.-Born in Nanking, 1886. Married, 1906-A.B., Univer-sity of Nanking, 1907. Awarded first prize for high scholarship, 1905. Interpreter, American Consulate, Nanking, 1907-9. Instructor, Military Academy, Nanking, 1909. Arrived in America, November, 1909. Govern-ment support. Studied Liberal Arts at the University of Michigan, 1910-14; Commerce and Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, 1914-15. A.B., 1912; M.A., 1915. Elected to Commerce Club, 1911. President, Michigan Chinese Students' Club, and Indemnity Students' Club, 1912-13. Secre-tary, Chinese Students' Christian Association, 1910. Editor, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1913-14. Was Student Manager: Illinois Central Railway, Pennsylvania Railroad and the Erie Railroad. Returned to China, September, 1916. Junior Clerk, Ministry of Communications, 1916 to date.


桂铸西 原名汝劼。字末辛。年三十六岁。生于湖北蕲州。本籍通信处。湖北蕲春县城内官井。已婚。子四。女一。初毕业于京师大学堂。授举人。任北京银行学堂教员。宣统元年。以官费游美。入哈佛大学。习商业管理法。为哈佛会。及东美留学生会会员。宣统三年。回国。任黎副总统顾问。民国二年至三年。任湖北夏口厅知事。现时通信处。浙江衢县县公署。

Kuei, C. H.-Born in Chi-Chow, Hupeh, 1881. Married, 1908. Studied at Government University, Peking, 1904-8. Chu Jen, 1907, Teacher, Banking College, Peking, 1907-9. Arrived in America, September, 1909. Government support. Studied Business Administration at Harvard University, 1909-10. Member, Harvard Club, 1909. Returned to China, January, 1911. Magistrate of Hsia-Kow and Adviser to Vice-President Li Yuan-Hung, 1913-14.


梁銮 字子铃。年三十岁。生于广东顺德县。未婚。光緖二十九年。自费游美。宣统三年。入太平洋学校。习美术。民国四年。毕业回国。通信处。广州仁济街公医斋舍。

Leung, Louis.-Born in Shun-Te, Kwangtung, 1887. Arrived in America, October, 1903. Private support. Studied Fine Art at the College of the Pacific, 1914-15. Graduated, 1915. Returned to China, July, 1915.


梁廷美 年五十七岁。生于广东鹤山。已婚。子二。女五。永久通信处。广东省城估衣街仁信药房。光緖二年。自费游美。入旧金山牙医学校。肄业三年。得牙科医士学位。光緖三十二年。回国。在广州行医。

Leung, Ting-Mai.-Born in Hao-Shan, Kwangtung, 1860. Married, 1885. Arrived in America, December, 1876. Private support. Studied Dental Surgery at San Francisco Dental College for three years. Returned to China, August, 1906. Dental Practitioner in Canton, 1906 to date. Present Ad-dress: Mission Building, the Bund, Canton.


梁启勋 字仲策。生于广东新会。兄启超。光緖三十一年。以官费游美。入摩尔根园学校。光緖三十四年。入西北大学。宣统三年。入哥仑比亚大学。是年冬回国。现任中国银行驻京监理官。通信处。北京中国银行。

Liang, Chi-Hsun.-Born in Hsing-Hui, Kwangtung. Arrived in America, 1906. Government support. Prepared for college in Morgan Park Academy, 1905-8. Studied Liberal Arts at Northwestern University, 1908-11; at Columbia, University, 1911. Returned to China, winter, 1911. Resident Supervisor, Bank of China, Peking, 1914 to date.


梁福初 字君履。年二十六岁。生于广州。本籍住址。广州十六甫八号。已婚。初学于香港拔萃书室。及广州岭南学校。宣统元年。充驻德中国使馆随习学生。宣统二年。自费游美。入威里斯顿学校。宣统三年。入安姆斯学校。民国元年。入薛雷克斯大学。习历史政治学。民国四年。得学士学位。曾在薛雷克斯模范村贫民子弟教导团。任教员及庶务。民国四年回国。民国五年。任北京淸华学校教员。兼留美回国学生通信处书记。为中国社会政治学报襄理。美国大学会会员。现时通信处。北京淸华学校。

Liang, Foo-Tso.-Born in Canton, 1891. Married, 1915. Studied at Diocesan College, Hongkong, 1902-5; at Canton Christian College, 1905-9. Student Attaché, Chinese Legation, Germany, 1909-10. Arrived in America,August, 1910. Private support. Prepared for college at Williston Seminary, 1910-11. Studied Agriculture at Amherst Agricultural College, 1911 12: History and Political Science at Syracuse University, 1912-15. A. B., 1915. Teacher and Worker, Syracuse Social Settlement, 1914. Returned to China, July, 1915. Teacher, Tsing Hua College, 1916 to date. Secretary, American Returned Students' Information Bureau, 1916 to date. Assistant Business Manager, Chinese Social and Political Science Review, 1916 to date. Member, American College Club, Peking.


梁文兴 字蔚彬。年三十一岁。生于广东香山。初学于香港皇仁书院。继在檀香山中学肄业。光緖三十年。自费游美。入海路堡学校。习商业。宣统元年。入法巴来苏大学。宣统三年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。民国元年。回国。任广东高等学校校长。民国三年。任天津靑年会教员。民国四年。任天津北方绒毯公司经理。

Liang, Milton H.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1886. Studied at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1897-98; at Public Schools, Honolulu,H. T., 1898-1904. Arrived in America, June. 1904. Private support. Studied Commerce at Healdsburg College, 1904-9: Education at Valparaiso University, 1909-11 and at Columbia University, 1911-12. A.B., 1911. Returned to China, September, 1912. President, Kwangtung Provincial College, 1912-14. Teacher, Y.M.C.A. School, Tientsin, 1914-15. Manager, North China Carpet Co., Tientsin, 1915-16.


梁敦彦 字嵩生。年五十九岁。生于广东顺德。本籍住址。广东顺德龙眼村。已婚。子二。女一。初学于香港维多利亚学校。同治十一年。以官费游美。入哈特佛小学及中学。光緖四年。入耶路大学。被选入某学会。光緖七年。回国。任天津电报学堂教员。光緖十一年。任卾督张文襄公文案。光緖二十九年。任汉黄德道。光緖三十年。任天津道。光緖三十三年。任外务部侍郞。光緖三十四年。任外务部尚书。民国三年。任交通部总长。宣统三年。由耶路大学。赠与学士及文学博士学位。给予一等双龙章。一等嘉禾章。并由外国政府给予宝星等。现时住址。北京蔴线胡同。

Liang Tung-Yen.-Born in Shun-The, Kwangtung, 1851. Married. Studied at Victoria School, Hongkong, 1869-71. Arrived in America, 1872. Government support. Studied at Hartford Grammar School, 1873-74; at Hartford High School, 1874-78; at Yale University, 1878-81. Elected to Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1880. Returned to China, September, 1881. Teacher, Telegraph School, Tientsin, 1881-84. Secretary to Viceroy Chang Chi-Tung at Wuchang, 1885-1903. Taotai of Hankow, 1903. Taotai of Tientsin, 1904-7. Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1807-8. Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1908-10. Minister of Communications, 1914-16. B.A. and LL. D. Yale, 1911. First Class Double Dragon and First Class Chia Ho of China and other decorations from foreign governments.

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